OHW.OX PITY KXTKKI'KISi:. KIM HAY. SKITKMHKK 10, lul.V IPLOT TO TIE UP Ei ADMIRAL WINBLOW NOW COMMANDS PACIFIC FLEET -ANCIL Of BLIND" HELPS SIGHTLESS MARTIAL LAW IS COLUMBUS. SHIP CANT MAKE THE VOYAGE TO BAN FRANCISCO FAIR BUILDER OE BIG CANAL IS GUEST WAR VICTIM PERIL AS RESULT III PLANT .S. OF MARMATON RIVER FORCES PEO PLE INTO TRf Ct ANO HOUSE TOPI FOR PROTECTION. AUSTRIAN AMBASSADOR DOES FOR HON INFLUENCES BILIIVID GENERAL OOETHALB' DAY It CELEBRATED AT BAN FRAN CISCO EXPOSITION. NOT DENY PLANNINQ STRIKE OF HIS COUNTRYMEN. TO BE TRYINO TO BLOCK PIANS OF WASHINGTON. TELEPHONE OPERATOR A?iO 4 COOTNCE WITH SECRETARY ttJWCE IS CI ACCORD WITfl WORK IS DECLARED TO HAVE TAKEN All Of fOUR CEMURIES CABMEN SHAKE HERO ROLES POLO Of 0. S. IN REPUBLIC PR DS ARE N J DECLAllEDBKU - - -. i I ) 4. H 6a r s a J J h ' -J ; IS LAlDTODuMBA IN ITAlTf AN PORTS 0F11ATEAIIT t -l 1 w W Ah J 1$ Sis Inch Rain Over Wattrthid Nar Fart Scott Cauata Rlr to Ltav Ita Banka and Destroy Many Abandoned Horn. KOItT Ft OTT. Kan.. Sept. 7. Water from the Marinaion riwr, ablch row 20 fret In (r boura early today, flooding wholesale and residence sec tlona of Tort Scott and imperiling the lives of hundred of persons, t- ceding tonight and fear of Iom of life and further property damage bad Md. Although wore of person were rescued from tree and boiitnr, an many smaller inicture were wer,i ay by the flood, no on wa killed a far aa la knomn. The property dam are U estimated at loo.ooo. An unnamed telephone oiM'rator a I'nlonioan. 14 miles aar. and four cab drivers employed by George A. Konantt. an undertaker, abarc with Konanti the hero role, I'nlontown et- perlrnced a all Inch rain laat night. Tha Vnlontown operator, rcHzfng the Impending danger to North fort Scott the residence section here, telephoned to Konantt. The undertaker quickly aroused the four cab driver in bia employ. Horses ere harnessed and In a few niinutea ere driving to the Imperiled section. The Marmaton river divides North Fort Scott from the main aectlon of the city Once Into the realdenre aectlon, the cab men beiran to shout "Get out. the flood' coming." tliey cried aa they drove through the streets. Twenty-five hundred person reside In the diatrirt Fifteen hundred. It la estimated, heeded the midnight warn ing from the cabmen, left their home and sought aafety scrota the river In Port Scott. Everyone wat warned, and thoae who remained took refuge in aecond-etory room. Before morning the watera of the liver, mounting from the all-Inch rain that prevailed over the entire watershed, had awept into North Fort Scott and desroyed many of the abandoned homes. IMMtRtl WIN f LP iTesldrnt Wilson ha dralKttated Rear Admiral Cameron Mrltae Win low aa the new commander in chief of the Pacific fleet. lih (he rank of admiral. lie lll relieve Admiral Thoma It. lloard. ho wilt le aa algned to duty aa president of the nav al etamlnlng board at Washington. Admiral Window as tiom in the Hlstrtrt of Columbia and appointed to the naval academy In 1ST0. He haa ahown conplcuou ability In every duty he baa been assigned and la re garded a one of the most capable av. efficient officer of the navy. He commanded division of the At lantlc fleet for two year under Rear Admiral Ostcrhous and Badger and at the time of the Mexican toruble at Vera Cnu was assignod to command a special cruiser squadron and dis patched to Mexican water. He remained on thia service until September. 1914. when he waa assigned to duty at the naval war college. LANSLNC TO EE HELD TODAY Charge Made by Pras'dsnt Comptrt of American Fadsration of Labor Efforts For Strike A ro Be ing Mad Constantly. DMA SITUATION !S STILL UNSETTLED ADMINISTRATION DOES NOT AC CEPT AMBASSADOR'S EXPLA NATION AS FINAL. SALEM. Ore, Sept ".The drier on Hie Lone Maple fruit farm six miles south of this city will be heated today for the first time beginning the evap oration of the crop of the farm, which contains 120 acres. The crop is esti mated at fifty to one hundred tons and the drier will run twenty-five to thirty days. A force of twenty-four people aa rut on at the farm yesterday to pick the prunes and fill the drier. Among the other lrge orchards be ginning to dry prunes are the Wm. .Mo Gilchrist place which begins today, the HosBier plare controlled by Mrs. Rose W. TlBbcock and C. 0. Constable which will dry prunes for four orchards and the state hospital which has a new drier with a capacity of 100 bushels a lay. A. T. Wain on the Jefferson road is building a large new drier. Frank Ferguson began drying about a week ago and will soon complete his crop. BANKERS OF ALLIES ARE ON WAY TO 0. S. 6ECRET OF ARRIVAL OF FINAN CIERS FROM LONDON AND PARIS IS WELL KEPT. WASHINGTON. Sept. S. What dis position the administration will make of Austrian Ambassador Dumba was undetermined early today. His expla nation concerning his admitted plan to call out Austrian workers In American munition factories and bia subsequent enon to forward details thereof to Austria, through American Correspond ent Archibald, does not close the Incident The administration did not accept as settling the situation finally his de fense that he waa acting as an emis sary of his government under Is de cree that Austrian subjects in foreign lands must not work on war supplies ror the allies. President Wilson Is reported to be awaiting further information before de ciding whether Dumba Is diplomatical ly personna non grata. His conference this forenoon wlt'i Secretary Lansing was regarded as di rectly bearing on the Dumba case, and he undoubtedly received full details of the Dumba conference at that time. The official change of front In the case is deemed significant. Previous to the envoy's meeting with Lansing late yesterday, officials strongly Inti mated that there wpuld be no action against Dumba. The White House and state depart ment sentiment, however, apparently veered sharply to a more unfavorable poslton toward him following the ses sion. WASHINGTON, dept. Ambasaa iUT fonslanlln Ihimha of Austria to day wired Secretary of State lapsing asking for a conference tomorrow. Ilia request aa granted. If there were ordinary time there. mould be an excellent thane- for the state uvpe.rtrr.rnt to ask Austria that the ambassador be recalled, officials aald confidentially todav. Ambassador Dumba does not deny that he planned calling out Austrian and Hungarian employed In American teel and munition plint. From his aummer home at Lenox, Mass., the ambassador admitted James K. Archibald, an American correspond ent arrested In I-ondon, carried dla patch to the Austrian government out lining plan to tie up munition plants by railing a strike of cltltena of the dual monarchy employed there. Despite this, however, the adminis tration Is admittedly so unwilling to take any action that would Rive bel llgerents an Impression of the slightest unneutral American leaning that the atate department la believed to be sure to accept even a semiofficial explana tion from Dumbs. On the actual merits of the rase, however, authorities on question of diplomatic uaage today said Dumba' view that he waa within bis right would almost certainly have made him persona non graU In Washington. It is understood that his activities furnished the basis for the charge of President Gompers of the American Federation of Labor that efforts were being made to bring about atrikes In alt munition plants. Ambassador von Rernslorff of Ger many Is not embarrassingly involved by thi disclosure following the arrest of Archibald in London. MISS W til FRED hOLT "Going to France lo Veep blind nien from going mad." Ku, h is the mllun on which Mlsa Winifred Holt, chief llghl keeper" of the New York, Awl elation Fur the Mind, has gone 10 Ku rope. It baa Wn remrt-d that l.ino men have bern bllmM br the war. and many hundreds .more are unreported BY BIG DEDICATION FIFTEEN HUNDRED AUTOMOBILES MAKE TRIPCOLUMBIA HIGH WAY IS IN8PECTEO. Stala Department I BHn t Is Crisis Which Is Said t Hav Bn Preclaiuwa r Unsatd Wark ef Agitator. STATE FINANCE SUBJECT OF OKLAHOMA GOVERNOR AT EXECUTIVES' MEETING ER SUNK BY TORPEDO NEW YORK, Sept. 8 The six Eng lish and French financiers on their way to this city to borrow a huge sum of money, popularly estimated at half a billion dollars or more, with which to pay for ammunition supplies for the allied armies and other imports from this country, were believed to be with in a few hours' sail of New ork har bor at 10 o'clock tonight. The date of their sailing from Eng land and the name of the ship they took have been withheld by the Hritinh censor, hence the time of their arrival will not be definitely known until the vessel bringing them is met off quar antine by the customs and health offi cers. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 3 The William T, Lewis, a lumber schooner Deiongtng to Hind, Rolph k Co. of San Francisco, was fired on and tire- Biimably sunk today by a German sub marine off Queenstown, Ireland. The Bhlp was loaded with 2,000,000 feet of lumber from Everett, Wash. Dispatches to the San Francisco ma nne exchange told the story. They saio. Lapt. Manning of the William T, i-ewis and bis crew of 30 men were rescued by the Danish motor ship Aus tralia. ITALIANS CAPTURE PRISONERS GENEVA, Sept 8. Telegraphing from the front the correspondent of the Tribune today wired his paper as follows: "The Italians have driven back the SHARPENING A PENCIL Ths Way a Child Does It Is an Index to Ita Character. It Is very often the little things that children do which give the best indi cation of wlnit their future characters will be. Schoolteachers, for Instance, have a first rate opportunity for watch ing the different trails In the children who come before them. i their work and In their play the e'y.-t of man or wouiau the child wlli become 1b dally unfolded. In such u smull matter evcii as the sharpciiliiff of a jjencll valuable bliitM may be obtained by any one in the least observant. Here it may easi ly lie discovered whether a boy or girl is careful, destructive, wasteful or eco nomical. Tlie boy, for instance, who sharpens his pencil Into a stub Is Inclined to be economical, careful ami quick In after life. The boy or girl who takes an Inordinately long time to make a slen der jKjint. cutting very precisely and rcguiany ail the time will usually Austrians from Plezzo to Savoreck. They also have advanced from Marno- prove ,)t UQ artU , d d a -i .nr..iK(ir man I . . ' apposition. The child who. regardless c4 JiU IH1RTI.AM). OreM Sept. .-The i lumbla river high ay I Inspected. Ilenson park la dedicated, fifteen thousand people, coming from all parts or two atatra. In automobiles and by trains mohtllred between Hensoa park ana Horsetail falls this morning am thia afternoon and took part In perla Inspection day eserrlea. m marhlnea were so thick they were parked solidly hMeen IW-uson park And the falls. It is estimated 15oO automobiles stood lined on both sldea of the highway between the two places. Some of the train bringing people to the celebration were late. Thia ne cessitated poatponement of the ex ercises until Z oclork. The weather waa perfect. Henry Dodge Eatabrook, a promi nent New York lawyer, waa the prln clpal speaker at the dedication. After pointing out that September was not only the date on which Port land celebrated the acquisition of her new park and the duy dedicated to labor, but the day which the American people celebrate aa the anniversary of the birth of I Fayette. AWIIMiTOY, Hepl. i-Torrl.n inriuenrea In Haiti working lo him k plana of lh I'nlled Htatea lo pacify the republic and rehabilitate Ita fl nancre under American supervision. hav mad It BM-enaary to drrlar mar lial law la Port au Prince, h capital. nil practically all but to of lha conn try a open porta. Pur rvaauna of International IkiIU the slat department will not disclose ny of the ItifnraiBtloa It baa melted bearing on the aub)erl. There kav recently been persistent reports of the """i iwreign aaeoia. and so marked baa been tha effect of their ac tlvim-a upon menibera of lha llalllen congress and government thai lb According lo rprt tio eiaiulned the hull, the raravrl Hanla Maria, ropy of lha ship lili h carried t'olunibus on his toyage of illM-overy In I'M. now llng at New York. Is so weak In her llmbera that she will not lie able In make lha vuyage In the Panama Pacific et position at Han rranclwo aa plan ned. The raravrl left Chiraao In the fall of 1913 In company Hh her ller hips, the Nina and the I'lnta. to go through the great lake and the Hi. t.a fence lo the Atlantic and then by Ilia Panama ranal to th Pacific ocean atopping for few days on the way al the principal cltlea. They got raimht In the Ice In the winter, and the Pint atate department found It necessary tol "' ,n N'" ''r aeverely damaged hurry Ita policy of educating the " 'hT were sent back last summer pbj of Haiti to an appreciation of the ta lh,,,r wlK'nal anchorage In the Jack PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 7. John HoIIaender. aged 23 years, one of the two brothers Injured early Sunday morning on the Sandy road east of Portland, when their motorcycle col lided with one ridden by County Motor cycle Officer Eugene White, died at 11:30 this morning st the county hos pital. Death resulted from the shock of the loss of blood and a fractured skull. His brother, George Hollaendor, Is In a crltcal condition at the snme hos pital, suffering from almost Identically the Injuries that cause John's death. Officer White, chasing n speeder. was riding without lights. Passing one motorcycle ahead of the one on which the Hollaenders wore riding, the dust prevented his seeing the other machine, and he swung back on the road to collide with their motorcycle. White wbs not badly Injured and was able to leave the hospital early yester day. benefits of American financial control itn its protection against lnUt roreign creditor. Prance has not only rfralnei opiroatng the development of the Amer ican policy, but Ambassador Jusserand yesterday assured th state department of French approval of any plana hlch wolud result In the establishment of a atable and responsible government In I Haiti. son park lagoon In Chicago. The three vesels were presented to the Pnlled Rtatea by the Rpanlsh government In sS after the clime of th Chicago fair. POWER COMPANY Not Mn of Army r Civilian, but Ley ally and Spirit of Caua Aecom. Ilhd Grat Tats, Dclrt Bpakr of th Day. NO ACTION TAKEN IN 0. & C. ASSESSMENTS ?r TAX COMMISSION OIICUIIII TAXES ON RAILROAD GRANT LANDS WITH GOVERNOR. SAI.K.M. Ore.. SepL . At meeting attended by Governor Withy combe, Mate ireasurvr Kay. Secretary of Slate Olcott and Commlaaolner Gallo- on ,0' canceled, and had received way, the atate tag coiumlslaon today th llk "10,"ll of preferred at the PORTLAND, Ote, Sept. 3 Comple- llon of th refinancing plan of (he Portland Railway IJght A Power rout- pany. ubereby l.2io.000 of new capital oblaned by the wlthdraal of com mon stock and the Issue of preferred! In It plare. la marked by a certificate Issued yesterday by Corporation Com missioner Schnlderman authoring the reduction of rapitallutlon from f iri.ooo.ooa to liti.ooo.ooo. A. T. Hoggins, treasurer of the coin- pany, staled Unlay that all Ihe holder of common atork prior lo the cancella tion of some of the common, had per fected their payment of $25 per ahar HAN HIANCIHCO. Hepl. T-!oethal day Jn honor of Ihe "builder of Ihe Pan ama canal aa celebrated today al (he Panama Pacific r-tpoaltion, lha guest of honor and principal speaker being MajoMieneral Goethals. In the Court if lha Vnlverse, In lit presence of city, slat and federal rep resentative of the eiposlllon, General (loethuls addressed an assemblage that more than filled Ihe court, reviewing the history of Ihe ranal, which he aald had been four centuries In Ihe making. Introducing General Goethals, Pr evi dent Moore said thai owing lo Ihe un usual modi-sly of the man being hon ored II had required more than a year for Ihe eiposlllon officials lo arratigs Coellmla day and finally persuade the general lo attend the eierrlsca Iteglnnlng bis vildn-ss, General Goe- thall la'd he nrreled that all who .rtlc!pnted In the i construction of the ranal could no! N present. 'Though I waa fortunate enough lo tie at the ead of the organisation at the time when Ihe dream of centuries became a reality." he said, "we mint not lone sight of He fail that success crowned Ihe efforts r.ol cf one. but of many men and thes.', ion, of many nationalities." He made a rhorl talk In the enlisted service, laylrin In conclusion: "It wasn't the army that bniil the ranal, nor wa It the civilian It a the loyalty and Ihe spirit of the cause." GREATEST AERIAL IS E YOUNG HARRIMAN TO MARRY LENOX, Mass., Sept. 7. William Avelll Harrlman, son of the late rail road wizard, today took out a license to marry Miss Kitty Lanier Iwrence, grand-daughter of Charles Lanier, prominent New York banker. No date for the wedding has been announced. Harriman's axe was given as 25 and that of Miss Lawrence as 20. decided to take no action In regard lo Hie assessment of Oregon and Cali fornia railroad grant landa. Commissioner Galloway brought the matter up at Ihe meeting, aaylng that assessors of the various counties In which the lands are located are punted "l""llng and wanted to know what should be done. The big question waa whether the lands should be assessed at their value, na In 1913 and 1914, or at f2.R0 that being the price at which the lands are to be sold, aa some people construe the I'nlled States supreme court's de cision. The lands were assessed at $21,225.- 4:15 In 19H and the trues for that year amounted to $.H7,000 and $159,733 In 1913. All the counties but Douglas assessed the lands In 19H. Tho ra road company has paid none ot the taxes for tho two years. Commlsloner Galloway said he had taken the matter up with Attorney Gen eral lirown, but tfie latter was not ready to give a written opinion. Coun ty board of equalization will meot next Monday and the assessors are anxious to have their rolls ready before that time. Treasurer Kay said there was a question whether, following the court's declsioa, the lands could bo SHscssed for more than $2.50 per acre. He doubted If land which the court said could not be sold for more than $2.5(1 per acre could be assessed for a great er amount. premium slated, "The commissioner's rerllfleste la the final step." said Mr. HugKlns. 'The negotiations for the new money were practically completed June 30. but aliout $200,000 of stock was still out This was taken up by a syn dicate, however, which allowed the program to go forward until all the atock to be retired should have been sent In." COOL THIEF TAKES GEMS FROM STORE GOVERNOR WlLL'M BIG FIRE AT 8AN JOSE While a large part of the program of the governors' conference In Iloston was allotted to the Important and time ly subject of national defense, other weighty matters were not neglected In making up the list. To Governor Rob ert L. Williams of Oklahoma was as signed the subject, "The Functions of the Executive Department With Rela- flames. Hon to the Budget." SAN JOSE, Cal., Sept. 2. One of the biggest fires seen here In years was raging at San Jose this afternoon. The A. 8, Averill machinery works, the storage and hay warehouses of J. John son and a half dozen residences about the Market street station were In TAKEN BY GERMAN ARMY OAKLAND, Sept. T. nrty yenrs In San Quentln prison was the sentence imposed today upon Albert S. Jones, a negro, who last July assaulted Miss Ethel Heitmun. The assault took place at night in a vacant lot. vo to Caporetto, capturing 700 men. Our forces also are making rapid prog ress In the Sugana valley, taking 200 prisoners." 8TEAM8HIP3 IN COLLISION 8TOMNGTON, Maine, Sept 8. The passenger steamers Pemaquld and J. T. Morse collided here today. The Morse was beached, but the Pemsquld was only slightly damaged. A fog was re sponsible for the collision. Two hun dred passengers were landed safely. Of the look of the pencil, gouges oat great pieces In order to get to the lead will show impulsiveness and generos ity. Mere destructiveness, however, b comes apparent when a child take s delight In sticking his knife In bis pen cil snd splitting It or destroying It in some other way. Psrents. watch your children when sharpening their pencils, and correct and advise them accordingly. Pear son's Weekly. BERLIN, Sept 8. (By wireless to Sayville.) The German general staff today announced the capture of Wol- kowysk, 45 miles southeast of Grodno. Twenty-eight hundred Russians were' captured at Wolkowysk, according to the official statement The Russians were overtaken and forced to fight. A force of Russlns also has been defeated at Izabenlin, southeast of Wol kowysk. FIRE IN 8AN JOSE, CAL. GERMANS SINK 3 TRAWLERS . SAN JOSE, Cal., Sept 8. Fire from an unknown cause today destroyed th Pacific Shingle mill and box factory on rark avenue and threatened blly's wood and feed yard adjoining as well as block of other buildings along the railroad tracks. The latter places were most small cottages and storage shacks. The loss Is placed at $30,000. ARMY GIVEN MORE POWER LONDON, 8ept 8. German subma rines today cannonaded and sunk the Britsh trawlers Manuel. Vlctorimia ont i rmn-. i . u , i. - , -' - " wvriu n - IlKIJ MKUUIU w c "cu. imue nnng across the Rio urance. HROWN8VTLLE. Texas. Sept 8. Orders tantamount to martial law, were Issued today giving army offlers the command over civilians and Texas IN CITY OF GALVESTON GALVESTON, Texas., Sept. 3. Ty phold is prevalent In Galveston as a result of unsanitary conditions brought about by the cutting off of the water supply during the recant hurricane. Except for drinking purposes, no water Is to be hud. Quantities of typhoid vaccine are be ing shipped In. All federal employes already have been vaccinated and the government Is urging citizens to follow In their wake, the Inoculation being done free. DEPOSITORS LOSE $7550 SALEM, Ore., Sept. 2. Reports from Oregon banke show a total of $7550 In their value which will be escheated to the state because not called for by de positors during the last seven years. The reports were received by' Secre tary of State Olcott, who, In accord ance with the law, turned the list over to Attorney General Brown to arrange for the proceedings by which the funds will be turned over to the state treas ury. PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 3. Learn ing the description of a diamond brooch and two diamond rlnga valued at neurly $H00 found In Coffman's can dy shop, 1112 llrnndway after they had been lost by Mrs. Mae Lewis, 555 East Yamhill street, a mysterious slrnnger walked Into the store, gave a pluiiKlhle explanation and secured the diumonds. At least this Is tho story which de tectives have been Investigating for two weeks, but with which they have mndo very little progress. The entire caso Is mysterious and the police and others concerned have made every at tempt to suppress the fuels concerning Ihe disappearance of the dinmonds and Jewelry. Mrs. tawis was In the candy shop with a party of friends two weeks ago, making a purchase of sweets, when she dropped her handling containing the Jewels. 8he had owned them for years and prized them very highly. HEAD OF SOLDIERS' HONE IS REMOVED I)NIK)N. Sept. 7. The greatest aerial bombardment of Ihe war, accord ing to 8 wins dispatches today, wa that of lha allied airmen yesterday against Hsarbniecken, Germany. In the Kronen communique yesterday It wa said this expedition wa a reprisal for a German bombardment of l.iinovllle. an unforti fied Krenrh town. According to Information from Snar bruiH'ken, which lias rruched Basic, Switzerland, the allies' avlntor. 10 In number, attacked Saarbruerken ami threw more than too bombs. They amashed email arms factories, lorn up railroads, mil way stnllons and sheds, and utterly ruined the barracks and oth er inllllury buildings of the German town. Many of the men in the bar rack were killed or wounded, it was reported. The aviator from Ihe Krenrh and British lines swooped down low over the town and picked their vlcltlnn deliberately, there being no high anglu guns with which to drive them off. Every one of the to aeroplanes on tho operation withdrew without Injury. SALEM, Ore., Sept. 3. Command ant Elder of the Soldier' Homo, at Roseburg, was removed from office this afternoon by the votes of Govern or Wlthycombe and State Treasurer Kay, and Robert G. Markee, of Port land, a Grand Army man, was elected as his successor. Socretary of State Olcott voted against the resolution, asserting that Elder had niacin good and that he saw no reason for the change. Wlthycombe charged that there had been constant turmoil under Elder, and that for the good of the service ha be lieved a change necessary. LLC. IS SALEM, Ore., Sept. 7. Governor Wlthycombo today paroled E. E. C. Von Klein, sentenced from Miiltnoinuh county Juno 17. 19H, for polygamy. Ills sentence was from ono to four years, and, having servod his minimum sentence, he was eligible to parole. He will work for a company In Minne apolis, his former homo, ,lt being the rule of the present administration not to pardon or parole prisoners until they are asMired of employment. The parole was recomnimlcd by tho parolo board. Von Kloln has been a model primmer. BANK STOCKHOLDERS SUED DIE8 IN BOILING BEANS. 8ACAMENTO, Cal., Sept. 6. Little Joe Deaus, the 20 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. August Deaus, died to day as a result of hums sustained when the baby fell into a pot of boil ing beans on a campfire at the Gibbons hop ranch near Perkins yesterday. The two babies of Deaus were playing about the fire when one pushed the other and he fell Into the boiling water. CHARGED WITH EMBEZZLEMENT. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Sopt. . O. n. Lull, former state forester, was arrest ed here Sunday afternoon on a war rant charging petit embezzlement. Lull Is aleged to have embezzcld $20.65 from the Strong Farr company. Insurance agents of San Francisco. He was re leased on $100 ball and say his ar rest Is a mistake. SALEM, Ore., Sept 78. G. Siirunnt. state superintendent of banks,, bus In stituted suit against eastern stockhold ers In tho Yonralla Sluto bank, which was closed by the state bunklnir de. partment last February. Superintend ent Snrgont returned lo Salem Satur day night after conferring with the prosecuting attorney of Domrlns cnun. ty at Roseburg, who is to represent the state. - By a law passed at the last legisla ture stockholders In fulling bnnks are held llablo for double the amount of their holdings If the assets of tlio bunk ing institution are not sufflelont to pay the depositors In full. Refusal of tho eastern stockholders, who are said to hold 01 per cent of the stock, to com ply with this law, furnlrfhes ground for the suits. FRANK PROBE FAILS MAKIETTA, Ga., Sept. 3. After two days' examination of witnesses the Cobb county grand Jury Investigating the lynching of Leo M. Frank by a mob, reported that It had not found sufficient evidence to Indict anybody for the crime. QUINARY HOPPICKER3 STRIKE yUINABY, Ore., Sept. 3.-Aftcr picking hops In a drenching rain Wed nesday morning at the William P. Mas sey yards the pickers say that one pound was deducted from the 80-pound measure, the manager stating tho rain weighed that much. The plnkers, 100 in number, already dissatisfied with the rate of payment, which Is 70 cents per hundred, Inaugu! rated a strike and left the yards. No hops were picked Wednesday afternoon or Thursday, but the strlk. ers have been ordered from the shacks, to make room for a new crew from Portland.