Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 19, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    OltKtiON TI Y KVIKIMMtlNK. HiH'W. Sn I :l HI K lit I'll i
For Your Baby.
The Signature of
-xsj -
HANDY. Or. Nov ll.-l8prtsl
R F Itetteri. HandVs hrnr maker,
ami lh nel lo the lat inembsr of
ihr one-time famciu. Sand llachelor
club, ha urprted hi. many friend
by taking unto him!! a alt. Mr
and Mr- Dettert haie settled In Ibrlr
hunir hen- and are recehlng th .'ou
nuulatkma from their many friends
Tb. Sandv llachelor club. which
toes out of eiUteoce with Mr. Del
irrt . arddlna. umanlifd iU
year aco ltb the following officer
President. Jerome Howard, now prin
ell of the arboola at Wrat Unn.
rice president. R. E. Jarl: secretary.
K T. Hruns. and treasurer, lleorge
Kerb. Tbe club bad a rood mcmbrr
ahlp and waa prosperoue until the prv
Ident was married and for a time
Ueonte Krebe well filled the place
Then he. too. took that step which bar
red him from membership and the aec-
retary went to Wisconsin to wed.
One member folio ed another until
the dub was composed of Mr. Dett-rt
and R. E Jack, the Kelso merchant
With one of these two safely married
now. the club ha become a matter of
San mills are starting up attain. The
8and Fir Lumber company will start
by sawing railroad ties, which are in
demand again. The Sandy River Lum
ber company will repair Its mill and
Mart sawing lumber and ties the first
of :he year. Jonarud itrothern' mill
la running most every day. It does
considerable box and shingle business.
Dixon k Kersecker. who purchased
the limber north of town, will put In a
new mill Immediately. They are at
present clearing a large tract of land
with a donkey engine by which they
pull stntnpa and whole trees over the
bluff. It Is a great improvement over
the old fashioned ' Armstrong" method.
Charles Kreba has found some excel
lent clay Just south r town and wilt
Koon put in a complete brick Baking
Meyers' wood camp on Cedar creek
is still a busy place, many teams haul
ing wood: making some bottomless
holes in the Sandy and Hull Run road.
Sandy FVuit Nursery on Cedar creek
is shipping lots of fruit ".rees of moM
excellent quality to all parts of the
Dr. 8teig!e. who teiuorarily filled
Dr. Harendrick's place the past three
month, has returned to Portland.
While here Dr. Stelgle won many
friends, all who are sorry to see bin.
Mrs. A. C. Ha urn back has returned
from an extended trip through the
eastern states and related her cxperi
ice in a abort lecture to the Sandy
Won. mi- club.
Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Nylander, of
Portland, were in Sandy visitng rela
tives and friends. They will leave for
California to siend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jarl have re
turned from a trip through California.
They visited both fairs and report a
most enjoyable trip.
Pete Swan was In Oregon City on
F. M. Margan who has been laid up
with a lame leg is progressing towards
Many road meetings are and will be
W. A. Proctor is contemplating
building a resideuce in Sandy.
E. T. Bruns in remodllng Ms hou.'o
and installing a modern water system.
MOI.Al.LA. Oft, No. IT-lUpeclal.
Mrs Johnson, who la under lha car
of Dr Coffee, at the untlcal hospital.
Portland. I Improving. Her many
friend at Molalla are glad U bear
such good news
Mrs. Uleelh. ol Portland. gae an ad
dr before the W. C. T. V. in the
Method!! church Sunday evening
The speaker was Introduced by Mrs.
Wolfe Mrs Sleeth gave a quick ra
rtew of the temperance movement,
then explained the new liquor law In
every phase. Alter tne new iaw goe
Into effect, no advertisement of llq
uors is to be allowed, no advertising
matter is to be allowed to come into
the state, or mall list of honor A
system of book keeping and sworn
oath are expected to keep track of
every druggist, doctor, carrier or per
son who In any way baa anything to
do with the small amount permlssable.
In turn the.- record are to be kept
open for public inspection for two
ear. The law ha been made strict
as to the methods of dealing with an
officer who fails to do hi part of the
work Mr Sleeth feela that every
one should study this law so that none
unwittingly break IL
Sunday J. (5. Taylor took Rev. Cur-
tlsa' place In the pulpit while that gen
t'eman wa holding services else
where Mr Taylor expressed a strong
desire that this church may be able
in the near future to have a minister
In the pulpit every Sunday. While
Mr. Taylor is willing to asalst in every
way he can. he believes that it will be
better for the church when the pastor
is enabled to devote his entire atten
tion to It.
Rev. and Mrs. Curtlss asked Mrs
Mackrell with her clasa of boys and
VIr Taylor with hi class of young
men. to rome to tneir nome tor an
evening's pleasure Nov. 19.
l'lon Sunday. November 11. Dr.
(ieorge Pratt, of Portland, will speak
at both morning and evening services.
A cordial invitation is extends-! to ail.
In both this and adjoining nelghlior-
hoods, to attend. Especial invitation
is extended to the young people.
The parsonage In which Rev. Curtiss
and family liver has been treated to a
new coat of paint recently.
A petition is being circulated and
signed requesting that Ue carrying ol
the njails ie transferred from the
Southern Pacific line to the Willam
ette Valley Southern.
The latter part of this week there
wlU be a mass meeting of Molalla's
progressive farmers to make arrange
ments for the establishment of a co
operative creamery.
A school election was held in the
old school house Just back of the mod
ern one now In use. The matter tak
en up was practically settled at the
election last June but owing to a
technecallty, In that the former elec
tion was posted Instead of being ad
vertised in the home paper, the second
election was held to comply with the
new school law. There were 19 for
and 2 against the IV, mill levy for
school purposes, showing the same
sentiment as last June's election. It
was also voted that the directors be
directed to buy a piano, not to exceed
$:;00 In price.
There are about forty pupils in the
high school from adjoining districts.
The entrance rate Is $45 which is pro
vided by the law which allows a pu
pils' school money to be transferred
to the district entered.
(ieorge Case is taking the school census.
HARLOW. Ora.. Nov. IS. (Iprcllai
Tne regular meeting of the Harlow
grange wa held Saturday night, but.
owing to the fart that a Ian number
of the member have cold. onl a few
Chri r.legler and children ent lo
Portland Saturda
The dapot a brokrn into one night Saturday, November U
aat week They went through things, Mr and Mrs. Hlearut. from Jean
but finding nothing which they cared Station. Oregon, wen- pleaaantlt enter
IIA7.KI.U. Ore, .V. I iHperlal
Chunk sort lea will ba aeht al T:M
o'tlurk Malar-say rnln IoIWsssnI b
an impromptu progroi u old fah
lanes! polling (mm and ihum. give by
Hasella x'hool Later in theei.nln
refreshment, will be red All are
rlrouir both al rbnrih and x'hool
X log was a call, r i ihi- HrllaV
home Holiday
O C Whlltcu and granddaughter.
Ml Haiti Wanker were pleasantly
. nlrrt.im-d at the V W anker
TnrMiay and V!nrday.
Jim Hay from Hhual Perry, was
in the neighborhood l'oeday.
Mr. and Mrs Joseph Kastman are
the proud parents of a hah boy.
for. the robber left without liking
Mrs. Wurfel is being treated by ft I
specialist In Portland
tirnndma Quint I gradually failing.
lalned by Mr and Mi K W Wanker
Sunday afternoon
Mr and Mrs A YVorlhlagtM were
visitor in Oawego Sunday
Mr and Mrs. Prank Child irnt a
Mrs. Howe has been quite III but Is very pleasant day with Mr and Mr
improving Alfred Thoma Sunday.
Mrs. Irwin has had a aktg of the , Miss Olady Wank, r pent the week
pleurisy end at horn.
Mia Unra Pennell wears a broad
mile all over a new caddie home
Mr. Lyadahl came down from Wood
burn Wednesday to Mrs Uulnt
The barber ha vacated to Salem
Mr. Churchill' mother and alder
have ... Milling him. They left
Siindat night for Santa I'nu. Mr. 1 J
Churchill accompanying them
Mrs. C W Child, i. tutting Mr
A U Walling In Portland thl week
Mr. Ollst. from Portland, spent a few
day with J. P. Cook thl week
Mr A. U, Walling from Portland,
v tailed friend In Hatrlla last week
D K Ixmt wa a dinner gueit at the
P. Cook horn Pi Ida j earning
H. T Duncan wa a Portland visitor'
liriim-tol I Hert Tabor u.iled si Mi
diuui oa Wednesday al Ike hot of hi
l patrol and Ml oa r'rlday for Mhrii
dan. la , going by boat to Nan Praarl
o. hr be will vlali lb fair Ml
Haiel and Aaael Tabor leave uu Mmi
I day Mr Tabor prwredlag lb fauiil
WW threw weak ago The Ta'tir
tfipn l lo mak Nharidan their bono
t'aptala W Hawllnga returned Mou
day from a ten day ttalt with hi
daughter In Medlord The laptaln at
tended Ihr twenty (lllh wedding all
nlvrsar of hi daughter while absent
Mr i i.n. . Porter and Mr Wwid
ward, of Oataha. ar the dluner
guest of Mr and Mr, tieorg Itsirum
mi Wedaewlay of last weak.
The tlulld met at Ihe church on
Wednesday Work for the annual ba
taar look the attention of th ladle
during lb afternooa .A sparlal place
I being conldered by lb guild Some
flower will b . bo.-n and cultivated
by the community and the bloom el
hlbiied next fall The baaaar will bl
held on December S. The guild will
meet every Wednesday until then 1
Mr William Jacobs will entertain at
hrr home on Wedurday. November
l?tb. with annformal luncheon
Mr II II Kiumona ba been
i harming hoalra to two delightful af
fair during the week. Al a beautiful
appointed lum neon were the rueintirr
of a Portland Whlat club, who Joyed
the game aotue year ago, the mem
hers all now enjoy Informal gathering
from time to time.
to the only g uarantcc that you havi tho
prepared by him for over 30 yean.
YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST
Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Cantoris.
Soid only in one size bottle, never In bulk
or otherwise; to protect the
The Centaur Company.
And Our Paper All One Year
Send ui your order right away, or give it to our repreientatire, or call and lee
us when in town. If you hare never iubcribed to our paper before, do it now and
get these four magazines. If you are a regular subscriber to our paper, we urge you
to send in your renewal at once, and get these four magazines. If you are a sub
scriber to any of these magazines, send your renewal order to us uid we will extend
your subscription for one year.
Thinl M It ou ret e,e oar Magazine for jOp
I II NIK UI llj If yon Subscribe to oor paper for one year. lOV
W have sample copies of these magazines on display at our office. Call and
see them. They are printed on book paper with Uluitrated covers, and are full of
rln interestine stories and instructive articles on MUtory, science, nn, music.
Fashion, Fancy Needlework, General Farming, Lire Stock and Poultry.
$ Sand Your Order Before You Forget It $
JL Th yiriyiiM will Stns Prsaitli. When Tin is III
mi " r 1 '
Are invited to inspect the
Fall Stock of Implements, Farm
Machinery and Vehicles,
carried by
Case Plows and Harrows
Hoosier Drills, Bloom Manure Spreaders
Pumps, Engines, Etc.
From the stock of
Portland, Oregon.
Mr Mora. Mr. Knave and Ihr Mc ; Mr. Allc MrKarlanr wa unanlnmu.
Karlan family. ly choacii thv trraaurvr II J Hob
Al thi home of frank Turkrr th inm I upirlntndrnt of Ihr Hun
tilling propl ini-t and rnkl a chirk ,t, m hiail and trank Tuckor la aa
en upprr. Ti n rnjoypil tpr cMilm .utsnl H J llublnin. Wm. Jacob
until I'brUllan Kndvator llmr when Bn, .irialni- tatrun( form thr muiic
Ihr yuuni folk met at thr church uiiiinltlro fur rnaulnst irar Tin- prt.
Mi ..r lluntlnaton. of I'uriUml b-d rn Miard of trtialvr will rr until
thr Kndrator mrstlna tin Hund ihi- not annual cIihIIoo in III.
i'iinlng A pi-riuannt oraaiiliatloii ! Ha. Hmlth oulllm-d a plan for ffl-
1111 b ffsH trd on Wrdnradav tM .-ii-m y . tin- ubdancs' of hlch aa lo
I Ina folloard by a aortal Unit and rr hav a board of manaKcniRnt rutiatl
(ri-.bmcnl uitrd pntlrrl) nf chunb iiicinlin.
We rvirrt- very mu h to lu th- nunchun h inrmbr. t'hrlatlaii
rhoma family, who arc plannlui on nd nun t'hrlatlana, prufflonal mn.
movlni thl month to their new hoiur Kurklna men. biialup mn. any and
mi thr Hull Hun car line all mk-ii u( ood mural characttt and
Mr William Jacob. riiliTtalu. llo- Ii.imuc liti-h liu.rr.l in lotnuiunliv
(Irarr tlulld on Wolnrwlay. Th .affair. ThU liuard allall Include dca
ladle ar to cnmi at 10 a. m and lb" run. lrute and oiher church of II
hoatras will NTTt luncheon The da . rrs In addlllon lo lb men Mleclml
till be apent In ;wlnK for Ihe annual j above. The dutlm of till board shall
haiaar which will be held on lieccin i. io deal with the church t.uauce.
her N. receive all iuonUil) Ilia. y all am b
We were aorry to hear of the pa.alns; niiu, ,iiii- all bu.lne affair DM
away of Warren Hotter ut a nanator. ! laliilna to the material weliare of lb
luni at Salem on Saturday mornlnx I hurcb. rvrelve all moiiitily reKrt.
Mr Cutler went to Salem notue U ! fur flllnit Thla hoard shall be. a cleat
week axu to receive treatment and j a huuae for plan, lor church efflcl
Kradiially xrew weaker until the end'enry and activity In each df part men t
ram. He la survived bv one on. MM en epIInK the aplrltual or relllou.
tun Poller, of thl town. 1 wurk and .ball meet reculatly ouc a
The funeral wrvlce were prl ite 1 month Till IliectlliK will lie followed
ami the remain cremated al Salem, j hy a nieelliiK of the church member
Mr and Mr Milton Totter and MM and frleiida for the ratification of any
Donald returned oil Monday eienliu plan ptopoaed and lor wxlal feature,
from Salem, where tlit-i allendiil thej Tbe.e re oinmendallon were ao
funeral ' well received by Ibo.e present at the
There were a! preiieiit at the Sunday ' annual ineetlUK, that It wua voted to
ichool aervlce. Almost every teacher have the naator ro ahead with aurh or
waa present A report from Mr ' minlaatlon und to appoint a board of
Hrurchert who attended tha Clacka , manaKement
man County Sunday acliuol convention lto lllnde and William 1 1 el Ion
at Hotatla on IXday waa xlven and i left for Item) on Monday. They ttlp
much enjoyed. Mr. II N. Smith TM I pad their Kurd tar to Tin Dalle, und
Iho a delegate lo tne convention (toll will make the lrl Ihroiigh to lletld bv
this Sunday school and wa elected ' auto A recent traveler from lleml
nuperlntendent of educatlnnal depart reporln Ihe road In goml condition for
mutt Mm. Curl Hmlth, nlao of thl autulala.
place, attended und w a elected aupcr-! Mr unci Mr. U alMin and two dill
Intendent of the elementary work clren lelurued to llhvu' o. Waah., on
A large conitregntlon heard Hcv. Monday after n ton days' vlall with
Btnltn apeak Sunday luat. Meaar.
Itobln.on. Tucker, Hllnealone. Wood
ham mid Lornvln. Ostrom rendering
Hit- lul nelei IIiuih
The annual IWMfliU of Ihe CbUfCb
waa held at s o'clock on November 0.
Al the roll call each rcnpomlcd with a
favorite verao of Serlpturo. Ileportx
from Ihe id of
I' i Newell und wife.
Our Mnr, Offer Tnti and So.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out till
I allp, ennloati with ' and mall It lo
I'nlrv , Co, Chicago, 111., wrlllnv
I your nnme and addrnn clearly. You
i will receive In return u trial park
' tiu.. M..I.Ihii . ' II. .it. I 'P....
trustee, church T
committee, treaaurcr. Huperlntemlen. """"m ' V ";,, ., ,
Ol Bundi) I0IM6I Ud muKlc .omml.t.v '""' IM"'for "tt 11
were given. A fine report from II,,- "1"" I'!':1 '"" , r ","1ii,''"1h'";i Im" k
prenlden. a,l hp, relarv of the tlnu e ' a,,h1"" k,"1"".' !""' , '',!""'' Mm'
tlulld. At the annual e linn Mrs ,,"1"' '"'""'' UM' '""
Dmla KohertH waa unnnlmouHly ro-1 'bornnghly cleiuiHlnK c
ele.l lerk. II. .1. Kol.liiai.il ' 1ll",r'",l '' " '
etc.! aeon for Ihe one year term. I ''"J nml ,,mu',a'
DniK Co. i Ad v . I
Mr. Melvln is on the alck list.
Mrs. Henry Ziegler entertained the
ladies aid in the church last Wednes
day. Rev. Davenport ami family, who
once resided here, but who thought
Nebraska was a little better country,
returned to Oregon recently and arc
now visiting Mr. Davenport's, sister,
Mrs. Sage.
Mrs. Ed Ogle and Mrs. .las. Ogle,
of Aurora, called on Mrs. Quint Friday.
Mr. and Mm. 0. C. norland, H. nor
land, Jessie norland, Mrs. Fred Leh
man and chlMren and MrB. Frank
I'l.il.l ntin triiin Hn'oilll U'llO
I attended grange at Oswego Haturiiuy.
W. B. Cook spent Saturduy and Sun
day in Cortland at the land show.
F. W. ChlMs was a visitor In Oregon
City, Monday.
Yes, that sluggish liver often causes
it. Dr. King's New Life Pills flea
the complexion, throws off impurities
and releases bile naturally and easily.
Tlnles the bowels mo;e freely and reg
ularly all the powder In the world will
not permanently cover "that muddy
complexion." This laxative Is mild
yet effective. It does not gripe or
sicken in its effects. You will not dis
pute the merits of Dr. King's New Life
Pills. Start a treatment today. 26c.
J. L. McNulty and F. W. Scott filed
a suit Monday against E. P. Herdlne, of
Mulino, for $464.32, alleged to be due
as a result of a sale of logs to Herdlne.
John N". Sievers is the attorney for the
L. A. Hrandes filed a suit to collect
on two notes signed July 8, 1916. and
September 21, 1915. by Carrie Walker.
William Ollnsky and J. H. White are
also named defendants.
Mr. and Mrs. IS. C. Warren, of Oak
Orove, have resigned as agents for the
1 Portland Hallway, Light & Power
! company at that place after eight
years of efficient service. Mr. War
ren's work wuh such that he wus un
, able to assist Mrs. Warren with the du-
ties of the office and they became too
strenuous and confining for her to
look after alone.
Their place was filled by Mlas Myr
tle William, sister of the poatmlat
ress at Oak Crove. The poatofflce has
, been mover! Into the Warren bfliUiaa
and the oung ladles look after both
; r.f these ofi Ices.
W. n. fc tokes will have charge of the
office of the express office, which was
a'so i;nder Mr. Warren's supervision.
The Emmons home was pretty with
its decorations of uncmonics und cos
mos. Those enjoying the luncheon on
Tuesday were the Mesdames Taylor,
HIcIiIh, (ireene, Lock-wood, LuoiiiIh,
llrooka, Myers, Crnndall, Peurson,
llllss, Arthur and llliii.k.
On Thursday noon those ractrpllM
the luncheon tnble and enjoying the
hospitality or the Emmons home, were
Mrs. H. Miller, Mrs. Snow, Mrs. Da
vey, Mrs. Ovcrbolt and Mrs. (iray.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ostrom enter
tained the Symposium Card club, of
Portlu.nl, at their pretty home last
On Saturduy, a bright little boy ur
rived ut the homo of Mr. und Mm.
Card. Congratulations lire being sent
to the parents. This is the third sou
In the Card family and Harold I.uh
been the name decided upon by the
happy parents.
C. 0. Miller, contractor, of this
place, Is ut the flood Samaratln hos.
pital with u broken log, sustained by
a fall from u large building where ho
was at work In Portland., At this
writing ho Is reported as doing nicely.
A delightful plan followed by a num
ber In the community Is the Sunday
afternoon tea when friends and neigh
bors drop In and enjoy a chat over the
tea cupa on Sunday evening. The A.
C. MacFarlahe family entertaining in
an informal way for the pleasure of 0.
P. Morse, who left on Monday for
Dolph. Those who gathered around
the fireplace for the "welnle roaat"
were: Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Robinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Jacobs, Mr. and
Rubber Stamps
Our Rulilirr Stump Department is prepared to turn OUt your or
ders for special stamps on short notice.
Orders received by 5 I. M. delivered the following morning.
Butter Wrapper Stamps
Rubber Stamp like above, Stamp
Pad and Bottle Ink, $1.25.
Oregon City Enterprise
Office Outfitter.
Phone Pacific 2 Home B-10