Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 17, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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iSpnlal Correapondeiire.)
Wealey Voder went laal, week
Table Kim k after hu. kleN-rrle.
John Young came out from Wllholt
sprint much liiiruvHL
('. I. Tticutia. while driving hi nca
auto through Gerval amct l(h an acci
dent. A freight tar ran Into hia nu
chin an. I wrecked hi car, but no olio
mat hurt.
St hool rommencea here net Mm
day. Hcpt. 20th, with Our l 1-arklnt aa
(Spevlal t'orrran.lett. )
Tha bo. pi. km at 1I4 hfrr"a hup
yard are ad'l picking and don't m
Joy the ahoaer very niurh.
John KalMr burned hi aUahlng
Ve.lii-a.lu) evening.
Uul Zimmerman ami to Sellwood
an J tye Thursday anil FrlJay with,
her all.r. alo doing Minm shopping
In I'ortlaniL
Ktidolph, and :.ard Zimmerman
l.v a drive out to Rp.ll.nd Urn Vrt.
Ml. I t ... .. 1
returned home Kun.lay night.
Hill ha gone to war.
Hill l a home that la
now rrnahing ruck.
Iear.l IIimIkv. ho went to Aaturla
to work, ha returned horn to ill( hi
Johnny Zimmerman la hreaklrif hi
CIIKSHAM. Sept. It The Multno
Utah county fair got aay tilay to a
good ktail and though Iba morning at
tendance waa not heavy there a
large rrod till afternoon.
The farm machinery evhlhlt acre
fully tnatalled lfor Ilia fate er
thron open thla morn in.
The livestock aectlon if the fair waa'
bln rapidly file.! with blooded anl
mat during the morning, hardly itun lu rharee of the primary itradea.
momci.t pawing that aome new e 1 .yr. Km. ha. our blacksmith I kept
hlldtor did not arrive at the (round que buay theae dayi.
" I k I . I l.l . It .V. . .- ft. ft ... ....II
I jun. Anna jvihhtii uu itii qui..-
Irk. o it waa neceaaary lo rail a dor-
tor, hut at thl writing ah ta aonur niini ,nj )g t,.ttlni. aome pretty awlft
oeiier. ride.
J. P. Miller i getting ready to no! M, Mtr,e lyeTartX h ,rf, for 0.
to the roat after lnion. .ri r.n.,. sh u .i...uin. i 1.-.
muie a nure and will le none three
Hie lat around her. jhn iL.iitM.yj .ni) Krnp wu
I- N. "'' hoiian cauuht fir, lly, rnt ,0 ore..n City Saturday,
nul.'lf r.tuine with the telenhona and r t.-.. .
0M. .nf ' .Min iaiMr naa ion 10 the
per cent 1 ....... .
..r.!ln lo ! F SlamlUh. o.', " " - , i-i ..ivuni rMK. Dr h will
- - . - nuniiKT 01 men aoon pui oui in are , ,p.t
- - -j which bad cauint in tne top or tn Schind
i.iu m ix-vu i"- .....-.. Roy .vicholson haa boiiRht a new
lnoe hia coll da) a when Thliip Mana- won
l.h brought blin to oarfteld. now nlair mN th(, gj y0,ln.
buer for th urltun army wn , ,,1,,-, ,nd will take powewlon the firm
at ruck me eaxern pan 01 iue iuubij, 0j Ofjoi,
,,111 I ft. 1 . . .1 .Kam KniivK . ' . .
UW Hill, auiuirru mm uu .... u ,mm. ( ,J(H bolt onMhlr(l of , crop
hlin. The animal win pronamy ue , . lmund h
ued In the artillery ahere. Editor; Th q,larterly niM.tnK'0f the M. E.
PtandUh opine, hla U'OO pound .of chliprh h)M hfrf TuMj,y mM
horw sniie will Kr.atly we Bli. Quit a number from
th A.llra torcra. Hubbard aa well aa from other placea
"If 1UU hi to uie on tne nem 01 Mng prriK.nt. U(jpi , ,.
IHla ( iiitvtiH.ii.il t. el
..f (lil rain ine tiljj and Hal
unlay arietuiHiit. an rleliial
piiM-d "rr and luliinina muit a
lr.-e In Mr Nuaahaiiiii .U. iplll
tliia It neatly lh ah.ile lrhlb
n Wedneaday, the ih. at II pVIin a
M , Mi a ,. J a the k.iuia lo
which aha rani with her bnlnd
and dauhter and family eight rar
ami. from ItakoM Heirn )rar aao
on lha lOih of Ih la month, her bu
lnd. a ho waa an old aoldier, wa
killed In IVnUnd by Im-Iiii thrown
from bll wacuo itlia had la a auf
fervr from tariuu ailmrtii fur a nuin
r of yerw. but a ctinflnrj to hr
lunl but a few da t rrw her death
She leate Ihrea daughter and their
ainiiiea 10 mourn per I". iN-aldea a
hoal of friend and iirilil..r who will
ml her kindly prearnc and cheery
word In daya of auuahln aiul auiid
a.hlae In tlinea of IrmiMe. Nha wa
burle.1 by the aide of her hualMind In
Oawean crinetrry. er irate and that
of her huahand were heaiml with
floral orTerlnia. moatly from the home
garden of her friend.
John y Caxe and family drove Ilia
U-ille mimUr of I(( rraldnil
aia ttiakiug plana lo allrad touni)
and aiale Una lo U held aai
lb. U.i, Aid of Ilia linimn IU
IWU,d n,ur, u( l-,, I'u,,,!, I, khIhi
an , 1 ram a- 11, alao amall aid. !
lo l auld la a -giabu.- a Ktur
dr evening. Hr,. u,, eiiUitalii
Hiei.t atari alth a program about I M
HopiiickliiK la a thine of th pant.'
Kd Johnvon riniahitl hla yard, tlni
t'. M. Cage and wife apcnl the after
noon at hla father on Hunday.
Mr. Did ham. who wa o very ab k I
with mallpoi. baa taken up hi Work
a-alu with returning atrength and
romlng aptlte, ao hi wife phunee to
the nelghbora. They were lo be fumi
gated on TueaJay. The wife and
mother I the only one who escaped
tartetl Monday
naving in dlaeaoe. an,!
aympathlied with her no one could
help her.
It la thought by lb "le guy"
that th ralna of l,lr and Hatunlar
j apollcd all the little potato,
monilng 1 Invitation are out for a aurvrlee
lrii-ial i'.if re(.,.n .-m
A I. I'u wa g'ic.t the home
of Mra llu.leit. a part of laal waek
Mr and Mr II. It ilit.aon ait.-u.l.M
Ih air al :!. a.l I. Th ir.dav.
taking dinner with Mra I. A. Wmxlle
white there
klra A. W. Cooke and daughter In
law. Mra. V. NV. Cooke, cf ama-u,
vl.lte.1 allli Mr. Il.ial.-ll Ual l,lay
Mr Chaa. Murphey, daiubter. Mlaa
Meda. and eon. Terry, wero Kalaiada
and fair vlaitor on day laal week.
Hoy Umglaae and wife apent
pleaaant day with Mr. and Mr far
IU-na.ui. of Uigan, Hunday.
Mr. M.il iHxiglata and grand
daughter. MlKlre.1 and rlnrlce m.ug
la, returned borne from eaalern Ore
gon Kalurday evening
Mr. Ilurger. who recently pun haaed
a few ai rea of land from II. l Hunt
Innt.in. la pulling up a email nouae
on hla pniMrty.
Walter ItouKla and Mr anl Mr
(.eorg Ikiuglaa return el Monday
from raatern lrrgon, where they hate
been working during threahlng.
Will iHuiglaa made a trip to Kaia
ra.la on Monday.
Nchool rommence.1 In dltrb I No
r:rrr- d n ffaVn ii i n
while all I ;o in Monday, with Mlaa rMna Ken
lie ly aa leat her. Taelve puplla were
Mr. Heckelt waa out to Ih farm the
flrt.t of ih week making hi wife and
dj.ikl.ter a vlall.
H. T. Olh..n and wife were up Mtn
little. It will lo a afe bet that he
won't have been ehot In the back andj deP Moore
may the pood Lord, who loon oui lor
all hi creature. t kind to lllll." If
the rring remark of R. M. Standlsh.
ner. being a farewell reception to El-
t- a f t a a a
j- . a a a a a a .a a .a
(Special Correnpondence.)
Twenty dairiea were represented at
the annual meeting of the Clackamas
County Cow Testing association held
at the farm of H. Thelssen and tons
one mile ease of Concord station on-,
day last week. An interesting meet-
Automobiles fillc! with men from
Estacada prevented the fire which de
stroyed the home of J. J. Coy In the , Wt WM reported.
Springwater distrkt from spreading xbe Concord schooWbegan It year'
to other property last Friday nignuj work Sept 13. with Miss Pearl liailey
The Olaie waa sianea oy an uiemrai
ed stove and defective flue and burned
he Cov home to the ground. The
house was built recently, and the prop
erty loss la about $1000.
CLACKAMAS. Ore- Sept. 13. Pub
lic school opened here Monday with
an enrollment of 73. D. I". Cochrane
Is principal and Instructor in manual
training. Miss Anna Bactiman lias
change of the Intermediate department
and Mis Gertrude Lee In charge.
Remember the date of Oak Grove
Juvenile fair, Friday, Sept 17. It will
be held in the Oak Grove school house.
from 3 to 10 p. m. There will be two
divisions industrial and open con
tests. Any boy or Rirl In the district
may exhibit The parents or guardian
must certify In writing that the work
was done by exhibitor All entries
must be made Friday mornlnK. be
tween 10 and 12 o'clock. Prizes and
proBram Friday evenlnK.
Open Contest Prizes of money and
I riblions will be given for worthy ex-
This is the '::s:--T.n
Time to put "- '
In That L 1 f' L
Water .j&j&.r
System . -
and Miss Win S. Osborne of the pri
mary department and Instructor In art. hlt)lu of gev,.nBi vegetables, canning
and music. baking, manual arts. etc. Everybody
A school library association ha-' u Invited to exhibit somothlns.
been formed to obtain tne state iravei- Wor(. reached Oak Grove from Hub
Perhaps you are not aware that you can have water
supply conveniences in your home and about your
place as well as the city man. IT IS A FACT
The Mitchell Water System
Affords you every convenience of water under a re
liable and dependable pressure Not so expensive to
install as you may think. Very economical in oper
ation. Easy to operate. LET US SHOW YOU THIS SYSTEM
Ine library and arrange for a needed
addition to the library. Rcnard Moore
waB elected chairman and Vera Flan-
ery secretary, both of the eighth
grade. Miss Osborne, of the primary
department will be librarian.
CLACKAMAS. Ore., Sept 14. A
special meeting of the voters of Clack
amas school district was held Satur
day evening at the schoolhouse, and
a budget carrying $1200 was voted, a
514 mill tax being unanimously voted.
The manual training department was
especially commended as offering
needful training to the children, and
funds were voted for new equipmentl
and materials. It was also voted tojney are expected' home
lay a concrete noor in me uasciueiu
at an expense of nearly $200.
.j- j .? ? J-BARLOW
(Special Correspondence.)
Harold Sage, John Skevington, Her
bert Keebaugh and Agnes Berg, re
turned to high school at Canby Mon
. day morning. Emma Berg, Laura
Pennell, Fred Judy and Sanford Wol-
gtad entered the freshman claBS.
The Juveniles will hold their fair in
the hall Friday, Sept. 17. Everybody
Invited and we hope to see each one
of the children have something on dis
Mr. White had the misfortune to
sprain his ankle last week.
J. M. Erickson attended the postmas
ters' convention In Portland Friday.
Good, ripe tomatoes for sale. Ap
ply to R. E. Irwin, depot Adv.
Miss Pearl Hayes entertained many
of the young people Saturday even
ing with an Ice cream social. Mrs.
nrim and daughter, of Kansas City,
viaited Mr. and Mrs. Jesse laBt
week. Mrs. Bogus is a sister-in-law
of Mrs. Jesse.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jesse returned
to their home In Portland Wednesday
.fiw a month's ' camping on their
ranch, looking after their peach and
prune crops.
Nnna Enual to Chamberlain's.
'1 have tried most all of the coagh
cures and find that there Is none that
equal Chamberlain's Cotign Kemeay.
It has never failed to give me prompt
iief " writes W. V. Harner, Mont-
pelier, Ind. When you haye a cold give
this remedy a trial and see for your
self what a splendid medicine it Is.
Obtainable everywhere. (Adv.)
bard, Friday, Sept. 10, of the death of
Mrs. Salter, wife of Ernest Salter, w ho
served as Janitor of Oak Grove school
last year. The many friends here ex
tend heartfelt sympathy to Mr. Sla
ter, who is left w-ith a two weeks old
infant. Typhoid fever was Immedi
ate cause of death.
The many friends of Mrs. A. fi.
drown near Rupert station, are
pleased to learn that she is convalesc
ing slowly after her illness of two
months' duration.
The Oak Grove school will begin '
Monday, Sept. 20. Manual training
will be Installed this year with S. S.
Chambers of the Milwaukle schools in
charge two days each week. I
W. H. and Mre. Gillespie, of Court-;
after a ten days' visit in Seattle and
Spokane. Mrs. Gillespie has hp-
charge of the girls' industrial club of
Oak Grove and the Oak. Grove juvenile
fair will be under her supervision. I
. . I
We Recommend
For pumping and other
services requiring a
dependable and ever
ready power. More
than 5,000 in use in the
1 H. P. up in Hopper cooled
and vertical styles.
& CO.
Oregon City
Geo. Blatchford
Agents for
Lewis & Stave'r Co.
To the Public.
"I feel that I owe the manufacturers
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy a word of grati
tude," writes Mrs. T. N. Wltherall
Gowanda, N. Y.
this medicine I was in great pain and
feeling terribly sick, due to an at
tack of summer complaint After tak
4 1
4 .
v. a
nr.Ti 1
Opium Morphuv nraJtra
Not N Ait r otic.
ftVia4. f
WW- .
li i i p mawan I
A ivrlrof rVtra-oS- fur Cum
lion . Sour Stmwch. Hlnrtw
FacSaMb Siewwtaf
for Infitnti rj Children.
The Kind You llavo
Always Bought
Boars tho
1 .
m aT SLftB
I In
J- Use
IX. For Over
Thirl y Years
Kkki Copy ol Wrtpp.
- w -w -w r r v w w -w T" T T-
ll.a 11.. I... I 1. 1. 1. .11 ... . .. ..
. .. 11117 i 1.1 m ne.
end (ileal of Mla Mariiaret Tin ker.
i iH'Ing a rlaaamate at the Lincoln IIIkIi
w . In IVrtland.
Mrs, Mai Kurlaiir bua been allxlilly
Imllapnae.l al her Inline during the
IjiiikiIiiii HlNMiil.T bua been allrnd-
(Sl'lal Corr'-Hiiiieuoe 1
Mra Calvin Morae and three rhlldren
arrived on Monday fnun iH.li.h tab!
vln, Jr.. la one of the aet.cn hinlmi.-r1 'he annual alate ride C(itit'at the
at the iH'hiNil llila year. 1 t'lai kamaa rifle range during tlio eek
Altondanre at Ihe a. hool U amnll ' 10 """" , f"' Jackaonvllle.
compared with other yeara Jnat .10 ;' Miirltla. to take part In the t.Miriiaiiienl
l-liig enrulM In I lie primary rimiu I "l"rB ,M",t H,'l",'",l'"r 2l,,n
and It In the higher gradea. Mr. Will Jennliiga has been confined
Mhowera of tarloua klifda have been I I" hla bed during the paat Week,
given for lirlilea elect at thla place,; Mra. I'ltabratul departed on Saturday
but on Tneaday evening a shower waa f"r Mi'Mlnnvllle for a week end vlalt
tendered lo a young man who la about Ml" her ami.
lo enter college, and wua Ihe ix-i aalon 1 At the regular Hireling of the Parent
of a very happy gathering at Ihe home! Teacher rlub held on KrbLv ih ...
I of Hev. II. ,N. Hmlttl and wife, when j koclullnn risoiiimeiid. d that the school
u.er wuriy iri.'ii.ia rane.i ami gave a board have aufety signals placed on
miaccllancoua ahower lu Wendell i the rounty Mad In front of acbmil.
flmllh. who leavea on Thursday for thu Thla should bo attended lo at onco aa
with 31 children in attendance.
Mr. Harry Elligson, who is carrying
When I began taking TIT"; """T 8"tu1ar-H.
"'-a ucwanic DL.ICU at a llUUIl Ul
for relief as it benefited me almost im
mediately." Obtainable everywhere.
lightening, but no damage was done.
Mr. Frank Kaiser went to Oregon
ing a dose of it I had not long to wait! H lZtl IT1" had 8me
George and Johnnie MoBer were at
Zimmerman's Monday,
Some of the young people from here
went to Willamette Saturday night to
the skating 'rink. They reported a
good time and fine skating.
Mr. Anderson and son Johnnie went
to town Monday to get a load of school
Mrs. Geo. Tledeman has our heart
felt sympathy for the loss of her
party for Aunt Ileda Sharp, for Thurs
day, the lth.
Parents are preparing for, and chll
drcn looking forward with Dlensure.
to opening of school next Monday, the
0; 4 it & 4 Q, $
(Special Correspondence.)
Mrs. Flom, who has been quite ill.
is improving. They expect to leave mother, Mrs. Brink, of Stafford.
for the east as soon as she is able. I Miss Augusta Schaffenburg, of Rlv-
Ruth Chindgren began her second erslde, was a visitor at Hodges' Mon
year of high school at Colton Monday, day.
J. M. Larklns, of Oregon City, is Mr. Lloyd Harrison left Wednesday
visiting at his brother's, A. L. Larklns, morning ror Corvallls, where be will
this week. 1 attend the Oregon Apicultural col-
A. L. Larklns and P. O. Chindgren 1ee this winter,
have their silos about completed and Mr- Nells Christensen, Jr., went to
expect to have them filled this week. Oregon City Tuesday.
Hofstetter young people returned to '
Needy Sunday to help finish picking Billouaneaa and Constipation
Hops for Johnson s.
. It Is certainly surprising that anv
Ruth Chindgren and Myrtle Hutch- woman will endure the miserable fepl.
Inson spent Sunday afternoon with El- lnK caused by biliousness and tonsti.
la Schleve. j patlon, when relief is so easily kad
Misses Florence, Georgia and Larch ana" ftt Httle expense. Mrs. Chas
Huff, of Portland, visited at A. L. Lar- Peck, Gates, N. Y., writes: "About a
kins and T. O. Orems a few days last 'ear B used two bottles of Cham-
week. berlain's TableU and they cured me
Clarence Orem Is helping Mr. David- of biliousness and constipation." Ob-
son build a new barn. . . tatnable everywhere. (dv 1
iSjiecial Correspondence)
Menga Kulagla went to Tualatin on
Hunday, where she will attend high
A little baby daughter arrived at
the home or Mr. and Mrs. Doris Young
last Saturday.
The village schpol bell will soon be
gin Its dally invitation to school.
Mr. Stein was a Portland visitor
last Saturday. '
Misses Pearl and Inez Bailey visited
friends near our village Wednesday.
M. C. Young was In the Rose City
last Hautrday.
Harold Say left Saturday for Eugene
where he will attend the University of
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham' and
daughter Helen, and Mrs. Howard, are
enjoying a ten days' outing at Wilhoit
Ruby Baker fell, from her horse,
while riding, on Wednesday, and was
badly bruised as-wel) as receiving a
uiacK eye.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake,. Peters are plan
ning a trip to the exposition at San
day and spont the night with the for
mors father, James Gibson.
A big hnrvest dunce Is to be held I
Cogswell's hull In Eagle Creek on Sat
urday evening, Sept. IS, with dancing
to begin at 9 and lasting until 3 In th
morning. Music will bo furnished by
Meade's four-ploce orchestra of Port
land. The management having tli
evont in charge announces that this
Is the beginning of the winter's dime
Ing season, and that no pains will be
spared to make It one of the most on
Joyablo occasions of the year. A lute
car will leave for Estacada at 12:58
A. M., and for Portland at 1:40 A. M
dred passengers were landed safely.
son's Weekly.
(Special Correspondence.)
Mr. O. E. Full, of Eagle Creek, who
was working in a logging camp near
Black Rock, Oregon, was killed last
week while falling trees, bis back was
broken by a limb that fell. The body
was taken to Portland for Interment
in the Rose City cemetery. Mr. Full
leaves a wife and two small sons at
Eagle Creek. - . .
Echo Glthens and Alta Saver spent
a few days In Vancouver and Portland
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas ar
rived from eastern Oregon Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Wise, of Portland
visited with Mr. and Mn. John Git'
ens, Sunday.
O. A. l at Corvallla. Wendell ami
Hay Morrta are planning on keeping
I batch, and alien their many friend
j learned of their plana many art Idea
nu 11 an very ncrcaaary in Keeping
bonne were taken lo Ihe Smith home
fl.P lll.IM.ft ft,..,,... .. Tl,- .... .. ....
accompanied by appropriate verae to
convey the beat wlnhea of the friends
alio had gathered at Wraixna. Games
and pulling taffy and pleasant conver
aution made the evening paaa too iiilck-
l.v. Preceding the serving of dainty
refreahmenta, each peraon present
w rote a w ish for Wendell, and the beat
of wlshea goes with liliu In hla arhool
work at Corvallla thla year from a host
of Lodge frlemln.
Miss Ember Cumpbell departed on
Monday for Kugnno. w here alio rnaumes
her studies at tho I'nlversltv. Mlns
Campbell will major In llotnny and
Walter Beckner, of Seaside, was a
caller on l.otlge friends on Tuesday.
Itulpli Madison has returned from
Wnrrenton, where ho has spent the last
two mnnthsA
Mr. and Mrs. Cook and family drove
to Portland on Sunday and spent the
day with (1. Brut o and wife.
Miss Molllu ItoHO iiiid Mrs. Jean
Grundy have given up tho cottngo they
had taken for tho summer. MIkh Rose,
will make her homo with her sister,
Mrs. Sandslrom, at Concord, and Mrs,
Grundy will return to Portland.
a district dourd meeting Is to be
hold on Friday evening at the school
house. We have understood these
meetings are open to tho public.
rrlday afernnon Mrs. L. C. Smith
will open her home for the purposo of
organizing a W. C. T. V. at this pluce.
All ladies Interested In tompernnre
work are Invited.
Friday night at 7:30 Is the time of
tho business meeting of the church of
ficials to be held at the Grace Church
to plan work for the coming quarter
and winter. All officers are urged to
be present.
A gas range Is to be Initialled at tho
church during the week. This will be
a great bonoflt to the ladlos in sorvlng
tuoir dinners.
Miss Mot.lor, of Corvallls, has boon
a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. I. Bllndstono,
Mrs. Giilfford, who Is convalescing at
U10 Thomas homo, has been very ill for
the past woek.
A round of pleasures are bolnCT
showored upon Mr. and Mrs. A. A
Hopson by Portland friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Ostrom, who have been llfo
long friends, attending the smart of
fairs planned for the HopBon family,
over the week end. Next week the
Hopsons are to move to Jonnlngs
Lodge, whore they will be especially
welcomed In church and parent-teach
ers circles.
As a cloBlng event of the glad vaca
tion time MrB. Jacobs entertained ten
little misses for her daughter, Miss
Dorothy, on Saturday, last. Dollclous
refreshments were served to the fol
lowing little misses who enjoyed the
music and games: Alice Eve MacFur-
lane, Elizabeth Bruecbert, Edith Cald
well, Margaret Seeley, Vernon LaCure.
Virginia Ostrom, Bessie, Ruby and
Grace Trant,
Miss Elsie Gersnn, recently of Wi
nona, Minn, Mollie 8ummerfield of
the Telegram staff of Portland; Miss
Esther Terlll of Newberg; Mrs. Ewfags
and Miss Luclle Ewlngs of Portland,
have been guests during the week at
the Frank Tucker home.
It la a splendid place fur autoea to
ecd and on several ixiiiKlnria Ihe
Uvea of the little lota liavn been en
dangerous whan leaving tha school
' A local fulr will be held on Wed-ii.-a.lay
night In which all of the arhool
children of the dlatrlct under aUtecn
yeara of age will take part. Me.
dainea It. F. Deter. W. I. Illlnatone and
Frank Klaher will aaalnt the teai-hera,
Mra. Altman and Mra. Hnnahall In
arranging the exhibit The priie
winning articles will be sent to the
county fair at Canby. While the Judge
are placing the red and blue ribbon
on the beat of the exhibits the enter
tiilmuent committee or the aaawla
Hon will aerve light refreahmenta and
an Informal "get logether meeting" to
welcome our teachers bark will tako
pluce. It Is hopid that every nutron
of the district will bo present and en
courage the children In thl work.
The Pnrent-Teacluira buve taken 'To
gether for their motto and at the
next regular meeting In October a dis
cussion on "What can we do for our
school this year In Iho Pnreiit Teaclier
association," will bo held,
Wm. Jncobs mid Roy Kelley depart,
ed on Friday for a deer hunt In the
foothills of the coast range, they will
probably return on Monday.
1 no rnniiiy of Albert Pierce will re
move to Portland during the woek. Mr.
Morarlty, editor of tho Portland Dally
News and family will ,M;cupy tho
Pierce homo. jy pu,dck ,,,, ,.
ters muklng their houu In 0 of (10
Plorco cotlago on tho Willamette.
Mrs. Harry Emmons, f Alaska has
boon a houso guest of tho II. Km- '
innnB family.
Mr. Davidson, of Meldruni, has pur
ohasnd a new Studebaker cur and his -wlfo-
accompanied Mm . .....
th-n.,.,1. ......... " "'1'
, lomlm country on Wed
nesday last.
vi.", .K8t,",r- Morrn'n'. who has
visited her parents, II. U Honlhnian.
has gone to Snlem.
A. A. Hudson ami wlr ni n....i.. .
: " "-avlng
I'x'i'uriy on Hull
""miime ngo and will
"" ""n has rocontly
purchased 20 acres near Damascus
as Z' fr'!1' "r ,,00,, minted
asslHtant teacher In the chemistry at
Rood college He Is tho oldest son
of Rev. and Mrs. H, K. Smith who re"
Me at Boardnmn station.
nhools and a former - 'b J
Frank Turner, of n I"?"'
f w day. at Jenn ng. Udge ,,e
KonHt of Carey Deter. ' UlB
Now York
fresh proofs that v. v L" A.mon
lack in "'"rs ao not
romodol the
nm I. a i . .
Many Compla Heard.
, Th ""' Menu to have nro
djiced an unusual amount of .icknels
hack. r0heUPma,f,I f f.h--t
h!r- ,hrmat,,"n. biliousness and of
being "always tired." Ache oi
d .... caused by th9
to do their work and throw the po on
ly to Foley Kidney Pin,. They heln
roT fiSft f,,ve T nd
tonic in action. Jones Drug Co. '
ConsUnce. The crews were saved. tmue nnng acruna u..