Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 27, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    tmmox cm kntbrpmsi.. mm day, auhuht 27. wis. .
. .1
In Hi'' Cli till ( unit nf tin tuu o'
) II ', for Ilia om ill ill I lai M
II, H'llllian. I'l-iiniifl,
M Ik Arnold, II (' HnlLeii, Mr; J
(iHli'tl, liNHa ll..,Ua), allj
!i I'l'itii'Hiiah I .and I oil man r, a im
pl'lall'ill. Ill'flMlltallU
In Minnie Arnold. Imii liatiitd
III Ilia Maine li( HUla uf I.MI
Vim li r I ii 1 1 ! til appearand
llliair Ilia aliwll'l.-d luuiplalllt fllfl
(lllll 'Mi III lll alxit I III It I.-I l ilt
am or l Hal'ir-la. Hi pli-mU r II,
1 y I ft. sat ll data bain Ilia lfallin III
all Wika fn.nl and alter Ilia dale nf
Ilia fifat pul'lli atlon nf Ihli auiiirni.ua.
and if jiiiii lull tu hi appear ami an
eaer for ant thnnif ilainllfT HI up
ply In Ilia llxxa court (nf dm tee
ageltint you f r Hi" relief rt'tnamli-'l In
ahl amended rmnplalnl, liefrlll. In
I'nr JuilKiiii'iit aiaHi'l jug ami II
I". Wnlfa.-ll. ii( ln liamril defend
aula, fur ll.a mm of IIK II. HIi In
irrat thereon at Ilia rain nl all T
rent per enu,'iiii from Julia 32, I'llV
iinlll li. Ir Ihe fnrt hr aum of 11
taut. iali l.jr plaintiff, alth Inter
rat thereon at Ihe rata of lr rmi
wr an ii ii in from October 31, UK, un
til alit. for Ihe further aum of IJ'0 00
attorney's fes herein, and plaintiff's
mats ani) dlaburaemrnte; that tald
several lumi may be decreed lo be a
tlrat Ikn prior tu ill liens, rlalmi or
Intrrrat of lb alil eeveral defend
aula herein, upon the following da
erilhed real pmrrtr In 'li kemaa
County. Oregon, towli:
Tha K. W. H of Hee. ii. In T. 4 H
It. 3 K of tha W, M , containing l0
arrra, timre or leae.
Haa ami eirept tha riithlt deeded to
tha Mnlalle Lumber Companjr, a per
dim recorded In Hook If. pan 4M.
deed records Clackamas County, Ora
tion Alan aa and except a atrip of
land deeded to Clackamas ("oimly for
road iiurpoeeB. per deed recorded
In Honk 122. page 104. deed records of
aald roniitr; that plaintiffs mortgage
on said real property be forecloeed ana
aald rral nronertr be told on execution
according lo law and tha proreeda
thereof applied to tha payment of tha
amount flue plaintiff, and that saw
rt-rVn.lanta and each of them and all
p-ranna rlnlmlnii ty. throiigh or undr
thm or anr of thm. rorerar Darrwi
and fnrwloard of all flKTlt, till". lnlT
rat. claim and ratata In and to aald
tirrmlara. Mirpt tha alatutory rluht
of rdampllon: that the puirhaaar
thfrn.f ba put Into po'""'"" ' IJ
hrrinlara. and for HKh othrr and fiir-
thor relief aa to the court mar '"m
tuat aad rntlltahlr.
Thla aummona la pnhllahrd by ordar
of Hon. II H. Andwaon. JuJko of tha
County Tourt of Clackamaa County,
nn.enn. mailn and rnti-rcd on July 19
1915. In hlrh It U ordprrd that thr
aatnc .a putillahrd In tha Orraon City
Kntrrprlaa, a n"wpapcr of grnnrai cir
rnlallon. nuhllahrd In Clackamaa i oun
i. Orciinn. oner a wrrk for all auc
raalvr wrrka. Th data of the Hrat
tiiitlllratlnn Ihwof U July 30t1915.n.
with rach wkly nlltlon
of aald nrwapaprr Includlnn the laauo
,. n..ntnnhor 10. 1915. th" H ' n
laat pulillcatton thcrrof.
W. I. Mn.VEY.
Attornrya for Tlnlntlff
H aiilf tali an laacutlon.
In Ilia I'll.. ,11 C.iiit of Ilia Hlala of
'in ( .11. fur ll.a Ci.uiily uf l la' k a
un ,
Utl Id, 1,1,1m andO W llnlil.lua, part
I,, la aa llnl.l.liia 4 Hon. I'laliillHa,
flunk Ai'iiull and John Aiuull, Jr,
i.(i ihlaiila f
Hiala of liirjou. i'onnl y of Clai kainua.j
aa- J
I y tlriua of a I'l'U'tiii'iil iml. r, dn
i ii k and an fii nllon, duly laaurd out
of and inula r Ilia aal of Ilia alwiva an
tlll.d I'Hirl. In Ilia aoove rritlllnd
rauiK, In ina il'ilr ilr lid and datnl
tha kill ilay lit Ali'iiat, Upon a
u.li.innil n n,.'ir., rand and rn-
rrd aiMinnl llmr. and rnlnrad lu aald
..Mil hi tha (in day of Juna, Iil5, In
amr f l.l Knlil.lna and O W. Itnl-
.Ilia. rlnrra aa llnM.liie aV Hon, plain-
Ufa and aralimt rrank Aniuolt and
oh ii Ani'iolt, Jr dufi-ndanti, for the
mi nf IllilO'i, llh llilrr-at tharaon
I ihr rata of par rani, pi-r annum
from Ilia !lh day of June. W-, and
Ida cuala of and ntnin thla writ, com
manding l out of the paraoiial prop-
rly nf aald di fi-ndanta. and Ii uini l
ni i-niitd not l.r found, then out of tha
rral U'oiwrtr lialonglng to aald df"nd
anl mi and afler the dale of aald J'ldft
ni ii to aallafy aald film of $IH 05 and
alwi liia roala UHin thla aald writ.
Now Tln ri'fora. i lrtur o' aa'U
mi mi, luiIguiaMt .'ir bimi
and 1 1 nunpllance altk the cmnmaiida
if i writ, orlng unalilr to nna any
M raonal prnlMirty of aald dfcn.l'.lit .
did in the 1 1th dT of A'lB'ial. !?'.
duly Vy upon Ihr tnl oing ne.. r-i.."i
rml lii.rty of aald drfnndanl, nliu
kle aud Iwlng In the inunty of Clackr
tuaa, and atair of Pr gon, to-wlt.
Tl.c I. H of the . f:. v, ari-non i"
mi To I B . II. 3. K. of the W. M., and
111. on Riiturday. the 11th day of
Brpiamliar. 191S. at the hour of U
o In- k A. M . at the rronl owir oi .u
county courthouae In tie city of Ore
gon Ctly. In aald county anil aiair. a-,
at puldlr auction, aulijwt to rnl"tniv
n. to tha Unheal bidder, for U. 8.
gold ci'ln. raah In hand, all tne nun.,
title and InlHrrat which the within
named di fi ndrnta. or rlthrr of thrtn.
had un the date i f ald Judgmrni or
.1,.. a hail In or to the ahove dracrllx-d
rial proiM-rty or any part incrwi. io
antlafy raid jiiagmrlit crdiT. dwrco.
Inirrrat. coala and all accruing coata.
V. J. WIIJi..
. . ...a.. r . - . .
Sheriff of Clackamn I ouniy. wn a.....
Ily E. C. IIACKKTl ,
Dated, Oregon City. Oregon, Auguat
13lh. 1915.
Summon e.
In llm Clrnill Court of Hi" Klate of
Oirgun for I'laikama Comiiy.
(I., ar 1.1ml and Anna I Ind, hi wife,
r;mll l-Hid and : Mod. M "
and Itoix'rt ciai.ii, I'lulniina.
Carl A Id rKatroin, Imfeiidaiit.
To Carl A. IWgalrom. Defendalit ;
In the name of the Hlate of Ore
gon you are linrel.y reiUlred lo appear
and anaer the complaint Died agtilimt
ou III the alnive rnllllid aull wiliiin
ali eka from the dale of the flral
pulilliallon of thla auinmona, and If
rll Ihnraln for want thereof
plalnlina will apply to th" "" foV
the relief demanded III their aald c"
plaint, l: , ,
Kor a decree that you may he al
I,,..., I tan dura from the date thereof
llhlu whlih to pay lo plalntirfa the
Ultim a of the pun haae price on con
trait of aalo for the 8. H or M. B. 'k
..f H- 1 T. 6 H, llange 1 K. of W. M
In Clackamaa County, Oregon, of
3IW)00 and Intereal thereon at 7 per
im.hL w r annum rroin Juiy i, in
IJ0t taiea, and Intereal lliereon at
a im.i, runt, nar a n ii ii in from May M.
IHIS. and 17500 aa a reaaonahle at
i..r,...v'a fu. and coata and dlahurar-
nwnla of thla ault; and that upon full
lire ao to do you and all peraon claim-
l..a l, lliroiKll or tllMier you im
rver harred and forecloaed of any and
all rluht. title. Interval, claim d-
mand In and to the aald real prop
rrty and every part and parcel there
of; and that plalntlffa recover Judg
m-tii for 175 00 a reaaonalde eltorn
ry'a fi and the coata and dlaburae-
menla herein aud for aucn oiner or ir
Iher relief a to the court may aeem
Thla Bummona la puhllahed by order
of the nonoral.le II. 8. Anderaon. junge
iha Count Court of Ihe State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County, dated
Auguat 17. 1I5. which order direct,
that thla Bummona be puhllahed once
week for all wrrka.
Dale of flral publication Auguat !0.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Ore.
nawer I lie rolnplalnl Hied agalnat you
In ll.a al.oe rinmea mm aim i,.
on or before H' ')''".!
l-nr, aald date being afier III npire
Hon of all eka from Hie dale of flrl
publication of Ibla auii.moiia, aim h
you fall to ao appear and enar lb"
cooiplullit for want tliereol me piaui
HIT will Blip' I" "l" aove rniiur.i
court for the relief pmyeii mr in i n
complaint filed herein, low it:
For a decree or ai.nlii'e on on a i.
. ..... l ... .l. ,.r n,i,lrl
ever dlaaoivina ""
mony herelofore and now eiiating i
i.n iha ululntlff and defendant, and
lor audi other and further relief aa io
Ihe court may aeem Jut and r.iullui.ie
Thla aiimioona la aerveii upon you
by publication thereof for alx auccca-
alva and COIiaWU'lve wacaa in ui
gon City Knlerprle. purauani io an
order of the Jlonoraiiia J. i . ami.
1.11 lioliie of the above rnlllled court.
dated Auguat 2.'.lh, 1915, which order
.........il,.. that III" auilimolia in una
aull ahall be aerved iihhi you by pulK
llcatlon for l aucceale anil conaw
tire weeka.
tiKO. I.. MAHir...
309 10 Hotbchlld llulldlng. Portland.
Oregen. AlU.rney for Plaintiff.
Date of flrat publication. Auguat 27th
Date of laat publication.- Oct.
Wolf, lot I, blie k Z, Otto Meinig a lira!
addition to the. city of Handyj $1.
W. K. Plfer rt ui. lo IHanihe Hurl
btirt. 10 aT of aectlon 31, lownablp
1 aoulh of range 7, eaal of the Wil
lamette, meridian; fl.
Ileal ralaie Iranafera filed with He-
eorder Dnduian Friday are aa roiiowa
A. 0. Hbepard el U. to rred K. ( om
al'Mk. part of aertlnn ., lownanip t,
aoulh of raiiKe 3, eaat of the Willam
ette, meridian: 110.
Frank K. Tiffany rt ut. to V. M. C.
Hitva rt u. five ai rea ol una anq a,
aw tlon 21, lownablp 2, aoulh of range
3 raat of Ihe Willamette meridian;
II. 1 King el ui. to Frank E. Tlf
fanv. five acrea of lota 3 and . aec-
lion 21. townahlp Z. aoum Ol range
raat of Willamette meridian; l
Frederick Hill et UX to "
nvl Vlrin-nvj ijivaceiin, ua.i
tnwnaliln 1. aouln ol range z
C. UTOURrrT, rraeUeel.
Tte First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregoa
f. J. UK TEA, CMkl
Traneeete Oeeeral ianfcle ii-aieaee.
140400 M.
0e) freaa t A
M. te I , M
the Willamette meridian;
aliovrnamed defend-
Shtrltf'a Sale
In Ihe Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
uum (Jeorno lloecknuin nnd Umli Wulnh.
Kxeculora of the Kalate of E. A.
liiM-ckmnn. Pliilutlff.
O. W. KaHtlmm nnd Dulwy 1. KiiHtham.
Ilia wife. Scandinavian American
Hank, ii corporation and D. E. Dnht
berg. Defendant a.
Stale of Oregon. County of Clackamaa,
aa: .
Ily virtue of n Jinlntunt order, de
er. and nn execution, duly laauod out
of and under tho aeal of the above, en
titled court. In tho above rntltled
rniiHO. to mn duly directed and dated
(ho 9th duy of AuguHt. 1915. upon a
ludument rendered nnd entered In aald
n ihn Dili dav of August, 1915,
In favor of (leorgn llnecktmin and
UiuIho WalHh. cxecntorH of tho oBlate
of E A, Iloeckninn, tlwcnwMl, plnlnlirra.
and Maliiat 0. W. KuHlham ami DalRy
n. Knatlintn. hi" wife Scandlnnvl.jn
American Hank, a corporation, nnd D.
E Dnhlberg. defendant-!, for tho aum
of $2 000.no with Interest thereon tit
.i I,, nf 7 nor cout tier milium from
tho ISth tiny of Mnrch. 1914; and tho
further aum of lir.0.00. aa nitornoy s
f.Hi, and tho cost of and upon this writ,
commanding mo to make anlo of tho
..iwinir described real property, alt-
miter In tho county of ClnckmnnB. state
nt flrnnnn. to-wlt;
All tho followlnn doscrlhed real prop
erty Bltuato In Wlllnmotte nnd Tuala
tin tract In tho county of Clackamaa.
-ii nf nreeon. to-wlt: All of tracts
in it nn.i timt nnrt of tract 45
rioKliinlnir-Bt the
northeasterly corner of aald tract 45,
thence south 67 (logreos. 39 minutes,
west 300 root; thence south 22 degrees
21 minutes, east 280 foot; thence nortb
ft ,u.mi. sn mlnutea east 300 reel,
, thenco north 22 degrees, 21 minutes,
. .fti. AMlfinlnff
WOHt 280 feet to the pince oi h.-k...'b
ii.r 1 o ncrpa of tract 45.
-COIllllool'fS , . , ... -f
n nf irni-ta 48 and BO. All oi
..... ,.in nccordlng to the duly ro-
corded pint thereof of record in the
office of tho recorder of conveyances
for said Clackamas coumy.
kt, TWnforo. by virtue of snld ox
nnt order nnd docreo,
an incompriancowlththecomman
o said r.t.I will, on Sturday-
j... f Onntombor. 1915, at tlie
. . ! .. i Iwnlk J. M . at the front
nour oi i uv.w ..
door of the county courthouse In the
c.ty o? Oregon City In said conn y and
ii . n,tin auct on. subject to
ZnnUorrihehlKbcst bidder, for
.. tj .in coh in nana, an i"
right W .nd interest which the with
r,R. " ?L fnflnnt. or either of them
Knthelaieof the mortgage here-
In or since had In or to
described real property or any par
thereof, to satisfy said ""'"""jf
ment ordor. decree, Interest, costs and
all accruing cosls. .
Rherlff of Clackamas Cminty. Oregon.
ny E. C. HACKETi.
- Deputy
Dated, Oregon City. pregori.: Agi.t
13th, 1915. . ' ' ... ; .. i
Bharltre Bale.
a I. Oan tt
In the Circuit l oun oi ine m
Oregon, for the County or iac-
. ..
The Truateea or the loung aim a
ChrUtlan AamKlallon. or roruann.
Oregon, a corporation. Plaintiff,
Kolicrt Livingstone, aa Admlnlatrator
nf ihe Katato of John Thomas. De
ceased. Olive Glrton. Harold Olrton.
u..ri...ri lllrton. V. C. Reed. Seth
Kkstrom. Charlotte Ung. neo Jonea.j
and Joeeph Ung. her hualmnd. Char-1
lotte Sarah Jonea. Jane Dixon ni-e
Jonra, and Alfred Dixon, her hue
hand. Clara Umlso Jonea. Annie
Mury Jonea. luce llowrlla and any
olhera there may be unknown, tho
next of kin and helra of John Thom
as Deceased: alao the unknown heirs
of Moaes V. Noble; also all other
persons or parties unknown, claim
any rluht. title, estate, lien or Inter-
eat In tho real estate iieniin-u
the complulnt herein. Defendants.
Slate of Oregon. County of C'luckntnas,
Ily virtue of a Judgment order, de
,,.,, and an execution, duly laMied out
of and under tin) aeul of tho ubovo en-
iiii.i.l court, lu tho above eiuuieu
tauee, to inu duly directed aud dated
tho 11th day of Augum. 1915. upon a
imiiM.i.mi rendered and entered in aald
court on ilio Utli day of August. 1915.
In favor of the Trustee of the Young
. . t !....-
Mens ChrlHtlan absociuuuh ui up
land, Oregon, a corporation, piatuuu,
. . I nUl.l,i,l .i.tr.ui.l.
ami uKi'insi u"'u
autH, for thu aum of J500.UU. wuu in
toR'Hl tberuon at tho rate of 74 per
cut. per annum from the 1st uay oi
September, 1913. and the further aum
of J350.0O, as attorney 'h ices, uuu me
further sum of VI2.35 costs aim oib
bursuinenU, und the costs oT and upon
ilila writ. cominanUliig mo to mane
sale of the following described real
property, situate in the county oi
lU ii kiiiiuiK. state of Oregon, to-wlt:
Administrator's Notice.
Vi.tlcr la hereby given that the un
deralgtird haa lnn duly apKlnted ad
ministrator of the estate or wnny J
Hoots, deceased, by Ihe ( ounty Court,
of Clackamaa county. Oregon, and haa
Now. therefore, all persona having
clalma against said estate are hereby
notified and required to present tne
aame with the proper vouchera, lo the
undersigned administrator at hla home
at 114 Center street. Oregon City. Ore
gon, within six months from the date
of thla notice.
Administrator of the Estate of Emily J.
Hoots, deceased. '
Dated August Sth. 1915.
Attorney for Estate.
New-berg. Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
T, W. (Jlbba. Plaintiff,
Delia filbba. Defendant
To Delia (ilbba,
In Ihe name of Ihe state of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint nu-d against you
In the above entitled suit, on or before
the m day of October. 1915. said oate
being the expiration of six werga irorn
the first publication of thla summons,
and If you fall to appear er answer
aald comulalnt, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the rourt ror
the relief prayed ror in ins compiaim
For a decree dissolving the marriage
contract now rxlsllng between plain
Iff and defendant. This summons is
published by order of Hon. II. . An-
demon. Judge or the county i oun.
hlch order was made on Ihe IjIH day
real of
Oils W. Townaend lo John A. Domi
nique, lot 3, block 1. r-vernan a a
addition to Moialla; $10,
Ural ratate Iratiafers filed with Re
corder Dedman Haluraay are aa iwr
u-iii ri Jnln rt ux. to H. K. Cross,
lot 3. block 67, In the city of Olau
atone: 192.
i.,.n'.,H Italia ay. I.lxht Power
,. . .. in in
roinliuny to t.eorge wirgaen. i
I.I.m V R In the C IT Ol WlUBIIieua
Falls; $175.
John J. Kadderly el ux. to Fred
Knecht. ail of lot 4, block 1 of Derr
Park; $1.
Mr C. Daniel to Herman and Emll
Bchoenbucher. 40 aires of section i.
inwnsblo 2. south of range s. east oi
Ihe Willamette meridian; $10.
fl,.i.i,,.. o Murray to Edith C. IHr
... , .... i.-
ne rt al. oart or tne nonanon i.iu
claim of Thomas ! number 4. sec
tions 15 and 22. township 3. aoulh or
range 4. east of the Willamette me
ridian; $1.
lymla Yunker et nx. to Otto Orr
her and Theodore Vogler, part of see-
ton 27. townahlp 1 south, or range
...i nf the Willamette meridian; $200.
William VT. Smith to William Ilcrg,
tract 80, Jennings Lodge plal; $1
Lockett C. Mills et ux. to F. Knecht,
lot 3, block 1. In Deer Far; ll
nai Rstate company to
Portland Railway. Light ft Power com
L. Hammond
Attornays-at Law
AbatracU, Real Eatale, Loana, Inaur
Pacific Phone II, Home Pbone A 27 J
Phones Pacific 53
Home A 111
nf Aucust. 1915. and tne lime pre
i 1 l..r t.iiMlrnllnn Ihercol IS SIX
a. i nwu i," iv i . - - - I., a
weeks, beginning with the Issue dated pan. 20 acres of aectlon 7, township z,
. m I a.-lt'Htai mat tat
Friday, August 27tli. 1915. ami contin
uing rach week thereafter to am! In
cluding Friday. October Mn. li-
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State
Oregon, for Clackamas louniy.
Nora A. DuC.as. riainun.
t ii nnfias. Defenilanl.
ll nnfias. above named de-
In the name of the state or uregoi..
. I A , nnnaar In
von are ncrcoy requiiau er
the above entitled court and answer
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate of Ellra the complaint filed against you In the
Koch, Deceased
lieirltm in throe anil imy nunureuiua
chains south, nnd throe and twenty-Qve
hundredths cliulna west of the north
east corner of section thirty (30) In
township one (1) south of range inree
CI), east of tho Willamette ineriuinn;
ih.incn west forty (40) chains; thbnee
south twonty-flve (20) chatim; thence
oust forty (40) chaltiB; tbonce north
twenty-five (25) chains to tho piuce oi
boglnnlng, oontalnlng one hundred
acres more or less.
Now. Therefore, by virtue ot nam ex
ecution, Judgment ordor and docreo,
and In compllunce with the commanuB
of said writ, I will on Saturday, the
11th day of Soptombor, 1916; at tue
hour of 11 o'clock A. M., at tho front
door bf tho county courthouse In the
cltv of Oregon City, In said county ana
state, sell at nubile auction, suojeui
to rodomntlon. to the highest blduer,
fur II. S. gold coin, cash in nana au
the right, title and Interost which the
within named defendants or either of
thorn had on the date or. the mortgage
heroin or since had In or to the above
described real property or any pan
thereof, to sntlsfy said execution, Judg
ment order, decroo, interest, cobIs and
nil accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Aug. 13th,
Notice Is hereby given thnt the un
dersigned has been appointed by tne
County court of Clackamaa count)
Oregon, executor of tho will of Ellia
Koch, deceased, and has duly qualified
aa auch.
All persons having claims against
the nfowsald estnto are nereny non-
fled to present the samo at tho office
..r Pmii v. Fischer, room 2, Heaver
i.nii.iinir Oregon City. Oregon, with
nnmer vouchers and duly verified,
uiii.iM al months from the date of
this notice.
Doted. Auguat 13. 1915-
Attorney for Executor.
Notice Is hereby given inai a cer
tificate has been filed In the office of
the County Clerk of Clackamaa l oun
ty, by H. H. Johnson. County Sur
vevor. showing that the contract en
tered into by Jefft'ry & llufton for the
Improvement of the road leading from
Mllwauk e to Sellwood. naa oeen com
nleted In strict conformity with all
terms, conditions and specifications as
set out In said contract.
Any person, firm or corporation hav-
Inir obleclions to Me to the completion
of said work, may fllo same with the
Pnuntv Clerk within two weeks from
the date ot the first publication of this
Dated August 13th, 1913.
County Clerk.
FOR SALE A registered two-year old
Jersey bull: has won three prizes.
Address Fred Leuenberger, Oregon
City, R. F. D. No. 6, Box 34.
WANTED to 1iear from owner of good
fnrm for snlo. Send cash price and
.inscrlntlon. D. F. Bush, Minne
apolis, Minn.
Assessor's Notice of Meeting of Board
of Equalization.
Notice Is hereby given that upon the
second Monday in September, to-wn.
aaniomlier 13. 1915. the board of equal
ization will attend at the courthouse in
rinnimmas county. Oregon, and will
publicly examine the assessment rolls
and correct all errors In valuations, de
rHntlnns or dualities of lands, lots or
other properties assessed by the Coun
ty Assessor.
Dated at my office this 10th day of
A",,St- 1915, J. E. JACK,
. .. . County Assessor.
LOST 2 year old bay colt, white spot
In forehead. Any information toaa-
ing to recovery will be suitably re
warded. Thone Redlnnd 24. Mrs.
F. Cntho, Oregon City, Oregon, R. F.
D. No. 2.
ceived by the County Court until io
o'clock on Friday, September jra.
for the construction of a tool house,
plans and specifications for which
rnnv he seen at the office of the
County Clerk.
The right to reject any and all
bids is expressly reserved by the
County Court.
In the Circuit Court of the State o?
Oregon for the County of Clacka
Francesco Guerra, Plaintiff,
Anirelft Taccocna Guerra, otherwise
known OS Angela Taccogna dl An
rtrea. Defendant.
To Angela Taccogna Guerra, otherwise
known as Angela Taccogna m An
drea. the above-named defendant
in the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
. " v.. .i
above entitled court on or ueiu. -
weeks from the 27th (lay or auk.imi,
mi-. nl,l STth da? of August. 1915. be
in tha date of the nrsl pumiomu..
of this summons, ana tr you iau
appear and answer the complaint, the
plaintiff will apply to tne aooe
tied court for the relief prayed for In
the complaint herein, to-wlt:
For a decree of the above enuue
en.,ri thnt the bonds of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and the
defendant be forever dissolved and
hoi.i f,,r nnncht. and that plaintiff be
given the care, custody and control o
the minor child of the parties to thl
suit, and that plaintiff be awarded $2o
per month permanent alimony for the
ai.nnnrt find maintalnance of Bald min-
" ' 1 a . ...
nr elilld. nnd for sucn oiner aim ..-
iher relief as to the court may seem
meet and equitable, Including ner com
and disbursements herein.
ti.u aummons Is served upon ou uj
publication thereof once a week for six
successive and consecutive weeks in
the Oregon City Enterprise, a news
paper of general circulation In Clack
amas county. Oregon, and printed and
published In Clackamas count, ure
gon, pursuant to an order of the Hon.
J. IT. Campbell. Judge of the above en
titled court, made and entered herein
on the 2fith day of August, 1915.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication, Aug. 27th.
1915. . .,
Date of last publication, uci. m.
tinnl estnte transfers filed with Re
corder Dedman Wednesday are as fol
Charles D. Schmld to F. W. Stock,
lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 13. 14, 10, 10. uium
of Apperson's sub-divislen of blocks 5
6 and 7, Parkplace; io.
n t Stuart et ux. to Savan Land
company, tract numbered 16 and 17 of
the Savon Gardens; xiu.
icnnio M. Ncff et al. to J. W. Ogilbee.
5 acres of section 1. township 2. south
of range 2 east or the winameue u
ridian: $10.
J. F. McCormnck et ux. to E. O. Lo-
o., ot nr ots 11. DIOCK i. Ill
triangle piece In lot 3, in Parkplace;
Jennie T. Chapman to C. W. Gay
of sections 9, 10, 15 and lo
t',-hin p anuth of range 2, east of
h. wuinmette meridian; $10.
A. Vester et ux. to Airreo rTVMinu,
5 acres, tract 8, Fatrman urcnarua,
Carl Ritter et ux. to Katherlne R
Rltter. part of lot 8. block 5. of the
Shaver sub-division, block 5 to 8. tract
11 to IS, of the Shaver Place; $600.
Real estate transfers filed with Re
rionmn Thursday are as fol-
CUIlll l' u --
1 Alice M Starkweather to H. Q. Stark
weother. 16 acres of the J. S. RIsley
donation land claim; $10.
Charles C. Palmer to Charlotte T.
Palmer. 17 acres of section 36. town
ship 3 south, of range 4 east of the
Willamette meridian; $10.
Joseph DeLano et ux. to Frank J.
DeLano. lot 7. Bentri tracts In the Mil
ton Brown donation land claim. 38
cnninna 11 and 12, township 3. south
of range 1. east of the Willamette me
ridian; $.10. . . ;
George, A. Wolf et ux. to Edward M.
south of range 6. eaat oftheWHlamette
meridian; $10.
Real ertate transfers filed with Ke-
,i. iwimin Monday are as ioi-
V.1 ( 1 HI. . . .
v...h Hlneley to Howard Hingley
lots 23 and 26. block 71. Mlnthorn ad
dition: $:5.
Fii..n Maria Rockwood to Arden M.
Rockwood et uxx.. lot 5. biocg i. Ar
denwald; $1.
Joseph Hingley to Mary J. Irns-
,., tr.ia 57 and 23. MOCK 1 1, miu
thorn addition; $18.
r V Tlllcv et ui. to Howard Hlng
ley. lot 25. block 71. Mlnthorn; $10.
r.re rammers to Eva Iammers.
part of sections 15 and 22. Intownshlp
3. eouth of range 2. east oi me u.."
ette meridian; $1000.
Joseph Asped to D. C. Latourette.
part of tract 2. of the Willamette
tracts; $25.
Howard Hingley, Esther J. Hingley
to Mary J. Farnsworth, lots 25 and 26,
block 71. Minthorn addition; $10.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 20. Secretary
t an tit tiff todav admitted Dr. Heinrlch
Albert had filed with the state depart
ment a denial of the charges made by
the New York World as to the plans
for German propaganda In this coun
Drrr don't wear red sweaters, Mr.
Amateur Hportaman. Iiul wiae nuiu
rrs do, advises the atate game warden
in a Hat of Instructions for thoee who
go to the mountains In quest of game.
Tbe warden's warnings are many
and hla purpose l to lessen Ihe num
ber of men who annually go out with
a gun and tbe brat of health and come
back either under arrest or In a wood
en box. His purpose Is lo explain the
lawi of nature as well aa the laws of
h. .i.ia of Oregon. His directions!
for self -preservation and for the pre
servation of your brother hunter follows:
Each hunter Is allowed only three
.. u ...
deer. This Is more man enounu
most of them. Every carcass must be
tagged with a little red ticket torn
from the special deer hunter's license.
vn,i ean't tran ar snare them. You
. , k.,1r have
can snoot oucaa. im -
to be big enough for you to
horns plainly. i
Those chasseurs wno nave oeen i
the habit of getting up at night to goj
deer hunting will have to restrain
their evil Inclinations. You can't hunt
deer after dark. Go to bed and sleep
as other decent, respectable people ao.
You can't trop or snare them. You
can't shoot from a public highway.
You can't kill deer with anything but
the ordinary shoulder gun or revolver.
The latter provision waa wisely Insert
i m Hlsronraie the gTowtng practice
of hunting deer with light field artll-
inr and shrannel sheila.
From now on the man who goes In
to the woods takes a bigger chance
than do the deer who live there. To
cut down the shooting of each other by
ri hunters, the office of the state
a .-ar.ipn has also Issued a set of
jr.n'1. Thev Issued tne uonv
year and the year before that.
Here are the aonia:
Don't shoot at moving shrubs
Don't shoot anything until you see.
plainly what It is.
Don't carry your gun loaaea.
Don't go Into the woods without pay
ing your Insurance and making your
It Is also recommended that you
wear a red cap, a rea -i -constant
blush on your face. They
have been carrying on a systematic
campaign year by year to prove to
the fool hunter that deer ao noi wear
red caps and sweaters.
Attorn at-Law
All legal business promptly attended to
Attornay at-Law
Dautachar Advokat
Will practice in all courts, make col
Irctlons and settlements.
Office In Enterprle llulldlng.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Commercial. Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Dank
Illdg.. Oregon City, Oregon.
Notary Public
Eatacada, Oregon.
We make a specialty of installing
water systems and plumbing in
the country. We carry the Lead
er tanks and Stover engines. We
have a full line of Myers pumps
and stray pumps.
Prices always lowest
720 Main St. Oregon City
Phone 268W
A trust deed for $700,000. one of the
largest filed in Clackamas county for
many months, has been recorded here
by the Silver Falls Timber company
which recently floated a bond Issue.
The deed Is given to tho Continental
& Commercial Trust & savings uau,
of Chicago, and Frank H. Jones, trus
tee The bonds will bear 6 per cent.
Tha snvAr Falls Timber company
, . a- - t,.,v,n. in rinnka-
owns great irucis m i.u.. ---
mas and Marlon counties, has a big
mill at Sllverton in Marlon county
and a 30 mile railroad running into
Its timber property.
ijwircTir:ATinil MAY RESULT IN
Office Phonee Pacific Main 406;
Home A-270.
Residence Home B-214.
Beaver Bldg., Room t
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
THAN 100.000 BALES,
Mary Lludstrom, the five-year-old
daughter of Eric Llndstrom. of Col
ton, died Sunday from burns received
Saturday while playing with a fire in
the yard of her home. '
The little girl was playing unnoticed
by older persons. Her clothing caught
and before help could reach her, she
was severely burned. Sheriff Wilson
and Mrs. M. E. Church, court matron,
went to Colton Monday.
The pirl was on? of eight children,
between the agsi of a year aud haU"
and 14 vears. The .v.other died recent
ly and the duty of housekeeping j.s
ir witb the oldest girl. The visiting
nff:r.nl said oa their return that they
ihn T.ln.l strom nome iu u
plorable condition and it is possible
that the county court may take steps
to place the children in a nome. uiuu
strom is a farmer.
fU i hl-rk.-trpalll"na Ural
Tl' .ltalili.4 an I lion wtinicry
i L X ill .-.! ISKVNO fll-l .
Ti,oi ihn ant Ire hoD crop of the
.oio will he less than 100,000 bales,
Is the statement made by J. L. Clark,
vipe-nresldent of the Oreson Hopgrow-
ers' association, who has Just complet
ed an inspection of more than tuu nop
yards In the state. Yards in tne nna
die part of the Willamette valley, ac
nrrtinir to Mr. Clark, have been heavi
w rtnnmeed hv vermin and mould and
many of these yards will not be picked
at all. Near St. Paul. ML Angel, Yam
hill and Sllverton the greatest damage
has been done and the crop will be
nhnnt 75 ner cent short. In PolK coun
ty Mr. Clark found the best prospects
for a good crop. Here there will be
plenty of superior hops to offset any
damage there may be from mould. In
the lower valley Mr. Claris ana . u.
Coad Inspected 87 yards, of which the
owners will not pick more than 35 of
The majority of the yards In this
part of the valley will start picking
about the latter part of August or the
first of September. ine reyoieu
price to be paid for picking this sea
son will be eighty cents per hundred
pounds, which Is twenty cents less
than has been previously paid for picking.
MOBILE. Ala., Aug. 19. The
nchuoner Dora Allison has been lost
in tho hurricane off the Texas coast,
neenrdine to a telegram from her mas-
ipr. Cantain Woods, who is in a has-
niii t Fort CrocketL No details
were given regarding loss of life.
Best thing for constipation-, sour
stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow
els. Stops a sick heahache almost at
once. Gives a most thorough ana sat
isfactory flushing no pain, no nau-
. Koona vour system cleansed,
nw.t and wholesome. R. H. Weihecht,
can t oVo ritv. TTtah. writes: "I tind
Cltrolax the best laxative I ever used
n not trine no unpleasant after
effects." Jones Drug Co. (Adv.)
A hundred Clackamas county teach
ers skipped school to go swimming
Friday afternoon. These hundred
teachers, who preside over a hundred
Clackamas county school rooms In the
winter, have been receiving instruc
tion at the training school In the Bar
clay building.
Tls said the rejoicing among iuo
teachers Friday when County School
Superintendent Calavan announced
that there would be no school Friday
afternoon was equal to the Joy usually
shown by the pupils of these same
teachers when a halt holiday was an
nounced. The party of teachers went to Oak
Grove, forgot the dignity of the school
master or the schoolmistress, and had
a genuine good time. Many went swim
ming on the Oak Grove beach and oth
ers took pleasant walks along tho
banks of the Willamette. The trip
was made in special cars and tha party
returned to Oregon City late Friday
Rev. E. A. Smith, for three and a
halt years Baptist county missionary,
will leave for HiUsboro within tha
next few days and Is now preparing to
move to the Washington county town.
He will have charge of the First Bap
tist church at Hillsboro.
Rev. Smith is known through Clack
Kinas county f-om one etiC to the oth
er for his iif"d work Is by no means
confined to one section. Afoot or
awheel he bas .raveled mncy miles In
order to serve, whether those seeking
help be In the mountains in the east
ern part of the county or the farms of
the south, or whether the aid sought
be spiritual, or manual. He has suc
ceeded In building up churches in a
community where organization was
difficulty and all the odds against him.
Growing and prospering churches at
Arleta, Oregon; Puyallup, Wash., and
In Revelstoke, B. C, testify to his
He was raised csar Oregon City and
received his schooling here. Later he
went to McMinnville and then
Rochester Theological seminary.