nurnovriTY kntkmmmhh. mmijay. .im.v k im.v 4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE E. t BROOIf, lit or i Publishsf. Kaiered t Oro City. Ora-goa. Poaiofflis m hm-b11 matter. IuW'ihI" Kstas: Oae yaar 811 Months f v. . I Miil.Krlnrliiil Tt aJi.titaa ...... ..i ... .hi ik. .it. nf uti.naitiiB iniisl on ihrlr papers fol I., i.,. If nil mm! ! B.H crlllej. kindly B.KIfy US. b4 lbs mtitrr UI rcls our titration. 'Ilir CTuutauowa -alrr ! I 4 id II. Mr tlir uliirtl for our of idf tVt Irvtmrtiof lliit awmlily Iro.k a tf.snnf itiiir.l in thf lirarU nl Sit audViur. Wlirrr i llinr an Amriuan irow.l uliiih vvoul.l I. ml l!ii u! irit, liiii.llr.l a A. A. F'lanrLf lijn.llrl it, illy or llili'ntrrr!.! ? N DII.V Ml SS" it 411 appropriatr i.ipli.iii mn .in rditoriul in tlir Courier of jt un-l. 'I'lir p.uti ulur ii ir m. f l ll'is plain i $lt) ilrrivrj Irotn the alr ol inr Iothm; mc h AN"' Ml A li COUNTY COURT IXPINDITUKt FOR TMI Of JUNE MONTH AdvartlslBg Rates OB apBllcalloB, rTllr" KOI.I.Y, httJU !"tt of itimiiul. of rnttuMing itir om.Ut il I tlir (orriv'tl affair i tlii count r) M on' w numlotlv iiuniprtrvt William f. lt'Mrt lu fVrn atuVn.;!) illu.trafrj hy the wnjllr.l Jtnin Du n! iiKiJrnt, On rVhruary 10 tlir ptriJrnt, nrr Mr. HnWs .nature, notiiif.l tier- mam' that c diou J I ii.inttiincJ to hold the imperial l'ovi- rnincnt to a -trkt a.xuntalinit" if any German vcm1 of vtt "should" drtroy on tlir h'u'ri ra an American r-I or the livr of American citien." Immrilutr.y after that note ii ent Mr. Bryan ha.l a onverat.'n uith Pr. Ium!a. tfi Austrian amlaailor. ruVh lej Pr. Dumb to aJue the 1'ietiiun ami .W trian ct eminent that the Anterkan Mawinc wa "not to he tAm rriou!y. Wlicn thi w learnej here. Mr. llryan aiin Pr. Pumha anj in IiktJ him to aJu'e llerlin that he haJ pluej a vrij owfttuction on Mr. Ilryan't oru anj tlii c,''f"'('nt prixurrJ ute o'niliM for Pr. Meyer OrharJt to Ilerlin in or.Ier that he miht aJvi the German merriment ot the exatt attituJe of thi cuernmrnt. Count on llernti)ttf. the German 8mhaaJor, haJ cnrrevtly aiMeJ hi pnemmenf. Kit hi aJicf haJ heen ruiliiieJ by the cunstruction which the Austrian ambavNjJor haJ placed on Mr. Hrvan' uorJ. Thev facti are aJmitteJ bv Mr. Ilrva.i in a publi: jtatement. But if Pr. Pumba haJ itupidly, or uilfully, miHntrueJ Mr. Itrwn't unrJt. hi pinernmenf UioulJ have been alej to rev"a!l him. The preiilrnt ha instij:ateJ the fact anj hai not alej for Pr. Pumba' te call, therefore it mint be awumeJ that the amhawaJor u a not to blame for the construction he put upon Mr. Bryan' worJt. That being the case, how far ere thoe injireet worJ reponib!e for the continuance of Gernuny'i ubnurine policy and the tinkins of the "Gulf JiKht" and the "Liwitania?" The teamhip company uho would entrust a pxynr liip carrying a thousand oul to an incompetent captain would be condemned for alt time. What, then, of the present who, during a grae international crii. lite wai i Kiiig to ! rnl on roa.U atioiding to the tfiurt of thr I'U l.iiu.i I'oiin- tv Automoliile iluli. The Goiiiirr i oppoirj to letting the automobile mwn-i (im;e-t whrie in.. or) ilmcril t a (Meet tax on tMrin iull lie ent. rniu' t:ut p.iH-r woulj prrirr to Irt the court be guiilfd by uggetioii from the I'ortlaiiil I'omnietcial club or the CluVagu lloard of Trade. 'Ilie ('iiirier, hnurter, i not alone. Tlie !t4cada Pnie with it ii uj! critiial attitude of all t!iini; in other putt of the counh h.i wen fit to jump on the court. In fact, the eastern Clatlamai nrxxpaper a the firt to beL-in throw im? cerbal briil at tlie countv otficiaU in rrLMrd to thi road Oilill. We quote from the Courier: "rrrimuhly the ctuinty court didn Inow how it happened thai the road down the wrt i.le of the river wa ineared with oil mi that automobile liped into the ditch and that liore Cit mired in the mirx tuff. Thi tretch of road i NO I" K'VKN IN CLACKAMAS COUNTV It i Imated entirely within Multnomah countp, I'erhap the Courier can how wme coiinetion between the Cl.ulanu county cmitt and thi Mult n.'iiuh countv rad The Courier call the automobile club which retjuetrd the expenditure of the liiTiie money on the north and outh road through the county "anony mouv" The tlicht investigation, a brief interview with .mv member of the county court or a question directed at almit any local automobile ownrr would have Jiown eaily that it w.t the Clackamas county club. Hut he probably figured that it was too much trouble. Investigation , t I -L - I . . . . I.. tU-U . I nt iimiij woul.l nave removed tne cnaiux in uc i m n iy ino inuiun The Courier i not satisfied with the county court, but that i nothing to the detriment of the court. Who expect to satisfy the lourier ? T HIS COUNTRY i getting uncomfortably like Ruia. There have been seven attempt to Mow up public and other buildings within a ear in the city of New York alone and similar deed in many other place. Now come the nearly fatal attempt on J. P. Morgan, followed up by the placing of a bomb in the New York police station. What next ? The more or le demented person who are wandering about the coun entrusted the Ship of State, w ith its passenger list of 100.000,0(10 soul, to "v. planning some cray deed of violence, sending threatening letter to promi so notoriously incompetent a skipper as Captain Bryn? nent public men, is a constant menace to all holding high station. Probably the men at the head of large manufacturing corporations could tell similar V. I RING THE EARLIER DAY OF THE MOIOK CAK. to he '" " l,,r! ,ru ,u- Dsecn riding in an automobile wa a sign of wealth and luxury. P- Aftrr s,,ch cvfnN- ,,,c uNi"n ' imiall' nWl,f b V"?t ,lwt i. ,i. , i w..,m- w-.M f,u l-,t,r.f . k. I additional retriction be pLuyJ on the sale of fiiearms. Probably thi should invited to ride even a short distance in a machine. They felt disappointed if be done, but principally to keep the weapon away trom rough ami mwuie. rhev were not observed bv friends. 1 e crank w'hf """d red with inflamed passion against some punlic dig-. . .... , i ii -k.. ......v:,. , .1.. ...,.1 ,. ,l.n ,U;r Kit, ,r tarv or nolicv can never te prevented in thi manner trom getting urauiv V I 9 f VJI Klll mt li fV ,MU VIIVII Vll H"lt'J, IIIVK Ht . naviine mororist. I he machine in their mind toou as tne rfpresentativc or imi " i ... , , . t i i a cruel capitalistic srstem of wealth and luxury. It was the proletariat defy- fortunately a disexsed m.nd ha little gift tor concealment, it nioroiu und arisf.vrracv manifested in the flesh in their presence. It was a svm- pa"n demands expression. I he cracked brain keep its own thought no k..!.- . i ri.M .n,m., hi. L nf it wre tastW than the cracked vessel holds water. I once officers ami iriemn In rhe rural district the feelimr was bitter. One farmer was known who allow a morbid minded man to roam at large aume a heavy response.' to nut a pun in the back of his wacon on his wav to town, openly threatening (' rhnr he um.Id use it on rhe first motorist he met. Arguing men who get these queer mental streaks is apt to te u-e The abuse of operation of automobile have trrown worse rather than less. Unless one was very tactful, they would be only irritated. I rohanly I ......... . .i i . . -..r... ii... better since that time. Whenever there are cities and large towns, the roads their lack ot balance is due primarily to low srates or nervous vu.u.i). i u. are crowded with a pushine. hurryinc crowd of driver. How this traffic them on some not over strenuous job at farming or gardening would do ; tn v remind and mmmon decencv- enforced on People of rash temnera- them more good than seeking to convert them to sanitv. A quiet lire in me ment, is one of the daily problems of life. Meanwhile the recent notable price cuts in machines, and others likely- soon to come, are bringing the automobile within reach of a new army of buyers. Already a moderate priced automobile, with good care, is cheaper to maintain than a horse and carriage. The automobile is no longer a badge or expression of clxs feeling. Soon the man of wealth may begin retiring from a company which is growing too common for his taste. The farmers are said to own more of them than any one class. The motor crowd in exterior aspects is far from bearing the marks of distinction. It all looks plain and common enough, in one equal democracy of dust. sunshine, co-operating in the ordctly processes of nature, would restore many- queer minds to a more normal balance. T HE DEMOCRATS SUFFERED A DEFEAT in the ju dicial elections, held in June, the significance of which appears to have been entirely lost sight of by the general press. So signal an overturning of political sentiment would have been heralded far and wide ha.l it not been for the extent to which the newspapers are crowded by war news Out of 71 circuit judges elected in Ilmois, the Democrats secured only I J, and of these 17 were already incumbents, being re-elected. In Cook county, which includes Chicago, the Republicans elected four of the five judges of the T supreme court and 14 of the 20 circuit court judges. Tlie six Democrats cho. HE RULES BEING ISSUED BY HUMANE SOCIETIES for cn for the circuit court were all re-elected. In Illinois outside of Cook coun. care of horses in hot weather should not be heedlessly throw n into the ty the Republicans elected 32 judges and the Democrats 13. Six independ waste basket bv hurried business men and others. ent or non-partisan judges were elected outside of Cook county. This dec- An old fashioned driver once made the remark, that whenever his horse tion. it is noteworthy, was held at a time when Mr. Wilson was supposed to had a hill to climb, he let him walk for three rods on the top of the slope be fore urging him up into a trot. It was good advice for all who own horses in a country where there are hills. But most drivers in the ordinary light carriage would laugh at the idea and will whip up a horse before he reaches the top of a slope and before he has gained his breath. In many places there are complaints that dealers selling heavy articles in bulk, such as coal, will pile unreasonable loads on horses where such goods are bought in large quantities. Goods can often be bought cheaper in lare quantities delivered at a dealer's convenience, but economies if made at the expense of horse flesh seem hardly worth while. The most important item in the hot weather rules for animals, is to load lightly and drive slowly. Drivers whose time is valuable should be fit ted out with motor trucks that can get over the ground at a better rate. A draft horse's great power of wind and muscle is obtained at the sacrifice of quickness. One of these plodding beasts may be hastened over the road by a free use of the whip. But the owner takes something out of his flesh and nerve power every time he docs it. If it is long kept up, the owner will need a new horse. Comparatively few people make use of nets or other covering to protect horses against insects. The horse has a peculiarly nervous temperament, and BRING IN YOUR CROP MONEY Farmers, every cent you receive in payment for your crops should be deposited in the bank at once. Your cash will be absolutely safe in this bank, while being a depositor here will give you the valuable priv ilege of making all of your larger payment by check and it will give you the right to borrow money when necessary, and it will open up to you all the conveniences of a good banking connection. THE BANK OF OREGON CITY 34 YEARS IN BUSINESS be at the zenith of his power, when his disastrous Mexican policy nau for the moment been lost sight of and when, because of the crisis with Germany, Republican as well as Democratic editors were patriotically urging the people to support the president. Close friends of Mr. Wilson are much depressed by this showing. In an editorial, the Christian Science Monitor s;us that "i a year when depression seized upon upon many of Canada's leading industries, among those that assisted materially to prevent a complete upset of the balance was lumber production." This brief statement should be of great interest to the American people. A brief consideration of import statistics shows why lumbering has been so material a factor in maintaining business in Canada at a tme when that industry is paralyzed in the United States. The mills of the Pacific coast have been closed down or running on short time. Digging camps have been idle and the wheels of shingle mills do not turn. During the month of March, 1913, under a protective tariff, imports of shingles in to the United States amounting to only $60,000. During the same month in 1914, the imports increased to $195,000, and in March, 1915 to $244,000 more than four times the amount of the imports under a protective tariff. It requires no argument or comment to show why the lumber industry "has prevented a complete upset of the balance'" in Canada, and why idle lumber men are not buying extensively of foodstuffs, clothing, machinery and other commodities in the United States. may suffer more from the persistent attack of a fly than from the drawing of an over heavy load. The horse with a docked tail may give his owner i complacemcnt feeling of good style. Hut some people would rather give thi poor beast nature's long tail as a weapon against tormenting insects. HOLT'S REMAINS SOUGHT. AUSTRIA APOLOGIZES TO U. S. DALLAS, Texan, July 8. Mrs. Ln ona Holt, wife of Frank Molt, aHsail ant of J. P. Morgan, today ordered her hiiKhand'a aHlies sent to Dallas. The orii-'liiiil plan wa tlia'. Molt sliouU he buried at Ithaca, N. V., f ut the v.:w or der was sent to Near YorK following lh" (.'. 'on to IioM 'icfc.i In Dnl las Su'iurr. Mrs. Molf Intei.dH VIENNA, July 9. Austria today apologized to American Ambassador I'enfield heeaime the Neues Wiener i Taweblatt printed an attuck on I'resi I dent Wooilrow Wilson and the United States because of America's protest : against the diver warfare of the Ten ; tonic allien. The annloev wan forth iti t n ( nfl.a tJ..Ffsill Infill make her future home with her father: ,.f thc neWH)aper voiced the opinion here. of the Austrian government. RUSSIAN BARK TORPEDOED. LONDON, July 9. The Russian j steel bark Marlon Litchtbody, en route; to England from Valparaiso, was sunk by a submarine yesterday off the coast ! of Ireland. The crew was saved and ' landed today. The bark was a vessel es cjto,)g a Hlck hPa(iache almost at og Pistons. I once. Gives a most thorough and sat- " " ', Isfactory flushing no pain, no nausea. ATHENS1 July, 9. A German offi-i Keeps your system cleansed, sweet cer of high rank was among 500 pris-1 and wholesome. R. H. Welhecht, Salt "I find Clt- Citrolax CITROLAX C I T R O L A X P.est thine for constipation, sour stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow- oners taken by the allies in the bar-! Lake City. Utah, writes: danellea on Tuesday, according to a : rolax the best laxative I ever used. dispatch received from Mytilene to-JDoes not gripe no unpkasant after- Josiyn;, iu.j, maggie a, dar. effert." jL. nrr Co. (AdT.)lfE- M. Valentine), $14.00; U 11.11 A MM . lUil'NTV -Jm Itulhxrford. llOtl; John HooUnd. 13 i: on HHKKIt-T U I'. Ilul.lurd. l!lM; l k. !.(, i;nt, join i mm i'ii. ii.v W. J. WHmiii. .M liil; Wrlirn l lilnll Tel. Co. II !l: II W T,hiI,.i1. i 177 01; I'a. ine lllhar liri. ;&; V A. Mil.-., 6a. CI.KIIK-I M llmrliiKtoii, I0 on. IIKCOKDKlt-Whlls Carbon i. Hit iNn t o, n no, i.. CiHhmu. M', oo. k P. ixuliiian, 1I0 7S. THKAHl'ltKUM. K. Imiin. I". 00 P. P. Cunningham Co., ioc; Jour lrti Co. l to. AHHKHSOH-M K. tUflnnr. .M 00 1. o. 8tKi. :i oo; i p. puffy, iioo N. II. (imliam. IU00, COl'NTV COCIIT-A. II. Kriluh. IS? 00; W. II. Miilloon. Ill OO; II. R Atidornon. l.'fiO. COl'UT IIOVHK nil Chrinhal Co.. 17 00; Hoard of Water Coimul loner, II 5 00; lliirroiiKh Addlna Ma I'liltm Co, I '.l 00; Hlralxht k fulUbury. I77.C1; Orricon Corunilnalon Co, .7; (Uty (itllliiKham. 110 00. Kl Purrus. 117 &0. Chan. Hurfus. :U0. Kail Tratmf-'r Co., $7 75. Hum Urolh rrt. II Ij; I'aclllo Telephone A Telo Itraph Co. 127.00; Homo Ti'lrphonn Co . $180. CIKCI IT COl'IlT T. M. Miller. I7S25; P. K. Prod. Ill 50; A. M. Kir rhi'in. I.'JOO; John F. Illslry, $.11 :rt; Thou. K. (Unit. $11 M; P. M. Mar.lmll. rt.r.O; A. W. Cookr. $150; J. (I. Moehiikf, $16.00; 8. II. Here. $19 SO; W. A. Wood. $1V0; Jump PpkNs. $V0O; . 8. C.lbKoii. $1140; Mark Serly. $C00; W. F. Stanton. $.11 00; W. C. Own. $37.30: W. II. CoiiiumIL $:s.S0; O. lUnmin, $11 HO; K. It. Uvk. $3150; Frrd (ierher. $37.30; P. J Winkle. $10X0; C. E. Meldnim. $'.0 .40; K. It. U-ek. $:.r,0; r. Linden. $150; II. II. Mann. $140; Arrhln llonney. $fi.K0; O. Clark. $4.10; Anna linel. $2 50; Klhel Lund her. $.'J!0; It. Thom as. $IS0; Otto )orri. $3 20; Helen Cnwh. $3 00; Linnet Lmiberg. $3 20: Endfrrd I.undherR. $2.20; Prank linel. $2 60; Hilda WvUrnan. $3 20; Arvllln Kirk. $2.20; Wm. J. Wilson. $2 20 George Clark, $1 40; Klslo Kirk. $2 20; Walter P. Snuffln. $70; A. O. Whit comb. $7.S0; llulda WrUman. $320; Win. 8. Tull. $100; Mm. M. K. Tull, $4 00; John If. Coover. $7.20; Orvll Inud. $3.60; J. F. Ixirelaco. $7 00; P. E. Frost. $1 40; J. F. Sherman, $7.20. JI STICE PK.CE John N. 8lvr, $.13.45; P. E. Frost. $33.R0; J. E. Pom- eroy. $7.50; l-'Tcd Wllllama. $1.50; c. O. Pick. $4.50; Mlko Cuinnilnxhain. $6.50; p. II. Trigg. $6 50; Charles Smith. $2.10; l C. Hubbard, $14.00: E. Pomeroy. $11 SO; F. I.. Mark. $11.70; J. M. Thomas. $1.00; E. E. Ilwrs. $100; M. V. Thomas. $100; John 3. KclioH-kcr. $1.00; Paul T. Dunn, $1.00: James Hell. $1 00; Carrie Andrews. $2.70; Grnro Jonns, $2.70; James Fowler. $2.70; Glenn Jones, $2.70; J II. Jones. $2.70; Raymond rlffln. $2.70; II. 8. Eddy. $1.00; II. Mills. $1.00; Prank Ungentand. $1 00; 11. V. Edwards, $1.00; C. I.. Flsko. $1; Clark Melugln. $1 .00; Carrie Andrews. $2.70; Grace Jones, $2.70; James Fow. ler. $2.70; (ilenn Jones. $2.70; J. II. Jones. $2.70: Itaymnnd Origin. $2.70. CORONER . T. Slevers. $1825; W. E. Hempstead. $54.15; Frank Al bright. $1.70: W. J. Wilson. $1.70; P. S. Flniirnne, $1.70; Dr. Frank Mount, $10.00; J. R. Hickman. $1.70; Frank J. nuker. $1.70; M. C. Strickland. $.'i; James McNeil, $1.20; II. Greaves. $1.20; F. R. lloardman, $1.20; Ed For tune. $1.20; E. T. Mass. $1.20; E. P. Elliott. $1.20. SURVEYOR II. II. Johnson, $127.60; I). Thompson Meldruin, $2S.50; Wesley Green, $2.50. INSANE M. C. Strickland, $.".00: Guy Mount, $5.00. HI I'T. OF SCHOOLS J. K. Cala van, $2S.40; E. S. McCormlck, $172.15; Hrenton Vedder, $116.25; Lena Ulen, $0.00; GiishIo Hull, $9.00. j HOARD OF IIEALTII-.I. Van llrukle. $11.78. FRUIT INSPECTOR P. F. Stand Ish, $29.36; H. 0. Uled, $9.80; Ralph W. Rled, $9.80. - COUNTY VETERINARIAN W. S Eddy, $:.0.00; Alfred J. Dyclo, $12.00; Mary J. Dlcken, $12.50; Christ Nae ell, $75.00; O. W. Hale. $12.50. INDIGENT SOLDIER Meado Post No. 2 0. A. R $21.00. COUNTY POOR Wm. Dnnforth, $10.00; Oregon Commission Co., (Tom Jones). $8.00: Hoys & Girls' Aid So ciety, $10.00; Mrs. Ilradtl (J. McNa. mara). $10.00: J. II. Sallee, (W. T. Tlnsley), $20.00; Sam Ilooher, $16.00; Dock Mosler, $10.00; Mm. Jesslo Al len, $20.00; Patton Home (Mrs. J. Avln), $16.00; A. J. Rosenthal, $20.00; Mnry Huol, (Robt. Trimble), $5.00; Sarah Gibbons, $20.00; Ella Payno, $10: Henry Spless (Mr. and Mrs. Chalk), $10.00; W. J. Mldenhaur, $10.00; Louise Hallou, $15.00; Mrs. Galbralth, $15.00; Marry Cooper, $20; Kate Gardner, $15.00; L. P. Wlllliim son, $3.00; Anna U Snydor, $15.00; Mrs. G. W. Thompson, $10.00; Oustav Grehle, $10.00; A. C. Sleight, $10.00; Ada Leliaw, $8.00; Katie Pluard, $8; C. J. Wollertz, $10.00; Elia Tracy, $10; Den Landes, $10; Mr. Itnrowlck, $15; Mrs. Peter Erlckson, $15.00; A. II. Ruckles, (II. Landls), $8.00; A. 13. Iluckles, (Chas. Wllloilghhy), $5.00; Keller Grocery (Mr. Valentine), $8.00; Logan Grocery, (Mrs. Weaver), $8; W. A. Holmes, (Mrs. E. Haker); $5.00; Robblns Pros., (Eliza Slnm), $6.15; Robblns Tiros., (James Ilussell), $10; Irsen & Company, (Mrs. Marco), $15; Larsen & Co., (Chas. Wlllonghhy), $10; Law-n Sc Co., (Albert Pfguirn), $10; John WaDkcr, (Gottlelb Conrad), $4.25; Sam Wblttakor, (E. M. Valen tine), $5.00; Mr. Mann, (Mrs. Joealyn), $10.00; White Grocery Co., (Mrs. Plu ard), $5.00; White Grocery Co. (Mr. Joslyn), $10.25; Maggie A. Johnson, St. Vin cent's Hoillal, lliollb'lli MI, l DO, HI VI Ill S lbill I All k Iklitrr lililhni, I Hin. Iiiuinl of Wa'.r CtillitnUaliilirM, I IVllill, $1, lloaid nf Water CoiniiilliiiH-la, l' II Wllhiii,itl. l nn. Mis MIii al l. Ilihk Mi ). rl, lis ihi, I.. Van Mr.l, iriiillltalil, Jl'i ('i. I M Klein sen I Co. (Mr T. I. Hmlllil, loo. II C., iFiider HI. lei. i, i . :. I.hxlllc llolel, (Win Hullltaiil. $:;, A Heaia4n (Mrs ll.w.ler I. II on. In la lioiiotan llerome llamltlmil 1 1 ? ' " . W, W. Polio, k. H'haa Mi hriml.l. $ 10 . Hr)anl Ca.ti HI. ire, I A II. Carter) $6 35. W. J. Cuuiiiilnita. I Mr) (' ler). 117; M E Valeiillne. M0i. Pra M I, (Mrs Cora Jialnl, I'. (ho. Ited.laaay, 4 Win. P, Kil kannl. I", mi; Mrs (SeorKtt lllinler, I Mr M Ihcinl, I.'IHH); II. WlaalliRer. IK M Valeiillne). 110 00; $auk T. Harlow. I Mr. OalHirnl. 1 17 Frank T. lUr low. (Martin llanmlikl, $10; Frank T Harlow, (lohn Frrgiiaonl, II 00 Prank T. Harlow, (Win I Hi kcliuani $10oo. pr. It. Morae, (C. II Aukroin). l.'SOtl; Joa K, lled.ea. (Mrs. M J Triilllnser). 112 00: U Adains. iPl.k Meyer), $90); I. Adams. I Win Hulll van). $7 HI; W. II Tlioui.aoii. lllepke nmillr). . 10, Thomaa Croaley (Mrs Mario), $7 00; Oregon I'llf Una nltal. Kiottlleli Conrad I, $1100; 0. P An.leraon. (A. C. Hlelghtl. $i0 JAII-W. J. WlUon. $19 7H. JUVENILE 'Ol RT-P. E. Fro.t. $11 60 TAX HKIIATE-II 8eern. $1 It PltlN'TINU AND APVKIITIHIVIJ- Oresnn City Enferprl.e, $I,J; Tlie Courier Preas. $102 45. WKUillTH AND MEAHUIIES-A K Hull. f lH 73. TAX DEPARTMENT-O. W. Nelaun, $.'.'. 3t; Kent It. Wllaon. $142 COUNTY FAIR County Fair Hoard. $100.00. PIHTRICT NO. l-Hlaii.Urd Oil Co, $6 00; C. W. Si-hiild ft Hons. $60 20; SafTall Hrothers. $11 .10; Hlandard Hand Gravel Co. $22 00; H. U Mullan $'.3 50: F. HUnchard. $19 50; A. K Carlson. $1725: J. Avery. $13 75; M Hyeralay. $4.7.1; Geo. Si'tiuld, $13 Joe Peters. $12130; John Paris. $11 50: M. E. dayman, $100 00; A. U Mc Donald. $13 75; Geo. Wilson. $120 00 Roy Otty, $2000; W. HelUood. $119 17: Pan GafTnry. $120.00; Win Strange, $120 0.1; It. Gibson. $7t 12; II Hoolt. $000; Karl At wood, $11500 O. J. McKenney. $19.50; John Kaye, $l70; Frank Frosaanl, $".6 25; Carl Parry. $5100; E. P. Gren. $16 00; J. II. Coleman. $6.75. DISTRICT NO. 2-A. Mather. $10 65; Joseph Hachmsnn, $15.75; A. C Wold. $S5.00; W. Jones. $S000; J. Umsker. $S000; A. It. Lniigeiibiirg. $75 00; M. Roberts. $S000; E. Curry. 15500: F. Holboke. $1000: T. K Roots. $12.60; It. Johnston. $10 00; I1 Arnold. 1 10 00; M. Stoltenbiirg. 1 10; II. Imel. 112 50; W. Young. $-.7.r.0; Sol Intel. $22 50. DISTRICT NO. 3-J. C. Elliott Co.. $51.35; C. Wolfhagen. $1.25; B Huddle: J. A. Stall. $6 00; Waller Young, $18 00; Seth Young. $70.00 Herman Selbert. $69 25; Earl Tung $16; Joe Plllster, $14 00; K. Plllster, 113: Lee Holleiihnck. $7.00; Gils Stein. $11.00; O. O. Parrel. $25 60; Milt Ponley. $30.00; II. Paulson, $56 John Clarence Pallas, $16.00; Hay Pal las, $:I6 00. PIHTRICT NO. 4 J. M. Helikle, $11.15; II. II. Yount. $3.00; C. W Hchiild Hons, $:!I9.30; R. II. Citrrln 4 00; R. W. Alspaugh, $3.50; 0. II Linn; $7.00; E. II. Erlckson. $17.00; Geo. Wallers. $12.50; J. A. Kltchlng $58.75; J F. Hale, $33.00; W. M. Wade, $30.00: R. S. Coop. $13.00; Pun Mat son, $13.00; II. Glthens. $18.00; M Yount, $25; M. E. Linn, $27.00; C. E Pockemlorff. $20.50; M. It. Sluitidluml $20.50; M. Hareiillend. $37.00; L. Halo. $22.00; Ed llelpln. $10.00; G. T. KUch Ing. $58.00: M. H. Sarver, $37.00; B. E. Erlckson, $29.00; J. P. Slelnninn, $31; G. F. llnyer. $25.00; W. T. Lootiey, $13.00: II. A. Looney, $8.00; J. II. Linn, $28.00: E. E. Sailing, $12.00; P. E, Uivell. $26.00; J. R. Hughes, $5.00 W. II. Cahlll, $6.00. DISTRICT NX). 6 A. II. Elliott Co $10.60: M. II. Wheeler. $57.50; C. I.ek berg, $12.00; W. E. Wheeler, $66.00; G. A. Tncheron, $38.00; II. A. Deck, $11.00; C. A. Whoeler, $31.00; A. Link $26.00: J. A. linel. $18.00; C. Selfer, $16.00; E. Adams, $.14.00. DISTRICT NO. G Ponet & nickford, $6.00; C. W. Scliuld & Sons, $189.00; Chns. Kerbs, Sr., $l.'i.0; Nick Hchmlti!, $17.00; Ed Suckraw, $51.25; Win. Ouldenzopf, Sr., $24.50; R. Reich, $22.75; Geo. Krehs, Jr., $7.00; Wm Giildeiiznpf, Jr., $35.00; .Tno. Ilratn hall $11.00; Carl llramhiill, $15.75; A. Ilnwortli, $36.80; E. V. Erlcksoii, $32 40: Gust Ilarsch, $32.40; Forest Lan- derback, $H.00; Ed Hltz, $1.75; R. Not zel, $1.75; Will Hell, $7.00; Will Wld iner, $7.00; Mat Macho, $7.00; Geo. II, Illckford, $17.50. DISTRICT NO. 7 F. E. McGugln, $11; Sandy Blacksmith & Shooing Shop, $1.50; K. I. Anderson, $5.00; C. W. Hedlg, $5.00; II. Koch, $3.00; J. M. Hlllyard, $4.00; Albon C. Molnlg, 96c; Paul U. Melnlg, $181.90; Mutual Llfo Insurance Co., $30.00; Portland Ry. I,. & P. Co., $1.95; Concrete Pipe Works, $9.60; II. C. Moulton, $11.65; O. O. Gibbons, $37.15; F. GlbhonB, $38.80; Ira Fllnn, $30.00; S. Robertson, $9.00; W. Ganger. $10.05; A. II. Kllnglor, $40.50; A. W. Kllnglor, $12.75; C. Aa choff, $15.75; II. Vnnderhoof, $42.75; V. Vandorhoof, $9.00; 0. Odell, $42.75; Wm. Odell, $12.75; T. Hngen, $38.25; O. Clark, $27.00; R. J. Mabry, $5.00; J. W. Dawes, $38.25; J. Ogdnn, $8.00; P. Perry, $1.50; I). Pickens, $10.50; W. II. Franks, $22.50; E. TenEyck, $42.75; A. Caven, 9.00; R Winters, $39.40; W. Jepson, $13.60; .1. Cocklereese, $23.65; E. Eisner, $1.50; D. W. Douglas, $88. 50; W. Strack, $15.00; H. Aschnff, $50. 65; O. M. Davis, $15.00; W. A. Hee chlll, $18.00; M. TenEyck, $87.00; O. Ogdcn, $22.50; II. W. Aklns, $51.75; M. Thomas, $33.75; Shipley, $27.00. DISTRICT NO. 8 Sandy Fir Lum ber Co., $158.43; Sandy Blacksmith & Hb.wloi Hlo. p. iik ; J.dni fill. II 17, H. i. . In l.iuiihxr I ... 1! A nl.. i.. i UUir. I'.7, Call All, l'-t, I' II. M.'llllg. 1 1 It J . . Ilr.l llllll, $ ta. I. ..I lie. I. III. U ml, Ji.liii Fr II. II1' '!. l a; . i I l' .. Il.l.'lll. .' 1 "i. I'elti Hi.. lie, Ui. Mr IINIIM". $''. J"1"! II.. . lib. ill, 7 Ml I'lHIIlHT Ml I J M Helikle, I Hi. Hell II IIih h, u 'i. IMio Jan m ii. I' lou, nank, 1 ,6 do, Mr llalll. IK. 0.1. peler Haiti. IlloU, ,l. riibeel. 12 0U. Will Held. $10. Ml. Jul bia Puillx ll. oil, A, $.'(., A W. I.I, iln.l.l. I.-I 00, J.w Wvl.lerfiold. I. 'JOO. C K linker. Uuu. Tliwi Hard era, 1 10 (Ml, II Jo) Iter, ItlOO, I'eler llnbl. I HI o. Ui.nk Mr.l.ll. l "0, Kl.d ,Marliall. 7ol. :ld l.i.lerl.'l; Prank II. .!. 1 1. Fred l.lna, l.'ifo. Carl l.lna. Ill 00, Will l.lna. $13 H0; Chrla $iiov, A. II Miller, $74 011; Pte.l M. Iiiiian. $loo, (Htit PauU.-n, MM; llenrr Kllnker, 123, Juloi Mm. hall. II no, Robert Miller, I'.doo, liu Iriiuian. I'OOD. (iar.ill Jo) tier. I'.oeo, K.ld (irafenbaln. 2t; II. H.hioldl. 7I 00. II llinn r. 1 1'. A. l.lna. 1 10 no. li "0. p. Uii Hath, I oo PIHTIIHT N. I H I'e.mie. k. r, l(Mi, II. T limit. Ill 00; A O. Hurd. $20 00. F U 112 00, Hen T. Ilaollhi. 112 00. N. Filing. .'0txi. II. A. Until. I !0 OO. F Hihaelter. Ill 00; W. W. I'orler l3im. A O CikIiIiik. 126 00; W. II U'liioti. $00. Iliilo Ja- i.ilia. $.'.' UO; Herl II llm ll. $Or.j, I. .Inglebaih. $2 .no; J. N. I'llppln Jlo, A. J. Pom an. 20 00; A E. Viwuni. 116. J II Traiy. Ildoo; tin, laHhlelda. $.'0 00, Ed Roae. $20 00; W. A. Rhodes I-'OIHI; II. T. Heel, IM); Cl)de Injll.h. 1 00; W. Pinkie), l 00; Harvey Msrahsll. II0OO; J. II. I Mini an. $2 00; C. Whltle k, $4 00. It. H. I.ud loa, ll 00; J. 6no, U J. Palmaller. 12 00. C. II. Pun. an, I5. A. K Y.M 'UII. $'.3 00; latrr Craa ford, $-.1100; F. E. Thomaa. I'.COO; (I. T. Heebe. Ill OO; Clyde liiKll.h. 1 1 KIM); Cm. peHblelda, .0O, J II Tracy. .'. 00; O. P. CallrT, $'.6 00; John Puns. I'.K.OO; N. M. Trai y. 52 00; J. Nichol son. 2V00; Paul Holm. I2 00; Harvey Marahall. $12 oo, CllfTord 11 isa. $2S; Ktry $17 00. C. II. Dun. all. $15. O. P. CallrT. $21 (Mi; Herman Puns, $; A. W. Plnkley. $l00; Cheater IVan. $17 00; W. A. Rhodes. $13 00; U J. Paltnsleer, $1100; E. E. Jenkins. $27; II. II. Iluiley. $.'00; A. J. Pom an. $i 00. PLSTUICT NO. ll-C. II. Pauchy. $150; Wllaon Ciaike. $1 50; E. I Pope. $15 15; F. E. Lucas. $19 00; C. Whllcoinb. $200; J. Joaeph. $2 00; F. A. Vsllet. $r6.00. P. W. Tooles. $33 00; John l-Yrgeson. $1100; II. II. Hartley. $17 00; W. Tamlirrlyn, $20 00; Mack Rivers. $12.00; Ijiwreme Ware. $700. PIHTRICT NO. 12-Wllson A Cooke. $I.M; tins Fisher. $3.1.15; John Moa- er. $S 00; W. F. Ilalierlacti. $3 0; rTeu lron. $3 90; II. K. GUI. $11.60; J. tf Prague. $17 00; Fred llelhhufT. $51; J. McCulibln. $25.00; II. Km hlal, $23; Al.linne I ton (Turd, $23 00: J. Minder, $1900; A. McMurry, $3700; Roy Sprague. $100; A. Eudeii, $100; Al bert Gerlier. $500; II. Iluber, $3100; Tom Jubli. $9 00; Oscar llenson. $6.00; Frank Kohl. $500; A. Henaon. $22 00; J. Moser. $18.00; Ell Swales, $26.00; Edd Kettdlg. $30 00; . Swales. $26 00; Pat O'Connor. $2200; II. Hwates, $10; Mutt lluriihan. $6 00; C. Montgomery, $30.00; (1. Wllcoxon, $30.00; Louis Wll- coxen. $13 00; (illliert r-'lulior, (i.00; C. W, Fiillert, $35.00; Joan Cromer. $26.00; L. Kohl. $22.50; W. McCulibln. $35.00; Jesse Cromer, $24.00; Geo. Trueey, $8 00; C. W. I'nllert. $24 00; Tl. Swales, $10000; Edd Kemllg. $H; Gus Leach. $31.00; (liw. Tracey, $5.00; Ell Hwules, $10.00; II. E. Andrews. $10; E. Potters, $33.00; Pat O'Connor, $16; A. Hclmoil, $15.00; J. Moser, $18.00; II. Swales, $32.00; II. Malt lliirahiiii. $2S; W. J. M. Cromer. $10.00; $16; C. .lubb, $1.00; W. Mr. Gaskelt, $2.00. Newklrk, $24; M: Ciibl.ln. $16; Jesse Crotmr, K. Powers. $13; AVIATORS RAID GORITZ. ROME, July II A s.iuiid of llulliin aviators rondo an effective raid upon thn Austrian positions about Gorltx Monday, General Cadorna reported lo t ho war office today. Bombs were hurled upon the ramp ami supply sta tions of thn enemy JiihI before diiy. break. The Austrian artillery found It difficult to locate the Italian avia tors, who returned Hafely to their own lines. Bombardment of the GorlU bridgehead Ih being steadily main tained, General Cadorna'a official re port slated. A GROUPSCARE Foley! Honey and Tar Compound Quickly Maileri It. CnOCP SCARES YOU. That Inn, crimpy ennuh, tliat choking smiilns for brnatb.tlint Inborail lirnalhlmr, batnonly Uto oftan r.irntol.irntnl rnMiilla. Lnnkj thaimrnnta who IniTs Koi.nt's Honui 4no Tas Ctm whimd In tbo hnnia. fur l..u i nn hn mfn that tl.a mra Urat doies will niautor tho croup. ' 11 fit s IoltI al Folty't IIm7 ui Tar Li (top being turad el cross fOLKT'S IIllNET AMD TAB Cniipnmin m,ta tho thick tnorui and olmirs away tin ihlrgm. ItuponinpniideaiM tlia air paaMm, atopa tha atrangllng omirh, and uiroa aaiet aamr Drnntuins, anu imiuhiiiii mnap, Mowomlor a tuaa luTninawalksd ISmllna to a drag store to got louti's iiossi aao Tab CoMPniNn I'. II. 0 1 NN, M Millston, On., mn t "I alwars glremrclill.lran riiLEt s lJiwr.T andI'ab for croop and in avnry Initanc thoy got quick rollol anil era aon ilmiplng siinn.llr." Jtmj good flrn(iaiit la dad to sail's riiiHKV and Tab CoMrniiNO for all eoosha, colili, croup, whooping coimh, bronchial and la grlppo eona-hi, and othnr throat and long tronbla. ItitlfiocTrrnwir, It hlp Infanta, ohildran and grown poranna, and It ooror auo taina opiaua. In 2Thi,60o, fLOUsiiaa. fVIRV UBIfl IS A FMIIHD. Jones Drug Co.