Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 16, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    OltF.flON' CITY KSTKKIMUHB. I'IMHAV. .H'l.V Hi. in:.
t 1
Enterprise News
HIMY. Orr.. Juljf IJ - ull
Ilworl ar I Hit mad out lu II
n-ilinn o( Hie country, v. ri In lo
rnIMi: he number of automobile
Kiiii up Ml. IIxm1 and llir nuiutx-r ol
...I . -I... il.mi.r llM fljtlil
ll.liri..,. u ... ... -.
. I . i V. .. . . I. .irMiliik
"V,:" 'for . nui ,.f .ar,'
iaiin Ihruuih loan la lo d)
art July i and 5 l-n l-" !
thrwurb on thrir ay to Ml llnod r
oria. . 0rr ','jO rnl through lb
Toll Cat hll l!i balam- ramiwd
Mrrn hr and Toll Cat or UH I
th rrMirta.
Mnrt fubrnnrn than rr lrf(irc
ar hliin the many truul liram
alKiut Sandy for tha aim klrd U-auti
allh flkhltiK tarcl and
rqulpmrnt. muib to th rny of th!
tittle country boy no wut t am
fird lth hi little hairl P1 and
thrrad line. Whro th day a flhln
la don tha country boy arnrally hat
a bradrt kind of a amlle with a f
d!ma In hla pofkl and th
fi.hrrman nroudtv holnK hla f
F. Coousb. h Cor Odi-ll. had
th mlfortiin of upttln thlr Ford
on a curve nar Hull Kun. vrly
hurtlnc both and brulln the car.
rml Rtrark la exirrlrnclnit lth
hl nw Ford to teat its durability by
runnlna; down tlohone pot and
fnr. ll aaya lt wonderfully
ftronc tnaibln.
Owner Clark who had hla foot cut
off In atreetcai accident la Fortl.m
It Improvlnu nlrely.
Mr. France and family near Keiao.
are down with it mild form of imall
Farmera are rather dlaappolote-1
wltii the weather on account of dam
age the rain la dolnir to hay and train
Crop of all kind look extra Rood and
a bit harvent will reult If the ram
will aoon stop.
Davi it Smith are bulldlnu the fine
new bunitalow for Mora Revenue.
S. P. Darii, of Oregon City, will
leave for ML Hood to take Tiewa of
Mt. Hood soon. He la an expert pho
P. T. Shelly was awarded the mall
rirrrinr contract from Sandy to
Welsh. He will put an an auto stage
at once.
Mr. Poraeroy was awarded the con
tract for carrying mall from Sandy to
E. F. Grunertt has remodeled hH
confectionery stand and pool room.
Dixon & Kelsecker have the con
tract to raft the 6000 cords of wood
down the Sandy river to Troutdale for
the Gresham bank.
Gresham and Sandy Telephone com
pany has placed new poles on Main
street also have In working order a
switch board and central office with
dav and nlcht service. There Is somCl
talk of connecting the Firwood Dover
Telephone company with the former.
Improved Order of Odd Fellows Sal
unlay evenlnit Installed tho followinc
officers: R. E. Esson. noble Brand: Joe
Albel. vice prand: William Ro9liolm.
The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs of
Sandy and perhaps Ilorlnit will have
a bis picnic at Sandy Bridge or Salmon
river in the near future.
Mrs. Peter Vetch, of Fortland. was
visltinR with her folks, J. H. Wever,
the past week.
Mrs. Caroline rtruns. of Portland,
is visiting friends and relations.
MIbs Nan. of Minnesota, is visiting
at the home of P. B. Gray.
Sandy Booster band is giving free
roncerts twice a week, which is very
much enjoyed by all who hear them.
Dave Louderback who recently re
turned from KanKsas, was in Sandy
looking after his interests here.
Mrs. M. Lenarty. of Pleasant Borne
visited in Sandy Sunday.
Wild blackberries are ripe and many
trlfty housekeeper Is canning a good
A. C. Baumback is busy running the
rock crusher full blast and haulins
crushed rock on the Bluff road.
SANDY HOOK, N. Y., July 13. The
yacht Resulute won from the Vunltie
today over the international cup
course. This was the first test of
the season for the candidates for the
honor of defending the America s cup
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jake DeYoung
July 1st, a son.
Rorn. to Mr. and Mrs. Ugrin of Van
mivif Wash.. Julv 4th. a son. Mrs.
Vgrin was formerly Miss Mary Papsch
of this place.
Walter Young Is building a new
A good many from here have been
oitpniiinc chautauniia.
John Moore lias lost several calves
Mrs. Ida Carpenter Is staying with
nrr Wnwlett at Eagle Creek.
m.. Manrv Hall is visiting her
daughter at Corneilus.
Mr3. Bartlett, of Portland, is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. McConnell.
Miss Selma Bock spent the Fourth
at home. . ,
Lester Newell is playing with the
Barton team at Chautauqua.
Most Children Have Worms.
And neither Parent nor Child know
it, yet it explains why your child is
nervous, pale, feverish backward
Often children have thousands of
Worms. Think of how dangerous this
is to your child. Don't take any risk.
Get an original 25c box of Kickapoo
Worm Killer, a candy lozenge. K ck
apoo Worm Killer will positive jr kill
and remove the Worms. Relieves
Constipation, regulates Stomach and
Bowels. Your child will grow and
learn so much better. Get a box to-
Service Covers Clackamas County
funnier nun
in uh litr ei.n-i. M' Ti.
-aiy I." frm Ul Wr.liir.-U ;
Alxiul lrnl i-rr i ir.ml til l
II h.l K--l I ''nr.
If lit araihcr -rmil. t Itc IWi.t
Bnuh rihlti k H
had lntmdr.1 lii do atiin udimtrrf
urk al fhtttrnft a Un-. t"il u a'
rounl nf 111 ilulilH.rni'i- i( a prr
Mill In Hi joiiimumty. I. ha 1-J
i not in If It in t nr rn i
hr farl, b-t dim t-i alii'k I"
Th toitn iwii'l from here rnl
' t ll
Willaiurlir ami
fiaa a K'"J llin. .-rl rai'ii'i.- .
W Ir, am. ,., Ih MulMy
Sumlat ,
Ih !( llllrr hcrotU
iraillM-d on Ih hum ground, a
Ih blit tm didn't play Thry ho
irtuiilr of lr-oiiilii frl pUr
oiii day. Th llti-up ! t'harlivi !
Zmwrlins. atitrr: Itudolpn 7.iniun-r ,
man. piti hrt ; Cmi Mi -r. ftrmi . :
Many lul. wvund. Ctorii Our
Tordtemrlrr. third. Krtlit liixls-.
i. ... . kil. ll..ni. - itl (hrl.
John M,..,j
Mr. and Mr m. Kalwr U.llra nrr
OtiT, Sir. toS ai I'anu? ii -
Th IUM took
,, , ,'lntalld In th Itrbrkah IikIk: Mra
hi. old Ford and liSfrh(y x 0 . Antu rillIl,,.r, v .
rambled to town on Tnuroay ana
cam horn, with . new. one, 1
MUa MarKurtte Kearna la laltin
Mra. John Kalner. I
The boya from th hill Pnt Tue;
day nlsht at IWrnert'a.
mnk Kalr took hi iter. Hilda,
and Lyman for a rid down to Zim
merman' Monday night In the new
Ford. I
A bunch of young kid pnt a mot
rojoabl evening at Hodge's Friday
Connie Zimmerman and Merl Tied-
eman went to Portland Wednesday
Fred Zimmerman went to town l
Tuday and hi noire turned around
and almost got away from hlra twice,
before be got her to pasa a bicycle,
(landing alongside the road.
The Sweet Brier are intending to
play Sherwood Sunday at Sherwood.
We ee the Item we put In the
Enterpri concerning the ball game.
Sweet Brier vs. Wllnonvllle. struck
home, as we Intended It should. The
truth often strikes hardest, doesn't it?
Now here is something for the um
pire: "He that makes of himself an
s must not buck nor kick if men
ride him."
The married people of hls vicinity
had their eighth surprise party on Mr.
and Mrs. Christensen Saturday night.
They surely stick to the old saying:
It is never late till two and then Us
Mr. and Mrs. Boekeman and chil
dren spent a day at Chautauqua last
Mr. Settje has his barn done and
is starting; his new house.
Benefited by Chamberlain' Liniment
'Last winter I used Chamberlain's
Liniment for rheumatic pains, stiffness
and soreness of the knees, and can
conscientiously say that I never used
anything that did me so much good."
Edward Craft. Elba, N. Y. Obtain
able everywhere. (Adv.)
Ed Huntington, a former resident
of Eagle Creek, but whn now lives In
California, was the guest of JameB
Gibson over Saturday night.
Ike Foster Is on the sick list.
Mrs. Viola Douglass went to Glad
stone Monday to attend Chautauqua:
thence to Portland, where she will
be the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Blna Jones, for a day or so.
J. P. Strahl and wife celebrated the
Fourth at Moro, Eastern Oregon.
Fred Cooke, the genial son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Cooke, of Damascus,
his mother, and Mrs. Carpenter were
the dinner guests of Mrs. Howlett Sun
day. Mrs. Carpenter came to work for
Mrs. Howlet.. Mrs. Keith, who has
been staying- with her, quit, as sho
might go live with her daughter in
Mrs. Katie Douglass, having re
ceived a message that two of the chil
dren of her sister! Mrs. Bert Douglass,
of Stevenson, Wash., were ill. wont to
Stevenson on Monday to see her sis
ter and children.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle, of Esta
cada, were over this way Sunday call
ing on relatives. Mr. Woodle is con
templating taking a trip east soon to
iu hla hrother. who is sick.
R. S. Clark and son, Carl, were saw-1
ing some wood for Mr. Everett Beck
ett and Ray Woodle the first of the I
If. S. Gibson was an Oregon City and
Portland visitor Monday. ' t;ie members or the Rehekuh IoiIkc,
The farmers are not very well(an(J a H)ien,iiu aodui time was en
pleased with the weather, as they can- Joyed by all prcHnnti
not make hay. Mrs. Geo. Todd represented the M.
A number of the people from this R A lo(f,e at the rnct.tjnf; of tlx
vicinity have been Chautauqua visitors! grand )o(ge (n PortUlld
especially on the days that the TSarton ,
ball team plays. Some of the players NEURALGIA PAINS STOPPED
are residents of the neighborhood. You don't need to suffer tlioee anon
hence the interest shown. ixlng nerve pains In the face, head,
Mrs. Rose Ilaker visited with her' rnj Bnoulder8, chest and back. Just
aunt, Mrs. John Douglass, Sunday. apply a few drops of soothing Sloan's
" ! Liniment; lie quietly a few minutes.
Beauty More Than tn Deep. yQU K,,t Buej, TnK( am comfort!
A beautiful woman always has good , Lfe an(J tne worm wnl ook rgUtor.
digestion. If your digestion is faulty, Get a botte t0(ay. 3 0Unces for 25c,
Chambei Iain's Tablets will do you . ,1 Penetrates without
good. Obtainable everywhere.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Iiaker have been
visiting al the'home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alison Raker for a week.
Quite a number of village residents
have been attending the cbautauqua,
and enjoying the splendid programs
The farm crops near WHsonville, '
bid fair to be unusually good.
Paul Jaeger returned from the Panama-Pacific
International Expositon
last week, having won the trip as a
prize for splendid handicraft done for,
the fair laBt fall. He report a glorious j
time, and is loud In his praise of the
O. A. C, and is busy already with
work for this year's fair.
FM Raker and familv went to the
Oik ill rUl.ud.it rie.iinw. Hi llu I
TIii nit i'( l'i ball m1" Ulm
it.,. Mir Irani !( I'ottlanl ami
.iiit ill irm t ; in r.m.r (
our UIk team Th l.i'M Mine i"
1 llt III t;.l.l. n ltnd" !
i in- h.w ni
Mr an. Mr. MlWhrll. f '"! "' '
l-nl Sunday l "' l'aUia farm
Word h.t Iwi imrlird from it
iuti and iU'i(lir. Heltir.
r(Tt (tut Ihev ere rnjiHi
lit l
lli.M i
.-he Itiiiiii-ne.'ly at III I'lK l'l
1 1. in ami ar proud id Ih Orr,.m build
lux lhr
Mr. and Mr Cb Tm" ' ''r
madrd t jr Itirlr many friend on M.m
lav ri-nln. iifcn llu'lr ri'liiin from
rmiiri imi'ii irii
p. rl lt.Wi r jn hol.' I lli 'r
ral Crrk .'. cliil'" on Thui'i.iy ar j
tlTtliMHI. i
Mr and Mra t'lu Hlddr Ptit a
( d In Ni'wbrra lat wrk, lll
I n it rv!ullr
Clara Kplrr bi li' n vUltltt at Hi
bum of hr arand arnl for two
A Joint liutallallon of th I O. O
V. and U.'tHksh Imlsi nrui in
their hall on Saturday ewulnit. Mra.
".P. A..;;" a, .... m
llir HIB Ili iM K...I -v
1 fur th Odd Fellow, th work belli
..,.,, nn hr l-lh of Ih.
.iifii...r Th fnllnwlna offltvr were
,tauIsla -friary: Jud S.-ely.
,rr.T and In th I. O. O. F. Cl,f.
tt UIM s. c; : ,
tone Hutalsla. V. C : H. P. Aden.
irraaurer. At
I th clo of the Installation aervlce
a chicken pi supir was acrved by
You Can't
Out o EL
Neither can you get your moaeyi worth out of a binder that hain't had it hammered and built
into it at the factory. A good way to find out about a binder it to look it over carefully and lee
if it measure up to your idea of what the machine ihould be. Another good way U to aik
thoie who have used the machine. If we didn't have the fullest confinence in our machine we
wouldn't advise you to do this but as it is we will be mighty well pleased if you will ask every
person you know who owns a Champion Binder, how he likes it.
like all Champion Machines is built upon the "quality firsY' policy and then it, also has some
very important advantages, for instance it's positive force feed elevator which insures a continu
ous flow of grain to the picker arms. The Relief Rake which prevents bunching at the inner
end of the platform. The Champion also has many other good strong features which we will
gladly show you if you will call on us.
We carry a big stock of pumps of all kinds, pipe, fittings, hose, engines, pressure systems, etc.
etc. Give us a call when interested in this class of goods.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Canby Hdw. & Imp. Co.,
Canby, Oregon.
Molalla, Oregon.
I rubbing.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry ISeers, who have
t,een staying w Ith the latter's parents,
returned to their home in Gresham
Mr. Townsend and son, Ennls, are
cutting wood for Mr. Cozad.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Helple and Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Kitching motored up
tbe Columbia Highway Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fenzel, of Iianks, Ore
gon, are spending a few weeks at the
home of J. W. Dowty.
Willie Still left for Eastern Oregon
last week to work in the harvest fields.
Mrs. Harry Franks returned Sun
day from a two weeks' visit with her
sister in Washington.
I On Huii.lay Mr ami Mia Win Cima
( iiniMta al li' 'a'fvi lli'urt
'iliurih fir Tbntii4 Th.hli'rr 1'i'in.
j !. )niin4 ami nl Mr an. I Mia II. T
IVmi', of l'iilll.ilil
j Mr I'lillmk U ( l"K a
I lii'iii tier ln iti'r. M ! I.i-iila
ami Hari-u nf Tlllui Hik
T! M Klwr faimlv liai rl iintt-.l
lit Hi. Ir iiillaa mi lit '
nwil ami on July 4th llu'lr 'iilv
.luinliliT. MUa llilin. unlli'il In
iiurrinx In Xfr J K lrt. if I'url
lon,l, afliT a ahurt liMiiriin.x'ii al Hia
hi. Ihy ll rrl.l" In rorllnml Mr
Hii'rl aa iuuliir lrl. Ii-lnit nil
Iff III malila In iw l.' in m til th l(i
Ki .n4l In 1811
Mi. Mlnnla It Alinmn ili'liKlilruUr
iniiTtlinsl Hi ini'iiilN'ra of llm a-
jrnih iiraila at hir limn In Munlatlll
mi Krlilar of lail i'ik. Hum t mm
l ot ThaMT. Ni'lll Hi ll. Dra ItiM'tli
IMlll'M'll III it.'l li lKII llllU IllNIII.
Tli CiHik ami lli'inli'mon (aiulllo
ar rnjoylnt ouio lir. m-ain nn
U'lllami-tt at thn Spooner Uudlnil.
Mr llnraefall. wlf of Mr. Homo
fall, th artUt, int Smulity with llir
D.illa Sharp family In ll.mton, Ma
Mi. Ilorvefall wlillo ral will vlnlt al
I'rlmoloii. New JiTn'i. a'ld with relit
tlc at l.yona. Iowa Mr. Iloraofull
and Unic are rm'liig at th Flnle)
prUig for the mnmer.
Thi program for Ih atimial
Ktutigi'llral rampiiKfling and rumen
ttnn to be held ln'r. have been ar
ruiiKi'd and will convene on July 17 to
ug. liev. II. Si buktiiiht will pre
side. Meals will be served at cunt
at the dinning h.tll. We notice able
vpcaker are on th programs, among
I lir m ar It. V. Mutton, of the And-
Saloon league: Mr. Carrlrk. of
Chrlxllan Kndeator. of Portland, and
Mr. Mattle Slwth. of th W. C. T. I'..
and .Mrs. Lillian CUrk will give an
addre on "Women and World
Wllma Hruechert w ill enjoy her va-
cation at the Palnton fruit ranch at
Orchards, Wash.
Itev. liutlc r, of Hubbard, spoke nt
the chapel on Sunday. Special music
was rendered by H. J. Itoblnson. In
the afternoon Kev. Smith and wife ac
companied Kev. Butler to Hubbard and
Rev. Smith occupied the pulpit at that
place for the evening service.
J. A. Socsbe and son, Jesse Socsbe
and Ralph Madison departed this
week for Warrenton.
Tho Wagstaff family are pleasantly
located at the Roy Welch cottage.
Mrs. J. P. Strain vlslled with Mrs.
Smith on Saturday and on Sunday un
derwent an operation at the Oregon
City hospital. Mrs. Strain was a form
er resident, but now resides In tho
Redland district.
George A. Ostrom leaves next week
for California, going to the fair by
Chautauqua Is claiming the atten
tion of a number of our people during
the past week. Dr. John Boyd's ad
dress on "Hack to the Home"; Sen
ator liurkett of Nebraska, the Buck
ner jubilee singers and the delightful
impersonations of Marietta LaDell,
were among the mang good thing of
the chautauqua assembly this year.
Our people are looking forward to
Thursday's program, many planning
to attend then.
Hugo Sandstrom, who is at Elk f it
spent a few day with home folks,
over July 4th. Among the pleasures
Mr. HaniUtniin find al Flk I lly an
a bear mini with Mr. Cu Jarolun'ii, nl
wliiwD limn now at l:ik I'll), lull
furilUT realdi'lil lit Ji'linlllK IjhIk
A Jolly crowd, liirliidlng Hi T I
tier, Urowiulgg, Ji'ffiTlea and H.m I
tnini fuiiillle pli iili I'd al I'uki f
MihlK mi July 4th.
i:ugmie liiuh, II. iy Hindi a and A. I
ltimi'll ill i'Mi'il nil I'llni'niliiy In
Km-tern Oiemui to amUt in caring f i
lb hnrvi'M i run. Mr. Illml liatlun
ii'iiml wntk and report a 1,1) to mi
bimlii-la lo Hi ai t a lb yield
.liiliil- MiKUer I pemllllg a few
w ka at Mmlfnrd.
Th rt'p.tri'iinirr will git an "mil
of i!ul" sin IuI al III rlmrcll purlin
on July 211 at M M. A progiam
gniiiea and n'lrethnuitiU an Hi at
irai tlona.
Mra. Ilntdurf. of AlUuy, la Nullum
her ilaiiKlili-r. Mr. J. Ilinuird and
li'iidlng i buulauiiitt.
Mra. C. I.. Iliiyim and rjilldreu bate
returned I nun a tllt with lier fnlk
at Kiigeii and wn accompniilrd liuine
by Imr hUler, Ml I l rv Thuuia.
tin July 1r.. V. I. llluloii plmel
a nw Hag pnl and Hag at III hnltie
hurt linprimlv aervlrra wrt held
nt th ling raining.
Dr. King New I. If Till are now
upplleil In wi'll cnrkid gU bollle.
roiitulnlng 3b augnr coated white pill.
tor :.''. One pill wlih a kU of wat
er befor retiring la an average, do
Kny and pleaant to take KfTeillve
and luxltW In reaull. Cheap and
ecniiiiiulcal to u. (let a bottle tiv
day. take a do tonight your Con
allpallnn will be rellevr! In th niorn
Ing. 3d for "h-.
at all drugKlnt
CiHiillle: City council lua buuglit
large order Iron Ih from Cimi Ua.
Iron work
Get Oiood
Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spot.
How to Remove Eailly,
Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face,
to try a remedy for freckles with the
guarantee of a rellablo dealer that It
will not cost you a penny unless It re
moves the freckles; whllo if it does
give you a clear complexion the ex
pense is trifling.
Simply get an ounce of othlne
double strength from any druggist
and a few applications should show
you how easy It is to rid yourself of
the homely freckles and get a beauti
ful complexion. Raroly Is more than
one ounce needed for the worst case.
Be sure to ask tho dr11ggl.1t for the
double strength othlne as this is the
prescription sold under guarantee of
money back if It falls to remove
freckles. (Adv.)
.aria Idolize jicqu Goujon.
Parta. Before he lost nn arm
Jncqne Goujon. seventeen, killed two
German sentinels, blew np two qnlcli
flrer with bomb, wa enptured, es
caped and carried to tbe French line
a German mnchlna gun. He baa been
given a medal.
For Your Baby.
The Signature of
Jim r m m mm i m ' i J
Is the only guarantee that you have th
prepared by him (or over 30
YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST
Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castorla.
Soid only In one size bottle, never In bulk
or otherwise; to protect the
The Centaur Company,
Wn LmI an BattltfUld of PtachlrM
Oconoiuowoc, WU.-A mull, well
worn hymnal, on of Uiom burnt! to
the troop In the Kfrut civil war of
IttUKkV and wliku waa loat ou tbe
bnllk'llfld of I'rachtrca Creek, lia., ha
two returned to It owner, Frederick
C Will of Oeononiowoo, w ho aertrd a
Oral aergeant of Company II, Twenty
aUtb WUeuiialn volunteer, dtirlnic th
Tho book wa returned by drome
Starry of Norwalk, ()., uiemlirr of
Ctimpany l. HI Jty fifth Ohio tolun
trer, who fouud th Httltf book on th
Statistics Show That 700,000
Workmen Are Hurt Annually.
WahliiKton.-"Tho number of fatal
Indimtrlnl accident among American
wage fBriier, Including both ww,"
ny a itntrtueiit Uxunl by I he deport
ment of InUir, "may Ixi conwrrntlvely
pHtlmnted at M) a year ami the
number of lujurle Involving a dlnulill'
Hy of more limn four wecl-.H, uhIiibj th
ratio of AiiNlriiiu rxcrleiice, at ap
proximately "oo.iHKi. Thcue number,
Impressive n lliey arc, full to ludlcntu
fully the number of Indimtrlnl acci
dents, fur audi studio us have ulrcndy
been made hIiow Hint of the nivldeut
Involving disabilities of one day ond
over at least thrce-foiirtlni terminate
during the llrsl four week.
"Tho Industries which contribute the
greatest number of fatal nccldeut lire
railroad employment n ltd urlrult unil
pursuits, each group being responsible
for approximately 4.-HO futalllle each
year. Coal mining contribute more
than 2,KH) nnd building mid construc
tion work nearly 1.1n). General man
ufacturliig. whllo employing large num
bers, produces only iiImiiii l,sm) fatal
"When the fatality rates nre consid
ered metal mining ranks as most haz
ardous, with a rule of 4 per 1,00(1, coal
mining coming next with n rate of it.ft,
and fisheries and navigation following
with n rale of 3 per l.iHH). Manufac
turing Industries, ns n whole, rank low
est, with n rate of .i.'.'! per l.(HK). But
the fnct should not be overlooked (lint
this low average rnto covers manufac
turing groups varying widely In haz
ard, Including on llio one hand boiler
milking nnd the various department
of the Iron nnd steel Industry, In some
of which fatality rates ns high ns those
In metal nnd con I mining luivo prevail
ed, and on tho other bund tho textile
ntnl clothing Industries, In some of
which tho risk of fatal accident Is
practically negligible."
Wt Virginia Officer Threatana Ao
tioni For Contaminating River.
Charleston. W. Vn.-Stnte prohibi
tion officers are liable to proserin Inn
for contaminating the streams of West
Virginia, according to Deputy On me
Warden Frank Glenn, who threatens
lo begin nctlon ngiiliist timip who
poarcd a quantity of whisky Into the
Kanawha river nt Parsons.
"We don't let coal operators pom
refuse Into the streams and kill the
fish. Why should we permit the pro
hibition oflleers?" asked the wnideu
rirtt Jitney Due,
The flint Jitney bus appeared In ten
don In 18.'(). It ran by steam power
and carried twenty-eight passengers
lnsldo and twenty-two outside. Rail
roads prevented Its operation by secur
ing the passage of a law requiring
each bus to keep a man 100 yards In
advance with a red flag by day and a
red lantern at ulght Indlunapolla
New. ,
Warrenton building gravity water
system from Lewis and Clark river.
m a
Gladstone, Oregon City and Wait Linn
Bble Score Highest In Second
ChaJtauqua Eugenlra Con.
ttit Band Today.
field, talked on "American Ideal" al
Chauittiiqiia today. Mr. Z liner I a
southerner of commanding presence
and a nuturul orator, and she Impremt
ed a good sied "women' day" audi
ence with her sincerity, earnestness
and (he force of her conviction. Her
talk was a plen for the conservation
of the Ideals of our forefather, and
In the course of her lemark she very
forcibly panned (hit modern fad and
faddlHt of her own sex.
Mr. Zehncr's lecture w,is different.
She did not resort lo the usual ora
tor's trick to gain popular fuvnr, nnd
whatever prescription she uses lo
reach the hearts of lier hearers, Is, so
skillfully applied (hat none ran de
tect II. Shu talked of better manhood
and better womanhood, shn discussed
tlm real measure of man's worth, nnd
she had n few rather startling state
ments concerning the high standard of
living utid the solution of this great
Problem la for Individual.
"I can tell you how lo solve It," said
the speaker, "but you will not enjov
the Informal Ion, The problem Is an
Individual oun, not a national quen
lion. Let the Individual livo within
his means, This Is the only solution.
And yet we Insist on commissions nnd
bureaus looking Into this matter, In
the vain hope Hint soinn one, In some
manner, will adjust mutters so that
tho Individual will not have (o lower
his standard of living."
Mrs. Zohner Insisted Hint the great
est protection lo the young women of
tho country lay In their education at
homo, and Hint tho right homo train
ing would do more than till tho laws
In the country.
"What the nation needs," said the
speaker, Is 1,000,01)0 fathers and moth
er who will train their children nt
homo, and not sub-lot the contract."
Tho standard of tho homo, nccnrdlng
to the speaker, Is set and maintained
by the women of the home.
She pleaded for n breadth of vIhIoii
among tlm American penplu and In
sisted Hint wn wore nllogother too lo
cal In our ambitions, nnd that there
wns not enough national spirit In our
make-up. And still her lecture wus
not a complaint nor a wail of any sort,
but rather wns a very earnest plcn
for an awakening of national Ideals.
Women and Children Busy.
Today might hnvn been termed wo
men and children's dny at tho pnrk.
Tho Women's Christian Temperance
Union morning hour ut 11 o'clock wns
featured by a silver medal contest,
and tho prize wns won by Miss Ruth
Havermnn of Molalla. Tho Judges
were W. H. Head, Professor Strange
and Mrs. Kirk.
The second eugenics test wns also
today at Congreiis of Mother:!
headquarters and two or three dozen
almost perfect babies were O K'd by
half a dozen weli known physicians
of Portland nnd Oregon. Herbert
Byron Moore, son of Robert W. Moorn
of Gladstone, scored 98' as alBo did
Marlon Margaret Barry, daughter of
Charles Barry of Oregon City. Next
honors wore won by Edwin Simpson
of West Mnn, with 98 per rent test.