Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 06, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    OIIIWON C1TV ENTKKIMitRE. I'l.'IDW, Al'dl'ST (i. 1MI.Y
Enterprise News Service Covers Clackamas County
r j
Ml Fern 1UU, of Condiim, l.tati.i,
Ik H llillllK 111!) HUIIHII'T ilh Iter i
ter. Mr. Aden.
Mr, Kit lirtilHTKiT nl daughter i
lied IhI1kIii' family Ut rck.
Itt'v. and Mrn. May, ( Vaiumnrr,
have been vlnitliijj Mr. ami Mr. An
kiT an.) Ziiiiiiirriiun iri( Hat liii.rr, nf !'! Iil.er t.-, tump,
ur.lay rirniii al M.T j rnirruimd a il ( tn.-n.U limn
J.ar. llnditr with hi n.rrUud ! PonUtiJ l-t k Tlirmiti iln Hi
liuik CtiiiiilH Zuium rnn and 1i
Julie IO Olrgmi I'ltv, Salun1a run
h'niiil4' mortittif tin1 KImtimk1 In
Il Irani defeated the Hil Itrlrr "
i.ii'U. 3 lo 9. In tli aftrriimm lli
..lflf 111 lilt M t.lHI.K II. t n I'.e . n
ill IIIK.r Il4a loll II I.HIti.l Into
n iiiiKiiif Ittithti Inner, an ianiilt'
t.f th.tl to.iiiK nit ii ii.ii a tiiniluh.
hrry Wood, and accompanied them In invert iri-r brat the I'Iih.I Onion
tils num. jcmwrr I to li. Nt HuiuUy Itier
ThrrrliltiK machine ar rrjarlna5 t,Br the Redmen at Cancmah park
and a . ill.. id.-a t'f life
Mr and Mr Lieut TmnWiitu and
fatuity ,t-nl rilnt'xlay al Ikwnlr
View unp In l.in. irpf'iin lie
j 'urtiM Hundr.d Vaung Waman Wil-
CanUal With Olava.
Tim Mul young women aiudi-nla uf
lulmiit .imiiIimii), vw iiri,.,,,,. ij.
Fur lliu luil thi.e M.,u,l..t le.-r 'Hill over I lip nuli uf Hi., rli.u
.1 1 ..I luir4.h.i iheapt.nt.nt mark. Tim! I'""1'' i"'""u Hit'rn uf .mil..
Tli.' itriiii fur M.md) at llm,
I'niiUiid I'tilnn Ht.uk Yai'la rrt: Cat i
iif. !.":, huti. : tm(. 4n.'ii, !
There another trln made t J-nniii;. tainilv
Koullnn Monday nuhl.
Krnet Undue la now working at Fu-
to utart out tlila eek
Mr. and Mra. llron, of Klamath
I "a I In, hpt-nt laat week at Ilia nouim o(
tlu'lr relatives, AIIon and KJ Hakci.
The ReUner fainll)' nintitl lino
tlielr liraiittrul lirtr hoin.
lloi(iroer hfr have ben liimy
irjii iioiia. (,.,t.
Mla llt li-n Murrav U aiundins llif vm. Kala. r wfi.t lo are Mr
Normal HhiI at Monmouth tlila aim. I ,ni Sctije'a big Uir Tur.lar af:.
"er- I pnionn.
Harry Joat U biilldlnu wry nl.ei sin J.k llfrnert and tlannliter. M
houM. and lll have all modrrn run-j wrnl to ivnland Tm-a lar.
vcnli ncca In It. t , rroad rnt aainimlnit ataln Tue-
The WlUotivlll.i ball tram la atill t jaV rtrnlng.
on the winning aide. i The Wllkm famlllra rt Tuetdar
Mr. Wall, formcrlv a H)iular rlork In Unllora at Hivkeman'a.
Adon'a alore,
lUIIA Mil. I . I-m i'.,!....... . .m ... .
inlt Of ftitiiK ihla (Iota uf cattle la l kjntpa.
imt ti'iiiliig In freely. Out uf the too' ""''"t rolltiweil a Knee mum!
h.d t-n the market unit to or three1 .M. mii,,. f Ml
l-.veryiKttiy na-i a koihi nine ai me i-"re .n.r- ... mr IM. ... .......... , ....... ..i.,.,. . ... . -
Mri.l..ih.fl.ii,l...tln idle ltd the m..r' i.lrnle, Tile l,u.l mul.l atuiw In ihta rla. M...I . ' " " "r tl I l la ti.
r.niri.1 i.H-Keniaii nan me imiera i ..ini'.i.i. nun.? i.-.....- , urierliiua mere int'illiN ie, the, il.-vMini
Monday re wo nine rn. n i tn ine in ,,,,,,1 nniiil.er of aeemul rate rattle !,
ler vtiu awarded the
In In ethl. ni e l"iir ordinary entia
A Urge nnti.U-r t-f the llrl.iea . ,lt ,.f,.ri llB ,,,, ,,,,, ,
rl. ly t.f I'nrtlaiid, rnjntr.) Hnnd.ty, Inlt ,.r ,ale rtl.. iU.a,v
4. ..1. l.. l.l l f....!
,.-mr ...... ,,. w .... ., t... ...I
- .. n ..uiiijiv.i iiri liter IIOi
Iho'iaaiul er regl.l.ri'd over Him
hiindm of llul ao. l.-lt r I'll. mil l
Nut and a targe nutiilwr ftmn loUH
The Mrlhnmlil Kline (Iglit iirtglnale.1
m iI.m iiuiun uter n, ,, ,
.miiii an I l.mil.lniia
yltla. M, UUne nl.l alii. iiinl, Hiii
n.ij millinii ,r w,.Ktit ,
anil .Mt lK.iiiiM t In. ll.-i, .....I ii,.
1$ U"?Hlffl
.In 4.iiil.l nt . 1....1. .. i lilleliieiii li ,. . .i..i.i.i . . ..... ..
i, ...t.,.,1.. ...l. ....i ii.- .1. .!-. ere; . .. - - -.- ... .ti iua
.,' ,. ' l'Hn the cl.i.e of laal eek'a; ,lm,",r nw' S) iniin.liim.
I'rlre at T 15 all lln- ruled ateady
Hie hulk going at T lo $;.lrt. Trade
On Wednesday eteiilng the Ma-'amaa
l l.-iileed at I'edar laland park,
Mr and Mra Milton I'mter hate ro
li.rne.l from Saelde.
Mta Ka rim m and Mla K.aiher t'nii
Ih II left fur M.'.lford oil Wt'dmadat
The largeat ret.ii fnr alngle day
In the lai.t few iimnllia were lit Dili
innrnlng. over 4n00 head helng totaled.
reguinii.iii ri,,a mt ..i.,..! X,.ih
lug vtnt lucking. Iticlu.ling rtir, lie
ami tuner eiiilUueiit. ,r.if,..,ir Hun
ani ai't.tl - referee, ninl lie na Hie
only limn allow i-, w n. .,,
lie mo imitii-r-. were alllr.sl
i.. i.i.....
waa III our village on . Kal-rand daughtera. Hilda and nd on rflday Joined a party h,t will " '"'f "W head Helng toule.l.i r .,,. v
. . .. . .. . I. .(.Hi lamlia tm ...II..,,. .) i.t.i . . . i. niiu.-a
j Mangle, went to Cantor Tnr.lay. a" "J amo io laier uae. uie iri. - -- .inPi hl n, all,(
Mr. and Mra. Hold, fimh.im are the
proud parenta of a little Imhy girl.
Iiorn on Thursday. July 13th, at the
Good Samaritan honpital.
Detpondtney Out to Indention.
"AImhiI three monlha ago when I waa i Urate manager of Alhera Hour mllla. '
A giMtd many have been 111 from tho aufterlng frmi Imligeatlon which who nttmifd at the Jennlnga home dur
new hop apray, which rontaina a tiigicauaed headache and dlrry .ell and lug the pat we.'k. returned home mi I
percentage of nicotine. 'made mo feel tired and ileapoiident.-l Sunday evening. They enjoyed their!
Mr. and Mra. IVttlitoa ait'iit the firt ' heean taking Chamherlatti'a Tahlela." miilng racemllngly and riper I Ik
of the wt with Mr. and Mra. Kltnrr; wrltea Mra tiro. Hon. Mavdon. N V. apend the weekenda at l.yawln. !o.it
Jonea. 1 "Thla medicine proved to he the very lug. Lathing and enjoying the genera!
Mr. and Mra. Marion Younn were thing I needed, aa one day treatment round of pleaaun to he found In thla'
in the Koae City on Wednesday and relieved me greatly. 1 ue! two Ut- vicinity. j
Thumday of laht week. tlea of Chamlierlain'a Talileta and ttiey Mr. j. II. Kvana. of I'oriland. moved
Mra. Wm. Turner and young aon are rid me of thla trouble." obtainable Into tlir little bachelor bungalow at
visiting at the fiome of Mra. Turner'a everywhere. tAdv.l l.yawln and l very romfurtaldy en
parents. Mr. and Mra. Ed. Ilaker. I - - :
Harold tny passed tne teacnera ex- JENNINGS LODGE,
amination. held recently at the roun-j .
ty -at. j Mr. and Mra. Jame WeNh and H.-
Mis? Ellabelh Itrobst baa a reKpon-; nler Hallerk enjoyed an auto trip In
alble position aa rashler in a depart- tj,e Tlllumook country over the week-
mcnt store In the Rose City. f nJ.
ill take then, ...y from hmce three, -I? U- I'rlcea. nuI, ' "j " " " ;'rw
" i The following aalea are repreaenta j ami ea,, rt.uinl ., ihr.e mlnulea
.vir i M'O v anuc. neu an i r.tiniiy. . tie.
S Slwra. 1212. .
II Sleera. 1154..
? Sleera. 12U..
17 Cow a. I2S6. . .
5 Cow a. titl2. . .
: Cow a. 1115...
I Hull. 1350....
3 Hulls. 10.10...
I Slag. lir.O...
Ill Hogs. 172.. ..
.'5 Hogs. l?t
TT lloga. 1S9
, HIi one inliiut.i r t.
. ..$'.00 MlM lvllll III "if llntl ruund showed
, .. 5 'n,'r "ler. rlv and rnhe. Me
, .. 6(!t)! ''""M "limt the ring MKa Mcti.
.. 523'"'"' " klioikinl il.iwii .fieri I timet,
,.. 5.00',,",' l'rofe"ir lliliiaon alopiHI
.. 4 50 j flKh Hie third round. The y.iun f
.. 4 "5' """' r'' Hie licit of friend The
.. 4 25",l""' h"'"' nti'l "I"'"!! the evening !
5 jj I gelher after the Imtit.
. 7 15 I rrindv nud glnre on the ra-
7 M' wn "''''y
.. 7 00!
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Baker and little
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Harris, of
Portland, attended a family reunion
Mr. and Mr. Helcher. of Springi!;tl..
Wash., are at the Inme of Hush Rol-
; erts. are attending ramp meeting. A
at the home of Mr. and Mr. Alison, Mr. Helcher is a merrhant he U ak- r
Iiaker. on Sunday. ing nM- wePK Portland, coaibln-
The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j ns hunlnesa Interf-tts with "!e"re
Elmer Jones died on Sunday night and ! on their trip.
was burled Tuesday morning In the! Miss Nettie Hentlcy. of Pubuuu?,
Hood View cemetery. j i0wa. is spending a few days with Mrs.
Rev. Cpfhaw. formerly pastor at j t,Mitx-!iort. enroute home from the fair
Hood View, had charge of the funeral; , callfornb. and will stop over In la-
service of the little Jones' baby, on 1 coma 0.1 rt'.urr home.
Tuesday. j Tip twenty third annual convention
Ed. Wasner and Miss Simpson, of, Jll(i raTp nieeUng of the ;vanrllcrtl
Portland, were married on Sunday In ' s.oclaic. 1 of Cr,go.i. is being held
the Rose City, and came to Wilson- ,ne pretf- River Ww camp grounds
ville on Monday, where they will bj the program, p.nt 0' which was give-!
at home at the farm of W. W. Graham. 1 in iaJt week s news Items, cover 1 1
Mr. Wagner has been In charge of the j Wl(je fe.j 0f orK ,X!l avowe pur-
l.raham farm lor a year, and Is very roe of rtln-.ulaiing religion. Intelitst- r
popular, having many friends here..,,,,! ani tJt ljf ;hoM,it3 In the mii.l
who take pleasure in wishing the brldo. , the r.nnet r g'rcra'.lnn. nn-1 thn
ana groom mucn nappiness and pros-j,n miv ,.t , .-i(.ar.r vision ap-t 3
Per"y- j rJronsf r -;rasi upjn God's tnith. U 'fc S
i ne young ioiks are looking ror- .li-jociatlc aim
mmmmmm IttMMMBMaMaaaliaMal aaBaBaaa.ll.iiiHqnHaaaJBajM tmmmmmmm
Right Now Mr. Farmer
Al.roiiuL j riit i kti i"
IVomofiii Di AlitHtflrfrfJ
rvss awl IVvxontilnt nrtrtr
(Nuni Mnrjihinf mrMwrril
ttt 1 41 Alt V II I It .
(aaaaaPlalJB afa
AnrCrrl IUmilv forfimvlfei.
Hon. Sour Mi)itkh.l)liili
iusj mhILoss or SLttR
facSuiaaf Sitalttrraf
For Infnntsj wnj Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
ft .IfV In
. 1 m 11 a..a.4 p a aeT.
VjMjV r,JiriUrrXuiwVrtti'"
Kiaci Copy ol Wrapper,
For Over
Thirty Years
m fwaa arrt
Real ealiite traliNfer filed Willi Re
rorder I it'ilinaii Thursday are a fnl
Siiruh K. Hlniiul to AUlu G. Phelps township 2. south of riingit
of aotithcaat of act Inn t, towimhlp
3, aniitli of ran go 3, east nf the Wll
lamelte inerldlnn: 1 10
Hatinnh K. Mailer el al. to CI. N.
Will rt 111 , 3 10 acrea In aectlnn r:
east of
ward to the dance on Saturday even
H. D. Aden attended the Grocers' Re
tail association picnic at Bonneville
on Wednesday. 2Sh. and reports a I
very enjoyable time. J
N". Young and W. Stangel have taken
the agency for the "Overland" car and
Thurs 'a .n.inin--' wm the day g'v- zzz
r 10 itv Snndav rt,,o.)l league TI " :
i nday si-IkkiI tf todav compared to
1 'hat of vestenlnv, wa- pretty well dls
riissed The Salem delegate leading
A papi r o' muca m- 'ft was r:!ven by r
Avin TAI 'vesiek. of Oregon C!tv. .1: :
E'fieioricy for St rv.ee on the Part of
I You Will have need of a number of little
I things for your harvest work.
have a splendid one on display In their, (iifjrors ?, Tiar. t rs." It waa
I d'.'Hv. rd n- 1! a ,'.e to have It pjl
I u in. In the I ii. .ti-ftl rhiirrh
For a Sprained Ankle. prH , re. i.-i ....n, ,-s. nd it w.. .'
If you will get a bottle of Chamber-1 ,e a S Icn.' pj..T to have read .1
Iain's Liniment and observe the dlrec-ionr .-ta'e nn.l diKiri.-t Sumlav srb .1
Hons given therewith faithfully, yon
will recover in much less time than
is usually required. Obtainable ev
erywhere. (Adv.)
Mrs. Fred Lehman spent Thursday
with her sister, Mrs. Frank Chllds.
Dr. Johnson is seriously ill at the
present writing.
Miss Wanda Wanker was pleasantly
entertained by Miss Blanche Duncan
. Friday.
Misses Florence Brumbaugh, Hattie
Wanker, Jean Wilson and Leona Prym
brook spent a very pleasant afternoon
with Miss Marian Eastman Sunday.
Miss Anna Gurley from Friend, Ore
gon ( visited her cousin, Miss Iva Whit
ten during the week.
John Shaber, from Willamette, runs
up the river In his motorboat quite fre
quently. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baker enter
tained friends Sunday.
A number of young folks spent Sun
day evening at the rapids on the
Tualatin River.
Miss Lena Lehman viBited her aunt
Mrs. Frank Chllds Sunday and Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Max McMahon were
pleasantly entertained at the John
Wanker home Sunday.
Edith and Audrey Wanker spem
Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs.
F. W. Wanker.
Douglab Gillis, from Oswego, vis
ited In the neighborhood during the
Binder Twine,
Tank Pumps,
I Pitcher Pumps,
I Single Trees,
! g It's a fine thing; there are 3 stores in this county that
s can fill your needs promptly and at low prices.
E Oregon City, Oregon.
1 Canby Hdw. & Imp. Co.,
Canby, Oregon.
Molalla, Oregon.
We Draw from the Stock of
conventions at fnti.rv dates.
A larre d, 'legation i.'ino from Lr .'il
over the Willi-mci 19 Valley Southern
and on Thursda.' aVm'Hin had a par
on the program. "Sinlng the Oospel"
was the evening service, a guarte't,
composed of E. D. Hornsch'id, T. R.
Hornschud and Emi! Hornschnd and
Lloyd Dunsmorc, sang a number of Im
pressive songs.
Ten minute informal discussion,
"Wanted to Know" (a) What are the ;
encouraging feature of Sunday school
work? (b) Is the Sunday school re
sponsible in part for the waning rev-
erence for the house of God and the
word? (c) What Is the denomination
al Sunday schools relation to the state
associations and Sunday school un
ions? (d) Why should we encourage
the use of our own Sunday school lit
erature? Friday the Women's missionary
meeting gave a program. The devo
tional being lead by Mrs. W. Shupp,
the president.
"The Missionary Idea and Prayer,"
by Mrs. Emmel: '.'Women and World
Peace," Mrs. Lillian Clark; solo, Mrs.
Ash: "How Christians Give," by Mrs.
Shupp; reading. "Aunt Becky Visits
the Society of Klngdomville," Mrs. K.
W. Silcher. In the afternoon the fol- 3
lowing well known people took part
Mrs. Helen Lehman, Mrs. Mattie ;l
Sleeth, Mrs. Nettie Myers. Mrs. E.
Bradford, Mrs. F. Hornschuh, Mrs. ' sconced.
Hagemann and Mrs. E. D. Hornschuh. The Hoy Scouts are enjoying their
baturday alternoon there were no annual outing at Oswego Luke, undur' Gary. We are listening to the Judge.
services and the evening Rev. Plum- Wendell Smith, their able scout mas-1 nnd of course we must take Into con-l
mer spoke. Iter. On Tuemiay about thirty from slderal Ion the fact that he Is in the
on Sunday Kev. Noan hnupp, Rev. Jennings Lodge went by boat and auto nteel business.
Liening and Rev. Radabough, of Al- to Oswego and then took row boats to! .
bany, preached. A large crowd at- the head of this beautirul lake, which
tended the all-day Sunday services, is about three miles long to where
During the week different ministers the scouts were in camp. A basket
of the conference are conducting the dinner waa enjoyed at the park and
meetings. ; "toothsome goodies" left for the boys
A cafeteria supper will ne given at who will return home on Saturday. Th
Bale Ties,
Harvest Oil
Etc., Etc.,
ei 111.. ;itM iioii 1. towimlilp 4 aniitli. ol the Willamette, meridian: II.
range 1. euat of the Willamette, tnl O. I). Kby In Jennie Kby. part of
rlilliin: $1. I lot 2. In block l.l.t. Oregon City; $1.
George Von Putlkiiin. r lo Hannah 1 Karl A. Hrltton i t 111 to W. I,. Mni
Von I'uttkainer. il, million laud claim j dow. lot 9 and 10. nf block 1. of Mrlt
No. '., II acrea In section 29 and .10.! ton 1.11b division of Willamette Full".
township 1. aoulli of range 3, enat of: $s:,0.
the Willamette Meridian; fl. I Real ratal tranafer filed with Re-
l. C. Utoiiretlo rt ui. to T. I.. Shlve c.rder Dedinnn Monday are it 11 fob
ly ft u . Iota 1 and 2. of block . of' Iowa:
Schooley addition In lilnilKtone: $100 William Hull! rt (li. lo Catherine
Alllo Meiiconl et al. to H. II. Reeae.) fliihot. 20 acrea In aortlnii 19, town
the south is of smith of section 9. ship 5 aoulli, range 2 east of the Wll
townahlp 4, smith of range 2. eaat of,1 lnuiette inerldlnn; II 100,
tho Willamette meridian; 110. j i,,. Too:e to Willam Gm-bcl, Sr
Uwrence 11. ( bruilliisky et in. to. Ml arret In donation land claim of Al
John HeaqueHt el in.. 110 acre In the' mom! . Ilnlcouib and Nancy H, llol
Strlrklln donation land elulni number; comb claim 43. township J aoulli, 2
37, In section 10. lowiiNblp I, aouth of! enat nf (he Willamette meridian' It.
SomIiIh C. l.ynrh and Joacph T.
I.) mil. her hunnnd. and Churlea
range 3, east of Iho Willamette me
rldliin; f to.
( Imrlea 1. Tooio el lit. to llnzeh S Iir mi et u to A let II s. Iim.m,
Tome,, claim 43. lounahip 2. aouth of: S of block of Oregon ('It v ; l,
range 2. east of the Willamette merld ! Alex II. Scbriiin 11a trua'lee for Chai.
Ian. Ml acres; I0. K.hram. Sophia C. Lynch and Alei II.
Eitiiciida Stnto Hunk to (1. II. I. Hi h ' r'chniui. Alei II Hclmuii et ux lo
thin 11. lot 7 In block 7. original tow n- ''lutrlea Scbriim. Sophia C. I.) n II, Alex
site of the city of Ivttiiciida; $750. II. Scbrnin. l,, I. ,IiM k I. tirogon City
Mary llerhemlt an, I Harry E. Smith II.
ct ill . to Stewart McClave el uv. enat Canby lJlh, coiiiiuun a IVler Hum..
' of the rant H of the norlhweat ti , lota I to 12 In, limit e of Wnlimt i:r..v
of the Noiiilii'iiHt i of section 10, town-; ucrea; I0.
ship 4, smith of range 1, enat of the, Real estate trunafera ni.t win, 11.,
! Wlllnmetto inerldlnn, 10 acres; $1. ' 4kirder Dedmnn nr.. na r.ill.tw.- "
linle Andre lo J. A. Somer lot 3. In j T. H. Mulan et ux to Klmon L. Mill
block .12. flrat nildltlim to the toHiialti.' bm. Iota 12 3 45 11 7X91011 i! 17
of Eatncadii; $1. j s, In block 2, Unlit-wood Park- "$10
J.: N. IVury et ux. to Leone Laugh. William W. Smith to tiiivld II ,
" in in oiini,part tract number so, Jennings
tistteKu; iu.
O. f). Kby to Jennln E. by, lot 7, In
block 133. Oregon City; $1.
ii" ' 1 1 "t it. 111.11 .in j .limine c, 1'lerce to Annn Howell
Recorder Dedmnn Friday nre na fol j(H 13 II. block 9. nf ClmlHloun: $900!
1 'wV ... ..... Portland, Engeno Eiislem Rnllwiiv
rompiitiy to Southern Purine cm,,,.....
Hum.. i r..u.itin i ........ on .......... ... . . 1 .
section 13, township 2, south of rnngn
2 cant of tho Wlllnmetto meridian; $1.
J. N. Elliott et ux. to tho Hunk of
Oregon City. 15 ocres of section 24,
township 3, south of rnngo 2, east of
tho Wlllnmetto meridian; $1.
Molvlln J. Dyers to Mabel Hyers,
Miidgo flyers nnd Olive Dyers, section
13, townnhlp 2, south of rnngo 2, onst
of tho Wlllnmetto merld Inn; $1,
United States of America to Mnl-
colm M.' Jnmesson, 100 acres in tho
Lodge; $10.
A. Venter to Heaalu Sims Hrown, all
f tract IS, Fairmont Orchards; $10,
Overworked, weak or diseased kid
neys will often make a man or woman
feel old before middle age. Rheuma
tism unties and pains in back, pufliness
mi.'.cr eyes, stiff Joints and aoie mile
clea. b'iiousness, headache and various
other symptoms give warning that the- j the chapel on Thursday evening, An- day was an ideal one and every minute
Jtidw-ys need help. Foley Pill bring I gust 11th. Creamed -chicken, sweet thoroughly enjoyed by all who attend-
a no ind, nea'iny condition and Help 1 corn, lemon pie, cake and Ice cream ed.
are on the bill of fare.
the kidneys eliminate uric and other
poisons from the system, which, when
permitted to remain, cause dangerous
disease. Jones Drug Co. (,fiv.)
With the weatherman's permission
some of the farmers here are busy
stacking grain.
Mrs. Hodge and daughter, Annie,
called on Mrs. John Kaiser Thursday
Neils Christensen came home from
Astoria Thursday to stay.
Wm. Kaiser and family spent Thurs
day evening at Fred and Adolph Koel-
Edward Christensen while cutting
stove wood for his mother, had the
misfortune of cutting his second and
third fingers very severely Friday.
Johnnie and Rudolph Zimmerman
went to Tualatin, Saturday.
Detroit News: "We should have the!
largest navy In tho world," says Judge
One Who Shows No Favor.
A merciless Judge Is Father Time.
Before him the weak and the wanting
go to the wall. Only the truth can
stand. For years tho following state-
Mr and Mra t v p,.i,u ,.r 1 1,,. 1 inniit from an rirr-irnn Cltv resident has
Arthur Soesbe of this place and Miss M(,1(jrum ufltrl(.ti hav; r(.tlIrn' . from i withstood this sternest of all tests.
Helen Smith, of Caneman, were united the)r va(;atlon wllIcn was nt at t) ' Joseph McDermott, Washington St.,
in marriage in Portland on Sunday coast 'Oregon Citv, says- "I was almost
last Mr Soesbe is the oldest son , at on rny ba,:k wJlh kldney and Uad.
01 air. ana Mrs. j. a. soesoe, a recireu . , , , , , ....
capitalist, of Newport. Mrs. Soesbe Colu.ni'a. highway on Thursday for
has been a clerk In the L. Adams store P'"w "f Miss Ilentley, of Iowa,
and enjoys a wide circle of friends T,hBe 1mikln ? the party Wl" he
who are showering congratulations up- ran' MrB- nhpTt Mrs- Hruecliert,
on the newly married couple. P' Morse and Mrs- Harry
Rooms and beautiful camping sights On Monday Mrs. Hayles spent the
can be had at Lyswin by applying to day wlth "Cr sisters at this place. On
W. B. Jennings, bog 34, Jennings August 7th Mr. and Mrs. Hayles leave
Miss Ethel Yerrlcks. of Portland, during their vacation.
was a Monday visitor at the Frank
Tucker home. !
Mrs. J. P. Strain, who recently un-l PERCY WOOD GETS LICENSE
derwent an operation at the Oregon I
City hospital is so much Improved that ! lone V. Cottrell and Percy M. Wood
8lrnce Exponents.
1 .
she bag returned to the home of her of this ctiy, secured a marriage license
brother, Henry Smith. Tuesday from County Clerk Harrlng-
Messrs Roy Wellsma and Jack ton.
der trouble, I was so lame and stiff
that I could hardly hobble around and
It was all I could do to get up In the
morning. My kidneys were Irregular
In action and the secretions were
scanty. I used several boxes of Doan's
Kidney Pills and I soon got well."
(.Statement given March 29th, 1910.)
tvrnpici-n -.i-wTrr-mTT-vrir iwnni!
,!"n1a.n?iBC;,taklnS the fairTHAN THREE YEARS LATER, Mr.
I McDermott said: "Nothing has oc-
1 curred to change my high opinion of
Doan's Kidney pills. I think more 01
them than ever."
Price KOc, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. McDermott had. Foster-MIIburn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. (Adv.)
H . la
Telllt My wife had n strange experi
ence the oilier day.
Asker What was It?
Telllt A biiiglnr got Into the house,
ind she couldn't talk him out of lt
Chlcugo News.
An Effective Cough Treatment
One-fourth to one teaspoonful of
Dr. Kings ew Discovery, tuken as
needed, will soothe and check Coughs,
Colds and the more dangeroiiB Bron
chial and Lung Ailments. Yon can't
afford to take the risk of serious Ill
ness, when so cheap and simple a
remedy as Dr. King's New Discovery
Is obtainable. Go to your Druggist
today, get a bottle of Dr. King's New
Discovery, start the treatment at once.
You will be gratified for the relief and
cure obtained. (Adv.)
northeast section 8. township R, soutfo
or rnngo 3, eust of tho Wlllnmetto 1110
rldlan; $1.
Kalle Kolvuncn nt ux. to Bertha E.
Kcrmitt, 2 acres more or less In town
ship 3, south of range 2 east of tho
Wlllamctto meridian; $1300.
Real estate transfers filed with Ho-
carder Dedmnn Saturday lire 11 h fol
Chnrlns .1. Hnneymnn ct ux. to Frnnk
Klonmn, Harrison Wright donntlon
Innd claim number 38, In township 4,
south of range 2, enst of tho Wlllnm
etto meridian; $M00.
Frank Bullnrd ct ux. to Chrlstlon
Ilullnrd et ux., 3 acres of donation
lnnd clnim nf William Holmes, town
ship 3, south of range 2. east of the
Wlllnmetto merldlnn; $10.
Christian Bullnrd et nx. to Frnnk
Bullnrd et ux., 40 acres in northeast V
the Vendor linn nf the rnllwnv extend.
lug from n connection with tho lino
mllroiid of the o. & c. Rnllrond com
I'liny nt or lienr Canby In general
soulhenHterly direct Inn to Molulln, nil
In Clnrkiimna cniinly. Ore.; also In
Willamette nnd extending In northerly
direction tn (ileiiinorriiy, Clurknmii
county; $115.5011.43.
Ri'nl pslnlo transfers filed with Rn
corder Di'dmuii Wednesday nro 11s fob
J. B. Shniuly to Frnnk C. Espenhiiln.
pnrt of section 25. township 1 south of
rnngo 3 oust of tho Willamette mer.
dlnu; 115X9.40.
R. W. Evuiis rt ux to Nell J. McLean
nnd (leorgo (1. (lorhor, 14.48 ncros of
donntlon lnnd clnim of Robert Cniifleld
ct ux In township 3 south of rango 2
east of tho Wllainetto merldlnn; $10.
T. W. Stock to Charles D. Schmld,
lots 1 2 3 4 13 14 15 1(1. in block 0,
Apperson Hiib-dlvlslon of blocks 6, fl, 7,
of Pnrkplnco, Oro; $10.
John Ptncek to Anna Mlkulecky,
lots 3, 4, In block 31, first addition to
Estncndii, Oro.; $1,
EHtiicndo Slate Hunk to John Plncnw
lots 3, I, In block 31. In first nddltimi
to EHtncndn, Ore., $1.
J. M. ThoiniiB et n.x to T. K. Mr.
Oiihln, part of section fl, township 2
south of rnngo 5 enst of tho Wlllnm.
file iniirliliun; $1.
Clackamas County
Ninth Annual Fair
SEPTEMBER 20, 21, 22 and 23, 1915
Premium list will be issued about August 1.
For further particulars address
R. F. D 1