... Milwaukie and Vicinity News VOUAIi REFUSES OPERATION III1E WATER 'MILWAUKIE JUSTICE CASE IS MEN UP IN CIRCUIT COURT . COMPLICATED AND IMPORTANT CONIPIRACY CHARGED BETWr EN fcUIT WILL PNOBABL V NOT BE riNHNID UNTIL TONIGH T two officer and attor nevb in i'.ooo uit. A I.. HiH. mutable al MiUaua", It. Ki'lxi, Jualhe of I lit- peace, Tll llllfl M III I B A fill t III lit '' Mllaiikl ami lh prhat water J planla. which waia lirourlil ui when ilturim I PriMia ami Ariliui Cothtu Itiu Iiisii attempted In Inaiall a nl "r, attorney; Orolla Y. Huaaa ami A rtpal plant. wrr Itakt-n up In Ilia cir j Huaa ara luud deft-mlanta In a I'-'W mil court Wmltierday wlieti ! ai peraoiial ilamair nil lllnl rialuntu) of Theodore an-l II. Y. FUli aaallial by rn Y. Mnlitmwa In llm until! Km lnn of Mllwaiil.li'. limn up for mnrl. W. Kaatliain I a'torncy tilal. Wllneaara i'i .aiulimd all fur M'a MatHi". iluv ami Inn raa will iril'Uiilv hoi inm un iiwfi uniuiiii m niaan f ml Imfnrw tonlaiit. i kl rnnaplia d with llm ln ri Hi plaintiffs, who an- prim ipal ' to l--rlt llm plaintiff of In t funii owiiera of Ilia Mllwuukln Wiil-i i on.' : lur IMir.iH llm ne raaary lend pro lii), Itilm lo hold an lulv f run- reeiliire an 'I Ihal Cni,!l.lc !-- ! il,l ftmii I tin MllwauLIu toumll to ter-d Km Mull'iew honm hl" dr nil. ni'iinli- In a nrtitlii part ul Hi" Inwn ' pulled a nun I ml larrlel aa a via' ATTEHPIS SUICIDE MRS. NETTIE ROLEY TAKE! POI ON BUT MEDICAL ATTEN TION COMES IN TIME. Uri .Siitle Idi'i ), wlf of lanea ll'iln). of VllwauHi', IU inpi' d t'il 1I1I0 Haiiiiday aflrriiiMin l.r taking IhiImiu In h'f apartim-nla over Die Flrat HIuIk bank of MllaauhlD. No 'eaaon U known for Hit ail. Mr Holey U being ati.ndid by lit W. II Talor. Tin' Hull-)! muted lo Mllwaiiklir from 361 lloaa at real, Portland, rxinl ly lo lukn ou r Km I on'eitmimry )" III 1li Milwaukie ailing room. Uolry ami Ida 1 u l yy 'I l.r i Hy, Hi. t a'l'K". ! ii i t'rti.' In to limlull a municipal : Iriil In lli lr territory wlllimit iny'i'i- iheir llteri'tla (in l':i' min i linn. I. Hi (own )'lin that (III' Water supplied I')' Hi'" M l . V.nlkl.' U'llliT tlillltlliv In Mill lilnv fit for rrin nil iii Mini II. i' i i: U Oil l"Ul of III. I!. hul l KlMtiU lllllilll; Kurfulil of lua, i I'll' iIibikh 'iiiulc1 ly Mm Hull hi Ho Tlir cl!i,-. .1 a l1 a uiiiiiilllc I lu i.l IiiuMIi Hie cli.rv iii lull) In llic ioi'i.luli.l f . 'i vk . "In fi'illii riiinx ol lli urn il'ui)' aii'l a K i'iiii nl of rti f. ii'l uil (, p:iIi Aiilmr CmliaiihiT. J It Kili-u uinl A I.. I(i ! ni t lino ilu r In Mil Ii i. no anlliiiillv In grunt .11 h 11 'm iIiIm- inn! tlmt. tliirtfur", lln- 1 on. tt'iVI" oil Dip ;'7n.l ilay nl Hi ril'in'i r. .n n li'il In mi ii "l rklit lir. C11M 1 ; 1 ml tln r n; jii III" i.ul'l J II K. l-.i. Willi' . f.irni' rly "irilnr "f III" Ht.l. ( -i -m! .nit In h I In I1I.1 'ifll LI r ). 1 I'mr'l of lli'nlili, 'i'i Ititruliii I a: il'y of juniirp of Km i fur II.'' 11 hIiiiimi In ilrii rll Ilia ill" r f.ir j MirKifa of kI.Iiii; form nii'l 1 olor of lil'ti.'l i lhi riiinimnv. I In a.ili ll, j tlw In In III" tli."ul i. i.l.im of i ilnrliK lli" ilrv ni'itMiiia II wn iu r fi ii'luntn. .hi.'l mi l illii li .l lln- lull ilmltiK III" v. Int.T. aal'l I.. II I lo Ilk. Iilv ofli i.il Tell. Uow SU W.i Saved by Taking LydUE. Pink, ham' VfgeULIo Compound. UuUvlll.. Kjr -" I tJ.li.k If moraauf. fa.-tna wmrn woulil uka I flia K. I Uikliam V(ita liia jnMjo4 )irj wH n)7 trtu-r Uailli. I fufTirrad ffno famala truu I'l", arnl Uia dortura WW i had tuiooroua frowtb nr.l would hava to m oftf-ralrd upon. UA I rvfuand all do Kt la'llava In Mm Dona. I had faiiitinK -ll, bbUd, arid could hanlltr ttnl Oi pain In my loft ll'l". My fiu.l irl uti,U4 Uiat 1 try l.vdia K. I'li.ili.m'i W.UliU Cornouid. aod 1 am u tlankful I did, fur I am now w. II woman. I aWo lf ara aal.l lo l.a.a ! 11 ' lHT, do all thf ..'W.rworfc and taka !a..nratMl al una llni". Iml r.'.nlly lo 1 1"" "' I rw-vrr fail to praiae I.ydu ! ha roiiia loi(.-Ui"r I I'lnkham'i V-B-tnl,! Conipuund for my hi-elth. -ilra. J. W. IlKW.'ll, I'M Wrat Lroa-lwty, ItiUvlll., Ky. Kirx-t wa irunrani - l at all U-atlmo. r.UU which we ul'!ih arr if-nulna, la It v.t fair to aiij : that if I.ydia E. I'ifikliam'a WK"lal'!'"iii"und haa tha virtue V. hli tlit-ao nmrn It will hlp any nlhrr woman v U nuir-Ting In a li" iiiannrr 7 ' if you rv ! do rw.f .me aloni until i r r."rli'j U n '(ly, Uit at onra jt-. l.y.l.a T- rirl'ii.'!!'! Vrgrtebla ' (4,.i,uUrv!. ! rti' in LyU V.. I'hlUliam i:Hlrltiriiilli)i-iulul)LyBnt J i'liis-. 'ur l lirr 'I Ik? ihtic1, 1 1 (Mil ini'l tnin ri(l liTHMoiimn j n l )i:M fu atrii t 1 niilldi'iue. COMMITTEE OF 1 i ORDINANCC (XPERT wuvnuny auAirj 'LIVE E DAMAGED BK EIRE CLUB CO-OPERATE IN CELI BRATION AT EARLY DATE COUNCIL REfUIEt TO M Art AH. PROPRIATION TO AID COVI. MITTEE OP NINE. P,CK,DrORNAVAL:tVl WVVmV K "U"WI,T ,yA" KJL UU L UL 1 L i TO DIRECT PURE ICED Bill Fill VllIEIt'CllIL : JCIIIIIIIEI a j v WIREE AND COMMERCIAL i 1 . . y : y ',K r ' 1 ,1V a.. -sj. z.j.t-r "DOLLAR W PROPOSAL IffT Wllfl THE BOAKO Of TRADE! Plana For Mambtrani'p Campaign Commercial Club Art Ducwiitd CoimitUa Nmd lo Ar range Portland Enhlt.it. Sn rally inoriilna fir" Tlmulny l i iKili.ftl" rn(lliit'"l al I-1''' lo tliu ir. irry alora of O. VVInKn.'i'r, of MUJ'. Hi-, Infill" II vai nut nut I )' Hi" ni iinH'ir fire ili'iiaiiriont Hit- 1.1 a- it illMim r'-d a'oi.t 1 oi lin k In Hi r.ar of ll," litillilliiir. anil In liilii'ti l In liiiir hi" ii klnrti'l I.) mil i lii'viiii; on lii.'d In n. lillr I Hi". Iml nioullii li"ii inn. h ruin fi ll, urn Ii ijimi!I of rniisl.il.U'. ullli tlu n...' aurfsi" nt"r w;i llnMi- lo i"i i Into Arthur ('"itlianir and fnn lMy pti'l h" Hil'a tllnl mnk" til" nul.r liiil'Hr" ! iimli-r Minhlntire of offli hi I anllioilty I'lriiHt .IiI'Ik CiiiiiI" II tmi mail" r.jtn i nli r ll." a.ilil rml'li in r villi" "c i M iit"i nM"inita In hrln : ahout a r t , iii.'i"l. ami tli-K"ii on ll." ri I St ll.'iiiriit liil""ii th" rli ninl th" w.i Ihiir (otlmiim'r and tin- A I. trr i rnnmuiv. II" anl.l Wi-.lni'Pilii) fl linsl wi-nt lo ( Ii - uhl r t.lJ-ii . uinl rrniM'ti Dial tin iinilti r Inw hi iU ''' l' 'iln Hi" a'lM'iin' of pliilntlff'a liuahi.iiil, til" cm.", hi' wonlil ln ilulim Hi" iltiK mnl I ii.:i im i-.l n . I n 1 1- r I. .ll Iln i.'.ii. al'lu an Injilatlio Tim ronn ruiild no! alili h liilntirf rofilaml. In k hjioii M-nnlt Ilia town of MIIwiiii' Ii- t Mil ', 111" auhl A. U IIitiI iluihiivi .1 til" err n-H. I)o'a not roiiKli ahod ovnr llm rialila of Km wn . Iiailtr- of hln offli !ul poilthm. Inl' p'l iiant nltor "ffii t h'r roiiinnl"a, ami n"ltli"t ioiiI.I llm 'a int'ia' hlur and ua an offlur of tlm i'(. town hi Mi"it". lo innllinm In liar law di'inaniti'il culranro lo th" ii.il.l . . m . . ; iln y lil lr.o tlail ll. ! Ko llm a wi'll ua .'4i ami Nmllu'r. our i 'I-' ' h'.iin.' i uri III of Mia. I'.. .''ilit a luiln-r i.f ii.J I'uli'l' S'llukl". of An li rn ii. linii- ui.a, a; i-tit Wi-ilii' ailli K iK' lm Mimlira. .Mr. Milnk'" aiii-M nun" I tlni" Cllrcl. CHrola. C I T R O L A X lll'at llllllK lor I lilial iil! i.lll ali'lllui ll lut' ll r anil al'ir.'.ali Imw "la Hliia a alcv lii-nilm lie almoat at nine (litre a tnnal hor.itiwli a:il rut lil.ii tory fliii-liliiK - no i.u.n. i d ii:i'i ai a. Ki'opa your ai- teni -i lana-il, i park and Hie C'.illliirma fuira, and Ii av.-"t ami w lioli'aomn U. II. Vi-. I no ri'liiriiliiK by Hi Northern route, ht-rlit. i.U Ijikn City. Cull rll . A trip lUroiiRli H l amoilau rmkli i I find Cltrolan llm U-al Imatlva In mm of hi anll ipat. il pleaaun-a. t:rlpi' -no uii I Tha lrai' (intld il ini vl at' 11:3V Joiu-a lnii' Urn churrh on I'rliluy and at noon I Ail v. llm luilU-a will enjoy a luncheon, aft . . i it alilrh a iiis-lal l.uniiici.a Riii'tliiK Mr-ten limn were a'lnl-d hy Hi" board of. Kotvrnnra of Cm Comnii-r rial ( Inn Wedimailav tilth! t ) t.ike ar- Iva i ha rue of the protioaid (i-lrhra- lion n arklnr; Hi" Cow of pure momi- laln aati-r Into Oiegou city and Vi-i l.lnri The a a in e (oin'iill'ee wa named br Jir I.. A. Mnrrm. tnnln Initik of thel Ive Wire, and II la roiiiiaiM-d of W. A. Ilimil.y. I)r U .. I'li'ltnn, K. K. Uronle, Y.. II Urown. C. Rihu l.el. A A. I'rlre and lr. W Y. Ife-n-.. atcad. The cuniniltlee huii ii'ilh'irlty lo fl Km date for the (elnhraCon, hi' b will not I ronfnaed aor rn ma lad al'.h li b hratlon tj luh I J" over any oth-r .f llm "lly'a liV-a'n. ! The cmi-rnora of Ihe flub ton-!'! ! en d a l"tf r from M V. HrlhH.'ll. nj lix-al merchant. urKinic Km il.th to' fa'her a "Dollar IMv" but the rcn. In-. Ion waa n a hed that thla prop'rultlon j rould het be harnlli-il hy the buln"4 j nu n thi-niae'vea. and arrordlnrly tha ( mutter aii referred to Ihe lk;ird of! Trade. A plan aiiliraltled v lU iiiiiilw r-, photo by Aniark-aa Praaa Aaau1aiua ltdr rt Slmpaon WiKxIa ir.) la pre Hint of Carni'fle Inalllute of Uah infton. He la an etoort ou ordnam-e a:id eplolvea benl-l" i lli( one 'of tin- fi.n iiiiiat aiithoritlia on uMn.n otny, vynT ;ihy and ioath"mallra In the K.uiiiry. Horn In Rim heater. Mull. In J S 111, Vcodur,l haa been III !.!a rea. nt iodt!nn nlll'P !i"i. Ilia appointment to llm ne natal advln ory l.ourd waa done lo mak" available lo the adiiuiilMrntlnn hla knowledKe of nrdnanie srrl exil.lv.-a. TEKPIETOX SHOWS ELEVATOR PIPE CONTRACT HAS EIG JOKER IN IT Clairman Dclart Agraamant W.fh Ortgon Cngi'ittrlng 4 Comt'uc tion Company Proidaa City Muat Fill up Trencn. C.V.W LOCAL ill DISCUSS .-';.r!i:;;au'r. ahl;i cotuinlttee to InmirU'ate a eaut-j paign for more no'inWa wuh ihh proved, and detail will b" aiu:oiiiiTil j t al a amoker to be held Krldiy even-, In Colorado, the Yellow aton ' f' 13. It la proponed to r- SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO ATTOR' the water from llm prlvnle ptiint Tim i houae and loelln r with aald Arthur .PETITION FOR ADOPTION FILED jw.HI te held. At, 3 p in. the meet inaii la roiinldered etr'nie'y rornpll Colrhauwr. without warriml of law' a Inn a ill adjourn o thai the member eali'd. - .and auullial Ihe prnti-al of pl.nllillff lo Tha Mllwaiiklo Water roiupuny holila , enter Ihe aaine ami while In anld real- teinpnrurr Injiim (Ion whli h hna Heil up rnniplelely Km niunli'lnal avntem Th Mlnlhorim Hnrlnra Water eon pany'a ault uruloal Ihe loan of Mil waukln waa aet for today. V. ? I' lten la repreaentlna; tha wnler eoni panlea and II. (1. PkulrtHon. the town. , nival fear of her life.' May llelle Travla, aited 7 yiara, waa di'tire. and under Hie Influeuc" of In ftliil in Ihe county rourt by her rraiid lolrallnit lliiior Ihe aald A. 1- ll. ed mother. Mra. Cella It. Karn. W.iliiea and Km anld Arthur CirtthaiiMo- hu ,,,v. Tim chlld'a mother. Mra. Craco tnlllnted and lerrorlied plalnllff, Ihe MlKhloff. hia (then her ronaent for aald A. U Kurd invniiwhlle holdinit a llm dopilon and her father la dead Kim lu lila hand, and put plaintiff In llutmnond b llntnmnnd appear for A petition for adopting Koarnuiid I iiuy attend Ihe I'oreiil-Tiai her meet Mra. Karn. MOLALLA. ami, Indiana. 8 Inyed with Mlaa i:ien. 'They are on their way lo Ihe cxpoal- Iflpeiuai t.orreaK)iiiiiiini. ; i0, t Hun Frani'laro. Ins held at I'm acbooL A ipeaker from I'orthunl ill lm priMiit. IL K. Weler. V. I. Illlnatoue. Jim llernard altended'ilie Us Caliiti bun quel in Portland on Monday evening. .The regular meeting of the Com munity rlub waa held on Monday, Oc toher 4th. J. Hlnclatr who now realdea lu I'oi liana as preac-ut. a a w'10 H,.,j . !,., fllr ,.r,., he at I'arkplare and deliver thla lep . . l'errv I.vnill anil Uull. r llunaen uinl'liira a. ... . "... .... .. i r umiKi.ur r.muy. i Mr. and Mra. (!u Wamblad enter-1 aal I i t... i wt aaa il ' - .nr. ami .nn. v uanea ,en, oi .nil'T- ,-i,i ui,. v,,i., j in,ir..,l I Kruae on Sunday. Harry llnylea and wife of Ihe Ml. ii. .iii.m. i ..n...ra i.,.i .n.., u. ii .ii. i..ji... iw iiiKtnci. aeiu niinnav wuu ' - w .. ii, uniivniiuuii lllltllM'll mill . - .. iaiu alilewulk In liom oi their atore. 1 Thuraduy to Mlaa lleable RUketa. of, worae. Ihla bulldlni waa inovud Hill aumuier j Vancouver, Waahlngton. They will i Mr- r"l"' ot Portland, al 8nn- from Ua old home on llio cornur lo Ua . make their home In Tortland. Mr. vUllora at Ihe Kmmon'i home. preavnt alxbt with nevr a loaa ot ajAUnnw la connected with the Honey day. It waa turned a quarter way, man Hardware Co. around and aet back ao that a modern. fit ml could be added. , J. J. klclxliT haa Juat purchaaed ma lenul lo erect uuuther building up ou John P. Jenninaa attended Dm atate Hcken In Ita effect of laat COMPLEXION BLEMISH, tea, Km-alilavlaay liter often YaM It. Dr Klnn'a Xew,l.lfe rilla cleara the complexion, throw off Impurities and releutma bile naturally and eaally. Vnlea Ihe bowels move freely and reg ularly all the powder In llm world will nol permanently cover "that muddy romiilexlon." Thla laxative is mild yet effective. fair at Salem on Thursday m m week. - , Whan Baby haa tha Croup. Mr. and Mra. Jacob and Mra. Stiav- When a mother la awakened from I " fh wedding ami) grntulutlon are be- Mr. and Mra. little daughter gladden their homo during iiiuaneu a moueru minguiow tor mm : " , , .. . . . 7 , rlav avnnlna whlth waa rented to Mr. Clark. (.ou. bealth HtniKgllng for breath, she la,0 " B- f oon ... nuliirul v aliiriin.il Vol If aha ran flliaiaMa oi con irui ior uoiia nua neuriy eompleleu , " ' ... . . , Ins aont In tha hnme of ........ .. .. . .. keen mr nreaenra of nilml "mnl a vn'1" aeni to tne nnme oi ino uungaiow na la miiiuuig tor Air. : . , , '. , " r " . 1 1 lovil Snooner aa a . . . . . Chanilmrlii n'a Cnuuh flmneilv vrv ,0 Olfoner as a aimiirr i iiim inniiiiiitf iniu Mir.iuiiv . - - - - w arrived 10 been cngUKfil Mr. Frank Kramer moved hla family lo Mt. Angel Tueaduy ao that hla chil dren could uttuud tho Culhnllo acjiool at Hint pluee. Mlaa Mumlu Krumer hu been attending achool there and vUltlng her grandmothur until tha family rould niovo (here. Mra. Kra mer' sinter tins tuught for Home time lu the Sinter's achool. Mr. Hen Colo I having un, addition .iiillt on hi houHU. Mr. Hogner I do ing the work. Mra. Allun moved lo their new home recently. Mra. Allun a mother, Mr. 1'ny, linn looked forward to thai home or ner own ror some lime. Mr, fay,. he morning of October 1, to hunt for hu been bed ridden for a number of ci,,.se pheaaiii. About six o'clock year, aa tho result of rheumutlHm. . ,. ww noticed Dr. Stunrt uud Clms. Mr. Hoy Colmtin who hu been "OjKly. of Oregon City, In our neighbor seriously alck. at tho homo of hor i,0od. A number of our local nlmroda l.tlt nilmiti.a imlil l-,imll Inir lu liraultm. i",i niiirk ri'iii.r win follow ami ihn , the week. I child will drop to aluep to awaken In . Rli"r d")' ei at the Grace It doe not grille or You will not dis pute the merits of Dr.' King's New I,lfe I'ltls. Start a treatment today. 2ac. duce the membership fee to JI .'.O fcr a period of 30 day and to appoint te.i j trama -of ten men each and offer a prle of f.'O to the team bringing the' arealer number of inemiM-ra, contln-j vent ujKjn the winning team securing not leaa than 10 new mrmlierx. Indies' night will be held in Ihe club rooms once each month, beginning In November and ending with the mniiifl of March, and the entertainment com mittee, of which M. D. Lalourelte is chairman, will have clique ol these affalra. O. D. Kby, E. E. Drodle and T. W. Sullivan were appointed a special com mittee to arrange for Oreyon City night at the Manufacturers' and Land Products Show at Portland. The com mittee will determine the date. The resignation of 11. T. Mclluln from the board of governor was ac cepted, and the vacancy will be filled at the November meeting, i f NEV CENERAL HERE FOR EST RESERVE FOUGHT. PORTLAND MET llio morning ua well a ever. Thla remedy ha been In use for muny year with uniform hiicccsr. Obtain able everywhere. '. . . JENNINGS LODGE - fa44 f$444lt$4'4'$$$'' Congregational church on Sunday, Oc- tober 3rd, with special exercises. On the program each clues furnished a number either by song or Illble quo tation and members of the beginner furnishing recitatlona. Tho aim and motto were given by the Has secre tary which was a plenalug feature of the morning program. The- church waa decorated with the nature tinted autumn leave and blue hydrangea In cliiHter were arraged about' the pul- hroiher-ln-lnw, hu returned homo, very much Improved In health. Hex 1-ewls ' I remodeling hia ma chine shop, preparatory to pulling la a full line of automobiles. (Mr. Hugh Roberts. Correspondent.) , ncv. Smith conducted the exer. Scores of hunters wore out eftrly ou , clues. The church whs comfortably filled at the service and Mcrs. Rob liiHon, L. Ostrom and Mis Ostrom sang. Mr. H. H octagon cobble stone bird house built QUALITY OF OFFERINGS NOT AS GOOD AS WEEK AGO CAT TLE ARE STEADY. IRRITABLE 'CHILDREN OFTEN NEED KICKAPOO WORM KILLER. There is a reason for the disagree able and fretful nature of many chll dren. Think of the unrest wiieu the child's body la possessed by tiny worms sapping its vitality and clog glng its functions. Whatever may be the cause "that children have worm Is a fact" Your child's peevishness and Irritability has a cause, (live Kickapoo Worm Killer a chance and If worms are there this humanly harm less remedy .will eliminate the annoy ing parasites. 2c. a box. BE - BUILT BEFORE BIG reported the limit of five birds dur ing tho day. Mr. W. I. Illlnatoue waa called to Thn Dalles on Friday to the home of her mother, Mrs. Allen. Hor grand mother, Mrs. S. A. Orchard, having UNION STOCK. "YARDS, Portland Oct. 4. Indications at noon were that I the livestock market would hold ubout steady at Saturday's levels. Cattle were steady to strong. The quality of the offerings waa not as good as those received a week ago today, but prices paid were considered as excel lent under the ctrcumstance. The ewes offered were from valley point and wero 'mostly mountain-fed stock. '. " ' ' . , Emmons I having an Rer;olpt were, 616 cattle. I calf, stone bird house Imllt M Xw mul h8 a t0,nl of 54 , ' ! 1)USH0(1 BWfty ut the HK0 of g7 year8 4 4 $ ARDENWALD 4' The funeral service being held on Saturday. Mr. Jim Poniard visited the state fair at Salem, enjoying Thursday of last wack at the rnpltol city, The llochtel family have nrrlvod (Spec.lul Correspondence.) ' Mlsa Kather Itavot arrived Hutiiriluv from Monmouth, Oregon, to Hpend IhelH'"' re Retting nicely settled In their woeV-end with her nnrenls. ' I "w ""',' 1,lcn "ey reoently lnr- .. Some most Interesting lott.ira huve chaaed from Lincoln Goodwin, been received hy tho achool children here this year. They come from chil dren In ('alio Rajo, New Zealand, anil Nedra Indies. This U the result of the l "llonnie Hanks." Thn James Welch family are re moving to Portland after enjoying the past summer at their" summer home, tu'hool correspondence of the prored Ing year. Two new house arc going up In fiellwood Oordens. Mrs. Emma Willis returned home from an extended visit with relut)ves In the east. The Jitney supper given by the Mas ter Cook, was a decided auccess. The prettily arranged tables with the bunches of dahlia had been urranged by the .gentlemen who also prepared and served the many good .things on the bill of fure, PethapR 100 people In her gardens. It will contain seven large window and a dorr and will make a warm and comfortuble quar ters for her ninny canary bird. Mr. K'la Spooner came over fron Vancouver to spend the week end at the uodge, ' Alison Smith, of Gillette, Wyoming, has returned homo nftoi spending the month of September with his sinter, Mrs. Ilertha M. Hart. Coorgo Tripp, of Randnlln, Iowa, spent a ftw days with his uncle. Ira Hart, on hia return trip will visit at Kl Paso, Texas. . Mr. Hoover, who has spent the summer with hor sister, Mrs. Abbey, la now In Colorado Springs, whore Rhe visit with a daughter before her re turn to her home at Wichita, Kansas. Mrs. Abbey accompanied her sister to the seashore previous to her departure for Colorado. Seaside being the place chosen for their outing. Arthur Roberts has been tha Jour- cars, 4, Official livestock quotation In ef fect this morning were as follows: Cattle. Steers choice $6.60 to $0 75 Good 6.25 to 6.50 Medium 4.00 to 6.25 Cows choice 6.00 to 5.50 Good 4.50 to 6.00 Medium '....'.... 4.00 to 4.50 Heifors choice 5.75 to 5.85 Good -: 5.00 to 5.50 Rulls choice . 3.50 to 5.00 Stags choice 3.00 to 6.25 Hog.' Prime lights, 175-200 ....6.30 to 6.33 Choice medium, J40-175 . 6.00 to 6.25 Plgs.flO-140 lbs.1...:'.... 5.00 to 6.25 Rough. 275 lbs. up , 5.40 to 5.90 sheep. Choice spring lamb 6.50 to Common spring lambs . 5.50 to Choice yearlings 6.00 to Old wethers ...'...,... 4.75 to Choice light ewes .... . 5.00 to EXPENDITURE OF ABOUT $200 IS NEEDED TO MAKE MUNICI . PAL LIFT SAFE. Uke a mirage that recedes as the traveler advances, the date of the op eration of the Seventh street elevator ha been delayed Just when the coun cil had thought the day was neijr at hand. The city has no Intention of running the big municipal lift without ade- Not one urre of lunil embraced In the Oregou California land grant should be put into a forent reserve. In the opinion of those who attended the meeting called by T. W. Sullivan, prealdent of the Commercial club, Monday afternoon to discus Ihe land grant problem. S. W. William, spe cial assistant to the attorney general of the I'nited States, attended the ses sion. He I making a trip through the western states to Warn the a-nti-ment of the people. He did not make a talk. The land grant problems were dis cussed from every side and at th close of the meeting a resolution was passed showing that the meeting fa vored selling the lands it somewhere near their actual value, dividing the surplus between the state school funds and a fund to build a system of state highway. The meeting went on record as decidedly opposed, to a movement to put the land, or any part of the land. In a forest reserve. The railroad should be protected and paid for their equity. T. W. Sullivan presided as ' chair man and the fol'owlng Were among those who spoke: Circuit Judge J. U. Campbell, O. D. Eby, C. Schnebe'. C. H. Dye, J. E. Hedges, County Judge Anderson. D. F. Skeene. Philip Strelb. of Milwaukie, and W. . A. Jones, of Sheridan. POMONA WILL BE PUT ON RUN TO EUGENE O. C. T. LINE AWAITS RAINS TO DEEPEN CHANNEL TRIP IN ROWBOAT PLANNED. In November, or as soon as the rains Increase the depth of the water to the required stage, the Oregon City Trans portation company will place the steamer Pomona in yegular service be tween Portland and Eugene. This will be the first time such a service that far up the Willamette has. been provided in the last 15 years, when the steamer City of Eugene was oper ating on the run. In early days the Oregon Railway & niintft rafliinltv insurance and no In snranee comnunv will consider the- ele-1 Navigation company has steamers ply vator until strong railings are built I out or rortiana to kugene; wnicn nl agent at this place for the past Good ewes 4.25 to Mra. A. W. Hardenbrook of Kotch-icamo and enjoyed the dinner, others Ikan. Alaska, ha been visiting her tister, Mr. Ezra Stewart.- Mr. A. Wynkoop haa returned from a visit to relative in Idaho.. Miss Olady Dunt iii spent Sunday with her parents in Mola'la. W. J. Jlster recently purchased the liome of Mr, and Mr. Elmer Hedlnger and I remodeling the ame. Home new play apparatus has been purchased to help preserve the stan dard of the' nchool. Tho new volley ball hna Just arrived nnd haa been put In good use. Tiramwell Price, of this place, Has left for 8eattle, Wash. . Among those of this neighborhood coming In later to hear Prof. Evans of Chicago, who gave a lecture on the Aluska Indians and their totem poles. Many colored alldc were shown,-while tho, lecturer and traveler spoke on the Alaskan from his birth to the time of the wedding. Prof. Evuns In cos tume spoke In a pleasing and Interest ing manner. Many curios were shown of their tools and weaving. Prof. Ev sub I on his way. east an ha de livered till lecture to large audiences many time during the year. White. iu the east be will show a number of picture of Portland and Seattle In the way of boosting for thl Paclflo coast. On Sunday evening Prof. Evans will seven year, ha hadahl route In oreased and Is now delivering the pa per to the patron who reside be tween Hull avenue at Jennings Lodge nnd Center street of Oak Grove. The route cover fourteen mile, but by rthn use of his wheel he Is able to han dle the route and still continue hi studies at the Oregon' City high where he Is a senior. Ralph Madison of this plnce.'and a graduate of 1915 of the Oregon City high Is taking a post graduate course. Mr. Will B. Jennings who ha been confined to his home for over a month la now rnnvaleslng hut I still under the rare of his physician. Dr. Stuart. Mr. and Mra. Edd Roethe and chil dren leave on Thursday for the San Francisco fair. While in California Common heavy ewes 3.00 to 7.00 6.00 6.50 5.25 6.60 4.75 4.00 Value of Oregon hop crop this year about $2,000,000 at 10c. Two Chiliire'n ;iad croup. The two children of J. W. Nix, mer chant, Cleveland, Ga,, had croup last winter. One was a boy of 6, the. oth er a girl of 8 years. Mr. Nix writes: "Hoth got so choked up they could hnrdly breathe aod couldn't talk. I gave them Foley's Honey and Tar and nothing else and It entirely cured them." . This re'lable medicine should be In every home for It gives Imme diate relief from colds, coughs ami croup, heals ruw inflamed throat and loosens jihlegm. Jones Drug Co. - - - - (Adv.) along the walk leading to the elevator bridge. This fact was discovered sev eral days ago and City Engineers Mil ler was at once Instructed to'prepare plans for a railing. He said Friday that he believed a substantial railing built Of wood and Iron would not cost over $200 and the matter will probably be brought up at a council meeting Wednesday night The walk is on the edge of the bluff and without a Vail ing Is considered dangerous. Obstacles met. and overcome 1y the council are many, and Include long nnd costly condemnation suits for ap proaches, opposition to the sale' of the $12,000 elevator bond issue, strong op- j position to the operation of the ele vator by water from the board of wa ter commissioners, and during the last few week a decided , feeling against the running of the shaft for financial reason has developed in the councft itself. 8UDDEN MUSCULAR ACHES AND PAINS NEED NOT BE That' is if you use the right rem edy. Sloan's Liniment is a real neces sity In every' home for young and old. Its merit is praised In dozen of letters. A stiff neck from . colds, children's sprains, those aching muscles, that sharp neuralgia pain these Rod guar anteed relief In Sloan's Liniment Ev ery home meets with sudden aches and accidents. . Your borne needs a bottle. 25c, 50. and $1.00. always has been regarded as the head of navigation of the Willamette river. But Corvallia is as far 'up stream as the craft of the Oregon City Trans portation company have ventured ex cept on rare occasions, when they went even beyond Eugene to bring down cargoes of grain in that section. . Captain Clyde Raabe, master of the Pomona, and Captain A. W. Gcaham, one of the owners of the vessel, wil go to Eugene Monday and make th trip from there to Oregon City In a rowboat for the purpose of making a minute examination of the channel - They also will arrange for docking fa cilities on the upper reaches pf t'.. river, where the steamers have nol been plying In the past Other pre Umlnary steps will be tftken toward getting the through line established. "We intend to demonstrate," says Captain A. B. Graham, another of the head officials of the company, "that the Willamette river between Corval- lis, as far as our boats have been run ning in the fa'l and winter months and Eugene Is Just as navigable as It Is be low Corvallis. When the steamers can go th rou eh to Corvallis there is no reason why they cannot make the pas saee as far as Eugene. The farmers on that part of the river It seems to me. are entitled to water transports Hon faculties." After an hour of dlw uaalon. llm coun cil al Km regular (ctoler walou Wed nenlay iHkM grantrd a g'-neial prrnilt which will allow all Jl(n)a In operate five day nioro Independent of Km Jit nry fram hlw ordinance, li:i h i to have gone Into rffr'i on Km flral of Ihla month. The report of fh" atrei I tomrnllt. tvad by II M. Teml"ion. huli fa vored a l'0 quarterly lax for mm iea- ld"iil Jliimv ilriw-rn aa adopted by Ihe roiim-H hut final action delayed un til a a"- lal iin-lliu lo I In-ld next ""k T"iiipl"toii eilaln"i thii. In hla opinion lh" h'-aty tn on Jitney men nkould be I"-, led a theae driver mnl nothing into Dm c ity tn na iry for the rare of the rin'ta or r(..nl. On the other hand, he explained, th" Port land Rallaay. I Ui.t a: Power i ompany paid almoat ITO.onn Into Hi" county treaiury recently aa Ihe aamlannunl tax parnetit and the o.-r lompany ,niiu-d greatly in Improving an I rar ing for Main street. Albright nna-vered hla argument a. deciurtiig that tho power company paid ruly $100 a yeai1 for opiTatlmr car ovi-r Main street, and that It re cijved many favors from Ihe city. Sevril Jitney driver were at the meeting and a number of application for franchise were made. One drlr. er asked the council what th coat of a franchise for a Ford would be If a regular automobl'e waa charged 20i a year. A committee of three from the com mittee of nine clllzen appointed fol lowing the Sower meeting lu.it week, asked Ihe council for an appropriation ao that the city's books could be audit ed. Cox moved that $25 he appropri ated and the motion waa killed with the council voting: for the motion. An drews. Cox and Myers; against It. Templeton. Albright, Long. Hackett. VsnAuken and Metxner. Templeton exploded the firework of the meeting 'when he read a con tract with the Oregon Engineering ft Construction company, signed hy May. or Jones and Recorder Loder for tho elevator supply pipeline from the res ervoir. The agreement provided that the city wa to do the back-filling in the trench which .Templeton said be had understood was to have been done bv the contractor. The chairman of the street committee cal'ed attention to the fact that bids bad not beeu re ceived for the work and that the coun cy had not authorized Mayor Jones and Recorder Loder to sign the con tract. A settlement of the High street im provement which was left unfinished by J. W. Shea was offered by City At torney Schuebel.. Templeton declared that the work had been paid for which had not beeu done. Mayor Jones and Recorder Loder were authorized to sign an agreement with. the Studebaker company for a demonstration of a flusher for the new Main' street pavement In rase the city finds the machine tatisfartory and buy it. the company will pay the -freight but if It is returned to Port land the city will foot the charge. The fencing of the walk to the ele vator, additional electrical wiring and the. installation of a number of valves on the big hoist were left with the ele vator committee with power to aet Two bids for the Fallsvlew sidewalk: were opened and referred to the street committee. The cemetery committee waa au thorized to sell single graves In Moun tain View cemetery. The balance 'for the Improvement of Main, Seventh and Tenth street was ordered paid. Ten dollars fee for an acution paid by D. Tolopar was refunded, as the sale was not held, Corrections in the assessments of the Main street improvement were or dered made. TRADE IS FAR FROM PRICES REMAIN THE SAME IN UNION STOCK YARDS MAR KET IS STILL WEAK. UNION STOCK. YARDS, Portland, Oct 1. Trade waa far from brisk this forenoon and the same rage of prices was held as yesterday In the hog sales, with $6.25 as the extreme top. The market Is far from strong and lower prices are expected to prevail. Receipts consisted of 11 cattle, 3 calves, 969 hogs and 102 sheep, at to tal of 10 cars. Official livestock quotations In ef fect this morning were as follows: Cattle. Steers choice' $6.00 to Good '. . .' 6.25 to Medium 4.00 to Cows choice 5.00 to Hog. Prime lights, 175-200 ... 6.30 to Choice medium, 140-175 6.00 to Pigs, 90-HO 6.00 to Rough.' 275 lb, up 5.40 to Sheep. Choice spring lambs ... 6.50 to Common spring lamb .. 6.50 to Choice yearlings 5..ri0 to 6.JI0 . 6.5H S.2- 5.5.1 fi.3." 6.25 6.25 Eilrt Pacific Telephone t Telegraph com pany announces opening of line be-1 Good yearling 5.00 to tween Eugene and Florence. Old wethers 4.75 to 7.00 6.00 .oo 6.50 5.?r.