J la lb Uisntll t'ourl of Iba Mat u( or. for l ie kiwi ('Mtitlf. Wm llradlay. MalnUM. 4lu.ua llradlay. I. ft-n.Uni T Alaille lllxllei above named de la iba ua i.l iba Hula ol Oranoii ton ara barefey rw)ulrrl I" appaar au'l 4M ... Iba .ouiplaliil filed eaaltisl m la Iba shot enl Iliad mi. mi or la lura lb 1Mb Oar of Dwawbar, &, said 4al being Iba eiiliatliMi of all aaka from Iba Ural publlnlloa of Ibla summons, ami If vou fall lo ap pear nr si.es. i all nuilalnl. fr aanl thereof, lb plaintiff will apply lo Iba rourt for Iba rallaf prird fur la hi. i mnplalal, to aril KVir a darrra dissolving Ihe mar iiaat. mnlracl aow ailallng Iwlaaan plaintiff anil defendant Thla aula nons la published by onlar of Hon J D Campbell. )udga of ihe ('In mi rouil. wbleh order aa inaila mi Iba ?th ilar ! Oi lobar, r.'l' ami Iba lima pres. rtbad for pulilli allon thereof la I. a-, beginning wllh lha leoe dated friday. Daintier 2th. Itlt. and lonlluulu eadi week Ibaraaflrr lo and Inrludlng friday. Ilarattbar 10th Ida llltOWKKM. A HIRVKIIH. Attorneya for llatlnf iy Summon In Hip f'lrrtilt Court of lha Hlata of (ri'fnn. for Marhamai County fienevtefe Clem. Plaintiff VB. J, r Clam. Defendant To J Y Clam, above named defend ant In Iba Nam hf the Hlata of Oregon rim ara hereby required lo appaar anil answer tba romplalul filed against you In lha abnva entitled ault. on or be fori- lha rd ilar of Decemhar, Itlt, aid data Lain, lha expiration of all weeks from tha flrat pulillratlon nf this iiminniia. and If roil fall lo ap i,.-..r nr alia, f udl 'nmplalnl. fur aant tbaraof. tha plaintiff will apply lo lha rourt for lha rallaf brayed for In bar r nmplalnl. to-wlt-Knr a deeree dissolving lha mar rlge rnnlrarl now existing between plaintiff and dafandant Thl urn mona la puhllahad hr ordar of linn (lao H llaglay. Judge of lha circuit i uri. for nialrtrt No It. Htala of Ore ion. wblrh ordar waa mada on tha !lal day of Ortobar, and tha tlma pro acrlhad for puhllratlnn lharrof la all nil beginning wllh tha laaua datail Prtday. OcloUar 22nd. II5, and ron Uniting each waak Iharaaftar lo and Including rYlday. lactmtiar 3rd, 1116. IIROWNKI.I. HIKVKRH. Atlornaya fpr Plaintiff Summon In Ihr ('In lilt Court nf the Htala nf Oregon, fur flarkainaa County. Illady Maria June. Plaintiff. v. Man W Join Itafandant To lien W. Jonaa. ahovanatned ill fandaiit : In tha name of the Statu of OreH'.n, and you arc hereby required to .'n- lur niul unswer Ilia complaint flluil against you. In lha above entitled ault on or before the 2tith day of Novem m-r, rn:.. snld ilatn being tin' cxplra- nun of six weak from the flrat ptitill i atlon o( thla summons, and If you full to appear ami answer aulil rum plaint fur want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court fur the rcll. f prucd fur In her umplnlnt to n It Por u divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between I ho plnlnllff ami dcfeitdunt. Thla summons lit published hy order of .1. I'. Camphell. Judge of the circuit i unit, which order wn miule on (ho i .Mil duy of October. IH5. nml the llmo prescribed for ptilillciilion there nf h nix weeka, lieglnnlliR wllh Hie Ihmio iiatfd Prlila. Ofltobar K.th. 1915, ami continuing each Week thereafter m ami Inclutlltii; rYliluy, Nnvemlier Jiilh. lfir. 0B0, c. BgQWNHUi nnd CIIAH. T. RIKVKKS. Altorueyii for Plulntlff. Summoni. In the ClrctilisJ'oiirt of the State of Oregon, for CtSdtalBM County. MyrtlO Cavaua : h Pllllntlff. Yl. Malthew Cavntmiiglt. Dofuntlattt. To Matthew QmMUgb, the uliovo iiiimeil (lefciiilant : In llm Niitne nf the Slate of Oregon yoll .ire hereby reunited to appear niul atiHwcr pliiliitlff'H cnntplalnt on or he forti llm i'iIIi day nf December. 11 Ti, iinil If yotl fall to ho appear and an- Hvver anld complaint for want thereof plulnllff will apply to the court for lha relief delilftiided III IijT COtTlptaYlnb, to wlt: For a decree (IIhhoIvIiik the mar rlage cotttnict now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for nucli other and further relief as to anld court may acem equitable. Thin Mini monH Ih piibllsheil by order of Honor able (ieo. H. Mauley. Judge of the above entitled oourt The flrHt publication of lhl mini mona to bo October 22nd, ldfl, and the Ihhi date of publication thereof to be December 3, iir.. coitnorv D. HATBS, Attorney for Plulntlff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notlro Ib hcroby given by the tindor siriu-il ndinlnlBtrntrlx of the oatate of (Icorge V. Hlghum, dgOaaiad, lius filed her final account and 1 1 mi. II- S. An daraon, Judgo of the county couvt lor (Mackninna county, state of Oregon. has appointed Monday. December li 1015, nt JO o'clock a. tix. thereof f;r the hearing o( objections to such flnul ac count and the settlement thereof. MOI.UE D. IlI(iIIM. Administratrix of the estnto of Ooorge W. Wglmnj, Deceased. Notice to Creditor. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned tins been duly appointed ns administrator of the estate of Henry Karl Dlockmnn, deceased, and any and nil persons having claims agalnBt Bald estate must present them to the under signed, duly verified, as by law re quired, nt his residence near Wilson vllle. Oregon, within six month from the date of this notice. Dated October 26th. 1916. OUST JAEGER, Administrator. DIM1CK A DIMICK at MULVEY. Attorney for Administrator lummn. In Ilia ( In nil Court of lb MUI of ONgfaaV 'or lb i on, I, of Clark luat Jaent K Uldlay. I'lalnllf. Mb Jamaa V Uldlay, Dafen.Unt To Jojow W. Uldlay. dafandant alM.t Hamad lu Iba Kama of Ihr Hlala of Oiagou. ara baraby raoulrad lo appear aad you anawer i fn- ipUlnl filed aaaliiat you la Ilia above entitled rourt and hum on or liafor a iba 3rd day of la reinitar, Itlt, aeld data balm all aaka after Iba Ural puhld allon of Ibla aumuiona, and If you fall to ao appear and aniwaf wllbln aald lima, Iba plaintiff will apply III lha rourt for lha rallaf prayed for In her coin plaint filed baraln. to wll A dacrea of thla lourt dlaaolvlng iba Itond of tnatrlniony no and heretofore ailat lug between plaintiff and mir aalf on Iba ground of rrual and Inhuman treatment and personal IndtguIHe rendering Ufa l.ordenaome, and for general relief Thla aummoii I published onre wk for ill i onarutlra weak Imak Ing He veil Inaertlimai by order of the llotiorabla J I' Campbell, fudge of lb.- abma entitled court, date October 1Mb. Itlt Date of flrat publication. October tlnd. Itlt. lute of i.i.i publli allon. Iii a emi.er 3rd. Itlt. It I. MACKKN'ZIK. Attorney for Plaintiff Sheriff tal on taaculion. In the i in mi Court of the Hlate- Oragon. for tbe County of Clacka gegtt, Charlea llnhiH-. Plaintiff. v. N'liltbaealern Ani Lltlotl. a ..u;".r lion. H'fendant Mtate of ni. not. Couul) of I'lackamaa. ea: - It) virtue of a Judgment order, de rue and an execution, duly laauad out of and under the aeul of the above entitled court. In the above entitled auae. to ma duly directed and dated the 16th day of October. ItlS. upon a Judgment rendered and entered In ald i, mhi on the 2nd day of Atiguat, ltlfi. In favor of Charlea Hohne. plaintiff, and again! Northwestern AaHOclatlou, a i orporatiuti, defendant, for the um ol IITlnns, uil tbe costs of ami upon Ihla writ, i oimnandlng me out of the personal property ol aald defendant, and If sufficient could not be found, then out of the real properly Mong Ing to aald defendant on and after the date of said Judgment to satisfy aald urn of II 710.011 and alao the cost up on thl aald writ. Now, therefore, by virtue of aald ex ecution. Judgment ordct and decree, and In compliance w llb the i ommanda of aald writ, belrg unable to llnd any personal property of ald defendant', I did on the Ifilh day of October. 191.'., duly levy upon the following described real property of eald defendant, altu- nle and -elng in the county of Clncka- maa, and stale of Oregon, to-wll: All of Keillnnd Park, according to the i'.p and plot thereof on file In me offlcc of the recorder of convey- nin es for Clacknnuia county, Oregon, except pint mifnltc-red 5 In mibdlvlelon 1 1 i.r esM map and plat, and I will, mi Saturday, the tth day of December. Via, at Ilie nuur Ol m ociock a. in.. al the front door of the county cour.l,,, ,,, rircnl rolir( , K Sute of house In the city of Oregon City, In said county anil state, sell at public auction, auhject' lo redemption, to the highest bidder, for V. S. gold coin. ( ash In lintid, all the right, title mid In terest which tbp within named defend ant, or either of them, luul nil the date of said Judgment or since ha, I in or to the above deacrlhed real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said Judgment order, decree. IntcrcstH. routs nnd all accruing costs. V. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon. By K. Oi HACKKTT. Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. ".th. 1015 Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed Ills final report ns SdntttlltrstOf de bonis nun of the es tate of J, L, Stewnrt. deceased, and that the court has fixed the 29th day of November, 191 f, ut the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of Raid day lo hear any objecllwis thai there may be to said report Any and nil persons are here by notified to appear al the court house In Oregon City. Oregon, at said lime In the County Court If any ob jection they have to said report and the settlement of the said estate. Dnted, October 2R. 1915. U 0. STEWART. Administrator de llonls Non of the Estnto J. to Stewart, Deceased. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney, Administrator' Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the tin derslgned Iuih been appointed admlnl slrator nf the estate of Chus. II. Cn hill, deceused. All persons having claims against said ostate nre horeby notified to present the siune with proper vouchers, duly certified ac cording to law. at the offlco of Hrow nell & Slevors, at Oregon City, Ore gon, within six months of the date of Ibe first publication of this notice. Dated, November nth. 1915. B. C. HACKETT. Administrator of the Estate of Chus 11. Cahlll, Deceased. HROW4MEDI4 & SI B VERS, Attorneys for the Administrator, Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the Stute of Oregon for Clackamus County. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary J Thrap, Deceased. Notice Ib hereby given that the un derslgneil has : n duly appointed by the county court of the sUte of Ore gon for sold county, executrix of the estate of Mary J. Throp. deceased. All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby required to present them to me properly verified as by law required, at office of Hammond & Hammond. Heaver building. Oregon City. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Date of first publication. November 12. 1915. LYDIA SMOCK, Executrix of the EsUte of Mary J. Thrap, Deceased. 0HB0OK PITY Nolle la Crfdll' Noilra I hfbv alvae thai ll.a un drrilgued baa Iwui apiatlntad Uy tba honorable County Court of Clai kaina County, Oregon. admlnUlralli of lb aatata of barb a K ymnn d aaaed. All paraona having rtalma agalnal Ih aald aatata are hereby not I fieri lo pre ant the aama lo me for payment wllb Km priii- r t ondatra at my raaldatica, Klyvflla and adjolnlmi lb clly "ragon i uy, wrtv Muiaiia riMO, aitnin an muiiina iiwn. tha data of tbla notlra Haled, lobar II. Itlt l,( K K QUNN. AdinlnlatralrU of lha Katata of Cbarlaa K Qultiu. Han-am-d Summon. In Hie Circuit Court of tha Hlala of Ortgon for I'lackamaa County Viola llubball, Plaintiff, ve. Crank llubball, Defendant To Frank llubhell. above named da fandant: In the name of the Htala of Oregon you are hereby required lo appear anu .inawei ihr romplalul flld agalnal you In lha above entitled mil. on or Ih forr the 21th day of Deotuber. Itl.1, aid data i.. inr the expiration f.f ill weake from the flrat publication of Ihla summon, and If you fall lo ap pear or anawer aald complaint, for want thereof, tba plaintiff will apply lo the rourt for th relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wlt: Kor a decree dlsaolvlng the marriage 000 tract now exlallng between ilUi tiff a- defendant. Thl itmnen Is puljUkbed by order of Hon. I, C amp tell, Judge of the circuit court, ha :. ortjer waa made on tba tih day of No vember, llli.. end the time prearrlbed for publication thereof I U week, la-ginning with Iba lama dated tYlday, November 12th, Itlf., and continuing each w.- k thereafter to and Including Prldar, December 21th. 1115. HHOWNEM. 8IKVKIDJ. Attorneya for I'lalniirr. Summon. In the Circuit Court of tbe HUta of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Miriam Uiiggood. Plaintiff. ve. t'ha (i l.otiKgiMid, Defendant. To eh i ti. Unggood, aliove named daf mdant: In the name of (he Htate of Oreyon i ,, ri, hi-n-l.i lequiie.l lo nppcarxsiiJ anawer the complaint filed against you In the above c.'itltled ault, on or In fore ihe 2tlh day of December 1115. aald date being the expiration of all weeks from Um flrst publication of thl ummona, and If you fall to . j , .u or anawer aald complaint, for want there of, th idatntlff will apply to tin court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving Ihe marrlare contract now exlitlng between plain tiff and defendant. Thl aunnnon I. published by order of Hon. J. 1'. ('amp i. ell. Judge of the circuit court, ahlch order was iiiude on the ltlh duv of Novcmlrr, IDIf., and Ihe lime pre scribed for publication thereof la ,x weeks, beginning with the Issue dated Friday. November 121b. 1915, and con- tlntHng i-ecb 'W(s-i thereafter to and Including Friday, December 2tth. IIM5. BBOWNFI.I. & SIKVcM-t, Attorneya for Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. W L, Mulvey. Plaintiff, va. George l Ross and Artlnsln O. os. Ills wife. Defendants. Stute of Oregon. County of Clackamas, a. Hy virtue of u Jiidgmeut order, de cree and tin execution, duly Issued out of nnd under the seal of Ihe above entitled court, in the nbove entitled cause, to me duly directed nnd dated the Rth day of November, 1915, upon a juilgmunt rendered and entered In aald court on the 5th duy of Novem ber. 191 1, Iii favor of W. U Mulvey, plaintiff, and against George I. ROM and Artlnslu O. Ross, his wife, defend ants, for Ihe sum of $200.00, with Inter est thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per tonuqi from the 25th day of May I'M I, nnd the furlltor aum of $50.00, us attorney's fop. nnd the further sum of 1I 25 costs nnd disbursements, and Ihe costs of and upon this writ, rnimiutndlng me to make sule of the following described real property, situ ate In the county of Clnckamus, state of Oregon, to-wlt: All of lot fifteen (iii) In "Jennings Lodge," according to the duly recorded plat thereof. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said ex ecution. Judgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of snld writ, I will, on Snturday, the tlth day of December, 1915, nt the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at the front door of the county court house In the city of Oregon City, In sold county otnl state, sell nt public auction, subject to redemption, lo the highest bidder, for D. S. gold coin, cash In hand, all the rlcht, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, luul on the date of Ihe mortgage ,.. nr u ,, , - ,n thn nlinv described real promrt or nil) pari thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judg ment order, decree, Interest, costs and nil accruing costs. W. JT. WILSON, Sheriff of Clnckamas County, Oregon. Hy E. C. HAOKETT. Deputy. Dated. Oregon City, Ore., November 12th, 1915. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the SUte of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Herbert Gordon. Plaintiff, v. j The unknown heirs of Cyrus Wads- worth, deceased, and Jane Doc Wads- worth, his wife, deceased: Emma M McCurdy and Guy T. McCurdy. her husband: Maria C. Engle and How ard E. Engle, her husband: Helen 1 .am; and John Lang, her husband: Rennle A. Moore and James C. Moore, her husband; all the unknown heirs of Orrin Kellogg, deceased, and all the unknown helre of Char lotte Hathaway, deceased, and Jam? Doe Kellogg, wlfeqGeorgfe Kellogg: and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming to have any right, title, estate. Hen or interest in the real e&Ute described in the com plaint herein, Defendants. To the unknown heirs of Cyrus Wads- worth, deceased, and Jane Doe Wade- KNTKHI'lflBE. j' KlOAY. " bl wll. i If aad ') KaatM M. ardy, bar ad ii... id Heaaie Moora. kat i balra of bd all Iba llatbaaar. , M i urdy ' huabai.d K Kngl aad Job A Mooi huaUnd null. h-Hogg, e unlnown balra of deeeeiifl aad Jaa Do Kaiiogg. wii of le;ra Kalksgg ad also ell oxbar paraoa or pertl iisnoae laliaiag to bar ear rlghl tula, aatata. Ilea or latafwet la the real stta daarrtbsHl in l.lalntiff's .oiuplalni In th Bass of ll. stale of (Iragoa. mhi ara berwby reafuiriNi i., appaar aad anawer tba conatalnl filed against you In lha above aolllku mil on or iMfor lb th day of Jeaaary, ltl. aad If you fall lo answer of other la appaar tba plaintiff will applv le iJat nmrt for tb rallaf prayed for In hi complaint. He wll: First -Thai Um plalullf. be decreed lo b the oargsar of Iba followlag da xrllied leal property. in llegin ulng at the Mint ' miner of aeld Wodawortb donation lead claim: theore north following Iba vast Una of aald claim ISM feet to a ataka; Iheri ereat Mvt. fret to e tak la Iba weal lioundary Una of aald claim: Ibence south 14 drgren U mlnulaa eaat following the aest Una of aald claim UU it feat to a .take in tba reentrant corner In said weal Ilea, tbenrs) south 101 M feet lo Iba south weet comer of ald . lalro. tbeooo outh HV degree ran following lb outb line ol eatd dalm HM.M feet to tba place of beginning, containing I Mi acres, mora or 1. . Said land also 'nig known aa Webater Ai res, lb same conalatlng of 27 tracts, lha plat of which I on file In Ihe record of ciackamaa county. Oregon, and being In section. 7. t aad 17. loanablp 2 south, range I eaat of Willamette me ridian In Clachainas county. Oregon. free from any claim of right, title. e tale, or interest therein of the de fendanla or any of th-m Second - That the said alleged claim I lo or since bad la or to tne eoova oe of right, tllle. latere. (. claim or aetata j scribed reel property or any part there of tbe defendant Is wrongful, Invalid, of. to aatlsfy aald execution. Judgment void and of no effect and doe not con- order, decree, tntereel. coeta and all slltute a cloud upon plaintiff's title and accruing coat ik.l lli. H.fendanl. ..... h and all of them, be permaoaoily restrained end j debarred from claiming any right, title. .. . . a .4 -4 ..ji niiiriT....w.sws.is.,. for audi other relief as may be eqult anie anil provr. snu tor ins usis auu dlaburaementa herein Incurred. Service of thla eummons I made up- on ycaj by publication thereof In pur sueiice of an order of ihe Honorable J. U. Campbell, itrcult Judge of Clack- . mas rnunlv. Oremii made and en tared on the 24lh day of November. ltlfi. ordering euch publlcallon In The Knterpria once a week for alx con - cutlve weaka. the first publication thereof being on the 26th day of No ember. Itlt. MTTI.BnBU) A MACGCIRE. Attorney fur Plaintiff, Notice of Final SettUmtnL Notice la hereby given that the Awl - XXM u .,,.1 .Jmlnli. trator of the estate of Margret Phil- Up, iii cased has been filed In lha County tfourt. of Ciackamaa county. Oregon, that Monday the 20th day of December. A. I) Itlt, at ten o'clock a. BL ha been duly appointed by the court for the settlement of aald ac count, at which time all persons In icrcsted In -.ilu estate may appear and fl'e their eveeptrbns thereto. First publication, November torn. I HI 5. VTS HAMMOND. Administrator oi the Kstute of Mar gret Phillips. Deceased. HAMMOND a HAMMOND. Attorney for Administrator , . Notice for Levy of Additional Road ... Notice Is Hereby given that we. the . undersigned Taxpayers, consisting of ten iwnent of the taxpayers In Hood District .No. ..I. 1 lacKumus county ure- gou. hereliv civ,, notice to Ihe taxpay- ers of said Road District No. 31. that there will be a meeting of ihe taxpay ers In Stufford school at 2:30 p. in.. on the 2Tth day of November. 1915, at 2:30 o'clock p..m., to vote nn addi tional tax In said district for road pur poses, as provided by an act of the legislature In 1913, Soction 6321. page 24. of the Road Laws of Oregon. Fred linker. 0. VanNoftwIck, Grace Gebhitrdt, J. R. Peters, W. C. Murray, ("has. Thompson, H. D. Aden. Joe J. Thornton, 0. P. Aden, John Aden, T. F. lladgley. II. A. llakcr, Otto Pamperln, Edw. Pamperln.. X S. Oldham. Chas. Schaffcr. John Seluff. B. P. Weddle, C. O. Tledem im R. DeNeul. Edward Frederlrh. Notice for Levy of Additional Road Tax. Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned Taxpayers, consisting of ten per cent, of the taxpayers in Road District No. 41, Clackamas county, Oregon, hereby give notice to the Tax payers of said Road District No. 41, that there will be a meeting of the taxpayers of said district in the schoolhouse nt lover, on the 27th day of November. 1!.5, at 2 o'clock p. m to vote an additional tax In said dis trict for road purposes, as provided by nn act of the legislature in 1913, Section 6321, page 24, of the Road Lows of Oregon., JOSEPH DeSHAZER, FRANK AHNERT, J. 0. JONES, CHAS. OJA. A. J. MORRISON, ETHEL ROP.ERTS, PHILLIP P. EVANS. CORA M. UDELL. JOHN APFOI.TER. Notice for Levy of Additional Road Tax. Notice Is hereby given that we, the undersigned taxpayers, consisting of 10 per cent of the taxpayers In Road District No. 2, ClackamaB county, Oregon, hereby give notice to the taxpayers of said Road District No. 2, that there will be a meeting of the Uxpaycrs of said district in Grange hall at Clackamas, on the 27th day of November. 1915, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., to vote an additional Ux In said district for road purposes, as pro vided by en aft of the legislature In 1913, Section 6321, page 24. of the Road liws or Oregon: E P. Dedman, George E. Morley, W. B. Reynolds, W. F. Haberlacb, Frank Haberlach, W. W. Smith, C. J. Miller. A Mattler. W. W KOXMHWQJ Wft J at Uadaa a as H4s laasvr Ui JiAaWiakar. free Midi. Joa- Waejer. Joba liotb. A f. Urasxalaart. c Aatboer. John U le. W T. JaOaetaa. Osfff Jobastoa. Otu WeVk. A Stoba Mllo Th e. ax. II Uagray, T A la ibe Ctwaet Coon of tbe Hut of Of agu. for Use Cattail af t'lsvka little Valat. Plalatlff, v Prad Valat. Defendant Hlala of Oregoa Couetg of Clacka My virtu of a . n, and aa execution, duly of and under lb ral of Ibe ebove aa tilled ourt. in tb above aallHed .auae. to ma dely dlr td aad deiad Iba lllb day of November. Itlt. upon Jedgmvnl rndr.l and entered la said roerl oe the Itlh day of Novem bar. Itlt. la favor of Utile Valat. plaintiff, aad agaleat Krd Valet, da fendanl. for lb mm of 2eee. with intart tberoe at ibe rata of i par rant par annum from Ibe Ittb da of February. 111. aad tba furtbsnr aum of tH 00 coot and dlsburaem-nu. aad Ihr ..an of and upon tbU xxrll. com mending ma lo make sale of the fot lowing deecrlbed reel property, ilto ata In tha county of dark mas. date of Oregon, to-wll I .ol. t aad I of block 1 of YAf wood oddllloa lo Oregon City. Now, therefore, by rfrto of aeld eae Ctxtloa. judgment ordar and decree, and In rompllaare with the rommand of said whl. I will, on Saturday, tbe IXth day of December Itlt. at Ihe boor of 10 o'clock a. m , el tbe front door of me county court hooee In the City of Ore gap Clly. In ld couat, and atate. toll at public au-Hoo. mbjert to redamp Hon. lo tbe blgheal bidder for V. . gold coin cub la head, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendant or either of them, i bad on Ihe dale of the mortgage here- W J. WIIJOV, Sheriff of (nackamaj County. Oregon Hy E. C HACKKTT. rvatitife ZZLr Dated. Oregon City. Ore. November, ism. ivw. j Sommone. . In Ihe Circuit Court of the Sute of Oregon, for Ciackamaa county. Anne 8 Oreene. Plaintiff. re. Wm. K. Oreene. Defendant, To Wm E. Oreene. above-named de 1 denfant: 1 In the name of Ihe State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear aad oaawer Ihe complaint filed against you In Ihe above entitled ault. on or before i the Slat day of December. Itlt. aald date being the expiration of alx weeke from the flrat publication of thla aum- jmons. and if you fail to appear or on- ....... -.1,1 .nmnlalnl 1ir want thereof 'the plaintiff will tT tO tt OWPt tf .n llr nrariwt fnr In her mm II Bint . to-wlt: For a decree dlaaolvlng the marrioge ontrart now exiatlng between plain tiff and defendant. Thl .ummona la published hv order of Hon. J. V. Camp- .... ...a.. .1.4. im.n o..ri ,Mrh order was made on the 12th day of November. 1915. and the lime pre- rlhml for nnhlishlnc thereof Is six weeks, beginning wllh the Issue dated Friday. November 19th. 1915. and con tinuing each week tfiereafter to and in cluding Friday. December 31st. 1915. ItROWNKlX 8IEVERS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. I Not'ce to Creditora, j , mvrtn Court of the United Sutes for the District of Oregon. fflf jMM Halcll nanK. j fu No 35J7 , nkrupcy. Notlce ,g hmb K,yen ,Ut on Mh Jav Qf Novomberi a. D.. 1915. Jessei .. , Q otv Oregon, ' the I bankrupt above named, was duly ad- Jtidicated bankrupt; and thnt the flrst meeting of his creditors will be held at my officeB. rooms S30.S31 North western Rank building. Portland, Ore gon, on the 26th day- of November. 1915, at 10 a. m at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other bus iness as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be presented In form required by the bankruptcy act, and sworn to. The schedule tiled discloses no as sets. Dated November 12, 1915. A. M. CANNON. Referee in Bankruptcy. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un derslgned has filed her final report , first publication of this summons., with the honorable County Court, And if you fail to so appear and an Clackamas county, Oregon, as admlnl- swer said complaint for want thereof tratrix of the estate of Catherine J-' the plaintiff will apply to the court for Jones, deceased, and the court has j the relief prayed for In the complaint fixed the 20th day of December, 1916, which is a decree dissolving the bonds at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. of of matrimony now existing between said day to hear said flnnl report and to settle snld estate. Any persons In terested or having objections are here by notified to appear In the cpurt room of the County Court in the court house. Oregon City, Oregon, at said time and date. ' Dated, November 18, 1915. MINNIE A. THOMAS. Administratrix of the Estate of Cath erine J. Jones, Deceased. GORDON E. HAYES. Attorney. Notice of Final Hearing In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Cluckamas County. In the Mnttcr of the Estate of Louis R. Dohs, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, the duly appointed, quali fied and acting administratrix of the estate of Louis R. Dohs, deceased, has rendered and presented for settlement and filed In the County Court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county, her final report and account, and the said court has by order duly given, made and entered therein, appointed tho 27th day of December, 1915, , for the hearing of objections thereto and settlement thereof. BESSIE T. HOWARD. Administratrix. LITTLEPIELD ft MAGUIRE. Attorneys. First publication, November 19, 1915. Last publication. December 17. 191a PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JO-SI PH E. HEDGE8 Lawyer MOOtCT TO LOAN O a UTOURaTTTm PrsmMaax. r j HstTgftL "rrbier The First National Bank ol Orogoo Cit y , Orrtoti CAPITAL. 8440000 s ari 4nhlMt Winim Hammeaal Philip L. ttgeamsnt HAMMOND 4 HAMMOND Abetrarte. Real Ketat. lma. lasur OHISMON CfTT. OII4N I'aeiflr Phone It. Home Ph.. A 271 Offlre Phone ferine Main 401. Home a ::; T0NI A MOULTON Atterneye-etd.ex Heaver Hldg . Room oRKooN crrr - . oreuon 0. 0. IIV Attorney et-Lev Money loaned, a bet r act a furnish ad. land till examined, eetatee eettlad. general law busloeee Over Bank ef Oregon City. W.S.EDDY,V.S.,M.D.V. Oraduate of tbe Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto. Canada, and tbe MeKllllp School of Sur gery of Chicago, le eetabllahed al Faahion Ruble, between Fourth and Fifth on Main Street Moth Telepbooee Office - Pacific Si: Home A t Re. - Pacific IS!: Home H-M Summon. In the drcoll Court of the State of , Mary Tbereaa Fenton. Plaintiff, va. Charlea Henry Fenton. Defendant. ' To Charlea Henry Fenton. defend ant, above-named: In the name of the Ule of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed against you in the above- entitled court and cause on or before the Tth day of January, Itlt. aald date being alx week after tbe flrst publication of this summons, and If you fall to ao appear and anawer within said time, the plaintiff will ap ply to tbe rourt for Ihe relief prayed for In her complaint tiled herein, to wlt: A decree of this court dlaaolvlng 1 ? ."g i eassxre i.l ov.-... ,...., .uu defendant. This summons is published once a week for six consecutive weeka by or- i ' ot ,the "forable J. l Campbell f the abov e entitled court, dated November 23. 1915. Date of flrst publication, November 26. 1915. Date of last publication. January 7. 19 10 WM. P. LARD. Attorney for Piatntiff. Portland. Oregon. Lewis Hldg. Executrix' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed execu trix of the estate of Samuel Case, de ceased: all persons having c'alms against suid estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouch ers, duly certified uc.ordlng to law, at the office of Hrownell & Slevers, at Oregon City. Oregon, within six months of the date of the first publlca- Hon of this notice. Dated November 26, 1915. MARY CASE. Executrix. HROWNELL & SIEVERS. Attorneys for Executrix. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Dawn Bird, Plaintiff, vs. John Clifford ltlrd. Defendant. To Johu Clifford Bird, the above named defendant: In the name of the Stute of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed here on or before the 7th day ot January. 1916, said date being more than six weeks after the dnte of the i the plaintiff and the defendant and for the care, custody and control of the minor child, John Clifford Bird, Junior, and for such other and fur ther relief as to the court may seem Just. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In the Oregon City Enterprise foj six consecutive weeks. by order of Honorable J. V. Campbell juuge 01 tne aDove entitieu court maae , and entered the 21th day of November, 915- I Date of first publication. November, 26th, 1915. 1 Date of last publication. January 7th WS. 1 E. M. SCANLON. j Attorney for Plaintiff. Vancouver. Wash., Room 4, Schofleld j Blk or In care Clerk Circuit Court. Oregon City, Oregon. 1 Mothers Watch Irritable Children! That fever, paleness, grinding of teeth while asleep, and coated tongue are Indications that your child has worms In its system. KIckspoo Worm Killer quickly gets rid of these para sites. It is perfectly safe for een the most delicate children. It is pleasant to take has three effective medical qualities: acts as a laxative, expels the worms, and tones up tbe system. Begin treatment today and eliminate the cause of lrritablenees. 25c. XV UNMAN D BUILDING 0a Irani t A M te I P at CLAU0I W. OlVOftC. Atterny-et-Lexv NeUry Public. Kaloceda. Oregon. Phone. I .. ., , . Iloma A III 0IOR0C C. IROWNILL Attarneyet-Levxi All legal builnmu promptly attended to C. ICKUIIIl Attorney et-Uv OtutKhsr Advoket Will practlca In all coarta. make col lectloaa aad settlement. Office In Enterpris llulldlng. Oregon City, Oregon. C. D. A 0. C. LATOUHETTE Attornye-at-Lew Commercial. Real EaUU and Probate our SpecUltlee. Of flee In tint National Rank Hldg.. Oregon City, Oregon. MONEY TO LOAN On Ral Estate PAUL C. FISCHER Uwyar Komm 2 Heaver Building Oregon City, Ore. WOMAN REFUSES OPERATION Tdls How She Was Saved by Taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Louisville, Ky -"I think if moreof. fering women would take Lydia E. Pinkharn'a Vegeta ble Compound they would enjoy better health. I suffered from a female trou ble, and the doctors decided I bad a tumorous growth and would have to be operated upon, but I refused as I do not believe in opera tions, I had fainting spell, bloated, and could hardly sUnd the pain in my left side. My husband insisted that I try Lydia E. Pinkham's VegeUble Compound, and I am so thankful I did, for I am now a well woman. I sleep better, do all my housework and take lone walk. I never foil to praise Lydia, E. Pinkharn'a Vegetable Compound for I my good health. ''-Mrs. J. M. Resch, 1900 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Since we guarantee that all testimo nials which we publish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffering In a like manner? If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at once taKc Lydia E. Pinkham's VegeUble Compound. Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine, Co., (confidential) Lynn, "Mie s. Your letter wll be opened, rend ami answered hy 11 woman and beld in strict confidence. FOR SALE Fresh cow, good size, heavy milker. C. E. Meldrum at Meldrmn Stofion. Home phone B-252. WANTED To buy two hounds that will run coyotes. State price in first letter. Address W. F. Harris. Ore gon City. R. P. D. No; 3. MOTIVE OF CRIME EMPTY AND BLOOD-STAINED MON. EY BELT OF VICTIM OF TRUNK MURDER IS FOUND. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 23. Dlscov ery of strong circumstantial proof that the motive for the crime was robbery, minimising of the possibility that the murdered man was Harry Rogers, and discrediting of many rumored appear ances of the murderer in the city Blnce Friday night were local developments today In the trunk-murder mystery, a money belt, dyed with spotches of blood, and with ends raveled, showing that it probably had been torn from the body of the murdered man, waa f0nri today among the effects of tbe ,jea(i man at the morgue. It was damp and of cloth and had been mistaken for a strip of underclothing In tbe first examination of the articles discovered n the trunk. . How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. T. 1. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the Isst 15 Ter, nd betters him perfectly honorable lo aU nil at as transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE. Toledo, O. Hall' Catarrh Core la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and rau cous surface of thu it at em. TsstssssisssJs ant free. Price 71 cents per bottle. Sold oy an .