om:ws' crrv kstkin'UIhi:. nMi.Y.noMi:u ri. 7 lummint. In I In- linull (unit ill Ilia Hlala uf, fur ( U aamaa I'ouiiiy: Jutiii n rviu, rikiniirf. MK IU I". rliliU, Defendant. In Hielli V, n.'IU, almta named i! fl Inlulll III Id liain lit llm HImU of (Hi hii n.l ur hereby requir.! Ik appear m mm if die lumplaliit Med analn. )ni In ll.c abut rullllnl lull, mi in I rfmv the ulh day uf Nn.rinlier, 11 Mill !.! living llm atplrallun of al anaa (rum the fir at pubd. alluti o thla bi in iiinn h. anil If ni lull In ap l-eur ur ana it aald i umplaliil, I want thereof Ilia plaint I rT lll a'il In the ri'iirt fur llm relief (ira)ed f In hi iniiilliit. In wit ; Fur a dlturc dlaaultliia; Ilia bond nf iiim I r I iniili r nuw etlallng hclaecii pluliilifl ami dcfemlmil llila aiiin inima la nilillalii'i hv order of Hull I H Amlirauii, Judge of llm Cmui Cii'irl, which order waa mad nil Ihe '."(Mil day nf Hrpleinber, mm, ami ll lima prcaerllied fur iulillrallnn there nf la all werka Ic-at I n it I n at with Hi Italic dated Friday. Hepl Z tl h. 1915 uii l nut lulling mi ll uck thereafter In anil blinding Friday, NoveuitM' III, ISIV (1F.O C. IHtOWNKLL. CHAH. T. HIKVKIIH. Allnriii')! for liuliillff , SUMMONS In Hip ( In nil Court of Hi Stale o Oregon fur Clai kamaa Count jr. Marsh F.. Council, rialnlirf, Vs. Albert I.. Council. IMelulallt. Ti Albert I- f'oiiiii'lt. alMiva namei! itrfi'iiilatil: In I lii name nf the Htute of Oregon ami you are lie rly requited to uppea ami ana T Ilia roiiiilalnt filed agalna oii, In Ilia abuve rnlllli'il anil, on or hcfnra Hi 29th Jay of October. 1515 aalil dale being Hia expiration of alt weeks from Hit Aral publication of Hili auiniiK'iia, anil If you fall to appear or answer aalil roinilailit, fur want thereof the iluln(lfT will apply In the rourt for llm relief prayed for In her complaint, to all Pur a decree1 dlaauhlni llm bond a of matrimony nnw palatum between the plaintiff anil defendant. Thla inn luoiia la piilillntiPd by order of Hun. J f. Campbell, JinlKP of Ilia Circuit Court, which order was nindn on Hip nth ilay of Heplcinlier. 115, ami Hip I Iiiip prescribed fur iulillrallun there- of la alt wecka. beginning with Hip laaun dated Frldny. Hllfiulir ITlli 1016. anil rontlntiluK each week llirrp after tn a. ill Including Friday, October Ulh. 19I&. GEO. (V IIIIOWNEI.U and CHAS. T. SIEVERS. Attorney, for Plaintiff . SUMMONS In the Clrrult Court nf Ilia Slule of Oregon for Clarkamua Comity. Margaret Galea. Plaintiff, va. I.. Arthur Cute, IMfiiilmil. To I.. Arthur Culpa. alve nameJ ilefenilant: In the namn of tli Htato of Oregon nml yuu are herehy mi'Hrpil to apK-ar ami anawer tha ronipluliit filed analnat on. In tha above piitllled luit. on or lirfnrp tha 2lh day of OctoliPr. 1915, aald ilalp bPlnc the eiplratlon of alx um-ka from Hie II rat pntilli iillon of Ih la amninona, and If you full to appear or anawpr aald complaint, for want Hieroof the plaintiff will apply to the rourt fur the rellrf piayeil for In her roiiiplulnt, to m It : Fur a decree iIIhuoIvIiih the IiuiiiIh of miilrlniiiny now pxIhHiik between Hip plaintiff and defendant. Tlila mini luoiia la publlHhi'd by order of Hon. J. V. Citniiihrll. JiiiIkp of Hie Clrrult Court, whli'll order a nmdo on Hie l.'lh dny of September. 1915. and the time prearrllnnl fur publlrutlon there nf Im nix weeka, beKlnnltiR with the Ishiio duted FVIiloy. September 17th, I9IS. nnd enntlnuliiK enrh week Ihero nfler to nnd Inrlmlltm Friday. Orlnber '.'9th, 1915.' GKO. C. HIIOWNKI.U and TIIAS. T. 8IKVERS. Attorneya for Pliilnllff. Sherlff'a ,8ale In the Circuit 'Court of the Stutu of OreKon for the county of Multno mah. CvorKu II. JohliHoii, rialutlff va. II. G. llartHhoriio nnd ICIale HarU- liurnii, DefendiilitH. SliU'e of Oregon, County of ( larkii- iiiiih, mh: lly virtue of u JuilKiuent order, lie rree and execution, duly lamied out of and under the acnl of the ulmvu en tilled court, ill the ubovo entitled rmme, to me duly directed nnd dated the 2 let day of June, 1915, upon a jink meiit rendered and enterlnd In wild court on the 15tll day of Juno, 1915, In fnvor of (ieorne II. Johimon, plulntirf, and iigulnHt II. U. llartHliorno nnd K hIh IliirtHhoriio, derendauta, for thuj Hum of K00. with IntoroHt theroon nt the rale of 8 per cent, per annum from the 25th day of November, 191 , and tlio further niiiii of $i;n.OO. with Intercut thereon lit (i per rent, from the 15th day of June, 1915, anil the further mini of $20.25 cohIb nnd iIIh ' liiirxeincntH, anil the routs of and up on IhlH writ, rommandlng me that out of the pemonal property of wild do fendiintH, on and after the snld 15th day of June, 1915, to natltiry the do maiidH of pliilnllff; or It niirtlclent could not be found, then out of the real property of aald (ltifeiidnnlii. And being unable to find poraonnl proporty I did, on tho 23rd day of September, 1915, levy upon tho following dcucrlb ed renl nrom-rty: Lots ten (10) and eleven (11) of block "IV of Wllflon vllle, Clnrkamna county, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of mild execution, Judgment, order and decree nnd In compliance with tho commnndn of aald writ, I will, on Saturday, the 2:ird dny of October, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M at the front door of tho County Court hoiiRe In the City of Oregon City, In aald County and Htute, aell nt public miction, subject to re demption, to tho highest bidder, for IT. 8. gold coin In hand, all tho rlnht. title and Interest which the within named defendant or either of them, had on the date of the Judgment hore In, or since had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy sold execution, Judg ment order, decree. Interest, costs, and all accruing coats. W. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Hy K. C. Haekett. Deputy. I)atd, Oregon City, Oregon, Septem-J ber 24th. 1915. lummni III Ilia ('In till I unit of Ilia Hlala of )ieun, fur Cl4ikama I'miMr Klhfl Cm, I'lalnllfT, va ( luilia A I'm, IMni.lant To Cbailra A di'fmuUnt : I'm, alMiia nami III Ilia luiua of Hia Htalv of (lira-uli.! yuu aia liprly rulr to ai'M-ar ami j aiiaair Hie i imiplalnl fllrd aialnal! ymi In Ilia alMit anlllli-d a.ilt, on nr Im file llm lib day of Nini-ml.ff, lili,: aald daU Ix-lna; llm ipliailun of all Bpeka from lbs Aral pulilli allnn of Hit auiiiiiiuiia, ami If yuu fall lu ap pear or anaai-r aald rniiiplalnl. ful anl lliereuf Hia plaintiff a ill ai'ply In llm court fur llm relief rar4 fur III Iter lomplaliil. In all Kur a ilet rp illaauHluii llm marrl ana rnntrail Imw palln( hrlaren plaintiff and ilefenilant Tlila auui luoiia la pulillalmil by order of Hun II M Amleraun, JmliP of Hia Cnuiit) Court, li li b order aa inada on Ihf 'fib day of HcptrrniM'r, Itflfi. ami '.lie Hum prrai-rlliml fur pulilliallnn Hmra of la all laeeka. Iienlunllig allh llm 1-aiMi dated Friday, Kept. 24lh, ll and i unlltiiiliig each wm-k llmn-after lu ami luiliidlui Friday, Novamlier Mb. 115 (iKO C, lltf)WNKI.I CIIAH. T. HIKVKIIH.. Attorney! fur Plaintiff Sharltt't Sale. Ill Hip Clrrult Court of llm Hlala ol Uri-Ki li fur llm Cunuly uf ('In I a Una II. Hi.lllvan. llui.Hl., a Ml ii die Arnold. I' ( . Uoll..n, .Vary J. lloaeiieaKle. (iinrgn lleddaaay and the Portniiinah IjiiiiI Company, a cnrpuiallnn, lipfpndanls. HImIp of Oregon, Comity of Clai ka- nun, aa: I'y lrtue of a Jiulniiu'til order, dp rree and execution, duly laaiird out of and under the aeal of l!ie above en lltlml court. In Hip alio pnlllled raiiae, lo iiip duly dim led and dated Hip Hith day of September, ll'i, liHin a Jiiilgineiit reinlered and elite red In anUI court on Ilia l.'ilh day of He- lein her. 1915, In favor of II. Hul'lvan, pliiliillir. ami aKnlnat Minnie Arnold. II. C. Wolfm-n, Mary J. Itoaeiipagle. (ieurxe Keddaway and the rurtnninah IjiiiiI Co., a rorpurallun, defendanla. fur Hip auui of f4IHK.t3, with Inlerral Ihereon at the rale of ali trr cent. per annum from tha 22nd day of June. 1915. and Hm further aunt of $.tK .' taxes pnld by plaintiff, with Inirreai thereon from the 31 at day of Octuber, 1911, until paid, and the further sum of $,'.0 aa attorney's fee. and the fur ther sum of $37.50 coals and disburse inenta, anil the roat of and upon tlila writ, commanding me lo make sale of the following dearrlbed real proerty, situate In the County of flnekainaa, Stale of Oregon, tn-wlt: The hoiithwest quarter of Section Twenty-two 122) In township Four (4) South of Mange Three (3) Kaat of the Willamette Meridian, containing one hundred und sixty arrea more or leas Save nod except the rights deeded to the Molnlla Lumber Company, as per deed recorded In Hook 99, psge 4S6. records of deeds for C'nrkainaa coun ty, Oregon. Also auve and except a strip of land deeded lo Clncknmss ounly for road purimnes, ns per deed recorded III Hook 122. at page 201. records of deeds of mild county. Now. therefore, by virtue of said ex edition, Judgment order and decree, nnd In compllunre with the rommunds of nuld writ, I will, on Saturday, the 30th day of October, 1915, at the hour of lO.o'rlmk A. M., at the front door of the County Court 1 Inline In the City of Oregon City, in suld County and Slute. sell at public auction, subject o redemption, to the hlgheat bidder. for V. 8. gold coin, rush In hand, al' the right, title and Interest which the w ithin named defendants or either of hem, hud on the ditto of the mort gage herein or since had In or to the above described real property or any ii rt theieof, to utlxfy suld cxecii- Ion, Judgment order, decree. Interest. costs und all accruing costs. V. J. WILSON, Sheriff of Cnrkumus County, Oregon. lly E. C. Ilnrkett, Deputy Outed, Oregon City, Oregon. October 1st, 1915. Summons. n the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clucknmus County, , J. t'lmun, I'lalntifT. vs. Mlnnlo M. I'lnuui, Defendant. To Minnie M. Ulmnn, above limned defendant: In the mime of the State of Oregon, ou lire hereby required to nppcnr nnd iiHwer the complaint tiled against yon-, In the ubovo entitled suit, on or efore tho twelfth day of November, 1915, said date being the expiration of six weeks from tho first publication of this Hiimmons, and If you fall to nppear or unswer snld ronipluliit, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for tho relief prayed for lu his complaint, to-wlt: For a docreo dissolving the iniii'rl ngo contract now existing llctween plaintiff und defendant. This sum mons Is published by order of Hon. II. S. Anderson, Judge of the County Court, w hich order was made on the 2:trd day of September, 1915, nnd tho time prescribed for publication thero of Is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dntcd Frldny, October 1st. 1915, nml continuing each week thereafter to nnd Including Frldny, November 12 III, 1915. GEO. C. IWOWNFILL, CHAS. T. SIEVEItS, 'Attorneys for Plaintiff. Sheriff'. Sale. in the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Clucknmus County. Ida E. Judd and I.ora S. Jtidd, Plain tiff, vs. Henry Cromer and Ida Cromer, his wife; Hawthorne Avenue Stables, a corporation, L. D. Carpenter, Al bert Dobner, Arnold Myers, and Mary Myers his wife; E. G. I Kol lette. and Elsie La Follette his wifo, A. L. McMnctin and. Ellzubeth Mc Martln, Defendants. Stato of Oregon, County of Clncku mas, ss : By virtue of Judgment order, de cree and execution, duly Issued out of and under the Beal of the above en titled court, In the ubove entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 25th day of September, 1915, upon a Judgment rendered und entered In aal4 Mif oh tha J '.Id day tA hV' l-f. In fatr of Ma V. I rt i a4 IJH4 M J kM. p'.li.liT.. au4 aiaiaat llanry ruiucr, au4 Ma hia i(. Ilalliii, Aiauua aiaMa a I. II ( artirlilcr. AHwM Itnliiu r. AiauM Mima, and Uni Mi era Mi air., K I) U fnlMK, an4 Klala UrulUlia hia aiU. A I. Mr J ' It gul.l Ui. ah In ka4. all Hi Martin and riiMiib Mi Marlin. 4ajfltil. HiU aa4 loi'ft at.l. k H. felnlafila. fur IU auiu of ;;ul 17, alia ' oHbln ai4 e!lei t.i.ia if Ml,r nf Inlxnat Himim.n al llm fata nf T i lli'iii. a4 on Ilia U.i- nf Ilia u.ut(. ipiiI. r ami urn tium lh (ih day ul l.rlu nr aim l4 m nr In llm a!i iuly. I I ami Ida furllicr aum J rf.arl'4 t oncriy (r aay mm II 1 4 " laira iahl alib inlp-a( Hi. r u al r irnl fmin I ha tub day uf July. HIV ami llm further I'lin uf ttii liiaiiiam, allh 4 per rem fmiu July jMh, I I j I60IK( aa atiuniaj'a fm and lit furlber auui of :4 7i roala and illi,nrK im nla. and Ilia ruala of an I upon lliia aril, iiiniiii.iiiiiig ln to make aala uf llm fullualna dea. iIIhuJ real prnM-rli, alluala In llm r.eini) uf Clai kamaa, aUI nf (limon. In all; III iliinlni l a pulnl fm-l N'urlh nf tha Huiilheaal loinrr nf Ihr K. II. Iarllen and wl.'a Imnallun IjiwI ("aim No, 44. Tuninlnp 4 fluulb nf HaliKfl 1. F-a( nf Hu Willamette Meridian; ruiinliig llmmp Nuflli 211 fW; Hiema Weal tl 1 fei I ; llii-li ft on III 314 feel; Ihenia IUt J frel to tha place of lieliinliig Alan lx ginning al a Milnt If,', feet S.iriU of Ilia Houllmaal rurner of the K II Leoell.n Ijind Claim Nu 40. and al the Huiilheaal n rner of a flvr acre trait nf land drrilrit lo Henry Cro iner by John laallcn and alle run Ii I ii a; Hipiii p Weal on I'm Him nf aald llehiy Cruiurr trail HI feet; llonif Houlh !2 fret; tbenrp Weal feii lu Ilia line nf V. J. .pwrlen'a land, tlieni Kouth III', feel; tlienie KjI 615 feet; llunie Houlh l f-t In the aoutli Una of tha K. fl l.eplen dona Hun l and Claim No 40. Hmnp Kaal 7.11 feet atonic a ild Huiii'i lim to the Suiilheaat corner uf aald claim: tbenre North K.'.l e l n the pUie nf begin iiliif, containing 3 arrea inure or leas In Tp. 4 8 II 4 K. nf tha W M , ron lalnlng In all 40 arrea mora or les. Nnw, Hierefure, by virtue of laid ei ecuilun. Judgment order and derrre. and In compliance allh the rommanda of aald rll I will, on Saturday, Hm 30th day of totx-r, 1915. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M . at Hip front dour of the County Court llouae In the City of Oregon City, In said County und I Slate, aell at public auction, aubiett lo redemption, to the tilth"! bidder, for V. 8. gidd coin rash In hand, all the right, tide and Interest which Hm within named defendanla or either of them, had on tha dale of the mortgake herein or since had In or lo the above dearrlbed real prnierty or any fiart thereof, to antlafy aald eteirutlon. Judgment order, decree. Interi at. coats and a'l accruing coats. V. J. WII.SON. Sheriff of Clarkuitiai County. Orcuon lly E. C. Haekett, Deputy. Dated. Oregon City. Oregnn. October Ul, 1915. Summon. In the Clrrult Court of Hie State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Kva Caroline Ubadee. I'luliitirf. Chita. Ijibadee. Defendant. To ('bus. Labadee. defendant : In the name of the State nf Oregon, you are hereby required lo appear and aiuwcr.the complaint filed agnliuit you In tho above entitled suit, on or before alx weeks from the first publication nf this iiiinmons, to-wlt: on or before the 12th day of November, 1915, nd If you fnll to iinswer. for want!'300000- wl,h ,"u'm'1 ,n,!r,K,n ' thereof the plaintiff will take (he re lief prayed for In (he complaint, to wit; for u decree of divorce herein dissolving tho bonds of matrimony heretofore und now existing between tho pliilnllff und defcndiint herein, and Hint Hie plnintlff he given her maiden name, to-wlt. Eva Caroline Ward, and for such other and further relief as the Court may seem meet und enult uble. J. DEAN 1UTLER. Attorney for I'lnlntlff Sheriff. Sale. In the Circuit Court of the Stntc of Oregon, for the county of Clucka mus. Frank McKnlght, Plaintiff, vs. J. II. Colt and Flotilla I). Colt, his wife; J. C. Allen, Associated Cred itors Adjustment company, a cor poration; James Thorpe, otherwise known as Richard Thorpe; Moun tain Irrigation company, a corpora tion, and llolman Fuel Co., u corpo ration, Defendant.. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: lly virtue of u Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issueil out of and under the soul of tho above en titled court, In the, above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated tho 28th day of September, 1915, up on n Judgment rendered and enterod In snld court on the 15th dny of Sep tember, 1915, In favor of Frank Me. Knight, plaintiff, und against, J. II. Colt and Flotilla D. Colt, his wife; J. C. Allen, Associated Creditors Adjust ment company, a corporation; Jnmes Thorpe, otherwise known as Richard Thorpe; Mountain Irrigation com pany, a corporation; and llolman Fuel Co., a corporation, defendants, for the sum of $21100.00, with interest there on at tho rate of "Mi per cent per an num from the 5th day of December, 191.1, also Interest on seventy-five dollars ($75) at ten per rent per an num from June Gth, 1914, until puid; also Interest on $75 at ten per cent per annum from December 5th, 1914, until puid; nlso Interest on $75, at 10 per cent from June 5th, 1915, until paid, tho further sum of sevefTty-elght and 93 one hundredths dollars with Interest thereon nt 6 per cent per un num from May 2(lth, 1915 until pnld; the further sum of $123.76 with inter est thereon at 6 per cent per annum from June 5th until paid; and the fur ther sum of $100.00 attorney's fees In this suit; and the further sum of $28.25 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real property, situ ate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt: Lota "O," one (1), two (2), three (3), four (41. and five (5), Orchard Homes, according to the duly record ed plat thereof on file In the record er's office of Clackamas county, Ore gon. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment order and decree, ' tu.llaif-a alia Ilia nf l4 I - "" ' nUt. tht VIS day f IhUAtt llV al IU t ..f A II oiliaik a aa, al lt fHm . 4 Um (wml iwirt k-.t In iLa.Hj uf dltfm t ll, la ai4 -.i.lf ami aula, all al iiul-w iuhi, .ji,J. I to r.-li-mi-lli, lo Ilia In. !,.( I,i,t4-r. fur Ibnaof. lu Hilary iduii. ! Ju'inint ufJ''. A I. Iuiil, rn.ia iii4 all arruing r.ia tt I WllJdiS, Hhrn'f nf ( I niiniy. Df.ri, It) Y. f, IM( KK1T. Ih-pMI y. Haled, OioU CU, firr . O.lniirr I.I, lli Ndtic af Final S-tinn. In Hi mailer of the rit nf franiea Ml AlUIrr, de'' I Nolle la Imreby Dial llm Uli drr.lnnrd a aterntr.i nf llm alue enlllle.l eaUla, has f.M Imr rnal re port In Ilia t'nolily o-,it nf Hm H'alr nf Orrguli. fur Hi l.-n,l, nr ( l. ka inai, and Ibal Mn!i, Hm flral day uf NutprnlK-r, A. D I '!'.. at Hm hour of len o clixk A M, and Hm i mrt runin nf aald rnunly !. Imni appoint ed by aald rourt aa ih llm and pUj)tiun of llila auiiiiiiuiia, aud If you) , . , j.f . I ... , I . . . ...... 1 . . . . . . . . .. , , ....... j inr Hi" uraiuia ' " ii.ui iiw, in and lb ar.tlcm-,., Hm,. All IM-raulil havliif an uliletlnin; AM fl..linl ll Im, lirl.l al ll.M lljll! named Hum I pi.e- l.aie.i aii'i lu-i nr., if. i.i.n-i i . Ul, IIj. uiuv f vL-u'Tiw MART t. NKWTO.N. t-. , .i. - .., ...,... -- , Frjiiiirs M' luier. b-eaaei HAMMOND A IIAMMON'li. Atmrtieya fur Fie-nlrn Administrator's Notice of Final tttltM. Notice la hereby gl.-n lliat Hip un- ileralgnetl hi filed till final account ' aa adnilnlatrator of the rnlal of Alley' K. Iieaklna. deieaaH. In the Coimly Court of Clarkaiuaa Cieinty, Oregon. I and aald Court haa aet Monday. No-,. lat. 1915. at I 'I o'rlui k. A. M.i trmhrr let. 111. St lu 0'rlotk. A. M, tommona. i a. ih. IH... for heann, ld ..count JIn ,ht (.mil, lourt of the State of! and the obJt;.,.o. , here,., .nd for Oregon, for the -County of Cck.-, making settlement cf said eatate.l mM ) Al. per,, having obj.-tiun. to mU,j. K. U.d.ey. IMaint.ff. account or the discharge of said d-j t. mliilatralor. are hereby notified to pre-i jlme- w. Uldley. DefendanL 1 sent the aame to aald court on 4ir le-i fore Mid time. ' JOHN M. I.EAKIIW. i Adinliilalrator of H.e rUte of . an.. k iw..iu. .1.-,1 I'AI I. C. FISCHER. Attorney .'or Administrator. Sharlff'i Sal. In Ihe Circuit Court of Hie State of Oregon fur the County of ''lacks-! niaa George Specs. Plaintiff. v.. l-jOf Maud Gould and Currl- Winalow fondants. Stale of Orejon. County of Clacka- niaa, aa. I llu ,-lr.i,. ,.f . liwlt.nti.ti. inl.,r ilti.TMl ..j w. - ............ . . ... ..... , .... , ami an net-ilium, uuii iauru wm u. and under the aeal of the above en - tilled court. In the above entitled nsuae. to tne duly directed und dated the 6th day of Octuber, 1915. upon a Judgment rendered and entered In suld court on the Sth duy of September. 1915, In favor of George 8iees, p'alntlff and ogninst Maud Gould und Carrie Wlnalow-, defemlunts, for the sum of raie oi o per rem ;ht annum iruni inr 15th day of June. 1915, nnd the further sum of $19.31. with Interest thereon at 6 per cent from the ,12th day of May. 1915. and the further sum of $11.59 with interest aa 6 per cent from Jii.o 1st, 1915, and tho further sum of $200.00 as attorney's fee, und Ihe fur ther sum of $.'i"i.00 costs und disburse ments, and the costs of and upon this writ, cnminauilliig me to make sale of the following described real prop erty, situate In the county of Clack-1 aniHS, stale of Oregon, to-wlt: The Y4 of the N.E.V1 of Section Twelvo (12) and the N.E. i of N.K. of said Section Twelve (12) In Township Three (3) South of Range Two (21 East of the Witluniette Me ridian In Clackamas County, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment order and decree. and In compliance with the commands of suld writ , I will, on Saturday, the (Ith day of November. 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., ut the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City in suld County and Stute, sell at public auction, sub ject to redemption, to the highest bid der, for V. S. gold coin cash In hand all the right, t it lo and Interest which the within named defemlunts or either of them , had on the dale of the mort gage herein or since had In or to tho above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy snld execn Hon, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and nl accruing costs. W, J. WILSON, Sheriff of -Ciackanias County, Oregon. By E. C. liackett. Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Oct. 8th 1915. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State or Oregon, for Clackumus County. J. H. Illnkle, Plaintiff, vs. , Virginia Illnkle. Defendant. To Virginia Illnkle, ubove named defendant: In the nnme of the Stute of Oregon, you are hereby required to nppear and answer the complaint filed against you, In the above entitled suit, on or before the 19th day of November, 1915, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you full to nppear or answer tuld complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In his complaint, to-wlt: For a divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plnintlff and defendant. This sum mons Is published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 1st dny of October, 1915. and the time prescribed for publication there of is six weeks, beginning with the issue dated Friday, October 8th, 1915. and continuing each week thereafter to and Including . Friday, November 19th. 1915. GEO. C. BROWNELL. and CHAS. T. SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. p nix u C'K U'l Nutb U faf-Miiy (lira Hml lim un 4rauu4 baa lB 4 lf a.,ll,l I I.) la I x.hly I mm 4 llm riiaie nt l (UN uf b ( u-.i,l; nf llraainaa. K.i ulnf U Ilia Mlali nf liurg 'A M rfr.l, dtlMHll All xfvtut lllUI'l lUni.a aainl aa'4 raUia tie (i-frii) It'iuifd lo praaciil I be in lo Mm al I'm nit I. ijI V. Hikui'--! I in fill (lly. Ore M,, ttuprfj trriflrd a by la r ij oie.l. n lun a.i motitha frmii llm dula lii rtuf ai nf fl rt twbli allun, Fiuts, lc luUr mb. IIV W, H CIIKN Kierolur nf Hm traUla nf l.eorga M Hprl, daa4. tleimll A li'irlr) and C. H l.url.rl, Allurney fur Kircuinf Summena. In (he ('If. un Court nf llm Htalv ()raun. fur ( Ix kaniaa Cuunty. litadya Marie Juiiea, I'tiluliff. a lien W. Junra. Defrlidant. To Ha W'. Juima, ai naiurd d fendant In llm naiim uf Ih Hlato of () eon, and ou ar hrraby required lu ap lar and anaaer lb ruuiplalnt filed aaainal vuc In tha alwva ntllled suit. on or lfure'lh JWh day of Noem-l WW. I F I J. Mill UIIV IJIIIII UW m- Hun of all wk. from Ih. f.r.l publl - la. .1.4 u t l.una ll,. u.i,lia 1 rail lo appear aim anawr wm nun- L,.t fur aanl Hmrenf tha pl-inllff .ill annU lu i court for llm ruin .. . . I.. .- la. Ml l.klkll. yM . durrt d.Uing lb. ' oi uiairilliun ana riiauiK i.t-i wrr . . . ... . ., Hir plan tiff and defendant Thla imii"ih " . ... i auu inuna la pub almd by order of J. ... .... , 1 llliimii, J'ir ui - 'rourt. which order aaa made on Hi Ulh day of Ortuljer. 1915. and the Ilium prrMrlbed fur publication there of la all weeks, beginning with lb jlaaue dated Friday. Octolwr I'.th. II5, anu euiiiiBiiiua ran. e- . to tt)d m Imlmg Friday, (,(, C,r.t). C. IIROWNEI.I. and ( HAS. T. BIKVKKS. Attorneys fur rUliitltf. t0 iamei V. laldley, defendant: ,h. ..n,e of the Sl.le of Oregon. you ,re hereby ruired to PH-.r and .u. 1 j.... ni ,.,in.f 'you In the above entitled court und t . . . ik. i.a a., n.:ot tne egai voters oi noaa uisinci .cause on or before the 3rd day of 1) (.a(.fcani county Oregon. emlH-r. '3. -d ' ., Mi ,t c,nnge ,, ,t Mullno.j i weeks after l!ie first publication of . . this summons, and If you full lo to appear und anawer within aald lime. lime, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plulnt filed heroin, to-wlt: A decree thla court dlsso'vlng the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore evlst- K between plulnllff and your aelf on the ground of cruel and tnnuman : I...- ...... mrA w.r-..,n .1 lml I II nil lea '. u-ai lllt-llfc ... ........ .-., - . . .... .... .renuerina me ouruenauiue. aim mi .eneral relief. Thla aurainona I. published onre a; week for alx consecutive weeks (mak-, i . i .... I .... . t ... nr.l.i. nt .ha1 ma. .i-ini i....... u, .. . . - Honorable 1-J'-mJni th, .hove entitled court, date October loth. 191 j. r,w' JTJ,fr m,"llratl0n' 0f,?''er I Date of last publication. December 3rd. 1915. . I R. I. MACKENZIE. Attorney for Plaintiff. I Summon.. . In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Claokamus County. Genevieve Clem. Plnintlff. vs. J. F. C'em, Defendunt. To J. F. Clem, ubove-nnmed defend ant: In the Nume of the Stute of Oregon you ure hereby required to uppeur nnd answer Uie complaint filed ugainst you lu the above entitled suit, on or be fore the 3rd day of December, 1915, suld date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to ap pear or answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the mar riage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This sum. mons Is published by order of Hon. Geo. R. Bagley, Judge of the circuit court, for District No. 19, State of Ore gon, which order was made on the 21st day of October. 1915, and the time pre scribed for publication thereof is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated Friday. October 22nd, 1915. and con tinuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday. December 3rd, 1913. BROWNELL & SIEVERS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas couuty. In the Matter of the Estate of Duvid Wills, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given by Lillian Derry, executrix of the last will of Da vid Wills, deceased, that she. has filed her final account of administration of said estate with the clerk of said court and petition for sett'ement and dis tribution thereof; and that Monday, the 8th day of November, 1915, at the hour of 10 .o'clock a. m. of said day, at the court room of said court in the court house in Oregon City. Clack amas county, state of Oregon, have been appointed by order of said court duly made and entered on the 5th dny of October, 1915, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account, and for settlement and distribution of said estate. Dated, October 5th, 1915. , LILLIAN DERRY. Executrix of the Last Will of Da vld Wills, Deceased. Date of first publication October 8. 1915. - - Date of last publication, November 5, 1915. Notice to Creditor.. Notice is hereby given that the un-! derslgned has been duly appointed by the county court of the State of Ore gon for the county of Clackamas, ad ministrator of the estate of David Har ris, . deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me at the PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MOMIY TO LOAN P C. UTOUIRTTB. fraaldanL t. J. MKTKH. Caaktaa The First National Bank of Oregon City, Ottgca CAPITAL, IM.0O0 00. rr 6xral anhln( waiaoaa Oaaaj fram f A M. I I f, H off.' a nf C. Hi hurl!, Oregon (If, Orann, prnprly verified aa by la 1 ))( rc'iolrrd. a tt tills alt Month from llm! data hereof. , Datenf flral all m, Fil ial, Or- !tUr IJ, lli. I W. Y. IIAKKIH. Admliiltralr nf Ih Folate of 1 ld HarrU, lheaad. C. HCIII KHKL. Attorney fur Adililnlatratnr. Notiet for Lav of Additional Road Ta. Nut lie la hereby given Ihat we, til' , . . ! """"" T"Wn- """'''"' ten per rent of lha Taxpayers In It.iad lilairlct No. 19, ( U'kaniaa rutiniy, , , r"",n' "- ''' !. 1' ' , imii'ii flu ui'i ll Mil liiaiii. i i. ; ' . , , . ., ., ' that ttmre will be a meeting of the u on r,rJ dar o( t ' .Nonilicr. I9Ij. at three (3) o cluck ,i IP- m., lo vote an additional tai of . ' , , .. .. . . . , . ' 'H1 I" "'"J Aitv for road pur-: puai-a. as provided by an art of the legislature In 1)13. Section f,ZZ. pag- j 21, of tha Road IJiwa of Oregon. j It. gihuelml. It. (. Aahby. Nel Husrl. Inaar leJUrker. Andrew Saarl. Geo. Ilofatetter. John Yokurlnta. . . . ,i,i. if A. Searaun. J. p. Frenr.:, C. A. a'- lace. 8. Ilolalen. O. A. ..... vV. H. Jones, A. U Jone. E. L. Me;vra. R. II. Snislgrasa. All. Wleman. N. Roliert sin. C. T. S hulhaiM-r. E. T. Howird. ' Rob. Wallace. F. Manning. Henry . ', ... " ... .,.. n t'.iii... 1 tLnO U. L C.rll ' . . ' . KHrLn! IlIV ERrdy .nd ! . .. .. j ' ' " . ....... Notlca of Road Budjjet Meeting. Notice la hereby given that, pursu - I ,0T "" ,B ,T. ! h". 'vn hV P"rU; I nl lo 1 'J' T."V. lOrcg.m. 1913. and Chapter Ila, Gen-; ; eral Um of Oregon. 1915. meeting i In snld district on the 23rd day of November. 1915. at the hour of one I . . . - ... M . 1 " lnn,Z I j - i ' r - r. amount of money to be raised by spe cial tax in Mid district for the ensuing, year. j Roads and Highway. Improvement j and maintenance of on ull the roads i In the rosd district, divided pro rata) ' per lillio ui rmu ao.vw. ... . AAA oad $3,000. r . , . , n , . Probable Receipts Probable re ceipts of said road district from source, other than from direct taxa tion upon real and personal property ., ..,,,,! nnn Balances-Amount of '.II balances han($60 Subscribed by three resident free- holders of said district and by the " ,.c 14th day of October. 1915. L. WALLACE. J. C. ANDERSON. H. F. DIETRICH. Freeho'ders. R. SCHVEBEL. Road Sujiervlsor Road Distrlrt No. 19 Notice of Road Budget Meeting Notice is hereby given that, pursu ant to Chapter 234. General Laws of Oregon, 1913, and Chapter 222. Gen eral Law. of Oregon, 1915, u meeting of the legal voters of Road District No. 41, Clackamas county, Oregon, will be heN at the Schoolhouse, in said district on the 13th day of No vember, 1915, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of considering the following estimates of the amount of money to be raised by special tax in said district for the ensuing year. Roads and Highways Imtirovement and maintenance of Sandy Road, $250.00;lmirovemeut and mainte nance of Nelson Road., $1S8.00; im provement and maintenance of Eag'e Creek Road, $175.00; improvement and maintenance of North Bank Road, $188.00: Improvement and maintenance of Pag Road, $90.00; improvement and maintenance of Bornsted Road, $50.00. Subscribed by three resident free holders of sulci district and by the road supervisor of said district this 13th day of October. 1915. .1. W. EXON, JOSEPH DeSHAZER, A. J. MORRISON. Freeholders. H. H. UDELL, Road Supervisor, Road District No. 41. Notice of Road Budget Meeting. Notice is hereby given that, pursu ant to Chapter 234, General Laws of Oregon 1913, and Chapter 222, General Laws of Oregon, 1915, a meeting of the legal voters of Road District No. 5, Clackamas county, Oregon, will be hold at Boring, Oregon, in said dis trict on the 13th day of November, 1913, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock p. m. for the puriiose or considering the fol lowing estimates or the amount of money to be raised by special tax in said district for the ensuing year. Road and Highways Improvement and maintenance ot Oregon City Road, about $437.00;improvement and main tenance ot Kelly-Epperson road, about $437.00; improvement and mainte nance ot Boring-Sandy Road, about $137.00; Improvement and maintenance or Damascus-Haley Road, about $437.00. Subscribed by three resident free holders of said district and by the road supervisor of said district this 16th day of October, 1915. W. R. TELFORD. GEO. TACHERON, J. W. STONE, Freeholders. M. H. WHEELER, Road Supervisor Road District No. 5 Notice of Road Budget Meeting. Notice is hereby given that, pursu ant to Chapter 234, General Laws of Oregon, 1913, and Chapter 222, Gen- WCIMHARD UILOING William Hammond Philip L. Mammon HAMMOND A HAMMOND Attornajra-at La lAbatrarU, Real Kutaln, LMaa, Inane , a.nca. i ORKi;ON CITV. ORKGON j Pacific I'bona tl. I loin I'hona A 271 : I'lioima I'artflc 11 Horn A Ul CEORCC C. 8R0WNCLL Attorney at Law All legl buslnea. promptly attendad to C. ICHUIIIL Attornay at Law Dauticher Advokat Will In all court., n.aka cl Iim lions and aettlemenls. Office In f.'titerprlae (lull. ling. Oregon City, Oregon. C. D. A 0. C. LATOURETTC Attornaya-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate, and I'robala our Specialties. Of fice In First National Iiunk Hldg, Oregon City. Oregon. CLAUDE W. DEVORE. Attorny-at-Lsv I Notary Public Estacad.. Oregon. Office rhona Pacific Main 40S; Home A-270. , STONE A MOULTON 1 At1ornya-at-Law Heaver Hldj.. Room ' OREGON CITY .... OREGON O. O. EBY Attorney-at-L.w Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed. Und title, examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City, ' W.S.EDDY.V.S..M.D.V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto. Canada, and the McKillip School of Sur Kery of Chicago. I. established at .Fashion Stable, between Fourth and Fifth on Main Street. Both Telephone. Office Puclflc Ci; Home H-8) eral Laws of Oregon. 1915, meeting of the legal voters of Road District No. 1. Clackamas county, Orfgon, will be held at Wichita schoolhouse. In suld district on the 13th day of November. 1915. at the hour of 8 o'clock p. for the purpose of considering the fol lowing estimate, of the amount of money to be raised by special tax In said district for the ensuing year. Roads and Highways Improvement of macadam asphalt bond Sunnyside, Roud. 3-4 mile, $3300;!mprovement of macadam asphalt r.ond Ardenwald Road. H mile. $2200 improvement of macadam asphalt bond Wichita to Er- rol road. $2200. Subscribed by three resident free holders or said district and by the road supervisor of said district this 19th day ot October, 1915. j O. J. McKENNEY. M. E. GAFFNEY. C. M. RICHARD. Freeholders. S. L. MULLAN. Road Supervisor Road District No. 1. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Myrtle Cavanaugb, Plaintiff, vs. Matthew Cavanaugh, Defendant. To Matthew Cavanaugh, the above named defendant: In the Name .of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiffs complaint on or be rors the 6th day of December, 1915, and if you fall to so appear and an swer said complaint for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief demanded In her complaint, to wit: For a decree dissolving . the mar riage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as to said court may seem equitable. This sum mons Is published by order of Honor able Geo. R. Bagley, Judge of the above entitled court. The first publication of this sum mons to be October 22nd, 1915, and the last date of publication thereof to be December 3. 1915. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for Plaintiff. JERSEY CITY. N. J., Oct. 19. Indi cations based on unofficial returns shortly before midnight were that woman suffrage would be defeated in New Jersey by from 50,000 to .60,000. A majority of 23,671 was recorded on unofriclal returns from 804 or the state's 1891 districts, the vote being 56,676 Tor and 80,347 ugainst the amendment Take Care of That Itching! All Itch ing Border, on Eczema. Do you regard that Itching as a seri ous thing? It is! Unless you begin to light It with Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment, the disease Is likely to cling on for months and years. Scores of grateful users say: "Why did we waste those months and years in agony when so tested s remedy was on the market." This ointment Is no. experiment; it is absolutely healing In Its power. Do not allow it to become serious. Buy a box today to light the beginning of eczema. 50s a box. (V'.v.)