OKKflOJC CITY KNTKKIMMSK, l-K'IMAV. IIKCKM II Kit M. 1M.V MILWAUKIE DEPARTMENTS FIRE STATION BIG MUSICAL 10 BE HELD TONIGHT MILWAIKIK. lec. J (Special.!- MOTHER PORTABLE BUILDING NEEDED NEARLY COMPLETED SJIIWAlkli: I-lHiUlt-1k !. r fli iH" anil fir I (latin lu Is .. lually iulliplrtr.l. Lad will doul.llr.. t U-'tUpM wllh'u MIl.WAl ME. lw. 1 -(ilpr. lal- another wrrk t.r Ihe 8t apparent Much Interest l being eilm-rd la itieiln all liari'M ine auiaaukie """jTn big rbll wa c banged from n mutdcal lo b given by the sludriite of 'hoard wilt b for4 la another u,,f la th Br r.trrjy il l the Mllwaukle st-haul nrt Friday porta M building bw Id ground 0 t-rrn innr.ud uy with an rlr. Ing, ! J. under th dire, lion of Miu Uuli Walker, of Owua City, who ha charge of mualc In (tie rliy school. The entertainment III l lion In lha ill) hall and lha program br.rak a plea ant evening. Gutav Flechtner, Ihe Orison City vlollnlat. will also aaalat Tbc program U aa follow: TART I. I'lano solo. Thin Ow" l-angr Ethel Knopf Ha Saw" Slandl.h Flint and Beoond GraiW. -Why Mr. Oobler Changed Ilia Tune" Gaynor Third Grade. Violin aolo, "Norma" Wltinrr John Galbralih. The Shower" Gurlett Fifth Grade. "Thanksgiving Iay" Kdmoud. IV)a of Fourth and Fifth Grade. "The lllue lilrd" Mclaughlin Sixth Grade. PA JIT II. I'lano aolo ..Selected Ikirothy Wlsalnger. Violin, "1-alloae" Aachrr Plerc Walker. The Good Old V. 8. A." Morwe lloj a of 4th, 7th and Sth Grade. -Good Night Song of River'. . .Looml. Seventh Grade. -Autumn" (melody In F)...Ruteniteln Glrla of Eighth Grade. Tome Ye Fairies" Lynea Thetea Houite" Darker Glrla Glee Club. Violin Solo. -Angela Serenade". . 1'raga Custar Flechtner taitl4 the dud vtiii from t'onalll and tugt-n who wlthnl In H-nd Tbai,lwng day wllh hum folk Wendell Hiuilh atlnid t'orialll and Mix ('aiiiilll the I'liUei.ity al h'u i'Ut Fcru Hart. who ha Iwni uti the aU a II. t. la rapld'y roinali Ing Wllry Traut haa relumed f'oiu W hi, Ofrgon, abri ha baa been al wolk ..t ll lat lbi tiioiilli. Mr. ('. I1. MurM and rblldrrn ni )'r. TliaiikHltlng day at the Thoiu a bmiia near Mull Hun They return e4 un Haturday. Mini Carrie Hrrlplure ha telmned Inun (in hard. With., abrra aha via- Hn for the t all areka alih her OSWEGO DEPARTMENTipFp CONGRESS ordrf to a riiiim.ll tlw ln rraJ at trte i.rm v tirin that d a a ay Hh tendame evi-lrd aft-f lha bollda) a. I ,B j rt,tiBrr uf "I'ulllna to rHT eiflal!y fur the dunieatu: aclmra and Tb .ntu.n. ahlih rt the tnn nle. manual training drfartuirtit. b1btH(U( . s until u lha munUI J Mia. lUt Uruv h-rt and family rr only added to the xbotil a courx nv nj aill uoa a le nl.e fur iiit Tbaukf Mug llh Iba I'alutoii WOMAN SEEKS PLACE WARM ILICTION tXflCTID DI CIMBIR MANY CANDI. DATIS A II OUT. DEVELOPMENTS HE tna brgtnnlng of Ihla tchoul year and baa irorn auih a dtnldnl aurreaa la attendance and interest. In ordrr to tho the pruKrrka being wade another eihltiltloa ot the dumralk- aclrnr and art diartmrnla ill t-e held Vriie day. Itnembrr U It la InlrudrJ lo hat rtimplrta drmunalratloa of Ihr ork ariiillhrd In aealng and mil llnery mainly. Thl department t under Ihe auervium of Mi famhe Jffry. KtrrptloiiaPy reniarkalde plwea nf urk are bring turned out ! Ihe nian ual training l In rharae of S. Cham brra. the deiartment being flllrO. to It raaily. Several plerea nude bv Ihe atudenta rr dunatH ladlea for their baar Ihe aame bringing good being given miKh prmie by every one a ho Inspected them. Ihe atorag of apratua aa aril a a family at Orhr, Wat , remaining u''r rrwirt fur volunteer firemen PAUL BOSS TO HAVE MILWAt MK. Iec. J (ii.elal I'aul Ikwa. Ihe aril kuoan Ualt)iuaU llilng on the Fiwter road. Jual outilde ihe city limit, la having a fine large frame barn built upon hi place, the m ih. rih.,li- ork bring done under the direction of i .. . ' " " .... to tne tainoiic .... .... . . . 'criitly tn regard to the ixtltlon lo a.i ihi ak ' F. lUrkemier. A fu concrete found ; ' . , i aale ima ee. . . corporal) at Jenn ng U"lge gav l i,rl. a ihrv Hon auppott the near at ructiire. hli h ! , . . mi prhe. tne .. .. , , , . topic for conerat ou of more t. H. H. S. TEAM NOT SO BAD l to be quite n lrrn. and In keeping alls uplodale dairying. Mr. Itui ha only recently completed the err Hon of a niodrrn rhli krnhou. NO ELECTION THIS YEAR. , the rek end. I Arrh Hhaier and children enJoed Thuralay llh bla mother and alatrr. , Mr. Jaioba. j Mr laura Ntell la rmehlng dally ' ireatmenla from I'ortbnd peclallt and her friend are hoping lor a perdy rwovery. The Milton I'otter family la moving to I'urtland to apend Ihe Inter. ' Mra. Jim liernan returned Monday etenlng from Allninv. baling riihved the TlianktghUig hollda) allh her parenla. Mr. and Mr. II J. laldorf. Tbe nea tory In (irrgon I'lty and Cortland iera hlih apearcd re in gave a ian ordinary Interest. No one aeem to know the author of Hie petition and the general tenllment I very miicbj again! the propoaed plan. The ma-, (iKWMiO, Ore.. Hc.-1 (Hp. tai l Thl loan will ha' warui elet lion on hvemti'r 1 Of the all candidate nominated for com II men, alilih la Ilia only offli lo be "Med al Ihla Jlinr. one la aoman, a ho la become quite active and lll luak i alrong flglil agallial her male o oneiili, o her friend and aupimrlet aay. Thl ran dldate la Mr. Mary '. Smith, well known realdent of Oi ego, and prop erty owner. Other who randldi rle have been annmiiurd are Mall I) linn, II. II. Foi and Auguat Keinplti, I preaent roun-cIliiM-n and up fur ra 'leiloii; J. V. King, In the 'employe if the (ietieiat F.lm trie comny In IN 'timid, and F.I uier U Hlilplcy, emplo) -l by the Ore gon Iron A Steel compa y In the I'ort land office. Three rom cllmen re to be el II-ted for a term of two yeara rai h. I'p lo Ihla time Oawego women have taken little Intereat In Oawego town affair, but thl campaign la finding Jorliy of people have bought liomea (hem buy lu city polillca. MlLWAl'KIK. tec. J (Sirlal.l While It aufrered nearly lake a many defeat aa It won victorte. it ill the Mil aaukle high achool fixitbatl team doe I n..t MnuiAr Ihnt II tmrA an hailtv In AuierkV Carey . .. . of i.vlnT. with the game practically new and unknowa to the majority of the player. Tbe lat game of tbe seaaon was played on S-I1 wood field. Mllwaukle lat Thur duy. Thankigivlng day. with Ouk Grove, the acore being ( to 0 In favor of the former. Klght game were Audience. Jt TO BE PRODUCED MlLWAl'KIE, Dec. 3 (Special.) "Mr. Hob," a comedy of no mean nn-r It, will be played with all tbe vim and vigor possible by the students of the Mllwaukle High school, the proceeds to be donated to the high school student body. The young actors and actresses are being drilled by Miss Campbell, of the local faculty, and splendid progress is being shown by each one, so that the I people of Mllwaukle are promised I something really entertaining. The j case Is as follows: Philip Royson William Merriott Roliert Iirown. clerk of Itenson k Benson Clyde lavls Jenkins, Miss Reliecca's butler Albert Gambel Rebecca Luke, a maiden lady Charlotte Merriott Katherlne Rogers, her niece Muriel Nichols Marion Dryant, Katherine's friend.. Dorothy Wissinner Patty, Miss Rebecca's maid dlatrict a levy of t mill was voted played during tbe aeason. of which flvei 'or ,n " ll0"i buu of 191- were lost Tbe boya who played plucklly against great odds went Into the season entirely green, and In prac tically every Instance against teams that had been playing together for two or three yeara. The boy were coached by Professor Goeti, who thinks his charges did remarkably well consid ering everything:. j heie to gel away from the city and to Mll-WAI KIK. tee. . (Special! lrlng up their famllle. In the country Thl. town la fortunal. In that It dor. to Incnmrallon .1 not hava to hold an election Ihla ear. ,r" ,,,n- II being one of Ih few town, or cities' The Ferklna home wu completeli of the tate o ltuate.l. With the wa- th'troyrd by fire on Sunday afternoon, (er works Imbroglio, which give ev. Or- I'erkina had departed for Salem to ery appearance of lielng aoon rttlel. I1'"'" hla oldel aon In thiH. and Mr thla town haa had enough lo keep Ha 1 Perkins waa Waiting at the home of a people buny until Ihe neit election : friend. The furniture. Including a hall roll around, which will be all i M Pla"" destroyed too iMm, even though not for another'' At a beautifully appointed dinner on! year. Thankrglvlng day Mr. and Mra. II. II. - - Kmmona were charming hois. TheW I SCHOOL LEVY IS .7S MILLS jguert were friend ho have no ol!i- ' !er homea rather than boarding houaesj At ure.. .or. ;o. ai me . h...,,i. .nJ , ,,..y ..., . annual meeling of th taxpayer of Ihla, J()VrJ ,,y lhoM who r,nrUrj ,nvlu. Hon. It haa been the cualom of the Kmmona to entertain in this way ev. cry Thanksgiving day. "mT Minnie Altniun 1 confined to her home with a severe attack of ton .llltis. The school is cloned during The three roiiiicllinen up for elec tion have given general satisfaction, and It I thought they stand a good how of reelection unle a change of senUuiaMit should mm up at the lat moment. OHWKCO, Ore, Ilea I (Hiwclall It la believed to lie only a mailer of abort lime until Oawego will liav II eioiid rural Ire mall delivery rout Hi pelllbui fur whlih ha barn In th land of Ih "proper departmel I In Washington, ). C, fur ovr a moiiih Poilniaaler I'avldaon, In speaking of Ih matter, aay that h ipect llt any day friiiu Ih rural fro mall da- livery liiapw tor, Imaled In SiMikan. whom It I believed Will eedlly rec ommend th labllahment of h route. The proHiael rum l within th area covered h th preaent rout, but not on th tame road traversed by the latter, which covers dlilaiic of 7 mile in th round trip, and arrve 30 tanilllea. Th new rout would furnlb mall at th preaent tlui to 100 fam ine and the distance traveled would be II mile. It will aerv malt to Ihe famllle living In th Lak (Irov lo cality on Oawego lak which haa prac tically built up Ih laat aeaaon, 10 famllle aluu living I her at Hi prea ent time. Thl tract of land ha clear, ed and platted by Ih oanera. th Ore. gon Iron A Steel company, which la faat disposing of It to Portland work er In lot and acre trad. Another tract of land which I ft being cleared by tba Oregon Iron A Sleel company o that ll)tiay b placed on the market la th Dunlhorp ae lion. Her the company la spending great many thoueand dollar In ilea Ing IS CONSIDERED BY 2 NEUTRALS EUROPEAN NATIONS ARE 01 CLARE 0 TO BE PRE PARI NO PLANS TO END WAR. KME. SCHWIMMER SAYS EUROPE LOOKS 10 MICA FOR MP D'plamat Ar lit Sympathy With Plan Outlined Wllon Rfr Hw drda f Tlgrm I Slat OapaMmant W ASIIINtlTON. Nov. 17. -Two lien. tral KuriiH'au coiinlrlra already ar coiialderlng railing a formal ivnveu- llon of neutral lo discus nnn of ending the Kuroprau war and Ihir olhera hate gltrn aaaurance that thry will participate III tuch convention. according to Mine. Iloalk Hcbwliiimer, of Hungary, one , of th women who called at the White llotiae yealerday In urge Prvaldent Wllaoii to lak lha Initiative for peace. Mine. Schwimmer Walled tb Hl, Norwegian, Swedish and Nrlherlanda the land, making roadway and minuter here tiMlay and aaid be for It was voted lo obtain. If possible. the old car barn located across the treel from the school house fur play vrounds during the rainy season. The I building is the property of tbe Port land Railway, Light i Power company, and covers more than half a block in. I w i'l be ample for a playshed. OSWEGO TO ELECT THREE COUNCffl ABOUT ONETHIRO AS MANY WO MEN AS MEN TO VOTE SIDEWALK MATTER. I bard surfacing tho roads and streets, laying water malna to be supplied with Hull Run water, and erecting an rice trio light Hue connecting up with Ihe Portland plant. Already icvcrul fine hiimea are b Ink built In thl section. It I pr. dieted (hut within a few )ritr al Ihe moat all Ihe bind between Oawego and Port land wl'l be pretty well dotted with homea POLICE CATCH EOUR OSWKtiO, Ore., Dec. 3. (Special) About one-third a many women a turn will vote In the Oswego city rlec- the week or until the teacher recovers, j ton licit Monday, this being about Ihe L. Kanton, of Strawberry Point j ratio of suffrugrttes to men registered Iowa, and Gene Kaston. of Crabtree. the total number of which is a little Ore., visited w 1th Ira Hart on Monday. J Mrs. I.liiujln Goodwin and son Hil ' lie returned from a two months' vUlt 'with friends In Pltthurg. Pa. Mis. Goodwin will teach at night school in over 200. No little Interest is being shown thl week In the election, which provides for only three council being chosen, ami It Is predicted (hut the OSWKtiO. Ore.. Dee. (Spe. Iiill- Th- police of Portland made a catcli a few duva ago of four men i hurged with having rohhftt the Portlund Kail way. Light t Power comimiiy of cop per wire, no small quantity of whbd was taken from the company's prop erty In the vicinity of Oswego. The iHILWAUKIE SCHOOL I THY TH DF MIIIQl,'"l!"'ln''IMr.(;o.dwlnwlllremaln;wll, """ ,,,"n lh " .treel, Fortlaud. while much of (he i IMA IU DL 04 P LL0 I' hi ""other at the old home )n ' " ' ! ' - n he city hall (he I wlr,., mllm. T(il polllllll)i ,10(, ,, I Pittsburg during the year j officers of which wl'l be: Judges, A. J. rvudy for shipment east, was locuted contest will be rinsed. The election ( ,m.n woro .rrted on Kant Third MlLWAl'KIK, Dec. 3. (Special) The business concents of t'Jls tow n arc not complaining over business comli- ( MlLWAl'KIK. iH-c. 3. (Special.) turned from Wasbraglou. D. ('., was At a recent siiex-lal meeting the tax-1 rilling on Lmlge friends on Tuesday payers of the Mllwaukle school district and was accompanied out from Port levied a tax of 6 3-1 mills for school j hmd by "Mrs. Albert Pierce. nuriMHioK for (he enauliitf Vear. Th(v 0..1..1. i...n.. t .1.1. ..1....- i... tlotis. In fact, they reiwrt the latter to ' " " , ' "," 7, ' .nr.in . i , " " ' ' "'" 1 ... .i. a . 1 1. lBlso vo,m1 10 lKtltltm l"e ' football game at Corvallls on Thanks be better than a year.ago and quite , , 4 .. company to !,.., ., . m..,.., n,. I ThitinnKnn i linlrmnii Murv MnMir utlil I n. .. L.,.a.i i....t. i... Mrs. IH-Forest who has recently re "' , " ., . 'i"rk VM,l ,. " " ' ' MUH..r ... r.er, r ,e, . .ur grant tlle uhc of the abandoned car 1 0n. ntv nl(!h ,Pam. n.,,ri C C. Holds suffering from a r-l -t-- 1 .1 I ... .(. . . . t. ,1 mi -- " 1 ernff-hM Iin4 lien mile lo lip biioiii I Clay and Charles Hlckner. The can-: ! dldutes for election are: Matt Md.cn. ' O. It. Fox and August Kempln, present 1 councilmen; J. W. King, Klmer L. Shipley and Mrs. .Mary ('. Smith. In I addition lo the selection of three conn cilmen, the voters will be culled upon to decide' the mutter of a sidewalk In certuln section of the city as pe titioned for. T There are three acts, and it takes the better part of two hours to produce comedy. NEW FIRE . STATION MILWAUKIE, Ore., Dec. 1. (Spe cial.) Mllwaukie's new fire station, re cently authorized by the council at an expenditure of 500, Is nearing comple tion on the property of Mrs. Llewellyn, adjoining the postoffice. The station, at the rear, haa a high tower, which will hold the Ore bell, while the sta tion will Bcrve as a home for tbe hose carts, hose and other apparatus. In addition to the new station the fire boys have been provided with 1000 feel of new hose and they will be better prepared than ever to fight fire. Tho new station is 24x30 feet and has a concrete floor. The rental of the land on which the building stands has been given to the city free by Mrs. Llewellyn. has now been running steadily for n past two months, giving employment to a large number of men at go-id wages, and the Hawley Pu'p & Paper company sawmill has started up .'or Its winter's , run, and altogether the outlook Is most encouraging for r.n active winter with practically every able bodied man employed. It Is hoped that the work upon the new city wafer system will be started before the first of the year and this will give employ ment for several weeks lo a number of men. E act as the Intermediary. It was uUo voted to put in a heating apparatus In Mrs. Taylor who Is soon to leuve fori the basement of the school hulUling ' l'""'"!. for the winter Is the house . ihnt th room nmv be made com I K1'1'1" of Mr u'"1 Mr A- ..'MacFur- so thut tbe room may be mado com fortable for the children who cat thc-Ii dinners there as well ns use It for a re- 1 lane. I L MILWAUKIE, Ore., Nov. 29. Henry Sanders, who died at his home in Mil waukie, aped 78, was born in Germany. MILWAUKIE. Dec. 3. (Special.) Showing its interest and appreciation of the efforts of the Parent-Teacher association in providing appartatus for the athletic side of school life, the peo ple of Milwaukie, in lurge numbers, turned out last Friday night and pa tronized the moving picture show put on for this especial purpose. The scenes shown on the screen at the moving picture theater, which had beon so kindly donated by the mana ger were "The Taming of the Shrew" and "Hansel and Gretel," the former a I Shakesperean play and the latter a fairy tale. Mrs. Gilinsky was in I charge of the entertainment as chair man, and much credit is due the efforts of herself and committee. The pro ceeds will be donated to the school for Mrs. Allen, of Seaside, but former- creation room. While the building '' from Concord, whs a business call proper Is heated by hot air. It is quite er on Tuesday. likely that some other means will havt. Melvin Perkins left on Sunday fur to be employed as the plant is already Sa'em where he goea to attend school carrying as large a load as Is consist- tils young brother, Richard, will ut ent with satisfactory results. It Is ul-: tend school at Kugene, They are the together probable that gas heaters may sons of Dr. Perkins, be Installed. Kl-n Hart is 1 njoyln ga visit with , I lie Thomas family In their new home I at Pleasant Home. E. A. Sanders has been called to the j home of his father at Springwaler. I Some days auo Mr. Sunders, Sr., fell and fractured !ils foot and it has prov en serious and tin- foot may have to be amputated. j The Community club will meet on SPECIAL TAX OF 10 MILLS VOTED: Monday evening, December at the ROAD MEETING HELD AT JENNINGS LODGE PERKINS HOME IS DE STROYED BY FIRE. ' I Mine Front hull. A program is being arranged, anil Items of interest are to I be discussed. OSWKtiO. Dec. 3. (Speclul) In the deuth of Sister Mary Edward ut the Convent of the Holy Name near Oawe go last Thursday, tho Catholic cause lost otic of Its pioneer workers and one whose example of Christian life will stand as a bluing example to many. Sister Mary Edward was 78 years of age unci for nearly tiO years had been in religious service, having come from Montreal to Oregon in IXH3. When she Jolii';d Hie order sho v.as Odlle Chli'oiiie and her relatives live In Mont real, lloston and Chicago. Sister Mary Edward was one of tho two sisters who handled the smallpox epidemic In Jack sonville. Ore., In S(i9. Hurlal was made Sunday ut Ihe Ho'y Name ceme tery, near the convent. OSWKtiO. Ore., Dee. 3,-(Speclu The Oswego high school foothu'l team closed Us seuson on Thanksgiving day with a game with Ihe Hrooklyn high school team, Portlund, losing by the score of .11' to 0. The gume hud orlgl nully been scheduled with the Over look school team, Portland, but the hit ter wa-i umihlc lo keep its engage muiit, so ttio Hrooklyn lads filled In. ICL Mr. Sanders had been a resident of 'the purpose of playground equipment. Milwaukie for 29 years. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Anna Sanders; daughter, Mary Sanders, and two grandsons, Ralph Howard and George j Cooper. Funeral services will be he'd from the conservatory chapel of F. S Dunning, and will be conducted by the East Side funeral directors tomorrow at p. m. Interment will be in the Riverview cemetery. CLUB HAS NEW HOME MILWAUKIE, Ore., Dec. 1. (Spe cial.) The next meeting of the Mil waukie Commercial club will probably be held in the new quarters of the or ganization, a building on Oak street, kindly donated by Mrs. Hays. Unless a special meeting is called the club will convene regu'arly on December 1, when one of the chief matters will be to lay plans for the celebration of the completion of the Oregon City & Port land Railway system. T YET ESTABLISHED MILWAUKIE. Dec. 3. (Special) While it was exacted that the sche dule for the running of trains over the new Portland & Oregon City Railway system from Ardenwald to Ilaker's Hridge wou'd go into effect Tuesday, President Stephen Carver of the rail road announced that all the details were not completed to make this pos sible, and it will likely be a few days longer before the schedule Is established. ERECTING NEW HOMES. MILWAUKIE, Dec. 3. (Special ) M. L. Kane, of Island, and Charles Senson, of Harrison street. Milwau kie, are having new homes erected. MOVIES TO AID SCHOOL MILWAUKIE. Ore., Dec. L (Hpe cialfl) With a view to aiding in the purchase of playground apparatus for the Milfcaukie school, the Milwaukie Parent-Teacher association will have charge of a moving picture entertain ment at the moving picture theater to night. The procr-eds will be used in the purchase of playground apparatus. je.vm.Vo3 Lonr:E. Oic. nrc. ;;. , (Special) Two hundred voters attend- J ed the road meeting held at the Oak . Grove hall Saturday night, November! 27th. Ed. Olds, the supervisor of road I district No. i7, presided and John Ris-' ley acted as secretary. , The budget which had been prepared j and recommended at a previous meet- MILWAUKIE, Dec. 3. (Special). Ing was read by the secretary. It was The ladies of tUu Catholic church of discussed some but as it had been Mllwaukle cloned one of the most sue- voted on at the November 3 meeting cessful bazaars In (heir history last and carried. The next business was night after a two days' session. The to vote on a special levy of 10 mills, bazaar proper win: held on the second 1 87 favoring the special levy and j floor of the Milwaukie Grange hall, opposing It. Mr. Jones and C. W. Ris-j while the first floor was reserved for ley were nominated for supervisors) the big dinners, and suppers served and Mr. Kls'cy received the majority j each day, followed by dancing In the of votes and was declured elected. Mr. evening. Tuesday's meals were served Rislcy Is so well known in this county under the direction of Mrs. M. A. John and being a good road enthusiast 10 son, chairman, while those of Wednes ilnnlit will mHke 11 snlendld suiiervlsor 1 day were lu charge of Mrs. A. T. 55an- Mr. Olds gave a report of the work done during the year and the amount which was expended during each month. As there was no special levy E ders, chicken being served each day. The entertainment on Tuesday even ing, aside from darn ing, was furnished by Ihe Christian Ilrothers College Olee last year Mr. Olds did not have as club from Portland, under the direction large amount of money to spend on the roads as former supervisors. Three committeemen from different parts of the district were chosen, Alex Gill be ing elected by the Meldrumltes to act of Its Instructor, Mrs. Minnie Thomp son Carty, which delighted the audi ence with lt;i program of several num bers. Wednesday evening Hoesley's orchestra of Milwaukie furnished the in the southern portion in regard to' music for the dancing, and a iniscel- accepfing road work. It is up to the.laneous program was .rendered. As a voters to decide whether the streetj result o? the bazaar and meals, the la FhaM have crushed rok or other s'tr-Idles of the church find their treasury facing. A large delegation from the' greatly Increased, as practically ev- soiithern part of the district and tills . erytliing was donated place was present t the meeting. ! M Mrs. Dwyr of Portland was a ra'ler) at the Roberts' home on Wednesday.! The Southern Pacific has iiered a , and sheds, and while the former will MILWAUKIE, Dec. .'!. (Speclul.) The Hl'idel.ts of tho Mllwaukle high school being anxious to advance them selves in a literary way have organ ized a debating society, the first meet ing being held Tuesday arternoon at the close of school, when the follow ing officers were elected: President, Rolfe Skitlason; vice-president, Fran ces Johnson; secretary, William Miller. The students wHI meet once every twi weeks when debates and literary en tertainments will be held In the high school at the close of the regular school hour. BELL IN PLACE OSWEGO, Ore., Dec. .'1, (Special) Oswego's new lire bell tower was erect ed during the past week and the new be'l Installed In tho same, on the va cant lot at tho corner of Front street und A avenue, so that II Is centrally located where It can easily be reached mid heard by the volunteer firo fight ers. them the Information given Ihe pn lleut a to the heeling of Kuropeaa neutral goteriimenta toward th pr eel. Minn Schwimmer would not glv Ih name of the Kunqiran neutral roun- trie she referred to, but all said all of the foreign milliliter abroad 111 on whom she h-id lulled had mnntfcaled atrong ilealm lo leant what tbe Amer ican position would l. It had ben indicated, aha .aid. Dial vnrlou prey Ion peace plana bad tw n rrected because, of the wear tlat ar llun Influence might he. snapi-cled. She thought the preaent movement, urged by the wemin of the. world, would be fne of that anapli Ion, andjf Indicated that the European neutrals believed that th l ulled State thould take the IntllnlUe both a the noat Important of th nrrtla powers and be cause It great distance from the is en of the atruggle made for I111partl.il u Hon. The ni iilral mliilater here were to'il today, Madame Schwimmer .aid, that regnrdle. of whether a formal t (infer ence- of neutral government wa called a popular emigre would be held In ome neutral European capital, which would draft a plan for peace and for mally present It tn each of the bollluer- etila. The hundred of letters and tele grams sent to President Wilson during the past few day. In th women' an-- pnlgn lo Induce him to take the Inltia live for peace have been umwil on to th state department, which tonight Issued a statement anylng the augKes tlon they contained would tecclve "the attention of the dcimrlment." ENEMIES AT 3 POINTS TOLMINO, GORIZIA AND DOBERDO ARE IN DANGER FIGHTING OF FIERCE NATURE. OSWEGO HAS FIRE BELL OSWEGO, Ore., Dec. 1. (Special.) Oswego now has a fire hull lo sum mon volunteer lighters, and work is underway for the erection of a tower for the sume with n station beneath for the hose cart. There Is a good supply of buckets und ladders and with the added equipment the town will he fairly able to baltlo against tho fire demon. kONDON, Nov. 30. With the retreat of the greater part of the Serbian army ucruss the Albaiiluiil frontier, the slowness of the operations ngnliist Montenegro and lu southern Serbia, owing to the wintry weather, and Hie absence of liny major operations on Ihe western and eastern fronts, Inter- st In the military side of the war Is now transferred lo tho Aiistro-Ilallan I frontier. There King Victor Kmunuel's troops are currying on an energetic offensive ngtilnst the Aiistrlans. Tho fighting on this front has been (ho most sustained and fiercest of the whole war. For weeks tho lliillns have been attacking the Austrian bridge heads und mountals positions alon- tho Isonzo river, a ml uro slowly hut surely drawing their nets around Tol tiiino, Gorlzln and Doherdo. PIPE PLANT WORK OSWEGO, Ore., Dec. 1. (Special.) While no announcement lias come forth, still everything points to early resumption of work at the plant of the Oregon Iron & Steel company, on the river. Superintendent W. W. Todd j and crew of carpenters and laborers I are at work repairing Hie buildings NEW THEATER ALMOST FINISHED OSWEGO, Ore., Dec. 3, (Special) The new moving picture theater build ing is all completed bu the painting, which will bo rushed with a view to oc cupancy of the commodious und up-to-date structure by the hollduys. MRS. HAYNES IMPROVING. OSWEGO, Ore., Dec. 3, (Special) Mrs. J. Huynes of Oswego, who hns been ill at the Oregon City hospital for the paHt three or four weeks, Is report ed to be Improving, word having been received from there today. She is suf fering from a severe stomach ailment, and Is igider the care of Dr. H. S Mount. During the Thanksgiving holiday". 1 dividend of $1.50 per share on common Harold Smith came home from Reed j stock, that Is at the rate of $1 per cent, coltoge to spend hi3 vacation with hi" j This is we 'come news for everybody In parents. Wendell Smith and Miss: the state of Oregon for no Industry Campbell came home on Wednesday j spends mmiev (aster than a railroad on the Southern Pacific special which when It is prosperous. not talk, still it isUhought that the making of pipe is to be resumed very soon, or else the repair work would not be undertaken at this time. When this plant Is In full operation between 50 and 60 men are employed. COUNCIL MEETS, OSWEGO, Ore., Dec. 3 (Special) The city council meets tonight, but up lo late today tho "dads" will have noth ing out of tjie ordinary to occupy their attention. The city officials will make their regular monthly reports and the usual grist of hills will be audited und a'lowed. . BUILDING A NEW HOME. OSWEGO, Ore., Dec. V(Specful) Marlon Piatt, the shoemaker, has started the erection of a new home in the city limits, the same to cost about $1,000. PORTLAND, Ore,, Doc. 1. Ilruco Granville wild J. 0, Donvlllo were found guilty in the Untied States court today of robbing Station A of tho Port land poslofrice and threatening the life of A, C. Ott, superliilendeiit, with drawn revolvers. Judge Wolverton wl'l pronounce mm tenco on the men next Monday morn ing. Tho penalty under the law is ii years In Ihe federal penitentiary,' If reports are correct, tho h1ii::Io tux uggltiitoi's nre out again and tho peo ple will he tiHltcd to vote on this ques tion at. the next election for about Ihe fifth time lifter overwhelming defeats at all previous elections. Why don't these riittlorbrnlncd politicians move out of Oregon to a single tax country? It is an insult to the people of Oregon to bring this question up iiguln so soon. Cough and Cold 'Are Dangerouo . Few of us realize tho danger of Coughs and Colds. We consider them common nnd harm'ess ailments. How ever statistic s tell us every third per son dies of a lung ailment. Dangerous Itronclilnl and Lung diseases follow n neglected cold. As your body strug gles against cold germs, no better aid can be had than Dr. King New Dis covery., Us merit bus been tested by old and young. In use over 4."i years Get a bottle today. Avoid the risk of serious Lung ailments. Drupu'lsts. (Adv.)