Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 22, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    omwox rrrv kxtkupuisk. kijihay. otoiu:u u-j. vm
FOR A. J. AMI i.
ltIUI-AM, .. (M. K- I'lun (
tlirouth ttlluhl In I lllam
dir loosing bixiM-. Huih mi 'I rilsrs
street. A J. Ahim, rliy marshal vl ,
For tin- f.it 1 1 it In iiiiiiv limn a
cad Orr.iii Mr mill air !iipiltiii
their nxliu u to Australia.
An order lor JOm) loin of new a prim
CIom WateN foe Miiiuni Mi''"d
..r Dtc of 100 Mil Up and
Down Rio Graad Of'cr
Withhold Detail.
KiU l. iln'M'i inin the office ul hu Jn t !. 11 filled by the Crown Wll
'In incite l'M r iiiinpiiny fur newpa
, per ami wholesalers In Sydney, Mel
Untrue anil olher Australian cities.
The order ha been filled at the rum
the U II saloou. Htark iwl, at
uiliak tln nwriiini. aliil narrowly
tnltM-t ulrlk li srtrlal ui'li
I atroli i. u hhiffi-r and Ji ff Thoiup
bo Inicllcatrd the r. : iaiiy'a plant at Camas. Wash., and the
I.ROWN8VII.I.K. Tr . t. I. I -Ten
Mnlrana wer killed by iwwa today
l-rUM o( tbrlr al'rtml coiiiflK Ity In
lot nlfht'a wrwklnf of tit loul.
KrowBsvlll Mrlo passencrr train
and lh alaln( of three Amerkan and
the wounding of four other. I'we
officer laid tonlKht that bad clura to
othrr Mexicans counected with lb ror
urr. j
IQf 1111 aienrao illirn mmm rui
drntlfled young man. a passenger ou
lh wrecked train. woo accusrd
of revealing, tbe lilddVn place of IT.
F. 8. MK'aln. deputy state health of!i
cer hnt, who took relume In l:ie lava- j
lory of the car when the l-aodlti l JU -firm.
Sheriff W. T. Vann. ol Urownvllle, !
denied rriwrta of tbli Mexican' death. J
but tonicbt It developed tbt ooum;
HI ted tbe man after the sheriff left
the aeene of the wreck. Tbli Mel
ran aa blmaelf threatened by train
robber because of hi un'isua'ly fair
complexion, but a not molested after
he told them where two of the "grin
roe whom they were hunting, bad
Only the bare fact of the kill In; of
other Mexican today ere obtainable.
a the poaaei were careful not to alvej
out detaiH
that Amr tame to Cortland a lew
a.o from his dry precinct In rNu
ala and urtrd to make up fur loit
time. He had a room in the Wll bin
rite. Kl'Unlly he atartrd to trrk
! frr.h air ahen be aieppel on the ky
HKbt hit h icate oay iimliT hla ai'irhl
land ne ahol doanoard jIkhiI id ',rt.
Amea laVi n to the ememem-y
: hixpltdt. He ia only allthtlr rut by
; breaking (taa and hla left aide and
ibonldrr are painfully bmlaed. A
jiharre of dninkennea and dlaordi rly
ironduit aaa lixlfed afalnut hi mi.
pner hrtitiKht to Portland for ahlp
llu'liL The paer la put up In hoih ml In and
ra'ea. and la understood to le In fie
nadire of a trial order. It la rMwI' il
that other and hratler ordera alll fol
I In former year the paper mill In
jlhls territory did a heavy himtnoin
llh paper roimimer In AuatralU.
, (In aii on nt of the lack of adequate
j ihlpplna fai-ltltlea. however, thla bul
, ne aaa lot and the Auatrallnn p"
! pie becan to buy their paper lu Ku-
j rope. The aar now ha furred them
j back Into the local market, and the
I mllla In thla territory are eater to re
1 xain their trade.
! It ia aald that Australia offer a
! fertile field for the output from the
! 'oral mllla. and that a heavy volume
j of businea ran be developed there la
dependable aervlre ran lie obtained.
, In the absence of regular (tramshlp
servi-e to Aiiairalia, it la reared that
the local mill may not be able to re
tain the trade of that country.
Ore, Oct IS. So far a the "ik rul
sltuail.'n aaa refer ! d tb-'re am
no rhauge In tb l'a. ..!. market f'r
the day. 'lt.i tie excepiio.t i.f .1
small Kinch vt ti'H'-. :h. . ;i h on
iHteJ entirely of iue.
Top hoc auM t!.i mo r lnir lp tbe j
The econd Mexican killed local r.arket at . i or the law price
aaa aliened to he "partner" of the a- lmilar quaiu broi'cht -iti rdiv
youn man on the train. The vane' Th re aaa .. . h aupplv of!
memanlnit of the word "partner" ara, cattle reported In the yards overnlKht
not made clear. Four Mexlrani were I and these were of Indifferent quality.
TOKIO. Oct. 14.-I)epartiir of the
liner Mongolia today for San Fran
rlnco marked the withdrawal of the
Pacific Mull ateamnhlp company from
the Oriental aervlre. The Mongolia,
the atest vessel to fly the star ael
t rl es In the trans Pacific service,
will no to Near York after delivering
Ita passencer and cargo at Sun Fran-clseo.
hanged lo tree al various point and
four other wer hot.
T-e most reliable information indi
cated that these (hooting acre on, or
rerr near the bank of tbe Rio Grande,
where the cloet watch for Mexican
wa maintained for distance o' ion.
miles, up and down the river.
VAI.LEJO. Cal.. Oct. 15. Gunner J.
' llolton. machinist' mate, first class.
S. S. Sjwajkohkt. and David Harry.
Mare Inland coppersmith, were Iwdly
burned in a fire that destroyed the
Cordova wireless Itatlon. Alaska, last
nicht. according to radio advice re
ceived at Mare Island today. The fire
was caused by an alcohol tank explod
While the demand for extreme qual
ity cattle continue food a( North
Portland aith top tleera arouni ("J.Sj.
tbe poor rtM'f la (till showing n Hhing
but negWt
V.Tille there were no arrivals at nil
m the mutton trade, the sltu:-io.i !s
very tn-ng although no chunr-? In ih-
price frori that reached yest-jnlav
All th? big killer are purcuailng
their full requirement direct In the
coi'Mry and are therefore not bidding
for the limited volume of stuff tht
ha come forward of late to t.'ic local
(Continued from Last Week)
man, $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 22-Fred Schafer.
$1350.00; Fred Schafer, $20.54; A. J.
Miln, $14.20; Gotlieb Feyrer. $36.20;
Robbins Bros. $12.85; George Robeson
$7.70; Hub Bowman, $5.20; Ball &
Beaty, $180.00; Howard-Cooper Cor
poration, $1.00; V. G. Masterton,
$4.75; George Gurnsey, $10.00; R. B.
$.0; Krank olt, 111.50; ! Pan
qurtte $1.1.00; Jake .Smith, $1.00; Joe
Mlchela, 124 00; Henry Michel, $2.00;
Oival Thomas, f 1 ii 0(1 ; K, Ilio.ig,
$12.00; O. I). I.yn.h, $IMHI; Ceoi
('rite, $21.00; Gustavo Kaiulo, $4.00;
y Jones, $11.00; Kiln Nicholson,
10.00; Sam Adkina, $100; Al Dale.
$12.00; K. A. Davis, $12.00; Frank
Hroslir, $12.00; II. ChaMlne, $M.(HI;
I, D. Shank, $'10.00; Irslle Shank,
$74.60; V. S .1. Bak-by. $15.00; Alvls
Ki.s.rll. $:14.50; Bill Bird, $14.00; Karl
llild, flD.lK); Al. Wyland, $ IS0O; Bert
Wade, $18.00; John Miller, $X.00; Ben
Thomas, $.15.00; Freeman Thomas,
$24.00; Nd Coover, 118.00; J. M. Gro.
shong, $28.00; V. Pitman. $4 0tt; C.
Groshonir, $4.00; Joe Soaa, $10.00;
Aaron Sasket, $2.lKI; A. F.. Thomas.
$irt.00; AlUrl Groshonir, $S.00; C. K.
I.itiel. $d.OO; James Panquette, $it.00
Roy Thomaa, $8.00; C. II. I.owslnger
$i1.00; C. Myers, $il.lH; J. D. Fine,
$10.00; Frank Kolle. $'..00; VrUn
Ferlan. $8.00;' George llerbst. $2.00,
UIMSTRICT NO. 29 -G. A. Khlrn,
$2.25; John Y. Ohlert. Jr., $1.65; G
II. Gray. $22.50; K. Thompson. $4.00
W. Spralsky. $2.50; Arlo Gray, $4.50
DISTRICT NO. 30 Glenmorrie
Quarry Co., $:iy8.75; A. E. Helma,
$40.00; Frank Childs. $:IO.OO; Anton
Neilson. $15.00; F.d Wanker, $4.1.75
DISTRICT NO. 32-W. F. Su Clair
$8 00; F. Riser, $14.00; G. W. Smith
$10.00; J. W. Smith. $10.00; T. Par
rott, $2.00; II. Healer. $72.00; W. C
Heater, $50.00; G. Stangel, $:)0.00; T.
J. Stanirel. $32.00; S. Seety. $22.00;
G. Sely, $24.00; G. To.ld, $24.00; J.
Aiigui, $5.00; E. G. Jone. $.12.00;
E. U Baker, $28.00; A. Baker, $28.00;
A. Wooda. $28.00; J. Snider, $28.00;
D. Stahlnecker, $8.00.
DISTRICT NO. 33-E. Cloaner.
$1?.00; J. F. Moger, $16.00; Wiley
Uowell, $24.00; Geo. Genseroskl
$12.00; Archie Howell, $24.00; J. F.
Smith. $16.00; C. M. Folsom, $8.00;
W. W. Tucker, $12.50; Geo. McGowan.
$10.00; Horner Bro.. $77.6.1; Bert II.
Finch, $1.20; John Closner, $8,00;
Amos Millard, $20.25; Marion Millard,
$17.50; Frank Millard. $41.25.
DISTRICT NO. 35-Jarl A Erl.
$11.65; Sandy Mercantile Co., $1.20;
Port. Ry. L. t P. Co.. $('.9.56; Sandy
Merc. Co., $2.30; Vic. Hengstler,
$31.50: E. R. Brook. $31.50; J. B.
K. I.lllie, $ 14 00; A. Mill, $.0 00; J, J
llatlan. $15.00; Ch,. JUttaii, $16 00;
l. II. Watt, $14 00; I, N .lch.
14 00.
I'l.STKUT NO. 49C. C. Miller.
$13 09; J. J. Davis, f 3.40; II 1 .
Kinch, $45.75; (.'atfirlj l.br. Co., $4 Ort;
Geo. Hathaway, $H00; R. W. Union,
14 w; A. G. Ilurd, $4 00; . A. Hunt.
110.00; J. F. Snyder, $4.00; V.
I'avis, .00; J. J, IWW,, $4.00: II. (1
Hunt. $16.00; E. Ama. her, $2 00; Tom
1 artrr, $2.00; G. T. Hunt, $17 M.
niSTKUT NO. 51-Port. Ry. L. A
P. lo., $1.16.60; A. I- 1 1. acock. $46.50
Ernr.t Johnson, $14 00) John Johnson
$17.00; E. P. Teevin, $40.00; Frank
Teevin, $18.00; August Olson, $17.50;
August Wedln, $'0.0fl; Edner We.lin.
$41.50; L. r. Nordqulu, $19.00; Emil
Exley, $22.50; Net Rotllun. $.1865:
Nell Norqulst, $17.00; Tom Donalds
IIN.OO; August Samuelson, $1.1.35;
Al. Peier. $14.5Q; II. Walch, $1450;
John Kuhlin, $.10.00; Will Teerln.
116.50; E. P. Sheeilen, $4.00; Ixiis
Norquist, $4.00; John Hoffmelster,
$2.00; Will Sharkey, $13.00; E. Strom
$17.00; E, Taylor, $22.50.
DISTRICT NO. 62-A. W. Kanne.
113.00; Otto Urookman, $1.00; Glen
Kushford, $1.00; G. 8. Unon, $1.00;
Jack IVardorff. $1.00; W. A. L'urirh,
$2.00; I. Phillippl. $2.00; Mr. Antone.
$2.00; Royal 7,lnser. $2 00; A. Guldl.
$2.00; C. Cain. $4.00; A. Drardorff.
$4.00; C. C. Henderson, $4.00; Norma
Peterson, $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 53-01 L Veele.
$1.50; Ernest Conrad. $1.85.
DISTRICT NO. 54-J. W. Cook.
$22.05; W. W. Ung. $119.30; K. K.
White, $16.00; Geo. Owing, $28.00;
Ben Burket. $24.00; Ben Stanton,
$19.00; I .ester Stanton, $J0.O0; t5. II
Burket, $24.00; Frank SUnton.$20.00;
John Owing, $10.00; Bert Kent.
$33.00; II. Kunie, $20.00; John Casto,
$2.00; John Drescher, $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 65 Bert II. Finch.
$9.30; Creaion Mill Co., $4.48; II. II.
Mattoon, $800.00; Ben Tanler, $26.75;
James Hamilton, $56.50; Wm. Gra
ham. $23.00; Ja. Sevier, $28.25; A.
White, $45.50; B. Randolph, $20.00;
Clark Cockerlin. $27.00; J. A. Ran.
dolph, $9.00; F. Cummlngi, $21.00;
R. M. Miller, $29.00; J. Ficken, $16.00;
R. Mattoon. $14.00; C. E. Hively.l
llama. Vo1; C, C, Millsr, $2 00; Nat
NcnbtiM', 1V; I). K. Moelnk. $16 15
I'l.i.e Wiighl, l.'nod; Jubn Vauglian
It. II. Illiui.t, I.' id; Juhn N hi
is. 141 4i; D. t Frt. 1 17. Ml:
112(H); William limes, $1200; t bils ' ( l.ude W. lroie, $1 1 4; Edwin Hat-
Utiigli, $."J.I0; W. II. Caff., t:ntM; ,,, $17 05; E. loiiw'as, $2Wi, 1 1. I..
W. Italy, $16 00; Jetty Half, $4 (HI; Eidman, .' l, G. Anderson, l.' ttl;
J. II. Fiemh, $.,0 25; H. Fttmh, $!. M. Zogg, $;4i; ll.my Young, II (Hi;
(HI; Ed Callahan, $1600; ( bsile Cal jllibla Young, $1 (HI; ( ha. A. lUrtle
lahan, ld(H); H. Wrlgl.t. $14 00; 8, J J may, ti.M; N.lll. Ilaitl.may, .'0.
Yaugban, $HtiH); Andy llaydrn, $ll( CliUoNKIt-W. K. Ilampsiead,
00; Chris Dopl.b. $12 00; Gordon Bur-' $26 ml; V. J. hi.vets, $22 41; Maud
.is, $1.60; J. W. Col, $22.50; II. I Moore. $2 50; T. P. Johnson. $1.70;
Swale. $2000; Edd Kemllg, 114 00;! Ilrrnian Dillman, 12 10; J. P. Murphy,
II. Mwalea, $IU.(HJ; . K.uhel, $0(HI;!2 U; A. G. ( alll.on, $2.10; T. K.
(2. Tracey, $10.00; F. Johnston, $10.00;' Kawlliis, 2J0; Pat llartlii II IHI;
Wm. J. WiUn, $1.70; Wm. II. Ilol
xhu. $2.10; Dr. Hugh Mount. $:5.(K);
W. W. Myers, l.'iUI; Geo. lUndall,
12.60; II. (ireaves, $2.60; A. A. Price
12 no; (oy II. Co, $2.60; Wm. M.
Moehnk, $2 6(1; Dr. Guy Mount,
$25.00; John N. Sievtn, $3 00; Dr.
Hugh Mount, $5 00.
SURVEYOR -J. C. Hulllaii, $7.50;
Mr. Hloper. $10.00; A. l.son, $10 00;
J. F. Cromer, $22.50; J Ciomer,
$10 00; Uwli Wilcoien, $10 00; II.
Kohl, $22.50; W. McCubbln, $:; J.
Mor, $10.00; Pad O'Connor, $10.00;
Eli Swales, $10.0(1; W. E. Powers,
$20 00; Matt llarahan, $10.00; (). Ben
son. 110.00: K. H. (I ds. I'JOOOO: O. I.
Koeth. $14.40; E. (. Warren, $14.00;!
. J. Mctord, $11.25; I. Julian, $6.00 II. II. Johnson, $104.80; Harry Shel
E. I). Olds, $10 00; J. T. Hindi, $8.75; ley, $5.00; 1, Thompson Mblrum.
E. C. Warren. $258 85; E. C. KhuUrt. 0.M.
$15.ti0; G. K. Hall, $4 50; IC Richard- INSANE- Dr. M. C. Strtckl.iid,
on. $15.00; W. Dutther, $52 00; W. $5.00; Western Union Tel. Co.. $1.65.
S. Thomas. $10.00: II. II. Hartley . HI 'IT OF SCIIOOl Jt ('. 1. C.-l-
win nn. e t. i at . A A1.
nr,t lK-g. rt,:l tnn. 1 i-'"'w rrw onne, au.uo uiier
, T-'-, Ml Tl.vv, . . . . ... A , .
C. Baumback. $49.10: A. C. Brfiwnlmr. wor l W)l Meer. ' 00; Geo.
$22iO; J. Barnett, $23.60; Wm. Fel
lows, $19.10; M. MikUeson, $30.90; C.
A. Wendland, $16.00; John Dunn,
$20.25; Elmer Radford. $18.00; Joe
Haley. $29.25; Dick Jones, $13.50;
Will Haley, $12.00; John Maronay,
14.60; T. Lameraux, $14.00.
DISTRICT NO. 36 C. W. Kruse,
$242.07; J. J. Knaus, $47.80; P. A
Stone. $10.00; Wm. Lay. $20.00; Bud j Anderjon, ,G5.00; B. A. Blackford.
Lay, $16.00; Walter Painter, $8.00;
Graham Hungate, $15.00; G. E. Fey
rer, $23.00; Jack Feyrer, $43.00; Steve
Fisher, $22.00; J. W. SUndingcr, $4.00
P. O. Chindgren, $2.00; Ruben Chind.
gren, J2.00; Peterson, 12.00; W. W.
Elkins, $10.00; T. S. Cockrell, $8.00;
When Baby haa th Croup.
When a mother is awakened from
sound sleep to find her child who has:
' pnna tn I . , . I nnnamhllv In Ihn l.usl .1 1
I health strusgling for breath, she lFr8nk Vaughan. $16.00; Clay Hun
j naturally alarmed. Yet if she can ate $16 00; Chan. Purkapile, $16.00;
keep her presence of mind and givei.M. M. Jameson, $14.00; Hugh Cutting
' Chamberlain' Couh Remedy every $5.00; Starks Stuart, $4.00; James
$10.00; Leslie Dickey. $8.00;
Chronic Constipation.
" About two years ago, when 1 becan
using Chamberlain's Tablets I had
been suffering for some time with
stomach trouble and chronic constl-iten minutes until vomiting Is produc Baty
pauon. aijr conamon nnproveu rapin- en. qu:ca reuei win louow una tne p Lay Jlo.00 C E Ramsby
ly through the use of these tablets. ! child "will drop to sleep to awaken in .,'oftn M i p , .'i i -V. ,,
Since taking four or five bottle of j the morning us well as ever. This " , t'u- i
them mv health has boon fine" writes remedy has been In use for many i Chmdgren, $.10.00; Ben Chindgren,
Mrs. John Newton. Irving. X. Y. 0b- years with uniform success. Obtain- j r,-9; R- L- Holman, $24.00; George i 19 qo- Guy Clester $20.00- Carl An
riODeson. 2iz.ou: n. w . iavioson.
$39.00; E. M. Locker, $39.00; J. W.
Stone. $68.05; W. R. Wilmot, $22.50;
R. R. Moffitt, $6.00; John M. Trinley,
$1.00; F. W. Kruse. $2.00; C. W.
Kruse, $219.65; E. M. Locker, $52.00;
P. A. Anderson, $57.00; R. R. Mof
fitt, $3.00; J. J. Knaus, $5.62; W. R.
Wilmot. $22.50; R. R. Moffitt, $i!.0O;
John M. Trinley, $1.00; F. W. Kruno,
$2.00; C. W. Kruse, $219.65; E. M.
Locker, $52.00; P. A. Anderson,
$57.00; R. R. Moffitt. $3.00; J. J.
Knaus, $5.62; W. R. Wilmot, $72.00;
J. W. Stone, $63.00,
DISTRICT NO. 40 D. S. Erdman,
tainable everywhere.
I able everywhere.
TKe" Wonder Car"
Demountable Rims
The 1916 Maxwell is equipped with de
mountable rims, and has the same size tire on
all four wheels. Two vitally important features.
To replace a tire on the road it i only nec
essary to loosen five bolts ; slip off the flat
tire ; slip on spare rim and tire ; tighten three
bolts, and proceed.
We are waiting to take you for a
test ride in the car that has broken
all low "First-Cost" records, and is
breaking all low "After-Cost" records.
"OneMm'MoficdrBp f
71 - 17- - ,Yl
IhmMsbiLVfadsliield WJ,
1 W M
let. I 1 m I- 11
. $8.00; II. C. Bonaker, $18.00; R. Sulli
,van, $7.00; Milton Chindgren,'$23.00;
J. D. Crawford, $9.50; Charles Free
iman, $60.00; W. S. Gorbett, $23.25;
j M. V. Stuart, $24.0; Lee Jones, $24.00;
! Henry Fick, $14.00; John Calahan,
j $32.00; S. J. Dorenson, $24.50.
! DISTRICT NO. 23 R. F. BaaU,
! $5.45; R. W. Zimmerman, $18.50; C.
! Potwin, $4.00; J. Dregnit $1.00.
! DISTRICT NO. 25 Carl Boeche,
! $28.55; Edd Murray, $10.80; P. J.
iScheer, $22.20; Geo. Scheer, $18.00;
j Rufus Kraxberger, $!,.30; Wm. Estzel,
! $12.60; Jake Carbeaner, $12.60; J.
! Vandcrschuere, $12.60; Chas. Boeche,
j $8.10; W. Adams, $12.00; M. Adams,
! $12.00; Jim Lamour, $1.00; Jake
Fenske, $4.50; Fay Wilson, $15.75;
I. Morris, $6.00; Fred Lamour, $4.50;
j Mike Nuss, $8.00; J. Kummer, $9.00;
1 Edd Murray, $4.00; Walter Lamour,
$2.00; Grover Harmes,. $7.50; R.
j Klaus, $25.00; Edd Murray, $6.00.
: DISTRICT NO. 26 J. W. Cole,
,$15.00; Steve Douglas, $12.05; Orrj
! Cutting, $2.75; John Vaughan, $24.00;
derson, $12.00; Lee Bartlemay, $8.00;
G. Anderson, $10.00; Geo. Bell, $20.00;
Earn Douglas, $20.00; John Douglas,
$3.00; II. Henriksen, $4.00; F. Carl
son, $4.00; Concrete Pipe Works,
$28.80; Jarl & Kri, $7.00; D. S. Erd
man, $46.50; Guy Clester, $20.00; Carl
Anderson, $16.00; G. Anderson, $16.00
II. Swanson, $16.00; C. Young, $3.00;
Roy Wilcox, $2.00; M. Zogg, $12.00;
C. Bartlemay, $24.00; II. Bronncr,
DISTRICT NO. 41 Sandy Fir
Lumber Co., $16.09; Lee Cooper,
$47.17; John Affolter, $44.78; O. I.
Evans, $1.00; Wm. Uptdegrave. $3.50;
M. Grafenhain, $6.25; Paul R. Meinig,
$0.85; II. II. Udell, $19.75; Mnrk
Eenske, $19.00; Frank Thiess, $11.00;
J. A. Scunke, $8.00.
DISTRICT NO. 43 Port. Ry. L. &
P. Co., $68.60; Louis Baker, $2.65; C.
W. Schuld & Sons, $102.90; Sandy Fir
Lumber Co., $27.90; Coast Culvert &
Flume Co., $15.80; C. W. Murphy,
$22.50; Geo. Clester,. $23.00; Ben
Bluidsdell, $16.00; Fred Blaidsdell,
SK 1 1 00: A lev Ttulfop tan nOr llnrrv An.
Chris Bengli. $24.00; W B. . Caffeej,, $,6J)0 j 600. Emi,
$24.00; Steve Douglas $18.00; W'l- nollan(cri Hoff $100. E(,
nam vaugnan, ir.uu; naries v.ana-1
han, $12.00; Ed Callahan, $8.00; Sim
I.V .
OREGON CITY, OREGON.8eventh & John Adam Street
Lindsay, $6.00; Hodson-Feenaughty
; Co., $65.10; Andy Hayden, $3.00.
DISTRICT NO. 28 Hodson-Feenaughty
Co., $65.10; Giger Bros.
$30.72; Chas. Johnson, $7.45; A. L.
jBrougher, $14.80; Leslie Shank, $3.83;
- r, e. ri., n tr.n r.n.
$8.00; Chas. Clester, $7.00;
'Robbins Bros. $7.11; N. B. Wade,. . rn . n , . ,
:,nS. w w niu, .,nC7o. . man, $2.50; J. Douglass, $2
I ipfa.Vl', IF if. Vlllll.VUCy spAUl. IV, AUt'jr
t Olsen, $19.00; Earl Groshong, $50.50;
! Floyd Furgeson, $16.00; John Fur
jgeson, $20.00; Oscar Vorhies, $10.00;
j Charles Slaughter, $23.0; Ike Sharp,
j $16.00; Frank Schwab, $4.00; Dan
! Groshong, $22.00; James Nicholson,
j $30.00; Luther Nicholson, $16.00; E.
Chester, $12.00; 0. N. Kimball, $12.00;
jV. Sov.a, $4.00; Roy Coop, $10.00;
J Ray Wylnnd, $26.50; Ben Wade, $7.00;
, Ray Nicholson, $12.00; Lloyd Vorhies,
; Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
1 cannot reach the seat of the disease. C'a
1 tarrh Is a blood or constitutional dlseaie,
j and In order to cure It you must lake In
, ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is
1 taken Internally, and acta directly upon
' the blood and mucous surface. Hall's
j Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It
! waa prescribed by one of the beat phy
! sMans In thla country for years and Is
a regular prescription. It la composed of
ine oeai ionics Known, commned with the
best blood purifiers, artlna; directly on the
mucous surface. The perfect combina
tion of the two Ingredients Is what pro
duces such wonderful results In eurlnf
catarrh. Bend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHEXEr C.J.. Props.. Toledo. O.
Sol by Orucslais. prke 7.
Takt Hari's Family Pills for eoKStlpatioa.
Johnson, $10.00; G. W. Judd, $12.00;
J. P. Strahl, $18.00; Murray Clark,
$26,00; Ray Woodle, $44.00; Roy
Douglas, $36.00;' R. M. Brash, $11.00;
R. S. Clark, $15.50; A. D. McMillan,
$38.00; Perry Murphy, $2.50; Robert
Cahill, $3.50; Fay Schultz, $16.00;
Maurice, Cahill, $10.00; H. S. Gisbon,
D. L. Erd-
$2.00; C. An
derson, $2.00; G. Anderson, $100; L.
Bartlemay, $2.00; 0. F. Clester, $4.00;
E. Douglass, $4.00; Geo. Bell, $4.00;
R. E. Munger, $6.00.
DISTRICT NO. 44 Chase & Lin
ton, $30.00; Thos. Penman, $25.00;
Richard Raiddittv. $4.00: G. G. Ran
dal, $11.00; Fred Shilling, $12.00; A
S. Newton, $26.00.
DISTRICT NO. 45 Walter Cox,
$43.00; John Scott, $20.00; W. T,
Henderson, $24.00; Mike Rydzenoski,
$38.00; Adolph Freeman, $20.00; L. P.
Elliott, $2.00; Otis Vallen, $22.00;
Charles Meilike, $8.00; Louis Vallen,
$10.80; George Harrison, $14.00; Jesse
Cox, $28.75; Barney Granatzki, $16.00;
Ed. Hodgkiss, $2.00; Joe Powers,
$10.00; L. C. Unger, $11.00; Charles
Savage, $4.00; Jesse Cox, $0.40.
DISTRICT NO. 46 Wilson & Cook
$1.00; C. H. Dauchy, $0.25; Sheridon
Lillie, $16.90; O. W. Hattan, $20.00; j
Carl Mumpower, $10.00; Luther Mum.
power, $10.00; H. Burgess, $20.00; H.
L. Goergens, $20.00; C. Dallas, $20.00;
M. Hively. $15.00; T. Wen, $4.00,
DISTRICT NO. 67-D. F. Moehnk.
DISTRICT NO. 58 John C. Miller.
$209.83; II. F. Gibson. $42.55; J. C.
Miller, $119.82; W. E. Brown, Ul
J. C. Miller. $18.75; J. Whitehead.
$17.50; W. H. Stone, $13.00; S. Ito-
quiam, $2.00; F. Groberg, $3.00.
DISTRICT NO. 60 Rod Dist No.
22. $79.00; Fred Schafer, $2.10; R. J.
Ellis, $27.00; W. L. Ellis, $27.00; L. L
Ellis. $13.00; Lloyd Shaver, $12.00;
P. J. Kayler, $11.00; Jesse E. Mitts,
$14.00; Murk Hungate, $22.00; Ben
Steinlnger, $27.00; W. A. Shaver.
$9.A0; John Steininger, $4.00; Irs
Steinlnger, $4.00; G. V. Adams.
$24.00; Dee Engle, $6.00; J. L Tubbs,
$4.00; Earl Kayler, $2.00; D. J. Ellis.
lard, $4.50; W. J. McCord. $30.00; Wil-
! In met to Valley Southern Railway Co..
$3.50; L. T. Sinclair, $5.25; W. II.
Mattoon, $25.00; A. H. Knight, $69.00;
II. S. Anderson, $11.00; Concrete Pipe
Wks., $28.80; W. II. Counsell. $133.60;
Clarence Simmons, $25.00; Honeymnn
Hdwe. Co., $2.98; Bert II. Finch,
$112.08; Julius Stursbcrg, $15.00;
Hogg Bros., $3.10; P. II. Klicner.l
$3.60; A. J. Luis, $2.43; Wciamandvl
& Nelson, $3.00; C. C. Miller, $17.10;
Jarl & Eri, $35.00; Hodson-Feenaugh
iy Co., $208.27; Wilson & Cooke $2.25;
Miller-Parker Co., $2.00; Parncll &
Jennie Averill, $25.00; Oregon City
Lumber Co., $101.12; Ferret & Bick-
ford, $22.08; Oregon City Foundry,
$15.00; Mattoon Lbr. Co., $88.88; Buf
falo Steum Roller Co., $9.54; II. W.
Parry, $1361.25; John C. Miller,
$119.22; G. A. Schubel, $4.00; W. F.
Haberlach, $11.80; Standard Oil Co.,
$658.51; Straight & Salisbury, $51.08;
Mattoon Lbr. Co., $12.21; Earl Allen.l
$44.00; Otto Polehn, $52.00; John
Founds, $81.00; Milo Larsen, $92.00
George Gill, $91.00; W. Kerr, $84.00;
Milford Hinklc, $92,00; E. Hinkle,
$92.00; II. II. Coop. $106.00; J. T.
Fullam, $67.50; L. T. Sincluir, $75.25:
C. Zimmerman, $70.00; W. J. McCord,
$90.00; Fred Mack, $60.00; J. L. Pol.
mcr, $7.50; W. C. Pain $19.00; II. A.
Wolf, $16.75; Oliver Leek, $15.00;
H. Paine, $14.00; Roy Mattoon, $10.00,
L. Polehn, $19.50; Hackett, $2.00; A.
Eggcrt, $2.00; D. W. Uptgrove, $72.00
J. O, Johnson, $6,00; L. Norman,
$30.00; John Mattoon, $37.50; N. Mc
Killican, $26.00; Ben Oleson, $10.00;
John Benson, $9.00; J. Nufer, $42.00;
A. L. Allen, $68.00; T. J. Honsinger,
$4.00; Harry Hubert, $30.00; I. Wolf,
$78.00v A. Flaumum, $33.00; Lloyrl
Allen, $44.00; Gottlieb Amachpr, $46.
00; J. II. Hogsed, $46.00; Gotleib
Schneider, $46.00; Godfried Schneider,
$50.00; 0. Swanson, $44.00; A. John
son, $44.00; F. Mattoon, $81.25; A.
Jensen, $42.00; E. Johnson, $104.75;
City of Milwaukie, $30.00; Stephen A
Carver, $523.90; A. Mather, $5.67;
Chase & Linton Gravel & Sand Co.,
$109.20; Oregon City Lbr. Co., $8.64;
Canby Concrete Works, $1.10; C.
Kelnhofer, $20.00; L. Rypczyiski, $11.
00; F. Kelnhofer, $25.00; J. Zimmer
man, $14.00; A. Hodge, $15.00; D.
Hodge, $15.00; D. Hodge, $11.00; M.
Tiedeman, $15.00; H. Morrell, $2.25;
F. Zimmerman, $50.00; D. Colson,
$56.00 W. Livingston, $38.00; G. Tied
eman, $42.00; F. Kaiser, $44.00; W.
Kaiser, $40.00; Coast Culvert & Flame
Co., $36.90; Larking & Jones, $8.40;
W. H. Bottemiller, $1.00; W. H. Wet-
laufer, $9.00; J. Nelson, $0.75; Martin
Bros., $16.67; W. M. Thompson, j
$3.00; J. Mayfield, $2.00; C. R. Wil-
$26.00; W. II. Wannrha, $11.00; W. 8.
Moak, $12.00; . Warren, $26.00; E.
Watt, $28.00; Orval Watt, $14.00;
M. Undeen. $24 00: M. Uarh. 124.00:
J. Uu, $12.00; E. Campesl, $16.00;
R. Us, $20.00; U I). Mumpower,
$16.00; C'ha. Sladen, $20.00; J. P.
Ilartlea, $4.75; .Kchamonl Lumber Co.,
$12.52; C Tiedeman, $0.50; Fred Ha-
kr, $2.10; E. Pamporln, $12.00; O.
I'amporin, $6.00; A. F. Dlkr, $6.00;
L Tiedeman, $6 00; C. Tiedeman, $2.00
0. Olden.tadt, $4.00; Oldenstdt,
$200; R. Oldenstadt, $4.00; M. Ala-
gich. $7.50; F. Baker, $29.10; C. Zlm.
merman, $.1.50; M. Tiedeman, $2.60;
E. II. Itobbina. $2.00; F. Fallmesgrr.
$1.00; R. Henderson, $8.50; II. Grb-
hardt. $10.50; A. C. Baumback, $27,601 No. 2. $15.00,
1. a. nenuiaml, s.la.oo; M. MikUe
son, $13.50; T. Lamreaux, $15.00; J.
Barnett, $24.75; E. R. Brook, $21.36;
A. C. Browning, $20.25; Dick Jon,
$15.75; Phil Batea, $22.50; Jo Haley,
$7.85; Wm. Haley, $20.25; John Mar-
onay, $18.00; Vlv Hengstler, $22.50;
John Dunn, $18.65; F. Grafenhain.
$15.00; Paul R. Meinlg, $11.90; Sandy
Fir Lbr. Co., $8.13; II. 11. Udell, $56.93
0. I. Evani. $22.00; John Buo. $1.60;
G. Alert, $27.25; John Sailer, $27.25:
M. Grafenhain. $21.00; Wm. Upde
grave. $21.75; John Affolter, $0.50;
Ben Tanler, $4.00; Jame Hamilton,
$8.00; Wm. Graham, $4.00; James Se.
vier. $4.00; A. C. White, $8.00; II.
Randolph, $4.00; Clark Cockerline,
$8.00; F. Cummings, $2.00; R. M. Mil
ler, $8.00; Joe Laeroy, $4.00; E. Bate-i
on, $8.00; James Sevier, $4.00; A.
Meyer. $8.00; C. Fouts, $12.00; W.
Gibhs, $4.00; Wm. Hieinbotten, $4.00;
A. C. White. 8.00; Geo. M. Hively.
$5.00; O. Maliler, $20.00; W. M.
Ilarnea. $8.00; Bob Brown, $8.00; V.
G. Calvin, $16.00; Geo. Wolfe, $26.00;
nr, $1.25; W. E. Flnier Co.. $2 06;
Pioneer Transfer Co., $1.62; llrenton
Vrdder, $110 00; Mrs. J. IL Wolff,
$17.00; M. A. Gill. $5.00; D. E. Frost,
$2.28; fluidity Bros. Co., $0.36, J. E.
Calavan. $41.09.
Bros. Co., $12.60; Jone Drug Co.,
$1.40; Dr. 0. A. Welsh, $19.10; Dr.
Norri. $27.50.
gi, $17.25; W. E. Whltehouie, $24.10;
P. F. Standish, $17.90; II. G. Am.
Eddy. $40.00; Ch.. A. King. $118 75;
l.urh Bro., $12.60.
COUNTY POOR-Wm. Danforth,
$10.00; Oregon Commission Co., (Tom
Jones), $1400; Boy a Girls' Aid So
ciety, $10.00; Mr. Ilradtl, (J. Mc
Namara), $10.00; Mrs. Mary Burkner,
(W. T. Tlnsley), $20.00; Sam Booher.
$16.00; A. J. Roarnthal, $20.00; Mary
Buol (K. Trimble), $5.00; Sarah Gib
bons. $20.00; Ella Payne, $10.00; Hen.
ry Spies (Mr. and Mr. Chalk)
$10.00; W. J. Mo.ldenhauer-, $10.0(1;
Louir Ballou, $16.00; Mr. Galhraith,
$15.00; Harry Cooper, $2000; hat
Gardner. $16.00; Anna L Snyder,
$15.00; Mrs. G. W. Thompson, $10.00;
Gustav Grrble, $10.00; A. C. Sleight,
$15.00; Ada l idlaw, $8.00; Kati Ho
ard, $8.0(1; Ella Tracy (Eunice llor-
nrr) $10.00; Ben Unde. $10.00; Mr.
!llrowick $15.00; E. M. Valentine,
j $20.00; Mary Renfert. $20.00; S. E.
I Card (Michael Boyl) $8.00; F. Fredir
Icl (Joe Fox) $8.(HI; J. F. McCormacV
: (John Marx) $10.00; J. F. McCormack
(Mrs. Josselyn), $10.00; Chestur Mon- ,
'day (J. Marx). $2.00; Mr. T. I-
Smlth (Ch. McCoy) $5.00: W. U
Ed Vick $.00; O Enge $100;, ' -
I ercy Graham. $8.00; Ilotlson-t en M(. d ttvJ w , fc & $5
naught) r Co $.17.50; J-C. Duns. 00: , KlrmM,n G (Wm , ,,...
U-ster Crawford. $12.00; O. D. Califf,: r ' r. . M..ri..-i.i
$12.00; G. T. Beelie, $12.00; J. II.
Tracy, $15.00; Geo. Armstrong, $6.00;
L II. McKcnney, $6.00; Geo. De
Shields. $12.00; Clifford Thomas,
$12.00; F. E. Thomas, $3.00; Paul
Holm, $9.00; Fred Crawford. $6.00; J.
M. Henkle, $6.00; Alex Baker, $20.00;
II. S. Gibson, $28.00; Ruy Woodle.
$28.00; Roy Douglass. $28.00; A. D.
McMillun. $28.00; C. W. Murphy,
$14.00; T. C. McKay, $14.00; W. F.
Douglass, $24.00; Harvey Robertson,
$6.00; William Johnson, $6.00; Sum
Johnson, $8.00; August Erlckson,
$6.00; Milt Williams, $8.00; C. T.
Howard, $4.00; R. Long, $6.00; Ar
thur Muiliitt, $6.00; Edwin Faust,!
$2.00; Charles- Schulhousor, J5.00 ;
John Romig, $12.00; Charles Shnw, !
$10.00; Sam Hnlstcn, $14.00; Henry
Fisher, $2.00; J. A. Duvis, $10.00; Ar-I
thur Dougnn, $10.00; Lewi Church-!
ill, $15.00; Frank Evans, $0.50; E. E.
Houghton, $2.00;. A. Utlgor, $5.00;!
R. Schuebel, $14.00; G. Ashby, $6.60;
Wulter Johnson, $6.00; Axle Johnson,
$7.00; Curl J. Hunson, $92.25; II. Hon
riksen, $54.00; F. Carlson, $60.00;
Herbert Ackerson, $76.00; Chus.
Buckman, $37.75; E. Borling, $38.00;
J. McKinloy, $38.00; Gcorgo Hanson,
$7.00; Arnold Ackcnon('$15.00; Hen
ry Anderson, $15.00; Alfred Buckman,
$40.00; J. M. Anderson, $26.00; Felix
Richoy, $4.00.
Hansen, $3.00; J. M. Dickenson, $2.00.
SHERIFF Huntley Bros. Co.,
$0.30; L. C. Hubbard, $12.00; L. C.
Hubbard, $16.00; W. J. Wilson, $10.90;
Samuel Riley, $3.60; II. W. Trombuth,
$55.00; II. II. Hughes, $9.50; D. E.
Frost, $11.60; Jones Drug Co., $1.50;
Wilson & Cooke, $2.00. .
CLERK I. M. Harrington, $10.00;
Klemsen Grocery (Chas. McGinn)),
$12.00; Klemsen Grocery (Mrs. F. E.
; Smith), $5.00; Dr. J. W. Norri,
(Chnrlea Mueller) $2.00; II. S. Ander
son (Marie Kibvlr), $8.10; C. II. Rot.
entrejer (Juhn Hoke), $20.00; K. C.
. Scott' ( Foster Sisters) $24.00; Miller
and Tracey (Mr. John Hoke), $10.0(1;
jC J. Hood (Albert Prgurin), $5.00;
I Mrs. II. C. Rijor (Mrs. Hoke), $36.00;
tlutdorf Bros. (Busrhville) $5.00; lint -
Idorf Bros. (Mrs. Fromnl), $5.00; Es
tes A Nichols (Mrs. Pcxo) $10.00; E.
jtes & Nichols, (Edgar Brlon), $5.00;
I Jonos Drug Co. (Y. B. Gurnor) $6.86;
j Jones Drug Co., (Claude LaCourse),
$9.85; Huntley Bros. Co. (A. Duhlkr)
$2,95; Mrs. Lottio Dillman (Faxon
jlloyford), $34.00; The Hub Grocery,
: (Mrs. Brown), $8.00; Ambulnnce Ser
vice Co., (Mrs. John Hoke), $8.00;
Mrs. Chus. Straight (John Mathvsoii),
$20.00; Board of Wutor Commission,
ers (A. Porizi), $1.00; Board of Water
Commissioners (C. II. Willoughby),
$1.00; Mrs. Ida C. Eggleston .(Jaync
Trull ingor), $18.00; Jos. E. Hedges
(Mrs, M. J. Trullinger). $8.00; Eire
trie Hotel (Dick Meyers), $20.00; W.
C. Mungum (Mrs. Wcuvor), $10.01; I.
Tolpolur (Mr. Marx), $12.35; Robbins
Bros. (James Russell), $9.50;. Rob
bins Bros. (James Russell), $9.50;
Robbins Bros. (Indian woman), $2.80;
Lamcn & Co., (Chas. Willoughby),
$16.00; L. Adums (John Marx), $3.50;
F. T. Barlow (Mrs. Osboin), $20.00;
F. T. Bnrlow (Wm. Dickolman),
$10.00; V. Hrrls (David Wright)
$2.50; Francis Welsh, $5.00; Mrs. A.
McDonnld (Dick Meyers), $20.00; Wil
liam Foitclson (Mr. Meyers), $2.50;
Wm. Duhlke (Mrs. Pierza), $7.00;
Pnrkplaco Store (E. E. Bukor), $8,00;
Purkplace Store (Mr. Marx), $3.00;
Denis Donovan (Jerome Hamilton).
Huntley Bros. Co., $4.70; Jones Drug $12.50; Farr Bros. (Mrs, O'Donnel),
Co., $1.10. $5.00; A. J. Knightly (Mrs. Marco).
RECORDER Huntley Bros. Co.,
$1.00; ; P. Dedmnn, $10.75; L. Coch
ran, $65.00.
TREASURER H. S. Williams,
$3.40; Bluke McFull Co., $5.35; Jones
Drug Co., $0.50.
$125.00; W. J. Wilson, $18.25; W. II.
Mnttoon, $46.00; II. S.
$51.00; Hogg Bros., $1.50; Falls
Transfer Co., $0.75; Home. Tel. Co.,
$15.25; Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., $28.05;
V. Harris, $0.50.
Co., 4!2.70; A. S. Thompson, $129.00;
C. E. Mcldrum, $30,70; Fred Gcrber,
$32.40; James Fcglcs, $37.00; Mark
Seely, $36.00; E. R. Leak, $30.50; John
F. Risley, $31.40; G. Hanson, $30.60;
Thos. F. Gault, $30.40; II. S. Gibson,
$34.80; P. J. Winkle, $30.20; W. C.
Green, $30.00; A. W. Cooke, $34.80;
John G. Moehnke, $32.00; A. M. Kir.
chem, $29.00; R. C. Deming, $7.80;
$7.00; Billy Edwards (Tom and Chas.
Jones), $11.00; Jnmcs Rigdon (E. M.
Valentine), $0.60; W. Moore (Mrs.
Josephine Johnson), $8.00; Huntley
Bros. Co. (Martin Olsen), $0.60; E. A.
H. V. Tartar, $24.80.
Hackett (Mrs. Brown), $3.50; Mnry
Beck (Chas. MeKinis), $10.00; W. H.
Thompson (Repke), $2.90; N. S. Old-
Anderson,1 ham, $3.75; W. W. Linten (Edgar
Rrien), $9.00; St. Vincent's Hospital,
$205.00. ,
JAIL Wm. J. Wilson, $57.06.
$16.50; Minda E. Church, $14.45.
TAX REBATE Dillman & How
land, $1.12.
Oregon City Enterprise, $110.20;
The Courier Press, $82.55.
FAIR Pioneer Transfer Co., $0.50;
James Adkins Lumber Co., $8.50.
E. Ball, $44.08.
son, $14.00 ;Kent Wilson, $8.55; G. W.
Harrington, $11.10; Jessie Paddock,
$31.22; Ona Renner, $66.84.