Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 05, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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U tU Circuit Cuurt of lb tflal of
(rio, fnf flat kamaa Conaty
Jainr ll. rVlda, iialuilf,
Hlall K. rirlda, IMrlidailt.
Tu Wain Y, abov naiu.d d
III III nam ul Ihs Hlala of Oregon,
you ar barahy rxulra4 lu appaar and
anawrr I ha roniplalnl filed attain
inu In iba abov aniiilrd aull, on or
hafora Iha Mb day of November, III
aalil data Utng Iha alteration of
nk from Ida fir it publication
I hla aiiiiiiiiuna, aul If you fall In a
pear or anawar aalil rouiptaltit, fur
ant lhrof Ilia plaintiff III apply
In I lui tourt ftr Ilia rallcf prayed for
In lila riinilalnl, low It:
For a dlvort dlaaulvlng ha bom!
of iiialrlmnuy no eilatlng bi-twu
plaintiff ami drfriidant. I'll la urn
riiooa la puhllahad br iinlvr of Hun. I
H Andi-raori, Judg of Iha County
I'ourt, blih order mad on Hi
,'oth day uf Hi'iilxmlirr. WIS. and th
llm prrarrlhed for publf allun thi
or la all araaa Ix-gluiiliig with Ih
I. .hp dulid Friday. H.'l 24th. 1)1
ami i oiillliulnrt each wr-k Ihrrraftt
In and Including Friday, Noinber
bin. mil.
isko. c iikownkll.
Attornrya for Plalnllff
In Ida ( Irint Court of Ilia Hlala of
Ora-gon, fur Clai kamaa County.
vm nr.irr. I'lainiirr.
Alrnira Bradley. Drfundanl.
To Altnlra Bradlry. named !
III llm name of Ilia State of Oregon.
oii ar hrrrby rrqulrrd lo appear and
anrr iha roniilaliil flli'U agalnat
run In Iha atxive rntltlrd aull. on or be
for Iha IMIh ilar of D ember, 1915,
aalil data Mng Iha expiration of all
rrka from Iha flrat publication of
Ihla auninioni. and If you fall la ap
pear or answer aald roniplalnl, for
anl (tiTrof. the plalnllff will apply to
lhi rourl for Iha rallef prayed fur In
lila roniplalnl, ! It :
For a dcrea dlaaolvlng Iha mar
rlag contract now axlatlng between
plaintiff and defendant. Thla aunt
Uiuni la publlahed by order of lion
J. '. Campbell, JmUa of th Circuit
court, whlrh order vaa mada on Iha
2!lh dar of October. 1915. and Iha time
prcaerlhed for pulillratlon thereof I
ali !. hrglnnlng with tha Uaua
dated Friday. Ot lolxr :7th. 1915. and
runt limine each week thereafter to
and Including Friday, December 10th.
Atloriii-)a for I'lalntlff.
Ill tin Circuit Court of Ilia Hlala of
Oregon, for Clackamas County:
Ethel (ox, I'lalntlir.
Churlra A. Cox. Defendant.
To Charlc A. Cox, almi named
defendant :
In Ilia nam of tha Slate of Orctfon.
you ar hereby required lo appear and
anawrr the complaint (Had aualimt
vim In tha alKiva entitled ault, on or
liifor Iha (ith du' of Novcmtmr, I9lj.
aald dat Mmc lh axplrallon of fix
mri'ka from tha flrat pulillratlon of
thla auiuniona, and If you full lu ap
Har or anawrr Cald romplulnt, for
want thereof tha plaintiff will apply
to tha court for the tcllof prayed for
In her complaint, to wit:
For a decree diHaolvltm Hie nuirrl
sua contract now axlatluic between
plnlntlir and defendant. Thla turn
inoiia la pulilUlied by onler of linn. II.
8. Anderaon, Judxa of tha County
Court, which order wan tnado on the
7rh day of Hepteiuber. 1915. and tile
tliiio prescribed for piilijlmitlun there
of In alx xweeka, IiokIiiiiIiik with the
UaiM dated tVl.luy, Sept. 24th. ll
ami coiitlnuliiK eurh week thereafter
to and IncludliiK FVIiIny. Novamhnr
Mb. ISUi.
Attornoya for. Plaintiff.
Mriff Bala.
In Ida Circuit Court uf Iha Mtila iJ
. iiivfiiu i or ma i nun i r vl ciai ta
(lnri HM-a, I'lalriliff,
Maud (luiild and Carrla Wlnalow, la-
Hlala of Dragon, Coiinir of I'laika
rnaa, aa.
Ilr rlrtua of a Ju'lamriit ordM. dm raa
and an imutlun, duly Imiii out of
ami under Ilia leal of Ilia alxna an
tilled rourl. In lb alxir anlltled
wauaa, in mm dulr directed and dated
llm eih day of October, 191'. upon a
ludiiuanl rendered and entered In aald
rourl on Iha kid day of Heptriulivr,
1915, In favor of (lei. raa Hpeea, plaintiff
and aliit Maud Uuuld and Carrie
Wlualow, defi-nilanla, fur Iha mm of
llttOOO", llh Intereal thereon at Ilia
rat of t per rani mt aniium from Ilia
IMh day of June, lIS. and iha furlhir
Hill of II9JI, llh llilereal Ibereon
al I per rent from the CMIi day of
Mar. 191 S. and the further emu of
IM.ut with Interval aa t x-r rent frn
Joaa lal, 1911. and Hie further aum of
I .'WOO aa atturuey'a fe, and Iba fur
ther aum of .'0Q roala and dlliiira
nivnla, and lb toata of and upon thla
rlt. roiuiiiandliiR in In make aala
of Iba follow In deacrMied real prop
arty, altual In (ha counlf of Clack
aniaa, aUle of Orvgori, lo wll:
Tha of Iha N K of Hm llon
Twelva (Ul and III NK of NK
V of aald He, t Ion Twelv (12) In
Townahlp Threa I'll Hoiith of Kaiige
Two (21 Eaat of tha Willamette M
rldlan In Clai kamaa County, Oregon
Now, Iharefora, by virtue of aald
execution, Juilgiiieut order and decree,
and In roinidlance with (ha roiniiiarute
or an Id writ, I will, on Katurday, tha
th day of November. 1915. at thr
hour of 10 o'clock A. M , al the front
diMir of lb County Court limine In
lb City of Oregon City In laid County
ml Hlala. aall at public auction, nib
Jec lo redemption, to the hlKheat bid-
er. for I'. H. gold coin cah In hand
II Iba right, title and Intrreat which
lh within named defen lanti or either
f them , had on the data of the mort
gage herein or "lin e had In or to the
hove dearrlbed teal property or any
part thereof, to aatlafy aald execu
tion. Judgment order, dec ree, Interrat,
coala and alt accruing roata.
Hbertff uf Clackamaa Coiintr, Oregon.
la Iha Circuit Court of Ilia Hlala of
Oregon, for lb County of Clacka
maa. Jamil K. Uldley,' I'lalntlff,
Jainea W, lildley, iMifandanl.
To Jainea W. Ijildley, defendant
alMive fteuiMl:
In Iba Nam of tb Mlal of Oregon,
you ar hereby required to ipear and
anawer lb coinplalnt filed agalnat
yuii In the alMiva entitled court and
Ae'mlnlatltar't HtiHw,
Notice la hereby glru th.t la Ufl
deralgnad baa lieen appointed admlnl
lial.r ii! Ibe aalale uf ( baa If Ca
bill, deceaaed. AM peraoni hating
laliiie agalnal aald ralate are beraby
nollfled 10 preariil the aauie villi
proper voui bera, duly certified ac
cording l' law, at the olfiie of Urow
tiell Mletera. al Oregon City, Ore
gon, within all ruontha of the data of
lb flrat publl' atloii of Ibla nullie.
Iated. Nomb-r Mh, lIJ.
aiiae on or before Iba 3rd day of I)-
i ember, ltl, nld data being all I Aduilnlatralor of the Ka'ate of Cba.
n-ki after tha flrat publication vl II. Cahlll. )e,e..,)
thla iuiiiiiioiii, and If you fall lo ao
appear and anawer within laid lima,
the plaintiff will apply lo Ih court
for tbn reiuf prayed fur III tier com
plaint filed herein, to wit: A decree
of thla court dlaaolvlng Ibe bondi of
matrimony wow and heretofore cll
In rg between plalnllff and your eclf on
Ilia ground of cruel and Inhuman
treatment and personal Indlgiilllea
rendering llfe,burdetiaouie, and for
general relM.
Thla iiiniriioiia la puhllahed mica a
week for all Innaeciitlv Weeka (lliak-
lug a veil lna-rtlofut ,y order of tha
Altonieyi for Iba Aduilnlatralor.
Notkt lo Cnditori.
Notice la hereby given that Iba mi
dcralgned ha been aiilnte, by the
honorable County ( i,ort of Clackamaa
Counly, Oregon, idimiil.tratli of the
eatate of Cbarlea K Qiimri. d--eued
All peraolia having t'alina agalnat Iba
aid ratal ar here!,? nmlfled to pre.
aenl the aauia lo ma for payment with
th irorr vouchera at my realdenc.
e4t of Klyvllla and adjoining the city
bald al Kaal Ml. boolhou. la aald
dlalrbl oa Ibe i:th day of Noteii,lr.
11 4, al the hour of B o'eba k p m , for
lb purvoe of conalijrlng lb follow
ing eatluiate of tb amoual of tnirtiay
lo b raleed by apw lal tax In aald dia
Irb I fur the anaulng year
Koada and Highway Improveineni
and riialiilenaina of rut by I'hlllfpp
lluad. f !I4 09. Improvement and rnaln
Uoaiic of gravel on Munnralde Itoad.
aoutb from church, 1:71 W; Improve
fiirnl and riamlntei,an of gravel by
Art Iteardoff l(d wlvr left off Ihla
year, on around lo a hoolhouM. ITIH
H'lbai rlbed by three realdent frfM)-
holdtri of laid dlatrl'-t and by lb
0. C. MTOrWTTaX fraalt r. J. Ml TEA. Call
Thz First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
U dTo7l;'To.:,,rm dl,,r'' ' Tf- Oaaa fraaa I A M. W I P. M
W. A. 11.1(1(11.
II. W. K A.N'NK,
lluad Huprrvlaor (,d liittrUi So. IZ.
iitttiiM j,r rira.a'iiti riitf ri. ....... ii.-
iionoraniH j v. ( ampneii, judge orMolalla road, wllbln tlx rnonllu from
the above rntltlrd court, date October (he dale of Ihla ftotbr
1Mb. 191 j
lata of flrat publication, October
22nd. IJI5.
I late of laat publication. Ilerrmhcr
-Ird. lli.
Allorney for I'lalntlff.
In Ihu Circuit Court of the Htatu of
Oregon, for the County of Clai ka
maa. Cbarlea 1 1 oh ne, rialiillff,
Northwratern Aaaixlutlon. a corpora
tlon. Defendant.
Hlala of Oregon, Counly of Clackamaa,
Hated, October 71. 1 9 If,.
AI.K'K K qi'lN.V,
Adiiilnlalralrlx of Ibe Katala of
Cbarlei K. Qulnn, Ileceaaed.
for Ibe Cth day of !eceiiibr, J1S. William Hammond
and If yon fall lo ao appear and an-; Philip L, HammonJ
-' , i,,r wain iiir-mi
plaintiff will apply to Iha court for the
relief demanded In her 'ompUInt, In-!
, .... I A ' U. Heal Eatat, Uan.. Inaur
ror a drr dlaatilvlng tb mar1 BBCe
rlag contract now eilatlng between!
plaintiff and def.ndai.1 and f-,r auch! nJlKfJ0.N CITV, OflEiJON
oilier and further rllef aa to aald i Pf "l I'hona II, Homa I'hon A 271
Attorney! Law
Nolle for Lavy of Additional Road
Nut Ice la hereby given thai we, the
underalaned Tmiiairvt r,,mUilfttf r I
ten r cent of Ih. Taxpayer, la l(.4 !r"urt ""f fT' Thu .urn--'
lM.trl.1 No. U, Clackau... county, PH-d by order of Honor- ITne I adflo 61
Oregon, herebv iv. noil-, lo In. T... "'r. junge or me im,i.
Home A lii
payera of aald Koad IHatrlct .No II.
entitled court
Attorney at Law
that iher. .in i- k n,.n. pun nation or una aum I
Taxpayrra of aald dlalrn t in Orange ' r'"'To "Tl !''' ' legal builneai promptly attended to
lly virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly tamed out
uf and under the aril uf the above
entitled court. In the above entitled
rauae, lo lu duly directed and dalvd
tha ICtli day of October, 1915. un a
Judgment rendered and entered In aald
court on the 2nd duy of Augiiat. 19 1j.
In favor of Cbarlea lloline, plaintiff,
and CKulnat Northwratern Aaaoclallon.
a corporation, defendant, for the aum
aled. Oregon City, Ore. Oct. lh
In the Circuit Court of (ho Stnto of
OrcKon for Cluckumiia County.
IVJ. Ulinnn, riulntllT,
MIiiiiio M. T'ltiiun. Uofondunt.
To Mlniilo M. Vlmnn, above niunoil
In thu nuino of tlio Stale of OroKon.
you lira hereby required to appear and
aiiHwer the complaint llled iikiiIiirI
you. In the above entitled ault, on or
, before the tweKth duy of November,
V.M'i, Bald (Into beliiK Hi expiration
of alx week from the flr,U publication
of llilH aiimmotiH, and If you full to
nppeur or anawer ald complnlnt,
for want theruof the plulnllff will ap
ply to the court for tlio relief prayed
for In tils romplulnt, to-wlt:
For a decren iIIhhoIvIiir tliu nuirrl
ami contract now oxiHtlng between
lilulntlff and defetulant, TIiIh ruin
mona Ih puhllHliod by order of Hon
). S. AndorHon, JuiIkb of tlio County
Court, which order wun niudo on the
S.'lrd duy of Seplombor, 1915, -01111 the
time prescribed for publication there
of Ih hIx weeka, beRliinlnK with the
Ibhiic dated Frlduy, October 1st, 1915,
and continuing each weelt thereafter
to and Including Friday, - November
12th. 1915.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Clrnult Court of the Stale of
Oregon, for Clai kamaa County.
II. Illnkle. I'lalntlff,
vi. .
Virginia Illnkle, Defendant.
To Virginia lllukfe, alwva named
In the name of the State of Oregon.
you ar hereby required to appear and
newer the complaint filed agalnat
you. In tha aliove entitled mil, on or
before the 9th day of November, 1915.
Id date being the expiration of alx
eeka from the flrat publication of
thla auminona. and If you fall lo appear
or anawer fail complaint, ror want
thereof the plulnllff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for In hli
For a divorce dlaaolvlng the IniiiiIk
of matrimony now axlatlng between
the plaintiff and defendant. Thla aum
mom la puhllahed by order of Hon. J.
('. Campbell. Judge of Ibe Circuit
Court, which order waa made 011 the
lit duy of October. 1915, and the
time preacrlbed for publication there
of I alx weeka, beginning with the
laaue dated Friday. October Rill, 1915
and continuing each week thereafter
to and Including Frlduy, November
1lh. 1915.
GEO. l imOWNEI.U' and
Attorneya for' I'lalntlff.
lly E. C. Hacked. Iepuly.0r $1710 04. and the coat of and upon
thl j writ, commanding ma out of the
peraonal property of laid defendant,
and If aufficlent could not be found,
then out of the real property !lotig
Ing to aald defendant on and after the
date of aald Judgment to aatlafy aald
mm of fl710.uK and alio the coati up
on thla aald writ.
Now, therefore, by virtue of laid ex
ecution. Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance w ith the command
of aald writ, being unable lo find any
peraonal property of aald defendant'e.
I did on the 16th day of October, 1915.
duly levy uxin the following dcacrltied
real proH-rty of aald defendant, adn
ata and being in the county of Clacka
maa, and atate of Oregon, to-wit:
All of Hedland Park, according to
the map and plat thereof' on fi'e In
the offlre of the recorder of convey
ance! for Clackamaa county, Oregon,
except plut numbered 5 In iiibdivlKlon
-" of aald map and plat, and I will,
on Saturday, the 4th day of December.
1915. at the houof 10 o'clock a. in.,
at the front door of the county court
house In the city of Oregon City, In
aald county and atate. acll at public
auction, auhject to redemption, to the
highest bidder, for I'. S. gold coin
rash In hand, all the right, title and In
teres! which the within named defend
ants, or either of them, had on the
date of auld judgment or since had In
or to the above described real property
or any part thereof, to satisfy said
Judgment order, decree, Interests,
costs mid all accruing coats.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
lly E. C. HACKETT,
Dated, Oregon City. Oregon, Nov.
5th, 1915.
Nolle to Craditora.
Notice la hereby given that Ih un
dersigned haa been duly appointed aa
administrator of the ratal of Henry
Karl Dleckmen, dereaeed. and any and
all peraona having ilalini agalnat aald
eatat muat prew-nt them lo the under
algned. duly verified, aa by law re
quired, at till rraldence near Wllaon
vllle, Oregon, within alx month from
Ilia data of this notice.
Dated October 2C(h. 1915.
Attorneys fur Adininlatrator.
Hall, at Mullno. on the 21rd day of !h da, of P"1'"' "'" t"
November. 115. at three (31 o"b-k U lw"ll,'lt J1; , t
p m to vol an additional tax of OORDON E. II AIM.
Notice of Final BattlamsnL
In the County Court of (he State of
Oregon, for flat kamaa county.
In tbn Matter of the Eatate of David
Will!, Deceased
Notice la hereby given by Lillian
Dcrry. executrix of the laat will of Da
vid Wllla, deceased, that the haa filed!
five mills In aald district for road pur
purea, aa provided by an art of the
leglalatura In 1913. Section C12I. peg"
21. of the Road l-awa of Oregon.
II. Hchuebel. It. (J. Aahby. N'ela
Kaari. I mac Hidtlaxrker, Andrew
HaarL Oo. Hofatetter. John Yokarlnta.
John Itapto, A. U lrklna, K. Zengrr.
A. Hearaon. J. I). French, C. A. Wal
lace, g. Holaten, O. A. vV. H.
Jonei, A. U Jonea. E. L. Merera. IL
IL Hnixlgraaa, All. Wleman. N.Jtoliert
win. C. T. Hihulhauer. E. T. Howard.
Hob. Wallaca. F. banning. Henry
nacher. C. IL Albright. D. Tnilllnger.
- J. M. Mollatt. I). H. Oravea. A. 3. Cul-
bertaon. A. C. Erickson. John L. Card.
A. II. Zurlfel. Arthur Dougan. O. C.
Erlckaon, It. H. Ixing. E. L. Hrady and
A. T. MollatL
Attorney for Plalnrlff. j
Attornay-at Law
Dautschar Advokat
Notlc of Road Budget Meeting.
Notice I hereby given thai, pursu
ant to Chapter 224. Oueral Laws of
her final account of adminiatrutlon of Oregon 1913. and Chapter 222. General
auld eatate with the clerk of aald court I laws of Oregon 1915. a meeting of the
and petition for sett'ement and die- legal votera of Road District No. 21.
trlbutlon thereof; and that Monday, Clackamaa County, Oregon, will be
the Mb day of November, 1915, at the held at Stafford arhoolhouse In aald
Nolle for Lew of Additional Road
Taa. Wl" Practir la ! court, oiak rl
Notlra la hereby given that we. th lections and settlements,
undersigned Taxayera. consisting ofj Offlc In Enterprise Ilulldlng, ,
ten per cent of th taxpayers In Road' Orgon City, Oregon.
Oregon, hereby give nolle to the tax
payers of said Road District No. 52,
that there will be a meeting of the
taxpayers of aald dlalrtct In Eaat ML
Scotl arhoolhous at Eaat Ml. Scott.
Oregon. 00 the 19th day of November.
1915. at ft o'clock p. m.. to vote an
additional tax rn aald dlatrlct for road
purpoaea. as provided by an ar or the
legislature In 1913. Section C321. page
,21, of the Road laws of Oregon.
TV. A. ri.RICH.
C. A. IlETZ.
In the Circuit Court of Hie Stnto of
' Oregon for Clackamas County.
Eva Caroline ' Lnbadco, Plaintiff,
Chns. Lnlmdoe, Defendant.
- To Chiis. Uibadee, defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complnlnt filed against you
in the above' entitled suit, on or before
six weeks from the first publication
of this summons, to-wlt:" on or before
the 12th day of November, 1916,
and If you fall to answer, for want
thereof, the plaintiff will take the re
lief prayed for In the complaint, to
wit; for a decree of divorce herein
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between
tlio plaintiff and defendant herein, and
that the plaintiff be given hf maiden
name, to-wit, Eva Caroline Ward, and
for such other and further relief as
the Court may seem meet and equit
able. J. DEAN J1UTLER.
Attorney for Plaintiff. '
In the Circuit Court of the Stute of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Genevieve Clem, Plulntlff,
J. F. Clem, Defendant.
To J. F. Clem, above-named defend
ant :
In the Name of the State of Oregon
you nro hereby required to appear and
answer the romplulnt filed against you
In the ubovo entitled ault, on or be
fore tlio Aril day of December, 1915,
said date being the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and If you fall to ap
pour or answer auld complaint, for
want thereof, the plulntlff will apply
to tho court for (ho relief pruyed for
In her complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the mar
riage contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons Is published by order of Hon.
Geo. R. lliigley, Judge of the circuit
court, for DlHtrlct No. 19, State of Ore
gon, which order was nindo on the 21st
day of October, 1915, and tho tlmo pre
scribed for publication thereof ts six
weeks, beginning with tho Issue dated
Friday, Octobor 22nd. 1915, and con
tinuing each week thereafter to and
Including Frlduy, December .Ird, 1915.
Attorneys for Plulntlff.
hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day.
at the court room of said court In tha
court house In Oregon City, C'ack
amaa county, atate of Oregon, have
been appointed by order of said court
district on the 20th day of November,
1915. al the hour of 2:30 o'clock p. m.
for the purpose of conalderlng the fol
lowing estimates of the amount
money to be raised by special tax
Commercial. Real Eatate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fir In First Ts'allonal flank
Illdg, Oregon City. Oregon.
NoUry Public.
Eatacada, Oregon.
WANTED To hear from owner of
good ranch for sale. Send cash
price and description. D. F. Bush.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Office Phone Pacific Main 405;
Home A-270.
lleaver Dldg., Room (
duly made and entered on the 6tb 1 said district for the ensuing year.
day of October. 1915, as the time and Roads and Highways Improvement
place for hearing objectlona to said land maintenance of Wllsonvllle Road,
final account, and for settlement and north to county line, $240.00:lmprove
dietrlbutlon of aald estate. ment and maintenance of north end of
Dated. Ootober 5th. 1915. 1 district to top of Hayses Hill read.
" LILLIAN DERRY. 320.00;lmprovemeni and maintenance
Executrix of the Last Will of Da (of Wllsonvllle to Frog Pond Grange
vld Wills. Deceased. j lltall road, $240.00.
Date of first publication Octoler 8.' Sobscrtlied by- three resident free
1915. j holders of said district and by the road
Date of last publication. November I suferisor of aald district this 23rd
5, 1915.
Notlc to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly uppolnlod by
tho County Court of the State of Ore
gon for thu Comity of Clackamas, Exx
ecntor of the estate of George M. Se-
crest, deceased. All persona having
claims against said estate are hereby
required to present them to mo nt the
offlco of C. Schuebel Oregon City, Ore
gon, properly verified as by law re
quired, within six months from the
date hereof.
Date of first publication, Friday, Oc
tober 8th, 1915.
W. S. TJ'REN, Executor
of tho estate of George M.
Socrest, deceased.
Moliull & Hurley and C. Schuebel,
Attorneys for Executor.
Notice for Ltvy of Additional Road
Notice Is hereby given that we, the
undersigned Taxpayers, consisting of
ten per cent of the taxpayers In Road
District No. five, Clackamas county.
Oregon, hereby give notice to the Tax
payers of said Road District No. five.
that there will be a meeting of the
Taxpayers of said district In Telford's
hall, at Itorlng. Oregon, on the 26th
day of November, 1915, at 2 o'clock p.
ni., to vote an additional tax In, said
district for road purposes, as provided
by an act of the legislature in 1913,
Section 6.121. page 24. of the Road
Laws of Oregon.
C. M. Uke, II. L. Ball. W. A. Crosier.
C. I.ekberg. Ells C. Horberg. John Ol
son. T. H. Richardson, A. T. Stlnberg.
. Hanlor, A. Dodd. R.' S. Frank. John 1
Meyer. J. W. Ilrooks, J. W. Roots, Win.
A Morand, J. W. Stone. W. Strucken. II
Ciernnnd. Grunt Sloop, W. H. Wheeler,
W. R. Telford. Geo. Tacheron. J. E,
Sle'er. H. A. Heck and Wm. E. Wheel-
day of October, 19fS.
R. De.VEI'1. .
Road Supervisor Road District No. 31.
Sherwood. Route No. 5
Notlc of Road Budget Meeting.
.Notice Is hereby givon that, pursu
nnt tn Chanter 2.14. General ' Uwi of I
Oregon. 1913. and Chapter 222. Gen.lwUh vallle8 generally Qtcd fraction-
IN10N STOCK YARDS. Portland.
Ore.. Oct IS. There was a soft spot In
the hog market at North Portland to
day. With the bulk of the arrivals
coming dlrty-t to a local meat company
on contract from Its country buyers at
$6.90 for tops, this price waa consid
ered about tho extreme for offerings
today although a handful of small stuff
went over the scales at $7, the recent
high mark.
Market for hogs again showed weak
ness in the eastern trade this morning;
.O. D. EBY
'Money loaned, abstract furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled,1 general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of Sur
gery of Chicago, la established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street.
Roth Telephonea
Office Pacific 65; Home A 93
Kes. Pacific 184: Home B-SO
In tlm Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Gladys Mario Jones, Plulntlff,
lien W. Jones, DufoniWnt.
To Hen W. Jones, aliovo-iiumed de
In the name of the State, of Oregon,
and you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
agulnst you, in the above entitled suit.
on or before the 2(lth duy of Novem
her, 1915, said date being the cxpira
tlon of six weeks from (he first publl
cation of this Biimmons, and if you
fall to appear and answer said com
plaint for waat thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the court for tho relief
prayed for In her complaint, to-wit:
For a divorce dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plulntlff and . defendant. ThlB
summons Is published by order of J.
1J. Campbell, Judge of the circuit
court, which order was made on the
13th day of October. 1913, and tho
time prescribed for publication there
of is six weeks, beginning with the
Issue dated Friday, October 15th, 1915,
and continuing each week thereafter
to and Including Friday, November
26th, 1915.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditor,
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
tho county court of tho State of Ore
gon for the county of Clackamas, ad
ministrator of the eslato of David Hur
rls, doreused. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
required to present them to me at the
orflce or C. Schuebel. Oregon City,
Oregon, properly verified as by law
required, within six months from the
date hereof.
Date of first publication, Friday, Oc
tober 15, 1915.
Administrator of the Estate of Da
vid Harris, Deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
Notice of 'Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final report as
administrator de bonis non of the es
tate of J. L. Stewart, deceased, and
that Uie court has fixed the 29th day
of November, 1915, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m. of said day to hear any
objections that there may be to said
report. Any and all persons are here
by notified to appear at the court
house In Oregon City, Oregon, at said
time In the County Court If anv ob
jections they have to said report and
the settlement of the said estate.
Dated, October 28, 1915.
s L. C. STEWART. '
Administrator de Ronls Non of the
Estate of J. L. Stewart. Deceased.
Nolle for Levy of Additional Road
Notice Is hereby given that we. the
undersigned Taxpayers, consisting of
ten per cent of the taxpayers In Road
District No. 31, Clncknmns county Ore
gon, hereby give notice to the taxpay
ers of said Road District No. 31, that
tbero will be a meeting of the taxpay
ers In Stafford school at 2: SO p. m..
on the 27th day of November, 1915,
at 2:30 o'clock p. in., 'to vote nn addi
tional tax In said district for rond pur
poses, ns provided "by an act of the
legislature In 1913, Section 6321. page
24, of the Road Laws of Oregon.
Fred ttaker. 0. VnnNortwIck, Grace
Ctobhnrdt, J. R. Peters. TV. C. Murray,
Chns. Thompson, H. D. Aden, Joe J.
Thornton, G. F. Aden, John Aden, T. F.
Hndgley, H. A. Raker, Otto Pamperin.
Edw. Pamperin, N. ,8. Oldham, Chas.
Schuffcr. John Seluff. B. F. Weddle,
C. O, Tledeman, R. DeNenl, Edward
era! Laws of Oregon. 1915, a meeting
of the legal voters of Road District No,
2, Clackamas county, Oregon, will be
held at grunge Hall, in said district
on tho 10th day of November, 1915, at
the hour of 8 o'clock p. m.. for the pur
pose of considering th, following esti
mates of the amount to to be raised by
speciul tax in said district for the en
suing year.
Roads and Highways Improve
ment of Clackamas and Oregon City
Road, 81929.00; Improvement and
maintenance of Clackamas and Mil-
waukte Road. S1929.00;lmprovement
and maintenance of Clackamas and
Baker Bridge Road. $1929.00.
Probable Receipts Probable re
ceipts of said , Road District from
sources other than direct taxation up
on real and personal property for the
ensuing year, $3000.00 .
Subscribed by three resident free
holders of said district andby the
road supervisor of said district this
16th day of October, 1915.
Road Supervisor Road District No. 2
Notice for Levy of Additional Road
Tax. .
Notice Is hereby given that we. t1y
undersigned Taxpayers, consisting of
ten per cent, of the taxpayers In Road
District No. 41, Clackamns county,
Oregon, hereby give notice to the Tax
payers of sold Road District No. 41,
that there will be a meeting of the
taxpayers of said district 1n the
schoolhousc at Dover, on the 27th day
of November, 1915, at 2 o'clock p. m
to vote an additional tax in said dis
trict for road purposes, as provided
by an act of the legislature In 1913,
Section 6321, page 24. of k)e Road
Laws of Oregon.
Notlc of Road Budget Meeting.
Notice Is hereby given that, pursu
ant to Chapter 234. General Laws of
Oregon, 1913. and Chapter 222. Gen
eral Laws of Oregon, 1913, a meeting
of the legal voters of Road District No.
52, Clackamas county, Oregon, will be
Notice of Road Budget Meeting.
Notice Is hereby given that, pursu
ant to Chapter 234, General Laws of
Oregon. 191.1. and Chapter 222, Gn
eral Laws of Oregon, 1915, a meeting
of the legal voters of Road District No.
1, Clackamas county, Oregon, will be
held nt Wichita schoolhouse, in said
district on the 13th day of November.
1915. at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of considering the fol
lowing estimates of the amount of
money to be raised by special tax In
said district for the epsulng year.
Roads and Highways Improvement
of macadam asphalt bond Sunnyslde,
Road, 3-4 mile, $3300; improvement of
macadam asphalt bond Ardenwald
Road, H mile, $2200;lmprovement of
macadam asphalt bond Wichita to Er
rol road. $2200. '
Subscribed by three resident free
holders of said district and by the
road supervisor of said district this
19th day of October. 1915.
Road Supervisor Road District No. 1.
ally off.
Three loads of cattle and calves from
Warrenton. passed through the North
Portland yards today en route to the
Interior. The shipment was made by
George Warren of Warrenton and w as
going to George Dixon at Prinevllle.
The only other arrivals aside from a
small shipment from the Willamette
valley, was from the very section to
which these cattte and calves are go
General conditions in the cattle mar
ket are quiet around former quota
tions. A carload of gates from a Willamette
va'ley point went through today to Ta
coma. The stock was first reported In
by some way as .mutton but the mis
take was quickly discovered and the
shipment will continue to Puget
sound under Its real name as goats.
Mutton market 1s safely strong at
full prices with no arrivals reported In
General mutton and lamb prices:
Select Interior lambs $7.25to7.35
Ordinary interior lambs 6.50to7.00
Willamette valley lambs... 6.00to7.00
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Myrtle Cavanaugh. Plaintiff,
Matthew Cavanaugh, DefendanL
To Matthew Cavanaugh, the above-
named defendant:
In the Name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer plaintiffs complaint on, or be-
Ore., Nov. 1. While It was not- defi
nitely known what the exact price of
hogs was even at the noon hour today,
stockyard interests did not feel that
the price of tops would go above $6.75
or even above $6.65. The - outlook,
therefore, was a sharp loss of 25c all
along the line for swine.
With a record showing of swine sup
ples on the market today, trading at
North Portland was extremely quiet at
the opening of the week. At 11 o'clock
there had scarcely been any buying, ac
cording to officials reports coming
from the yards. Killers were trying
to get supplies for less because of the
Immense offerings, but receivers were
holding back.
, General hog market:
Best light $6.63to6.75
Medium light 6.50to6.60
Good to heavy 6.00to6.25
Rough to heavy 5.00to5.50
Unexpected strength was Bhown for
cattle tn the North Portland trade at
the week's opening and sales were
made about a dime higher than last
week for similar quality. There was
another small showing of cattle com
pared with former Monday markets
and this brought out heavy bidding
ONLY OFFERING IN PORTLAND I N , ff0, kl"erS;. The result was that prac
uiuuy tui uuunugs were sum eariy.
Nov. 3. It was like pulling teeth to
squeeze $G.60 for anything in the swine
trade at North Portland this morning.
A select load of Klickitat stuff sold
at that price but much pressure was
necessary in order to bring this price.
The top there is 5 cents off from the
extreme quotation of yesterday. Only
a small run put In appearance but so
much stuff has been available recent
ly that this was not felt by tho trade.
The only offering In the mutton and
lamb trade at North Portland today
was some heavy stuff from the Willam
ette valley. Lambs, wethers and ewes
of this character only were available.
the lambe going at $7.00 to $7.15 and
a mixed lot of ewes and wethers at
Select east of the mountins stuff
would undoubtedly bring former ex
treme prices according to the trade,
best Interior lambs being quoted firm
at $7.35.
Although quiet today with but a lim
ited supply offering, the market for
cattle Is considered steady at North
Portland with extra quality stuff
quoted strong at full figures. The
only pressure continues In the she
Total arrivals of mutton and lambs
at North Portland over Sunday were
not sufficient to thoroughly test the
situation here.
All told only 252 head arrived, com
pared with the nominal showing of 396
head last Monday and 1750 a year ago.
Entire mutton market Is a mass of
strength with prices seemingly well
NETV YORK, Nov. 3. Marking a de
cline of 36 points since Monday, Beth
lehem steel, onetime leader in stock
aviation, caromed down to 425 today.
The men who are teaching school In
Tillamook county have organized them
selves In a School Master's club, which
will have for Its purpose " the promo
tion of co-operation among the schools
of the county in efficient methods of
teaching, and In securing aids and lec
tures from outside of the county, as
well as the profit accruing from occa
sional meetings for study and social
Pendleton's distinction for maintain
ing a public natatorium, it is pointed
out by the East Oregonlan, Is shown
In the fact that but 91 municipalities
In the United States have such Instl-