Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 08, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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In Iti riruill Court of Hi Hlat o
Oregon, fur I lai kamaa County
Nora A. IniUm, Plaintiff.
1.111 II DnOas, Itrfendaht
T l"ti II. I Hif atioin named de
In the nam of Hi Hint nf Oregon
'nu are hereby required in appear In
III above rnllllcil rniirt anil anawei
III rnintilaliil filed against foil In lli
ahov rnlllM rniirt nn or before sl
week friiin III I7lh day of Augual,
191"., milil 27lh day of August, 1114, I...
Ina III date nf ti Oral publication
nf Dili aumtuohB, ami If ynu fall In a
appear anil answer lh complaint, th
lilaliilllT will apidy In lh abnv anil
lied rniirt for Hi relief pravd fur In
Hi nitiii!aliit herein, towll:
For a decree of Ilia ahov entitle. I
court Dial (tin bond of matrimony nn
eilatlng between Hi plaintiff and III)
defendant l forever' dlaaolved anil
held fur naught, ami dial plaintiff lc
given tti car, ruatody and rr;nt rol o'
llm till nor t Hit of Ih parlies In tli'
anlt. and tlial iilntirf l awarded $25
per month permanent alltnmir fur tin
aupport and nialiitaliianr of aald mln
or rlilld, and fur am h other and fur
lhr relief a to Ilia rniirt mar m
Hin t and niultalil. Including hr roata
and dlnbiirai'inanla herein.
Tbla auininona la srvd uimn you by
nil btli' at Ion thereof nnra week for li
aurclv and roiiaecullv week In
Hi Oregon Cltr Enterprise, new
paper of general circulation la Clark
amaa county, Oregon, and printed and
pnhllahed In Cla kamaa rounly, Or
gnn. piiraiianl to an order of Ilia Hon
J. I'. ('Ainpliell. Judge of Ida abova en
titled court, mad and entered herein
on the 2th day of Auguat. UHS.
Attorney for I'lalntlff
Date of first publication. Aug. 27th.
Date of laat publication, Orl. tli
In Hie Circuit Court of tha Hlata o'
Oregon for tb County of Clacka
Frncro Ouerra, I'lalntlff.
Anaela TaecoKiia Guerra. otherwise
known aa Angela Tarcogna dl An
drea. Defendant.
To Angela Tarcogna Ouerra, other l
known aa Apgela Taicogna dl All
drea, the above named defendant:
In th name of th ftale of Orrgon
you ar hereby riilrd to appear and
anawcr llw complaint filed agalnat you
In the abova entitled Court and rauae
on or beforo the th day of October.
1I5. aald dato being after 1he lra
lion of alx wreka from the date of flrl
publlratlon of thla aiitnmona, and U
you fall to ao appear and anawer tin
complaint for want thereof the plain
tiff will apply to the above entitled
court for the relief prayed (or In M
complaint filed herein, to-wlt:
Kor decree of ehaolute divorce for
ever dlaaolvlnjc the bonda of matrl
ninny heretofore and now exlillng b
tween the plnlntlff and defendant, anil
for aurh other and further relief aa ti
the court may aeem Juat and equitable.
Thla enmmona la aerwd upon yon
by publication thereof for ali auccee
alv and conaeciitlve weeka In the Ore
gon City Enterprlae. purauant to an
order of the Honorable J. U. Camp
bell, lodge of the aliove entitled court
dated Angina ST.th. 191S. which order
preacrlbea that the mimmona In thla
milt ahall b acrveil tiMn you by pun
llcatlon for x aucreaalve and conaecu
live weeka.
n0910 Rolhclilld Building. Portland,
Oregon, Attorney for Halntlff.
Date of flrat publication. Augimt 27th
Pate of Inat publication. Oct. Stlv
In the Circuit Court of the State oi
Oregon, for Claeknmaa County,
T. W. Olbba, Plulntlff.
va. .
Dolla Olbba. Defendant.
To Dolla Clbba, above-named defend
ant: In the name of the alale of Oregon
you are herobj required to appear anil
annwer (he complaint filed agalnat you,
In the above entitled ault, on or before
tho Sth day of October, 19IB,aald date
lining tho expiration of lx weeka from
the first publication of thla aummoim.
und If yon fall to appear or anawer
aald complaint, for want woreor n
plaintiff will apply to the court for
tho relief prayed for in tua rompiaim
to-wlt: ' ' '
For a doorce illasolvlng the morrlage
contract now existing between plain
tiff and dofondnnt. Thla aummona Is
published by order of Hon. It. 8. An
derson, Judge of the Comity Court
which order was made on tho 3511) dnv
of August, 1915, and the time pre
gcrlbed for publication thereof la six
weeks, beginning with the lasno dntml
Frldoy. August 27th, 191B. and contin
uing each week thereafter to nun in
dueling Friday, October Sth. 1915.
' ;' OfcO. 0. nrtOWNEU..
" f" ' ', Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sale of Real Property by Admlnlatra
. trlx. ' - .!
Notice la horoby given that In pur
suance of nn order of the county court
of the state of Oregon, for DoukIub
county, made and. entered on August
28th, 1915. In the matter of the ostnto
of Frederick W. Hunt, docensed. the
undersigned administratrix 6f aald e
talo will from and after the 13th day
of. October, 19,15, offor for Bala and
sell at prlvato sale the following de
scribed real property of said , estate,
situated In the county of Clackamas
and state of Oregon, to-wlt:
Lots number aoven (7). eight (S),
nine (9). and ten ,(19)., In block seven
teen (17) in the town of Wllliimiitro
Falls In aald county. .
. A substantial port of tho purchase
price most bo paid In cash and If terms
are desired o tho remainder the same
unlet bo secured by first mortgage on
the property drawing Interest.
Bale will be subject to confirmation
by the said court
'Offers for sold property may be
mndo by letter addressed, to the un
dersigned nt HOseburg. Oregon, or
maile to Cora Hunt,' Willamette, Ore
gon. ' .
: Dated, this' 7th doy of September.
Administratrix of the Estate of Fred
erick W. Hunt, Deceased.
In tin Circuit Court of Ilia Hlata of
Oregon, for Ih nmiil) of Clack,
tjio llmhlutiay. Plaintiff,
Kiiima M. Flagler, Hefi mlai'l.
Htl of Orrgon, Coiinly of l lm k
fiu.a mm
I.; vlrtu. of a Julgiiuiit order.
ere aud all aim ullnn. duly laaiH'd ool
of ami under ilia ! of the above en
llll'd loiirt, In Ilia alxiv entitled
raimu, to mi duly dlrei ld and dated
lb Mh liny of Heplember, IMS, Uimo
a Jiidgineiil rendered and entered In
lit court on Hut Nth lUy of Hlui
her. I!I5. Ill for of (Jo Ited.laway
pUliiliff and axaliiit Knmia M. Ktagler.
ili femlnlll. for the Mill of VI.7'. With
Inter! IheriMin at Ilia rata of I ft
rent pr iii u in from the J 1st day of
Aiiaimt. IMJ. and tb further oin ot
l'H.70. ami th further auni of :JO0
aa aiiornvy a i. ami uiv
of f 10 JO coata and dlliurinent, and
Hi coda of and upon thla writ, coin
maiidlng ni out of ti e M-roiil prop
erly of Mid defendant, and If auffl' b nt
could not hu found, tlln out of the
real property iH-longlng to auld defend
ant on and after tha date of aald Judg
meiit to aalUfy aald aumi, aiiuiiilitlng
to flJs 90, and alao th nmta upon thin
aald writ.
Now, Iherefor, by vlitu of aald
eii-cutlon. JinlKinetil order and decree,
and In compliance with tho command
of aald writ, being unuM to find any
Iteraonal proerty of aald defendant'!
I did on the mti day of Hepl.. Kit. duly
levy upon the following deacrlbed fal
properly of aald defendant, altuat and!
IM-I.ig in llie C11111117 wi .ii !.
lui of Oregon, to-wlt;
Ut , blm k 31, Central Point ad
dltlmi to Oregon City. Claikainaa
county. Oregon, and I will on the th
day nf October. 1911. at the hour or
10 o'clock a. m , at the front door of
(lie. county courthouse In the city Bf
Oregon City. In aald county and atat.
ell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the hlgheal bidder, for IV
8 gold coin, rash In hand, all the right,
till and Interest which tha within
named defendants, or either of them,
had on tb date of aald Judgment pr
In re bad In or to the above di arrlhcd
real property or any part thereof, to
aalUfy aald Judgment order, decree. In
terest, roats and all accruing coma.
Hhcrlff of Clarkamaa County. Oregon.
Dated. Oregon City. Orewm. Hept
mth, 1915.
In the Circuit Court of Ih Htat
Oregon, for Clackamas County:
James It. MvliU. Plaintiff.
Htclla K. Klelds. Defendant.
To Htellt K. Fields, aliove numed de
In the nam of the Htutu of Oregon
you are hereby requlrej to aix-ar am
anawer the complaint filed analnst
you In the aboe entitled ault. on oi
before the 5lh day of November. 1915.
Id date being the expiration of six
weeka from the Ural putillcailon oi
Ihla iimiiioim. and If you run to np
M-r or answer said complaint. fi
want thereof the plaliitltf lll apply
to the court for the reller prayed im
In his complaint, to-wlt:
Kor a divorce, dissolving the bond
of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant. Thla aum
mona la published by order of Hon. H.
8. Anderson, Judge of tho County
Court, whlrh order waa made on the
:tlth day of September. 1915, and the
time prescribed for publication there
of la six weeks beginning with tnr
Issue dated Krlday. Sept. 24lh. 1915.
and continuing each week thereafter
to aud Including Friday, November
in, I9IS.
Attorney for Plulntlff.
Notice of Final Account.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County:
In the matter or the Kutnto of T. D.
Collins. Deceased.
Notice Is hereby given by tho under
signed that he has tiled bis final ac
count and final report and petition for
dlHtrlbutton aa thu administrator of
tho Estate of T. D. Collins, Deceased,
and that tho County Court of tho
State of Oregon for Clackamaa County
In which Court the administration of
sulil Estate la bolng hud, hue set Mon
day, the 25th day of October, 1915, at
ten o'clock A. M. on Iho time, and the
Court room of said County Court In
Oregon City, Oregon, aa tho place of
tho hearing aud passing upon said ac
oouut, report and petition, at which
tlmo und place any person Interoated
In aald Eatato may fllo objection In
writing to sumo, or any part thereof.
Administrator of the Estuto or
T. D, Collins, Deceased.
Notlc of Final Settlement
In .tho. County Court of tho State of
. Oregon for the County of Cliicko
" maa. ' '
In the mutter of the estate of Isaac
Gordon, deceased: . ' , . -
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned has filed her Final Account
In tho estate or Isanc 'Gordon, deceas
ed, In the County Court of Clackamas
County,, Oregon: and tho Court has
set Monday,' October 17th at 10:00 A;
M., as tho time, and the county court
room, Clackamas County, Oregon, as
tho place for hearing objections to
Bald . final account If any thore bo,
and for the filial settlement of lil
estate. ' "'' '
Executrix ' of the estate of
Isaac Gordon, doceaBOd
Cross" & Iinrko, Attorneys for Estate. .
Notice of Final. Settlement of the Es
tate of Michael Walsh, Deceased.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned executors of the estate of
Michael Walah, deceased, have filed
In the county court of Clackamas
county, state of Oregon, their final ac
count as Buch executors of said estate
and that Monday tho 18th doy of Octo-
bor, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.
m. has been nxea ny Bam coun as me
limp for hearing of objections to said
report and' the settlement thereof.
Executors of the Estnte of Deceased.
Attorney for Executors.
om:noN city
ft CIitiiU Court of Ilia Hlat of,
Oregon for Claiiaina I lenitr.
Haiah K, ( oi.n. lt. I'laliitllf.
I Albert I Ciilllu-lt. Defli.rtiil.
I To Albert I.. Cuniielt, bo name.l
! dufeudanl.
1 In Ilia Mil' of Ilia Wain of Oregon
"dy.H, are l.er. by
1 ... .... . ......
I yon. In Ilia alxiv eiilllled ault, ou or
Iwfore Ilia JCtll day of October, HI.',
aid data being Hi eiplrallun of all
wm-ka from lb flrat pulilliatlon of
Hill summons, and If you fall In appear
or answer said coinplulul, for want
Ih. r.'of lb plaintiff will apply In tb
court for Ih relief prarrd for III her
complaint, to-wlt'
Kor di-cren dissolving Ilia bonda
of matrimony now eiUIIng bilween
lb plaintiff and iti-remUnl. This sum
minis Is pulillnhed by order of Hon. J.
V. Campbell, Judg of t'i Circuit
Court. liMi order was inad on tb
I .lli day of Hepti-uibcr. and I lie
llui pre iilel for pulilliatlon there
of la all weeka. beginning with Hie
Issue dated Krlday, Heplember 17(h.
1913, and continuing sch week there
after to and Including Friday. Or-tnlM-r
!9th, 1915.
(JEO. C. IlIIOWNKM., and
Attornevs for I'lalntlff
In the Circuit Court of lb Plate o'
' Oregon for Clarkamaa County.
Margaret Oatea. Plaintiff,
I. Arthur (iatea, DefendauL
To I.. Arthur Oatea, above named
In th nam of the Hlatn of Oregon,
and you are hereby required to appear
and anawer the complaint filed agalnat
you. In Ih above entitled full, on or
before th 29ln day of October. 1915.
aald date being the expiration of alx
weeka from the flrat pulilliatlon of
(hi aummona. and If you fall to appear
or anawer said complaint, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to th
court for the relief pra'yed for In her
complaint, to- It:
For a decree dMolvIng lb bonda
nf matrimony now existing between
th plaintiff aud defendant. Tbla sum
mona Is published by order of Hon. J.
I'. Campbell. Judite of the Circuit
Court, which order was made on the
ISth day of Heptemher. 1915, and th
time prearrllMHl for publlratlon there
of la alx weeks, beginning with the
lasiie dated Friday, September 17th.
1915, and continuing each week there
after to and Including Friday, Octolr
:9th. 1915.
CKO. C. ItrtOWNKl.I.. and
Atlorneya for' Plaintiff
Sheriff's Sale
In th Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon fur the county of Multno
mah. George II. Johnson, Plaintiff
II. (. Ilurtshorne and Elsie lljrta
hnrne. IWendiint.
Stato of Oregon, Cuttnty of Clacka
mas, as:
1 ty virtue of a Judgment order, de
tree tnd execution, duly Issued out of
and under the acul nf tho alove en
titled court. In the above . entitled
cauae, to tne duly directed and dated
the 21st day of June, 1915, upon Juilg
mcnt rendered and entcrlnd lit said
court on the 15th day of June, 1915, l
favor of George II. Johnson, plaintiff,
and against II. G. HartMhome and E'
ale Hartshorn, ilefendanta, for the
aum of I'iOO, with Interest thereon at
the rule of 8 per cent, per annum
from the 25th day of November, 191
and the further aum of tfiU.UO, with
Intercut thereon at 6 per cent from
tho 15lh day of June, 1915, and tin
furthea sum of IL'6.25 cost a and din
bursementa, and the costs or and up
on thla writ, commanding me that out
or the personal property or sold de
fendunts, on and after the aald,15tl
day of June, 1915. to satisfy the de
mands or plaintiff; or If sufficient
could not bo round, then out or the
real property of said defendants. And
being unable to find personal property
I did, on tho 2.1rd day of September.
1915, levy iiihid the following describ
ed real propertyt Lots ten (10) an'
eleven (10) of block "B" or Wilson
vllle, Clackamas county, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution. Judgment, order and decree
and In compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Satunlay. the
23rd day of October, 1915, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door ol
tho CountyCourt house In the City of
Oregon City, In said County and State
Bell at public auction, subject to re
demption,' to tho' highest bidder, for
U. 8. gold coin In hand, all tho right,
title and Intercut which the within
named, defendants -or either or them,
bad on the date of the Judgment here
in, or since had In or to tho above
described real proporty or ' any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, Judg
ment order, decree,, gatefest, costs,
and all. accruing costs,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Ity E. C. Hnckett. Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Septem
ber 24th. 1915. ' -
. . " Summona. .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County:
Ethel Cox. Plaintiff, .
Charles A, Gox, Defendant. ' '
To Chnrlos A. Cox, above named
defendant; . . , .
. In the name of tho Stato of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint (lied against
you in the. alove entitled suit, on or
boforo tbo Jith day of November, 1915
said dure being tho exptrntion of six
weeks from the first publication of
this, summons, and if you fall to ap
pear or answer said complulnt, . for
wont thereof the plaintiff will apply
to tho court for the relief prayed for
In her complulnt, to-wlt:
For deereo dissolving 'the marri
age contract .now : existing between
plaintiff and defendant. This tsuni
mons Is published by order of Hon, 11.
S. Anderson, . Judge of the County
Court, which orilor wns made on the
i 7ch day of September, 1915, and .the
tlmo prescribed -for publication there
of Is six xweeks, beginning with the
Issue dated Friday, Sept. 2tth. 191"
and continuing each- week thereafter
to and Including; Friday, November
5lh. 1915. '.; -ii ., ) ., . .
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
KNTKniMtrM. n.fiuv.
htrlff'a Sal.
In tha Circuit Court of lb Hm of
' Oregon for lb t oniiy of I'Uila
' maa.
II. Hi.llevart. Ila'all-',
M'nnUi Arnold I' '. 'Aollxn, laiy
J. ItiMeiieagte, tJ-ifg lleddaway
and tb Portuomah IjiihI f'ompany.
a r or mii a i mti, iei' n.ui.n.
Hlal of Origoii, ( oiiiilx of Clucka-
lna, :
Py virtu of a Jinl'iin-iit order, tie
ere and lerutlmi. ilnljr laaued oul
of and uadi-r tb ! of ie aliov en-
lltlivl court. In tb almi'e eiitlited
iiiM, In in duly i!lr-!eif and dated
Hut IHlh.day of Hepiemir, U,n
Jiidgineiil rendered and entered In
aald court on III l'.'i day of Hepleui
ber, IKIi. Ill favor of II. Hul'lvan.
plulntlff. and agalort Minnie Arnnld,
II. C. Wolfura, Mary J. lloMiieaal,
(I'l-oriie Ituddsway aod dm Portnouiah
IjiiiiI Co, corporation, ili-fi-ndunl.
for tti aum of IIM 11, !t lutereHl
(hereon at tb rat of an M-r cent
per annum from th ;.'nd ilsy nf Jun.
1915, and. the further sum of 19:
tinea pnld by plalli'lT. with Intereat
thereon from th Slit day of October.
I'll , until paid, and th further aum
of 3'0 aa attorney's fee, and th fur
ther aum of 27.50 rot and dlaburse
iiients. and tb cost of and upon this
writ, commanding in to mak sal of
th following described real pro-rty,
aituate In the Cotn.tr of I'lm kamaa.
Ktat of Oregon, to-wlt:
Th Hoiilhweat ipiarter of hV-tlon
Taenlylwo C2I In tonililp Four It)
Hoiith of Itange Thn-e (Z) fUat of tb
W llluliiette Meridian, rotitallilni one'
hundred and sixty arn-s more or 1is. Summona.
Have and except the rlKlita deeded to! In the Circuit t ourt of the Btnte of
th Molalla I.nmlier Company, aa per! Oregon for Clackamaa County,
deed rworded In I!mi 99. page 4H,jva Caroline Ubadee. Plaintiff,
records of deed for Clackamaa conn- va.
ty. Orei;on. Also save and except a I Chua. Ijibadee. Defendant,
strip of land deeded to Clackainaaj To Chaa. libadoe. defendant:
County for road purpoaea, aa r ddi In the name of the Slate of Oregon,
recorded In Hook 122, at page 204. you are hereby required to appear and
records of deeila of aald county. j anawer the complaint filed agalnat you
Now. therefore. b virtue of aald ex- In the above entitled ault, on or before
ecullon. Judgment order and deer.-. gig weeka from the Brat publlratlon
and In compliance with the com ma ml of thla aummona, to-wlt:. on or before
of aald writ. I will, on Saturday, the the . 12th day of. November, 1915.
3oth day of October. 1913. at the hourj and If you fall to answer, for want
of 10 o'clock A. M . at the front door, thereof tne plaintiff will take the re
of the County Court Home In the Cltyi lief prayed tor In the complaint, to
of Oregon City, In said County and. wit; for a decree of divorce herein
Slate, aell at public auction, aubject dissolving the bonda of matrimony
to redemption, to Die hluhest bidder,: heretofore and now existing between
for T. 8. gold coin, rai.li In hand, al'j tho plaintiff and defendant herein, and
the right, title and inn-rent which thejthut the plaintiff be given her maldea
within -named defemlants or wither o.'; name, to-wlt. Fva Caroline Ward, and
them, had on the date of the mort-J for auch other and further relief as
gage herein or alnre hid In or to the. tj,e Court may aeem tuect and eqult-
above deacrlbed real property or any
part theieof. to satinfy aald execu
tion. Judgment order, decree. Interest,
nuts and all accruing coats.
W. J. WHJ40N.
Sheriff of C'ackamaa County. Oregon.
Hy E. C Darken. IVputy.
Dated, Oregon City. Oregon, October
lat. 1915. . -
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Cluckamaa County.
V. J. I'lnuiru Plaliitiff.
Minnie M. l'linuii Dcrrnduut.
To Minnie Mi-"!wn.-wiiove named
defendunt: ' -
In the uame of ,the State of Oregon,
yod are hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed against
you. In the above entltfed suit, on or
before the twelfth day of Novemlier.
1915, aald dute being the expiration
of six weeks from, the flrat publlratlon
of this suniiiionrt,' and It you fail to
appear or answer . said complaint,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court -for the relief prayed
for In his complaint, to-wlt:
For a de.-ree dissolving the marri
age contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons Is' published by order of Hon
II. S. Anderson. Judge of the County
Court, which order was made on the
23rd day of September. 1915. and the
time prescribed for publication there
of Ih si weeks,? beginning with the
Issue dated Friday, October 1st. 1913.'
and continuing each week thereafter
to and Including Friday, November
12th. 1915.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Sheriffs Sal.
In the Circuit Oourt .of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Ida E. Judd and I.ora S. .ludd. Plain
tiffs, vs.
Henry Cromer aad Ida Cromer, his
wife; Hawthqrne Avenue Stables.
a conici-atlon.' h. D. Carpenter, Al
bert Dobner, Arnold Myers, and
Mary Myers Ills wife; E. G. Ia Fol
lotte, and Elsie La Follette his wife,
A. U McMartln and Elizabeth Mc
' Martin, Defendants.
State of Oregon. County or Clacka
mas, ss:
Ry virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and execution, duly Issued out of
and under tha seul of the above en
titled court, hi the .above entitled
cnuso. to me duly directed and dated
the 25th day oT September, 1913. upon
a Judgment rendered and entered In
Said court on the 25th day of Septem
ber, 1915, In favor of Ida E. Judd and
I.ora S. Judd. 1luintlffs. and against
Henry Cronier.r and Ida Cromer his
wire, HawthoTrte Avenue Stables a
corporation. L..5 D. Carpenter, Albert
Dobner. Arnold Myers, and Mary My
ers his wife, E. G. La Follette, and
Elsie I.aFo'llette his wife, A.L. Mc
Martlu and Elizabeth McMartln, de
fendants, for ttle sum of $3204.17. with
Interest thereim at the rate of 7 per
cent, per annum from the 26th day of
July; 1915, and the further sum of
$114.00 taxes Vnld with interest there
on .at 6 per cent from the 2Sth day
of July, 1915. and the further sum
of. $9.25 Insurance.; with Interegt at
6 per cent 'from July 2Sth. 1915;
$150.00 as attorney's fee and the
further, sum, of . $24.75 coats and
disbursements, and the costs of, and
upon this writ, commanding me to
make sale of, the following described
real property, situate In the county
of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to
wlt: Ilcglnnlng st, a point 1052 feet
North of the Southeast comer of the
E. B. Lewellen and wife Donation
Land Calm So. 40., Township 4 South
of Range. 4. East of the Willamette
Meridian': rupnlng thence North 314
feet; -thence , Weal 683 feet; thence
South 314 fpft; tjience East 6S3 feet
to the place of beginning. Also" be
ginning at a point 1652- feet North .of
the Southeast corner of the E. It. I
ootomw ft. wis.
Icll.-ii jiil Claim No (0, n ai
Ih HouUi.-aat o.rner vt five a r
Iraii of land ilieiiej ( Henry ( ru-
mer ti) John l.!Hlrn and !;; run
liliig thence VI eat on Ilia line of aald
lleniy Cromer irai t l.Xl feel; Iheme
Houlli lit, feet; llienc Weal t'J,, feel
to Ih line of W. J. l-welleri's land,
theme Houlb 107 feet, theiu Kll
(t'i f''l; Ihence Ho. Mil 'l fm to the
mo III line of Hi K. II. I-wlli-n dona
lion I. ami ( latin No. 10. tticme Fait
711 feel along Hid Hoofi line lo tb
Hoiitbea-il corner of aald claim; I hence
North r,l im-t lo Ih pU of begin
nlng. coi.laiiiliig li acrea mora or leaa
In T. 4 H. II. 4 K. of tti Vt'. it , con
Uinlng In all 40 acres more or lets.
Now, therefor, by virtu of aald ex
ecution, JiiiL'tiieiit order and decree,
and In compliance with Ih coinmanda
of aald writ. I will, on Haturday, Ih
.10th day of October. 1915, at the hour
of 0 o'clock A. M.. at tb front door
of tb County Court llotia In lb City
of Oregon City. In aald County and
Htat, eell al public auction. atihVd
lo redemption, tu th bliihent bld.lr.
for I'. 8. gold coin ah in har.d. all
tb right, till and Intercut whV the
within named defendants or either i.f
them, had on th date of the mortgak
herein or alnce had In or lo th above
deacrlbed reul proirtv or any pari
thereof, lo aatlafy aald exexcutlon.
Judgment order, dcre. Interest, coats
and a'l accruing rout a.
Bh.-rlff of Cla' kamaa County, Oregon.
Ity K. C. Hackett Deputy.
Datel, Oregon City. Oregon. October
1st, 1915:
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sharif" Sal.
In the Circuit Court of the Bute of
Oregon, for the county of Clacka
maa. Frank McKnight, Plaintiff,
J. H. Colt and Flotilla D. Colt, hla
wife: J. C. Allen. Associated Cred
itors Adjustment company, a cor
poration; Jamea Thorpe, otherwise
known aa Richard Thoriie; Moun
tain Irrigation company, a corpora-
lion, and liolman Fuel Co., a corpo
ration. Defendants. ' ' '
State or Oregon. County or Clackamas.
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly lasued out,
9 mm.. A aa.la tka aa I aF t It k tklistrk Mti.
u. ..u uwuj.
titled court. In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 28th day of September, 1915, up
on a Judgment rendered and entered
in said court on the 15th day of Sep
tember, 1915, in- favor of Frank Mc.
Knight, plnlntlff. and against. J. H.
Colt and Flotilla D. Colt, bis wife; J.
C Allen. Associated Creditors Adjust
ment company, a corporation: James
Thorpe, otherwise known as Richard
Thorpe; Mountain Irrigation com
pany, a corporation; and Holman Fuel
Co., a corporation, defendants, for the
sum of $2000.00. with interest there
on at the rate of 7 V4 Pr cent. per an
num from the 5th day of December,
1913. also Interest on seventy-five
dollars ($75) at ten per cent per an
num from June 5th. 1914, until paid:
also Interest on $75 st ten per cent
per annum from December Sth, 1914.
until paid; also Interest on $75, at 10
per cent from June 5th, 1915, until
paid, the further sum of seventy-eight
and 93 one hundredths dollars with
Interest thereon at 6 per cent per an
num from May 26th. 1915 until paid:
the further sum of $123.76 with Inter
est thereon at 6 per cent per annum
from June 5th until paid; and the fur
ther sum of $100.00 attorney's fees In
this suit; and the further sum of
$2S.25 costs and disbursements, and
the coats of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale of the fol
lowing described real property, situ
ate in the county of Clackamas, state
of Oregon, to-wlt:. - , -
, Lots "O." one (1), two (2). three
(3), four (4), and five (3, Orchard
Homes, according to- the duly record
ed plat thereof on file In the record
er's office of.Clackama8 county. Ore
gon.' . ,
. Now. Thererore. by. virtue or said
execution. Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
ot said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
30th day or October, 1915. at the hour
of 11 o'olock a. m., at the front door
of the. county court house In the city
of Oregon City, In said county and
state, sell at public auction, subject to
redemption, to the highest bidder, for
U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all the
right, title, and Interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mortgage-,
herein or since had In or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution,
Judgment order, decree. Interest, -costs
and all accruing costs.
. . .. . W, J. WILSON,
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
-. ' ' " . Deputy."'
Dated. Oregon City. Ore., -October
1st. 1915.'
Notice of Final Ssttlement .
In the matter of the estate of Frances
McAllster, deceased. '
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned as executrix of the above
entitled estate, has filed her final re
port In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County' or Clacka
mas, and that Monday; the first day
ot November. A. D. 1913. at the hour
or ten o'clock A. M.; and the court
room ot said county has been appoint-
ed by said court as the time and place
n c. MTOURtrrr. pr.itot r, j uirm. caki
Tte First National Bank
ol Orrgon City, Oregon
rrant 6nral Ssnklng osiae
for Ih hearing of bbJet-otis there -
Oi and lb aeitlemriil 1'ieri-of. ;
All mtmim Imvllia IflV filiW-Ctllllia I
aro notified to b paerit at tb aUil
named llm and place. J
Dated ami flmt publi.beil Oi lobar (
lat, ll'i.
Kutru of NiWSii of j
France MeAHu'er, ileceaaed i
Attorney for Kxecutrix.
Adminlttrator'a Notice of Final
V..II..A Im tiMrI.V ltf(.n fllMl lIlM llll.
de'ralKued baa llled bla final account
aa admiiiUtraUir of tb estate of Alley
K. I)i-skliia. deceaaed. In th County;
Court of Clackamaa County, Oregon.)
and aald Court has set Monday. No
vember lat. 1915. at 10 o'clock, A. M .
a th tlaae for hearing aald account ,
and tiie objections thereto, and for;
making a aattlemi-nt of aald ektate.i
All person having olij. lion to said
account or the dim barge of 4ld ad i
mli.Utralor, are hereby notltled to pre-',
aent the aame lo said court on or b-j
fore said tltiio.
Admliilslrator of the fcatete of
Alley F. Deakiaa. deociaed.
Attorney Tor Administrator.
Sheriff's Sal.
In the Circuit Court of the State or
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. George Sieea. Plaintiff,
Maud Gould and Carrie Wlnslow. De
fendanta. State of Oreson. County of Clacka
maa. aa.
Ity virtue of a Judgment order, decree
and an execution, duly Issued out of
and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
ecauae. to me duly directed and dated
the 6th day of O-tober. 1915. upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In aald
court on the Sth day of September.
1913. In favor of George Speea. p'alntlff
and against Maud Gould and Carrie
Wlnslow. defendants, for the aum of
$8000.00, with Interest thereon at the
rate of 6 per cent per annum from the
15th day of June. 1915. and the further
sum of $19.31. with (merest thereon
at 6 per cent from the 12th day or
May. 1915, and the further aum of
$11.59 with Interest aa 6 per cent from.
Juae.lst, 1915. and the further sum of
$200.00 as attorney's fee, and the fur
I ther sum of $26.00 costs and disburse
ments, and the costs of and upon mis
wrk. commanding me to make. bale
or the fol'owlng described real prop-
te ,n tbe r (.,ack
amas. state of Oregon, to-wil:
The w of tne N of Sectlon
Tw,lv (12) n,i the N.E. Va of N.E.
U of aald Section Twelve (12) In
Township Three (3) South ot Range
Two (2) East or the Willamette Me
ridian In Clackamas County. Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ . I will, on Saturday, the
Sth day of November, 1913. f the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the front
door of the County Court Douse In
the City of Oregon City In said County
and State, sell at pnblic auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bid
der, for V. S. gold coin cash in hand
all the right, title' and Interest which
the within named defendants or either
of them , hud on the,' date of the mort
gage herein or since had In or to the
above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execu
tion, Judgment order, decree. Interest,
costs and al' accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Py El C. Hnckett, Deputy.
Dated. Oregon City. Ore.. Oct. Sth
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
J. H. Hinkle, Plaintiff,
vs. ,
Virginia Hinkle, Defendant.
To Virginia Hinkle, above named
defendant: '' " ' " " .
In the name of the Stale of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer ' the ' complaint " filed against
you, in the above entitled suit, on or
before the 191b day of November, 1913,
sald'dato being the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
this sttnmons, and it you fail to appear
or answer said complaint, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in his
complaint, to-wlt:
For a divorce dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant. . This sum
mons Is published by order of Hon. J.
U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, which order was made on the
1st day of October. 1915, and the
time prescribed for publication there
of is six .weeks, beginning with the
issue dated Friday, October Sth, 1915,
and continuing each week thereafter
to and including Friday. November
19th, 1915.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
- .' Card of Thanks..
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for their . kindness during
the Illness and death of our husband,
father and brother, also for the beauti
ful flowers. ., - '
Mrs, Flavlus Painter and Family
- . Mrs. A. H. Finnigan.
- F. C. Painter,
J. E. Painter.
L. H. Feaster. . , -
WANTED to hear 'from owner .of
good ranch for sale. Send , cash
price and description. D. F. Bush.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Opei frm A M. t I P. M
1 William Hammond
Philip L. HammenJ
Attornajra-at Law
Abstrsi U. Ileal Estate, Uiaaa, loan,
" CITT, 0Kf;ON
'l'le Phone II, Horn Phone A Ifi
Phonn PadOe S3
Home A III
Attorney at law
I A" ' promptly attand4 U
, '
Daulschsr Advekat
Will practice in all courts, make col
lections and aettlemenla.
Office In Enlerprla Iluildlng.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Commercial. Real Katate and
Probate our Specialties. Of.
Ore In First National Dank
Hide Oregon City, Oregon.
Notary Public.
EaUcada. Oregon.
Office Phoo-e Pacific Main 40;
Home A-270.
. Attorneye-at-Law
(leaver lllilg.. Room C
Attornay at-Law
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titlea examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College at Toronto, Canada,
and the McKlllip School ot Sur
gery of Chicago, la established
at Fashion Stable, between
Fourth andFlfth on Main Street,
Roth Telephonea
Office Pacific 63; Home 11-30
.Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that tbe un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of th? Stale of Ore
gon for the County of Clackamas. Exx
ecutor of the estate of George M. Se
crest, deceased. All persons having
claims against, said estate are hereby
required to present them to me at tbe
office of C. Schuebel Oregon City. Ore
gon, properly verified as by law re
quired, within six months from the
date hereof.
Date of first publication,, Friday, Oc
tober 8th, 1915.
. W. S. U'REN. Executor
of the estate of George M.
Secrest, deceased.
Meindl & Burley and C. Schuebel, '
Attorneys for Executor.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Court of the State ot
Oregon,' for Clackamas county.
In the Matter of the Estate of David
Wills, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given by Lillian
Derry, executrix ot the last will or Da
vid Wills, deceased, that she has filed
her final account of administration of
said estate with the clerk ot said court
and petition for settement and dis
tribution thereof; and that Monday,
the 8th day of November, 1915, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day,
at the court room of said court In the
court house in Oregon City, Cluck
anias county, state of Oregon, have
been appointed by order of said oourt
duly made and entered on the Sth
day of October, 1915, as the time and
place for hearing objections to said
final account, and for settlement and
distribution of suld estate. 1
Dated, October 5th, 1915.
Executrix of the Last Will of Da
vid Wills, Deceased.
Date of first publication October 8,
Date of last publication, November
5, 1915.
Two hundred dollars was appropri
ated Wednesday by 'the county court
for a Clackamas county exhibit at the
Manufacturers' and Land Products
Show to be held In . Portland, com
mencing late this month. Half of tha
sum was obtained from the prize won
by tbe county at the State fair lo. Sa
lem. George Lazelle and Mr. McGet
chle, of Gladstone, will have charge of
the exhibit. Eastern Clackamas coun
ty will not be represented With a dis
trict exhibit at the show, as originally
Right of way deeds are all secured
for. Suthcrlln;, railroad and It Is an
nounced work will start at once on the
grade for the Sutherlin. Coo Pay &