ormjox city kstkhimuhk. i uidav, novkmukh v. iui AMERICANS LOST Oil AKOflA LESS UN 28, BELIEF IS MANY LIVES ARE El I 'rtnilftTI ilTinr- t w PRESIDENT'S AUTO MiML X A h h BIS ... UUIIUinilllML Ul HELD ill ASTORIA mm ai m L Tl (Mil CM II RIlEAtlO BUT IOMI PRfllOINT BROOII 0 OfilOON CITV CIVCI Mil ANNUAL ADDftftl. V0UN0 ITALIAN, HOWIVER, RUNI F' ARC IN BAD IHAPK.MIM 01 HI IN HOSPITAL. TO IIDIWALK IH0UTINO HE II NOT HURT. PHOTO riAIJOTIIEIt GREECE SEEKS TO RETAIN IlZAiS ACTIVECA IE ACTORY ORPREPARD t WASHINGTON II ITIRRIO RUT II NOT TINS! Al RESULT OP SHIP'S SINKING. CFfiClAIS BELIEVE LINER KAY HAVE TRIED TO ESCAPE IORPED0 oat Reach Coaat of Africa and Malta Amirlctn Ambaatado't Will Qathr All EvTdnc loon PoMlblt. at WAHHIMiTON. Nov. 10 - Al.it f, Anurl'ana am lcllevrd In have been Ust with Ilia Iiih-iIimm1 llalliin llicr An rmia, ax cording lu a cable In the lle department tonight from Amhaaaador Page al Home. The amhaasador aalil Ilia probable li lllma nt Ilia tragedy were Aleiandcr I'atattho. hla wife ami four children, nl New Ymk. ami Mr. France Ma inlii Ijiinum ami aimml 20 unnamed third-clasa aaa-iiKra. f Amhaasador l'aa anil American run- aula throiiKhoul Italy weiw Instructed today hy Hecretary l-analng lo cable Immediately all Information Ihey roiilil gather. I'rrna dlspali hes rauacd con rern III official quarlira. lint there wa iiu real I Inn ,heaus new ill I'Mli whhh referred In Ilia shelling tif I ho Anion hy Ihn Analrlan ml) marine led lu tha 'belief generally among official that the Italian vcsacl iKiinrril warning anil waa attempting In escape. Thl. In lha Aaw of thla guicrnineiil, would Justify auhniarlnc cummauder In lha uaa of (urea. To Kalian American Bulled from Naples on lh steamer Am una, e conlliiK lo a illialih lu lha late de rt tiit'iit today from Consul While. Conaul Whlla cabled II Ma verbally rrHiiir) In Naples thai ITU persona hail Imm'Ji aavad. ItOMK, via Pari. Nov. 10 -Accord In, lu an official Hat, tha nirvlvor of Iiu' Anrona liiclmti'd (Veil Grfcil. 113 Kalian. II Greek and una Russian. It la asserted lliat H of Ihn Ancona't passenger were naturallied Amerl ran. It la not known whether they are among the vlctlma. DIRECTORS TO BUILD II AHTlllllA. Ore, Kit, 4 A telegram a received by Captain llardl Jester ilar from lha owner of'lha largo mi the I'eimlan hark Judith, directing lha matter of lha teasel ti laka Hi) fur ther step toward dlw barging lha car- an until lia received further lnlru tlolia Tha Judith ft III remain In lha Ileum opposite llln clly lihMl eoliie deflnlia artlnn I decided Uhhi. lha Peruvian aallora were taken from lha i lly jail yesterday niornliif ami I u ken before Immigration Inspect or (iiHMh hy llarlxirinasler Hweet l'Hin aiming affldadlla that they will h-ave lha country at lha final oppor Innlty Ihey were rcleaaed. It I iinilettiHi., however, that ( a lain llardl will not pay the aallora aiiy money until Ihry no l Callao with hlin, a they were almo-d fur lha round trip Tha ullor mad a dih-i IuI trip In lha Jmlllh yetertlay aftrrtiixill, hut relurneil in tha rlty lalar In lha avan ln(. Karh man clalma to hava .',0 dua hi in They ohM-t lo kiiIhk to art In tha vr"c attain, a Ihry lulin aha It iiiiaaawurthy. Tha only nieml.er of Ihn craw Hill on tha Imat la lha Canadian, Prank Can toa. What bn ripect to do In tha af fair la not known, although It la under- aloud ha will not Kn In ai-a again In tha craft. Michael Jordnnaon. an AiihtIi an, la In lha linapllal hem. Ill llmlia ara In had con d 1 1 Ion, owing to having aloud In lha aall water tun long white on lha Judith. Jordanaon rlalma In hava atood at lha wh"-la for H hour lha dar tha harkantlna to nar rowly raraiad going on C'lalaop lei h Tha rook la alao alck and In tha hoa (iltal. a 4 iM4 Mt 4 a MOLALLA TWILVI AMI KNOWN TO Bf DCAO AND 0THIP.I BILItVIO IN IMOKINO BUINI. SWin BLAZE CUTS Off CHANCES Of ESCAPE OFftffM WORKERS Ngmbar of Thoaa Trapptd In Building fltductd by Dlamlal Only Ihort Whlla Btfort for lat urday Half Holiday. BOARD LACK! TIMl WEDNESDAY TO C0N8IDER PETITION, BUT IT WILU COME UP LATER. Two hundred atudenta of tliu Drt-guii City lilKh irhool inarihi'd down .Main htrcel WcdncHiluy nlKlil, to tilt' nccoin IHiirtin. ul ot lurch and achuluHlIc yolla and Invndid tin officii of the hcIiimiI hoard and iri'acnkd a petition algni'd hy ncurly evnry Hltidcnt In the hij;h Hihoul unking fur Iho cotiHtrtiv tloti of a gyinmiHltim. Thrm Ktrlat mid throw liuyn, Vlrglnlu Shuw. Marvel Kly and Dorothy l.utoiir ctlo mid lYunk KIiik, (Mure Mlllor utid Kent Moody, proHonteil llio ptltion with forceful tnlliH, hueked hy rciimrki, fi-uiii V. J. Tmc.o, city Hiiieiintc-iulnt; (', tl. Miner, principal or (ho lilxh athoul, mid Kurr Tatroe, Clunme lluhii ntiil Krunk O. OIhch, nieiuhcrtt of the hlt-'h achool factulty. - The arhool hourd had a Iiu no iiiuhh of routine work to Imndlo at tlio meiit ItiK mid wiih tintihlo to Kh'o the ix'tltlon careful eotiHlileriitlun, hut It wiih order ed Hied and coiiHiilerutlon of It will he litken up ut n tneetliiK to he held next week. Th htinrd Iiiih no fimda avallalile for Hie eoiiHtructlon of a RyiiinnHluni, and Iiiih made no provlHlon for hucIi an Ituprovemi'iit In ItH liitdKi't for 1910 mnl money would Itnve to he supplied through a hond Ihhuo. Tho alternntive would ho tho removal of the manual training department to tho portable liulldltiK on tho IiIkIi bcIiooI KfoundH, mid the fitting up of tho building on tho Karelny grounda Hint la now being lined for manual trailing, un a gym iiaHlum. Tho latter plan, however, could not niaterlull.o until Iho now addition to tho high achool building la completed. (Rpeclal CurrraiHimleiica. ) Kvery father and inotber 1 ayinpa- tblilng with Ihoaa who loat children In Ihn achool flrn at I'l-alwHly, Maaaachu artta. Whlln that memory la freh. let every parent Invratlgute the mean of nacapa from flrr In hi own achool. When all la well, tha puplla from each room march out In turn, two hy two, perhapa Into a lurgo hallway. In cao of real flrn Ihn opening of ao many door only forma draft to fan tha Idute, Nearly everyone know of caxea where grown people hava loat their heud In fire, became panic atrb-k-nn, frennled. Ro far dona the word "fire" terrorlxe that children have been known to trample down weaker onea to break nut window glaaa and Jump from the opening when tbey were auppoaed to ha having a fire drill. When wa hire a teacher, we almply by NKW VOIIK, No. o Tarlva men and gll ara known In have lout their Ihea today In a fire that dculroyed an old four atory brick and wiMxh-n fai'lury building In lha Wllllamaburg ( Ion of Hruoklyn. , Tim building waa occupied by a ran dy manufacturing concern and three firm manufacturing clothing, whow employea normally, totaled 300, but more than a third had been dlamlaaed for a Hulurday half holiday before the fire atarted. Th flame were discovered ahortly before 4 o'clix k by a girl employ of the randy factory, which occupied tha ground fliMir and baaenient, and were umiii roaring up tha elevator abaft. around which wound lb principal talrway. There wa one other alalrway In the rear of the building, and eome of tha entrapped peraona eacaix'd by that, but before 4he firemen arrived men and women were leaping from the window. The flame aprrad ao rapidly that eaca for moat of the employe In the building by atalr and elevator waa Impoaalhle. I Several of theae were girl, burned lo death In the light of a great rrowd of helplcai apectulor. No one could be found tonight to tell bow the fire alarted. but within half an hour tha roof of the building bad rollapaed. Not until the Hat of employe In the building ha been checked up and the ruin aearchrd were tha police willing tonight to believe that the detah lint would exceed IS. HAI.KM, Ore, No i.-Tha aiinial convention of Iba Oregon Htaie Kdl lorlal aawx latlon -iird here thla morning and an liitrreallng program waa given. After Invocalbitt by lit. T 11. Koid. dlatrlct aiiprrlnlendviit of lb M K ihunb. K. J llelidrlika. puhllaher of lha rlalcin I'ally Ktalrauian, wrlioiued tb adltora, 1're.ideiit K. R. Urodle. puMLIwr of Tha Oregon VHT Knterprlaa, reapond ed and gave hi annual addrena. In thla aildrr ha dealt largely with the problem of lha m-wipapvr and lha po litician, and advrxated editorial aup IMirt rara enough and conservative enough lo make II appreciated by thoaa ao favored. I'realdenl Krodle ii.iileniW-d that the newiaH-r which upporta the polltl i Ian ha a right lo ripe aupjrt In return, and that the chief trouble with linwapaM-ra I that ihry gav too nnn h editorial aupport. He denounced the political pre agent a aerpent In the newiaper iarii-n of Kden, and advwaled referring blin lo the buab ni'M office when he came around to aolli ll the publication of free buoat fur candldatea. ' What I the Matter With New. paper Men and I'rlnter of Oregon?" wa (be auhject dlwutaed by Joaepb I'. Hurley of tha Washington County Newi-Tlmei, rorrat Grove. Ha con tended that lax-y were too modeat and that they often put In their time boost ing everyone elaa but themaclvea. ka tora and lawyer had their rival- rlea, but they never cut price, be laid. Thla I ethic and gnod builneia. He told of bla aucreii In getting adequate rate on foreign adrertlilng. whin orrcp, ii Birutio, kino IUMM0NI ALL OP HII OTHI) MINIITERI. EX PRIMIER DECLARES IDEALS Of NATION ARE LI PERI LONDON GLOBE IS IjONDON, Nov. . The first Hrltlah paMr auppreaaed alnce the war began wua ordered to rloae In door tinlny. o doing that we except him or hert Thla wa the London Olobe. one of the moat outipokun or umiion a now- DO IT NOW. Oregon City People'Should Not Walt Until It I Too Late. The appalling1 death rate from kid ney dlHcano Ih due largely to the fact thtit tho little kidney trouhloH are UHUiilly neglected until tlioy become aertotiH. The Blight lymptoni often give placo to chronic dlaordera h.id the Biiffemr may llp gradually into some sitIoiib form of klilnoy compluint, If you auffor from backache, head BchoH, dizzy hpoIIb; if the kidney ne cretlona'nre Irregular of pannage and unnatural In uppearmice, do not delay. Help tho kidneys ut once. ' Donn'a Kidney PlUa are eHpeclully for kidney dlHordcrB thoy net where other fall. Over one hundred thou sand peopple have recommendod them, llero'a a case at home: T. Trembnth, Seventh nnd Centor 81a.. Oregon City, auya: "I have uaed Ponn'a Kidney PIUh hen my back and kidneya have been bother ing me nnd 1 hove hail great relief. I)o.in's Kidney rill certainly removed the aorcnenB and lomeneaa In my back In a ehort time. I hnvo found thnl they are a fine kidney medicine." ' Price GOc. at all dealer. Don't almply aak for a kidney remedy got Donn' Kidney. Pills the same that Mr. Tretnbath had. roster-miiourn Co., Prop., nuffalo, N. Y., to see our children to aafely In raae of dlBuHter. We ahould, however, re member that teachera hold their live a dear a thoaa of any other profe Ion. . In other words we should pro vide means ao that they will nut have tu risk their Uvea unnecessarily Kvery window ahould be provided with metal ladder, made stationary What chance would your children have lo escape from their achool If precious tlpie were to be lost while the neigh horhood bud lo be scoured to find an Insufficient number of ladders as was the case In l'eahody? (iruudpa Cordoll bu recently hud two cancer token out. Tho work was successfully done by an Oregon City doctor. Mrs. Kay who has been sick, Is Im proving. Mrs, Sliily, who has had the rhettma tism bo badly, Is Improving. Her mother Is with her from California. Miss Saw tell uses a willow clothes basket, that was woven fur her mother hy Mr. Dibble, twetily-flvc years ago. Miss Raw tell has a large collodion of moat beautiful house plants. One of which is a pomlerosa lemon. Tho plant Is so slender that It lias to be stuked lo bold Its burden of extra large lemons this summer. One wild goose was seen Dying north early Monday. Perhaps it hud been scouting for tho baud that flew south after dark Coat evening. It ex Lewis made a trip to Coltoti In bis ili'inon.Ht ration automobile last week. Two cars of ties wero shipped loBt week from tho Southern Pnclfle depot. Messrs Hammer, Mortison and Schafer each have ties yarded out at tho depot awaiting shipment II. N.. Soinmervllle was In Vancou ver ono day lust week MIhh Lieu, who teaches the first nnd second grades has cstahlHihcd the pret ty custom of having all the puplla say a verse In honor of those who hnvc a birthday on (hut day. The children look forward with delight If they are so fortunate as to have a birthday come on a school day. November ninth was tho seventh , birthday of Master Robert Ilurnett. Miss Ulen is teaching herjutplls basket work. Four teen have already begun the work. There uro forty pupils In the two grades. Miss KiuiiHliy teaches the third and .fourth grades. There are twonty elght pupils In attendance. Doth the grades are taking great interest in their spelling, each pupil Is endeavor ing to win a gold star. On dark, rainy afternoons the light In this room as well as some of the others Is not ade quate. If electric lights- could be In stalled lo be used at the teacher's dis cretion, it would be a grcnt saving to the children's eyes. Swings and teeters are being In stalled to fulfill a part of the require ments of a standard school. papers In Ita rrltlrlsm of the govern ment' policy and tha conduct of the war. The suppression of the Globe Is expected to initiate a government pol icy of severe restrictions of the news papers, some of which are alleged to have given aid and comfort to the en emy by Indiscreet publication. OREGON CITY HAN IS ASSOCIATION'S HEAD ANNUAL CONVENTION OF BTATE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION ENDS SATURDAY AT SALEM. IN SWINE MARKET SITUATION IN PORTLAND, HOW EVER, MUCH THE SAME AFTER Bid RUN! UNION STOCK YARDS, Portland. Ore., Nov. . There was generul weak ness In tho swine situation at Ameri can points today. The local market was no exception to the rule, but only limited supply came forward and these were not of quality sufficient to bring extreme figures. In view of tlu) record run of yester day It was an Idle market for swine to day at North Portland, but the situa tion shows practically no change. The prices printed give an adequate report of tho real market and comment is scarcely necessary. Cattle Situation Steady. Situation is tho cattle market at North Portland Is steady. Only limited arrivals were reported overnight nnd these enmo from Wllllumette valley points. Nothing was available to test the top figures. Tbe sale yesterday at $7 nnd at $6.90 really means no ad vance In price, because the quality of these offerings was so much better than any recent arrival. No Mutton I Offered. There vwere no mutton arrivals 'at North Portland overnight. General sit uation Is steady to strong as Indicated hy the limited offerings and sales lute yesterday afternoon. All the big killers continue to bring in the bulk of their requirements direct E. K. Urodle, editor of The Oregon City (enterprise, was re-elected presi dent of the Oregon State Editorial as sociation at the annual convention which ended Saturday at Salem. Mr. Ilrodlo consider the convention one of the most succesaful In the history of the organization. Other officers elected Saturday are: Vice-president, George Palmer Putman, secretary to the governor and editor of the Mend Kullet In secretary-treasurer, Phil 8. JUtes, editor Pacific North west; and executive committeeman, Joseph P. Hurley. Forest Grove News Times. These officer will serve for the next two years. Resolutions were adopted Saturday favoring a county and state permanent road policy and endorsing Governor Wlthycomhe's position In urging legis lation which will bring capital to Ore gon. The editors were the guests of the management of the state hospital Sat urday noon at a luncheon at which the governor presided and In the after noon they visited the penitentiary and tbe asylum. King Dclrd to Hava N ftttpon ibdity Under CooMHutiort At Mud Held to Faver Bub rla and Turky. IXINIKJN. Nov. I.- King Conatautlne baa again offered tha premlrrahlp to M. Zalnila, who bad resigned 40 the defeat of hi iiilnlatry In the chamber. according to a Reuler dlapalch from Athena M. Zalmli refuted to accept Iba offer, and a council of mlnlater wa ral'ed, tha dlapalch add. M. Zulmla refuaed to Main tbe pout, the correspondent say, originally. Al though be bad provlalunalty accepted the premiership to eaae the situation, he wa determined, a he had prevloua- ly declared, to abataln from taking an active jiart In Internal polltlra. Greece, he ald, a lo acquire part of the vlllayet of Kruaa and Hulgarla Thrace, while Hulgarla wa to be ihorn of tho territory she gained a a result of the llalkan war. All thla, he declared, would be ob tained by Greete at amall cot. lnce the proposal of the entente power required only the aaalatance of smaller units or tbe Greek fleet Referring to tht allegation that Ser bia had failed to aend against tbe Hub garlans 110.000 men In accordance with the provisions of the treaty of the alliance. M. Zenlielo said ihe actually bad 130,000 troops opposed to the f!ul gar. M. Venizelo declared tbat the for eign policy of the government did not have the confidence of the country. "Moreover." he added, dramtically. "we consider It fatal to the country." I'nder the constlutional regime, he said, the king could have no responsibility. M'MINNVILLE MAN IS ELECTED PRESIDENT MARKETING IS T. A. HARPER'S SUBJECT. '' NKW YORK. Nov. 5 -President WIImjd' automobile, thla afternoon atr k and km krd down Mario Paaal, axed I year, an Italian buy, on Thirty second afreet, pear Iba Pennaylvanla aiatlon. The automobile alopped and the president looked out of the wlnduw Mario ran to the ildeaalk. yelling that he a a not burl, and the automobile proceeded on II way. Tb president and hi party hoarded the Cungrranlonal limited for Waah Ingturi at 3 IS o'clock Aftrr iteeping only a few hour. I'realdenl Wlloo aroea early and walked Ut the Hi. Regla, where he breakfasted with Mr. Gait In her apartment. During the prealdent'a day In New Turk permanent pollie squad wa aaalrrwd to guard him. Lt night one IKillcemun wa atatloned on tha roof of Colonel Huiim's residence, while other guarded the fire escape and doorway. HAN KIDNAPS HIS ESSFUL L ED. KRAUSE OF PETERSBURG, ALASKA, TRIES NOVEL PLAN BUT STEPS IN TROUBLE. E AFTER AN OPERATION PARKPLACE MAN INDICTED FOR KILLING BOTHER MUCH pET TER AFTER TREATMENT. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED County Clerk Harrington Wednes day Issued murralge licenses to Mary Martin and Niithon W. Cusnday, of Ore gon City route No. 3, nnd to Mabel F. Miller nnd F, E. Lay, of Molalla. Mary Dolores O'Hara and Anthony A. Frent el, 711 Gllsnn street, secured a li cense here a few minutes after cloning time at the cotirt house Tuesday. FIRE ASSAULTS FAIL PARIS, Nov. 5. Today's communi que from the French war office an nounced that twice the German attack ed La Cottrtlne, In the Champagne dis trict, using liquid fire and band gren ades and then charging. Roth attacks (Adv.) were repulsed. Rheumatism and Allied Pain They Muat Go I The congestion of tho blood In Its flow causes pain. Sloan's Liniment penetrates to the congestion and starts the blood to flow freely. The body's warmth Is renewed; the pnln la gone, The "man or woman who has rheuma tism, neuralgia or other pain and falls to keep Sloan's Liniment In tholr home Is like a drowning man refusing a rope." Why suffer. Get a bottle of Sloaa'a. 2!ic and 60c. S1.00 bottle, hold six times as much as 25c. size. Sam Case, indicted for the murder of his brother and released under $5000 bonds, has a fair chance fur recovery, said attendants ut the Oregon City hos pital Monday afternoon, following his operation Sunday for perforated ulcer of the stomach. Dr. 'E. A. Sommer, of Portlund, performed the operation. ' For a time following Ihe operation, It was thought that Mr. Case would die, but his condition has slowly Im proved since Sunday and Monday he was considered almost out of danger. Case has been ill for several months, and during tbe time he was in the county Jail, following the shooting of his brother October 3, wus forced to take medicine and be careful ot his food. Saturday he suddenly because worse and several local physicians ex amined him. They considered that an operation was necessary. , At the time Sam Case shot his broth er, he weighed 135 pouuds, owing to loss of weight due to his Illness while Ernest Case, who wag killed, weighed 235 pounds. The trial has been set for December? before Circuit Judge Camp bell.. , PORTI.VD. Ore.. Nov. K. J. C. Cooer of McMlnnvllle was last night elected president of the Western Wal nut association, In first annual meeting at the Imperial hotel. All the other officers were re-elected as follows: Vice-presidents. Dr. C. H, Chapman, Portland; A. A. Quarnberg, Vancouver, Wash.; F. A. Wiggins. Toppenlsh, Wash.; Walter F. P,urrell, representing the Lewlston, Idaho, Irri gation company; Fred Groner, Hllls boro, and M. McDonald, Orenco; secre- tary-tresaurer, V. Meade, Orenco. "Harvesting and Marketing" was the subject of an address this morning by T. A. Harper of Dundee, Or., who has been In the walnut raising business for four years. Mr. Harper gave tbe work In detail, telling of the picking of the nuts after they begin to fall, their washing and the drying In a prune dryer, which takes from three to four days. Another talk was on the Irrigotion of walnuts by F. A. Wiggins of Top penlsh. Nearly all the exhibits from Washington come from irrigated trees, and Mr. Wiggins told of the special care that must be exercised in this work. The meeting adjourned this after noon. Jl'NKAU, Alaska. Nov. 5. Jilted by Mra. Cella Geaeku when she chose to marry William t'hrtatie and hating Chrlitle for tbe added reason that he la a Scotchman. Edward Krause of Petersburg, if allegation of com plaint fllco. against him here are true, resorted to the bold expedient of kid naping hla auccesiful rival. Deputy I'nited Statea marshal armed with warrants authorizing bl arrest are seeking Krause today. Mrs. Christie declares that before her marriage Krause wa an ardent ultor, and that he waa greatly in censed when the married Christie. Mr. Chritaie also assert tbat Krause, who la of Teutonic ancestry, disliked Christie, tbe Scotchman. Christie, who waa an amalgamator at the Treadwell mines, disappeared Monday after a man giving tbe name of Miller and representing himself to be a deputy marshal had served blm with what purported to be a aubpena from the federal court Krause la be lieved to be the man who represented himself aa Miller. The warrants is sued charge Krause with Impersonat ing an officer, but graver charges will be lodged against him It be is cap tured and his Identity established. Recause of the personal popularity of Christie, who waa well known in fraternal circles, residents of the Gas- tineau channel district are much ex erciaed over the .kidnaping and have contributed large sums of money to fund to be expended for the apprehen sion and conviction of his azductor. EMPHAIll PUT ON NEED OF MORE AND BITTER EQUIP MENT BV WILI0N. DEfEfiSE PLANS M OUTLMD AT DLSNER IM WASHIKGTC.M QueMion, lays Mr, Wilton, It Hew Fsr W Are Prepared to Main, tain Ourtclv Againat lntr. frnc With Action. NEW YORK. Nov. 4. Preaident Wll- son ojiened ihe administration cam paign fur Us national defense program In a comprehensive and carefully pre pared addn-a delivered be re tonight at the Manhattan club banquet. He declared that the I'nlled Slate bad no aggressive purposea, but muat b prepared to defend Itself to aaaume 'full liberty and actf development." Significantly, be taid tbat "with our selves In tills gre' matter we associate all tb peoples of our own hemisphere." adding that "we wish not only for tha United States, but fur them, tha full est freedom of Independent growth of action." Tha preaident wat received with en thusiastic applause. The hall was dec orated with American flags and filled even to the galleries with Democrat! happy over their victory of Tuiaadar in New York city. When th preaident aroae to apeak everyone) lumped up and applauded until be was forced to lgnal for quiet "Within a year." said th: president. 'we have witnessed what de did not think posalble. great European con flict Involving many of the gretaest ballon of Ihe world. The Influences of the great war are everywhere In the air. AH Europe Is In battle. Force rerywhera speaks out with loud snd imperious -voice In the fJtantlc straggle of government and from one end ot our dear country to tbe other men are asking one another what our own force Is, how far we are prepared to maintain ourselves against any in terference with our national action or development" The president called on men of all thadea of political opinion" to rally to the support of the program. By AMERICAN MINISTER IS ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE BECAUSE OF FAILING HEALTH. BERLIN, Nov. 4. (By wireless to S?.yvllle, N. Y.) Among the Items giv en out for publication today by the Overseas News Agency was the follow ing: "Foreign newspapers report that the German government asked the with drawal of the American minister at "Brussels, Brand Whltlock. The reports are absolutely untrue. The fuct Is. the I American minister is on leave of ab sence because of failing helath." AERIAL PATROL OF TEN CITIES RAISE FUND TO BUY HYDROPLANE MAINE TOWNS BEHIND THE PLAN. OREGON CITY GIRL Tl Announcement was made Wednes day of the marriage of Miss Ethel Greaves of this city to J. W. Jeffries of Portland. The marriage comes as a surprise to the friends of Miss Greaves. She was employed In Port land and on October 21, the young couple went to Hlilsboro and were quietly married, they then went to housekeeping in Portland. Mra. Jeffries Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Greaves of this city (Adv.) and the sister of Harry L. Greaves. WASHINGTON. Nov. 6. Approval was given by President Wilson tonight to a movement Btarted in Portland, Me., for the Inauguration of a system of aerial coast patrols along the coast lines of the United States. The move ment has been started by private in dividuals, who propose to place their services at the disposal of the federal government in time of war. The president was Informed by the Portland Chamber ot Commerce that it had appointed a committee represent ing the cities of Portland, Bangor, Wntervllle, Augusta, Brunswick, Bath and Lewiston to raise $10,000 to buy a hydroaeroplane and the equipment of an aerll coast patrol to cover the coast from Portsmouth to the mouth of the Penobscot river. WELLS WOULD STOP I BREAK BETWEEN TWO LEADERS IS CERTAIN BRYAN-VIEWS SPEECH BY PRESI DENT WITH SORROW HOPES WILSON NOT DECEIVED. Two Children Mad Croup. The two children of J. W. NIx, mer chant, Cleveland, Ga., had croup last winter. One was a boy of 6, the oth er a girl of 8 years. Mr. NIx writes: "Both got so choked up they could hardly breatha and couldn't talk. I gave them Foley's Honey and Tar and nothing else and It entirely cured them." This reliable medicine should be In every home for it gives Imme diate relief from colds, coughs and croup, heals raw inflamed throat and loosens phlegm. Jones Drug Co. SALEM, Ore.. Nov. -I. Stirred to ac tion by complaints from several places in the state that Insurance agents have been trading policies for clothing and merchandise, and in some instances have failed to forward cash to the com pany, the result being the cancellation of the policies, Insurance Commission er Wells today issued a bulletfr calling attention to the law, which provides that all insurance and indemnity con tracts must be Issued for a cosh con sideration, and agents are not author- izer to accept anything but cash in payment of premiums. "The acceptance xy sucu agents or proposals or agreement to accept mer chandise or any other trade consider ation or exchange, other than cash, is not considered a legal transaction," Wells declared In the bulletin. Wells also held that agents of Insur ance companies may exchange or place business with other agenta, but the ogents accepting such brokerage busi ness become liable for the premium on all such policies Issued by or through his agency. Coughs That Are Stopped! Careful people see that they AUE Btopped. Dr. King's New Discovery Is a remedy of tried merit It has held Its own on the market for 46 years. Youth and old age testify to its soothing and healing qualities. Pneumonia and lung troubles are oft en caused by delcy of treatment. Dr. King's New Discovery stops these hacking coughs and relieves la grippe tendencies. Money back If It falls. (Adv.) 50c and 11.00. 'Adv.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 5. Signs of a break between President Wilson and his former secretary of state, W. J. Ryan, over the administration defense program, became unmistakable today. Bryan declared he viewed the presi dent's New York speech on prepared ness with "Borrow and concern.'" "The president is doing what he be lieves Is his duty, but I feel It my duty to dlsent," Bryan declared. "We can not critcise his motive, as he has given his views with clearness and emphasis; but those who differ with him are un der a like obligation to expxress them-, selves with equal clearness. "The president will not assume that he is more deeply Interested in the country's welfare than the million who elected him temporarily to be their spokesman. 1 "If he Is giving voice to his country men's opinion, he Is as anxious to have them frank with him as he has been ' with them. How otherwise can he know whether he represents or mis represents their views? "The plan he proposes Is not only a departure from our traditions, but a reversal of national policy. It is not only a menace to our peace and safety but a challenge to the spirit of Christianity." VOTE OF CONFIDENCE IN GOVERN MENT IS REFUSED FUTURE RESTS WITH KING. ATHENS, via London, Nov. 4. The cabinet of Premier Zaimis resigned to day, following Its failure to obtain a vote of confidence on a minor Issue whlh arose In the national assembly today. The entire press of Athens, as well as the political leaders, predict dissolu tion of the chamber. The discussion arose in the course of debate over proposed military laws. The minister of war, General Yanukit sas, made a remark which ex-Premier VenIzelo8 considered an Insult The ex-premler demanded an apology. Premier Zaimis declared that the government stood behind the minister and demanded a vote of confidence. NOBEL PRIZES DISTRIBUTED LONDON, Nov. 6. The Copenhagen correspondent of the Daily Telegraph sends the following: 'The Swedish government has de cided to distribute the Nobel prizes next week as follows: "Physics Thomas A. Edison and Nikola Tesla. Literature Romain Row land. French: Hendrfk Pontoplddan and Troels Lund. Danes, and Verner Von Rcidentam, a Swede. Chemlstry Prof. Theodore Svedberg."