Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 30, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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oKisnotf cm KNTKR-PitrsK. kwihav. .jtly .':. ui:.
In Hi" Circuit Court lit I tin Hlalo n!
(irrgoii, fur CU' baiiina ('utility,
Iii'iiii M m I'litimirr,
(iiH,fn. Murphy, ii'fi'in1diil.
To I.M.rte Murphy, abut iihiiii iln
fell.l.iht .
Ill II. i' Imlnn (if Hid Hll I.f Olctfoll
)nil are liiii-i.y r i ' lo in r
Mini mmir I lift nillipUlliI fllril M K it I ll n I
)ini, in ii, Imiv imiil.il mill, mi nr
l.. fui.. ihii :nilli day i.f July, I'Jlfi, M
ilntw being llm rtpltntli.n i.f nil wi-es
frniii llm (1 r ( (iiililli iillun of tlila 111111
inv'i". Mini If nil full lu ii'r nr
mux r .ili i inii.lnliil, fur want ( Iit
(if llm .lulnllrr Kill apply to tin tourl
fur U." f''llf played for In liur rum
illiil, li ll ;
I'ur ili rc illni'ilvliiit llm IxmiU
of n.ulrliiiuiiy "'iff oiUllliK liulwKrii
Hi" iiliiliiiiff inl defendant fur Hi" r
li.tiill.iii uf plaliillfT limlil'll limn"
I U 1 1 lut I " ll )i I li K Tills 1(1111111(11111 It
iml'IMii'il by i.r.lr of Hun. Geo. 11
l'(iKl T, J"iIk" uf till) Circuit Court
olilcli i.id.r m Inml" on llm I '.Hi dny
uf .Inn". Il', inl llm Hum pres. rlli"l
'i.r publication tlMTiMif In li "rk
liiKliintn Willi tlin lanuo listed Krldnv
Jim" Hi li. lai'i, iii roll 1 1 tin I n K mill
Mit'li llu rinfli r lo ami ImiIiuIIiik I'M
liny, July Until, IlilS.
J. II. II V A V,
Allurtiry for I'liilntlff
HI !.. : IUiIk. I'lirllaiid, Or".
h.rlft' Salt.
In tln ( In ult Ci.urt of llm Hint" of
Ori't'uh, for llm Coiiiily uf ('lurk
li .
I'.i'luy Tt'llffaiili. I'laliitirr.
ii r. i.itrkiim. Hut iii n. iiiiiii'iiNiiii.
I'lu In- H. lirli"tiKtlim mill li. T
Cecil". i fcll'lunU
Htat" uf (irririMi, Coiinly uf Clai ku
man. ttit
ly lrttie of Judgment order. lt
i rt'ti uiiil mi ""i iillun, duly Issued uiiI
of uii't ii li tit r tin- mul of dm (liovtt en
tltlt"! rouii. In llm above iillll"tl
run.", lo in" duly tllri-t'lfil mul ilttlcl
III" I lili day of July, 1 1 5. upon
Jii'lKtit.-iit rt'tiiliTi'il mul rnli ri'd In unlit
coiiii mi Hi" I ith ilur or July. 1 1 r. .
In fnvur of lii iny I'l'iit-fitiin, I'laiiitifr.
ml tiKiiiis It l. lurklim, luivlil N.
Hrl.lnii.Mii". I'hi'li" S llrlilcimtlii" nn.l
C T lii el.", I - ffii . In ii ( h. for the nun
of l tl Interest thereon til
H i- rni" uf f ii" i i'iil per milium from
Hi" lltli .l.i y of J.:;. . tin.', ami tlm fur
Hut sum uf t;.'.ui". an attorney's fen.
mul tin- further mini uf I !(.".' cokIh
mul dlshiirseineiil. ami tlm rust ol
an. I iituiti tliln writ, coiiimanillPir. tin
to wake sale of llm following desrrlb
cl real property, nltuutt In tlm enmity
uf Clm kniium, state of Ortoii, low It:
. Iti'Kltitilni; on llm South lino of I).
I.. C. of Thomas Wutcrluiry, No. ,"h.
In T. 3. S It. S K. of Hi" W. M.-IS.mi
rim Wi'nl of tin1 H. K. corner uf ml. I
li. I.. I'.. Hi. uii" R Ion if 111" top uf tlm
1:111 North 1 1 degree West 2.1.0 i lut.;
tliriii-" North 2'i lturftit West 3 r.u
ch ; thence North 40 degree. 20 mm
nl"H West. 2.75 rim.: thence North II
degrees. i minute Went 1.1.1 thn
thence North f.l degree 40 inliiul"
W'vnt tip to u polnl of hill SCO rhn. l
a ink"; tlionco North 20 ili'crffH. I
tiiltiut.'K "h I cliiiln: tliiuic" North
S ili'KrtH'i, inlliul -H Wi mI .1 r,0 rim.
tlii'int North 2 il.'Kr.-i'it Went !'l of
a iluilii to n fi'iiic iiiriiiT, mul lii'ltm
llm S. K. .'orniT of laml ronvi-yiul liy
Kmit Ti'lli'Nim to Martin Tolh-fHon, u
rxroril.'.l In I'ook titi of Ii.'i'iIh at uik'
Kit; th. 'tici' North S!' (l. cr.'.'M WY.i
follow In k fnhl fciK'o mul on tho H.
lino of imlit Miirlln Trlliifnoii liinil ?!i
rhn. to Hi" K. Ilii" uf t'nuiicr'ii lntul;
tti"iici S. 4.M hn. In tho 8. E. rumor
of nalil CiotniT hind a wont rant rorn
or of lntul hi'lo ili'scrlboil; Iholirp W.
a Ion it Croincr'n H. lino 11 rhn. to n
IonI; llioliro S. 22 doRrooH 25 inlnuton
K. 7i.nr. rhn. to Iho S. Htm of milil
Wiitorluiri; rlulin; thonro H. alotiK tho
H. lino uf nulil ( liilin mul mild lino pro
Joclod 47,41 rliM. lo a point dlroctly S
uf tho point of liiT.lniil'iK to a Nton.
innrki'd -,X"; thonro N. 2 rim. to point
uf li';lntllliK, rolitnlliltiK ."'9.4" lirr"i
KxcIiihIvo of imiIiIIp IiIkIi whvh, Kxrlu-
Nlvo iilno of u Htrlp of hind 20 fool
wldo nlmiK tho S. houndary holwoon
tho S. V. rornor of tho trnrt nhnvo
donrrlliod KiimI to tho county rond
which i:t rip l tutoil and roHorvod for
road ptirpoHOH.
Now, Ihoroforo liy vlrtun of mild oxo
rtillon, JiiilKinoiit order mul dorroo, and
In cumplhim'o will) thn cmrt maml h of
mild writ, I will, on Satuiday. tho Mill
day of AtiKHHt, lir; at tho hour of
10 o'clork A. M al tho front door of
Iho County Court Hoiiho In tho Clly
of OroKon City. In aiild County and
Slnto, noII at public auction, subject
to rodotnpllon, to tho hlnhoRt lilddor,
for V. H. uold coin riiHlt In hand, all
tho rltiht, tltlo and Intoront whlrh tho
within iinniod dofondiinls or olthor of
thorn, had on tho (Into of tho mort
Kiiko heroin or ulnro hud In or to tho
above doHrrlliod roal property or any
part thoroof. to mitlKfy Bald exooutlon,
JitdKinont ordor, dorroo, Intoront, ooslt
and nil nrcruliiK cohIh,
Sheriff of ClnrkamnB County, Oroi;on.
Ily K. C, IIACKETT. Deputy.
Datod at OroRon City, July lth,
feci lo th" pliK" of tii'KllililiiXi roil
UmliiK hv a' run, luorw nr ! .
A prayri) for III llm petit Ion uf
Win. IUiiiiiiiiiuI, llm ailniliilMrntor of
llm till" of .MuiVrcl riillllm, do
n j. i. fllml llierulor. In llila roiirt on
Ida lull ily or June. A. I)., I'Jir,.
Wltnc, llm llunoralilii II. H. An
ilenon, JuiIk" uf llm County Court of
llm County of Cliu kmimn, fur tlm
M I nl .t of liM'Kon, I III IHlli day uf Jtitin,
A H, I'Jlfl.
IHiul of Court)
Atlril : I. M IIAIIItlNfJTON,
County Clerk
Aitoinoyi lor Adiiilnlatrttior.
Bharlft'a Bala.
In llm Circuit Court of llm Htut.i of
Oreaon, for tlm County of CUckit
Lot I llolililna and O. W. Kol.hlim, mrt
nom an Itohlilna It Hun, I'lulnllrf,
Frank Aniuoll and John Arijuolt, Jr.
I)i f.'iuliiiiln.
Htut" of rxon, County uf ( mckii-
liiaa, an.
Ily virtu of JuiIkhk lit order, d
i r.ti and an fieriitloti, duly Innimd out
uf and under llm aoal of tlm above eii
tilled ronrt, In tlm about entitled
tan", to urn duly illrwiiil ami (luted
llm I "lb day of Juno, 11115, umhi a
JmlKiiicnt rendered and reiieed and
eiitei.il llm M'tuiid Hum In III court
on tlm Mil tiny of June, l'.'IO, In fuvor
of Mil llobblna and O. W. Ilobblnn.
parlnern aa llobblna It Hon, I'lulntlff,
mid aitaliutt I'm nk Aniuolt and John
A rt in lt . Jr, liefeniliinln, for tlm autn
uf f I n (i.j, and I tm ronta of and upon
llila writ. rotiiuiuiidliiK mt) to make
Mtln uf tho follow I II K llem rlbcd real
property now held under attachment
Mid nlluiit" In tlm fount y of Clucku-
inan. aluln of (IreKoli, to wit:
Tlm K. 4 of llm 8. K. Hoc. 10. T.
ii, n. it. 4 r.. oi .
Now, tht'foro, by virtue of wild
loeiilion. luilrnieiil ordor mid dorrf.
and In totnpll.iiico with thu coiiiinundn
of n Id writ, I will, on Hutnnlay, tho
3M day uf July. I'.'Ij, at tlm hour of
00 o'clock I'. M , at tho front door
of tho County Court lloiinn in tlm
Clly of OreRon CHr, In aald roiinty
and atnti., m il at pulill" auction, ault
Joel to rt'deinptlon, to tlm IiIkIicsI bid-
or, for I'. S. Hold roln runh In hand,
all tlm right, tltlo and Intercut which
tlm within tmnieil drfendatila nr flitmr
of ttmin. hail on the dnlo uf tlm Jn.lfT
nient herein or alnro had In or to tn
iiImiv ilonerlbod rta properly or any
part thereof, to aullufy aald rxorutlun.
JudKnietit order, dorroo. Inlerent,
ronta and all arcmlnir rnnln.
Hlif-llt f.f Clnckmn.ia County, OroKon.
Ily K. C. IIACKKTT. Deputy
Oati'd, OroRon City, Oro., July 2nd,
Ihoii, DifemlHiila, for llm mm of
I4.17.22, with Intercut Hmreon at tlm
ruin uf 4 per rent, pur milium from tlm
i'.'nd day of June, litl.'i, and tlm fur
llier aiiiii of ll'oooo, aa attorney' fen,
and tlm further mini of I'll 75, (out
and dlH liiira'-ux'ii i a. Mid tlm coala of
and upon llila writ, ruiiiiiiaiullui tim t'i
milk ii anlii of tli" following dem rlbei
real properly, allualo In thn (outily
of Clark u man, ulnto of Oregon, to w It:
Tlm Hunt h half of tlm Koullieunl
ipilirler (if Heel lull Cllillleen (DO
Towmdilp Hire" (Z) Koiilh of KiitiK"
unit (I) Wont of the Wlllttinetlii Mo
Now, Ihereforn, by vlrtuti uf mild
elocution, liidKiiient order and doeroit,
and lu roiiiplluurt) with thn rouiuinndn
of aabl writ, I will, on Kuturduy, tlm
Slat day of July, 1HIS; at tlm hour of
II o'clock A. M at thn front door of
llm County Court llouno In tlm Clly
of Orcnoii Clly, In auld County ond
Hlut". Nell at public auction, ailbject
to redemption, to tho lilKlmnt bidder,
for 1'. H. Kold roln (anh In hand, all
llm rlr.ht, tltlo ami Interent which llm
within iiiirnod ilefendanla or either uf
them, hud on tlm dale of tlm iiiortKaKo
herein or nlnrn bml In or to tho above
dem rlbed real properly or any part
thereof, to antlnfy aald riet'iitlon, JuiU
inent order, derreo, Interenl, ronta and
all accruing ronln.
Klierlff of Clackatnna County, Oregon
Ily K. C. IIACKCTT. Deimty
Dated, Oregoo Clly, Ore., July 2nd,
In tho County Court, of tho 8tnto of
Oregon, for the County of Olarka
miiB, In thn niiittor of tlm estnto of Mar
Krot IMillllpB, tloroaaed.
To Mary Wurrou, Guy H. I'lillllps, Sam
ttnl 11. I'lillllim, William C. I'lillllps,
Mabel 1'hllllpn, Ilnnol I'lillllps, Clar-
once rhllllpH, Orvat IMitlllps, Ilalph
Phllllpii and Gladys Phillips, holrs
of Margrot rhilllps, doceasod, nnd
all others unknown.
In tho mime of tho Stale of Oregon,
You and earh of you are hereby re
quired and cited to ho nnd appear In
tho nbove entitled Court nt tho Ann
ual term thereof, to-wlt, on Monday,
August 9th, 1915, at ton o'clock A. M.
of said day, nnd to then and thore
show raiiHO, If any there bo why an
order of sale should not bo granted,
for tho siilo of tho following described
property, to-wlt:
Situate In tho County of Clackamas
and Slate of Oregon, commencing nt
a point North 2G degrees, West 30
foot from tho Northwest corner of
what wns Dlock 89 of Gladstone;
thence North 20 degrees. West 325
foot to a stake; thence North 61 de
grees, East CG2.1 feet to a point In the
center of whnt was Kenmore Street;
n- . i '.v
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of tho Rtiito of
Oregon, for the County of Clarkn
tun. W. It. Slokoi and 8. K. Woonter, Plain
Jus. W. Pnttinon nnd Mary PnttlHon.
bin wife; O. P. Henderson nnil Kiln
M. Henderson, bin wlfo, nnd the Or
koii Clly Hospital Co., a corporation,
Slato of Oregon, County of Clnokn
nins, ns.
Ily vlrtun of n judgment ordor. do
rroo nnd an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the rthovo en
titled court, In tho nbove entitled
cauM". to mo duly directed nnd dated )
thn Kith day of June, 1913, upon a
judgment rendered nnd entered In said
rourt on the Kith dny of March, 1915.
in favor of W. R. Stokes and 8. K
W ouster. Plaintiffs, and ngnlnst Jus.
V. Pattlson nnd Mary Pnttlsnn, his
wife; G. P. Henderson and Kiln M.
Henderson, his wife; the Oregon City
Hospital Co., n corporation, Dofond
iinls, for tho sum or ft.9i7.ia. witn
Interest thereon nt the rate uf 6 per
rout, per nnnum from the Kith dny of
March, 1915. nnd tho further sum of
$500.00. ns attorney's foo, nnd tho fur
ther sum of $1.2.(10, costs nnd disburse
ments, nnd tho costs of nnd upon this
writ, commanding mo to mnko salo of
the following described real property,
situate In tho county of Clnckamus,
slato of Oregon, to-wlt:
Ueginnlng nt n stake In tho center
of section 20, Township 3 South of
Itnngo 4 Kast of W, M running thence
North 92 rods; Hitmen West 80 rods
tlionco South 92 rods; thence East 80
rods to place of beginning, containing
4H.S0 ncres more or less, being lot 2
In said section.
Also tho following: the N. E. of
the 8. W. M Sec. 20, Tp. 3. S. 11. 4 E.
W. M containing 40 acres more or
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment order and decroo
nnd In compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
31st day of July, 1915; nt tho hour of
1:30 o'clock P. M., at the front door
of tho County Court House In tho City
of Oregon City; In snld county and
Btate, sell at public auction, subject to
redemption, to tho highest bidder, for
V. S, gold coin ensh in hand, all the
right, tltlo and Interest which the
within named defendants or olthor of
them, had on the date of the mortgage
heroin or slnco had In or lo the nbove
described real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment order, d(rco, Interests, costs nnd
nil accruing cohIs.
W. .1. WILSON,
Sheriff of Clncknmna County, Oregon.
Dy E. C. IIACKETT, Doptity.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 2nd
Sheriff' Sale on Execution.
In tlm Circuit Court of tlm State of
Oregon, for the County of Clnrka
man. Mrs. Ellen Cederson. Plaintiff,
V. J. Cederson. Mrs. Emtnn Weion,
Mrs. Manilla Norby, Mrs. Murlunnn
Oldndoler, Christiana NelHdoter and
Anders Nidnon, Imlra at law of
William Cedernon, deceased. IWond
mils. Male of Oregon, County of Clucks
mas. na.
Ily virtue of a judgment order, do
rroo and an elocution, duly IkhiioiI out
of and under llm scul of the above
"lit ll It-it Court, In the nbov irtltlei!
rau no, lo me duly directed and dated
tlm 2.1rd day of June. 1915, upon a judg
ment rendered and entered in said
court on the hth tiny of June, 1915, In
fuvor of Mr. Ellen Ce.lt rnon, Plain
tiff, and against W. J. Cederson. Mrs.
Km.na Wolen. Mrs. Matilda Norby.
Mrs. Marlnnnu Oldnd.iter. Christiana
Nolsi.'olor. and Anders Nelson, heirs
at law of William Cederson deceased
Defendants, for tho sum of $215.40
with Interenl thereon at tho rate of 6
per cent, per annum from the 21st day
of June, 1915, nnd the further sum of
$.14.50, costa nnd dishu-semenls, and
the costs of and upon this writ, com
luanding me out uf the personal prop
erty of snld defendants, and if suf
ficient could not be found, then out of
tho real property belonging to snld de
fendants on and after tho date of suld
Judgment, to satisfy- said sum of
$215.41 and Interest, nnd also the costs
upon this said writ.
Now, then fore, by" virtue of said ex
ecution. Judgment order and decree
nnd In compliance with the commands
of said writ, being unable to llnd any
personal properly of said defendant's,
I did on the 25th day of Juno, 1915. du
ly levy upon tho following described
real property of snld defendants, situ
ate and being In tho County of Clacka
mas, and Stnto of Oregon, to-wlt:
Lot two (2) In Tract fifty-seven (57)
In Elrst Subdivision of Portion of Oak
Grove, according to the plat of said
Elrst Subdivision of Portion of Oak
Grove, filed nnd recorded in tho of
fice of Iho Register of Deeds In nnd
for Claekntiias Comity, Oregon.
And I will, on Saturday, tho 31st
day of July. 1915, nt the hour of 10
o'clock A. M., nt tho front door of the
County Court House In the City of Ore
gon City, in snld county nnd stale, sell
ut public auction, subject to redemp
tion, to tho highest bidder, for U. S.
gold coin, rash In hand, nil tho right
tltlo and Interest which tho within
nnmed defendants, or either of them
had on tho dato of said Judgment or
slnco hnd in or to tho above described
real property or any part thereof, to
satisfy snld Judgment order, decree,
Interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of CIncknmns County, Oregon.
Dy E. C. IIACKETT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, July
2nd, 1915.
lite West 51 25 cliulna lo llm went llm,
of uld 1). L. C, 30 ( h.ihn Mouth 0 (leg.
,'iK nilliiitts went from Iho .Viiihwc,,!
comer of nald ll ( . at a gianlte
Mono 1 2 ! a H marked "G. . A ";
Omnia Mouth 0 drf. JH minute went
on auld Went linn 10 chain to pUn
of boglniilK conta'nliiK :',n u rcn, more
or Irs, auve and nn-itliig i certain
load about 30 f""t wide heretofor en
veyrd Jiimei Pro and fl-p.
Kald land being allunied in (In, county
of Clui kmnu and statu of Oregon.
Now, therforo, by virtue of nulil exe
cution, Judgment order and ili-in-n,
and lu rrompllaiK with ln lomman ln
of auld writ, I will, en Hulurdiiy, the
3 M day of Inly, 1DI5, at t'.o hour of
10 o'clixk A. M., lit llm front door of
tlm County Court llouno In tlm City i.f
Oregon CHy. I" i'l County nod Htuto,
nidi at public auction, mibje't to r-t-drmpllon,
to tho bUb' tt bidder, for
I', H. gold roln rush lu liuinl, all the
right, tltlo and Inlerent which the
within named defend-int or either of
(hem, had on llm date of the mort-
gngo herein or alm e h id In or to the
uluvo dewrlbed real property or any
part thereof, to satlnfy nald execution,
Judgment order, decree, Interest, com
mid all accruing rout.
Klierlff of riarkanuia County, Oregon
Ily E. C. IIACKKTT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 2nd.
at my rrald.-i.ie at Miihbarl, Oregon,,
Koiiln No. 2, prup.irly verified a by!
In required, 'cllblli nil Inolillin from
llm dnlo liert-of. I
Date of (mt pul.lb alioii I'r! lay, July
Hi, Kill.
Kiwn'or of the cui of Daniel Kib.j
lie. tant-d.
wriNHAKo auiLoma
Sheriff's Sale.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of
Oregon, for tho County of Clackn-
D. E. Dahlborg, rialntlfT,
0. W. Enstham, Daisy D. Easthnm. P.
Deltoo, Tho Axe Logging Company,
S. J. Kamlnsky and Fred II. Madi
son, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, si.
Dy virtue of a Judgment ordor, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of nnd under the seal of the above
entitled court, in tho nbove entitled
cause, to me duly, directed and duted
tho 22nd day of June, 1915, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said
court on the 22nd day of June, 1915, in
favor of D. E. Dahlberg, rinlntllT, and
against O. W. Enstham, Daisy B. East
ham, P. DeRoo, The Axe Logging Com
,i -i .n. V. '"i - llm .1 P... i rimi" . '
Sheriff's Sale.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of CInckn
mns. E. W. Randolph, rinlntllT,
, vs.
Eugeno H. Sholnlere nnd Eugene H.
Sholnere as Executor of the Last!
Will ond Testnment of Eleanor Van
Allen and Annetta Lynch, Defend
ants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss.
Dy virtuo of a judgment order, de
croo and nn execution, duly Issued out
of nnd under tho seal of the above en
titled court, In the above entitled
cause, to mo duly directed and dated
tho 2-lth day of June, 1915, upon a
judgment rendered nnd enterod In said
court on tho 24th dny of June, 1915, In
favor of E. W. Randolph, rialntlfT, nnd
ngnlnst Eugeno II. Sholnlere nnd Eu
geno II. Sholnlere as Executor of tho
Lost Will and Testument of Eleanor
Van Allen nnd Annetta Lynch, De
fendants, for tho sum of $2000.00, with
Interest thereon at tho rate of 7 per
cent, per annum from the 17th dny ofl
February, 1914, and tho further sum
of $125.00, as attorney's fee, nnd the
further sum of $43.50, costs and dis
bursements, and the costs of and upon
this writ, commanding mo to make salo
of tho following described real proper
ty, situate In the county of Clnckamas,
state of Oregon, to-wlt:
. Thirty acres of lnnd off the West tnd
of the following described tract, the
east -line of stild thirty acres being
parallel 4o tho west lino of said fol
lowing dost.ribed tract: Tart of the
Ezra Fisher D. L. C. in T. 2 S. R. 2 E.
of the Willamette Merldlnn, described
ns beginning at a granite stone
18x12x10 marked "A" on the west of
said Fisher Claim north 0 deg. 38 min
utes East 23.15 chains from the South
west corner of said D. L. C; thence
South 87 deg. 15 minutes East 61.25
chains to the line between the hus
band's and wife's halves of said D. L
III the Circuit Court of the State uf
Oregon, for the County of Clacku
II. Sullivan. Plaintiff.
Minnie Arnold. H. C. Vollen, Mary J
Kobcii.-jkIc. Goorgn hVildaway, and
the Portnomuh Laud Company, a cor
poration. Defendants.
To Minnie Arnold, above named dit-
In tho name of the Htut" of Oregon:
You are hereby reipiir.'d to appear and
answer the amended complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before Saturday, September 11,
1915, nald dale being the expiration ut
six weeks from and after the dute of
the first publication of this summons.
mid If you full to o appeur and an
swer for want thereof plaintiff will sil
lily to the alxive court for a decree
ugulnst you for the relief demanded in
said amended complaint, herein, t -wlt:
For a judgment agulnxt you und 11.
C. Wolfsen. of above named defend
ants, for the sum of $llvs.l.l, with In
terest thereon at llie rale of six per
cent per annum from June 22. 1915.
until paid, for the further sum of $ns.
92 tuxes, paid by plaintiff, with inter
est thereon at the rate of six per cent,
per annum from October 21, 1914. un
til paid, for tho further sum of $350.00
attorney's fees herein, and plaintiff's
costs and disbursements: thai said
several sums may be decreed to be a
first lien prior to all IIciib. claims or
Interest of the said several defend
ants herein, upon the following de
scribed real projierly in Clackamas
County. Oregon, to-wlt:
The S. W. Vi of Pec. 22. in T. 4 S
R. 3 K. of the W. M.. containing 100
acres, more or less.
Save and except the rights deeded to
the Molulla Lumber Company, as per
deed recorded In Kook 99, page 4S5.
deed records Clackamas County, Ore
gon. Also save and except a strip of
land deviled to Clackamas Comity for
road purposes, as per deed recorded
in Hook 122. page 204. deed records of
said county;, that plaintiff's mortgage
on said real property be foreclosed and
said real property be sold on execution
according to law and the proceeds
thereof applied to the payment of the
amounts due plaintiff, and that said
defendants nnd each of them and all
persons claiming by, through or under
them or any of them, be forever bnrred
nnd foreclosed of all rlghl, title. Inter
est, claim and estate in and to said
premises, except the statutory right
of redemption; thnt tho purchaser
thoroof bo put Into possession of snld
promises, nnd for such other and fur
ther relief as to the court may seem
Just and equitable.
This summons is published by order
of Hon. II. S. Anderson. Judge of th
County Court of Clackamas County.
Oregon, mnde and entered on July 29.
1915. in which it Is ordered that the
same be published In the Oregon City
Enterprise, a newspaper of general cir
culation, published In Clackamas Coun
ty, Oregon, once a week for six suc
cessive weeks. The date of the first
publication thereof Is July 30. 1915, and
continuing with each weekly edition
of said newspaper Including the issue
of September 10, 191o, the dnto of the
Inst publication thereof.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
Not lie In hereby gitell llotl llm nil-'
dernlklied hu bet n duly S pointed by
I hit County Court of tlm Hiatu of Or
gun for tlm County uf Clu' kaiuu ad
loliiUirulor of llm rntatn of Hubert
llurtwli, deteaned. All pernon lut
ing claim agnlimt nald e(iil art) her"-1
by required lo prenent them lo inn at '
llm nfflta uf L. Hllpp. Oregon Clly,
Oregon, properly verified a by law'
reunited, within nix month from thai
dul hereof. '
Dam of (Irnt publication Friday. July
2. 1915. '
Admlnlntrator of the ealata of Robert
lllirtnt-h, dteeancd.
U. HTUT. Attorney for Administrator.!
D. C. 1-ATOfJKItTTB. prealoeaf,
r. J UK Tin. Caaklaf
Tbe First National Bank
of Or Ron City, Orrgoa
' CAPITAL, a,000 00.
Transact a Oaneral ln wa.Kea. Open frem (A M. U I P.
GENEVA, July 21.-lUllying from!
staggering blow dellrrrrd by Gcimr
al v in Mai kt iiM-n, llm Huniii.n foi'j
along llm Vlepr rler. In .u! ln.ru I'o-j
land, have driven the German back
right mile to Krisnonlsw, an unllngj
William Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Attorneya-at Law
Abntracu, Ileal Enlato, I.ann, Insurance.
to a dl.paKh retelved today from Tar; "iim.on HIT, OUr.dOS
I no. by ay of lunenhrut k. Tha .rj I'aelflc I'lione HI, Home Phone A 27J
Notice I hereby given that llin '""lc lo... n.reded U.oOO Hie dl
Coiinly Surveyor uf Clackaina County patch aald.
Iiu filed In tlm off lea uf tho Comity! m - m -
Clerk hi (frtiflmle nhonlng that thrf
Improvement of lload No. 1 1, executed
by Henry Cromer, ha been cumploted.
Any person, firm or corporation bavin
objection to file to tlm completion of
aid work, inffy Hie lame with tha
County CU-rk within tj k from
the date of tht, first publication of tbii
County Clerk.
rhoue-'ai Ine C2 Dome A 151
Attorney at-Law
Ileal entdte trannf.-r filed ith Ho 'All legal bunlne, promptly attended to
corder Ixdman Thurdtiy ate a 1
low: j
J. II. Kelly tii Addm A. Kelly. 0
sue In the cit '-j of tlm north rantj
lection 23. tomiahlp south, range j
. . ..... t.'l.l ....(. llun tl !
1 run in ...tl it ilia. ..-.. o .net o m . f-;u-it , ,ti. ( .1
( ..... ut an ro.iria. mane roi-
Attorney at Law
Deutscher Advokat
Notice Wood.
Healed bids will be received by the
Hoard of County Comniliinloner at the
County Court r..'im. Oreton City, until
11 o'clock August 6, 1915, for 50 cord
of four foot rordwood, sakl wood to be
sound first growth fir cut from green
Umber, properly acasoned, and to be
delivered at the Court House not later
that October 1, 1915. The right I ex
pro! reserved to reject any and all
II. 8. ANDEItSON. County Judge.
County Commlhstoiiers.
WANTED to hear from owner of good
farm for sale. Send cash price nnd
description. D. K. Hush. Minne
apolis, Minn.
j Otto Heine at ux. to Y. M. liluhro,
part of lot S. bhxk 101, Oregon City;
' Gludittone Ileal Ktate Amwfiation
to M. E. I -a Halle, lot II. IS. 11. In
Link 50. Gladstone; 750.
C. Schuebel t ux. to F. M. Illuhtn,
part of lot 5 In block 101, Oregon
U'lty; II.
G. Ohren to Nora Dahlcn. part of
block 19. Harlow, Oregon; $1000.
i Real estate transfers filed with He
corder Dedman Friday are aa follow:
I Y. E. Noble et ux. to George L.
I Washburn et ux.. lot 11 and 12. In
block 55, of Cladatone; $2000.
Thomas L. Sager to J. A. Meuller,
Charle Meuller and H. 8. Meuller.
section 12, township 4 south, range 2.
east of tha Willamette meridian; $10.
N. P. Hull et ux. to Gust Olson et
lit lion and leltlemenls.
Office in Enterprise Huildlng,
Orejon City, Oregon.
it !
t ! - V
ux.. section 23. township 4 south, range
3 east of the .Willamette meridian;
N. P. Hull et ux. to P. E. Olstrora
et ux., section 33 township 4 south of
range 3 east of th Willamette me
ridian; ir.oo.
E. I. Hudson et ux. to N. S. Steward,
lot 1. block 12. of Mullno; $5.
N. S. Steward et ux. to Anna Scott,
lot 1, block 12. of Mullno; $1.
Real estate transfers filed with Re
corder Dedman Saturday are as follows:
George H. Gregory et ux. to I A.
Commercial. Real Entata and
Probate our Specialty. Of
fice In Flrnt National Dank
I!ldg Oregon City, Oregon.
Notary Public
Estacada, Oregon.
Office Phones Pacific Main 406;
Home A-2T0.
Feike. lots 11 and 12. in block 1. of ! Residence Homo B-214.
We make a socially of Installing
water system and plumbing In
the country. We carry the Lead
er tanks and Stover engines. We
have a full line of Myera pumps
and stray pumps.
Prices always lowest
720 Main St. Oregon City
Phone 26SW
The accompanying picture of former
President Roosevelt's grandson, Ted
dy Roosevelt, 3rd, was taken on the
beach at Southampton. N. V. The
boy is the son of Theodore Roosevelt.
Jr. The picture shows him holding
life line just after he hnd been hit by
a giant wave.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clnckamas County.
Margaret Gates, Plnlntlff,
L. Arthur Gntes. Defendant.
To ti. Arthur Gates, above named de
fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear ond
answer tho complaint filed against you,
In the above entitled suit, on or before
the 10th day of September, 1915, sold
date being the expiration of six weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mons, nnd If you fail to appear or an
swer snld complaint, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in her complaint,
For a decree dissolving the marrl
aeo contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant This sum
mons is published by ordor of Hon. II.
S. Anderson, Judge of the County Court
which order was made on the 29th day
of July, 1915, and the time prescribed
for publication thereof is six weeks,
beginning with the is sua dated Friday,
July 30, 1915, and continuing ench
week thereafter to and Including Frl-'
duy. Sept. 10. 191a.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
HER LIN, via wireless to Sayvllle, L.
I., July 26. The Russians are prepar
ing to make their last stand before
Warsaw, Grand Duke. Nicholas not!
fled the allies on Saturday that he
was withdrawing to tho Bug defenses
north of tho city, following the enp
ture of Pultusk and Rozen by Field
Marshal von Hindenburg, nn official
statement declnred here today.
It was reported today that 131,250
Russians have been taken prisoners
during the Inst 10 days of the advance
upon Warsaw. ' ,
COPENHAGEN, July 23. Dis
patches received by German newspa
pers say all official documents have
been removed from Riga to Petrograd
and that thousands of citizens are
fleeing. Offclials of Riga, according
to reports recolved here, have received
orders to be ready to leave when Gen
eral von Puelow arrives.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the Count Court of the State of Ore
gon for the'Count of Clackamas' ad
ministrator of the estate of Daniel
Erb, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are here
- i . .
The Struggle Discourages Many a
Citizen of Oregon City.
Around all day with an aching back
Can't rest at night;
Enough to make any one "give out.'1
Doan's Kidney Pills ore helping
They are for kidney backache;
And other kidney Ills.
Here Is Oregon City proof of their
James Wilkinson, 201 Fourteenth
St., Oregon City, says: "I had to get
up often at night on account of kid
ney weakness and I suffered from
pains and aches In my back. My
limbs were quite stiff. I used several
boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills and they
mnde me strong and well."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills tho same Mr.
Wilkinson had. Foster-Mllburn Co..
Tn. 1. 1 ..nru'im, v.,x ..i. f i.i-1
Gregory addition; $10.
John Minto to Stefanowtcz. lots 1
2 and 3. of section 20. township 3
south of range 3 cast of the Wlllam
ctto merldlun; also 50 acres more or
less in the David Cutting donation land
claim. No. 5tf; $.".00.
C. W. Elliott ct ux. to Joseph Stefa
uowicir. lots 1, 2 and 3 of section 20.
township 3 south, range 3 east of the
Wilamette meridian: $1.
J. R. Newts et ux. to G. A. Cobb,
the southwest of the southwest U
af section 21, township 3 south, of
rnngo 1 east of the Willamette me
ridian; $1.
C. A. Johnson et ux. to Hans John
son et ux., SO acres of township 3 soulli
of range 5 east of the Willamette me
ridian; $10.
Real estate transfers filed with Re
corder Dedman Monday are as fol
lows: Hughey Lynch et ux. to David Stan
bridge, 10 acres of lot 3 in the section
2, township 3 south, range 2 east of
the Willamette meridian; $10.
Herman Nlcolal to D. F. Devlin et
ux. 10 acres Insectlon 1 1, township 2.
south range 6, east of the Willamette
meridian; $10.
George M. Secrest to James Cala
van. lot 7. In block 165; $1500.
T. W. Newland et ux. to O. O. Slet
ten, 2 Ms acres in lot 26, Finavon; $10.
Anton Schauer et ux. to the North
western Trust company, SO acres more
or less, in claim" 43 in township 3
south, range 2, east of the of the Wil
lamette meridian; $10.
Real estnto transfers filed with Re
corder Dedman Tuesday are as fol
lows: Thomas Cahlll to William T. Shar
key, section 2S, township 1 south,
range 3. east of the Willamette me
ridian; $100.
Wilbur Tallmna et ux. to W. Glover,
section 17, township 4 south, rauge 2,
east of the Willamette meridian, con.
talning SO acres; $10.
James Fllppln to J. W. Hoe.re, sec
tion 27, township 3 south, range S,
east of the Willamette meridian; $10.
Akerson, Gooch and company to Van
R. nilyeu, lots 1, 2, and 3 in block 1,
Willow park; $100.
Real estate transfers filed with Re
corder Dedman Wednesday, are as fol
John H. Gibson et ux. to William
Geltllnger et ux., tract 29 In Gibson
sub-division of tracts 10, 11, 12, 13 and
the west 4S0 feet of tracts 1 and 2 of
Logud tracts; $10.
O. William et ux. to Cora P. Wil
liams, 2 acres in claim 57 township 3,
south, of range 4, east of the Willam
ette meridian; $1.
Pcaver Hldg., Room 6
0. D. EBY
Money loaned, abstracts furnish
ed, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
J. A. LIZBERG, Abstractor See him
for Abstracts of Title. Loans. Real
Estate, Insurance, Deeds, Mortgages
and any facts in any Public Record.
Office, 718 Main Street, Oregon
City, Oregon.
Cuts, Burns,
Bruise. Sore. Wound and Vile
quickly healed with Arnica Sabre.
It prevent infection, is antiseptic,
eoothing, healing. Try it once.
Money Back If It Fails.
Tha Original and Genuine.
Arnica Salve
Heals the Hurt
All Druggists and Dealer. 25o.
The most economical, cleansing and
germicidal of. all antiseptics la
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as Deeded.
As a medicinal antiseptic for douches
In treating catarrh, Inflammation or
ulceration of nose, throat, and that
caused by feminine Ills It has no equal.
For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlne
In their private correspondence with
women, which proves Its superiority.
Women who have been cured say
it la "worth Its weight In gold." At
druggists. 50c. large box, or by mall.
The Faztoa Toilet Co, Boston, Mass.
"Trains," says the La Grande Ob
server, are crowded to capacity these
days with travelers to and from the
fairs, and the Grande Rondo valley Is
getting its share of praise by thoso
who pass through."
STATEMENT of The Pnnk of Oreimn fltv. of Oreeon Cllv. Conntv of Clnrkamn.
Stnte of OivKon, showing th amount standing to the cre.llt of every depoMtur Jul
1st. 1915. who has not made a dt-posit or who has not withdrawn any nait of his
der-oslt, principal or interest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immediately
prior to said .late, with the name, last known place of residence or post office address
of such depositor, and the fact of hi death, if known.
Kesidenee or i'ost Lieao:. tr fact is Known
Name of Depositor Office Address to Secretary or Cashier Amount
Hurt Fames OreKon Citv. Oregon Not Known $ l.O'l
1 pates OreKon Citv. Oregon Not Known H....I
M. E. Itlanton Sprliirwat.'r. OreKon Not Known 1.8
V. K. Cnrll, Admr. Dead 3.47
Charles T. Forbes Oreiron City. Orecon Not Known 10. "0
O. Frederick OreKon City, Oregon Not Known S0.O..
Sarah H James Ex OreKon City, Oregon Not Known 61.i'J
Mrs. E. L. Morley Ore..n Clly, Oregon Not Known 2.'.o
Main- McCain Oregon Citv. Or.-goii Not Known S in)
(leo. W. Hituch Oregon City, Oregon Not Known 3.14
C. Sprague Oregon City. Oregon... Not Known l.7
R. B. M lker Dead 4 !W
Haxel Wightman Oregon City. Oregon Not Known 1.75
C.eo. A. Leis. Trustee ....Oregon City, Oregon. Not Known...-. U07
lleo. A. lis. Trustee 1... Oregon City. Oregon Not Known 1.o7
J. 1.. Murdock, Trustee ..Oregon Citv. Oregon Not Known 6.75
STATU OK OREGON. County of Clackamas. ra.
i. Ilk (1. ( nunc d. be ne hrst duly sworn, denose nnd snv nnon onlh fhflt 1 nm fh
Cashier of The Hank of Oregon City, of Oregon City, County of Clai-kamaa. Hlate
or Oregon: that the foregoing statement Is a full, true, correct snd compteie state
ment, sligwlng the name, last known residence or Post Office address, fact of death.
If known, and the amount to the credit of each depositor as required bv the Drovislons
of Sections 7378-7381, inclusive. Lord' Oregon Laws.
K. O. CAt'FTKf.U.
Suhscrlhed and sworn to before me this ?oth day of July. A. D., 1115.
K. H. crwivKH, Nntirv ?... f-l' o -