OREOON CITY ENTERPRISE. KKIDAV. SEI'TKMIIEIt X WW 3 - ft mi i r v.v P w SANDY HEN FIGHT . TIMBER BURNING IN CASCADES DRAWS CLACKAMAS COUNTY FIREFIGHTERS. 8 4NDY, Or.. Aim. :. Many for est fires have been reported In the mountains war here; the largest one is on Shell Rock mountain, near Clack amas lake, about 50 miles from here: The fire has th'is far covered about 600 acres. Anotner tire is on iionnirs mu te, about 25 miles from here. Several smaller fires at different places on the mountains were started by Hshtn Ing Monday morning during an elec tric storm. F. M. Morgan. Joe Laun dree. Al Edwards. P. T. Shelly and A! fred Hoi! are busy with their autos taking loads of men and provisions to the fires. Every msn who can possl bly leave has gone from here and the surrounding country to fight fire. t MARQUAM. IS SET FOR SEPT. 8 OREGON AND Tilt Threnhlng of grain is about over (or this year and the farmer has no rra- . - . i . i .. i . - ui- 1. 1 ........ son 10 lunipiBin, Uliirp. m. em. tvi-irj too small for his crop. UNION HIGH OPENS SOON SANDY. Ore.. Aug. IS. Union High school No. 2 will open this year Mon day. September 6. and about 25 stu dents are expected at the opening. Pro cessor Warner will be In charge. The Union High school Is standard ized. Professor rner has been mak ing arrangements for the opening, and reports the prospects are good for the ensuing year. ESTACADA, Ore. Sept. l.-The East : Clackamas county fair will open here Rovce Ridings haa hauled over 00 September for three days. Manyj bushels of clover seed this year. 1""' f offered for the exhibits that The Evergreen blackberries ar much IH range from farm products to Itiow sought after. J. C. Manjusm has shh of needleork In the home. Special ler over 11 ton of berries and Is still awards have been arranged for the shipping. They go to the Salem can- Juvenile exhibit entries, tierr. ' All display entries. eicpt livestock, lloppl-king commences general' In mul be made by Soptemlier . and all of the yards September 1st Al- that may be entered the morning f'trysnd Europe II1UUI.1I WHIM IV II m " wn (ir n 111 ifT r O. earlier. Those that sprayed early will Th E.tacada school fair will lie have a good yield, but those that did MJ on Kpt)ru,rT lnJ t uga not spray tin late win nave a iigni Community fair will oea at Georit crop or nopa. - on September . HuckUbrrryJng bus Wen the crae, The pro)(r,m , M folluwa: for a week or more. It baa ben re- Wednesday. September . Juvenile ported that there la 60 or 70 people dr Lecture. U P. Harrington. Ju ve st Table Rock after berries thla week.' ., jpnrUnrnt of euprrintend Quite a few from here went up and n, of wh(X)i,. lecture on poultr); en came back well loaded with berries. J(,nlc coMftl t 0 w.; cooking d-imuv Hundreds of people are passing ,,ng contest for teams, through town headed for the fields, j Thursday. Community day-Hall Mrs. R. A. Knight, of Canby. is vi fti Vg. Leans: rooking demon-, Itlng her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. ilrBI0n. lecture on dairying, lecture Marqiiam. on noBi and hog raising, awarding Mrs. uuyer. or zsewport came out n 1 . FLAX INDUSTRY III 1 r. E. A. I'lcrie, Chalriiisn I'om tiillle of risk Ind'slry. Portland ("oiiimcrt ll Club.) For the aal seiersl years the Port land Commercial Club has been Inves tigating the growing of flat In' ths WllUiiiftle Valley It rt a view of d termlng Ha relative value to the grow er In comparison with other crops. A special commutes was appointed for hi. hntiu. .. I . -1,,-I.Ia hi ,.. I of data has been accumulated which Includes a vast amount of correspon dence and opinions front leading flag eiperta In the noted flat centers of the world. The flai movement, led by Mrs. W, P. 1-ord. of Salem, brought an eminent flat Mpert from lielglum, Rugens rtosse, who spent several years In the valley experimenting with ths raising and preparing of the crop for eihllil Hon purposes, to ths effect that sever al gold medals were won In this coun MOUNTAIN ROAD. t H MM MIHIHM The Investigation demonstrated: First: That ths Willamette Valley flag will yield from one and one half to three, tons of straw to the acre, ths length of ths fiber being from S feet to 3 feet 9 jnchfs and of quality that will produce when woven ths finest linen fabrics This class of fiber can bs produced In only two other por tions of ths world's surface so far as Is known at present namely, Ireland and Pelglura. Second: Flag la easily raised, re quiring but little more cars than wheat We are very glad to hear that Mr ClirUlciuen who has been III III the Oregon City hospital for Ilia past three we'ks. Is sgsln at his home lit Mouil tain (load. 'Mr. and Mrs. John Kslser retiiriiiM1 ticuiie from Nex.rt last Thursday While titers they vUllcd Mr. II. Y liaker, formerly of this place. Harold Harrison Is I'll king pja'hi-s In one of the -ach orchards at I'esi ti Cove. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Undue, srcoinpa tiled by a chauffeur, C. Pavlds. visited J. Mlley's hnpyard Sunday. They re ported being through picking the lut ter part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. (1. Selje vUlted at Hie horns of Mr. and Mrs. C. Helm of Peach Cove, Sunday. Mr. J. Iiernert and daughter, Agnes called on Mrs. Hodges Monday after noon. Meterorologlcal observation In the Myrtle Point Enterprise: "Home peo ple never hand In an Item of tie a for publication, but lr we luppcn to miss an Item In which they am Interested they are sure to hand us a north pole stare that would free ths liver of a polar hear. scutching hsve done away with the tedious technliii followed In Europe, and thus ws ars able to compete suc cessfully In producing fiber. Mr. Emlle Hansel, son In law of Mr, Eugene Hosse, and himself an exper ienced flax grower, has a retting and scutching mill at Salem, where hs Is growing a limited acreage and making fiber. SPRINGWATER FAMILY HOLDS BIG REUNION SPRINGWATER. Ore., Aug. 31. A family reunion as held at the home of J. M. Stormer in honor of A- M. Shlb- ley and his sister. Mrs. Cyrena Hick man, last week. Both are invalids and were taken to the Stormers in an auto. There were 22 present as follows: Mr. and Mrs. James Shibley, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stormer, Mr. and Mrs. William Bard. Mr. and Mrs. Elmber Dibble, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tenny. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Schonburg. Earl Shibley, Everett Shibley. Mtnta Hickman, Elva Shibley, Evelyn Dibble, Oral Stormer, Marion Hickman and Ellsworth Ten ny. Dinner was served at noon and during the afternoon light refresh ments were served. A concert was given by the Spring- water Choral society last Saturday evening and later Ice cream and cake were served the proceeds going to the Springwater Presbyterian church. Mrs. Cyrena Hickman and daughter MInta. of Portland, are visiting rela tives here. Charles Warnick of Florida, is visit ing friends and relatives here. Miss Minnie Aue of New York, who has visited her brother, the Rev. C. A. Aue, and family here for the sum mer left Sunday for her home. $ $ -j i!v ? . s ib j 5 sj ? ? MEADOWBROOK. ? ! $ 4 &$'?$$ 3 Threshing is all done in this neigh borhood. Mrs. Tom Flom is very sick, but we hope she will soon be well again. P. O. Chindgren has some fine sam ples of grain, which he expects to ex hibit at the fair. Mr. Cary had the misfortune to lose one ot his cows recently. She got down in a ditch and was nearly dead when found. Ralph Holman, Milton. Hen and Rue ben Chindgren and Glenn Larkins started for Warm Springs Monday where they expect to stay a few days. Several from here went to pick hops near Needy. Myrtle Larkins returned home Sat urday from Marquam. P. O. Chindgren's entertained com pany from Colton Sunday. remain until after boppirklng. Also Grandma Daniels of Park place. Mrs. E. A. Cummins returned from Portland where she went to purchase a piano. Mis Myrtle Larkins. of Meadow brook, who has been at her uncle's I. D. Larkins for the last two weeks. returned home last Saturday to go bopplcklng. Barton Jack and family, of Wood burn, have been stopping at their place near town, looking after his peach crop. The Ladies' aid of Monitor and Mar quam gate a play and Ice cream social here last Friday evening, Aug. 27. I' was a success socially as well as fl nancilaly. A large crowd attended. Bert Hubbard is helping J. C. Mar qiiarm In the latter's store. The Barth Brothers had a narrow escape with their threshing machine last week. The separator caught fire but by quick action they threw the belt off. ran the engine up and hitched on to the separator and dragged it out In the nick of time for the fire had gotten inside of the separator. The fire burned up the Btraw and what grain was still In the stack. His Rest Was Broken. O. D. Wright. Rosemont. Neb., writes: 'For about six months I was bothered with shooting and continual pains in the region of my kidneys. My rest was broken nearly every night by fre quent action of my kidneys, t was ad vised by my doctor to try Foley Kid ney Pills and one 50 cent bottle made a well man of me. I can always rec ommend Foley Kidney Pills for I know they are good." This splendid remedy for backache, rheumatism, some, mus cles and swollen Joints contains no habit forming drugs. Jones Drug Co. (Adv.) j .. j) s, 5, i$ ,s $ i j , ALSPAUGH. ; , S vJ. fa i Among the huckleberry pickers of this part of the country were John Mrs. Wm. Krasch and Jake Moss. Mrs. Leta Jones, of Portland, Is vis iting with Miss Alta Server this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hieple and fam ily motored to Portland Sunday. Mrs. Ed Still, who has been very sick, is able to be about again. Mrs. A. L. Alspaugh entertained her niece and nephew from South Caro-: Una last week. None Equal to Chamberlain's. "I have tried most all of the cough cures and find that there is none that equal Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has never failed to give me prompt relief," writes AV. V. Harner, Mont pelier, Ind. When you have a cold give this remedy a trial and see for your self what a splendid medicine it is. Obtainable everywhere. (Adv.) 4 ' EAGLE CREEK H. H. Hoffmelster was a Portland visitor the first of the week. Mrs. L. A. Woodle and daughter, Miss Nettie, visited with relatives over this way on Sunday. Will Douglass and Roy Douglass and wife, accompanied by some relatives of Mrs. Douglass, went to mountains last Friday returning home Sunday with about 50 gallons of huckleberries. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Elliott, and daughter Elsie, of Powell's Valley, made Mrs. Howlett a visit on Sunday. Ray Woodle made a business visit to Eatacada on Saturday last The George threshing crew is again in the neighborhood and will thresh for those who were not ready when they were here some two or three weeks ago, then they will go through the Dover country and thresh for the farmers up that way. Mothers Watch Irritable Children! j That fever, paleness, grinding of. teeth while asleep, and coated tongue are indications that your child has worms in Its system. Kickapoo Worm ' Killer quickly gets rid of these para-j sites. It Is perfectly safe for even the i moBt delicate children. It Is pleasant j to take has three effective medical; qualities: acts as a laxative, expels! the worms, and tones up the system.! Begin treatment today and eliminate the cause of irritableness. 25c. (Adv.) i h "... .5 4r- -'41M . 1 This is the Time to put In That Water System Perhaps you are not aware that you can have water supply conveniences in your home and about your place as well as the city man. IT IS A FACT The Mitchell Water System Affords you every convenience of water under a re liable and dependable pressure Not so expensive to install as you may think. Very economical in oper ation. Easy to operate. LET US SHOW YOU THIS SYSTEM. We Recommend STOVER'S GOOD ENGINES For pumping and other services requiring a dependable and ever ready power. More than 5,000 in use in the Northwest. 1 H. P. up in Hopper cooled and vertical styles. W. J. WILSON & CO. Oregon City Gee. Blatchford Molalla Agents for Mitchell Lewis & Staver Co. PORTLAND, ORE. 31 nmn m mi ALCOHOL J MS I' I n r. AUjflsbUPrrpart-ULrli itallilbtOifrHjcdMlltrvM, llflCilSMtoaaituwk4 FromotrsDitlunrWy rm a ii kVM jConlilfli sr Opium .Marphmr nxfaai Not Narcotic. MssMIIISksisssaM MmwtfMxaHeumMM AMtfrcl Rrmrdv fncfttwn tlon . Sour Stnndch.DlsrrUuri )VormiX'mtvulsiouiIrvrTi nrssanlLossorSua'. hC Sin Sifurtft of NEW WRK. raluf'! Ul For Infunti arj Children. The Kind You llavo 'Always Bought Boars tbo Signatvuo of Lw Esacl Copy of Wrappsr. In Use For Over Thirty Years TOE! 100,000 BALES STATE B FORUM OfTllE PEOPLE Supervisor Talks Roads. KI.IMHtAlK), tr. Hfpt. I (K.lllur of tho Kiitriirl' I you ami a li oIIhts ar wtr (t at I ii st rhaniti In our nwl sysli'in. I rin'l hili lull think yim int'iiii cll rnuiiKli tut If you had rulilH up against rt'lil roaj IiiiIIiIIiik you would not ailviMsta lint you do until we fjud iii oilier way of mis lug money than Ilia pri'si-iit. We are diilntt aliout as well as ran "he dune. 1'OKTI.AM). Ore.. Sent. I. That the The p.oile pay the taii-s. They set a hop crp of Orenoii will not no alxivej certain per ceut of their money to he 100.000 hales Is mm the opinion ofisnent by some one appointed hy the some of the lesdlnit Inten-sia In the '""rt. usually twoinmeiided hy a vote LEADERS Of OREGON TRAOE ARC INCLINED TO REDUCE FIG URES CONSIDERABLY. trade. First reports from fiiKKlo yards liidlcule a liKht output. While condition" are reported favor ahlo fur a normal output In the hide IK'Udence section, It la stated In re ports to local deiilers that the situa tion around Nowlicru Is very hud. Around St. I'nul the conditions are slmllur, accordliiK to the reports re reived this ninrnliiK. In the Aurora, Iluttevllle and ClismiioeK sections the yards present a "spotted" appearance, some of them sliowlnit normal prodiic tlon while others are scarcely good enoiiKh to pick. HILL NEAR IS MOLALLA, Ore., Sept. 1. The work of grading down the Kohhlns hill, one and a half miles east of here, will be completed in about two weeks. One week's work with the steam scraper and one week's work with teams will finish it up. This Job was let by contract and the work has been in progress for about two months. When completed it will be a direct benefit and a convenience to a large section of'country tributary to Molalla on the east, as heretofore practically no heavy loads could be pulled over the hill. One feature that excited Interest during the work was the discovery of limbs of trees, some petrified, about 20 feet down. Many theories were ad vanced as to how they got there. Fossil Journal: Fifteen' bundred pounds of Sears & Roebuck catalogues arrived In the Fossil mall one night last week. If all the money that goes out to the big catalogue houses was spent, with our home merchants, we community prize. j or oats. Friday, Old Settlers' day Address' Third: The flax cron docs not In- by Farmer Smith, cooking demonstra tion, award of premiums. Easily Arranged. A man took the following telegram to a telegraph office: "Mrs. Drown, Center Street: I announce with grief the death of Uncle James. Come quickly to read the will. I believe we are tils heirs. Jolm Black." The telegraph clerk, having counted the words, mild. "There are two words too many, sir." ' "Cut out 'with grief.'" wns the re ply. Chicago News. In These Martial Days. "You muHt not be so quarrelsome, Willie," said William's father Impres sively. "Remember that 'the meek shall Inherit the earth. " "Maybe they will hereafter," re sponded the young militant, "but around In my school they are used to wipe up the earth." Chicago ITernld. What It Will B Called. Teacher In Civics When we have everything in common and your busi ness Is everybody's IiuhIiichk, what Is It called? Observing Student It Is usually called gossip. Judge. Log Angeles Times: The teacher who shows great proficiency in dec orating a schoolroom is soon invited would have a much more prosperous to try her hand In doing as much for town. a bouse. jure the land if grown In rotation with other crops. One crop of flax every third year prepares the land for a heavy succeeding crop, preforably of wheat. ' Fourth: Flax Is indigenous to Ore gon. Canada and much of the lands ly ing east of the Cascade range are able to produce a good crop for seed with short fiber. , The farmers of Min nesota harvest this crop for the seed by modern machinery and use the, short fiber for coarse material and twine. The climate and soli of the Willamette Valley enables the grower to produce a grade of flax fiber equal to any grown In the world for fine fab rics. The altitude, moisture and char-' acter of the water peculiarly fits this section for the purpose of spinning and weaving In a class with Ireland and Belgium, thug making this one of the chosen sections for the growing of fiber and the manufacture of the finest linen fabrics. Fifth: The old Idea that labor Is so high In this country that flax cannot be pulled by hand and treated at a profit is now answered by the state ment that flax Is sown broadcast, mowed, raked and bound as ordinary grain, the wonderful length of the val ley fiber making this possible. v Improved methods of retting There Is but a limited part of the earth's surface which is capable of pro ducing the first grade of line fiber. The fiber grown In Russia 'being of coarse grade and fitted for the coarser products, Belgium and Ireland alone at present furnish the high grade fiber, which requires a long fiber of great strength and silken texture. Should the great war continue, there must of necessity be a tremendous shortage In the world's output, Ore gon alone being able to meet the de mand for this much-needed finished product. An opportunity most forcib ly presents itself to the citizens and farmers to make the Wllamette Val ley the home of the greatest flax grow ing and linen manufacturing centers of the world. Citrolax. ' C I trolax CITROLAX flest thing for constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggish how els. Stops a sick headache almost at once. Gives a most thorough and sat isfactory flushing no pain, no nausea. Keeps your system cleansed, sweet and wholesome. R. H. Wclhecht, Salt Lake City, Utah, writes: "I find Citro lax the best laxative I ever used. Does not grip no unpleasant after-ef- and fects." Jones Drug Co. (Adv.) OREGON CITY MARKETS. Kggs I'er doi., 30 to !2c. Dairy lluttT 31 to 3.1c. Mb llrollers Iflc. Springers 15 to 18c. Hens 1-nrge and fat, per lb., 11 to 12c. I. R. Ducks Live 8c, (nominal). W. P. Ducks Llvo 8c. (nominal). Geese Live, Sty to 10c. Cabbages 10 to 75c per dot. Onions 85c per sack. Potatoes 75c. Oreen Corn 10c don. Cucumbers lWc per lb. Fresh Tomatoes flc lb. Hunch vegetables 10c dozen. Groen Pens 3c lb. Freen Plums and rrunoa lc lb. Ilartlott Pears 50c to.75c. Gravest Ino Apples 00c to 75c. , Green fleans 2V4C lb. ChltUm Ilnrk 3U to .lc. Grain and Feed. Valley Flour J0.00. Hard Wheat Hour $8.20. Wheat $1.85 per 100 wht. Shorts Por ton, $28.50. Rran Por ton, $27. 50. Dried Hoot Pulp $1.20 por 100 wht Oats Per ton, $28c to $29. Country Putter 65 to 70c, 2 lbs. Livestock Market Common Steers 5 to 5(4c. Good cows 4 to 4 'sc. Hogs 9c. Veal 10c per lb. Prime Vulloy Steers 5 V4 a 6c, Lambs D to 6c. ' Hay CloveT, $l to $11.60; oft, $17 to $18; timothy, $18; alfalfa hay, $10. PORTLAND PRICES. (To Retailers.) Flour Selling price: Patent, $0.40; hard wheat best, $1.75, barrel, $6.50; Willamette valley, $6.20; local straight $6.20; patent, $6.20; valley, $6.00. Eggs Freshly gathered, 20 to 22 Vic; candled, casecount buying f. o. b. Port land, 18'4 to 19c; case 2 2! to. Hii'ter Nominal Wlllamufe valley creamery, cubes, celling prlco, cream ery, 70, 21bH. square; state prints, SOc to 28c; ranch, 65c to 60c. Hay New crop, producers' price Willamette valley timpot'y. fancy, $18 to V'. of the people In the district. Imperial ly Is this the raso w hen a smtII Ui Is levied. "Now the farmers have Utile spare time between fiirm work. They foot the bills. Are they not entitled to this llttlti work. on the roads to do such work as the money raised will do? Any chamce tuut will seriously Interfere M-ttli this will stop all special Ux. Then until some other method la found to nil He nmney than we now huve It Is useless to talk of any serious t ImnKc. After many years of study on Ibis waiter and some experience, know we are doing the best we run with whiit we huve to contend with. ! have worked for some years around largo suw mills and mines, etc.. And never found any pluce where the hired help work any harder than the people du on the roads and I have found my people on the average lis good us ran bo expected very free lo donate even after levying a special tux. and you ran rest assured both special tax and donation will slop when any serious change Is mude from ths present sys tem and so far any change made In the law tins been no good. Tho liiKt change In retard to distrib uting the money will lio found In be worse thnn It hud been. The court bus hy luw control of the road work; let them shoulder the Job and see thai the supervisors, play fulr and that Is the best Hint can ho done with the money at hiilid. This Is a new coun try still lots of stumps, rocks mid grading to contend with and this will ho so for sometime to come. Instead of finding fault let us pull together und wo will Improve results. R. BCimiSHKL. BANDIT8 GET $70. LOS ANdELKS, Cnl Aug. .tO-Held up by two armed bandits at Strawber ry Park und Kinstroy avenues, Gar denn, nt 1 o'clock this afternoon II. II. Iiuchunan, a driver for tho Itroudway department storo delivery service was robbed of $70. Tho man in un nutomo bile trailed Buchanan who was driv ing a liorsa, several miles. Tho description given by the victim shows that the holdups answer, In ap pearance, two of tho three handlls who held up und robbed the East First street branch of the Homo Savings bank several days ago. Atlanta Journal: Life thnso days Is ono European government loan aft er another. An Appreciative Listener. "Henrietta," snld Mr. Mcekton. "that was a wonderfully appealing and per suasive speech you made." "The audience seemed to like It" "Yes. A nd I wns proud to be one of the audience. It's tbi first time that you have talked In thn-t confidential and respectful tone to me In years." Washington Slur. A clogged System Needs Attention. Are you bilious, dizzy and listless? Dr. King's New Life Pills taken at once seizes upon constipation and starts the bowels moving naturally and easily. Moreover it acts without gripping. Ne gleet of a clogged system often leads to most serious complications. If you wish to wake up tomorrow morning happy in mind and entirely satisfied, start your-treatment tonight. 25c a bottle. ,A(lv) WHY WOMEN SUFFER. Many Oregon City Women are Learn . Ing the Cause. Woimm often Buffer, not knowing Hit caiiHe. Backache, headache, dizziness, nor voi.sncHS, Irrei i ii.r urln.i.-v passage wi'Sk noHH, linipi.or Each a torture of Itsolf. Together hint at weakened kidneys. Strike at the root get to tho cause. No other remedy moro highly en dorsed than Doan's Kidney Pills. P.oeommendod by thousardu-- Endorsed at home. Hero's convincing testimony from an Oregon City woman. Mrs. Jane Illanchard. 1102 John Adams St., Oregon City, says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills for kidney and bladder trouble thnt annoyed ine for years. I have had great relief. In all, I have taken less than two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, but that amount was enough- to convince me of their merit." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Planchard had. Foster-MUburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. (Adv.) As