Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 03, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    T7 rrr.T it rrnrr r;xr r. 1 rnt rr. r,rr kik.i i. :s rTTTTT?. n ; ivi; .;. unr
Kantr Accapts P undamenlal Prlncl
plat ef Bukmerfn Warfare D
elrtd Not Prtparad Pfler 10
inking ( he Areola.
WAHMIMiT'lN, Hil. I.rllranlr
rrUllnni U-ianen I ha l"iilld Mlalr
nit Germany utit auhiiiarln fWr
apparently paaaed lull hlalofy loda
after Count tun Beriiaiorff. Ili (ir
man ainhaaaidur. Informed Hretr
Ijitialiif In mini Dm I prior to In
sinking of Ilia Arable hi Konnm.-ii
hail il bled thai II iilmiarliira ako'ild
alnk no mora llnera without warning
Hrcrelary laming said In forma
talriiM-nl that Ilia letter "appeara to
Im a recognition of Ilia fundamental
principle for which liava ron!n
rd." Ha Immediately aeiit lha ruin
inniilriillon lo lha Wlilla llouae am!
illacuaaed II In ! rheerful Vein.
Every her In adlmlatrallon rlnira
there aa a vialhl releialliin of lb
telialnn hlh hul etlalrd ever lllii'
Ilia l.mllanla ttardr, though leasa-ned
liv (ha aarllrr aaaiiraiirrs of ('mini vim
llrrnatorff and advkee from Amnaaaa
ilur (ierard a In th tlltuila of of 1 1
ralla In Itrrlln.
Tha next atep, II la aalil aulhoilta
lively. Im a fnrmal communication
from tha German government dlaavnw
Ink lha dratrurllnn of lha Arabic and
tendering regret and reparation for
American Uvea loat In Ilia diaaater If
lha altark was niada by a German nib
Even If lha aiilmiarliMi tilth tor
pedoed lha liner suhawiuently waa
link by a llrltlah man of war. at lua
lwn auggeatrl both from Berlin and
Irfindon, lha Berlin foreign offlre la
expected to eend Hi disavowal aa aoon
aa a rraaouahlb lima haa aaal with
out ri-cort from Ita commander.
Once tha alluallon gruwlng'oul of
tha AraMr Incident haa lieen disposed
of. tha response lo tha longunan
aworad American nola on tha Lualtanla
will lia dlapatched. and If Germany'e
rxplanatlona and propoeale In Ihla rase
are accepted bjr lha I'nlted State
iHith nfflrlala and diplomats here ex
peel lha way lo ha cleared for a mm
plete tindrratanillnif between lha two
governments on tha subject of freedom
of lha iraa.
In (Inrnian circles It la finely ad-
milled that In Itrrlln a upj prevalla
that aut'b an understanding would ha
followed by lnnlalnt action lit' tha
I'nlted Statca to atop inlorfcriTrt-a
with nrnlral roinmarc by Orrat llrlt-
In and her alllri whlrh pravrnt (!ir
many frrm ImiNirtlng food uppll wn for
hrr civil population.
That ha once lilt her on the kneo la
oiio of the allegation! matlo by Mra.
Mary Kline In her divorce mil, fllod
In the circuit court Wedneadity unalnt
(ieorgo K. Kline. They were married
In Hpnkano. July :i0, 1900, hut have
Hpent a lurgn part of their niitrrlcil
llfu In Clackamaa county.
Shu la a Catholic nnd aaya in her
complaint Hint bo fore her mnrrlgiio her
IiuhIiaihI promlHud to Join hur church
Since their wedding, however, nhi
tduitna ho hm retimed to take any In-
(ereat In the work of her church, oh
Jecied imaliiHt their cliildreii Joliilug
the. Catholic church and declared that
ho would not nllow "any prloat lo talk
over our children." 8hc hIho elulma
thai ho once pulled her out ot bed
when ohe waa aerlotmly 111 with Rlieii-
Kline owns prtiporty In Portland, val
ued, Bhn Bays, at $5000 and a farm near
New Era worth $12,000. She ask! for
$r00 permanent alimony, $20 a month
for the aupport of their children, and
$270 atlornoy'! feca and suit money,
Stone and Moulton are her attorney!.
Hoad euporvlaora wSre out In force
Wedueaday and evory part of the
county waa reproaentetl In the crowd
at the court houee. Among those who
were In the county aont were: Guy
T. Hunt, Garfield; W. W. Long, Hub
bard; Alex linker, Kaulo Creek; J. J.
Hatton, OrcRon City route No. 2; Ed
ward Olda, Onk Grove; A. L. Heacock,
Ilorlng; Matt Bcrlbner, Oregon City,
rout No. i; John C. Miller, Rarton;
W. 8. Gorbett, Colton ; U Mattoon, Ca
nemah; Fred Llna, George: T. A. Roots,
Clackamas; E, P, Pope, Parkpluce; G.
A. Schubel, Iieaver Creek; It Schu
liel, Elorado; R. W. Zimmerman, New
Era; Frank Millard, EBtacada; Wil
liam Kalaer, Went Unn, and D.f L. Erd
man, Ilorlng.
Marshfield Going and Harvey Fur
niture company will erect a fine build
ing on Broadway.
Worn lha Kalai ada I'rogrraa printed
alory laal arrk. hradrd "Kd Olda
!ol II," lha raal Clarkamaa iaM-r v
driitly atartrd aomr(hln Tba I'rox
rra' alory ronorrnrd aaanrtlona of ' an
ardrnl aiitolat and mrmtxT of lha
South Kork roninilaaoln" lo tha rffiii
that lha II7 ulomolille llcrnaa
Luionry 'finally waul aatray.and that
our old rrlrnd. Kd ('Ida, of Oak drove,
had I t of lha money put Into road
inaihlnary for hla dlalrlrl with lha
alanr In oil for hla dlalrlrl." Thr
rtirra further oliarrvea thai "while
lha money ahnuld have been divided
inonK other dlatrlrta. wa ara clad to
now that It waa uaed for aomethlng
mora aiiliatantlal than laying lha duat"
Tha atory waa railed to lha atten-
Ion of County Judge Anderaon who
Wedueaday laaued lha following atate
menl, clearing up the dlaimaltlon of the
Having been requeated to give thr
roat of road oiling done thla year. I
would make tha following atatemetit:
Two cara of crude oil were uaed. one
being dlatrllmted from Oak Grove, and
one from (iladatone.
wo rara of nil. 20:2 galloni. .$.161.77
(Velght on two ran 60.40
Deimirrane 1.00
IlMir. unloading and apdeagltig 102.10
Total $522.27
There waa an additional expenae of
tH.f0, which waa Incurred on account
of the machine having been aent from
the ahopa In bad condition. Thla ex
penae, or moat of It will be made good
by the machinery company.
Out of the total coat Gladxtone
paya for oil and work $134.00
Rlchardaon. for Oatficld road.. 42.20
Total $176.20
Total coat to tho , county
($ri22.27 $17,20) .....$346.07
Aa to the clipping handed mo from
the Katucada ProgreaN, I beg to say
that there waa no appropraltlon of
$1600 or any other definite amount
made for road oiling. Tho auto license
waa received from tho aecretnry of
state, January 14, 1915. amount being
$1647.82. This amount was at once
turned Into the general road fund of
tho county by County Treasurer Dunn,
according to tho requirements of the
state law. It has been used as other
money hi the general fund Is use for
road and bridge purposes.
As to the money having gone as
tray or having bn given to Ed Olds
for machinery, that la pure fabrication,
Mr. Olds having no now machinery tliBt
I recall except a road grader purchased
Jointly between his dlstrlot and Hist.
If tho road oilliiR machine Is referred
to, that Is the property of the whole
county,' and Is an equipment for heat
ing and spreading asplmltum,
In ordor to get tha "oily mesB" of
nrudo pournalisin entirely surrounded
I might summnrlr.e by saying:
Road oiling cost the county $346.07,
Oil was spread on two roads on the
east side of tho Willamette river. No
oil was used on the west side, although
some should have been, to protect the
Bitrface of tho west aide road, which
carries a heavy traffic. No oil was
used on asphalt surface roads built
'ast year. We spread no oil in Mult
nomah county, as reported. We never
had any dealings with the Oregon City
Auto club In regurd to fund for oiling
roads, although we doubtless talked
with members of the club about the
matter, as well as with others who are
not members.
Facts for Sufferers.
. Pain results from Injury or conges
tion. He It neuralgia, rheumatism,
lumbago, neuritis, toothache, sprain,
brulso, sore stiff muscles or whatever
pain you have yields to Sloan's Lini
ment brings new fresh blood, dis
solves the congestion, relieves ,the In
Jury, the circulation Is free and your
pain leaves as If by magic. The na
ture of Its qualities penetrate imme
diately to the sore spot. Don't keep
on suffering. Get a bottle of Sloan's
Liniment. Use it. It means Instant
relief. Price 25c. find 60c. $1.00 bot
tle holds six times as much as the 25c.
size. (Adv.)
i 1 1 V 11Z Li ZKZ In -
- i. r I a f ii i
(Oregon City I'ubllrlly).
The waterahed eonipriaea a loal area
of about 11.200 aquare mllea. and ron
talna lha largrat and moat Important
open valley In tba atate. It la about
10 mllea In width by ISO mllea In length
and emhraree moat fertile and pro
ductive area, with allghtly variable
condition! of climate, toll and 'other
natural advantage! lo luit every re
quirement of agricultural and Industri
al activity. The Willamette River rlaea
In the Calapoola Mountain! In South
ern l-ane county, and flows north Into
the Columbia River, 10 miles below
Portland. Numerous tributaries drain
the slopea and foothills of the moun
tain! on the eaat, weal and aouth. all
of which traverse small but rich aub-
aldlary valleya, which contribute to
the wealth of the Willamette Valley
proper. Alluvial deposit! form the ba
alo element! of the soil! of (he valley
bottoms, supplemented and enriched
by decayed vegetable and animal mat-1
ler, the accumulation! of centurlea,
the lasting and productive qualities of
which many years of successive crop
ping have failed to exhaust or deter
mine. Description! vary from tight
gray to dark and black, clayey and
aandy loama, with clay and gravel aub-
aolla, and vary In depth from a few
tnchei to many feet The aolli of the
hills and lower mountain slopes, which
are covered by a heavy growth ot tim
ber, mostly oak. are reddlah clay in
character, which posaeaa rare lasting
and productive qualities unexcelled
anywhere. The general elevation of
the valley, consisting of broad, open
prairies, Is between 200 and 400 feet
above sea level. The average maxi
mum temperature In July Is 80 de
grees, and the average minimum E4
degrees, while the average maximum
for January la 45 degreea, and the
average minimum for the same month
Is 34 degrees. In the valtey bottoms!.
the average annual rainfall la 45
Inches at Portland and 40 Inches at
Eugene, there being a slight decrease
In precipitation from north to south
and a rapid Increase with elevation on
the mountain slopes. The length of
growing season averages from 240 to
250 days. The average number of
days per year on which rain falls are
133 days at Salem, In the heart of the
valley, and 172 days at McKenzle'a
flrldge, well up on the slope of the Cas
cades. The amount of the snowfall
varies, being llRht In the valley bot
toms and Increasing with elevation on
the mountain slopes. The prevailing
winds are southwesterly. Oregon Al
8pnd Vacation Hunting on Lake Che
lan and Fishing Like Man.
Wenatolice. Was!). Four girls who
left Wcuulchco for a hunting nnd
camping tiit .in Lake Chelan have re
turned. Ill Che party were Miss UmUe
Wedell and Mls Clare Turner of We
na tehee and MImk I. mile Itelaus and
Miss Edna Leon of Spokane. They
slept outdooro one nlglx In a pine
bough bouse they iiimle themselves.
Whllo on the trip they caught sev
eral big trout. I;llle several rattle
snakes ami also shot a lynx.
Miss Wedell and Miss Turner Jre
both good marksmen and have nnd
similar experience in the Michigan
north woods ami In the Maine woods.
Old Coins In Field.
Monroe. Mich. Fred Rnumann of
Frenchtown unearthed a. number of
old coins in a field upon his farm.
They were very old, bearing a date
early In the last century, and may
have been hidden by some early settler
who was either driven out of the coun
try by the Indians or perished in the
Mttle of the River Raisin In 1R13.
Worth Their Weight in Gold.
"I have UBed Chamberlain's Tablets
nnd found them to be just as represent
ed, a quick relief for headaches, dizzy
spells and other symptoms denoting
a torpid liver .and a disordered condi
tion of the digestive organs.' They are
worth their weight in gold," writes
Miss Clara A. Driggs, Elba. N. Y. Ob
tainable everywhere. (Adv.)
$ Wk Mt
-H efA'
. ''
Navigation on the Willamette la at
a alandxtlll aa a result of the lack of
water In the lock a, a condition which
prevented the larger river boats from
reaching the upper river.
The Grahamona, oT the Oregon City
Transportation company, was the first
boat held back Wednesday and the 200
Porllanders on their way to valley hop
fields spent three hours wandering
along the river bank on the aest aide
of the river until a transfer was made
to a boat on the upper river. The Gra
hamona draws two b et of water while
the lower lock chamber had only 1.8
feet M edneaday morning.
The Ruth and the Ung, of the Wil
lamette Navigation company, each
drawing SO Inches, have been unable
to go through the kicks for the last two
and a half weeks and have baen unable
to reach the platforms usually used
In loading paper from the Crown Wil
lamette mills and a long haul with
hand trucks has been necessary to
reach the boats.
Money hss not been appropriated
for the deepening of the locks and Con
gressman Mawley is at present prepar
ing to urge an appropraltlon of $83,000
for this work. The effect of the work
of the government engineers during
the last spring and winter in estab
lishing a six-foot channel from Port
laud to a point 20 miles abovo Oregon
City has been lessened by the condition
of locks at the present time
Misses Enitiia and Kate Shriver, of
Manchester, Ohio, who have spent the
past several months with their sister,
Mrs. E. R. Gregory, of Greenwood,
have gone to Portland. They will
Bpend the winter in Portland where
their nephew and nelce, Robert and
Katherlne Argo, will attend school.
Mrs. Faye Argo, mother of the Argo
children and sister of Mrs. Gregory,
will arrive the early part ot next month
from Ohio and will spend the winter
In this city.
W. H. H, Dtifur,, master of Wood
lawn grange will address the Damascus
grange on "Rural Credits," Saturday.
Dr. Dufur will explain the system
which was favored at the last meeting
of the Oregon State grange. He will
compare with the Oregon plan he
laws for rural credits that have been
passed elsewhere.
Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Ice and children,
William and Jane Carrol, will return1
to their home In this city today after
spending the summer at their farm
home in Canby. The Ice home has
been recently repainted and renovated
both out side and in.
Mrs. E. H. Cooper will return to her
home in this city tonight after a five
weeks' vacation at Shlpherd's Springs,
and in several eastern Oregon towns,
where she was the guest of relatives.
Mrs. George Hingham and son re-i
turned from San Francisco whera they
vlBted the exposition Wednesday after-1
nocn. They mude the trip In Mra,
Ilingham's new automobile.,
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Simmons, of this
city, returned the latter part of last
week from a two weeks' vacation at
Hayvlew. The trip was made by auto.
' Mrs. V. C. lloyles and children, of
Molalla, visited friends in Oregon City
Wednesday. Mrs. Boyles la the wife
of Deputy Recorder D. C. Boyles.
W. W. Everhart. mayor of Molalla,
was a visitor In this city Wednesday,
where he transacted business.
Miss Hazel Mills, of Sandy, has ac
cepted a position In the 5 ,10 and 15
cent store of this ctiy.
James Anderson, of Borinc, was In
town Wednesday to attend) to business
Philadelphia Ledges: The Calves
ton sea wall paid for Itself In a single
Wall Deflnad Public Damand Strengaal
Factor for Li Enforcamant, Sayt
Mr. Mutton Rooalar Haa Only
Cockull In 191
roHTI-A.VD, Ore., Kept. I I Editor
of the Enterprise) The Antl Kaloon
tragus haa no Intention of accepting
any challenges for debates altb George
C. lrownll, or anyone rlae, rrKardlfigi
the Anderaon law. We ara not In the
hippodrome bualneaa. Tha AullHa
loon league la n-Uhrr an advertialug
rorrrrn Itaelf, nor doea It propoaa lo
be uaed for that purpoee by othrra. It
la a league of the Chrlallan cbuirhea
of Orrgon. No matter what the An
deraon law Is or Is not. It Is now the
law of this stale. We are centering
all of our efforts to see thai It Is un
derstood and Is thoroughly enforced.
For Ihla reason the Antl Ralnon lea
gued attorney, E. A. Baker In con
junction with Attorney General George
M. Brown, haa prepared a primer on
the Anderaon law In which every pos
alble queatlon regarding Ita provlsiona
and their enforcement baa been raiaed
and answered, even to minute details
as lo the handling of persons who are
securing evidence.
The meeting at Oregon City, and oth
ers like It are for th purpose of In
forming the public what the Anderson
law la, and ho4 It can be uaed to make
Oregon actually dry. If there are any
criminal lawyers who deelre to adver
tise lo would-be violators the methods
by which the law can be evaded, the
Anti-Saloon league does not propose to
take part in aucb a meeting. We be
lieve that the strongest factor In en
forcing law Is a well-defined public
demand for certain artiona on the part
of "officials; that such a demand will
exist If the people understand the law;
the offfcers' duties, and their privileges
In the matter. We have no party, and
only In occasional instances do we sup
port a candidate, as when there is a
clearly defined Issue between a marked
dry and efficient candidate and a pro
nounced wet or Inefficient
"Oregon City dry" has been marked
ly successful, an example continually
under Mr. BrowneH'e observation. The
Anderson dry law has about ten times
the drough producing possibilities
which the local option law had. If the
criminal lawyer could be barred from
pitch for the wet nine, the dry could
knock a home-run every time the ball
was pitched. These are the gentle
men who have Injected the curve ball,
the fade-away, the spltball, the mud
ball, the hop, the jump, and all of the
other hooks, crooks, twists, curves and
salivary slants on the wet side. For
the benefit of these worshipers of tech
nicality and technique, permit us to
suggest that, due to the insistence of
Senator Walter Ulmick of Mr. Brow
ncll's own district the words "or fam
ily" are still carried In the law. Since
ey are there. If any member of the,
mlly procures their two quarts of.
family procures their two quarts
whiskey or 24 quarts of beer, every
other member of the family Is debar
red for the next 28 days from recelv.
tng any. Jt may be that while some
eminent criminal lawyer Is advising a
bibulous brother how to secure liquor
from outside the state, (when the law
prohibits him from receiving any ad'
vertisement circulars, letters, price
lists, solicitation or Information, when
he does not know who has It where it
Is, nor what the price of It is) that his
good wife, with equally able legal coun
sel, may first secure It, and, having se
cured it smash it; and. having smash
ed It she will have insured for her
spouse a period of drouth for the next
2S days so profound that he will have
to prime himself to spit, and put him
self to soak In the bath tub before he
can hold soup if, indeed, he does not
have to resort to the wearing of cor
sats to keep from cracking with the
heat. -
It may be that, after the astute crim
inal lawyer has had a few rounds with
enfranchised Oregon wives, that they
will advise their cllentst that the fes
tive rooster Is the only supply of cock
tails In this state.
R. P. liuTTON.j
State Supt. Anti-Saloon League of
J. E. LaCroy and Miss Pearl Bateson,
17, both of Estacada, secured a mar
ralge license at Vancouver, Wash., and
Dr. A. B. DonaldBon, of Barlow, and
Alma Irene Biger, of Portland, secured
a license at Portland Wednesday.
Every Home Needs a Faithful Cough
and Cold Remedy.
When seasons change and colds ap
pear when you first detect a cold aft
er sitting next to one who has sneezed,
then it Is that a tried and tested rem'
edy should be faithfully used. "I nev.
er wrote a testimonial before, but I
know positively that for myself and
family. Dr. King's New Discovery is
the best cough remedy we ever used
and we have tried them all." 50c. and
$1.00. (Adv.)
EUREKA. Cal.. Sept. 1. Two per
sons, a man and a woman sustained
probably fatal Injuries from falls to
day while escaping from a fire in the
Freshwater hotel" near here.
The man, trapped in a room. Im
provised a. rope from sheets and start
ed to descend. The rope broke just
as be placed his weight on it
tuuiiii, m m
Oregon A California grnal lamia In
(iaikamaa county hate an appral'l
valuation of H.IH.'xiO arirrimg in
atatlatlia prepared by Auritur J. K
Jai k for Hie land grant ronfrrrti' o at
Halern Krptriiiber It and announced
by hi in WdfM-sUy. Tha (la kalnaa
rouiity delegation, auppllrd with flit
Information gathered by Aaaeasor Ja k
III probably I th only on at the
((inference with au h accural and d
tailed flgurea.
There la du to Clackamaa county In
Ilia laat two years, $11. 11391 In nn
paid taiea. Tba greater part of the
property In rlaaaea as unsold land. Thr
totals In Aaaesaor Jack'a atatlatlra fol
Unsold Land.
Claaaed aa agricultural. .
Claaaed as grsdpg
CUaaed as timber land.
2I.I1 A
65.124 A
Standing Umber 1.2l.e:''..fl0
Contract Land.
Claaaed aa agricultural 5.0:1 A
Claaaed aa grating 3,111 A
CUaaed aa Umber 1.13 A
Standing limber 39.C0.0OOF
The appraaed valuation of the un
aold land la $1,051,155 and of the con
tract land la $V5.M5.
The following ratings scored by
Clackamas ccunly dallies by the Port
land milk Inspection bureau have been
made public. The milk samples were
taken from dairymen on their routes,
and the ratings were given on a basis
of 100 points, or perfect The expertaJ
took Into consideration the odor, fla
vor, cleanliness, amount of butterfat
and other solids, the number of bac
teria and the condition of the milk aa
found in samplea taken at odd tlmea In
the past two months:
Raw dairy delivered by producers
Rating between 95 and 100 A. J. Dy
sle, Mllwaukle; M. Peterson, Milwau
kle; Simon Swald, Mllwaukle.
Rating between 90 and 95 A. E.
Deery, Mllwaukle; C. Coerllggs. Mln
thorn Spring. Mllwaukle; llanscheell
Bros., Mllwaukle: Luck Bros., Brook
wild. Mllwaukle. R. F. D. No, 2: G. W.
Winters, White Star. Mllwaukle.
Rating between 80 and 85 C. W.
Mathews, Beaverly, Mllwaukle.
Rating between 65 and 70 J. Win
negar. Rose Grove, Oswego.
f a.n.lna Ck CmftVl A-tr.l-t ti a Bnanf
. . . . .
puiferiiiitii aiiu lur many jcais m ir
dent of Oregon City, died Tuesday at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. W.
Hood, near Hubbard, MdVion county.
He was born in Connecticut in 1834,
and spent most of his life at Middle-
port Ohio, where he was actively en
gaged in newspaper work, first as a
printer, and later as an editor. In
1894 Mr. Smith retired from active
work and came to Oregon to pass his
declining years with his daughters. His
wife died in Oregon City about 10
years ago and Mr. Smith lived with
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gray at their home
in Greenpoint until seven years ago
when he went to Hubbard to live with
his other daughter. He had been a
member of the Masonic fraternity since
he was 21 years of age, being a mem
ber of the Mlddleport, Ohio, lodge. His
two daughters, Mrs. Wood and Mrs.
Gray, survive him.
The remains were brought down
from Hubbard and the funeral will be
held at 11 o'clock this morning from
the undertaking parlors of Holman &
Randall. The interment will be In
Mountain View cemetery and the Ma
sons will have charge of the services
at the grave.
Lloyd L. Lacey, of Willows, Calif.,
and Mrs. Annabel Gibson, of Gladstone,
were quietly married at Vancouver,
Wash., Tuesday afternoon. The cou
ple left Immediately for Seattle where
they will visit friends and relatives
a few days. They will then go to
Willows, where Mr. Lacey is a rancher.
Mrs. Lacey Is the si3ter of George
H. Bannon of this city and has made
her home with her mother, Mrs. E.
Bannon, in Gladstone the last two
. LONDON, Sept. 1. The board of
trade today announced that the steam
srawler Cineraria was destroyed by a
mine about July 15 and the nine men,
composing the crew, killed.
Marriage licenses were issued in
Vancouver Tuesday to Charles Barnes
and Miss Pearl Baker, of Sherwood;
Dakln D. Wood, of Damascus and Mrs.
Edith Mason, of Chicago; Walter B.
Reed and Miss Roxy Albertie Veteto,
of Canby; and Lloyd T. Tracy, of Fort-
land, and Mrs. Annabel
Gibson of
' "
"mmtir CLAIMS Ml EE
Woreanck Paving Offsr Will Come Up
Friday Says County Judy Ander
aon Road D'ttrlct Qusitlon
la Delasd. ,
A period of to u.outlis of r I hut
trltlelaru of Ilia county court sad the
fair Ui:r by rsltm of the ; s' ada
dla'rdt riddenl) lame ft an u I ed
ln .W afterni n at a ctVr u. ue
ien 'Juy T. Hunt, of Cart'cl, reyrw-M-nta'.va
of ''! kama, ! !
(rjnt iJ. IiimUk px-atilent of tpet-.un-1
Ut tawMiatK-n, and th :iie. i.. in-U-ia
A Uia county court.
KaU- ada haa be fl aakUig 'or tli.an
rial avlatanre for n Ka.it 01a- aras
fair for almoit a year and tv.i month
a dele4tton rnmt lo tfc tcxin'y
a' raking for support from the '"mi
ty e - ft. Ko.ir hundred dollar aa ap
propriated at thai time and, according
t an understand t g with 'be court,
part of that n.oney aa to b ai" o: to
a- l in r.aticad'. ihlultl...
A group of Katarada rltUena. bead
ed by a newspaper In that town, prob
ably tbrough a tnlaunderstanding. be
gan, to agitate lb matter, accualng the
county court of Ignoring the aaatern
part of the county and refuting to aa-
alat the Eaat Clackamas fair.
To aatlafv a popular demand. Mr.
Hunt came before the court Weduea
day. "I want a definite anaker. la it
Tea' or 'NoT " he demanded.
The matter waa dlscuaaed for the
greater part of an hour. The commis
sioners and Judge And?rson tipreaaed
their vleae and Judge Dlnili k ans
wered the argumenta advanced by Mr.
Hunt After the 1915 seaslon lawa
were consulted, reference made lo the
commlaaolners' journal and the matter
thoroughly dlsrusaed. the conclusion
waa reached that the demands of Eta-
cada were met at the meeting with th
county court laat spring.
The fair board will authorize pay
ment avf "reasonable" claims presented
iy officers of the East Clackamaa fair.
id. Judge Dlmkk Wednesday after
noon. These claims will oe paid out
or $400 fund appropralted for county
fair and for the collection of exhlbi'
for the state fair and many of the ex
hibits at Estacada will be taken to
Canby and Salem. The exact amount
it money which will be used to aid
Estacada exhibition was not set.
The county court Wednesday began '
a terra of court which will probably ex
ceed any held in the last four months
in importance. Judge Anderson said
Wednesday that the offer of the W. H.
Worswlck to lay a four-Inch guaran
teed pavement from Oregon City to
Gladstone for $1 a yard or a six-inch
improvement for $1.20 will probably
come up Friday, while the application
of West Linn for a franchise to lay
a water pipe across the suspension
bridge will be taken up before the end
of the week. He was doubtful that
the plan of reducing the number of
road districts would come up before
the latter part of the month.
BAKER, Ore., Sept. 1. A movement
Is under way to bond the county of
Baker to build a hard surface highway
between this ctiy and the Panhandle
section, connecting Baker with Pine
and Eagle valleys and the Intermediate
territory by way of the Lower Powder
country. The success of motor trucks
In a great measure solving the trans
portation problem started the move
ment locally, and It has been taken up
by the papers of Richland and Half
way, the business centers of the two
valleys, which are favorable to the
For many years the producers of the
Panhandle have had a limited market,
owing to lack of transportation. The
wagon haul to Baker from Pine valley
is about 65 miles, from Eagle about
10 miles less. r
The fruit growers and ranchers have
been able to get their products to the
local market in the best of condition
and as the autos make two trips each
way dally, the growers received good
prices and hr.ve been able to ship out
of here by rail to Portland and other
points to good advantage. The truck
proposition has been In every way
proven a success, but It has one seri
ous drawback.
The roads are passable for auto
travel, or at least for heavy trucks, not
more than nine months out of the year,
but with a good, hard surfaced road
the year through travel would be pos
sible. ' .
Newspaper Man Recommends It
R. R. Wentworth of the St. James,
(Mo.), News, writes: "Two months
ago I took a severe cold which settled
in my lungs and I had such pains In
my lungs I feared pneumonia. I got
a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and
it straightened me up Immediately. I
can recommend it to be a genuine
cough and lung medicine. Many
mothers write this reliable medicine
cured their children of croup. Hay
auncicia Bjr u gives
quick relief. Jones Drug Co. (Adv.)