Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 08, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    irrxrari'Klsi: 1 i:hiai ; i jnTTiiTorhrnrr
City Manager. Council of Flvt and I"
filiation of Budgtt taltm May
Pa ftature of Prepoted Go
trnmtnt for Oregon City.
TMi.lK.rary orsanlratlon or the o
tMltre of pine lhal wt. sn-o'tited
n-.vr Ii,-a lii formulate l'lti " '
the retirement of the city "rrnl I
Indebtedness and for i more ffl. lent ,
Mid m of conducting" municipal a'-,
fiiirt was rffitliHj Monday mvht In the;
Commercial rluli room t the o!o.-
lion of M l. l-itoureiie ti-iuiHiiur i
chairman and K. K. Hrndle li-mi.-rnry i
wcn-iary. I r m a oriit oujniialuis I
e mailH iii-it Krlilny tiinht.
n m.-liili-ri of till! cimiiiil'.li-t' i-r!
irriH-nt nn-l Hh Mayor Jihii h. tilt
i unm-d In a li-titnllM' ay I ho M-r-ra'
phaM k M the iiiuiik k.iuj'.ii n
H t;. Canfii'M anil l ly Stii'ii i'r
aiM'olntil to aiti-ml lh- rounrll ini" t
Ins Wi-'liuK-lay nliht anj ak t'u' iv
r ration rf ttit tiit-iiilx-ra of tho r nn
ril In ttu- ork of thf ronmilttw. T. :
V. Sullivan a aski'.l to prepare tab
nlatei dtutetnent for a form of M-rial !
ImiiuN to rillre ltv warranta. ar.il J.
0. Pta.it a aiilhorii'l to ae ur- a,
.tatomrnt of the i-lty' f.muirial romll
tlon. The arope of the work to lie dope !y
the coninilltee of nine has not yet hoen
determined, hut it U prol'ahle that ;
a new charter he ireari d for
aulmilsaion to the -oler ut t!ir llnrlii
her clTtlon. and the rounrll he
ni-k'M to tnilimit the proptwd rhart-r
to the people for their approval or re-1
Jeotlon. It la altocetlirr prohalile that '
this charter m 11 provide for a biisine
nianacer form of government, the in-'
atullutlon of the budset aystem In the
diHtrihution and expenditure .of the1
rity'a funds, and the election of a ;
rounrll of f've members to uc chosen
from the city at larce. Mayor Jones ;
has been aaked to meet with the com-1
mlttee and lend hla aid in determin-!
Inn definite plan for the future kov- '
ernment of Oreson City. x i
Oct. 2. Trading was of small volume
this forenoon, and receipts were al
so light Hog prices remained ut
6.35 but the market was considered
Receipts for the week were
cattle. 34 calves, 6129 hogs and Stt)6
sheep. For today they were 19 cattle,
2 calves, 365 hogs and 3 sheep.
Official livestock quotations in ef
fect this morning were as follows:
Steers choice J6.60 to 60
Good 6.25 to 6.50
Medium 4.00 to 6.25
Cows choice 5.00 to 5.50
Good 4.50 to 5."0
Medium 4.00 to 4.50
Heifers choice 5.75 to 5.85
Good 5.00 to 3.50
Prime lights, 175-200 ... 6.30 to 6.35
Choice medium, 140-175 . 6.no to 6.25
Pigs, 90-110 lbs 5.00 to 6.25
Choice spring lambs .... C.50 to 7.00
Common spring lambs . 5.50 to C.0
Choice yearlings 5.50 to 6.00
Good yearlings 5.00 to 5.50
Old wethers 4.75 to 5.25
Real estate transfers filed with
County Recorder Dedinan Thursday
A. A, Laird and wife to .losie Ferrey
east half of southeast one-half of
' southeast one-half of southeast one
quarter of section 36, township 4,
south, range 4, east of the- Willamette
meridian, containing five acres; $10.
W. L. Jones to Josle Ferrey, '.vest
one-half of south one-half of southeast
one-quarter of southeast one-quarter
and west one-half of southeast one
quarter of southeast one-quarter In
section 30, township 4, south, range
4, east of Willamette meridian; 15
acres; $500.
W, W. Poster to Ellen Patterson.
weBt one-half of southeast one-quarter
of section 30, In township 3 south,
of range five east of Willamette me
ridian, 80 acres; $10.
J. V. Lehigh to Daniel F. I.ehigh,
-land bounded on easterly side of
blocks 75, 76 and 77 of Oregon City;
on northerly aide by McKlnley dona
tion land claim; on westerly side by
AVMamettJ" river and (on southerly
wide by land or Archibald McKlnley;
Oregon Iron Steel company to
Loulse Atchlnson, lot 3, block 135 In 1
Lake View Villas: $10. j
W. L. Jones to A.
A T-alrri. east one-
half of southeast one-quarter of uouth
onHt one-cniarter of section 36. town-
hln 4 south, range 4 east containing
five acres; $10.
Real estate transfers filed with
County Recorder Dedman Friday are
a follows:
Pacific Land company to Cazadero
Rai Estate company. ins"'
",::. ,, 9 Borwlck acre: northeast
"dlvc Duciari-K
On h day f ' empiten of Meual
'ri i apt John llartlin ( (he on-awr
I'Tln-raa murl n l i)IJ Ahivlie
llli flun from an etn b-al, bul la lif4
lo biM t-i in.l ),r falhrc an4 hla in
panimii lui'u,n la aaaaulirJ -
nana, a atij IVnm in a am ail""l'i "
11 aria Itlnatun liaa man"!
d.uihlrr p-.f ttntllif hie (Ml I" ll
lit ari.,1 a,t.rtl Ilia l-riivaaa vuci
kat alantl if
I l Intiataar
trfhgtun i
urn Sia ii. In.) Id bewrtlc a Liana,
1 hit-
tr-n tear lUla. HarttanJ. S-'W an
i p:iiin aiii-a'Kr with lofilo and n-a. 4 ,
I frina'p a iiili. ar4 l Pa'HlUM
I lT'H lhal on.a l lMmlnn. turn in
flralxill. (!! Ihe WIJvaT lf laplalll
(Ur-iin l limn with h.r a-m N-ai en-t
AnnrMr lln.l.-n anj ol.il I" alral Ilia
' br h.t uih.r.
ininj iiuin.uumi
" theTailure
May tht Boat Mm Win.
Neat Hardin, clad In bit lifenavlnl
onlforrn. at upon tho juflalo of h:a
llfitxiat. gating scaard er sea
ward. He teeing vlUn alas
tldona if t!i" e. He caurht An
nrtt. 'i haiid In hla own. He turned to
"Amu tie." he cried. "I've got to do
It B can t help IL It calls to me tho
tea. It's In my blood."
The ::iill bit aadly pr
hap Put her eyes glosed She re
turrej t!: prekuro of Neal hand
with r.ir warm, strong, girlish giuT
"It's in ycur blood." ihe reri at d. .
"your (u'.'.a t as a hero of the a
he Lived lue you saved me. XeaL
You vp ( ?t to FO " i
"Ycu want mo to?" b asked.
" Yi . 1 ant you to."
"Ill go." fald Neal.
Th? rlrl hold In her right hand a
r.ei-ilH-r the current lue of thi
local Seaport wetkly. I saved ihi
)j:t fr ou. lxok. Read It. Neal.'
th- a .id 'if pointed tc au Item on
tae f;rt page.
Congressman James J. Prime of Sea-1
ecrt announces that tho preliminary
tjcaminatian fof candMacy for Annap
c!it fna's will bo held at the High
School here on Thursday next at 9 a.
m. ,Tho congressman's privilege Is (
limited ta but en appointment May
tr.e teit man win.
"Its your chance, Neal," laid the
girl. Si.e placed a hand upon his
shoulder, and at her touch the blood
run through hia veins like wine.
"You're th best man. Neal." she.
hi?pcred. "always the best man. I
You're bcatid to win."
CcrigresEinan James J. Prime was a :
Seaport man and the biggest man In
that shore town. He had sprung from i
boatbuilding, seafaring ancestors; he;
knew seagoing fclk; he liked them.:
And he liked the sea. And the pleas !
antest thing be did. he was went to
tell his friends, was to recommend j
clear-eyed, clean limbed young fellows
for Aunapolis. At the very time that ;
Annette and Veal were sitting In the
lifeboat gming seaward, the congress- j
man was at the post office, surrounded
by a circle of old cronies, holding forth j
unon the navy. As he talked be exam-'
mea nis man, opening u w.m . .
forennger. He had mall aplenty -,
small envelope and big ones long (
and short Three time, h dropped a.
letter once be dipped a check
aomebody picked them up for him. ,
Then, unknown to himself, and un-:
seen of anyone about him, be acci
dentally dropped aomethlng else upon I
the floor a long, folded printed paper, j
He didn't mis It; and when Congress
man James J. Prime moved off In the !
direction of hi home, a human being
slouched over to that corner, placed a
concealing foot upon the folded paper, .
struck a match and lit a cigarette,
stooped suddenly and with nicotine-'
gtalned fingers, picked up the docu-'
ment ;
The concealing foot and the nlco- j
tine-stained fingers belonged to aj
young and sporty gentleman of the
name of Joey Weleher.
He thrust the document Into bis !
pocket and then, he too, moved off to '
some less public place. When he .
-anhmA m nlaf-ai leaa nuhllc. he exam-1
Ined his find. He was disappointed at '
first Ho was prepared ror anyming i
of Interest But he was disgusted when ,
ho opened the document and read Its
Questions and Gorrtct Answers to
b ued In Preliminary Competitive f
Examination Tor uongresoionai p
polntment Dlttrlet of New Jer
sey, for Navy Academy, Annapoila.
It didn't Interest him, but be glanced
ever It content; then thrust It Into
tls hip pocket and went his way
smoking a cigarette.
Tho Sjiider and the Fly.
Back in the Hardin cottage by the
tea. Miss Irene Courtier known In ;
other and less reputable circles by .
ihe name of Inez Castro limped (not !
itigracefully) downstair from th i
26, township 2 snorth, range 5 west ;
wis i ana in o.o o v..r, .,R
nuion 10 iiumwru: o.vw ntico in i
Ham Mcl.lnn donation land claim.
Multnomah county, lot 9, block 6, Oak
hurst addition to Portland; lots 19 and
20, block 2, Edendale addition to Port
land; lots 11 and 12, block 69, Irving
ton park addition to Portland. ClacU
ama county, northeast quarter of
southeast quarter of section 30, town-
..i.t 9 asiutti rani'a g pnKl fnnftlrier-
"V - . . ... .,a
atlon lor iransxer oi sn prooen.r
do,,ar ,n reven,,e unm w
pfiocveco o rs
wrtiC cxctiArtcc.
rot-m na pail twra ocrupMng for
some una, and onlered tho llvlug
-I ndt-r )our kind caro," ih said to
Mr Hardin, ber boatras and la her
Ur tho sllghtrat foreign accent
I am so well again, that I must
Ua )iu "
the pauard Joo Wrliher puahrd
cpra (ho door and slouched Inio tbo
rv n. Inci t'aatro glanced at him s
di ciiely (rota uuder Lr King laabsi
ai.d rtit in
"With tho aid of Mr. Joey Wihh.r."
procetded. ' I have consulted ll'iio
talles, and I find very good coluiC
lions rn tbo nett train "
tho opened her hanjhag. and too
cut bills. "And." sho added, "I Insist
ou I jyt' it board -Mrs
llardm held tip hrr hand. "Miss
Courtier." lh rturoed. "I can't think
of II. You have taken what o call
ihI 1'irk lth ut. Yen have been
J'litidly with us. al I hoH w ho
been friendly with you."
Inei imlltd and thruwed her pretty
thouliler. Sho glanred caaually at
Joe W'i-1. her Hhe :ii;htly raled her
eyibrmt she watched Jin-y at a rat
watches a nioum!. And Jie ho at
wa:ct.:t!g something, loo the cal
that l::et was holding In her hand
I-., i gtuncd suddenly tnd put out her ,
:ur!d." he suld. "I hsvo forgot.
yy luier tandsge. I ,JlUt return."
She r turned O.io money to ber ka:.d
bai; mid laid It down upon Ihe labl---Then
'.;e l ft the room and enl UP
sta rt. Mm Hardin. WeUhera foslit
i:n i!n r. unrted the air.
"Th- rc 'a something burning In the
kiti-N I., Joey," she i-Jclalmcd. "If 1H
Ciuriir ii'cn down III bo rlcln
lack" SVe. too. diapeared. And
Joey ea.sy mom y Joiy Wekhcr. as
Ii ft Llone with the handbag and the
tillt "Joey li.lened for an Instant
then tiptoed forward, selied '
hatidb.ig ai.d drew forth tho roll
of bills, lie needed money badly lie
had to pay a debt of honor, which
means a gambling debt He opened ,
the roll of bills and peeled off a fe
where their absence would least l)t .
noted, and then rettored tho balance j
of Ibe bills to the handbag thrusting j
his shsre into his pocket
lnei Castro, seated halfway up 1'
stairs, watching through an inch of i
ren doorway, smlltd to herself Then
she trlppej a bit noisily, and lrregu
larly to show her limp down the
stairs aud glided gracefully into the
room. Joe lit k cigarette and watched
ber. Ifo waa nervous, but game. He
watched her closely. She took up her
bag and once again took out the bills
"My charming hostess," she ex
claimed, "where should the be?"
"She should be here," said Joey,
evading her glance, "wait a bit, I'll
get her."
He got ber, and Inei resumed her
fcrmer conversation once more In
sisting upon payment for her board.
Her offer was quite as Insistently de
clined. She sighed prettily and clicked
shut her bag. Weleher also sighed
with unmistakable relief. She turned
to him.
"The one-horse vehicle?" she asked.
"Outside," said Weleher, oSertng hia
arm, "boy's ready time that you were
Once at the station Inex bought a
.... . Vow Vnplr n,lt th.
joc.rew up at Lonesora
nerth cf
Qrm of
PP m
. . ,
. t
Lonesome Cove merely a shed. Swift
ly Inex crossed the track and passed
this station and then sped on down
toward the shore. She reached a nar
rov strip of beach, stepped down to
the vatei's edge, and looked about
I h&a BtiHilanlv aha aaw whit Hhe WBI
' bandanna handkerchief
thrust above a clump of bushes. On
the tea side of this clump of bushes
was a rock. Inex raised ber parasol
and sauntered gracefully toward this
rock, and composed herself also
gracefully In the shadow of the rock.
Before doing so she peered Into the
bushes, noted the presence there of
three shadowy figures, and nodded
slightly, In recognition. A man with a
foreign accent spoke.
"What progress?" he queried anx-
"Best in the world," she answered.
"we have a new recruit" ,
She changed her position. A man
tkrust bis head and face for a mo
ment out of the bushei a face acroaa
wbch WM a sabe. cut. a vld .car
For a moment, with their heads, to
gether, the two whispered. The man
with a scowl of satisfaction, finally
withdrew his bead. Inez rose to br
feet and looked about her.
"Where is this Lonesome Cave Inn,
then?" she queried.
"Half a mile farther up the beach
follow the shore line turn in at the
cove. Follow the water line It take
you Ihere. Good luck."
Tho Honor Slip.
A crowd of thirty more o'
required. 1
ji hn Huffstaetter to Isaac Felts, 16 j
acres; izouu. j
K. Standford to John F. RIskey, east i
l'i aires of south half of block 47,
Concord; $25.
Nellie Dayton to Florence W. Day
ton, additional rights on 44-100 acres
In George Crow donation land e'alrn;
Nellie Dayton to Sarah F. Dayton,
additional rights on 39-100 acres In
George Crow donation land claim: $l.j
George J. Hall to John RIskey, lots)
rrnirtled about Iho step of to
school bulldlag In Hraport. N i Nl
at ll.fo, tiowt ut Iho I t ri jr ko
bat and mini ko diJa t
Koal started tudJrolr. A ktd was
laid upoa Ms shoulder IU Uraod
Joey Wall bar. kit fl blvlbor,
farad klia. Joey tuilled
"N..U" ha Mid, M think I II lake
hark at Ills Ausapolis eisia i)alf"
or a ssoiaont Naal ass lakta kark
The ko r-Hverod 'tlorr." ko re
lurueJ. "I'm gla4 vt that W koa did
you decider
' Hafore you did rtMad Wolchsr,
"I've bad this ua say alo fof a )ar
or so. !' brea boning oa ibo quiet
boulug hard.
It was quite trus lhal bo bad ha
boning hard -and a!o oa Iho quiet
II bad been studying Ibo oiamlnallaa
paper dropped acrldentally by Ibecoa
grratmaa la the local pool vfflro, and
be bad mastered oery anaetr by ,
heart "You Ut your life I ra going '
In." ha said.
Ttu mlnutea later Nral and Wolchor ,
were seated aide by aide at desks Is i
ho old fashioned tittle schoolroom. (
Tha oiamluallon questions bsd bea
rlllen oa the aaipl blaikboards that (
completely circled tbo room. Tha
aaiiuer bt4 copied them from kit ,
prlnlrd Hit of question1.
There was knock oa tbo iloor aaj ,
tho congressmaa cams In Tbo eiata-;
hier left his desk and met Ihe con-,
greeoman half way Ha wblaporvd le
"How goes II r Baked Iho congreee
tnsn. j
"I've only bad tha chance lo look
over young Hardin t papers at thoy
came In hj'e been ihe Aral lo flulah.
They look good lo mo. They re well
nigh perfect' Thoro b Is oow. He's
all through."
"Vay the best man ln," said the
congressman, "be looks Ihe part at
any rate." He glaticid about tti
room: he seemed to be trying lo
n.Ib,r. hf rrm,.,bred. "Say,
look a her." ho said. "Peechrr's letter
ssys ho mailed me a duplicate of those
questions and ifawcrs: add I'll swear
I saw a duplicate when I read hit
rote did I baud )ou lo or one?" .
"One." returned the examiner Ho
ttepped back lo hit detk Neal handed
In hla final pa(xr Tho examiner
thrunt In fronl of Neal a slip of paper
and a pen. "Sign Ibis, pleats." he
' f v. ..-'- ' , '
1 o Hi
, LbSaBrafc M rT I r S. -W JMataagT ' ' ' 1 '"' ' " '''"" aKaagVJfcaL-jt A-a, -at -a.... r - ; I ijaawi-wjal
-I'm Dlgracd," Crid Nl. "You Till Thm, J."
aid. This Is what It ald-and Neal ropes, tying sailor's knots, cutting off
Igned It as requested: I Imaginary beads with cullaitee-and
: Ha .ni.mni rf.ri.ra en mv henor tonight for th first Um since th
at a gentleman that I have neither ob-
iaiH.it nor oiv.n aid of any kind dur-
Ing th courts of this sxamlnstlon.
Ntal Hardin, Candidat.
He had no sooner finished signing
than Joe Weleher approached th
"Through. Joey?" queried Neal, "I'll
wait for you."
Weleher signed his own honor slip.
Neal wslted and while he waited, he
thrust his hand Into bis coat pocket.
i There waa something unramuiar
i there. Involuntarily he drew It out-
It was a crumpled printed paper. The
examiner's eagls eye was upon It In
an instant.
"Haven't bcn cribbing, boy?" be
"No," stammered Neal, "I I don't
know what It Is." The examiner knew
It however, for the thing It was.. He
grabbed Neat's hand and snatched the
paper from him.
"Oh!" he said, "the missing dupli
cate questions and answers both. No
wonder Hardin's papers were well
nigh perfect."
He turned to the congressman who
nodded understanding.
"I don't krow bow It got there,"
stammered Nf al, "I didn't put It ther
I never saw the thing before. On
my honor "
"Pah," cried tb congressman, his
eyes flashing, "look at It thumbed
and soiled he's had It for a week
he's learned the thing by heart."
Angrily he tore up the honor slip
tore up Neal's answers and n flung
them to the floor. He pointed to the
"Co," he exclaimed. Hhe navy's well
rid of sneaks like you." "
Dnce outside his pace slackened. He
didn't want to go home. And yet he
miiPt go home he'd have to tell tbem
all ahnut it tell his mother tell An
nette-how much would they believe?
1, 2, 3, and 4 of block A, Windsor and
lots 8, 7, 6, and 9, of block 4, Windsor;
Ileal estate transfer
med with
County Recorder Dedman Tuesday lol
lows: '
E. W. Reder to Tl'lle Rehm, traet
No. 70 In the townslte of Oak Grove;
Home Protective association te
John W. Loder, lot 12, block 6, of Falls
View addition lo Oregon City; $50. .
William M. Smith to Grace Loder,
lots 5 and 6, bloc 23 In Falls View
(! a friendly band was flsrsd
spoa kit skiblder Agsla l( at Jve
Wtli hrr IU slfbad auk lalUt ' ok
ktio, Joe," ko plradtd. "o dual
Ihlbk I did Ibis Ihli.r
Joe ahnigiM kit thouldmo "lis
all right, rid a to." ko said soally, "re
aueoibrr, so mailer akal kas kappautd
I ra your friend "
Hide ky tide Ihaf tntared Ike col
lage Annette as Ibaro-to aaa
Naal'i UKiilnr boik ealllng eagerly
Kal tliOdo I t Iko lablo, and fared
la Ike le ttomta, Ihe young eao gad
Ihe old Ho started le tpaak. TbaB
ko tlumid does Into a chair sad kid
kts face la kU ksods.
"fa disgraced," ko triad, "yoo-yoa
loll 'am. Joe"
Wolchor lold them wllk coeld
able uartloa, pulling la faaey loucbsa
o( kls owa.
Neal sprang le kit foet kls fare
ablate )ltk angr aod detormlBattoa.
"N'svor ail ad," ka cried, "I coal g-l
Into Anaspolls-but I cao gat Into Ike
navy sad I will Mother Annatto
Joe I've got lo go Ike savy calls for
ma I'm going lo oalltl I've got te
g." - ,
" Wind nd Llmk.
IM tult cats la band Neal flopped
i la front of a ctgar alore la Now York
, Neit to the cigar store was aa on
' trance lo a atalrway that led to Ihe
I second floor above. In front of Ibia
entrance paced ao officer la uniform
"Itecrultlng station?" queried Neal,
"Nothing bul." returned Iho ntaa In
uniform, "you're at welcome aa Iho
flowers In May Atcend" Ho waved
hit btnd Invitingly. Neal-airended.
Half an hour later be bad regularly
enrolled -oe tt aa apprentice tea
ran la Ibe navy. Tbo I'lilted Blatrt
at Ita owa expente ohlppcd him with
a auuad of recruit lo the naval train
ing school at Norfolk. '
As Ihe hour flew by. Neal' eyes,
ere opened. He loved Ihe tea had j
always loved It He plunged Into Ihe
life of an apprentice seaman. j
He wrote bis mother and Annette
lhal afternoon after drill was over. :
' This Is tho life." he said to them.
aiming thirteen Inch gun at bostll ;
TV Dfpri llgutlUg ail lun aui-niuuu
battleahlpa, handling a cutter: splicing
j eruption of ML Pelee, I'm sleeping In
I a hammock. This Is the life and no
mistake. We even have th pi that
mother used to make."
Neal letter reached bom next day.
And next day something site hap
pened. Joe Weleher bunt Into th liv
ing room at the Hardin cottage, early
In th evening, with th local paper,
till damp from th preat, In his hand.
"I've Just tent one of thete (o Neal,"
he said, "and here's a copy for you
Read It, Annette. Now what bar you
I got to tay."
Annette read It This Is what It
In Congreaimin Jam J. Prime's
recent competitive examination for
tho Annapolio appointment, Joe Weleh
er, our young townsman, cam vary
near th hundred mark and dletanced
all hi fallow. Good work, Weleher.
8oaport will back you through Annap
oila and through the navy, iecomo
an admiral. Hitch your wagon te a
Mrs. Hardin, Jo's foster mother,
caught him In her arms. "Both my
boys Nesl and Joe In the navy," shs
"Yes," returned Weleher, with a
sneer, "bnt there's a difference. I go
In as an officer and Neal's nothing
but a common seaman, understand?"
Annette flushed, but gave no other
It was somewhat early In the morn
ing. Joe Weleher, seated at a round
table In the Seaport house bar, still
celebrated with three boon compan
ions, his success as a pasaer of com-
addition to Oregon City; also east
84.48 feet of lot 20, Mock 3 of -J. V
Harlens addition to Molalla; $1.
J. H. Hadley to William M. Bmllh
strip a'ont? northeat side of lot
block 44, of County addition to Ore
gon City.
heal estate tmnsfers were filed with
County Recorder l)edm.in Monday a
follows: Samuel Herzlg to Katie A. Younir
lineen. 49.16 acres in section 18. town-ilund
ship 4 south range 1 east of Wlllnm
ette meridian; $7200.
p'lltlie iiHituiMons. Duddtnly Ibi
indow ass raited-salftly but aolae
leaaly, and from altkuuL
Una ol Ji fiUodt atrooa Ikelaklo
rwa, auk lermr rlnB ka kls fare
Ho polnlad eltb kla Sugar at Ua ata
409 . t ...
' laK.k. liH.k." ke crlad Tbty look.d
A long mm, gntuy troet
kmg clsaliks Diners, thrust
i ..If
Ihiougk Ihe alnduw gad Ibrust a fll
od piece of paper Into Ike twl
poikel of Joe Walcbers coat Joe
tplalig u hla feet, crouched teiror
strh ken in ibe corner, shielding bis
fait lih bis arm. Ill Ibro cronies
leaped lo Ihe window, and looked out
There was a moon. Hut Ibeto was oo
on lo be team. The owner of Ihe
ktnd and aria bsd disappeared. Weleh
er, coming lo blaiseir, clulrbod si Ike
Bote, end unfolded It and read.
My Charming Frttnd: (It Midi
One mare I have returned from Now
York, I ttty at Lnttom Cov Inn.
Metl mo Intro tomorrow afltrnoon a
Otrnsps I should y thl afternoon
al thro. It I of Importance. When
you tome. Inquire (or Inet Csttre I
have used thai nam In erdtr lhal
certain mutusl friends might not hetr j
of It A over, .
Iron (ourtlsr. I
Thai afternoon at throe Umesoine
Cove three lull north of Heaport
at graced by Ihe presence of Jo
Wilrh.r Weleher made a bee lln
for Iho cafe and properly t plead UP !
bis breath befur proceeding to keep '
Iho rrndeivout Then he approached j
Mulllgtn. Ibo 111 favored proprietor
"You gi'l a certain party ber of lb !
name of Inei Cottro," whispered i
Wrbher lo Mulligan. j
"W list's thai lo you." said Mulligan, j
Weleher produced hla note Iho note .
produced an unusual effect upon Mul
... . a. ai .
Il,-n. He. dropped his surllne.t and
with a wink beckoned lo IWIrb-r.
Ii inline hi in down a dim corridor, "tio
tip 11 at there slalnaae." ho command 1
ed. "sml knock at Number Seven "
"I nut for you." Inei began, "that,
you ali'.nld tin a favor lor mo "
W. Irher selied her hand. Thsl waa
hit uii.l ilng In a moment she wss In ;
h! sruit. strucRlltig He klsaed her
(ull upon the Hps.
"I II go to hi ll and back for ycu." he
aid Ktnirrlltig. the half srnatned
Then something happened Puknown
to weicner. me aoor ri iiomu .-inrn ,
I'peni'd iiolacli-r-aly, knd a well Hreaed
man, ltb a taber cut arnms hl face. ,
entered "n tiptoe. He closed Ibe door
1). Mud Mm. and stood H ere, watrhlng
Hie struggle, silent, sinister.
f'tiil.teiily Inei screamed. Hhn re
luraej herself from Weleher' amis
snd reeled arnlnst lb table, her r)
wide wliti fright.
"My my hatband." the gasped. Hhe
held oiit lier hand pleadingly ti ward ,
the newcomer. Weleher. cowered In.
nhjrct terror.
"It wa nothing nothing," ganped '
Ines. "a bit of play nothing else be- ;
lleve inn "
llernandrt smiled a wicked smile.
H never looked at loot. II glared at
Joey Weleher. ' '
"So I see." he said, "a Ml of play."
IU whistled The door opened once ;
again. Two figures entered tb brut"
and Ponto. Hernnndct ggve a sign-1
and the brut, picked Jo. Weleher up.
wn.rieu uitn in in. air. au orouK.
him down sealed at the lablo. Thla
was Ibo added finishing (ouch to make
Joe realise bl helplraeneea. Hernan
dei clapped hit handt and tb brute
left th room. Ponto. th fat Mexl
ran. curled hlmtelf up underneath the
table. Hernandeg seated hlmtelf.
"A bit of play," laughed Iternandet,
harshly. Then his brow furrowed with
wrinkles, bis eyes became stern.
"Young, sir," he said, "your foster
slater I one Annette Illlngton. You
lire In the samo house with her. She
has In her possession a small oilskin
packet a yellow packet potilbly
you've seen It?"
He wslted for an antwer. Joe mois
tened his dry lips and nodded.
"Well and good." went on Hernan
deg. "that packet Is mine It belongs
lo me. You shall steal It from her
steal It for me. You underatand?"
Hernandeg smiled. Then his face
froze. Hit hand darted forward and
le clutched Weleher by the wrist
"My young friend," went on Hernan
deg, "you are a crodk. 1 have watched
you from first to last Always I have
wstehed you. I watched you While
you made love to my young wife this
day. I watched you when you stole
her money from her a week or. so
"Give me a drink." cried Weleher,
"go on. What do you want me to dor
"First," p,Urne(J Hernandeg, "ssy
nothing to anyone about me or my
companions nor about Ine here
nothing. To you we are a a sealed
book. Break sllenc and well, my
ancestors were of the Spanish Inquisi
tion, my young friend. Silence comes
first Next, get that packot 1 car
not by what mean and bring It to
me at the time and place I shall here
after designate. Now go. Tonight,
you understand tonight"
" That night, Weleher, fully dressed,
and tossing In his restless bed. heard
Ihe tap-tap of pebbles on his window.
Startled,, he rose and peered without
The ky was cloudless and th moon
tbree-qusrters by Its rays 'be saw
three crouching figures shadows of
Ihe night. One of these figures held
up a white hand. Weleher responded
with a silent signal; and then drew
back Into his room. He drew from his
pocket a pint flask and drank deep.
He smoked a cigarette, taking quick,
swift, strong puffs and Inhaling deeply
ha needed strength. He waited un-'
til the tingling of that first drink bad
entered his system; and then be took
another and another. Then he re
joiced, for he was reckless now, reck
less as to consequences.' Ho lit an
other cigarette, and tossed th lighted
I .I'lcob HiiHchh to Kvermnn Hobblns
lots 1 and II, truct 1, Moliilln; 20i0.
j Charles E. DuvIh et ux. to C. Ii
,i.ewthwaite company, 20 acres In see
tlon IX, township 4 aonth, range 2 oas
of Willamette meridian; $10.
J. H- Turner et ux. to Charles IS. Da
I vis, 20 acres in section IK, township
4 south, range 2 enst pf Wll'ainelte me
ridian; $1.
W. C. Paine et ux. to John E. Murk
et ux., 129 acres In section 1,
township 4 south, range 2 east of Wll
Jlametle merldUn; $10.
matck far from blta and be tiptoed f'm
lbs room UoMly aod la bis ttorking
foot, bo crept along Ibe narrow lid
story kalleay Al lasl be siood lu
fronl of Aanotlo's door. The door ss
cloood. Weluber lurnsd Ibe hsnam
taoftly, aolsolooaly, and It yielded lo
fcu prM,ur,. Tb, door was l.ol ked
I a, I. ,1 .. .I- ......ma II
. I. soar bio onein, eiaaaua r. ,
I a ....a, I -..I. a. I.l.i inula
Tbn uddouly. from lblu ho heaid
AnntK t tolce a dream 'ihe
-Neal-Neal "
ll otarlled blm. II stood lhr tl
lent (or aa Intlaal. Than b raalliod
lhal aomotblug bsd bsppeimd lo blm
b bsd becom obr, loo sober, lo do
lb trli k. II felt lo bit pocket for the
flssk 11 was not there. IU had Ml
In In bl room Httalihtly h gned
bis way back lo kls room, opened lb
door aad reached lor Iho koltl
Tboa with a choking, Inarticulate
cry, b turned and darted don Hi
lairs, oui of lb bouse and up Ihe
Ills room waa a living furusio of
rod flames-lho bsstlly totted lighted
match bad dona II work. (
Outside, I'oulo and Hernandeg "won
dering, gave chaae. Well bar, wllk
fear at hi beola, sped en and on.
y i
Peril. .
Annette wok, choking Hmok
poured Into ber room. Kh realKed at
once that Ibe bouse waa burning Hhe
beard th nearby crackling of flame
th saw tb nearby glare cf flam.
Without th village fir gong clanged
aha heard Iho hout of voluntoer
coming down Ihe road.
Kh ran lo Mr. Hardin 'a room Th
door wss locked; smoka was creeping
from underneath Hi door "Mother
limit WIIM'I liweiiii a,w -
A)))it,n Thl,rt
w ,10 rt,H)1, 0 a fre.uy Anneltn
ruahrd bach lo her room, selied a
rhslr and returned lo Ihe looked door.
With a sudden twist of her lithe body
he rslaed tho chair above her "boul
ders and brought It crashing nenliiat
Ihn door. A volume of sinoVe poured
out. Itegardlrrs of It Annette ruahed
In. dragged Neal's inothi r- mieon
teloiis as she was from the hid. out
of the room Bnd down the atnlit
"Joey," gaaped Annette, ".loey
Weleher-he's In there We tuuit aave
him, loo"
"No," Interposed a dUt.int neighbor,
"he's not In Ihere. I ssw Mm In the
vllhrcr. running for help."
Hilling the confusion, three rli.olowy
figures, returning st from a rtisre,
rrepl through the smoke and rroerhed
beneath buehrs In the rear of the
I'l imii. unnoticed and unaeett
One nf these men turned to another.
"Putiln," cried llernnmtei In a low
voire, "what of tho paiket'-what of
Lost lsle?-lhe fool WiUher! Py thla
lime w might have had It."
Annette, seated on the ground, with
Mrs. Hardin's head In her lap. wstehed
tho trene as In a dream Her glance
roved from th flames to the crowd of
Jostling people and from them bark lo
tho flames again. Then audilenly her
heart rose to her throat. Peering al
her from Ihe middle of a dense mas
of shrubbery, Ihere was a fare a fare
. .... .
I ' '
, befnre-and
on that very road It had one strick
en terror to ber heart. This time how
ever, It had a far stranger effect umn
her. No sooner had shs caught sight
of this uncanny countenance, than, un
accountably ah remembered some
thingHi yellow packet
"My father's fortune my fathers
whereabouts," she cried. She sur
rendered her charge to a neighborly
woman cloae at band and struggled
to her feet Bh reached her room In
comparative aafey, aave for the chok
ing In her throat One there shs
selied a water pitcher and drenched
herself from head to foot- then with
dripping balr and clothe th felt for
and found her hiding place. She
groped for the packot. A tongue of
flame swept the window. She shut
It, and the glass cracked and fell
tinkling to the ground below. Then
sho groped again.
"I've got It got It," she cried In
exultation, and thrust the yellow pack
et safely In her breast There was a
sudden crash. Sho flung open her
room door. The staircase, eaten
through with flam as Its top moor
ings bad fallen In. The hallway waa
alive with flame. She sprang to hr
window no thoroughfare tb whole
side wall the side of her room was
now ablate. Obeying soma Inallnct
Annette threw herself face downward
on the floor. The air there was singu
larly sweet and cool. .
"Bomebody will come," she told her
self, "somebody .will come."
Without the word passed that An
nette had rushed Into the house wa
Inside now. A hug figure leaped
Into the crowd, parting It right
snd left and bounded. Into the door
way of the house. Whimpering with
fear, the Brut ran hither, thither,
through the living room, and entered
the hall finding the statrcate a mats
of ruin. He leaped and clutched the
landing up above. Some Instinct led
blm to Annette's room. He saw and
found her clutched her unconscious
form In his huge arms and leaped with
her to the floor beneath and, unseen,
laid her unconscious form down
at the feet of Mrs. Hardin. Then
black, burned, and unrecognlxable, he
sped away Into the night
Hernandeg gritted his teeth. "1
thought I bad that brute trained," be
exclaimed wrathfully, aa he realised
that Annette and her treasure had es
caped him, "and I thought he waa
afraid of fire. In both I was mistaken.
We must take It out of his bide, Pon
tonext time be must make no mla
Pauline Schwnrtg to O. J. Howell el
ux., lot 4, block 150, Oregon City; $1100.
Bertha W. Melnlg to City of Sandy,
lliren acres in the Frances Revenue
donation Innil i IrIiii; $200.
Annette M. Lynch et vlr. to Wairei'i
I.. Jewell 30 acres In the Era Fish
er ilonntlon Innd claim ;$1.
E. H. Bliolnlere to Warren L. Jewell,
30 acres In. Ihe E.ra Fischer dimutlon
land claim; $1.
Grace E. Lodtr et vlr. to J. H. Had
ley et a', 29.4 sens In tha Andrew
Hood donation land claim; $1785.