f A0 It onEooy riTV kxtkimmsk. iuii.av. dkckmiiku it. iii.v F1OTS JOY TRIP ACROSS THE Htm TRACK OF ABSCONOINO EASTERN IH FOUND WHIN TRAIN STOPS AT OREGON CITV. WMWX BOROUGH SHORT THOUSANDS IN PUBLIC HONEY Nation-wide Search Ends With Arrest In Portland San Francieco De tective Art Eluded. But Remark Betraya Plana. money 4rosile4 to my personal rrr4lt , "Ml trunk. iilaee and Bealy Be I think thla fsrt lll hslp ma lo prut a qulrr4 talet. eitiiy Couk, bellboy, that I fle4 from the, frar of fa.tng the Wl fur l'oftlan4 Ilia 4rtiiietl.in ae diagrar at diarotery and not t aus guessed by drleitlte from unals r- I alahrd to rub lh tatrr " jniarke let lit a fro nlalit pretluue, Clinton E. flitlrr. t.ho.as tat collec- ,h ,lKl1 ,,u",' "' trie-J tor of tt. borough of Tama-ii-a. ., grai ned, ami Ihe train yr.lr4ay morn embculrd a aum rra.hing Into Ilia -" fUurea, did not attempt to dny lilt 1 gul't wbrn arrested In l'ortlan4 today MUUNO WOMAN WIN lir IVanrta 8. Alkue. manager of lha . - lixal llnrna International IMivllte' Mre tit-orge A. Clark, of Mullmi, baa agenry, after nation aula acarth be- been aaardrd Ihe 7i prde money b ginning September It, hrn Sitlrf 4ia- the I'aririr Coast Syrup riiinr fr appeared. ,111a brat ielp ewhiultied for lb mat Hlllrf had arrang.-d fur quartrre at Inf of dainty dlhee tilth Tea Harden fashionable I'orlUnd hotel, hla trunk a. nip. Th aaarda er mada br Mlsa and al eulliesee had been dellten-4 to Ita'iwh. domestic atlmre etpert on hla room and hi lalrt aa busy un lha atalT of the tiiltersliy of Washing parking lha IS aulta of clothes, ellkm tun. More Iban loOO r were aul. shlrte. underwear and tine Hum. hlh n.Ulrd and Miaa liauath personally hla emnloter rarrlrd llh Mm. hrn tested ftcry one. and mad bcr guards 'the arreet aa made, j fn.m ronaidrratlona of food talue of Sura I'm lha man you want I II go 'lemmie rnicrtng Into lha dl.h. lib, you, and the aooner I rt bak to BURNS PUTS BID TO S125.000FOR STRAHORN ROAD CENTRAL OREGON TOWN MAKES TRONO EM0RTS TO OET ON THE MAIN LINE. POItTMNO. Or. Pec ll-Though I hare no knowledge of thr ailual amount, my account r ahort prob ably between 115.00 and flS.OOO. but I only took $1000 when ! left. hrn I might bare aharondrd with f 15.000 of a(at, county, arhoo. and borourb tax ENGINEERS ARE ORDERED TO HAKE SURVEY AND ESTIMATES Tama.jua tha happlrr 111 lx. 1 au( lo aa mr (ahr." Kltlrr'a trwllnt to lha drtrcth. Ilia travrllnc funda rra low brn ba arrl4 In I'ortland. on hla way. ao br aald. to Wrangrll, Alatka. Thr millionaire rrcMrinnr.a with hlrb the ynunc man aixnl nmnrr U homo by thr urrba of an auloino bilr for tl00 In Ua Annrlra. and ll aale arrral dija lalrr fur 1 "00 when be waa Ira. In the eliy. In San rancl-o. Slllrr iae drtif tivra the allp aa thry wrre waiting lo arrrat blm at the At.orth boti'l. and Railroad Builder Baliavta Harrlman Company la Not le Etend aa Par aa Originally Planed, Which Fact Holpe Burnt. Cltroiai Cliralaa CITROLAX lrt thing fur ronallivllon. aour lutna. h. laiy llvrr and alugcltb bow eta. Htopa a alrk headache alinoat at onre. (ilea tmutl Ihoruugh and l Ufailory fluahlng no pain, no nan-; ra. Krea your ayatnn ilranard. ret and wholraome It. II. Wet hechL Salt take City. I'tah wrltra: 1 find Cllrolax the beat laxative I , today from a tnir ol raaiern and rrn ever ur.. Ikx-a not gripeno un ilral Oregon. wbUb Imluilrd a vlalt to p'eaaant after-rff r ta." June Ini( li.irna. wber be tf!iu, with k-ail-Co, (Adv.)jlng clllirna Irnlall.r plana for Includ ItMlTIMi, kh-. -HotHTt K. Strahorn. iireal.lrnl of the Orvgun, CaUfurnla Caatern Itallaav. rvturnrd lug Hume mi lb niein lu net ink of tallwaya that klr. Kirabura roHMa to build In lha alalea Itilrr lMr. To driiiuniaiai llirir luu-rrtk and Ihrlr (imkI faith III lha pn.Ji'i I the pro pie of lliirna and urriiiindlng Irrillury, bo already had prumlr4 lo au'rll IIOO.U.N) lu Ihe rnlrrprlae, agrwd to rata thla .uiii to i:ViHu or flJO.OOO pmtlding Ihe rtwd ran be bulll llitouah Ihrlr loan. 1 If, aa now amue prudalile, t'ne O. V. It N rumpaiiy rnd Ita line now be ing bulll aralaard Imiu Vale, at I'rane t'rerk tiap llilrd of piialilug It oil In Ardcn. aa flml pmimard. It la piMulble that Ihe route of Mr. HUahurn'a new Hue ran be rbange4 lo llialudn lluina on the main line "II nia lo be K'lllrd now that the Oregun Short l.ln-or the () W. It. N. rompany lll nut riimd lla lira riwd rl of t'rane Creek tiap." aald Mr. Strahorn upon hla relurnd today "It arema rlrar to me Ihnt If f are lo bate any eastern I'onnm'tloii fur our road aa alll have lo rilrud Ihe tire- gun. California A Kaalern farther than we originally Intended. "Our original program would li-a.e I Hi r 11 a alKiut 25 mlli-a north of the main Strahorn aaa mu.b rmourageit by the ai'lrll and Ihe enthualaaui die played by Ihe people of Hum and the Harney valley. He haa Inairurted en glneera to run 1 1 lira from Klaley, point on the prraeitt main route, lo Hum and thi'iit'e aouthaard and eaataard lo Crane Creek (lap, tune, ling al Hila lal trr plat with Ihe O V. It. N nun pany'a line now being bulll taraiaerd from Vale and llberalde If II la dilermlurd Dial lha iimI of (hanging Hie rout alll not K'v4 th additional aum Dial Hi peil uf Huma pri('' la ral, Mr. Htrahom aald be would be glad lo make the 1 hanne. Aa matter of fai l, lb rout Ihruugh Hurn wuul4 hat mine ad.aiilagr, II oould be alM.ul It mllra ahurlrf Iban Ihe original route, but ould tegulre auuie mure dlfllnilt rnglneerlng and ronatrui Hon work. aald Neubauarn, thai. aua lha g polllli al rmni leiillun alll ibrre'a no duul'l uf 'ngrMlve) party la The date of Hi row- be ilrlrlinlutd al ml HOUSE NAY GO BACK 10 REPUBLICAN FOID T. B. NAUHAUSEN RETURN! TO PORTLAND AFTER CONFER ENCE WITH PERKINI. 1'OIITI.AVP, Ore. Dee. 13-l'oaal-Ide amalgamation of the llrpulillran and I'rugrraahe part Ira aa dlacuaaed by T. II. Neubauaen, 1'rogreaal. atate rhalnuan. who returned Hila looming from New York, where he conferred altll Heorge V. I'erklua, I'rogreaahe national chairman. lug of Hie national Millie al t III- 1 ago, January II -There la auine different' ft opinion among I'rugreaalie Iradera aa lo wbelli er our roiiirlillun ahuiild I' krld Le- dira or after Hi Hrpulilli an ouii Hun. -Tlioa ho want II hl4 Ixfur. ao lliut II may nul I4 lliat lha I'lia grraahra ar trailing off aftrr th II pulilli ana. hate a fun tier rraaun. wlih h I Dial If aa nominal I'rogr.aalt like lletrrldge, or llliaul Johnson, or HiHwetelt, the Krpublli ana might In dorse our raliillilale, ralher Ibaa Bom Inate on of Ihrlr oan ami bat four moi yrara uf tt'ilaon " Mr Neubauaen aaya Dial personally h bellete Ihe I'rogrraaU will bold (heir ronnllon after lha Itrpubllrans, so aa lo glie Hi latter free band lo rhiHia ellher a progressive or tear lloiisry If they sliuuld rhmiae a aland putter Ilk 1'rnloa. It uul4 Iben I up to Ihe 'rogrslve lo put forward Ihrlr on ramlldat and make fight fur hla election. WIFE CHARGES OEIERTION Lilly H. Kit e Saturday filed a , anil fur dlvurve against Oeorge IL Hire In the Clai kauias i t.uiitr circuit court. They were married In The Dalles Jim I!. 1907, and, aha allri'a, b drrtrt We are going 10 hold a conenilun." hrr In Cortland, May :, Itlf a -.M.I.II,tl,IIHIII)ltt,,tlllt,MlttfMM!(M1l(MtltltMMTtltrtli:l?(tttl,fMin4lnitMlltttrMini ..i,.M...u.....,i..,.i.u.u.i.,,u.,i.i.ii.i.,ii,.ui.... ...ututiuuiiiiiuuiliiiuuiiiiiiiiUiUimuiUiaiiitkiuiiiiiuuiuiti c - t -3 :.3 r 3 mm.. S IT m ar ' BaaiBBeBaBBBaaaaB. III at . v ft r. v.- a JTZ I tfXAllKEj fr1 SB " 0 1. come presents Wen iimimmmiMHrinmmmmmimmtmiMinmttmmmm'' iiiiituiiiiliiuiiiuulJiitiiiiiiiiilimiiililiiililli! mm miMHMiiii!inii!Hl'i,'ti"'!'m""""!iMmimi'-, ll.ill.lli.iilliliiiiiiiltiliiiliiliiliiiiiiiiiliii.iiililinil.i.u 4 sti TtitiTtrlfr i 1 1! A MAN'S STORE is the place to buy Christmas presents for men. OUR store is now chock full of handsome, useful presents for men. To help you select, we have listed many items and prices. You can plan your Christmas money and get exactly what will please your men friends. Mark the items you wish and bring this list wifh you, it will save you money, time and worry. nuniOTnnno DQiroirniTO rnn nnrni uniiiu I MMo n.uuiG run inmu At 25c At 50c At 75c At $1.00 At $1.25 At $1.50 At $1.75 t, J 1 - ' Neckwear Cowen't Neckwear Kelser'i Neckwear Shirts Shirts Manhattan Shirts Flannel Shirts Hosiery Shirts Holeproof Silk Hose Neckwear Neckwear Pajamas Pajamas Handkerchiefs IniUal Handkerchiefs In;tia Handkerchief Sets Gloves Combination Sets Combination Sets it i cTl Silk Suspender, in separate GloVM Combination Set. Holeproof Hosiery - Union Suit. Con Jn SeU C.Hp.,ePr00f vJcZ. . t C"n ' ( 6 P" 5 " thTanteed Pewits CoUar. CuffUnk. Sf Jewel Set. PJna. six month.) Wool Glove. Tie Pin. Cuff Link. Hosiery Sets Night ShirU Underwear HaU Fancy Arm Bands Fancy Suspenders Tie Pins Comfort Slippers Dents Gloves Slippers Garters, Etc Fancy Arm Band. Shirt, and Glove. Etc Etc ' Etc Dent.' Glove., Etc. f f r i i r . " f " At $2.00 At $2.50 At $3.00 At $4.00 At $5.00 At $7.50 At $10.00 Shirt. Shoe. HaU Douglas Shoe. Stetson Hat. Mackinaw. Boy't Suit. Combination Hats' Shirts Bath Robes Bath Robes Smoking JackeU Hosier and' Robe Bath Robes Smoking Jackets Smoking Jackets Boys' Suits or Overcoats osiery n Combination Sets Smoking Jackets Rubber Soled Dancing Florsheim Shoes Overcoats , D . Neckwear Sets Jewel Sets Combination Set. Shoes Auto Robe. ' Bath Robe. Men . Ra.ncoaU Jewelry Set. g,. sh;rt4 Boy SuiU Slipper. Mackinaw. Ho8iery Glove. Glove. Stetson HaU Boy.' OvercoaU Combination SeU HaU Caps Etc. Shoes, Etc. Etc Etc. Etc. . Lounging Robes Slippers I ' 1 cio.e., Etc BIG VARIETY OF EXQUISITE PRESENTS AT HIGHER PRICES e.c. Men's Suits Men's Overcoats Men's Furn'h'g Goods Of Such Celebrated Makes as In all the late models, quarter lined, velvet collars. . , ' ' they are certainly fi o en tn d97 en Manhattan Shirts, Uent s Cloves, Cooper s Union Stein-Block, L System and Clothcraft, beauties at $12.50 to $27.50 Ho CowenV Neckwear in all the late styles and fabrics and every garment MAIL ORDERS A thosfi standard afe on j- , . fitted by an expert tailor. For the benefit of those who are unable to come in and r J . select what they wish, we will fill their orders by PARCEL cnlpnrhd VAriVhpe; Priced $12.50 to $25.00 1 P0ST at e splendld vaneties' 6TH AND MAIN STREETS OREGON CITY, OREGON PRICE Where Clothes Fit .H.mHHimi'tmmiiiiiiiiimimifflmiimHIIll 'lll'lllllll.lll-ri!.!!. Pi Ba lalli b. i'li aa aa ag ii 1 a t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M II 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 I ilililulillltHiHijl (Adv.)IgiBta. ni!l'll!!l!!!!!!!l!n iiiiuiiiiimiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiii (Adv.! OIBtnct Bilorneya rriueji in uici.