OliKUON ( I TV KNTKUI'HIHK KIN HA V. KKI'TI.M IM.lt 24, lMY local bmcrs 'ind Ksmrath, frmer of Heater Creel In Mi. illy Monday i' I' llioinaa, of Martuani, waa In lowu Wednesday anil Thursday. Attorney C W. Devore, of Kalaia da. waa In Oregon City Monday lohn V liuii v capiiallel of the Mllwaukle dlilrIM, waa a vlallnr In the i lt Momlar Mr and Mra George Klllgsen, of HUffotil, warn Uislness vlliure In i In- iouiil seat Haturday. During a vacation of two weeka. Ml.aes Molly and Clara Mitchell will visit td.tr parents al Handy. I Undue of the Monitor district, at tended In l.iulium matlrri In thr count r seat aeveral daya thin weak Mr and Mra lawrcnce Muut bar returned to their hom In Ihla illy aft ar (pending several montha at the roast Mr. and Mra William (MM liai her. of t'anatnah. ara rejoicing i.v. i ill. blrtb of a daughter on Rep (ember II Mr and Mra Carl W. Jnebnke and baiiy Kathryn. ara anion thoaa i amp in on Hi. Canity fair iroiid and m - toying an outing - Mia Amy llakar, who recently moved with hrr parent to Katarada from Mii iii, waa In the rounty aaal Thursday and Friday. Mr and Mra J A Tufta left Wed nraday for Halem. I !..- will ramp ui thr fair grounds and will pronal ' remain until tbn rud of next week. Mr. and Mra. Jatnaa Petty aloppiil t lha Canhy fair on thalr war fr,,,n Molalla. Mr and Mra Petty beard Hanalor Chamberlain's speech Hatur day Mia Still Crtwa, whe apent her vacation wltb her parent. Mr. and Mra. II. B. Croaa, of (lladatnne, h retiirni'd to her atudlea at McMliin villa Prank Kraiherfer. of Mackahurg, waa a business vlaltor In the rounty aaal Wcdneaday Mr. Kraxherger I a brother of Itei W. H Kraxherger of tbla rily Mr. M H II law ton. mother or Ward It l-awton, I seriously III at hrr home In lawton Height Mr lawtnn'a rondltlon I due to br ail v sliced .: s Aulra Wllaon lleltiia, of Vancouver. Waeb . and Ml Ooldle Mona Ooff. of Orifiui Clly, m i un-i .1 marriage H innw In Voncouver Monday tlnff la 17 year old Clearing on the Trarhael road In the eastern rt of the rounly baa been .11111l l1t.il mill rilln ha liegun Work I In charge of W. II. Young and Harvey Matloon. contractor. Mr and Mr llri'titon Voddor and five rhlldren returned Thuraduy after noon from Molalla. Mr Velder In Molalla arranging for the JuvetilM fair In connection with the fair al Canby. Ml Clara Ieute left Monday morning for 1 ... Angelo. where hn will take a apeclal nuraea' rourae. liar IKWlthm In the office of Dr. Blrlrk land will be filled by Mia Kvadne llarrlion. A. J. Hobble, a member of the Meade post. (J. A. It , accompanied by hi daughter left Wedm ..!.-, for Waahlngtnn, D. C. to attend the na tlnnal enrampment of the (Irani! Army of the Republic Among the Canby visitor In Ore gon City Saturday to attend 'he K an l.elrr trial were Mra. A. Knight. Mlaa Esther Holuman, I'. It. Ibilbwk. Mr II A Dedman. C. Ilutterflebl and Judge C. K. White. Dr and Mra C W Carglll are the home gueat of Mr. and Mr. Edward Mcl-alti of Ml riWHt Mr. nnd Mr Carglll nre enroute from the Han rVatii 1 exposition to their home In m.i- .. 11 City, Illinois. Mr. and Mr. J. I,. Waldron, and Hon Harold Wulilrou and hi wife have n hn in-. I from a trip to Califor nia. The party went by auto and Krfl Hcvorul week ago. they vlaited the ex position and other place uf Interest Oliver and Wlllam Stookey are gucMtii of their alBter, Mr. Oru Hlyter, of New Era. They will remuln here a few year. They come from Toledo. Ohio, where they were connected with I In. overland company In The Social Whirl Currant Ha eeejlnaa af Interest In an Abeul Or a go n Clly and ' b ill-it Hi it. Hi), of I'orl land, were mrrli'd W 1-1I1.1-.1U after tioou at the home of I In. bride a ai i'iil In Portland on Irilnginn nu-i I'he taior of a I'orlland Cbrlallan (bun h iwrformed the wedding cere 11, .mi and read the ring service. Tba 1. ride waa lovaly In a gown of white aatln trimmed with allk lar. aba rarrfad white carnallona The riMim were artistically ar ranged with 1 hryaanlhemiiiii NEW EM COUPLE WED FOR ONCE, WHISKEY 0-C DELEGATES WW Of SANDY MAN SPECIAL PERMIT FOR HALF CENTURY IS NOT THE CAUSE Of iufffd umnv ATCOURTHOUSEWILL nun v.u.iii.ni UIIILII HIULLI npininDryryDrDrn UIILI1 IrUIHUIUJI IN M VIEWS mmmm BY THE COUNCIL " MAN V fAHNOg OATMER AT TMI IHH I.KNONA DKI.I.A MANril'M AUTO S WILD COURSE HOMI Of MR. AMD MM MAHTHUR IUNOAV. The gulden wedding of Mr and Mra lin.nl Mi Arthur waa appropriately celebrated on Hepteuiber 12 at thalr home m New Kra The Hellef corpa and the flrand Army of lh llepuhlli of Oregon ciiy cama in on tba Mora lug train and. headed by thalr fife and drum nrpa. man bed to the Mi Arthur where relatives and friend tba in- in h mm cheered the heart of tba old Iroya In the 40'. Alter a eoclal hour of colt veraallon and mualc tbey war called lo the houe where a lunrhein a erred, oae of the feature of which waa Ibr wedding cake which waa cat and aerved hy tba bride of fifty yeara ago While aeated around the table. Mra. T. L Mrown of Oregon t'Hr. In n few ritllng remarks presented Mra. Mi Arthur with a beautiful gold pin. from the ladle of Ibe Relief rorp of which she Is a member. H B Clyde, then preaented Comrade Mr Arthur wllh gold - srf pin from Mi ti Mt KM. son of Mr. adlnr i;ralll Arm) uf the llepubllc and In a few worda told of their apprecla Hon of hla faithful eervlcee aa color hearer during the yeara be ha barn one of thalr number. In behalf of their family Mr. Mar garet drown preaented her mother with a wadding ring and hrr father from Cortland and Ihoae from tlila wgh gold-handled umbrella, alao clly, who ware former acquaintance K piere to each from Mr and Mra of the bridegroom Among those w hi K MrArthur motored to flalem Wedneulay night Mr. Chlnn. maatar of Warner grange were Mr and Mr M D latourelle. I iir(.ntrd the couple with a gold ban Mr and Mrs I.. C Ulotirelte ml ,j umbrella and gold clock from CAM WITH MOKIN TIININO OlAft CAUMt (XCITIMIMT ALONO ROAO TO CANgV. ferns and palms Mr Hrlnkley I the granddaughter gkiUnred with them of Mr Harah llroughtoii. pioneer of all, iidened lo the mul this fit Hhe has an eilenalte 11 cle of aciialnlauce In Oregon 1 Hi where ahe ha vlalied her grandmoth er a number of time Hbe taught achonl for the pill rn year In Cortland. Mr Hrlnkley la a young bualne man of that nlty. After the wedding a reception waa served to the Immediate frlenda and relative present, number over lty. Mr. and Mra Hrlnkley have gone to Han KYanrhvo to rlall lha .posl Hon and upon their return will re side on Irvlngton street In I'ortUii I -rlll(ll Jll Charles II Moore, for merly of ihl ally, and Ml Uertrude Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mr M I Jone. of labUb Meadow, were married Wednesday evening at Halem In the HI Caul's Kplai -opal cburi h The wedding waa attended hy a number Mr. and Mrs Unn K Jones Mr. Moore ta a hudnena man of Cortland, hi father was formerly In the land office In tbla city Mlaa Olga Oolbarg Wads In Portland At the home of the brlde'a m.i. r, Mra. A. II. nrg. of Cortland. Mlaa Olga Oolberg of tbla city and 0. K Orlffllb. of Cortland, were married WedneNilnv fVenlnir It. II (I lien Mu,drlrkan officiated The bride I the daughter of Mr. and Mr O. 8 Oolherg of (hi city. The bridegroom I (he business manager of the Kllers Music house and la a musician aa well. He compoeed bis own wedding march, which waa played hy an orchei aa conductor The young couple will make their home at MS Cartithera (treat. Curt land. "A drunken )Ke driver la on hla way down from On and he'g ao .trunk that be can't slay la lha road." an . veiled notorial told Chief of Co 110 Hhaw Tuesday I'ternoon The chief etatad up Main street Within two blocks be M stopped again, by mother motorist I waa almost bit by a drunken automobile driver up tba road eya," be told Chief Hhaw. "TV n.d I too nar row for him." Hbaw Increaaad hts speed towan the aouthern end of town At fourth be aaw an anloenoi.iie make a ami den swing arras Main street, mount the sidewalk and atop within a few feet of the front of llnltnan t Kan dall undertaking MUbllsbmaat HrV waa lha nil figured the chief Tba ear backad off th. sidewalk, ei ei uled a couple of fat., v i-urvea In tin middle of the itTCat Slid renewed Its crooked rourae down Main, chief Hbaw ordered the dr ret te atop, and stepped to the car A hasty esamlna Hon coBViacgsJ the niftier that the driver waa not drunk -What's the in;i".r' Cant yon drive tralgbt? akid 1 hlef Hhaw "0. I'm alright." isined the drlv er. "Hut my t)Ttnir gear I out of killer. I can't drlv nrer five mile an hour and I have ',-eu two hours on Ibe road from Canby." OIMICK MVS RKMLUTION AP PBOVID V CONrCNINCI ONLV tOLUTION. REPORTS Of ATTEMPTED SUTE RIDICULED BY SCHUEBEL, DIMICK FRItH AIM II MUCH IN DCMAND ACTEH WOLF l IR0U0HT IN FOR OUNTV. Window in tba courthouse were left open all afternoon Tuesday and Janitors were busy wltb disinfectant aa a reeult of a trip made to the coun ty aaat by Arthur Perry, "ho llvaa In Hie mountains beyond Bardy with the caneae of a wolf. I'trry wandered InUr the office Of FRANCHISE WILL PROBABLV SI SOUGHT UNDER NAM! OF OWNER OF CARS. STEVEN CARVER SEEKS RIGHT TO RUN BUSSES IN OREGON CITY Railroad Attorneys Attempted to Con- rounly Clark Iva Harrington about Ramonetrance Against improvement fuae Delegate. Says Rspreeen latlve Hope I Seen In Conference With 8 P mouths duration They will go east via Han Francisco, taking In tl t poaltlon. and then continue their Jour ney to Ohio to Mt relatives. The atate convention of the W man' Christian Temperance union will he held In Newberg October 4. I and A Mr Jennie Kemp, atate pres. Idem, will preside over the eeaslons. The speakers will he Governor Withy rnmhe. Daniel Poling and Mrs l.llllnn Mlt. liner, atste president of the Kan sas Woman's Chriatlan Temperance union. the grange Mr and Mrs Dustln pre sented them with a gold pin and a fountain pen. Mr MrArthur alao re ceived a beautiful book from Comrade Koman. Mr. MrArthur waa one of thr drat to enllat al Chicago, when the first rail came for volunteers He Joined the 19th llltsola regiment, fought all through thr war and waa honorably dlai barged July 9. 144 lie wa mar rled to "Ibe girl I left behind me" Mlaa laabell Hurt. Heptemlier 2. IH5. Nine rhlldren were horn to them all of whom are living, six being preienl at their golden wedding. They were Mra. laabell Newman. Mr. Agnes II. inn-- Rohort Mi Arthur Frank K MeArthur. Mra. Margaret llrowo and Mra. Alice Pitta. Other present were: Mra. Amelia Mattock. Mra. Dorothy Chrlstensen. Mra. Minnie Donovan. Mrs Mule M llrown. Mr. Clara Moore. Mrs. Sarah 1 0. ' ..in Inn John Kelly, D. 11. Mnrtln Daniel Williams. Oo Dodds. II WATCHMAN STAYS AT B. LOWe BELIEVES HIS PROP ERTY WAS SET ON FIRE TO DRAW HIM AWAY. Awakened by the glare of the flames on their bedroom window and j hearing the crackling ot flame, neigh , I ors were the first to discover a fire ! In the house on th-- corner of Four teenth and John J. Adams, owned b; F. H I -ow e. It was unoccupied. The alarm waa turned in lo the tele phone exchange at 3:30 o'clock Tup day morning, and the fin- department 8 ' responded promptly, and although tin There Is a wide difference of opinion among the delegate from this coun ty who attended the Oregon Cali fornia land grant conference at Halem Thursday and Friday. Those who ' went from this county are Charles Hlsley. Adam Knight. Charlea Pope. Charlee Holman. J. K. Jack. Walter A. Dimlck. Charlea K ripen. .- and C Hehuebel. Mr. Dimlck declared Haturday that In bla opinion th reaolutlor. adopt-1! by the ronferenre wad the only pos sible step to lake. Other resolution Introduced and defeated would have, offered solutions for the grant landa problem which were legally question able, he aald. The committee of dele galea appointed to confer wltb the IVtuthern Pacific officials could do little or nothing, he aald. and de scribed their appointment aa a "play" for the railroad. He though that there was no attempt made to put through a alate although be believed that the railroad Influence In the con ference waa pronounced. Mr. Sehu.iM's views were opposite 1 In many rcsiiecls He said "While noon, lifted a suitcase to the counts and explained lo Deputy Clerk Miller. "I've dropped In to see you sgaln and I've got a wolf this time He heslut sd as If to select the right word then added it's somewhat demoralised." The east Clackamas man opened hla suitcase and showed tbe body of a wolf that had been dead about two months. All of the body was there except the head and as he opened lb ease, one Irg fell to tbe floor Perry explained that be bad aet tbe trap about two montha ago and three weeka later returned to find tbe wol caught In It. Tbe animal had died from starvation and when taken from tin not of Sid Strt Will Com Up at Special Session Nt Wednesday Night Tbe VanAuken Jitney frsnchlae, tbe eubject of much discussion through out the city since Its Introduction two weeks ago. was withdrawn al tbs ses sion of tbe council Friday night and a special permit waa granted Van Auken to run the cam until lha own er of the automobiles returns to Ore gon City. TV- action came aa a surprise. The frjnrhlae i.rit.ii.nm whlrh la eallt.it trap Perry derided that be mmddj f wM coM up skin It and took It to Cortland bvm.. i.h. . a ...hi... ..a where he turned the carcass over to William Flnley. aUte biologist. Tbe body waa In Plnley's office for a montb. It required almost an hour of argu ing on the part of County Clerk Har rington and her dsputles to convince Perry that he could not collect bounty on the wolf, owing to the fact that Its head was missing. Finally he started toward thr Ay)' saying as he left Friday night for second resdlng and final paaaage. In tbe crowd of spec, tators were several from Mountain View, part of the delegation that came down a week ago to protest against the passage of the ordinance. Tbe measure contains the clause "the rights and prtvlledges herein granted are granted to tbe said Earl D. Van Auken. solely." The construction of this elauae la much debated. Harvey K Croaa, attorney for Bte- Iiuh not seen her lirotherH for 11 mini her of yenrs. Mis Mario Fredrlch after visiting n week with her brother, Dr. Fran Fredrlch and family of Astoria, re turned 10 her home In Carkplace ami Ih now the guoHt of her BlStSE ami fntii Hy, Mr. Kdwin lierhnr, of l.o.-an MImr Fredrlch will return to her work In the county clerk'H office Monday morning Mr. Anna Hayes who visited relit live In the east in mm.- the summer month returned to her homo in tiluilHtuno and will aguln have Ohafkl ol' inn .1. In tho vurlttd school of (iackamitK county, (iladHtone, Wost I. Inn, Cruimiiuh, Mllwaukle and Oak drove. Mr. Hayes I much Improved In health. Word ha boon received horo of the death of 0. K. Full, of F.agle Creek. In tin accident In a IokkIhk camp near Hlac.k Rock, Ore. A limb fell from a trite, breaking bin hack. He CMng to the coiiHt eight yenrs ago front North Dakota and leave a widow and two song, Olen nnd Hoy, In the lSagle Croek district. A. C. Davis, leader of tho tlnrftuld hand, has moved from (larfleld to Mil WgUklt. Members of tho hnnd nnd other friend of Mr. Davis hold n HttrpriBc pnrty for htm at tho (larfleld grange hall when S. Cesr.neckor pre sented him with a silver plate for the people of Kstacada, (itirfleld, (Juorge and Currlnsvllle. Mr. and Mr. Lawrence Mautz, who returned the first of the week from a three months' Rtay on the coaBt at Kcoln, Ore., expects to loavo about October 10 for an eastern trip of three Dr. T. II. Fbrd left Tuodny for Roieburg. where ho will attend the nnnuul Oregon conference of the Mcthodlat Kptcopal church. Dr. Ford la mentioned as a rsndltlute for appointment to the position of CdV tor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, which will ho made hy the general conference of the church at Saratoga Hprings. New York, next May. Kd Holds of the Htaflord (Motrin, was in Oregon City Saturday Mr. Holds I111H Just traded his larkS Inrtn on the Tualatin ut Htufford and his properly In Cortland for a .'ouo-ncre wheat ranch In 'illllam cotnitv. Mr. and Mrs. Hold and children v. Ill move to Ollllam county where they v'.i make their future home. Mr. Holds Mr. Hlyter, H , half brother of H. Iv Cross State of Ohio, olty of Toledo, lM Luc County, I Frank J. Cheney make oath that ha la annlnr partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney Jk Co., doing business In the City of To ledo, County and State aforeiald, and that SAld Arm will nay the eum of ONB HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HA 1. 18 CATARRH CURB. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 4th dsy of December, A D. MM. (Seal) A. W. OLEASON, lotary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internally and acta directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials, free. F. t. CHENET CO.. Toledo. O. Bold by all Drugglata, 75c. Take Ball's family Fllla for eonstleaUea. city. K. K. Clanton, of the state flah and game commlsMoln, and A. Wallace, of Cortland, visited the Bugle Creek feeding ponds recently and are well pleased with the efforts of Perry Kitx UtUsr, the superintendent. R. J. I'almnteer and Tom Carter, of Oar field, have planted l!2!iu custom brook trout ill Delf rreok and a like number In the tipper Bugle crock. Eastern brook trout have also been liberated In Clear crook near Klwood. , Henry O Mtilley, w ho In In charge ni the hatchery work of the 1'nileil HtatoH government for the Pacific' coast, with headquarters at Seal lie. was In Oregon Clly Wednesday and loft this week for an Inspection of tin hatchery work in progress in Alaska. Mr. O'Malloy has boon tit California for several tuontliH, and has just re turned from u trip to Cntuliun Inland, where ho secured a supply of live fish for exhibition at the Snn Francisco exposition. Mr. and Mrs. Prod Zlnk. of Mur dock, Neb., huvo been vlsltng In Ore gon City several days as the guests of their old friends nnd nelghhors, Mr. and Mrs. Roy 11. Cox. They are on their way homo from California, whero they visited the exposition. Speaking of conditions, ospoclally Hit climate, Mr. Zink said that he was disappointed in California, lint was glad to sco that Oregon wasn't hav ing the rain that ho had been told usually fell at this time of the year. Clyde. Jas Mattock. R. W. Porter. John Aekley. W. H. McClenan. T. V. Hrown. Mr. W. M Duitln. W M. Dus tln. Veda llrown, Ira Hrown. rj M. Halnc. (lair Heine. Dorma Hainea. Ivan Haines. Neal Halnra. C. L. New man. Clarence isewman. ieene new man. 1. vie Newman, liallle Rambo. J. R. Pitt. Dorothy Pitta. Roy Pitta. Martin Pitta. Mr. F. E. MrArthur. Manette MeArthur, Margaret MeAr thur. Hobby MeArthur. Mrs. R. H. Mr- Arthur. Oeorgle MeArthur. Paul Me Arthur. Oordon MeArthur, Roberta MeArthur, Maude Anthony, Myrtle Anthony, Dorothy Dodda, Alfred Dodds, Mrs. Dalay R Dodds, Mrs. Mary A. laxelle, Mrs. Hannah Pen man, Mrs. Edna Penman. Mrs. Annie Chinn. Mrs. Iattra McCord, Mrs Illanrhe Hoffman. W. A. Dodds, 'Los sle McDonald, Mrs. Agnes A. Reed, Mrs. Mary Mead. Mrs. Minnie Anthony. Mrs Relf. Mr, l.lllle Wink. Mrs. Mar tho Party. Mrs. Clemu Martin. Mrs. T. L. llrown Mrs. Ella Ornnt. Mra. A. J Hobble. Oeo. M. Luxelle. P. H. Mead. J. J. Mallett. J. C. M Dodds, Fred Chinn. Thos. Penman. Jnmes Roman. Oeo. 0. Randall. Mrs. Geo. 0. Ran dall. Arthur Wink and W. J. W. McCord. fire had gained consnter.it. le headwa I and bad practically gutted tbe strut lure, It was soon under control. Thi cause of the fire Is a mystery, Inaa much as no one had been occupying the premises for several montha. How- lever, tbe dwelling was undergoing re pairs with a view to being rented. The loss is estimated at close to 11.000 with about $600 Insurance, but the property h.ning been unocrupler' for some months there la a question aa to the validity of the policy. Mr. l.owe. who is night watchman for thr La, Adama department store, was ad vised of the fire while on duty, hut did not go home as he feared tbe fire might he a blind to draw him away from his watchman duties In order It commit u crimi GYPSV ROBS MAN OF 15 CENTS, AH woman county eierk again. A will take a chance once In a 1 but a woman never will." 'Thanks for the compliment. I am satisfied that there waa no alate " MlM Harrington. In the convention and that every man waa given a fair opportunity, the ' railroad company and tbe selfish In tereata combined predominated and! had a majority. An effort waa made by the attorneya to confuse tbe dele gates aa to w-hat tbe decision of tbe supreme court mean an action which practically resulted In adopting the resolution without protecting tbe In terest of tbe state and If congress should pass a law In accordance with the resolution, the public domain would be looted by apeculators with out adding a dollar to the taxable property of the atate or providing an additional home for settlers. "1 have every reason to believe thst the resolution providing for s confer ence with the Southern Paclftc rail road company will result In a benefit to the state. A majority of the dele gates appointed for the conference with the Southern Pacific are in fa vor of tbe irreducible school fund re- bile. -I am not going to vote for a xn of h- VoTtlMi 4 Or0fon City railway, wgs st tbe meeting and hla subject, too, was jitney franchises. He said that Mr. Carver desired to connect Oregon City up with the rail road with automobiles which runs In to the Logan country but expected U would be several years before s rail road would be built. He continued that Mr. Carver bad beard that the council was about to glv an exclu sive franchise to Mr. VanAuken aitd as'ed that Mr. Carver as weH be gr. en a franchise to run stitoniobile busres over the strata of Oregon City. WASHINGTON COUNTY DEPUTY 1 To thU end- he Pn,"l frmocblae v.nicn wouiu give .vir. 1 arier me riut 8HERIFF ARRESTS WOMAN AT WILSONVILLE to run cars operated I.v gasoline or electricity over anv of the stret of Oregon City. This franchise would have a life of Ave year or until that time when the Carver line waa built Into Oregon City. Mr. Cross waa told tbat the Van Auken franchise waa not exclusive and Mr. Cox moved that the franchise Just how much Washington county will have to pay to bring to Justice s woman wbo filched 16 cents from the pocket of an Austrian will be determ ined later, but It Is believed the Insti tution of criminal proceedings for l on lu nni n"ng. Van Auken such a small amount established si Me,"naed 106 11,011011 but Mayor Jone record. At noon Monday a band ol ld tnat ln hl opinion the franchise gyptes passed through Wllsonvllle on ' bDould " referred to a committee and their am in cnhv her., t h ,,, t 1 '"v nd VanAuken withdrew their reiving whatever profit there Is In the f , . , nm,, An hnilp ' motion. The mayor named Metzner, timber land above the equity of the yjepmy sheriff C. W. Redmond, of i Hcke" and Cox on the committee. ranroau cumpnnv, anu juaring me ag ricultural land upon tbe market to actual settler at $2.50 an acre ! Charles Pope believes that the reso lutions of the conference will have Hillaboro, accompanied by tbe Ana i Mr. Croaa said that he hoped to m trian who waa relieved of 15 cents. ' duce Mr. Carver to apply for an fran arrived in Wllsonvllle In pursuit of chlse for a railroad into Oregon City the woman,, and they were polne Deputy Sheriff W. L. Murray, of Wil PLAINTIFF FAILS TO APPEAR AT TRIAL After the circuit court -waited for the plaintiff in the case of the Ore gon Acetylene Lighting company against Mrs. A. A. Olds for dter an hour Monday morning, Judge Camp hell slgnod an order dismissing the case nnd assessing the costs against i tho plaintiff. The lighting cotnpuny was suing to collect the cost of installing a li.i-.ln lug system In the farm home of Mrs. Olds near Oregon City. She claimed that the system was ordered by her former husband, now divorced, that sin- opposed Its Installation nnd never used it. The case was tried before a jury early In tho summer but the Jury was unable to agree and a second trial was set for Monday. When taken before a Jury, Circuit Judge Hugloy, ol Htllshoro, was on the bench, setting on his first rase. ATTORNEY IS SUED BY STENOGRAPHER MISS HAZEL COLE 8EEKS TO COL LECT $350 FROM BENARD N. HICKS. BIG CANBY BARN IS TO REV. HICKS DOES NOT ACCEPT CALL The big City Feed Hani at Canby taught fire at .1 o'clock Sunday morn Ing and was burned to the ground. There were four horses In the stahe and all were burned to death. Includ ing a valuable stallion owned by John Rainey. Two men wbo were sleeping In the ham had a narrow escape, and 1 limed out through a window, being unable to unlock tbe doors. The ori gin of the fire Is unknown. Rev. Reginald T. T. Hicks, who was Invited to become rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church of Oregon City, has notified the vestry ot the church thnt he will be unable to accept the call. The church has been without a resi dent rector stftes tho resignation of Rev. Charles W. Robinson. After hiu departure tho pulpit was filled hy Rev Phillip K. Hammond, now at Ashland, and this summer Dr. George II. Van Waters, a retired clergyman of Port land, has preached here every Sun day. II. N. Hicks, attorney, Is made dc fondant In a suit filed Friday by his former stenographer, Hazel Cole, to collect for alleged unpaid salary. Mr Hicks said Friday night that the case had been settled and that an order dismissing the case fould soon be signed. Miss Colo claims that she worked for Mr. Hicks from June 12, 1913, to March 1. 1911 and that he paid In only $55 during that time. From March 1, 1914, to November 14, 19 she claims she scoured only $90. She claims a total of $350 Is still duo Clarence Kuton i'iled the suit for Miss Cole. Four divorce cases were filed Fri day in the circuit court. The princi pals nnd tho charges are: Mablo Hrnndenburg against H. G. Branden burg, charge cruel and inhuman treat ment; Rhoda It Fisher against Leon Fisher, charge cruel and Inhuman treatment; Ethel Cox against Charles Cox, charge desertion, and Stella Pow ell against Charles L. Powell, charge desertion. NOW SEVEN CHIROPRACTORS. The number of registered chlroprac tors ln Clackamas county increased from tour to (even Friday when Hugh S. Hurdon and Harry S. Stone, of Oregon City, and Charles W. Llvesay of Canby, appeared before County Clerk Harrington and registered their certificates. WARRANT IS OUT FOR DIVORCE DECREE SIGNED Circuit Judge Campbell Monday signed divorce decree separating Ludig P. Feldmeier from Louvlna V. Feldmeler and E. S. Craig and Ada Craig. An order authorixlng a warrant of arrest of P. F. Holser on a charge of contempt of court, was signed Wed nesday by Circuit Judge Campbell. His former wife. Mrs. Maude Helser, appeared in court and charged that he had not paid $20 monthly alimony, ordered in the divorce decree. He Is believed to be ln Multnomah county at the present time. but one enect In congress and rears sonvllle, and the gypsy was appre that the entire grant will be added to hended and taken back to Hllsboro. the forest res?rve. He endorses the Dlan of conferlng with the Southern I . Pacific and believe that the oplnlom lA AIITI of the railroad should have been ob tained before the conference. How ever, Mr. Pope is pleased with his trip, says that during his two-days stay at Snlem he learned much and believes that every delegate, has been benefited. WORK ON CANAL WALL WILL BECIN SOON Work on the big wall which w divide the Oregon City locks and ca nal Is expected lo begin within tb next 10 days or two weeks. A der rick which will be used in construct ing the wall Is being built and ma chinery for this part of the work has been on the ground for some time. A small unloaded government barge could not he taken through the lower chamber Monday, owing to the shal lowness of the water and river steam ers are still unable to use the locks This chamber hod only 1.4 feet of wa ter Monday afternoon. AT GLADSTONE AUCTIONEER CUMBS TO ILLNESS AFTER SIX MONTHS. W. H. Titnmons. for years one of the county's leading auctioneers and fiimiliurlv kiuiu-n ns "Cnlnnpl" Tim. mons. died at his home In Gladstone'0 n,8nt to tak? UD, some time in the near future and that the cars of the Portland aV Ore gon City railroad could run directly into Oregon City. Declaring tbat private contractors could do work for 25 per cent less than the city. City Engineer Miller advised the city to call for bids on tbe recon struction of the steps leading up to Falls View, and the council acted on his recommendation. Tbe new steps 1 will cost about $200. Mr. Miller estl- ; mated, and a new route will probably be followed which will eliminate UC-much of the grade of the present steps. Bids for the paving of Tenth and Seventh streets were opened from tho Standard Paving company. The Tenth street bid was $S32 and the Seventh ; $1090. The council will meet next Wednes- the remon- E BRIDGE FRANCHISE GIVEN WEST LINN COUNTY COURT GRANTS RIGHT TO LAY MAINS ACROSS RIVER TO RESERVOIR. Thursday after an Illness of six months. He was 64 years old. Mr. Titnmons was born at Cadiz, Ky.. and lived there many years, serv ing as jailer and deputy sheriff for twelve years. Four years ago Mr. and Mrs. Tlmmon8 moved to Gladstone. The funeral was held Friday after noon at 2:30 o'clock from the Glad stone Baptist church. Rev, R. E. Dunn and Rev. llroomfield officiating. He is survived by his widow and the following children: Harry Timmons, Gladstone; Mrs. Orvllle Dnnn. Sell wood; Mre. Albert Stone, Woodburn; Hunyan Timmons. Cadiz. Ky.; Archie Titnmons, Lake Charles, La.; Mrs. Richard Solomon, Mrs. Newton Wal lace and Mrs. Gertrude Timmons. strance against other side streets oft of Main. A resolution was passed for the improving of Eighth street from the Southern Pacific tracks to tbe riv er end of the street with pavement. The council accepted the bid of Sweet, Causey, Foster & Company, of Denver, tor the $12,000 elevator bond issue. No votes were cast against 1 hi - bid. which was once defeated. Thi Improvement of Tenth street from Jackson to John Q. Adanid street with macadam was parsed on Its first reading. Proforty owners who want to pro test against their assessment for the: Main street improvement can go be fore the council October 6, as the or dinance declaring the assessment passed on its first reading. The total cost of the street is $14,861.01. After three weeks of delay, the cottntv court has granted to West Linn the franchise to lay an eight inch water pipe across the suspension bridge. The city is to keep the pipe in good repair and supply three hy drants on the bridge. The county demanded free water for the courthouse in return for the franchise, when the application was first made. However, when the com missioners were shown that Oregon City could not furnish water to sat isfy a demand in a West Linn fran chise without complicating the rela tions between tbe two towns, the mat ter was dropped. S. A. Cobb, engineer in charge ot the West Linn water system expectt that the pipe which will carry water across the river will be laid as far r the suspension bridge by Saturday night. Miss Margaret Garland Uriesseheb- AUTO TRIP OF FIVE WEEKS IS COMPLETED Salem: Flax Industry to bring 2" Belgian families to this part of the state. er, aged 26 years, a former resident ot ( Oregon City and New Era, died at the I Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Waldron, Mis Glencourt hotel, Portland, Tuesday j Anna Wilehart and William McFar afternoon. Her death was due to land returned Monday night from a heart trouble. She was the daughter 1 motor trip extending over five weeks, of Andrew Groissheber, of this county They left Oregon City August 16 and and a sister of Mrs. A. B. Herman, 518 j drove to Grants Pass, going went to Second street, Oregon City. The Crescent, Cal., and down the coast body is being held at the Myers & 1 through Eureka to San Francisco. Aft Brady funeral parlors until arrange- j er a visit at the Panama-Pacific la ments for the services are completed. ' tcrnatlonal exposition, they went as - j down the coast through San Jose, 15 CENTS COST $60. - Santa Barbara and Los Angeles, to It cost a band of gypsies $46 to se- San Diego. They drove over into Tla cure the release of a woman member. Juana, Mexico, and returned north of their crowd Monday. Upon the I over tne Inland route through River complaint of an Austrian, who ha I Me San Bernardino, Bakerafield, been relieved of 15 cents by the wo- Fresno. Sacramento and the Pacific man, she was caught at Canby and ar- highway. They report a most enjoy rested by Deputy Sheriff Redmond, of .aDle ,rlui Bna experienced no exce HUlsboro. who was aided by Deputy j "lve heal camped out along Sheriff Murray, of Wilsonville. Tb j the and are enthusiastic In their fine assessed ".gainst the woman and Praises of the California hard ur the costs were paid, and the gypsies faced highway, had to obtain a' conveyance to bring I their sister back to camp, and were out about $60 ln all. Fairvlew planing ter system. a municipal wa-