OltMO.V CITY KN'TKinMHKi:. FUIDAV. NOVKMIIKlt 12. If1." LOCAL DRICPS A marriage llnae waa Uu4 In Portland tiptordsy In J. Y. Kllr of Mllwaukl and Una K. Ilemer, Imper lal hotel. Portland. Ir, fauna J. Kui nf Portland. In Oregon I'lty Monday cm b'talnea lr. Kin coroner of (U karnaa ooiily few year ago. A marralg lliinae waa granted In Vamonvar, Waah., laat Haturday lo llee H Wllllami and Mr a, lu.ll C, William, Uilb of Oregon Clly. O. K Millar, of Jennings lodg. it a timid Hamarllan hoapllal, Portland, following an an blent al Klfth and ' Hturk ifriM'la Toeaday, when ha fell and brok hi ef leg. Mia Nan ('. 1'orhran arromanlel Mra. (Irunl II. Mmlik In I'urtland thla morning, Mra. IMmli k look lha (team r Northern Paiiflc fur Han Franiiaro wher (ha will remain for two weeks Mull nibble), of Klaood, rlalma Hi honor of being champion ber killer of lha eastern part of lha count?. iJtti Thiintilay. Malt allot I wo bear, niak In total of Hire for him I hla teaaon Mr. Hank, neaepaperman from Arkanaaa, waa In Oregon Clly Thura day. Mr. IMank la traveling through tlm uorthweat and (topped enroule, II III return lo hla horn within a few week. Mr. and Mra. I). 8. Hum and chil dren Randall and Marlon, returned lo thflr horn In I'ortland Thursday after attending a few day tha gueat of th former father and alafer. II. I. Ilurna and Mlaa Kva Ilurna In (lladton . J. I'. Woodlii. of Katacada, returned recently lo hla homa after Halting i:& relative In all dlfrirrnl talee. To of lha KG returned to (iarkama roiin- tr with Mr. WimmIIk. They ara hi nephew, O. I. KiH-nan and wife, of Anderson, Mo. A marriage llrenae waa laauad In I'ortland Thursday to lllrhaid V. l.ook and Margaret la Hrook of Oawego, Ore gon. Rral II. Dood, aged SI, and Mlaa Anna M. Kuka. ait"! tt. both of Mil ankle, were granted a llrenae lo wid In Vancouver. Tbunday. At th Manufacturer and l.and Product fhow In Portjand laat week, a Mr. Johnson of I'larkainaa rnunty aa awarded flrat prle for lha beat 30 pound of Yrtlow Glolie Danvera on ion a. and U. W. Utell, of Oregon City. on flrat irli for lha largest aiuaah. N. C Jamison. lth tha I'larkamaa Count r Cow Tcatlug aaiorlatlon aa official tester, left Monday afternoon for tha Red Wing farm at Iogan. own rd by A. I. and J. It. Hughe. Mr. Jamlaon will reaume hla dutlra, test Ittat the pur blooded iuorney at thla fartn. Among thoaa going from thla county lo attend lha State Kdllorlal aaaocla tlon mm! at Salem, Friday and Bat unlay, ara E. E. Ilrodle, atata prraldcnt of the aaaorlntlon; Mr. and Mra. E. It. Hruwa. I.loyd Rlihca. Mr. and Mra. C.. J. Taylor, of Molalla. and R. M. Htandlsh or Katacada. Judge (Irani II. Dliulck attended tha llermlalnn Hog and Dairy atiuw at llermUtnn laat l-liU)' and In the even ing waa one of the apeaker In the ItHptiat Chun h. The show had a titrgr nuniticr of exhlliitom and the dlaplnya of farm produi-t and hos wero the heat ever brought tnisvthor. Walluro MoCord left TueaiUy fur Havel, hero tm took phruk on the ateaincr (irent Northern for a Irlp to Han Krani'iaco und other California IMilnta. lie will take In the eiol tlona and tUII nlntlvea and friend for a month. Thla atentner I aoon to ho tukeu otf tho 81111 KranelHi o Kliivel rim. II. I). Olaen, liMiil ugent for tho Houthorn I'aellle compiiny, left a few luB ago fur a vliilt lo Hun KninrUco. uhern hn will attend the exposlton. I to will Inter ko to CIiIchko and upend Kovenil weeks with relntlvoa. Purliig hla nlutenco hla place Ih lielnK 111 UmI by J. I AppleKRto, ho la otnplnyed In tho office hero. Mr. uihI Mra. Al Myerw nml family of VI0I11 dlrttrlct, will move to llliton, Kan., Koon where they will miiko their homo. They w ill lie lu'compniiled by Mr. mid Mm. John Hckcn und mm Stnnloy, who are going to tho middle went to vUll relative, The trip cunt will ho ninilo throuch California, mid tho oxxpoalton at Sun Prnncloco will he vial toil, Nallmn Twining, of 0wego, woa 0110 of tho hcvcii uppllcunta who took the exumliiiitlott In Suieiii liiKt Sntiirduy for nilmlHHloti to tho Culled Htaleg nuviil ncitileliiy. Thin tent wan to decide whom ConKroKHiiian llawlcy n)inuld up- point. Tho exuinliiallon wiih conduct ed ut tho Wlllumetto iinlvorHtly mid cotiHlHted of lento in upollliiK, arltlinie tlc, Roometry. nlneliru, Keogmphy, I'nltod HtiitoH hlHtory and Kratiinmr. In Aiiroru IuhI Friday iitght tho Ro- hekuh drill team of tho Cnnliy lodno won tho contcHt for tho cup awarded P IST t u . pi f " 1 W sell at kind of Dairy Supplies, including Cream Separator, th Cheapest and Beat Get our price. LARSEN & CO. Ih learn hoii( Hi grealaat profli I m y la drilling. Aetordlug lo lha da i laliMi of Ih Jiidgne, Ih Caiihy learn team wilt bat puaaeaaUm ut lha rup, Ih final pr rnlaga ahowed II hav ing on per rent greater than lha Ha lin team. Canhy won h rup lao year ago, and Huleui ona yar ago. Although Ih cup haa been awarded lo tha Canhy lodge two llinea, a lixtge to aeriir permaneril poaaeaalon, muat win Hire tlliiea la au'ialua. William Heard, or HellwiMd. waa In Oregon Clly ytrday atienillng to buain liiattera. Ml, Heard atalea (hat hla mother, Mra. Harry Heard, for merly of thla city, ha ju.t returned from vlalt lo HI. Paul, Minn. Mlie la aa 17 year old and made the trip unaccompanied. Ilr huahand, who la alao 17 yoara idd, recently built a neat bungalow al Hlwood, Ih con miction of which wa dona hy him elf. II haa lha dlatlm lion of blug th oldeal Juryman In Multnomah roiin- ty. Mr. and Mra. Heard celebrated Ihelrt.lrd wedding anniversary Novem Ixr a. In The Social Whirl Currant Hapnlnat f lMre1 In and Abatrt Oragsa CHy frienda of Parhplac Boy Oathir en HI Birthday. Norman Ihinmlr aa ih honor guest al a birthday party at the horn or hi parents, Mr. and Mra. frank Huninlre. In I'arkplace Haturday even ing Th occaalon waa hi 13th birth day. Cul flowera and ferna wera uaed In decorating the home. The children played game until a late hour, when Mra. Dunnilr aerved refreahmenta. Thoaa prr.ent wera Mlsse :tla Htralghl. riorvuce Ulnar. Margaret Hoblnson. Irene Hasting. Myrtle Haeetland. Pauline llaatlnga. Agnea Mayes, IWilly Dunmlre, IVarl Maher and Vl.det Odeklrk, Kred l'e kover. Iwllyn Dsm hy. Wlltmr Hayes. Nor man and Melvln tilass, Htauley lllaue. Dlcklson Monger, Arthur M(Jlnnla, William Marka, Harnett l'ove and liar ey Iternler. Molalla Couple Ar Wcdrfsd Her. P. K. Uy and Mlaa Mabel Miller, both ol Molalla were married at Ore gon Clly Wednesday afternoon by llev. W. T. Mllllken of the Klret Haptlat church. Mr. Ijiy I tho son of Mr. and Mra. I .ay, well known realdenta of Molalla and hla bride la the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Pierce Miller. Following a short honeymoon the young couple will ake up their residence at Molalla, here Mr. l-ay la Interested In farming GLADSTONE DEED TANGLE IS IN COURT In the suit of Jumps Willock against r, K. tiiMxIman, tried In-fore Judge Cauipliell Tuesday, lo havo a purported deed made between tho partiea lust June doclared mortgage, tho court held the equities were with the plain tiff and gave him a year In which lo redeem tho property, by paying tip the amount due (ioodman. Tho died covered a five-acre tract In tilnilMtone, which waa used by Wil lock for a dairy fartu. Goodman had miido several advunce to the plklntiff, who In turn made over tho conveyance which the court held lo ho in reality a mortgiiKv. liocHlmnn contended tlio deed to hp absolute In fact. Judge Campbell decided that neither party ulioiild recover costa In the action. Both partiea are well known (iladntone resi dent. STUDENTS ARE TOLD E FIRST ACTIVE STEP IN "BUY IT IN OREGON CITY" MOVEMENT IS TAKEN. PluiiM for tho' "liny it In Oregon City" esMiiy content wero explained to tho students of tho Oregon City IiIkIi school at nil assembly Monday hy 12. It. Itrown, O. 1). Kby and E. K. Urodle, members of the l.lve Wires commit tee. Kvery high school Btndent la oIIkII'Io 1 to join the contest. The subject Is "Why it Is best to buy It In Oregon City," und tho prizes $15, $10 and J.". Tho contest will close one week from Krlduy, or November 19. Tho three who appeared before the high school students Monday are tho JikIkoh. The word limit of the csisay la G00. TWO GLADSTONE The homo of Frank Hnrlow, in Glad stone, was entered Sunday night and on Elgin watch, with the monogram M. K I)., a woman's ring and a man's ring Htolon. Saturday night a thief vlstled the homo of Q. DwIggitiH, also In Gludxtono, and took a watch with tho Initials engraved A. A. T, Chief Shaw visited all local second hnnd stores Monday and found no trace of the missing Jewelry, and Portland po llco have boon notified. TWO COUPLES DIVORCED Circuit Judge Campbell Tuesday signed decrees divorcing Marie Schwunhutier from William Schwan bauer and Emma J. McDnnlel from R. I. McDunlol. 80LDIER VI8IT8 HIS MOTHER William J. Davis, the son of Mrs. A. Dnvls, 618 Water street. Is visiting his mother. He la lieutenant In the United State army and la stationed at Fort Russell. Wyo. He will spend a fur lough of about two month In Oregon City. LIABILITIES Of HAZEL $27,000; ASSETS NOTHING HIAO Of NOflTHWIITINN AIIO CIATION rtlU flTITIQN ron BANKRUPTCY. OVXJt TWO HUNDRED CULUNTS . ARE NAKED By PETITIONER Own Attorney Hold Twe f200 Not n Jm Haul, According to Petition In federal Court In Portland. J ease llsel Monday filed a ietllion for bankruptcy In the federal court In rortland. II la president and man ager of Ih Northwestern association with offices In the Heaver building. Heel a Hal of llahlllllea Mala IZ7.- 000, while hla aaseta ar nothing. Ua- bllllli-a of th Northwestern asaocla lion reach a total of fi,0oo, but h claim that h I not personally re- siKinalbl lor any or these claim, al though many or his claimants say that ha la. The total llaMlltle or Maw! and the association am fUS.Ooo, ac cording to Ih petition. Over two hundred claimants ara Hat ed In th petition and moat or the Heme ,r. , AmMt tboam ,h cUlmi ...,.. if--t u ru r. Utourette ,,, nUy llefg atloniey. who h()(U ,wo ,,, nrh fof :oo firo. rera, butcher and a wide variety or bualneaa ar Included. Hernard N. Hick la Haiel' attorney. It la aald that Hazel haa been ron alderlng going Into bankruptcy for aev era! week. Several auita have been ! filed agalnat him In the circuit and Juatice court a. but a majority have been dlaiulaaed, following aettletnente out of court DR. WaSii IS HEAD BAPTISTBROTHERHOOD; I MEN OP CHURCH WILL HAVE CHARGE OP SERVICES NIGHT OP SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21. Dr. Orel Welsh waa elected preel dent at the annual meeting of Ihe Hap tlat Hrothcrhood Friday night Other officer aro: Vleepreildenl. K. A. Olin- atead. aecretary treasurer. E. U Pope. A number of talks were made by member of the brotherhood, tho gen eral subject bring what the church ran do to help men. A committee, cuualHt- Ing of the officer and John W. loder. tho retiring president, waa appointed to revise the constitution. At the Invlmtlonof Hev. W.T. Mllll ken. tho brotherhood decided lo lake charge of a rousing men' service on the evening of Sunday, November 21. WEST LINN RALLY IS WELL ATTENDED A crowd, said to he tho lurgettt that ever grnthered In Went Linn, attended the standardization rally hold In the Sunset school Friday iiluht. The fore part of tho evening wua taken up with a proKrnm by tho pupils of the school. Miss Moriet Hickman sung a solo mid County Superintendent of School Cal avail made tho standardization talk. Jerome Howard, the principal, had gen oral charge of the program and the lonelier uro Miss Hnrlow, Mrs. Trlpps anil Minn Carmine Schmldll. DESERTION IS CHARGED Viola Hubble charges desertion against KVank llubhlo In a divorce complaint filed In the circuit court Tuesday. They were married Novem ber 11, 1909, and she charges she do Hertcd her October IS, 1913. She asks that Bho ho allowed to tako hor nmldon niuno, Viola Knummel. N TITLE 13 CLEARED I. W. Johnson waa granted a decree quieting title to tract 23 In Clackamas Park Tuesday by Circuit Judge Camp boll. Johnson brought a suit against Lloyd E. Williams and D. P. Mathews, who wero believed to have Bomo Inter est In the property. WEST LINN ON CASH BASIS With tho final payment of rond and general taxes to the city of West Linn by tho county, the town across the river Is again on a cash hauls and all wnrrnntH will ceaso to hear interest to day. Yesterday the county paid to AVost Linn $589 1.77. ns part of that town's share of tho road taxes col luded within tho clty'a boundaries, and $77.04 general city tax still duo. CASTOR I A For In&nt and Children. The Kind Yea Hart Alwajs Boagtit Sear tha Signature PORTLANDERS WANT DIVORCE Three Portlandera started divorce proceedings In the Clackamas county circuit court Wednesday. The cases are: E. Vinton against F. Vinton, charge cniel and inhuman treatment; Mrs, M. LaFountaln against J. V. La Fountaln, charge cruel and inhuman treatment, and E. Van Hooser against B. F. Van Hooser, charge desertion. FARil LEASE BRINGS 0U FAMILY QUI ownir wilionvilli monmv Ufl ION IN LAW, CMAHGINO HI aOKI CONTRACT. V.', V. Hand and Kllislwlh ftand Thursday filed a ni In lb circuit court against their daughter and her husband. ('- Hornung and Lulu llornung. asking that a lease held by Ih defendant to a farm In Ih Wll sonvlll district h r,iM sud Ihsl I hey be given lhlr shsr of the crop on Ih property. Mr. and Mr. Hand van (2 aire near Wllaonvllle. valued, according lo the complaint, between II0.AO4 and III. 004. Their eon In law represented him self a an ripertemed farmer and of ferrd to less the place, give up hi work In Portland and live on th prop erty and devote all hi time to culti vating It, they allure The leas was signed November !'.. IH. Hut, Instead of moving to (he farm Honiiing aent hla wife to Ihe place and allowed Inexperienced men and boys to work tha place with Ihe result lhal th yields were greatly reduced. Mr and Mra. Kand charge. Th contract Is alleged to have been violated In other waya. Mr. and Mra. Rand are old and claim that they arw dependent entirely upon their Wlleonvlll property lor aupiwrt Hut deprived of revenue from thla property through the alleged acta of their own eon In law. they have been forced to borrow money to pay tax and other bill, they allege. The planltlff asks that the lease be cancelled and thai they b awarded their Just share of thla years yield. OREGON CITY NIGHT BIO CROWD ATTENDS PROM CLACKAMAS TOWNS MOUNT HOOD PICTURES SHOWN. Thursday was Oregon City day at the Msiiufei hirers' and land Products show In I'ortland and many Oregon City people did Justice to Ihe occasion by attending. There waa no organized effort to bring the name Oregon City lo Ihe front, and no special rare run. hut scores left on the 7:00, 7:30 and 00 o'clock car while many took automobile. The management of the land show named a day last week as Oregon City day. but without consulting the local Commercial club. Aa a result the mat ter waa not properly advertised and few attended, and a second Oregon City day selected. The door of the Und show were not opened until 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon on account of the death of A. J. Klngslpy. head of the show. The program In the afternoon consisted of 'an old fashioned baby ahow, a concert by MrElroy'a band and fancy dancing by the Wataon sisters. Another con cert by the band, with Mildred Milne as soloist, opened the evening program at 8 o'clock. The evening was spent by the crowd In viewing the exhibits, seeing the so-called Berger-Jones won der picture and the moving plrtures of Mazamna on Mount Hood and of the Celilo canal. 1 "AT IN J. II. Starr, familiarly known "Tw Inkle Starr," who is one of the beBt known herdsmen In the northwest and who recently returned from the live stock show at tho Pnuama-Pucific ex positor left for Clackamas Monday where he is to prepare the Huherlach llolstelns for the coming livestock show to bo held at the Union Stock Yards. Mr. Starr was awarded a hnnd some gold watch at the Oregon state fair In 1914 for the best herdsman. While in Sun Fmnciseo he had charge ot tho William lUshop Holstein herd front Chlmncum. Washington. Mr. Hlshop's herd won many of the best prizes Including several champion and grand champion prizes. This herd will be shown also at the coming livestock show In Portland. T AFTER MANY YEARS Mrs. George Thatcher Guernsey, of Independence, Kan., who recently ar rived on hor way to the Panama-Pacific exposition at Sun Francisco, was the guest of Mrs. Edwin Foster, of Twelfth and Water streets Tuesday, and will leave for California today. ' Mrs. Guernsey and Mrs. Foster were school- mates In the state of Kansas, and the former la now stnto regent of the Kan sas Daughters of American Revolution, and Is a candidate for the office of na tional president for next year. While In Portlund she was tendered a recep tion by the Daughters of American Revolution, and several other functions wore given in her honor. ' Mrs. Guern sey while making the trip to the coast on pleasure and business combined, was very much Impressed with the western country. OREGON KID IS SOLD SAN FRANCISCO, Cal, Nov. 9. The Oregon Kid II will make its debut un der Its new owner, Carleton E. Miller, millionaire yachtsman, who purchased It yesterday. In the speedboat races to be held off Sausallto Sunday. The Ore gon Kid will be pitted against the fast est boats In this vicinity. It was owned by Captain Smith of Rainier, Ore., and was the fastest coast boat In the recent regatta. ELEVATOR IS TO RUN 111 15 DAYS SAYS L L JONES HEAVY PIPE POR CONNECTION WITH SPECIAL MAIN AR RIVES SATURDAY. NO TARE WHL EE CHAHCIB, AT HAST TOKEN YEAR, MS Fnc Along Approach Ar N Be ing Ertctsd Completion of Held Cams The Vtara After Vettr PM On It Three yeara after Ih voter author ized the ronatruction of the Heveuth atrnt-t municipal elevator, Ihe big shaft III be put to use. Mayor Unn K Jonea Haturday announced (hat the elevator would be operated within the neit IS daya and that minor changes sere now being completed und-r Ihe supervision of City Engineer Charles Miller. Tolls will not I rhargtd. at least to the flrat of the year, said Mayor Jones After January 1, un he will go out of office, he waa not prepared to aay what policy would be followed. The matter or charging fsrve has been much discussed both In the council and on the street Heavy pipe to connect the elevator up with tha apmlal main irom tne Mountain View reservoir arrived here Saturday and will be Installed at once. A fence which follow! the edge of the bluff on the outer edge of the elevator approach I now being put up. Thla fence necessary before the city could eerure caauallty Insurance on Ihe shaft. The history of the construction of the elevator baa betrn one of a steady haul between the council and tha board of water commissioner and the council and property owners. Mr Sarah Chase, owner of the land across which the elevator arfiroachea, put up a atubborn fight agalnat the attempt! of the city to gain title to the land and the water boars refused to connect the elevator with the city mains, declar ing that the mains would not atand the pressure. The city finally won Ita contention with Mr. Cbaae. in the state supreme court, after appeal had ben made from the circuit court decisions, and elected water commissioner who were favorable to the council aa the terms of the other commissioners expired. PLAN OF SUPPLYING TOWNS ALONG W. S. V. WITH ELECTRIC ITY CEINC CARRIED OUT. The county court Thursday granted to the Portland Railway Light & Power company a franhlse to erect poles and string wires along the county roads near the town of Monitor. In exchange, the power company will light free a covered bridge near Monitor. The company is supplying all the towns along the Willamette Valley Southern with power and light. The power wires are carried on poles on the Willamette Valley Southern right-of-way. Monitor Is In Marion county, but It was necessary to erect poles on the Clackamas side ot the county line. The Portland Railway Light & Pow er company refused Thursday to allow the county to put a clause competing the company to light the bridge in the franchise Itself and, instead, submitted a letter containing the offer. Repre sentatives of the company explained that they did not wish to establish a precedent. TO PORTLAND MAN FALLS FROM ROOF TO BASEMENT RIBS BELIEVED FRACTURED. George Link, 901 Williams avenue. Portland, fell 30 feet from the roof of the new high school building to the basement at 1 o'clock Tuesday after noon and witB seriously Injured. He was working on the roof ot the structure, when he fell. Several ribs are believed to have been fractured. He Is at the Oregon City hospital. Ho lived with hU pnrents in Portland. MILWAUKIE LOSES SUIT ON ASSESSMENT The town of Milwaukie lost Friday In the suit ot Theodore Hagenberger for an Injunction to prevent the town from collecting a $1381.99 street as sessment Circuit Judge Campbell Friday signed an order restraining the city from selling the property to col lect An error In making the assess ment was alleged by Hagenberger. TWO COUPLES DIVORCED Circuit Judee Campbell Thursday Blgned decrees divorcing Marganiet Gates from L. Arthur Gates and H. E. Reed from V. E. Reed. MEW lOTST IS IT 11L Ot ATM COMES APTER M HOURS OP SUFfERINO PUNERAL SET POR WEDNESDAY. I'roiu Ih reault of burn from aa iploaloai ot (aaollB. with whkl) B a rWaalng a pair of akatea Haturday aftrrnoun. Andred UntjuUl Jr., lb II year -old son of Mr and Mra. Andrew UliuuUI. ut Wlllamrtt. died Monday morning. l-ath tame after 3 hour or Buffering Young Unquiet and several com panion a were cleaning akatea lo lb WlllantelU fir hail, whbh had re cently been converted Into a akatlng rink. They re ualng gaaolln and eorn of Ih liquid (pilled on th floor. On of Ih boy lighted a match lo burn It off, when lha gas In lha pan United. In lhlr effort to put out th fire, the pan was upaet and Ih burn ing liquid waa (plashed on IJnqulat A nui of flame. Leroy Allen, who alao received aome of tb burning fluid, ruahed outalde but (mothered Ih flame. IJoqwIat, who waa younger. a unable o help himself and by th' tlm aaaiatsnce reached him, be bad been hardly burned. II wa taken to the home of II. Lelaman, nearby, and later taken to hi home, a quarter of a mile distant. Dr. Mount dressed the wound. Andrew Linqulat wa born at Mo alU. Clackamas county. In 1901 and seven year ago moved to Willamette with hi parenta. He la aurvlved by hi parenta. even a later. Mr. Annie Johnson. Nellie. Nancy, Mary, Emma. Llllle and Either IJnqulat, and one brother, Charle IJnqulat The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock from the family home at Willamette Wednesday, the Rer. John OvaJl offi ciating. PASTOR CALLS BLUE SKY LAV THFJUr REV. HAWKINS BELIEVES TERM "LORD'S DAY" SHOULD BE AVOIDED IN STATUTE. Ilefore a congregation that well filled hla church Sunday night, numbering many young men aa well aa aome visit ors from Portland. Rev. J. K. Hawklna. pastor or the First Methodist Episcopal church. Introduced bla aermon with talk on the Oregon blue law. HU open ing sentence was, "While I believe the law should be repealed It should nev ertheless be enforced aa far aa possible until we have a better law." Continuing, the Rev. Mr. Hawklnf said: "My belief Is that tne wording of the present law does not fit the social and religious order of our day. Its term analogy and specifications tend to pro voke sectarianism, animosity and cen sure on the part ot those who traffic In the common commodities of life. There Is no necessity for the use of the term, 'the Lord's day,' In the enactment of a seventh day rest law. The law should not read so as to make it pos sible for druggists to traffic In soft drings, Ice cream, cigars, tobacco, etc., while competitors In these same lines are compellAl to close their places of business. This is class legislation. "Another reason for the Tepeal ot this law is the fact that there has been such exemptions by amendment as to make it non-effective in the applica tion of theatres and like places of amusement. "I believe that a law could be en acted that would be endorsed, respect ed, and upheld by almost every citi zen In the state of Oregon. This could be done by the limitations of hours for the transaction of such business as seems necessary for traffic In food stuffs and for the indulgence In com mercialized amusements. "Inasmuch as organized Christianity has the first day of the week as Us chief duy of worship and rest and as a day of Inculcation of the principles In the higher things of life, it should not be forced into competition during the hours of worship with the securalized amusements." In conclusion, Mr. Hawkins said: "As long as we are not moved to do rightly by Internal impulsion rather than by external compulsion, there will lie need of legislation for the mainte nance of civil government." TRADE IS SETTLED BY JURY WILLIAM F. BAARS GETS $250 JUDGMENT AGAINST W. F. M'GRAW. After two hours of debate, a jury In the circuit court Thursday night re turned a judgment for $250 for the plaintiff in the suit of William F. Baars against W. F. McGraw, Baars charged fraud and misrepresentation in a real estate transaction. Baars traded four lots on Sixteenth street, Oregon City, for a 40-acro tract near Scotts Mills owned by McGraw. Baars alleged that he made a trip to Scotts Mills with McGraw and was shown a level tract which McGraw said was the property to be traded. How ever, when the deal was completed, Baars alleged that he found the newly acquired land was not the property pointed out and that only three acres could be cultivated. The Jury went out at 5 o'clock and returned a few minutes after 7. Baars sued for $800. O. W. Eastham repre sented McGraw and W. C. Wlnalow, a Salem attorney, the plaintiff. SPAY KG STATUTE MAY BE KILLED III CflU.1T PHRASE -LORD'S DAY" IN LAW IS HELD SECTARIAN SY CORTLAND! RS. DECISI0.1 RfACKID AFTER ICI.'G STUDY OF F2TY100S ELUiCS Prediction I That Judg Gantanbaln Will Find for Dafandant In Port land Tdy Appl, Hew vr, I Crtin. PORTLAND. Ore Nov. S.-Tbe flunday rioting law may be knotked In the head today boranee It refer lo Hunday aa "lord's day." lawyer and court hoi attache who have Inveitlgated court dolalon In connection with Oregon's blue law freely predicted today that Circuit Judge Oanlenbeln tomorrow will de cide that Dan Kellaher cannot be pun- Uhed for keeping hla grocery alor open on Hunday. In that case lha court order restraining officer from enfor cing the law will b continued until Ih a up rem court ha chance to paa on th Kellaher case. "Ixrd'a day" I a sectarian phrase. Judge Cantenbetn hlmaelf mad the riling about aeven year ago In con nection with thla same law, and hi decision waa never appealed. The au preme court baa never pasaed on It. Intenae Intereat haa been manlfeated In Ihe beting tomorrow be for Judge. Gantenhein. If Dan Kellaher la con. vlcted, he will appeal. If tha law I declared unconatltutlonal and be la released, an appeal will be taken by Ihe Retail Grocer' association, which la backing the prosecution. 10 DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT ATTORNEY HEDGES AND SHERIFF WILSON AMONG THE NAMED DEFENDANTS. A suit for a perpetual Injunction against the Sunday cloalng law, also known as the blue aky law, baa been filed In the United State diatrirt court In Portland by the Brunswick-Ralke-Collander company of Chicago, a con cern manufacturing billiard and pool tables, against 25 distrfct attorneys and a like number of sheriffs of the state and subpoenas have been served on District Attorney Hedges and Sheriff Wilson. A temprorary Injunction ef fective while the ault is pending haa been ordered by Judge Wolverton and the defendants are ordered to appear before the court November 15 and show cause why the injunction should not be made permanent The complaint states that the plain tiff has interests in Oregon worth $300,000 and In Clackamas county not less than $5000. It alleges that it will be greatly damaged if the law Is en forced. Further, It- Is alleged, the patrons ot the billiard and pool rooms are physlcaly and morally beneftted by the game. HUSBAND CHARGES DESERTION William A. Euson cuargea desertion in a divorce suit tiled in the circuit court Friday against Mrs. Vivian M. Euson. They were married In this state November 4, 1913, and, he charges, she left him October 31, 1914. MRS. DOROTHEA SCHADE DIES Mrs. Dorothea Schade, who had lived in Oregon for 50 years, died Sunday at her home. In Portland, aged 86. With her husband she kept the hotel at Os wego for many years. AT LOCAL HOSPITAL Mrs. A R. Cummings, of Canby, died Sunday morning at the Oregon City hospital, after a lingering Illness. Death was due to cancer. She was born April 7, I860, and is survived by her husband who Is a well known Can by farmer, and three children, George R.," Benjamin C, and Miss Mary Fran ces Cummings, all of Canby, where Mrs. Gummlns had resided for the last 25 years. Mrs. Cummings came to Canby from Omaha, Neb. She had relatives In the eastern states. The funeral will be held at 1 o'clock this afternoon at the Sellwood cremator ium. I'll AT Mrs. Helen Jane Frommyer died at her home at Oak Grove Friday after a short Illness. She was born In Wis consin, October 6, 18SG, and Is survived by two sons, James and Charles From myer. She has lived in Clackamas county only a short time. The body Is at the funeral parlors of Myers & Brady. CHICHESTER S PILLS L-adieal Aa iMrBrurltKof i 8 C lat-(Ma-ti lUMat Mraaa T boifa, MeUed lt Hit KlUxaft, 1 VJ '.:.'. r.s.r'-.l- DIAMONW IIKANU PILLO, ti TCM1 kaow M Beo. Sft. Aluyt ftflJIM SOLO BY CSTGGBTS EVIkToHRf SUNDAY y kr , Tsi IS