PACE ill OKKfiOX CITY KXTKIMMHSK. I'KIHAV. P MCI'! Mil Kit 17. 1!1.V '! lit) Washington Prohibition Law Upheld In Lengthy Decision By State's Highest Court DISAVOWAL DOES HOI AGREE WITH ADMIRALTY VIEW CHEYENNE HOLDS SLAYER SUSPECT OI.VVriA. Wash.. !. lU-llv a The Parker ot'UUi.a held that the unanimous ol ut lite supreme court ' court mini presume all (lie iuierv nf the slate, the prohibition law, adopt step had le- taken b lie mMiri rl through (lie Inltlalite by the people, J f Kale which llie law required hi in lo la sustained In a de Won handed duwn , take In llie a of Kit ln elections no- ; I 11 o'clock Ihla morning. '(lira and ullirr publli alums; thai the' CONDUCT OF SUBMARINE'S COW MANDCR FULLY APPROVED BV AUSTRIA. Hit at the judges rum urred In the , prohibition la did not fll of publii ity, i opinion written by Judge Parker, while I as a matter of fait. Iliat llie Inlrr.ute Judges Chadwlck and Fullcrton wrote! coin mere al aa but violated by the separate opinions, arrlt in at the Mine ' prut ulona of the la . that the Kenton , flnul result, howeter. I Welih federal ai t established the ion i Judge Hausman, recently atM'olntrd J stltutlotiallly of the atate la; that to the eupreme bench, did not tartlcl- thought the Ittlttatlte aiiirndnirnt to pale In the derision, because he aa not a member of the benih hrn the case a argued. The Parker opinion la contained In 3',0 typewritten pages. It held the court would cot taken Judicial notice! inconsistency. of defective or Insufficient publication The court held the "prohibition la of election notices, even ttiiiiiKh tbeiwas In effect sine Ieiember. 1SU. attorney general consented that It though lt arine liberation la not to ahould do so. It was on thta point that Justice Chad Uk wrote a separate opinion, declaring that he was not en- CERNaVI PRESSISSmRE HI CRITICISN OF DEMANDS or 0. s. GERMAN tCCRITARV AtSC RTt "MINI MINI, TlKiL UPMAR. IN- It WRITTEN. INTRUNKMURDER I c HO 111 U. 0. IN 7 YEARS, HE SAYS BUT PORTLAND LIQUOR DEALEH PREDICT! RETUMN OP LlQ UOR ITORIt. PHUONER ANIWERI OEICRIH TION OP BARTHOLOMEW, WANTED IN PORTLAND.' thecon.tluth,n ,,n.0.le.f,.r l...t.. io Mid Tha Auf0M Into effect .10 data after the peoples ' Officially ratifying vote, and the priihililtlon law provided t should nut go Into effect j fur over year, there aa no defective! Wit Not Officially Aware Previous Ntgotiationa With Germany, of tlrely In accord with the other Judge In their opinion of "Judicial notice," but that It had no (tearing In determin ing his vote upholding the dry law. Judge Merlon's opinion stated gen erally that he did not agree with alt of the reasoning of the majority but there waa no question about the correctness of the final conclusion. v IK.N.N A. Iec. 14 ily ruurler to I'vrllil. via Uuidon, lev. IS The Aua begin until January I. Ils Other oI,)vtlms ral-d by Attorney j M,, ,d,uiralty Is entirely op- held, are not .ro,.r one. for consl.1 -I H-J MT ' the court emtlon in the nre.ent suit. 1 ' "' sulnnarlne commander ho was M. and K. Gulistcln. huleale llijuor n sensible for the sinking of the lul dealer of Seattle, were the orlKlual lan steamer Ancoua. (u the contrary contestant, represented by Attorney i it appro a his condui t fully. Harold Trenton. I-ater settrnl other parties Joined In the suit a co-com- lil.ilnantti. Including the holcltuen's a jaoclatlon and a number of breweries. F. E. GOODMAN GOES TO IT L I ' On the contrary." holds the admiral ty, "If he had departed wittiout dot to) lug the Anemia It would lute been failure to do his duly, since the Am una could have nottfUd other ship of his wbcreaWtut. The toss of American lltes I retrelt.tlile. aa well as that American used veoel bt-loUKllig to to secure a place on the council. VhUe he Is not certain that he I a rlilan. ne wuevea tnat ne coma proe nis cm ; 4 ,, r ,lth Au.trla lluucary. Mnhni;!. iiuever, in iase ne unus that he la unatdc to do so, he w ill go through the usual procedure of taking out citizenship puers. Goodman owns a confectionery store MlMl ll. via Utndon. l)f. 13,-Tue Neueste .Vai hrlt hten dec-lares that the Ainerii an note to the Auatro-Huiiganan i iti.-riiiiini ,m I tt .inL 1.. GLADSTONE CONFECTIONER BE-j .t adne and Mr nms . j - GINS PROCEEDINGS TO GET. ' ,. , ,1B, fJ many euraorUlnarll.v. not only because ; of Its severe tone, but on account of Its 'inharmonious contents." PLACE ON COUNCIL. I butchershlp here, but lives In Glad stone StrebU made no campaign fur the election and bis name was put on I the ballot by his friends. POLICE BELIEVE NAN MD IN "WYOMING HAY BE KMER Tt'tgram It by Oregon Offi cer and Further Description Will Be Sent at Onte This. First Arrsst in the Case. lu an effort to secure a place on the j Contract let to build Florence water Gladstone city council, F. E. Goodman I system. Wednesday, through bia attorneys. Stone Sl Moulton, filed a petition to contest an election In the circuit court, naming H. V. Streblg as contestce. The election waa held last Monday and of the six who ran, Strehlg was one of the throe who received enough votes to claim a place on the council F. E. Goodman followed Streblg In the number of rotes secured. Goodman aleged that, at the time of the election, Strebli; was not a cltlien and ts not qualified to hold the place. Mr. Streblg was not In Oregon City Wednesday and no statement could be secured from him. but he declared one day last week that he would not fight ! The note admits, says the paper, that the steamer attempted to escape from an Austrian submarine; that tliv Initial shots puriKisely were no; aimed at the Ancona. but were only fired as a warn ing, and that the real bombardment bo Dont Scold Fretful Children. That nervousness fretting and rest- san h"n b,,at Uted to flee, lessnesa Is no dobut caused by worms' Wt- rthel. us. the note Calms that or constipation. Instead of whipping I tb A"1011 "eea.iiuly offered no of-po-or scolding give your child a treatment! sltion-" of Kicks ikk) Worm Killer. Nice randy "Acconllng to this." continues the confections that kill the worm and ' W'r. "the note contradicts itself, for are laxative enough to move the ' 'he steamer was torpedoed because she bowvls and expel not only the worms i fried to rsraiw, but did not attempt to but accumulated poisons. These pol-j nYo Iteraune she was boml'arded. The! song and w orms bring on fever, make I topcdolng occurred after a time lee children nervous and irritable, re.lllce' ay rcgarJinr which a r,i nut In their vitality and make them victims ! iwltion to renuor a verdict, but which of sickness. Get a box of Kickanoo In any event waa gruat enough to per Worm Killer today at your Druggist. 1 lull the savln of a majority of the only ::.c. (Adv.) passengers." I ) Ill lS Illy Wirrlets to hs)tlj!e. I. II. lec. li -Oriitsri) s ritamUl fiiiindiiou Is rm k rlMwl l.tigland has tw-ru weighed In the balaitie and loiind sittliig. brr dUaolutiun Is at hand. and uhio her la the blame for lotitlnu am of the war. Till aummarliea the sieh of Ir Karl llrlfferlih, luiK-rial secretary of the treasury, before the n-lihitag to da. In discussing the problems of tier man flitauce. We stand like rocks lu the soil of llii-lr home rouutry." he said. "On the oliimns of the llrlllh empire were rllten In ulo.lug letter the same words aa were written upon lieUhai ar's palate, 'Mrne. nieiie. tikel uphar 111' I Weighed In lh l!a!i,- nnJ found anting)." I'ltltTMMl, Ore.. Iec 13 -George Uiiollng from lb K. rii,inr. ll.-lrrr. lutnoiomra , wauled aa the niurder uf Ich predlcled these columns would Jonn I 'l'nd. whose Itmly waa found in rumble and that Knglaml would fall ,r,""t " ,,H', of Flandera attes t and dissolve. " Memter l, may be a prlsouer lu The resmuisibiiiiv r.,r the blu.l ( np, w- 1'orllttiid imllce to- hich will flow from no on." he con- 1,1,1 rv,',lvr'1 telegram that a man tlnueii. -for the world s inin-ry and the "erliig liatholomew'a description IJltger to which clvllliatlon Is rvposed " rrea III that city. falls not upon Germany, but upon those ,n n'eke came from f. ,V. Km- ho cannot resolve to dr the mucin. '"'r,i lef of police of Cheyenne, and slon from Germany'a military successes ,g ' f1""4" In II IJi litlfli alion of the hlch nolKHiy ran dupute. t upen aa iiurthuluiiicw- that tho po- The respomlttlllty rails uion those "te "r "lled to Uileve the right ho. In their foolish . il ltl,i.i..n ",n ' " custody. They will ask thai till now apeak of Germany'a anlhlla- "nJ " Photograph and de tlon and partition and or Inning a war ''' nu'n ' Identineatlon be for of exhaustion " wanled to Fortland. Ilelfferlch' thereupon contrasted tier I " ,,,,,,t;r" '"'l Cheyenne reads many financial situation with ti,..t , uiiowa: her enemies. Ill ltva'tl Va taal In r(iti. I "Have arreted man giving nama i.f mitlon with the first reading of the "'"h- answering description bill providing an f.'.'uu.OOO.. u 1 ''"""K'al'n George Halholomew, anas r.U Hopkins, wanleil ihnro t. murder. Can give belter description! with marks and scars. Vou circular la1 an excellent description of this nun Ihl word -if "Smith" turns out lo tie llurtlioioinew Is the first definite trace of t man believed resiMinsildu or uie tnuiK murder has Ix-en re ceived by the police. ooi) war creillt. l'tltTI-AMl. Or. N, IJ- Inline ittaifiy arti-r trie smpid isu vote on lb que. I Ion rtcll Noiember there will be faiull) llipmr stores In Cortland brvweiu-a will U p-rmlil.-d to ins ml faifure brer and hot els In this stair will l alila lo gel lb ruse to serve ll'l'ior." deilarvd Hoi Uluinu.rr of lllu ntuaer A, wholesale ll.pior deal era. III surveying the future of the ll'l'ior business, "tn dn-giiu a w bate a lav to regulate the iPjuor traf tie similar lo the Canadian law. I will go further and redid that in lo )earw there will not I a liquor saloon In California and that In seven years there will not be one In Ihn entire l ulled Htalea. The going of the saloons la certain. I tn-llete. and the Saloon men llieuiM-hea are lo blame for Isrlng legislated out of business. 'Of the Zoo or umre saloons now running in this city about la per cti.t will remain In huslnvaa alti r the flr.t of January as soft drink resorts 1'hey will pay a third to a bilf of the rem now paid, a reiita will go down to a figure whli b the butliK as can aflolil to pay. HaliMtiia hate been paling lar hither reula than the business Jtlstl netl. "Ill msliy raej h"re leases l ot.UIn a clause prole, tint; lcnM-, lt liro hllilllun by law tiecaute iffectlve. Hit o'.llt atlone on lenmiu w ill automatical ly terminate the end of Die year, but In o'lii r raws where lease are not o PI. dii ted Ihern w ' probaldy tie run testa in the courts. SECRET SERVICE CLOSE TO HEAD, MUNITIONS PLOT QOVIRNMINT AGENTS TRAIL PLOTTERS AND LEARN M AN V DETAILS OP THEIR PLANS. SCORES OF WDICTKINTS BY NEW CRAND JURY IN CHICAGO fORSEEN Psdsrel Invt stigstor Werklrta In Factentt Making War Ooeds Said te Have Accumwlatsd Important Ivldtnt. CHICAGO. t.i li-I nlted Hlul.. agent, working out of Cbb ago, are lu to the fountain hrsd of the war plois whlth hate brought destruction In many niuhllloi. plants, tauixd loss of life, and at lime thread m d rteii In Intolie this Italiuii In war, a blgll tiflli IbI aduillli-d today. 'tinier I over' mi II agents of the It partnienl of Justli whose Identity I Deter revealed rtirpt In the depart ment head hate worr.u'd their wav Into the Itim riuosi coiim lis uf Ihn war plotters Others In Wurkliiguieii's clothes and totrii-d wilt irline and dirt, are working In powder plants ami munltlou lai torli s. Chltf operation of the i orisplrators are imw reiilered In I'lliiols, linllsna and Mli hlK in. II was staled today, but 4ui.u. ft.,.....- .. ..... .i r hoi noriit inrr ,...,1. . . . irt ... . . t . .. . . I "o i, i w piiMii-iB ptti-ii iiuia to ,c 10 percent of what they rol TiMlarlv...L . ...i ... u ... i- - . , i our iii in ran risiiiiMU lair m-r I tan buy for IJ.'.o futures thai n..t llO.'.ttl." IT TIED BY MAYOR JONES IS BR0KENIN3 MONTHS ,DENTITJES IN TpjJNK MRS. CLARA H. GOTTLIEB GETS DECREE AND HUSBAND CON VICTED . OF FRAUD. r BalSBBBrKsanaSBbAs'ii. 111 .KiJ&&ij.-t r -v.kv i.v. - .'?" -s. i v f-r-; yxs fw The New Type "Z" Fairbanks -Morse FARM ENGINE Economical Simple Light Weight Substantial Fool-proof Construction Gun Barrel Cylinder Bore Leak-proof Compression-Complete with Built-in Magneto "MORE THAN RATED POWER 6ND A WONDER AT THE PRICE" ir2H.p. r -w 3 H. P. - - '6022 I F. 0. B. FACTORY 6 II. P. - 'HO!0 3FYC Gadke, Oeale M Plumbing and Pressure Systems Installed 1 MAIN STREET OREGON CITY, ORE. Mat or U E. Jones Septet;il-r IJ mar ried Ix-on Gottlieb ami Miss Clara lllrschbcrger In the office of Dr. M. ( Strickland In tho Heaver building. Sat urduy (.ottlleb pleaded guilty to marge or olttulning money by false pretenses In I'ortland and she was granted a decree of divorce by Circuit Jiuli:e Outens, of .Multnomah county. Thus ended tho brief and unhappy roman of the self styled Austrian doc tor and the pretty Clam Hlrschbergi witii w horn he eloped October. The ro- munce wua almost a tragic ouc. CJrief stricken by her diuightor'a marital dif ficulties, Mrs. Ilirschberger aevenil duys ago shot herself in the head In an attempt to commit suicide. Gottlieb's plea of guilty waa accepted by Circuit Judge Kavanaugh, and he wua paroled to his attorney, Ueorgo I. Brooks. The conditions of his parole are that he leave the atuto of Oregon immediately, that he repay the money be obtuined by passing several fratidil lent checks and that be report once every month by letter to Mr. Ilrooks. One of the principal grounds given by Judge Catena In his findings grunt ing Airs. Gottlieb's divorce wuh Gott lieb's pica of guilty. When Gottlnb went to Portlund ho represented himself to be a physician. a recent graduate of a Vienna medical collega and of a good Austrian family. Temporary financial difficulties he at tributed to tho fact that remittances from his home In Austria foiled to reach him because of the war. He declared he attempted to return to Austria to serve in the war. but that ho was tin- oltlo to leave the United States. After his marriage to Miss Hirsch berger, she declared she learned that he lived "by his wltg." After cashing some bad checks lie went to Seattle. Attracted back to I'ortland by a letter from his wife, Gottlieb, was arrested In the IletiHon hol.-l just after he ar- E TO PMPIACE HOME JOHN LINND AND GEORGE BARTH OLOMEW ARE BOTH KNOWN IN SAN FRANCISCO. rived and met her. SCHOOL SELECTED FIRST STEP TAKEN IN NAMING TEAM TO REPRESENT TOWN IN STATE LEAGUE. I'OKTI.ANli. Ore.. lec. 15. Thou sand of nmiluis, sent broadcast by the Portland police In the hope of ap prehending Oeurge lliirtholomew, in dicted for the murder of John I. laud In this city, b-ire the portrait of An tone Anderson, a garage employe of San KrunrUco, and not that of the man sought This was prated definitely by In ventilations of tho Sun Kranclsco po lice, the result of which rouclied Port land today. In a letter to Chief of I'o- Ilco Clark. Anderson was a friend of L-lnnd mid the two hod their photo gruphs made on a post card at a gal lery at the corner of Fourth and Mar ket streets, San Francisco, several months ago. The picture-Identified by Mrs. Anna Do Corsey, landlady at 107 Stark street, tvtiero the murder was committed on November 18, as the compunlon of (ho murdered mun and later by others who had seen (ho men together as Ilurtholo mew, Is a mun 10 years younger, some what slighter, but In otlmr rosncets re sembling to a murked degree tho wont ed man. Few neoulo who hml known Ilartholomcw and who wero shown the original picture or tho clrculur ex pressed the slightest doubt that tho portrait was of tho companion of Mnnd. The Lite Wlrurof the Ciiiiimeri laliiuh have purchased loo pound of randy for the orphan at the rU. Agnes Dal y home In I'arkpluce to be dt'trered to lite Home at Christmas time. Other articles lil le contributed by business men and residents of the city, aa In former years. GOVERNOR'S BROTHER IS OEAD John W Wlthycomltc. brother of (iovernur Wlihvtomlie, died at bia home In I'ortland early this Week of arteriosclerosis. He was "tl eurs old uiul fur many years hail been chief draughtsman In the office of the Uni ted Slates surveyor general In the Tort hind riistom house. He leatea two sunn, a daughter and his widow, who wits born In Clackamas county anil wns Hut daughter of tho late Mr. and Mrs. !. W. Thomas, pioneers In tin Heaver Creek district. inn ut.-red. The -under cuter" men are wurkli.r miller the six-clal direction tf II. li. toirhcr. an atltaitt or II, n. u tl Cla hull, t li Iff of the Chlmm bure.ui of Intrsllgalloii or the department or y the 1ht-rw Is a large stai) of the" men. It was admitted by one of fit lul "If the Koternment'a UKi-ufs get all they are after. they will u veal a plot that will shako Ihn nation." suld su ullnr gotcrutiicul official. "Tbey are i lne to the leader the rial roimplra Inrs the men who furnl-h the money." A new federal grand Jury Is soon to he organised. Some of the operations of the set ri t SKi'lit were retealeil today hen Chief of I'u'lre Helnti of Gary, Ind , admitted receiving an anon) minis lettter whlrh Intuited two men frfom at ksoti. Mich . lu a conspiracy to destroy the powder of the Aetna Chemical company at Aetna. Ind. This plant ts known to be making Ire minion supplies of hiw der and gum utton fur the allies REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. KNIGHT SEES TROUBLE IN PLACING PAVING FORTY PLACES WILL WANT PER MANENT ROADS .DECLARES COMMISSIONER. Of the twenty-three lilgii aciiool stu dents who entered for the debating teams for this year eight were Belonged m tryouts held Wednesday and Thurs day afternoon. From this number six of the best de baters will be taken and will take part In the first state debate scheduled for January M. Mrs. (,'artlidge announced Thursday afternoon the debates would he triangular, the same as last year. On the first date scheduled, Estacada will come to Oregon City and Oregon City's negative team will go to Forest drove. The Judges, five high school teachers, Misses IluH' h, Todd, Winehell, Harding and Mrs. H. H. Cartlldge, selected Earl Paddock, Harold Nash, Herman Tlm- iner, Fred Tooze Jr., Eschol Armstrong, Marvel Ely, Hennle Blasts and John Rankin. County Commissioner Adam Knight sees no rosy path ahead of tho county court. Instead he forecasts complulnt from every side. Mr. Knight predicts tlutt at least 40 sections of the county will domand a share of tho hard surface which tho county court was Instructed to lay by the taxpayers at tho meeting Tuesday and, whereas. only about Ave strips can be laid nnd each one of those strips will bo short, 35 sections of the coun ty will feel that they have been Blight ed. Furthermore, Mr. Knight sees more trouble In selecting the type of paving to be laid utid In supervising the lay ing of the hard surface road. "And they ask us to do all this for J'lfiO a year," he declared. Ileal estate transfers filed Thursday ny itecorder Hedinan are. aa follows: C. I). ChrlHtcnsen et ux to U. N. Hood Iota 7 and 8, block lettered "F," View- Acres; $10. Floreneo F. Sullivan ct al to Thomas V. Sullivan, lot 5 In block 9 of Oregon City; ulso 19S square, feet In south purt of lot I In block fl of Oregon City 1 1000. Edwin Nelson et ux to F. A. Hnook 20 acres in unction 28, township south, range 3 rust of the Willamette Meridian; $10. Heal estate transfers were tiled Frl day with Itecorder Dedmaii as follows Frank Irish ct ux (o Ed. Wuller Smith et ux, tract in section 9, town ship 4 south, range 2 east of tho WII liunetto merldlun; $2500. Herman Itolmurs et ux to I.nlu Itclmcrs, CO acres In section 12, town ship 3 south, range 1 west of the WII Inmetto merldln; $10. - - Lulu Helmers to F. I. Drlnzer, 00 acres In section 12, township 3 south, range 2 east of tho Willamette inerld inn; $lli0. Hurry D. Auld ot ux to I'otor J. Smith, lot No, 20, Wilson Acres; $10, E. T. Mass ex-sheriff to Edith Rumog bothnm, all of Curl J. Johnson s Inter est In blocks 112 and 113, (Hailstone, $517. Eugene H. romeroy to Grover C. Shipbuilding is proposed at St. Helens, capable of building steel boats, Durns promises $125,000 if Strahorn road will include that city. Liven uo Your Torpid Liver. . To keep your liver active use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They Insure good digestion relieve constipation, and tone up the whole system keep your eye clear and your skin fresb and healthy looking. Only 25c. at your J Druggist. (Adv.) FOR CHILDREN'S COUGH, You cannot use anything better for your child's cough and cold than Dr. King's New Discovery. It Is prepared from pine Tar mixed with healing and soothing balsams. It docs not contain anything harmful end Is slightly laxa tive, Just enough to expel the poisons from the system. Dr. King's New Dis covery is antiseptic kills the cold germs raises the phlegm loosens the cough and soothes the Irritation. Don't put off treatment. Coughs and colds often lead to serious lung troub les. It Is also good for adults and the aged. Get a bottle today. All tlrufr gists. Pomeroy, 20 acres In section 21, town ship C south, range 1 east of tho Wil lamette merldlun; $500. Louis Honman et ux to Adolph Swan son, tract 1 of Ellda; $10. Adolph Swanson to Louis Norman el ux, tract 17, Ellda; $10. United States to Isaiah W. Cuso, 100 acres In section 27, township 1 south, rango 2 cast of tho Willamette me ridian; patent. Heal csluto transfers were filed wilh Recorder Dcdmnn Tuesday as follows A. T. Shoomake et ux to Ell Dear- dorff, of lot 12 In block 3 of J. V. Karless addition to Molulla; $125. J. O. Elrod 3t ux to Georgo Leln:mn:i et al, tract No. 10 of Elrod Acres; $10. D. E. I-olgren ct ux to John Dahl, a tract of hind In section 15, township 5 south, tunue 3 east of the Willam ette meridiat.; $10. F. J. Kynlston et ux to Aille Ware, 30 acres in section 1, township C i:otith, range 1 east of tho Willamette merld lun; $1. Allie Ware to F. J. Kynlston et ux, 3G acres In section 1 township 5 8uiii.n, range 1 cast of the WillameUti merid ian: $1. David Cutto to C'ura ditto, lot 10, block 38, In Gladstone; $1. fl UNBREAKABLE PEACE BEFORE DECEMBER 22 IN DEMAND. NEW YORK. Dec. lS.-OrganUcd biisebull must sign an unbreakable peee pact berore December 2:', or there will be no peace. So said one official or the Federal league hero today, commenting' upon the statement Issued yesterday after noon by John K. Tener, president of the Nallniittl league, that representatives of his organisation hud conferred with emissaries of tho Federal league to reaching some agreement. if orgunlr.od baseball decides upon peace wo will withdraw from New York," the official sold. "Otherwise, a Federal league club will be established In America's motrojtolla. and that means a fight to the last ditch." Iho pence plan us It now stands In tildes tho merging of Iho Fodornl league clubs with tho International cogue; the lifting of the draft rule from the Federal and International leagues; the granting to both orgaiilsa tloiis tho sumo rights enjoyed by major leagues, with the stipulation that the Chicago Federals buy the Chicago Na tional league club and tho St. Louis Federals buy tho St. Louis National league dull. BATES SOLD TO VERNON M'CREDIE REPORTED TO HAVE ASKED $2000. ' SAN FRANCISCO, Cal Dec. 15. Ray Hates of Portland, leading third baseman of tho Pacific Coast league las Benson will wear a Vernon uniform next season, according to authentic information rocolvod here today, Negotiations are suld, on good nil.. thorlly, to bo going on between Port land and Vernon for I lutes. McCrodle s opinion of Hates Is suld to be uncom plimentary, while Hum Patterson and Ed Malcr or Vernon, uro enthuiiliisllc over tho Portlunder. McCrcdlo Ib reported to have asked $2000 for Hates. Vernon Is holding out, believing McCrcdlo will reduce his price. Hood River roller mill. ' hits new industry, a District Attorney Hedges, of this county, plans to confer with District Attorney Evans, of Multnomah county, before the first of the year relative to violations of the prohibition law near the boundary between the two coun ties. Mr. Hedges fears that some may attempt to dodge Justice by locating blind pigs near the county boundaries and, In this way, confuse the officials. Mr. Hedges will attend the mooting of (Adv.i district attorneys Friday In Salem. Hay City Oregon riox & Lumber company has resumed operations. Our Jitney Offer Tnta and 6c. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mall It to Foley & Co., Chlcngo, III., writing your name nnd address clearly. You will receive In rotnrn a trial pack age containing Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound, for coughs, colds nnd croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In sides and bock, rheumatism, back ache, kidney and bladder ailments: and Foley Cuthartlo Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing ca thartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache and slugglBh bowels. Jones Drug Co. (Adv.)