Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 15, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    OKKUON CITY I ' N T I : I ' K 1 H 1 ' I M I ) A V, ( )( TO M 1 : 1 M 'i. I !M V
III Dim ( Iriull I'miiiI nf Him Hlal ol
Ort'Hon. for I i. it-1. a mm Co.. lily:
Jamo II, rVI.W, lialnllff,
HlolU F r'lel.l. Def.iidmiL
'In Mlelll P. Field, almt tiMin' ii
In III Hume of I hit Hint of Oii'Mnn,
toil are hereby r'.iliel to appear am)
UlinuiT III" i til 1 1 I M III I 111 I'll iKaliml
)iiii III , 'lie rIkivp id.llllid lull, mi or
l.i lui't lliu lh dux of November, I 'ill,
aald !ul Ih'Ihk the eiplratlotl of nit
week (ruin IIih ft r n t imlilli Hun nl
It In aiiinu.ni.a, and II nil lull In ep
.i ur nr iicr aald i ompl.iliil, loi
want llier-of l ho plaintiff apply
In Hi" court fur lli' relief ru)i'l fur
In hi idini'luliil, In wit ;
I'nr ill vnri l illnmih IhK Hill bond
nl matrimony tin eilnllng ln'ti'fii
iliilnl!ir mil ili'fi'tiiluiil 'Mil mini
llilllill I puhllahl'll by Older III Mull. II
H. A it il " r ti , J ii'l ki' nl Urn I ihiiiI
Court, ulili li order mailt mi U
'.'Hill day nl Hoplcmher, I'JI'i. ainl the
linn' prc rlbed fur publication there
nl I nil Ri'i'k Ih'KIIiiiIiiK villi tin
.u ilulcd Fthluy. HkiiI .'Mil, I 'J I .
u n I i iiiillinliiK 'i i' k II. .'leafier
in ali i Iih I'lilliiit I'll-lm, Nini-inlii-r
..Hi, I ' I
Acii.rn.'X nr I'liiliilifT
Nolle f Find Account.
In tin' futility Court of Hi" Pint of
dreamt fur ClncliaiiM County:
In tin- waller of (In1 KMat ol T. I.
I 'llllllIK, I 111 I' ll, ll
Notice li lii-ri'l.) given by tliu under
f!Kllfl tlml li lm llli"l li I h D li it t no
iiiiiiiI ii n 'I final ri'iHiri ami petition fir
ilUtrllmlliiii a Dm administrator of
tin' Kl nli of T. I Colllim. lociin.-d.
timl lliat tho Count y Court of tin'
Hull of Oregon f'r Chi. kumua County
in which ('nun llio Hiliiilnlntrutliin of
mild KkIiiI" ! being hint, liua) "t Moll
iIm, tli I'lli duy of October. 1915. at
ti ll n'i lit li A. M a lliu tun.', iiml the
Court room of mid County Court In
tlr.-gou City, Or.iion. iia the pluie of
lliu Iii'.tIiik ail'l ;ii-:iik umiii .ild a"
count, li'imit ami ''llllin, nl wliirh
time ami plum any poison Intcrr-ated
In mill! L'atale in it y file objection In
w rltliiK In bii in'", or uny part thereof
AilinlnlHlrulnr of ill" F.Miito of
T l. Colllim, Deioaiod.
Notlct of Final 8ttlemnt
In th" County Court of th HUt" of
OnToii for tti" Conn I y nf Claikn
tuna. In th" nmltcr of Hip Hlal of Ihaar
(onion. ili'ri'iiKi-il:
Nntli-" la hrri'liy kIvpii llil Hi'' un
iti'ralKiiod " fll"l h"r J-tnnl Arcoiint
In III" ratal of laaar (iiiriliiil, il'i-raa-rd.
Ill (hi' Counly Court of Clurkania
Cininty, On-Ron; and Hi" Cnnrl lm
"( Monday. Orlol'iT Kill at 10:00 A
M . ea tlio tlnio. ami (lie ronnty rourl
rmim. Clnrkaniaa Counly. rcanti, pa
Hi" pUro for lii'urlm iil.Jnlliiiia to
aald film! amount If any ttir bn.
anil for llio mini ai'ttti'iuont of auid
Kx'iilrlx of tlio i-atut" of
laaac (iordotl. docoaaod
Croaa liurkw, Attorni-ya for Kntnto.
In (ho Circuit Court of th" filulo of
Ori'fton for ('iBi kauma County.
S.iruh K. Conni'll. I'liilntirr,
Allmrt U Contii'tt. IH'fvmluiil.
To Allii-rt U Coni."ll. uhovo iiuihpiI
tli'ft'ii ilnnt:
In the natii" of th" Slut" of OroKim
mid you nn hon-hy rwiulri'd tn nppt-nr
and Biiawir tlm compliilnt Hl"d uisalnal
yott, In Hi" "liv" onlltli'd Hiilt, on of
iu.forc tlit 21th day of () tohiT, 19t.i.
Hiihl (laic holiiK tlm I'xplrutlon of alx
u.-.u. from (ho llrat pulilltntlon of
HiIh nuinniDiiM. nn.l If yon full to uppi'iir
or anawi-r anld roniplnlnt. Tor wtint
iiw.r.'Af tlm iilnlntirr will upply lo Hie
court fur (ho ri'llof pniypd for In licr
romplalnl, to-wlt:
For n tli'croo dlaHolvltm tlm bond
of nmlrlmony now oxlallnn between
(ho plaintiff nnd ilnrondiint. 'Tlila aiim
inolia pulillnh"d hy order nt Hon. .1.
tr f.ininii.'ll. Jinluo of the Circuit
Court, whlrh order wbh iiiiiiIo on the
1'ith .lay or September. 19lri, nti.l Hie
lima iiri'scrlboil for pnlillcntlon there
of lit nix weekH, heulnnltm with Ui-
.inll.i frviiiuv. Senteinher 17th,
mir, niwl eimilnuliiu ench week there
after to nnd IncludliiK fldy. October
39th, 1915.
GEO. C. imOWNEU., and
Altorneya for Pluttitlff
In tho Circuit Court of tho Statu of
0rgnn for ClttckiimiiB ( omity.
Mnrgurot Oatoa, Tlnlntlff.
, a. ... I. ..r. Hnlnq Defendant.
To L. Arthur (.iilea. nnove numeu
In tho liatno of tho Stnto of Oregon,
nnd you nro hereby rci'ilred to appear
and tmiiwcr tho complaint filed aitalnHt
yon, .In the above untitled milt, on or
liuforo the 29th day of Ootobor. 1915,
Hiihl (Into being; tho exi.lration of six
weeks from tho flrnt publication of
thin summon; anil If you full to appear
or answer said complaint, for want
thoreor tho plaintiff will apply to the
court for tho relief prayml for In her
complaint, to-wlt:
For a docreo (IIhsoIvIiik tlm bonds
of matrimony now existing between
tho plaintiff and dofiindant. This sum
mons Is publlshe-d by order of Hon. J.
V. Campbell, .ludgo or tho Circuit
Court, which order was mndo on the
-aril. .1.. a. nf Qnnf it ml ftl. 1!)ir.. and the
mm .uj v. ni'i-n -
tlnio prescribed ror publlcntlon thore
or Is six weeks, boglnnliiK with the
Issue dated Friday, September 17th,
1915, and contlnulnn ''h week there
after to and Including Friday. October
29th. 1915.
0E0. C. IiriOWNKM'. and
Attorneys for Plaintiff
In tho Circuit Court or the Slate of
Oregon tor tho county oi ;nu.i..u-
mah. '
Oeorne H. Johnson, Plaintiff
IL 0. Hartshorns and Elsie Harts-
horne, IX'fnnilants.
SUito of Oregon. County of Clacka
mas, as:' ... .
,.. . nr a initument order, tao
cree and execution, duly iv outfit,
m .L . UnirA lean.
and tinder the- seat -oj-.uw a'"
tilled court. In. the ..abov . entllfleil
K-ause. to me duly directed and dated
Ilia tlal day of Julia, I W I ft. upon a Jild
ini'iit fi ii.li f.'d and fiilnrlnd In aald
lourt on th ',lh day of Julia, lIJ, In
fatnr of U"irK" II. Johiiam, .lalnlllf,
and aKalnt II l IUrtlnna and KI
in llartaliorii", ili'liinlaiila. fur Ida
ill of r.nO. allli liilnrral llirrn al
tlm rain ol wr -nl. i-r aniiniii
from Ilia 2'ilh iImv of Kininl.r. inll.i
ami llin riirilii-r ailiu of I'.iHHI, llli!ilv In tlm nioft for thf i.ll.f .rayrliiba rat ol ami l"'i Hn . "
IMi'ifiit llii'ri'on at c-r i'iit from ,
Ili I '.Hi day of Jui.a, IklS, and llu
fiiitlier urn of I'll l'i oata ami dia
liiiraauii'iila, and Hi" toala of and up
nil llila rll, i oiiuiiamllli Ilia that out
of Ilia perannul propurly of aald d"
filiiliiiila, on aafli-r lit" aald I'.ll.
duy of Juii", lu aallaly H.r l
inaiula nf plaintiff; or If aufll" Ifiil
I'oiild not l.a found, tlii'ii out of tin
rial propiTly of aald il"(inilaiila. Ail I
Id'Hi' iinalil" In find pi rjiiiHl .n.i'M)
I illd, on Ilia 2lrd day of Hf.ii'iiil..r
I"ty iimiii tlm fnlliioliiK d" rll
id rial proiM'rly: Iota Ini tint air
I'li'U'ii (Hi nf Idiak ' II" of W llanli
till", Clai kauiaa rounly, (Innuli
Now, llii'ri'foti', li) tirlii" ol an 1.1
i i iillini, jiiilxiiii nl, nrdi r and ili'i in
and In i oiiipl i.ilu llli Hi" loiuuinml"
of aald rlt, I lll, on Haliinlay, llif
Mid iluy of (lilnl.i r, ll.'i. al t ie lioui
of Hi in Iih k A. M , at (li" front door of
Ilia County Coiut Iioumi In tlm City ol
Hr"Kon CHy, In nald County and Hint"
adl nl piilillr aurllou. aillijni tn rr
di iliplloti. In til" lili'h"M lild'I'T. f'
V H mlii In lmii-1. all III" rl lit
till" ami IiiIit.'.I Hlilili Hi" vlliilii
ii.ii I ilrfi'iiilitiila or iI'Iht of Hm iii.
Ii.h on Hi" ilal" of Hi" J'lilKuii'iil In r
lu, or aim " liud III or to llir al.in"
d"i rllu'd r"iil propi-rty or any purl
IhiTiMif. Iii aallhfy aald aii'i ullou, JihIk
iiiriit ordiT, di'i r a, i "rat, roali,
and all ai i rulnn riMta.
. V. J. WII.SD.N.
Kli'TlfT of Cliii kainaa Counly. Or"K'Mi
Hy K. C. Ilarki'tt. iiiuty.
I:il"d, (Iri'Roll City, Ori'K"il, H"pt"in
lu r Ilth. I9I.V
In the ('In lilt Court of Hi" Xlal" ol
HrrKon, lur Clm ktui.a County:
Klliel Cm, I'lalnllff.
Cliurlia A. Cot. )"fi-ni.int.
To Churl". A. Cm, .Imhc tiainad
ili-fi'tidant :
In lb" nam of the Htalc of Orrxoii.
you aro licrehy rriulr"d to appear and
aimwcr the roniplnlnt llled atalnl
you In the aluiN" enllllcd auH, on or)
hefure tlm f'lll day of November, Dl
aid ilut" l.i'lliK the etplratloll of all
week from the flrat publlcalion of
Ihla aluminum, and if you fall to p
pear or aner aald complaint, for
ant thereof (he ilalntlff will apply
to tha court lur the relief prayed for
In her complaint, to-wlc
Kor a. decree dliaolvlnx the innrrl
b contract now enlxtliiK between
plaintiff and il"f"ii.laiit. TbU lutu
mini la pulitlidied hv order of Hon. II.
8. Andcraon. Ju.Ikb of the County
Court, which order a made on th"
Wth day of Seplei'iber. 1915, and tn"
time preacrlbad for publication there
of la alx X week a. beulnnlnx with the
laauo dated Friday, 8ept. 24th. 191'
and contlnuliK each week then-after
to and IncliulliK Friday. Novfinber
Mb, 1915.
oko. c. nnowNEU..
Attorney for Halntlff
Sheriff' 8ale.
In the Circuit Court of tho Slate or
Oregon ror Ihe Counly of ClaiVa
lima. II. Si.lllvan. Inlatl..
Mlnnlo Arnold I', c. Wollain. Mniy
J. Koseneugle, Oeorge Itedduway
and the Porlnomab Uind Company,
a corponitlon, Defeudatils.
Stule of Oregon, Comity of Clacka
mill, as:
I'y virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seul or the above en
titled court, In tho above entitled
cniiMO, to me duly directed and dated
lliu ltith day or September, 191.1, upon
a Judgment rendered and enlered In
aald court on the 15th day or Septem
ber. 1915. in favor or II. Sullivan,
plaintiff, and iiKlt.t Mlnnlo Arnold,
II. C. Wolfm'ti, Mary J.. Hoaeneagle.
(Soorge Ueddnwny and the Portnomah j
Land Co., a iMiriinnil loti, defendants, I
lor th. sum or $HS8.i:i. with Interest
thereon at the rale or six per cent
per annum from tho 2nd day or Juno,
1915, and the rurther sum of $:t8.92
tuxes paid by plaintiff, with Interest
thereon from tho 31 st day of October.
191 1, until paid, unit the rurther sum
or ST0 as attorney's foe, and tho fur
ther sum of $:!7.r.O costs nnd disburse
ments, mid tho cost of and upon this
writ, commanding mo to make sale ol
the following described real properly.
Hltuate In the Counly of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, to-wll:
The Southwest quarter of Section
Twenty-two (22) In township Four H)
South of Range Three (3) East of the
Willamette Meridian, containing one
hundred nnd sixty acres moro or less.
Savo and except tho rights deeded to
the Molnlla Lumber Company, aa per
deed recorded In Hook 99, pngo 4SB,
records or deeds lor Clackamas coun
ty, Oregon. Also save and except a
strip or land deeded to Clackamas
County Tor road purposes, as per deed
recorded In Hook 122, nt page 201,
records of doeds or said county.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex
ecution. Judgment order and decree,
nnd In compliance with the commands
o: said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
30lh day or October, 1915. at tho hour
or 10 o'clock'A. M., nt tho front door
of the County Court House In tho City
of Oregon City, In said County ami
State, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for TT. S. gold coin, cash In hand, nl"
tho right, tltlo and Interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on tho date of the mort
gage herein or since had In or to the
above described real property or any
part theieor. to satisfy said execu
tion, judgment order, decree, Interest,
costs nnd all accruing costs,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Hy E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City. Oregon. October
1st, 1915.
In the Circuit -Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
V. J. I'lman,. Plaintiff,
Jllnnio M. Ulman, Dofondant
To Minnie M. Ulman, above named
defendant: , ,
In the name or the state or uregon,
,i,u ar hereby n-inlnd loel'lf and'end 1 " UfUt dollar Ma
an. t Iba roii.pla.i.l IIM alol ; Intern! Itwraf" ' af a
yi.l. In Hi" a'i i.illlr.J aiill. on or nuni from Mr I" Il4 Mil mU,
UIi. tha li lllli dr ol Nii.iUr. Ilia rurtlirr aoni of M'.ili Inirr
lj, M l-i U I'ik lli ii MHoii l llir' P" " lr annuia
of ! nk Jioi.l III" (lt .l.lliallH limn iu l'"
of tli.i a'liniiiiiii. ami II tail I'lli'f ''i i i""' - -
.-r or aii-r Ml'l innilliil. lliia anil; f H"r im of
fur Hunt lliii.of Hi i.laliilifT lll ai ; l.'lti rU ami d .'.uin.iii, and
lor In lila omiilainl, In
lor a it' rm dlaadiln Hi" mairl
a(" conila'l no "lUllim I n
l.luliiliff and d.'fi ndaiil. Tlila wm
mona la pul.lUliad l,y Oldtr of Hull
II H Andaraon. J'idKa nf (ha County
Cnnrl. alil'h ord.r ma l" on (lir
;!rd day of Hi il"inl" r. IM. and I'.a
Ulna .nn. ilU d for pulill' a Hon II. na
of la all i-"k. Iiraiiinlua 'Hi lli
lamia ilnlrd t'rlday. Oitolrr !(. I"l.
and loiiHnuliii ill "'k llii'taaflar
to and IniludliK Friday, Noanit.ar
l?lh. IIV
;ko r ini'iWNKi.i.,
A(torm, for I'lalnl It
8haf.fl' (al.
,a CI,, nil Court ol II.- Htai" if 1 ' " " , ,,'" '
(..,., for Da, ....... Co..,,,, ' H eld rl. . - In liand. all ,"
Id. K Judd and I..,, rt. J'MI. IM.'n rlrl... (HI" i U-'"-t .l..-h H."
, lallliln nauird di'Ti'i"!",.!. or MHu-r of
"' i th. lli, had on Hi" d..i of Ilia niortltaiCr
l,.,,ry Cr-mar and II. Cro r. M,j l."r"ln or alma li.d In or to It.. a.M,.a
Utl.o,i." A. "l.i" HUI..l,,""""' ' -
a cortMiraHou. I.. I' af ' "I r
l.i'rt liol.inr, Arimld M"r. and
M.ry t r lila wire; K I a Fol
lelt", and KUI" l.a Full' H" hla lf".
A. I. M Martin an I KllaU th M--Marl'n.
N f. inl.niti.
HI lie of Ofv'iiii. I ounly ot CUcka
li.u a. aa
iy vlit'.e of a i L:w:il r- r. d"-
r,i nnd etei illloli. duly loaned out of
and under the ".! of Hi" alnne en
tllti'd court. In the alMc inllll"d
i una" to me ilu'y dlm li'd an I dated
the i.'.tli d o.' Ki pt.'ii.lii r. lll, i.Hin
a Juitdneiit rendered and enlered In
aald court on the Zlh d.r of Keptein.i
Irt-r. I9IJ. In favor of Ida K. Judd and
U.ra H. Ju ld. p'uliitlrTa. and a.'alnal
Henry Cromer, ami Ida Cdhih r lila
wife, Hawthorne Avenue Klnl'lca a
oriHiratlon. I.. I. Carpinl'-r, Albert
iKibiier. Arnold Myera, and Mary My
era lila lf. K. !. U Folli tl". and
Khle t.a Follelte Ilia wife. A.I Me
Murtlu and Kllubcili M Murlln. d"
fnidanla. for the mm of i:u.l7. with
Inlereat thereon ut the rate of 7 per
cut. p-r annum from Hi" .th day of
July. 1915, and the fuitlur auin of
llll(u) tavea pild with luterct Hh To
on nl 6 per cent from the 2Mh day
of July. 191.1. and (he further aum
of 19.21 Inaurance, with Intereal a'
(! per cent from July 2Mb 191.'..
IU000 aa attorney' fiv and the
further um of 121.75 coat, and
dlkburaementa, and the coal, of and
upon thla writ. comtnr.ndltiK me to
imike aale of the follow Iuk deacribed
reul property, attuute In the comity
of Clackamaa. atnte of Oreion. to
.vlt: lleKlnnliK at a IMil.it IH12 feet
Xorth of the 8oulheaat corner of the
! E. 11. I-cwolten and wl.'e Donation
linil C'nlin No. 40. Townah.p mhhii
of limine . KHt of the Willamette) port In the Count y Court of the State j ,n ,he 1Bmc of ,ne 8tal0 of OreKon.
Meridian; running thence North 31lof Oregon, for the County or Clacka- unJ you urtf hrely required to an
rei't; thence Weat 6KI feet; theneej mat. and that Monday, the flrat dl' j lK.ar and annwer the complaint filed
South 314 feel; thence Kaat K3 feet, of November. A. 1911. t the hour m nt yoUi t the aljve entitled ult.
lo the pluce of beginning. Also be
ginning at a point lfi"2 reel North ol
the Houthc.iat corner of the K. II.
Iiwellen Ijind Claim No. 40,' and at
the Southeast corner of a five acre
tract of land deeded to Henry Cro
mer by John Lev. II. mi and wile; run
ning thence Weat on the line of said
Henry Cromer tract fiSJ feet; thence
South 22(1 foot; thence West fij feel
to tho line of W. J. l-owell 'n's land;
thence South 507 foot; theme Fust
HI.', reel; thence South 901 feel to the
south line of the E. n. I.ewellen dona
tion Land Claim No. 40; thence East
'Vi feet along said South Mne to the
Soutbenst corner of anld claim: thence
North 152 leet to the place of begin
ning, containing 35 acres more or leas
In Tp. 4 S. It. 4 E. of the W. M., con
taining In nil 40 acres more or less.
Now, therefore, by virtue pnld ex
ecution, Judgment order and decree,
nnd In compliance with the commands
ol suld writ. I will, on Saturday, the
3flth day nf October, 1915, nt the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., nt tho rront door
or the County Court Houbo In tho City
or Oregon City, In said County and
State, sell at public miction, siib.lort
to redemption, to the blithest bidder,
ror U. S. gold coin cush tn hand, nil
the right, tltlo and Interest which tho
within named defendants or either of
them, bad ou the date or the mortgage
herein or since had In or to the above
described real property or any part
thoreor. to sutlsry said exexcutlon.
Judgment order, decree. Interest, costs
and a'l nccrulng costs.
W. J. WI1.SON.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Hy E. C. Hackett, Deputy.
Dated. Oregon City, Oregon, October
1st, 1915.
Sheriff' Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the county of Clncka
inns. . '
Frank McKnlght, Plaintiff,
J. H. Colt and Flotilla D. Colt, his
wife; J. C. Allen, Associated Cred
itors Adjustment company, a cor
poratlon; Jumos Thorpo, otherwise
known as Richard Thorpe; Moun
tain Irrigation compnny. a corpora
tion, and Holmnn Fuel Co.. a corpo
ration, Defendants.
Stnto of Oregon, County ot Clackamas,
Hy virtue or a Judgment order, de
cree nnd an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court, . In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 28th day of September, 1915, up
on a Judgment rendered and entered
In said court on the 15th day of Sep
tember, 1915, In favor of Frank Mc.
Knight, plaintiff, and uguinst, J. 11.
Colt nnd Flotilla D. Colt, his wife; J.
C. Allen, Associated Creditors Adjust
ment compnny, a corporation; Janios
Thorpe, otherwise known as Richard
Thorpe; Mountain Irrigation com
pany, a corporation; and Holmnn Fuel
Co., a corporation, defendants, for the
sum of $2000.00, with Interest there
on nt the rate of 7V4 per cent per an
num from the 5th day of December,
191.1, also Interest on seventy-five
dollars (?75) at ten per cent per an
num from June Gth, 1914, until paid;
also Interest on 75 at ten per cent
per annum from Docembor 5th, 1914,
until paid; bIbo Interest on f 75, at-10
Per cent from June. Din, laia, unui
paia, me lunnur aum oi seveni.j-t;isin.
! itiamlllilt Ui a l'i ml Mia of Ilia fol
lloaliK iK-Minwi I'i"pii7. aim
' ala III 1 ' '' kauiaa. data
, of (frrroll. to ll
; U "." "na III. tao 171, llirw
5 111. four (II. and H a Hi. Dr-tiard
j llu,ra. aj-rordlnl " ll.a duly f-rd
rd Ida' llrf on 'lf In tlia ranrd
"f'a offlia of t la' kau aa iicii.ty. (r
Now. Tli"r"fof", ilMue of aald
iillini. Jud(iiii nl ."l"r and dxrra.
and In i iiii.plla'i' " 'Hi Ilia rniiiiiianda
nf aald ". I on Halurday. ll.a
10ih day of ()'ti,lr I'M 5. al ll.a IWir
of II orl.ak a. in. at Ilia front d'x.r
of Hie rnuniy roiirt hi.iaa In Ilia illy
of Orrfnn City, In a,n. i mini y and
lata, a-H at pui.'K' au' ilon. '!'.)" t to
' .......... .. tl. 1. .1..1 I.I.M.r i..m
I Illl'n'OI, IO ail''. J.'I riniiiH.n
ludiMin nt oril'-r. in- f". Int"ri't. rnata
In I In- Clriult Court ol the Stale of
On null for Cla ka.naa Couiity.
Ka Carolina Ijiladie, I'lullit.T,
( liua. I.ul a ll-". IW. Iidaiil
To Cluia l al a.!' ". i. f. i..l n.t :
In the name of Hi" Stale of Orcou
vi mi are hereby roiuiri-d to a.H'.ir nnd
answer tha compU nl fll-d armn.t o
In the au.v ei.iii.i u ami. on or oeiore.
', w.ek. from tl." flr.t pul.lliatlon
of fl.l. unimoni. to-. It: on or before
the 12th ay of XovemlH-r. 1915,
rnd If you fall to an.wer. for want,
r.h. niainitrf ..II take the re-
lief l.ruved for In tin- cnmplal.it. to-:
.'. V . ........
" "' r,",", C.,,. . ,uhed ..v ,.r...'r of Hon J. F. H.-nry
' ii- -,.. -it Juil... of the circuit i PI" " Albrldit, I. Tr'Hlmcer, i
""rKr ' I i'v K ( . Af KKTT, Court, wh,. h oWr w. made on ,L; L 1 !',.. ,a.,,. ,
. ... .... - j... .... .1. - l..l:u"' l"o" . - - .
wn: lor urt i" o. iiiiiii-r ..--i.'.i'
iliaaolvlng the bonda ,.f matrimony
... ...... .... ....... ... ..quireu. wi...... e.v... ,
hir-torote and now nlatlnu between.
llio plaintiff and b r-iuliiil In rein, and
Hint the plaintiff tie given her maiden.
name, to-wll Kva Caroline W.ird. and
fur am h other and lurlher relief aa
the Court may e. ni meet and MihII- (
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the matter of the c.itate of Frant ;
McAllstcr. uet'faaen. v
Notice la lien-by glun that the un-lt(; w jonea. Defendant
deraU'iied a executrix of Hi" boeJ T( jk,n w jonea, above-named de-
entitled eatate. baa Hied her final ',,.....
of ten o'clix lt Tt"M.. and the court
room of aald f unity bna been pppolnt
cd by said court aa the time and place
for the hearing of 'objections there
to and the settlement thereof.
. All peraon having any ol.Jectlona
are notllled to !e present at the above
named, time and place.
Dated and first published October
1st. 1913.
Executrix- of the estate of
Franco McAllster. deceased.
Attorneys for Executrix.
Administrator' Notice of Final
Notice Is hereby given that the uu
dersknod has filed his final account
ns administrator of the estate of Alley
E. IVaklns, deceased, tn the County
Court of Cliirknmus County, Oregon,
and said Court has set Monday, No
vember 1st, 1915. at 10 o'clock. A. M..
ns the tlnio for. hearing said account
and the objections thereto, and for
mnklng a settlement of said estate.
All persons having objections to said
account or the discharge of said ad
ministrator, are hereby notified to pre
sent the same to said court on or be
fore said time.
Administrator or the Estate of
Alley E. Deaklns. deceased.
Attorney Tor Administrator. '
Sheriff' Sale.
In the Circuit Court or the State or
Oregon Tor the County of Haoku
mas. George Specs, Plaintiff,
Maud Gould nnd Carrie Wlnslow, De
fendants. State or Oreson, County - or Clacka
mas, ss.
Hy virtue or a judgment order, decree
and nn execution, duly Issued out of
and under the seal of the above en
titled court, U the above entitled
oi ause, to me' duly directed and dated
the 6th day of October, 1915, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said
court on the 8th day of. September,
1915. In favor of George Spees, plaintiff
and against Maud Gould and Carrie
Wlnslow, defendants, for the sum of
$3000.00, with. Interest thereon at the
rnto.of 6 per cent per annum rrom the
15th dav of Juno, 1915, and the rurther
sum or $49.31. with interest thereon
at 6 per cent rrom the 12th day of
May. 1915, and the further sum of
$1L59 with Interest aa 6 per cent from
Juae 1st, 1915, and the further sum of
$200.00 as attorney's fee, and the fur
ther sum of $26.00 costs and disburse
ments, and the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale
of the fol'owlng described real prop
erty, situate In the county of Clack
amas, state ox. Oregon, to-wtii-
The WV4 of. tho N.E.4 of Section
Twelve (12) and the N.B..U of N.E.
4 or said Section Twelve (12) in
Township Three (3) South of.Range
Two (2) East of the Willamette Me
ridian n Clackamaa County, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution. Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of said writ , I will on Saturday, the
6th day,, of November. 1913, at the
hour of ,10 o'clock A M.. at the rront
door or the County Court House In
the CHy.f Oregon, City In said County
and State, sell at public auction, sub-
Jel tu radrn.plbui, lo the blf but bid
4rr, for I'. M. (ol ! coin taalt In hand
II tha nal.l. una and Intrraat M?i
Hi. wnbia n..i.-d drf. ,. lauia or nl.-f
nl lliain , bad on the date of the ninrt
a. (a lirrain if aln bad In or lo ll.a
bote dMrlld real property or any
part thereof, lo Mliafy aald riec'l
tUn. )u'tnienl i.rd-r, trttet, Intrrrat,
unit and al1 a rulna ro.ia
W. J. WHJr,N.
HberlrT il C.ailaiiiaa (ounly, (bron
Hy K. '. lU'kell, Deputy
li.led Oregon City. rr. Oct. Kill
In ll.a ( I, ruil Court of Iba Hiat ol
(,re(on, for I'Ui kama. Counly.
I. II. Illnkl". I'lalntlfT.
Vlrr'nla Illnkl", IkI.iiIji.I
To VlMlnla lllnkle, lm named
defendant '
In Iba name of Hi" Htui of I in-iron,
yo'i are hereby rci'il,"d (o .iar and
nawi-r th" complttllit filed arallut
v...i In ll.e al,e Milllled ult. on or
before the 1'Mll u1 III Novelnlier. 191
bid dale Mn( Hie eiplr.itloil ' alt
e-V from the drat puMlcat u of
.l.i. .n,tlf von fail loaniM arlHaart. laaae elll, ker. Andrew
or an. war .aid complaint, for want !
war alit rou,.iaiiii, lor wain i -" - -
the pl.lnt.fT will apply to thaU""'" "l"'. A. I.. Urklna. K. Z.-nner.
or Hi" relief i.rayi-d for In tile 'A. K.arw.u. J. I. Freue':. C. A. V. a
-,.i.rt tur IIih rMll., i.ravi'
romp'dliil to wlf I lace. H. Holaten, O. A. i., '. If.
For divorce dl-ohUK the bonda 1 Jonea. A. U Jol.ee. K. U Me-.ra. IL '
nf ii.iitrln.ony no e.H.mV between!" Hn.Klrra.a. All. Wleumn. N. Iloliert ;
laaue dated Friday. October klh. 191'.
and continnliK each week (hereafter
to and Iii' lii'lIn Friday, November
9ih. 191'..
CF.O. V. liltOV.'NKI.I.. and
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditor.
&........ 1 . 1......I.W lv,t lh),l IIih Iltl
, ' , . - . , ,,, .,.J,!..,i i,.-
(.omiy o( , Su(e , ()rtJ.ald e.tute with the clerk of ald court
.. ,. .. .. ... .,,,. i
(lf ru'.. of i;, or(4. M. Se-: trlbullon (hereof; and that Mon.Uy.j
d.eaaed. All H-ron. hmvlnc't"0 Mh ot So- t,thei
i" ..... . i. ! hour of 10 o'clo. k a. m. of aald day.
. . . .. , .,, .. itielat 'he court room of taid court In the;
T'',uir, l? V':M ?' .'5.' " Z'.'.l I court houae In Oregon City. Clack-
onlie ol l . ncnui'i.ei urrRwii 1 j
. ...,, t. i,v i. re !
, . ....... ... ,,i.. i...... 1110
... 1f ' ..., Krl,Iuy. Oc -
" , ...
w j, r-JiEN. Kxecutor
of the es.a( of Ceorge M. !
Sc reat dec-aaed. i
M,.,I1(I, t iriey and C. Schilebel.
Attornpa for Kx.-cutor.
In the Circuit Court of the State of(
Oregon, for Clackamas Comity. I
jy, Marie j0n. . plaintiff.
on or before the 20th day of Novem
ber. 1915. said date being the cxpiia
Hon or six weeks rrom the Nrst publi
cation of this summons, and if. you
fail to appear and answer said com-
plaint for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to me conn iur r...
prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt:
For a divorce dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and" defendant. This
summons Is published by order of J.
U. Campbell, judgo of the circuit
court, which order was made on the
13th day of Octoler. 191.1. and the
time prescribed ror publication there
of Is six weeks, beginning with the
issue dated Friday. October 13th. 1915,
und continuing each week thereafter
to and Includi.-.; Friday, November
2fith, 1913.
. . . r . V. H.,n,.r
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice ef Road Budget Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that, pursu
ant to Chapter 234. General Laws of
Oregon, 1913, and Chapter 225, Gen
eral Uws of Oregon, 1915, a meeting
of the legal voters of Road District
No. 19, Clackamas county, Oregon,
will he hold at Grange Hull, at Mullno,
In said district on the 23rd day of
November. 1915, at the hour of one
o'clock p. m., Tor the purpose of con
sidering the following estimates of the
amount of money to be raised by spe
cial tax In said district for the ensuing
Itoads nnd Highways Irftprovement
and maintenance of on all the roads
In the road district, divided pro rata
per mile "f road $3,000.
Probable Receipts Probable re
ceipts of said road district from
sources other than from direct taxa
tion upon real nnd personal property
for the ensuing year $2,000.
Hnlances Amount of all balances
on hand $600.
Subscribed by three resident free
holders of said district and by th?
road supervisor- of said district this
14th dav or October, 1915.
Road Supervisor Road District No. 19.
Notice to Creditor.
N'ntlce is hereby given that the un
derslgned has been duly appointed by
the county court of the Mute or ure
gon for the county of Clackamas, ad
ministrator of the estate of David Har
ris, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
required to present them tovme at the
office of C. Schuebel. uregon lux,
Oregon, properly verified, us by law
required, within six months fnrtn the
date hereor. ,
Date ot first publication, FriUay, uc
tober 13, 1913.
Administrator or the Estate of Da
vid Harris, Deceased.
Attorney for Administrator. .
Notice for Levy of Additional Road
Notice is hereby given that we, the
undersigned Taxpayers, consisting or
ten per cent or the Taxpayers tn Road
District No. 19, Clackamas county,
Oregon, hereby give notice to the Tax-
11 C MTOURCTTaV PreeldenL
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
TraiMCt f 6nr.l fenhln luaa
iwyera of ald It. .ad IHatrl'l No. 19,
Hint III.-," will be a liieclln( of flu
Taipavera of aald diairn t in (iranae
Hall, at Mulli.'i, on Hi" .Mrd day i(
November, 1911. at three C!l o"i bx k
p in
to vole an additional tat of .
: . .it- i..m .....I
"e inma m aai.i .i.-.ri. v i.-r ...... v. (
!"". provi-nn i,y an an oi me
b-(lalktuie In I'JI'I. Hectlon 'V:. paK"
24, of the It.mil fjiwa of Ore(on.
H. Hihnebrl. K. J. Aahl.y. N'ela
Heart, Oo. Hofaletter, John Yokurlnl.
Notice of Final Settlement I
In Hie County Court of th" Htate of j
Ori'Kun, for Clu. kauiaa county.
In the Miitd-r of the Ka'ale of Oavld
Will.. Deceaaed.
Notice la hereby given by l.llllnn
Ix rry. en-cutrli of the laat will of Da
vid Willa. dei eaHcd. that ihe ha filed
her final account of administration ol
, h.v
amaa county, mate of Oregon, have I
.i.. .,.,.lt,l l.v .r,lir nf aalil court
. n,,.r,, nn Ih. s. i
' . " .
1 U'J H .av - j
. day of OctoU r. 1915. a the time and
'lar OctoUr. 191 .. a the time an-
place for hearing ol.Jei Hon to mm ;
if"1"1 account, and for settlement anui
diMnntuion o. . .
""" n v
i Kie-utrU of the Last Will of P-s.
j vld Will. Deceaaed. j
j Date of first publication October 8. .
1 1913. j
Dale ol last puoucaiion, .-xuveiiioei-3.
1913. I
FOR SALE To settle the estate of
John Arquette the heirs will sell 8Q j
acre with imall bouse and barn; i
creek on place; Vi mile to school, 2 ;
mile from Colton, Clackamas conn-1
ty, for $2400.00. For full particu
lar, address. Mrs. Meehan 13G2 VII
lard Ave, Portland.
(Continued from page 6)
eI.( jig.50; Peter Rath, $4.00; Julius
pauUel)i j16.oo; Will Held, $16.00;
Otto Paulsen, $24.00; C. Klinker,
$6.00; Theo. Harder, $6.00; Henry
Schmidt; $8.00; A. W. Lee, $5.00;
Gus Zwirnman, $16.00; N. Scheel,
DISTRICT NO. 10 C. H. Duncan,
$22.73; C. C. Salinir, $11.00; H. D.
Trapp, $16.00; W. W. Dillon, $12.00;
J. A. InRlish, $16.00; J. M. Schultx,
$13.00; F. Rhodes, $12.00; L. J. Pal
matier, $24.00; Ralph Reid, $18.00; E.
E. Jenkins, $14.50; N. M. Tracy.
$16.00; W. M. Wade, $13.50; A. M.
Stephens, $12.00; Elvy Beebe, $6.00;
Calvy Beebe, $6.00; Ernest Marshall,
$4.00; M. Nudenthal, $8.00; F. L.
Tbnmas S12.00: O. P. Califf. $2.00;
J. H. Tracy, $10.00; Geo. De Shields,
$10.00; Joe Nicholson, $10.00; Earl
Tracy, $10.00; Harvey Marshall, $10.-
00; R. G. Palmateer, $10.00; Clyde la
vish, $10.00; R. S. Ludlow, $9.00; E.
Donnelly, $13.50; C. H. Duncan, $32.00
L. M. Yocum, $24.00; Bert H. Finch,
$66.92; Coast Culvert & Flume Co.,
$45.46; J. C. Duns, $20.00; Vernie
Duns. $8.00; J. H. Tracy, $20.00; F.
Crawford, $10.00; Lester Crawford,
$20.00; W. A. Pinkley, $8.00; O. D.
Califf, $20.00; F. E. Thomas, $20.00;
G. T. Beebe, $20.00; F. Rhodes, $12.50;
Paul Holm, $2.00; T. H. McKenney,
$2.00; W. W. Dillon, $24.00; Geo. De
Shields, $24.00; E. E. Jenkins, $20.00;
J. M. Schultz, $20.00; 0. C. Troombly,
$13.25; Ralph Reid, ' $26.00; Elvy
Beebe, $9.50; Calvy Beebe, $10.00; R.
G. Palmateer, $15.00; J. A. Inglish,
$8.00; H. D. Trapp, $18.00; A. M.
Stephens, $10.00; Harvey Marshall,
$34.00; Pal Holm, $32.00; 0. P. Califf,
$33.25; C. H. Duncan, $52.50; W. P.
Snuff in, $64.00; A. J. Duncan, $44.00;
J. B. Duncan, $31.00; W. M. Wade,
$42.00; L. M. Yocum, $67.50; L. J.
Palmateer, $39.00; F. Rhodes, $12.00;
Clyde Inglish, $34.00; T. J. Smith,
$17.75; Earl Tracy, $16.00; W. A.
Rhodes, $20.00; Joe Nicholson, $16.00;
N. M. Tracy, $30.00; Ernest Marshall
DISTRICT NO 11 Gladstone Lum
ber Co., $1.20; E. L, Pope, $8.15; Eli
Rivers, $2.00; Gus Rivers, $1.00.
DISTRICT NO. 12 Gus Fisher,
$36.00; Wilson & Cooke, $9.00; W.
O'Connor, $5.00; B. Swales, $25.00;
Edd. Kendig, $15.00; H. Swales,
$50.00; H. Reichel, $19.00; George
Tracy, $12.00; F. Johnston, $12.00;
Mr. Sloper, $12!o0; R, Benson, $10.00;
Jesse Cromer, $28.00; Lewis Wilcoxen,
$10.00; H. Kohl, $18.00; W. McCub
bin, $11.25; J. Moser, $6.00; Pat
O'Connor, $6.00; O. Benson, $8.00; Eli
Swales, $6.00; J. E. Cromer, $13.50;
Chas. Tracy, $4.00; C. W. Fallert,
DISTRICT NO. 15 Scripture &
May, $7.70; Pope 4. Co.,' $5-25; Chaj
Livesay, $20.08; S. Nash, $102.00 1 W.
Rainey, $63.75; L. Ma ttobny $63.75;
H. Scheer, $51.00; G. Grossenbader,
a r. Mo an.
P. J MITER. Caakle
0pn from I A It. U I P. M
William Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Attorncya-at Law
Abatrarta, Real Katate, U.ana, Ina nr.
Pacific I'hon 11, Home I'hone A 271
Pacific 52
Home A tit
Altorny-a( Law
All leail bualnr promptly attended to
Attorney at Law
Deutcher Advokat
all C'l.irti, make col
and eettlcmenta.
Fnterprlae Hull llnif.
Orenon City, OreRon.
Commercial. Ileal Katate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In Flrat National Punk
Will, Oregon City, Oregon.
Notary Public
Katacada, Oregon.
Office Phon-Paclflc Ma n 405;
Home A 270.
Jkaver Illdg.. Room 6
Attorney at-Law
Money loaned, abstract furnlah
cd. land titles examined. etatea
ettled, general law bunlueas.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
W. S. EDDY, V. S., M.D.V.
Graduate of the Otlarlo Veteri
nary College at Toronto. Canada,
and the McKilUp School or Sur
gery of Chicago. Is established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth and Fifth on Main Street.
Both Telephone
Office Pacific 63; Home II SO
$51.00; C. Axford, $51.00; E. H. Mat
toon, $43.00; Wm. McCord, $51.00; Al
bert Scheer, $41.00; J. Hylton, $33.00;
F. Quinn, $31.00; G. D. Rakel, $29.00;
C. Stokes, $31.00; J. E. Morley. $17.00
A. C. Warner, $16.00; E. L. Camp,
DISTRICT NO. 16 Chase 4 Lin
ton, $74.40; H. Engel. $38.15; Fred
Huirns, $29.30; W. Randall, $32.15; T.
Inglis, $24.00; A. G. Tuttle, $16.15;
M. Huiras, $10.00; M. Bauman, $2.00;
E. Gelbrich, $4.00; H. Lucas, $7.00.
DISTRICT NO. 17 Chase & Lin
ton, $55.35; Stefani Lumber Co.,
$13.08; A. W. RiKgs, $2.85; G. R.
Ramsey, $16.55; Chas. Thomas, $12.00
0. F. Frentres, $4.00; Geo. Koehler,
; $50.41 ; Wm. Beeson, $7.00; Fred Mol
son. $42.50; John Robins, $44.00;
Jacob Kraft, $43.75; Wm. Tice, $42.50;
Jacob Rupp, $44.50; Melvin Mnhlum,
$39.16; Paul Bnny, $3.00; John Kraft,
$13.00; Ed Rupp, $11.00; Harlun Rupp
$3.25; Almon Johnson, $18.00; C. 0.
Thomas, $12.75; Clarence Rupp, $10.00
B. W. Simmonds, $12.00; James Mah
lum, $6.00; John Jackson, $23.75;
Warren Freece, $2.00; E. Conrand,
$12.00; F. A. Needham, $8.00; R. C.
Brodie, $8.00; J. P. Schaffenberg,
$8.00; Roy Courand, $4.00; E. J. Ba
ker, $4.00; D. R. Dimick, $7.50.
DISTRICT NO. 18 G. A. Schuebel,
$G3.00; Walter Schuebel, $45.00; E. O.
Hughes, $41.00; A. Bubcock, $57.00;
Ab. Thomas, $2.00; Herman Fischer,
$2.50; Fred Steiner, $1.50; John
Bluhm, $1.00; Wm. Martin, $14.50.
DISTRICT NO. 19 Oliver Fisher,
$2.00; Andrew Cary, $12.00; Yojo
Saari, $12.00; Anton Rantani, $12.00;
0. F. Johnson, $12.00; L. Woodcock,
$10.00; G. W. Wilson, $12.00; G. A.
Wilson, $11.00; A. E. Searson, $12.50;
E. E. Houghton, $4.50; Frank Evans,
$13.00; A. L. Jones, $12.00; W. H.
Jones, $12.00; Robert bnodgrass,
$2.00; A. B. Larkins, $2.00; 0. J. Cul
bertson, $2.00; Frank Albright, $5.00;
Milton Williams, $2.00; August Erick
son, $2.00; R. Long, $1.00; N. Rob
ertson, $13.50; H. Nation, $20.00;
John Messner, $24.00; S. Holsten,
$21.00; Sidney Smith, $24.00; C. T.
Howard, $16.00; John Romiig, $16.00;
William Johnson, $4.00; Floyd Graves,
$4.00; Dan Graves, $8.00; John Mal
latt, $10.00; Ernest Jones, $12.00;
Axle Johnson, $8.00; M. Jepson, $5.00;
Walter Johnson, $2.00; Lloyd Graves,
$2.00; Elmer Erickson, $5.00; Harry
Lichty, $8.00; Fred Bratzle, $12.00; C.
C. Grimm, $10.00; John Kappler,
$11.00; Henry Wilson, $13.00; Ed.
Berdine, $12.00; E. L. Myers, $14.00;
Oscar Daniels, $12.00; Bert Wallace,
$10.50; Arthur Mallatt, $12.50; J. D.
French, $13.00; Andrew Zenger, $7.00;
harles Schulhouser, $32.00; A. L.
Wiem'an, $24.00; L. Wallace, $24.00;
Lewis Churchill, $24.00; R. P. Wal
lace, $24.00; R. Snodgrass, $24.00.
' (Continued Next Week)