OUVAIOS CITY KXTEUlMM.Sli. rUHUV, N'OVKMUKU 5, 1U1 LOCAL DRIEPS Mr. and Mr. John Hughes, raid f--r of Mft, mere In lha county -al Monday on liualiicas. Ar- lila II. 'ni'P. of llila rllr, and Ml May Nnlaoii, of Woodland. Wash., urrd marriage lit a'ia In Vancou ter Thursday. Mr and Mr. (I. H llarrr. who ro iriilljf bought a farm on Ilia Ahvrpathy, mere In dragon City Thursday to at lend In legal matters. Mr and Mrs J. J. Wllkora, alio omn a farm near Aurora but live In Port laml, wore III Oregon Cllr Tilday to alli'iid to bualiime lulamata. Mlsa M)rt Ibiad In Orrgou City Hatordar. Mill Hum! la tir III tll Kldorada at hoola. Tlila la her awond term aa teacher In ilia Kldorada ills trlt N ('. Jamlaoii. ('la' kainaa Cuunty Cow Testing association's rattle tester. pard through Oregon City Monday enroute to thn l-add rat I In farm. John and llarrla l-colilng, of the lan r Crwk illktrli t, were In Oregon City Tuesday. They ar planning- on a trip to Han Pram lai o Ilia latter part of tlila month. Mlaa MaM Huff man returned from Han Pram laco a here alia attended tha fair On tha ay lioina aha vlaltud northern California. Mlaa Hoffman re side In New Era. Ivan II. IHmhk. of Hubbard, waa In the county seat Friday afternoon at tending to btialneaa inalli'ra. Ha visit rd hla ronalna, Judge (Irani II. IMinlrk and Walter A. Dlinlck. Clayton Hhermond. 13 year-old ly of Wllaonvllle, waa taken to a Port land kiMpltal Thursday afternoon for an oprratlon for appendicitis. Ilia la lha Kin of Mra. M. Hherwood. Mra. J. K. Ilmnra, of Ban Ptanclaco. Cal . returned to her homa thla awk after arndlni a meek In Clackamas rounly with frlcnda In Oregon City, Molalla and Kata ada. Hha alan vlalt rd In Cortland. Jamea lllnhop, arfml Id rars, of Wll aonvtllii, la In a critical con dition aa tha result of drain fever. Thr doctors do not rwt a recovery. I f r la tha aon of Mra. Martha Hlahop of Wllsonvllla. Judge T. K. Ilyan la tn Ori'tton City from Halrm. Ha la inaklnK arrange inrnta to tiring hla alfa and family to Oregon Clly within a ahort time. Thay all) attain muka their homa on thr , It) an pluce at (iladatnna. Mr. and Mra. W. J. W. McCord. who llva ivr.ir Orrgon City. haa returned to tlmlr homa aflir spending two meeke In California. They vlalted their daughter In Ivoa Angelea and Pun (-Yaiiilaro and ment to both exponl tlona. Tha trip both to and from Cali fornia waa made by boat. Mra Wllma I'lken. or Beattle. mho haa been trashing school In aouthern Miirlon county, mua In Oregon City for a ahort time Thoraday. Hha received word Wednesday that bar mother waa III and left at oner for Heattle, but stopped here on her way north. She mill prohadly return to Marlon county early next wk. II. fl. Mi lianloli and fuinlly auffrrrd a at'eond loaa by flra rarly Monday morning at thidr tent homa In Can muh. July 2D thn hoima tlu-y more renting rrom M. Telford aa completo ly dentroyrd by flr, only a few articles belonging to Mr. and Mra. McPanlula mere saved and theaa were deatroyed mhen a coal oil lamp exploded and burned them Momluy. II. H, Cor. a fruit gruwera or tlio county, realdlng In Caul))' maa truna- acting bunlneaa In Oregon City Friday. Mr. ('' makea a aieclalt)' of mining applcn. among Hie vnrletlea on mhlch hn look prlr.cit at (he county fair are Klnit, Ortlcy, Ilaldwln. Spy, Khndo Inl and green, Seek No further and Hen Duvla. Mr. Coe hurvoated over 500 boxea, a'l In good condition. Mr. and Mra. Maurice lllnford and llllle daughter, Helen, Mlrnt Kdna Mini- roe of Iforlland. Mr. and Mrs. George V, Kly or thla city were dinner gucnt lit tlii Inline or Mr. and Mra. Ceorge 0. Ilandall at Central I'olnt Suudoy. The trip wan made In Mr. Ely's and Mr. Illnford's inucliluea. The dinner wua aerved In Halloween atyle. Mrs. lllnford Is null known hero. She wan MIhs HcshIq Grout. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Larsen Jr.. and little hoiih, Clurko Smith uml Kaper SlgnliiH, aro the guimts of Mr. I.arMcn's purents, Mr. und Mra. K. S. I.araen, or this city. Mr. Uiraen Jr., Is a geol ogist In tha service or the United Slates government. . Mrs. l.urHcn und 'children have spent tho summer months in llnknrslleld, Cal., Hie guests of Mrs. K. I.. Smith, widow of tho Inte OongroHbiiinii K. 1.. Smith, tlioy are on route to their homo In Washington, I). C. II W I O'LEARY FILES D1V0RCE SUIT OCIIRTION It ALLIGCO IN AC TION AOAINtT COLA O'LIAKV OTMtft IUITI tlOUN. 1 hoinaa K. O'Uxry Tuexlay riled In thn rlrciilt court a dlvorca comidalnt agaluat I. ula O'U-ary, alleging diner Hon. They wara married In Kugnnn, May 7, IVI1. IHmlik Ulnih k and W. U Mulvry appear as hla atturneya. Charging that IhT hiialiand often tlmea fulled to coma boinn until rarly In tha morning and that then Iw ra- fued to aiplaln to her mhern ha had lieeli Ilia night before, Mrs. Ka Heard haa fllod a ault for a divorca agaliml II. ('. Ileach. They wrra married July 3, 113, In I'orlluinl and have two children. Hha aaka for $.!U nionthly allinouy and lb cuatody of the two i hlldri'ii. Mra. (iraio llulherg allegra that bor hiiabaiid. Charles J. A. Ilalbrrg once hit her In a divorce complaint riled In Ida circuit court i uesilay. Tliey worn married III Aalorla, Hepleiuber 19, I'JO.'i, and have two chllilreii. Cbrla Hi due del la her attorney. OFFERS Or CITIES IN EAST WILL NOT m mi us FACTORY WILL ! LOCATED WITHIN 40 MILES Of OREQON CITY, IAYI PROMOTER. !APPAL to circuit COURT BRINGS JURY DEBATE! DEAL IN WHEAT AND HAY TWO HOUR! BEFORE VERDICT II REACHED. HI FRED P. JACOBSEN COMES TO CLACKAMAB COUNTY TO OODCE PUBLICITY. Cred I. Jucodaen, of I'ortlund, mania a divorce, but ha don't Ilka publicity, ao ha ram to Clackamaa county to apply for It. Thla lie declared In a complaint riled here In the circuit court Hulurday. Krrd I'. J aro line u and Ada M. Jacob- sen were married In I'ortland In 1900, the complulnl reads, and have one aon Frederick I'. JucoIimmi, mho la now living with V. l-lia Jucobaen. 740 Multnomah si reel, Portland. H al legea that the baa rrfuaed to llva with him for the last eight months and that alio no longer lovea or cares for dim He aaaiTta no claim tc I5H) morth of peraonal proxrty In her name In Call font la. The divorce la much the aumt aa tha urual action tiled In the Clackamaa county circuit court almost by the dot en every meek, but almost the lust paragraph contains the aurprlslng fea ture. Jarobaen aaya hla mlfe haa many friends In I'ortlund and that he wishes to avoid the publicity a suit In a court In 1'ortlaiid mould bring. f REE SITES GIVEN If COMPANY WILL BUILD ON ATLANTIC COAST Oragon Towns, Eseapting Portland, Maka No Effort to tacurs Plant Many Bscome Intarastad In Btata'i Nawast Enterprisa. TWO COUPLES DIVORCED Circuit Judge Campbell signed ill von decrees Tucuday separating Harsh K. Counett from Albert I. Con ti el i and Murgatvt Gules from U Ar thur Galea. Thn aggrcanlve methods of Atlaullc coast cities to secure factories and the tliorougliiiess with which they keep watch on Industry, even along tha I'a clfli- coshI, a well llliistrati'd In at- tempta of coinmiinltlea in the extreme eastern atutea tn aecure the proponed mill or th WlllumrHu Valley Klsi coiiipny. now being organized here. John V. I-odcr, one of the lucor poratora, aald Krlday tint be and bis si(M lutes had re elved offers of free sites from Newport News, Vs.; Linn, Mass.; I'lttsourg. IVnn.; Chicago and vera! other cltlea. He said that In these letters, tha eastern civic bodies Disking them, offers, had argued that a factory In the eaat waa close to the msrkrl and offered the bent transporta tion facilities. Hut tempting offers and literature of aastern commercial cluda mill not draw from the Wlllumette valley Ita newrat enterprise, declared Mr. Lodcr. The mill, costing In the neighborhood or I'lOO.OOO and devoted exclusively to the tnsnuracture or flag fid re for shipment to eastern mills, will be built within to miles or Oregon City, lie said. Al though eastern cities mere active In their campaign for factories, Mr. l-oder Is or the opinion thst Oregon towns are alow. Only I'ortland haa communi cated with the organization In regard to a alte for the plant. The atate law provided that before the organization or lly appealing a ' from Hie juxllo court to tho circuit court. John U I'reirfer Tuesday won a Judgment for I agaluat Harsh M I. When tha case mas tried before Juatlco John N Hlevera, Mra. ! won. I'felffer leased a faun owned by Mrs. l-a and under Id terms of their agreement, tha crop waa to be divided Ha claimed that of the mbeat and bay crop, which mas tored In barn on the place, aba sold more than her share or tha crop and raliei in a numlx-r of neighbors In an attempt to arbitrate (he matter. Tha dwlalon or the board or arbitration waa not satlafsctory and a ault maa Inalllul.-d In the Justice court where Mra. Iy won. .The total amount Involved In all the transaction waa only $H0 0. The Jury In tha ilrcuit court went out at I: IS o clock Tuesday afternoon and returned erdl. t for the plaintiff at 4:12. C. fli hurle l represented Mrs. Af, and II. N. IHrks the plaintiff WEST LI TAX LEVY PLACED AT 7.5 HILLS The West I.lnn city tax levy mill be T 5 mllla, or which i mills will lie used to pay Interest and open a sinking rutid for tho t-OO.OOO water bond Isaue. The annual meeting of tsipayera msa held Saturday night and the tenatlve bud get adopted by the council maa ap proved. The expenses or the vsrlo'is depurtment and the levy necessary to tiHH-t Idem follow: Officers' salaiiea .8 mill; street llgdts. .7 mill; city hall. I mill; city engineer, mill; city printing, .135 mill; city election, .125 mill; fire department, .125 mill and Intereat on mater bonds 5 mills. The aasesaed valuation or the town has taken a considerable drop during the laat year on account of the trsnnfer or the ownership or the locks from the Portland Railway Light k Power corn- company can be i puny to the government and the re- completed, haH or the capital stock j moval of the old Crown paper mill, must be contracted for. The llax com- - . pany tins secured contracts for the aulc or almost hair of tho $20,000 capitaliza tion and organization m ill soon be com pleted. While Oregon towns are alow In their efforts to secure the new Indus try, scores of Inquiries are received here rrom those Interested In the growth or fax or the Investment of money In the enterprise. No trouble has been encountered In securing capi tal In The Social Whirl Currant Happenings of Interest lit and Abeut Oragon City HONEY FOR FUNERAL EXPENSES WENT FOR DRINK, MS WIFE WOMEN SEEKING DIVORCE SAYS HUSBAND SPENT CONTRIBU TIONS OF NEIGHBORS. RED PEP'S PHILOSOPHY Masquerade Party at Wlllametts School. , A masiiuerudo donf an I dumb party maa held In the usembly hull of the Wlllumette school house Friday even ing. October 29. About fifty persons! Charging that her liusiiund took mon were present, most of them lKlngt.y ruined by friends to defray tho fu- puplla rrom tho high and upper grades, ncral expenses for their dead baby lust of tho grumuuir school. Murcii and spent It for whiskey, Mrs. Almost nil wero miiHked und the i ('liriHtlnlu Wilson riled a .suit Monduy costumes were In many cases extreme- J ror divorce In the circuit court against ly unique. A " Who's Who?" contest uiuy r. Wilson. They were married In created much Interest and tho prizes were won by Lloyd Junken and Vera Harncs. The eighth grade girls pre sented a number or charades ror the successful guessing 'of which prizes were awarded to Miss Cora Hunt und Thcdtnu Delink. One or tho foniiirvs of the owning wus tho school yells kIvoii by tho boys with Terry Humes as leader. Games were played and refreshments were served. Among tho guests present were Mr. and Mrs. c. P. Komlg and daughter, Kll.adeth, Mr. und Mrs. D. II. Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. II, T. Ship ley, Mriy Jess W. Hyatt, Mrs. Mary A. Crltesor und Miss Cora Hunt. FATHER IS DEFEATED BY HIS SON IN COURT CARL TIMMERMAN PRODUCES RE CEIPT TO SHOW THAT STOCK MACHINERY WAS HIS. IITER IS SHOT 100 YARDS FROM OLD HILL HOME ALBlN FLOSS KILLED WHILE PULL. INO GUN THROUGH FENCE NEAR HIS HOME. SEVEN CLACKAIIAS SCHOOLS STANDARD DISTRICTS MEETINO STATE RE QUIREMENTS ARE ENTITLED TO BENIPITBOPTHS LAW. FAMilY, E1CHT HOURS AHER E LLTI Ml, FINDS THE BODY Coroner Hspmatead and Sheriff Wil son Investigate But Inqueat la Not Considered Nscasaary Shot la Hoard by Wife. Within 100 yarda of the alte or the houae In which Dm lllll family waa murdered In 1 V 1 1 . Aldln Floss, aged (0 years and a well t-do-rarmer or Ilia Ardenwald district, an Idciitly killed hlmseir sometime Thursday afternoon. Mr. Hons left his borne II o'clock Thursday morning and told bla wife and family he waa going hunting. They eiected him borne early In the after noon, but be did not arrive and at 7 o'clock started out to bunt for him. A few minutes later, the body waa round beside fence with Dm gun caught In the bars. Btic-rlff Wilson waa notified at once and with Coroner llempatead eft ror Ardenwald. Tbey thoroughly Investigated the taae but concluded ! that an Inquest waa not necessary. Evidently, Mr. Ploaa bad leaned bla gun against tha fence and climbed over. ben on tbe other aide be had started to pull the gun through, when the trigger became caught and one aide exploded. Tbe abots hit him In the body and death la believed to have been Inatant. Mra. Ploaa beard the shot, but be lieved that her husband waa merely shooting at a bird. The scene or the tragedy la only about a hundred yards from tlie Ploaa bouse. Mr. Pious waa bore 60 year a ago In Germany and cs"i to tbe I'nlted Htutea 35 year ago. He haa lived In the Ardenwa'd district for nine years and maa well known throughout that section or the county. He la survived by his w idow, three daughters at home and one aon, a atudent at the Oregon Agricultural college. Of the ',9 standard blgb schoole In Oragon, Mvrn ara In CI kaiuas coun ty, according to Ida list made public Monday by Htata Huperliilendenl of Instruction Churtblll. Tbey are Candy, Colton, Katacada. Mllwaukie, Molalla. Oregon City and Handy. I tha new high school law, dis tricts msliitainlng standard high schools are entitled to receive tuition for puplla attending In aucb dlatrlct. dot who reside In dlatrlcta not main taining a standard high acbool. Thla law excepta lbs counties main taining the county high m boot fund, but for such counties, the state board or education Is required U establish tha standard for high schools entitled to a share or tba county high school fund, therefore, the list Includes all the standard schools of tbe state. In order to da standard, a high acbool must have not less thsn I'm reference books for tbe library, choarn from tha state library list ror high x boots, one standard encyclopedia, a sufficient number or dirtlonsrlea and th proper ladoratory for each science offered. Tba ti-a hers must bold cer tificates entitling tbem to teach In high schools, and alt high schools to follow the state courae or study or a course spproved by tbe state board or educa Hon. COOTEE OF 9 WILL HOT GO OH WITH THE PUS LACK OF INTEREST AT MEETING CONVINCES BODY PUBLIC SUP PORT IS ABSENT. FINANCIAL AMENDMENT, HOWEVER WE BE ON DECEMBER BALLOT Ganaral Sentiment of Twtnty five Who Turn Out to Sasalon at Commercial Club Bsllsvad Against Schema. Halloween Party at Homo In Parkplaca. Miss Kdno Ttutts guvo a Halloween purty at hor homo In' l'urkpluce Satur day evening. I'ortlund May 2, 1900. Mrs. Wilson makes a gonerul chirge of cruel and Inhuman treatment She nlU'gcg that Just following her mar riage, her husband borrowed $20 to buy furniture und thut ho never repaid her. She says that he was once em ployed by the Portland street clf-unlng department and thut he waa dis charged bocauso he frequented buIooiis too much. March 16, bIio says, their baby died und neighbors, realizing thut they had no money to meet the funcrul expenses, raised a purso or $20 and gave It to them. Her husliand secured part of'thls money, she declares, and spent It Tor whiskey. i Wilson Is employed In a I'ortland I barber shop at the present time and Airs. Wilson maintains is ante to pay hor $10 monthly alimony. She asks that she be awarded the cuatody of , tbolr minor' child, Raymond Wilson. Carl Tlinmerinan won a suit brought against him by hla rather, PrlU Tim- merman, Priduy In the circuit court lloth rather and son live lu the Horlng district. Prltz Timmermsn sued bis son tor $750, alleged to be tbe value or stock and farm machinery tuken by his son from his furm near Horlng. Carl Tim merman claimed that the stock and machinery were his and In court pro duced a receipt showing that he bad purchased the stoc-g aim rami equip ment The plulntlff denied thut the signature on the receipt was his. The case was tried before Circuit Judge Campbell. C. Schuedel repre sented the defendant and Fred Olson, or Portland, the plaintiff. 1 1 IS Onmes und contests were forms or! Stone & Moulton are appearing as at- outortulnmvut ror tho little folk. In solving a Halloween piuzto threo prizes were, awarded to Mlimes Revu Jones, Irene Hastings and Edna Ilutts. Rortvrreshnietits were served to Miss es Hnttio nnd Kmma Hrecht, Lucille Cnso, Almn and Tearl Fbiher, Irene and Pauline Hnsllngs, Zlda Hydo, Myr- tel und Mabel Swcetland and Rova Jones nnd Lester Jones and Charles Hydo. 'A lile summer now &n. then is relisked ly tie fattest men'.' .And if y.ou buy your Orocarlea at LARSEN 4 CO. you will not only aave money, but grow fat and happy, even if It rains. EIGHT FOR 16 HOGS A Jury culled by Sheriff Wilson de cided agaliiht J. Knorht, of the Molalla dlHtrlct, Saturday afternoon In a dis pute over the ownership or 16 Iiors. Dnlhnrt Howell riled a suit In tbe clr suit court agulnst tbe Molalla Cream ery company ror unpaid salary and attached the hogs. Knecht set up a claim that the animals were his, but was unalilo to prove his point to the satisfaction of the Jury. torneys for Mrs. Wilson. TWO COUPLES ARE DIVORCED Circuit Judge Campbell Friday sign ed decree separating Mary A. Rren non rrom Lawrence . Drennen and finrah E. Jones rrom James P. Jones. CAHILL ESTATE PROBATED WIDOW, 31, HAS 8 CHILDREN Mrs. Anna Laniper, aged 31 years, Monday riled a petition ror the ap pointment of a guardian for her eight children, who range In age rrom nine months to 13 years. Her husband died November 27. 1914, and the estate Is valued at $500. A petition ror letters or administra tion In tho estate or Charles H. Ca bin, who died September 30 In Wasco county, has been Hied In the probate department of the county court. Prop erty loft by Mr. Cahlll consists of 40 acres In tho Robert CnufioM donation land clnitn and $1800 In bonds and pcrsnnul property, according to the petition. CASTOR I A For Infant and Children. The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought MAN ON WEST LINN COUNCIL FOR TWO YEARS WOULD SUCCEED JOHN LEWTHWAITE. Dr. L. U Pickens Thursday announ ced thut he wolud be a candidate for mayor or West l.inn. He has been president or the West I.lnn council for the lust two yours nnd has been called upon to preside at many meetings. He Is chairman or the council committee on streets and public property and hus been largely Instrumental In Improv ing many streets and roads In the town across the river. He Is chairman of the board or water commissioners. Dr. Pickens Is the first candidate to appear In the town across the river, although six cour.ellmen, a recorder, a mayor, a chief of police and a treas urer are to be elected, John Lewth waite Is the retiring mayor. Recorder Porter may run again. The election will be held December 6, the same date as tho election In Oregon City. WILL INSPECT YARDS Several score of farmers of Cue Es tacada district are to visit North Port land stockyards next Monday, making the trip In a special train over the Portland Railway Light & Power com pany's line. Resides a visit to the stockyards, tbe farmers will visit the packing plant aa well. This trip Is the result or a big meet ing held In the Estacada hotel a week ago last Saturday when the project or joining shippers together to ship and market beer cattle, sheep and hogs was launched. A general Inspection or the stock yards is to be made undor the direction or the railway and stockyards com pany official, and demonstrations will be watched or the methods or recelv- Ing, selling and disposing or livestock and the preparation o? packing plant products. A luncheon Is to be served to the farmers. USE OF TOBACCO BY IS WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPER ANCE UNION PLANS CAMPAIGN WITH AIO OF TEACHERS. A movemeel to oppose tbe use of to bacco by those attending the public achoola maa discussed at a meeting or the Women's Christian Temperance union at the First Baptist church Mon day afternoon and active steps to edu cate boys not to uae tobacco mere dis cussed. Tbe union mill award prises for the best essays on the effect ot liquor and tobacco on the human system and It Is expected that many will take, for their subjects, the effect or tobacco on the system. Seventy-five were present at the meeting. Including a large number or teachers rrom Oregon City and aur rounJing towns. Rev. J. K. Hawkins, of the Methodist church, was one or the speakers or the afternoon. A meeting was held at Clarka where a movement Is on fcot to organize a franchise of the union Sunday after noon. Mrs. George Eberly, county su perintendent of the good citizenship department of the league's work, and Mra. E. B. Andrews,' county president were the speakers. TEAMS GO VISITING AND ARE DEFEATED VANCOUVER WINS FROM HIGH SCHOOL WITH 20 TO 0 SCORE. The voters or Oregon City mill not rote on the city manager form of gov ernment aa provided for In tha pro pound charter prepared by the com mittee of nine. Tbia much waa certain Monday night, rollowing a mass meeting In the Commercial club, the committee voted to adjourn without date and the en tire matter waa dropped. The step mas taken because members or the committee felt that the people were not sufficiently Intereated In the pro posed charter, that If It went before the voters at the elec tion December ( It would be defeated and that there Is not enough time In the next five weeka to educate properly tbe voters. The meeting waa poorly attended and not representative of the entire town. Only about 23 turned out, ex cluding those members of the commit tee who were present U Stlpp, member of the committee explained the working of tho proposed charter, showed the relations between the man ager and tha mayor, the council and the mayor and the council and the manager. He answered a number of questions and then described tho pro posed amendment to the charter pro viding for the $275,000 bond Issue to take up outstanding warranta. At about 9:30 o'clock the general dis cussion began and a few minutes be fore II tho committee of nine voted to adjourn without date.' A dozen at tacks were made upon the plau. Some opposed It because at did not give the manager enough power, while others were agulnst it because It gave him too much. O. W. Eastham declared that he thought the government of the kind proposed invited men who would be attracted by the possibilities of graft and questioned the motives of the com mittee In Becking to put a ticket Into the charter itself. Several urged that a vote not be taken until next spring when the voters would have time to investigate the matter more thorough ly and others wanted another meeting. After It was evident out of the dozen of suggestions, that the meeting was far from enthusiastic for tbe plan. Mayor Jones called for a motion to ad journ. Dr. J. A. VanRrakle bad made such a motion half an hour or so be fore, and It carried. The committee met at once and decided that there was no use in pushing the plan further. Mayor Jones acted as chairman. He i declared from the chair that after three years as mayor of the city he saw I the need or a change In the form of (municipal government and favored tha LOCAL manager plan. 967 ATTENDANCE OF The two football teams or the Ore gon City high school went vlsltng Sat urday and came home defeated. The first team paid a return call on Vancouver high and were shut out! while the home team secured 20 points. Yancouverans bewail the fact that Only a week before these two same ' their city seems to be losing ita hold teams played on Canemah Held. Ore-' upon tbe people as the mecca ror por gon City winning by a score or 7 to 0. ' sons desiring to enter the marriage Clulr Miller, who has been out or the able state! The month or October fell i gume part of the season on account of shy that of September by nearly 30 licenses, but even at that, the Btate Bear tha Blgnatnro FRIELS ARE SUED The Port'and Mercantile union, with claims assigned by Fred Dundee, of Portland, Thursday filed a suit against J. T. and Maggie Frlel for an unset tled account said to amount to $196.54. W. 0. WELLMAN PAYS COSTS; FINE REMITTED W. O. Wollman, superintendent of the Standard Paving company who was arrested tn August on a charge of working men on municipal work more than eight hours a day, was fined $50 by Circuit Judge Campbell Tues day. Upon poynient of the costs of the action, $27.10, the fine ws re mitted. Wellman, '.who was indicted by the grand Jury last week, entered a plea of guilty Monday. TWO MARRIAGE LICENSES The average attendance last month injuries to his knee, was hurt again in the 135 Clackamas county schools Saturday and may not be able to fill was 9bj per cent, according to rigures j his post In the backfleld again this compiled Monday by County School season. Superintendent Calavan, who consid- Twelve to 7 was the score of the de ers them unusually high. Five schools I feat of the second high school team completed the month without a student1 at Mt. Angel where the high school being absent They are Meadowbrook,.i eleven played the second team of Mt Dickey Prairie, Liberal, New Era, Falls j Angel academy. The local team was View. Mr. Caluvan will make month-; outweighed and, say the players, sev ly averages showing the percentage eral riret team men were In Mt. Angel's of attendance month by month. lineup. of Oregon furnished Its usual quota, the people seeming to forget to "Buy in Oregon." Among the late licenses granted was one to Perry W. Weeks, aged 24, and Miss Martha Derhendt, aged 19, both of Canby, this county; also to Albert H. Hancock, 24, Port land, and Miss Ruby New, 24, Jen nings Lodge; and to Albert Dlrnbat, 28, Sherwood, and Miss Frances Hawk Ins, 23, Mllwaukie. COUNTY-WIDE CONTESTS IN ARITHMETIC ANNOUNCED BY SCHOOL SUPEHH County School Superintendent Cala van has announced his plans, whereby the friendly competition between the schools of the county will be used to promote interest in arithmetic and spelling. During the last two years, he has conducted county-wide sched ule of spelling bees, which were suc cessful In promoting interest in that subject. Mr. Calavan has sent letters to ev ery teacher In the county, explaining his plans. The one outlining the spell ing rallies follows: "During the past two years, oral spelling hns been emphasized in this county, with a result that has met the approval of teachers, parents and pu pils. Red Ink Tests Urged. "We wish to change the plan of the work somewhat this year, but we still wish to keep up a keen Interest In spelling. Written tests will take the place of the oral contests, and the lists of words sent from the office will be known as the 'Red Ink Spelling Test' "We do not mean for these tests to interfere in any way with the regular work, but to be taken up as an lncen- Helen L. Miller and Krnest V. Cur tis, of Fallon, Nevada, and Rose Tay lor and Jasper N. Seely, ot Sherwood, route No. 5, secured marriage licenses tlve for better work in spelling. Tuesday from County Clerk Harrlng-1 "We suggest that you give the fourth ton. ' grade ten words, the fifth and sixth grades fifteen words, and the seventh and eighth grades twenty words for a lesson, according to the ability of the pupils, to be used once each week, allowing five credits on the basis ot 100 per cent in test spelling' to all pupils making an average of 80 per cent or better in regular spelling, which credits will be added to their monthly average. "We think It best that you use red Ink In placing these grades on the report cards, as it . will have a ten dency to make It an attractive feature. "The history ot this plan shows that Ithas infused a very wholesome stimu lus' Into the child's mind to accom plish something. If he Is execused from the examination in even one sub ject at the end of the term, he feels that he has won a splendid victory." The letter describing the arithmetic matches follows: Arithmetic Drill Needed. "An examination of the records of this office proves to us conclusively that the pupils are not getting suffi cient drill in arithmetic. The pupil must know the fundamentals and prin ciples of this subject so thoroughly that it becomes a habit if he Is to solve the problems. "We wish to stimulate the pupil to do better work In arithmetic by for warding to you monthly testa for each grade, on the work they have passed over. You will conduct the tests, grade the manuscrips, and send the grade averages to this office to be filed. "Any grade making an average of 90 per cent will be eligible to send a rep resentative to take part In the final tests to be conducted by this office in centrally located places. "A suitable diploma will be given to the grade represented by the pupil who makes from 98 to 100 per cent In this final test. Small School Favored. "Do not think that you cannot enter your school because it is small. You will have an equal chance with the larger schools. In fact the advantage will be in your favor, as you will have a splendid opportunity, with small classes, to make your reviews and drills effective. "On the other hand, your school may be large, and you may feel that you are already overw-orked. I assure you, with the added Interest you will have. It will make the work less. Go into it enthusiastically, and yon will make this the most Interesting subject in the whole curriculum."