OKIT.OX CITV 1 'ATI MM 'It I SI. I IMHAY. lHTKMnKU 17, J. - X- 8- mmZ OKIT.OX CITV r.NTl'lMMMSi:. I IMHAY. HKCMMMMU 17, L f ACI l t : Nr BANNON'S. ir Cut Out This Coupon It's Valuable Free Xrnas Souvenirs To every laJy preKtuine th coupon Saturday, we will give free, no purcha ncccnary. one ol thoe damty l.nene lace doiles that created somuihenthuua.ro IaU Lhnnmai lime. They make dainty remembrance lo wnd o lar away friend. Join The Greatest Christmas Throngs. Buy Christ mas Gifts at Bannon's The wonderful day of the Christmas time the years best products from the most famous Manu facturers of America. Yes, and of Europe (an achievement worthy of special mcntlon)-and these Christmas things arc here at Bannon's in tfcat plenty. It's our greatest Christmas Season, a sea son of whole hearted merriment and good cheer-and the whole store is flooded with the true Christmas Spirit Grasping Opportunities ' It' i all ritfhc in uraip oppottunilie, but we like lo nuke ime the opportunities we uraip are legitimate. There' such a thing a graiping ah opportunity at the pene of onie one elie. I hit aort of gracing however would only woik out to our own expeme later on, end that'i why we find our greatrit opportunity in giving opportunities to you real op portunitiei and opportunities of wide iclertioii. Gifts For Men Our aara'a store hoafnc Ike greatest dinplay of ChrWtmaa food that are typical fifU foe aiea Mat aiea want and w ill car. VK INSTANCE Individual Boxes l m f r a. - -i y L 4 LlV V-rT . X A P ft J i) For Men 50c 25c 50c 25c 10c 25c Mn'i New Neckwear Mea'a Holiday Suspen Men'a Handkerchief and Tie Seta Men'a Fancy Am-band Men'a Japanett Initial Handkerchief, Men'a all linen Initial Handkerchief Moid.B:.si.50 Men Shetland Wool JJQq Men'a Blanket Bath Q QQ Robvs 5)-00 Men'a Silk & Wool rj L'mbrellaa $LwU Men'a Silk Handker- Qr chief, lodge emblem, WWW Men'a Pari Garter, ho. Q " iday box. bOC Men'a Monarch fine f Drew Shirt. .... J) I aUU Men' Flannel Night OQ Shirt. OOU Men Flannel Pa Mmi's Sock and Tie Seta, Men'a All Silk Muf Men'a fine Pure Wool Socks, Mm' Gold Plate Cuff Unka, Men'a Wool Sweat er Coata, $1.50 50c 98c 25c 25c $1.50 Yiletide Gifts that Soke the Problem Heavy Blnk't Bath Robes Suitable for men or women in all ire, heary weights with cord and ta.vel to match, full length, and a gift that com bine (rood sense with economy. On Sale Today. Gordon Furs for particular Women We are sole agents for the world famous Gordon Furs, a child can buy them safely. F-ach fur labeled as to character and dur ability. A big stock of Scarfs and Muffs retailing from $3.50 to $19.50 Queen Mab Night Gowns Ripplette gowns of dainty de sign, lace trimmed, and ech go-n packed in a dainty holiday box. It's hard to think of a gift that would express the good taste of the sender any more than one of these dainty garments. .C Crepe De Chene Underwear Gowns, Corset Covets. F.nvcl ope ChetaUe and Combinations of the daintiest silk crepe fab rics. Just opened and shown for the first time on the coast. Prices range from 75c to $7.50 Stamped Turkish Combing Jackets . l-arge, site heavy weight turkish towelling Combing: JarkeU, stamped in neat designs and cut ready to finish. A new lot just In by express at, each BBc Books for Boys 25c Rollo in Paris Michael Strogoff The Cryptogram The Froxen Ship The House BVat Boys Chums in Dixie The Ocean Express From Sea to Sea Swept Out to Sea In Russian Trenches Fighting in the Clouds Under Serbian Fire Ticket No. 9672 Rollo in Rome Christmas Hand'kchfs There are thousands of them every atyle that is made the best that both Europe and America produce. Price are also innumerable and low. Se lect Xmas 'Kerchiefs now. ftfr MA,teira Handker- Dainty Package of Holiday Boxes 3 in a box 23c chief 35c one, 10c Gifts For Women , The gift that will please mother, wife, alster or aweetheart, at Han non'a you'll find the mot varied and complete collection In the city moderate prlrea, loo Dainty White l.an Tea AP- ... UUl 50c $1.00 $3.50 $1.00 Apron, . Books for Girls 25c A World of Girl Wild Kitty A Girl In Ten Thousand Helen' Babies France Kane'a Fortune. Tho llenjrtofGold Klsie Dinsmore St. Cuthhert'a Tower Quiet Life Naughty Mis Bunny Girl of St. Wodes Robin Red Breast St Elmo Flatiron for a Farthing Mother of Pearl Tatting Shuttles. Heavy Silk Stork Inge all colors, A act of Goeoon Kura, An all leather Hand Bag A beautiful WI- worth" cr.pe d'Chln.gQ flO wal.t In new styls LiUU A regular 83c Bos of Stationery Fanrjr Net Boudoir Cape Dainty l.are or U Collar While Kid Vanity Pur. ae Pure Unen Initial Hand kerchief Gold Plat Melal Shut tle ltic lUc trimmed Percale Aprona Dainty flannelette Dresa ing Saque Long flannelette Flower ed Klmonaa Good Servirable Kam Coata Silk and Wool Kaln- 4 QA proof Umbrella I aUU Fancy Dresden flow. ered Petticoat Warm and dreiwy Wool Glovea, 50c 50c 50c 25c 25c 15c 25c 50c 98c $5.00 1 .00 98c 50c Our Little Paris Shop SHOWS ALL THE NEWEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON EVERY PIECE IS GUARAN TEED. $1.00 BUYS THESE ARTICLES A DAINTY FILIGREE BR0OCI1 A PENDANT ON SILVER CHAIN A SCORE OF OTHER NOVELTIES A STRAND OF PEARLS JET BEAD NECKLACE BRACELET EAR DROPS Vifit Dolltown at Our Store DOLLS A DOLL SHOP yes, a do",l country, so many are the kinds and nationalities, ages and sizes. Oh, it's a real wonderland come and see Dolls that sell regularly at from $1.50 to $2.00 on sale at $1 Character dolls, baby dolls, dolls of kid and dolls fully dressed, all sizes and a won derful selection. Many of them made to sell at 12.00. our cnnsimaa special for the girls,.... iny oi $1 The Latest Wirthmor' Blouses Have Arrived THE "WIRTHMOR" THE FINEST AND BEST OF ALL DOLLAR WAISTS IS SOLD HERE EXCLUS IVELY. THEY ARE ALWAYS $1.00 AND ALWAYS WORTH MORE. NEW STYLES ON SALE SATUR DAY, MODEL OF ONE STYLE IL LUSTRATED. ALL SIZES SSjru.ru;!i::;iii i!iii:m'.r:4i.tPi .is !4imil!lIll!!iLn!M:M l:i?niIIHMHib!!lliUIlin SliDoers For Men, Women and Children All colors -in Women's Felt Juliets, fur trimmed, belt QA. leather soles, every size at wO All sizes in Boys' or Girls' House Slippers, in grey felt CCq red trimmed. Any size, at UJ Christmas Gift Givimg Novelties Don't overlook this department if you are interested in art novel ties, a detailed description of which would De impractical l a. - I L . 4 U : iL.l n;il Aiitrrh vmt juhi a lew ui me muiiy iihiib in w'B"" j v We list $1.00 XMAS SALE OF PACKAGE GOODS Stamped Pieces in Big AwtortmenU At 25c and 50c Stamped scarfs, squares, pillow tops, doilies, waists and infants' wear, nifht gowns, corset covers, waists and kimonas floral and conventional design on nainsook and linen. Over one hundred different articles to choose from, in all the best known brands. HANDSOME SILK PETTICOATS Best $3.00 Petticoats $3.25 If its a silk petticoat you have in mind there is no question about wher? to go, right here at Bannon's you'i! find one of the clevereRt gatherings of real silk petticoats it is possible to find anywhere. Swell chiffon taffetas on sale at $3.50 Dainty Japanese Baskets, all shapes and sizes from 25c to ...$1.50 Ribbon covered Novelties of all kinds, priced from 10c to $2.00 Parisian Ivory Novelties in single pieces or sets. 25c to Worked pieces of Needlework in the daintiest creations, 50c to $5.00 Buy Her a Bath robe Surely you have never been bid en lo such a treat as this, a seasonable offering made pos sible by a wonderfully low pric ed purchase. Fifty Bathrobes for women in all sizes and color combinations, dark colors, some satin trimmed. We have never seen their equal at less than $4.50. We place the lot on sale Saturday. Choice for $2.39 Kid Gloves For Xmas Whatever else you may give "her" include a pair of gloves. Voltaire Kid Gloves, All Colors $1.25 This is the best kid glove value on the market, one that wears longer by far than you will ever expect at this price. Two-clasp style in street shades and black and white. AM gloves fitted and satisfaction guaranteed. Lafayette Kid & Suede glovea equal to the best $2.00 glove shown, "''O A New Shipment of Girls Dresses Just Received A score of pretty new styles for school girls, dresses of porcale, ging ham and galatcAs; heavier materials for winter wear, plain colors or largo plaid combinations. Sizes range from 4 to 14 years, and the values are al most douoie ine price bhkcu. imn m an opportunity to picasa some Miss at little cost. Over thirty dozen for Xmas sale, 98c Handsome Silk Comforters Extra large sized pure cotton filled Bed Comforts, covered with Bilk; dainty color combinations of pink, lavender, blue or yellow. A splendid offering and a value that usually commands a much higher price . We plnce an even dozen on sale for the holidays at mtoch loss than you could make them for. To see them is to buy thorn, at $3.50 Crepe De Chene Waists, ' Packed in Christmas Boxes You'll be surprised at the price whun you see these exquisite new models, of fine crepe de Chine silk in flesh, cream and white, have convertible collars, ball and flat buttons and loop fasteners. A lot of 6 dozen, all sizes. The best $5.00 qualities for $3.50 - fv 1ASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. OREGON CITY, ORE. The Skating Craze Has Made These New Sport Scarfs Fashionable Shetland wool sport scarfs and tarns in high color combinations to match, an ondleas assort ment to chose from at $1.50, $1.00 and 50c New Tarns are Here All girldom Ib choosing the new woolen tarns for winter head dress. All colors at 98c Robe Blankets Novel Designs in robe blankets, of which to fash ion 'pretty bath and lounging robes. Buy thorn now for Christmas giving. The patterns are beautiful, size 72 x 00 inches, complete with cord and frog fastening, extra heavy material in all colors. Jacnuard and tulip designs. Each blan ket packed iin a gift box, and an ideal gift for man or woman. A regular $3.95 value for.. ..$2.95 New Shoes Just Re Received. Novelty Boots at $3. $3.50 pr. The latest style walking boots in all the new lasts, patent colt stock in high or low heel style, all pipe'l with white stitching. The ne.v college toes are shown here for the first time n this vi cinity. We have all widths and insure you a perfect fit. m