CQC I t I V CDTY ENTE w inf nifrunii - la I'll J only Clichama County Nawepaper thai print HI of Hi new of thi growing County. Th Wtikly EnlarprU I worth tn price. Compar II with of art and then wO- 0 (cribo. 4. FORTY NINTH VE AH No. J. OKWJON (MTV KNTKliTMfiK, I IUDA V, .H'M' l'l. Y.t ISTAILISMID IMS CASH EXCEEDS THE DEBTS Of COUNTY o BOARD ARE ELECTED TO TESTIFY DRAFT TO IS IE CAMPAIGN IS PLANNED IN WHICH EVIHY OWNER IN COUNTY WILL DC ASKED TO JOIN. THEFIRSTBALLOT GENERAL ROAD FUND SHOWS DEFICIT-US.?! It CASH, AC CORDING TO REPORT. CRITICISM OF COURT 8Y ESTACA DA DISTRICT UNMERITED, SAYS JUDGE. OhtQON HISTORICAL TO UK lit 1 0U'i . . r.i ro-lfj C0!Ll TAYLOR 21 vm rcz r Ov t i MS II II II III I I I I I II X lO'll 11(1 I VI WOMAN PRO HISES AUTO CLUB SEEKS 100 HEMBERSJN MONTH JURYHOLDS THAT WILS0I IGNORES AMERICA DUTY SHE HAW IS SANE ON INFORMAL NEUTRALS WATCH Din OF GERMAN NOTE NOWCONSIDERED CYC WITNESS SAYS SHE WILL REVEAL SECRET WHICH HAS DEIN HIDDEN V YEARS WEALTHY FARMER, 75, CALLS PROCEEDINGS A "HUGE JOKE" Jam Ooy Said to Hv Ourlad Loci Altar Robbing Bank Plat Lost In Fir and Fortun la 8pnt In Search. Plane fur a itifinbnialilp ruuipnlin whlih la r (hh ttxl in bring In HiO inciu lure lllilii (lie unit miiiilh were m ! Hi a iiii'i'tlna: of tlit Clai k iinua rounty aiiliiiiiiilillii t lull Kilduy iiIkIii. Tlx- or Kuiilatloti now haa ln-twecu liu and 40 ai 1 1 v iiii-inlxTa lldra lll I"' nt In ewry re! IitimI aiiiiiiiiolillx o hit In ll " i'iiiiiiy. .king llii'in In Ink part In th milv lllea ul tlii Hull Mini i'Hi li lii'lh 1'ln.il llli'llllii'r Hi Hi" lillstllllllnii la "pi'i I fil In lakn purl In (lit- work. Tin ilm'a wr ml frinii .'.o lo i a yi'Kr, ul I In' - li hi FrM.iv night. Two I'Vi'iila, tln annual I an pu t niul a run up Urn Coluni'iiii river, arc lii'lnic il.intii'i fur Hi" ni'il inuiiili. The mini run (uiiiNiltlic, I'oiiiponed ul .toll n lliiaili, l;u' Caufli'lil ami Mori VERDICT IS FIRST VICTORY LONO FIGHT OF PRISONER FOR FREEDOM. IN APPEAL BY STATE FROM LOWER TO HIGHER COURT IS EXPECTED PLEDGE GIVEN TO AMERICAN S HKIiKOKH. July 9 Wild fmir mi"! under arri'nl lor alleged roniplklly In tin- iiiiinlrr nf a wtulthy li kuiun ami lila ami at Hlmii. low. In Hcptcinhi r. 1 M.S. ami arranxi-nirtiia urnd fur tin' protection of Ihn elate' rlili'f wllliea. rcprcaeiitntlte of Attorney liclierul 1'iioim'i office IiiiiIkIiI ealtl llny were prepared for tin lii'tt plim of Talor riiuiily'a iluulili murder ami burled trcuaore raai Tlila. Ilii-y ay, would rotim Tucfln). when l tin irilliiiliiiiry tii'arlnK ' ili'fi'mlunla, Hate llnulainati. Samuel St rlvncr ami llrnry ami Jnlin Dam" wood, will b culled In Ihn local ro" ('. A. RotitiliiD, nltunt attorney Kctirrul. left tonight fur lra .Moliica fur a conference with liU chief, Attor lu-y General O.aaon, aflrr arrange nii'iila hail been inaili' lo Inaurc tin ai liiarniirn of Mra. MurU I'orti'r, of Jiillinan. Mo., nt Hit' hearing Tucmtuy Hhi la I In woman who, a a H ycurold Klrl. la aalil In have wllneaai.il Ihr kllliliK of Ihn I'ultli'inail, lii'lli'vi'i tu huvr linn Njlliiilili'l Smith, of St. Jo ai'ph, Mn, anil hla aim, ami tint aulmi' tpu nt liurinl or S'lO.nnu on the otil Col Una farm n-nr Slam. Saimii'l K rlniT, the wiullhlra mull annum tho ilnfi-inlnnla, In mi Inli-rvlo hvro toilnr i liuriu IitIuhI Ihn holi inirii'illni! na a 'hum Joko." The lintni'WiMMla. allhoiiRh tluy ilorllni'il to Irriit I ln tnuttr-r arrliiiiHly, aiitioiinri'il that lu-y wlhhiU to ri'taln the "Iwat lai'ra" In Ihn ronnlr). Anothi-r vi-ralon of th alory rami' In IlKht whn olr reald.-tu. raM thrl -KLiNi j,,,,. !(- vU U,uiitni j,y "" 1 " hnrivA ,h-1fr:njli)-(i..rmiiiiV. ofl.T. .inl.o,ll..d In III.. l.y Ihn Jnnioa hoy, offr Ihoy hud ri.lH y , , j.,,,,, talrn . lii'il n hank. Tl.la u anhl to am.unl nR , ()f H) ,,,, a, n.r u.i.T.- r.-.....r..,a u ... ....... uhmarlim warfare, wan (Mlv.T.'d yon Juatk RtfuM lo Grant Motion Raltaa Thaw Ptndlng Further Action Dcllon la Not Conaldertd Final. to NKW VOIIK. July 1 1 - Harry K. I'urka. I tnukliiK the pinna f..r llm Irl.iimw , thla afli-rniMin fouml lo he ovir Inn lii'W a. rnlc Highway. 1 hi all ium! huniiui'l will In- In-M I'IkMiit tin' liittrr part nf thla tnolilll BY THE GERMANS BERLIN INFORMS WASHINGTON GUARANTEE OF SAFETY IS OFFERED. IMMUNITY TO AMERICANS ON NEUTRAL VESSELS IS PROMISED Amtrlc to Be Permitted to Employ Four Hoitilo Craft If They Arc Needed Complete Reply Forawarded. uitf hy a Jury In Dm court of Jualli lli-mlrlrk whli'h lii uril Ihe fvlilmi i In the trial IhroiiKli ohli li Ihn aluyi-r o fSlaiifunl W'hl 1 1' aiiui'ht liln ptTiiia m ill r l.-uw from Miilli-awun. Tim vi-rillrt loiluy I the flrnt rrul vliliiry nalm-il hy Thaw In bla Ioiik nlim )i-ar flhl for llhiTly fulloln: Ihn kllliliK of Vhlli on Ihn Slii.lli.uii Sipiiirn Kiirilin roof. hi'trayi-il nn amlrty aa the J'iry flli-'l tuck Into the rnurlrnoiii after helm out about half an hour anil when Ihn fltiillim aa an liounri'il auilli-U hruu.lly ami Iiiiiiil-iII-ulely turiieil lo nrrnpt thn roiiKratuln tlnna of hl riHinmi ami friemla. Jimtlrn lli-mlrrik will (iroliahly an-noiiiu-o hla ili- elMUm In the i uho to morrow. Thn flmlliia of thn jury la not final, aa Ihn murl ha a Ihe power lo remlnr a illffcrent ilii Uluii. Should Jimtii-e llemlrlik find Thaw aniii', hioer. thn effect wll nut he to free Thaw, aa the atuti. formally annoiinr-t'd an i peal. Tlmw may puaaihly he re-lenMi-il on hull. liiiMieilliilely tho fimlliiK of the jury w aa aiiiHiimced. John II. Plain hflelc!. Thaw' rounarl, nmvoil that thn il- Tlm amount of i ah nn i,., u all lumla ereiia Ihr Uii.il of unpaid war ran la In thn f'lai kaiim inuiify tf.at ury, a' r nrilln lo th m ml annual re purl of County Tp-'i'er Imiiii, whiih haa lMn filed wllh Clerk llarrl!iK.u K'very fund etiowa a Imlamn, viih Ihn rireptlon of lha Retmial road fund hli h ha niiiitiinilii.r a)-' 'it 1',;.ifil In unpaid aarraul. Thn , .- it road f.inil ahnwi a hnlari'n l.iil in ihr 'rt of Tmaaumr ()unn tin-... t , r- on am itroui -I toreil.nr n'i .-r a (.'i.nral head, ro-ol funda Tin ai- rial fund hai -'7.i7.3' i.n iiaiid. ink I II If thn aetieralll'd I'el.i In I'.e ri piirt PM-ar lo ham a haUnm. Th" rnun ly haa rah gn hand In ail ilt-punn i-nta Thn halaniea ahoar, hy 'he turloi-i fund, ari onllim lo Treasurer i Irinn'ej remrt. follow : Hpi-lal aihoiit tiind .... .. Special rlty fund General city fund County kImmiI fund ttoad fund Hlaln ai'hool fund liiHlllule fund Tnmt fund Tama rollnrtnd hy aawaiuir. Coiiniy fair fund ADMINISTRATION WILL AWAIT COMPLETE MESSAGE FROM DC"LN. PROPOSED CONDITIONS ARE REGARDED AS NOT NEUTRAL Ambaador Von Berndorff Inform Hi Government Propotal In Prent Form Ar Unac ceptable to U. S. m,' ' 1903i' 19I0M 37.S37.3S M.e: 213.9: 2 037.71 131.10 i.:t.ti uKiIlHeForHill Hurder'XrazyHan Requests Sheriff OTTO STAUB WOULD SACRIFICE OWN LIFE FOR MAN WHO KILLED FAMILY. "Poopln arruan m of thn Hill mur der and I hare come here to rdvr my iM-lf up." Oltt Stauh. 41. told Shi-riff fendanl be lll,..rat..d pnmllnK action of w,,,,,,,.,,,, mo g 0.copV Thn luxe of (In1 plat III a fire which hurnnil Ihn hinian on the pli'cp, and Ihe ileal h of Jonathan Park, thn only mi'inlier of Ihn clinic who know where II had I i hurled, It waa wild, Hindi' ncccHi'ary thn aeurcli Unit extended IhroiiKli ho many year a. VIM.ISCA. In.. July 9. C. A. Hoh IiIiin, nimlHtanl altoniey uenerul, her. today In coniieclioii with tho llcdfor.l murder cuhk, anmiunrnd that Murlii Colllna, who la now Mrs. Marin I'nrlcr. mid who Uvea in Quitman, Mo., will lie nl lli'dlord next Tuemlny to testify fo' thn etiitn nKiiliiHt llatea llmr iinnn, Samuel Scrlvner and John and Henry lm;i.ctt."'.l. ESTACADA ASKS FOR IT OF FAIR Fl FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS TAKEN FROM GENERAL FUND FOR THE COUNTY FAIRS. to .lame V. (icrard, the American nm linHMidor, laat nl:ht. It etM'ntla! f i a turea nr: Klral, relteruled uaHiirnnceH (hut Am erli'im ahlpa eliKUKeil In llclllmale trade will not he Interfered wllh nor thn Uvea of Americnna upon noutrnl ahlpa he I'tidaiiKcred. Sih'oiiiI. that liermnn KuhniurlneJi will he liiHlrucleil to nllow American pUHKfiiKi'r Hhlpa lo pnaa freely and nafely, (iermnny enlerlalnliiK in re turn ciinflileiit hopn Hint thn Amcrl inn KdVernmelit will neo Hint theae hIiIih do not carry contralirand; hucIi ahlpa (o he provided with dlntliiKiihdi- Iiik iimrkH nml Ihelr arrival nniioinii ed n ri'imnmihle lime In udvanre. The hiiiiip privlU'Kn la extended to n renHotialde numhei' of neutral pnsHeu- Ki-r Hhlpa under tho Amnrlrnn flng nml Hhoiild tho nuiiihcr of Hhlps thus nvallahlo for piiBseiiner nervlcq jirove Inndeiiuute (iermnny Ih wIIIIiir to per mit America to place four IkihIIIo pas Heiwr Hleuinera under the Anierlcnn flair lo piny hetween North America nud Kuropo under thn name condition. the roiirl upon Ihe Jury' recommen diil Ion. Thla motion Justice llcnd rick ri'fuiH'd to Krant. however. Ho nounced he would meet the attorney ft.r hot It flilnn In bla clamhrr al il o'rliH-k tomorrow', when hn would Kite 11 h nil lux on the million. The Ji.mii e did not cay whe.i he would an iiotim t hla ni Hi i iiikiii the re. iiiiitiieu iliill'in ol the inry Hint Thaw he re lenaeil ns inne. A ileli'iiutloii of Iwelvo from Kuln cnilii and the country Immediately ad Jacent to Hint city enmo to Oremm Clly h'Vliliiy to petition tho comity court for u purl of tho $1S24 county fair fund for tho Kant CliicknmnH fair at KhIiic mill. Tho county fnlr Ik held nmiunlly lit Cnnhy mid reHlilentn of tho KhIucuiIii illHtrlct have nlwnyH coutunded that they were iiniihle to take pail owing to the illHlnnco from onn nldo of the roiinly to tho other. Several yenra nxo tho KiihI C'liicUniniiH fair wan or Kiinl.ed nml tho KHtncndii people hnve lieKiiu n vlKormiH cnmpnlKK for a purl of tho county fair fund. Thn county court rlnliiiH that It Ih unable to appropriate nny pnrt of the county fair fund for any other pur poat than for the county fulr, hut Fri day f -100 wiih taken from the general fund of tho county nnd turned over to the county fnlr honrd. KHlncnila hooHt orn hnve hoen referred lo this hoard for n part of tho $400 fund. Tho warrant conveyltm $100 will ho nmdo payable to the county fnlr honrd and Its purpoHe. according lo tho wordliiK of tho court order, Ih to promote county fairs and to collect and nrrmiRO exliihlta for the nlnlo fulr from thla county. The mo of tho term county fulra, la taken to Indicate Unit the court would approve tho offering of financial aid to the EaHt ClackuinaH fnlr. THREE GET DIVORCES. Three divorce decrees were signed hy Circuit Judge Campbell, separat ing J. If. Ketchum from L. O. Ket c.hum, Ida C. Neff from Milton Tl. Ncff and Grace Rollson from l. H. Rolison. Of the three plaintiffs, only J. H. Ket chum waa given alimony, 115 a month. ROBBERS GET RICH HAUL FROM LIMITED I.Oi;iSVIU,K. Ky July 10. Four niUHked hnmlllM held up the New York to New UilemiB expreHH of the I.oiiIh vlllo nnd Nnshvllli) rallioad near Oreenvillo, Alahamn, early today, frightened Conductor I'hll McKen lo (lenth, overpowered other iiienihers of tho train crow and escaped wllh cur rency coiiHlgned to a bnnk in HoiiHtou, Texng. When tho mall enr wna entered the mall clerk wna covered with revolvors, thrown lo tho floor and securely hound, lie wiih then tossed Into the wonts hoHldo tho roadbed. Tho mall wax rifled n'ter thn engine nnd iiinil nnd exprcBH cars had hoen detntclied from tho pniwenger cnrrvlng section of thn train nnd run down the tracks considerable dlstnnre. These reports of the sensational holdup were received nt the offices of tho general manager of tho Louisville and Nashville this afternoon. Efforts wore mndo to obtain further details. hut It was stated nt the railroad of fices that there were no means of con firming reports from New Orleans and Oreenvillo Hint the robbers obtained $200,000. Five suspects hnve been ar rested, but posses are scouring the woods In search of the bandits. The currency taken by tho roblxrs In reported to have been consigned by express to Houston. No estlmnte has been made of the Iohs Biistnlned by tho rifling of the mulls. Pouches were ripped open, however, and mall was found scattered about the car and on the ground near by. Conductor McRea was well advanced In year and died of apoplexy Induced by the shock when his train waa held up. DR. 0. A. WELSH IS NAMED HEALTH OFFICER COUNTY PROBABLY WILL LOS OSTEOPATH OFFICIAL BE FORE NEXT MONTH. Clackamas county will no longor have tho distinction of having the only osteopath county health officer In the Vnlted Slates. The county court Wednesday re fused to reappoint Ilr. J. A. Van Urn kle, who bus served two years despite the efforts of physicians, of the "reg ular" school to remove him, and named Hr. Orel A. Welsh. Owing to the fact Hint Dr. Van lira- kle'a term expired on the first of this month, Dr. Welsh will take over the office within a few days, said County Judgo Anderson Wednesday after noon. Hesliles Dr. van lirnkle anil Dr. WelHh, Dr. W. E. llempsted made application for the plnce. Judgo An derson snld that the vote was not unanimous but refused to Bny how the three members of the court voted, or to name the other candidate who re ceived a vote. Dr. Welsh was raised In Oregon City' and Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Welsh. Ho wns grndunted by the Ore gon City high school, McMlnnvilln col lege, Vnlverslty of Oregon and Ann Artoi nnd hns taken work In severnl other schools. He has practiced In Oregon City for about n yenr. when the official arrived at the court house to open hi office. Stauh ar rived here from Vancouver. Wash, at fi o'clock and waited for tho sheriff two hours. "Did you murder the Hill family?" Sheriff Wilson asked the' man. Slant) hnd been praying and arose from his knees. "I am not guilty, but people say I am." he suld. "If you are not guilty why did you come here to give up yourself," Wilson queried. Stauh produced two Itlbles from un der his arm. "This hook says I must love my neighbor as I love myself," he said. "It says I must love my neigh bor enough to give up niy life for him. and I have come here to give up my life for tho man who murdered the Hill family. Take me and let htm go. I will sacrifice myself that he may be saved." The man hns Insisted all day that he must take the plnce of the Hill murderer. To visitors in the county jail he reasoned with appernnt sin cerity that he should be allowed to take the pluce of the mnn who com mitted the Ardenwnld crime. Stauh, wno Is a Swiss but who hns lived In this country about 22 years, was found Insane at an examination Monday and Inter In the day taken to Ihe state hospital at Salom. Ho hns worked at Vancouver, Falrvlew and other towns near Portland, Including Ardenwnld WASIIINiiTON. July . The roll ed Stairs xoterniiu-nl will not nitm Informally In a dlecuaalon or negotia tion with (Jermany guarding Ihe char ai ter of thn furthcoming reply to the laal Amerlian note on submarine war fare. Amhaaaador OrkrJ. al IVerlln, haa t-n Informed that such I Ihn prml dent's d.Tlnlon and that the ainbaima dor la to make no comment on th ten tative draft given blin by the German foreign office. If aaked for an ex-pri-anlnn. ho I lo auy that Ihe foiled State will await a formal reply be fore dlscunalng the queatlon further. The outline of the German note a cabled by Ambassador Oranl la known to be far from satisfactory to official. With respect to the sinking of the I.ualtanla, on vhlch more t' 100 Ameri.-ana prrlahed. no admission of liability I oiade. Whether In ex tenuation or not, the view 1 expressed In the draft that when torpedoed It waa not believed the I.ualtanla would Ink aa rapidly a she did. As for the future, citizens of the I'nlted State would be permitted to travel with safety on the high eai If passengers on American ships or bel ligerent ship not carrying munition of w ar. The I'nlted States would be required to Inform the Herman government of the date of departure and character of vessels carrying Americans, and guar antee) that such ahlpa had no muni tion of war aboard. In this connction high officials here today said that It would be an unneii tral act for the I'nlted States to no tify any belligerent government of the date of departure from an American port or the character of the cargo of a merchantman of another belligerent Jmlf Grant ll. Iilu.li k and Guy T. Hunt were elertrd ri-inl-r f Die county fair board Thurdjy by the iniily court. Theae lo with (). I) Kby will form the U.ard Ihn year. Th ro ii nly fair fund thla year aiiinuiita lo IH.'I, which haa been ralM-d hy a lax of on twentieth of a mill on all Ih property In the county Tit spending of llila fund rem with thn roun.y fair board. onl lerabln irltloni ha been dl rwld at Ihe ro'iin rourt by man.' Ihlng h Ihe Kalu 1a Ctlatrl' t. beta ."! Ihe Kant ( la kaina fair ha not re ceived any of the county fulr fun I. Judxa Auderwm dlrd Thuraday, and other official affirm hi Ute- uicnt, that this criticism wa namerlt ed, a h andentood the law to take from lur. baodi of th county court th power to iprml thn fair fund and put II with Ihe roi nly .a r board. REPLY OF GERMANY TO NOTE FROM WASHINGTON RESENTS ISSUE OF GRAVITY. D Of ACCEPTS DANIEL'S OFFER TO 111) BOARD BUREAU OF INVENTION AND DE VELOPMENT IS ORGANIZED IN NAVY DEPARTMENT. SECRETARY URGES SUBMARINE MENACE BE MET By AMERICA BERLLVS POLICy IS ALTERED By UTTERANCES Of BRYAN Mor Favorabl Answer Indicated Two Week Ago Formal Rejection of Proposal a to AmH. can Ship Probable. Great Inventor Agree to Take Charge of Board to Work Out Way of Protecting Fighting Ma chinery and Ships. HEARD SON'S CRY MAN KILLED ON INTERURBAN LINE IS WILLIAM LACOURSE INQUEST TODAY. FATHER SEVERELY CUTS COUNTY IS ENDED Kenneth Ross, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ross, of Willamette, was severely cut and bruised enrly Tuesday afternoon when his father rnn Into him with the mow ing machine while cutting hay. The accident happened about 2 p. m. Dr. Hugh Mount was called Im mediately. Tho boy was taken direct ly lo the Oregon Clly hospital and a special nurse was called from Port land. The doctors announce the case as critical, but It Is believed that they will save one if not both of his legs. One leg was severely mangled Just above the ankle and the kneecap of the other was lain open. The attend ing physicians say the wounds are aucb that he may never fully recover. The suit of Edward Kliironther, or Portland, against Clatsop county, fol folowing the construction of a hospital for the county by the Portland man, ended Thursday after a trial extend ing over a period of three days. The case was tried before Circuit Judge Campbell. The county attempted to enforce a clause In tho contract In which a pen alty of $10 a day wns prescribed for every day Ihe building wns uncom pleted. The county alleged that tlie delay In the completion of tho build ing was 135 days. The court allowed j 125 days, ruling that 10 days of the delay wns caused by the county Itself. The decision of Judge Campbell for Klllfenther was $3191.25. Tho coun ty, previous to the trial, had offered $2300 for a settlement. The total cost of the hospital wns $18,000. Oeowo C. nrownell and William Stone rep resented Klllfenther nnd J. W. Searcy, to whom the claims were assigned, and D. C. Fulton and D. W. Mulllns appeared for the county. OFFICIAL NOTICE OF CHANGE. LOS ANGELES, July 9. Official notice of the change of the Tiger club from Venice to Vernon was received by President Maler here today from Al Baum, president of the league. The first game on the new grounds will be played Sunday morning. Improve ments have been made on the Vernon field since the Tiger moved from there to Venice last year, the outfield being extended and the stands over hauled. Hetween 12 and 1 o'clock Wednes day morning. Mrs. Clod l.uCourse was awakened, she says, by the voice of her son. "This Is Hill," he said, and asked for help. When the family gathered for break fust, Mrs. I.aCourse told her husband of the voice. He came down town from their home and heard that a man hnd been killed 1 o'clock Wednesday morning near Island statloi' by a Port land bound Interurban car. His son failed to return from Portland Tues day night and he went to the morgue, To his horror the mangled body was that of his son. "The sight of his body hurt me like a shot," he said Wednesday in de scribing the finding of his boy. William LaCourse, the victim of the enr, had been working near Gervis and spent Tuesday In Oregon City with his parents. Tuesday night he went to Portlnnd nnd evidently stnrted home about 9 or 10 o'clock. At 10:30 o'clock he nppenred at the Hotel Helle barroom and asked for a drink but was refused as the barkeeper thought he wns drunk. Later he was seen by Marshal Reed, of Mllwuuklo, walking toward Island station, the first stop south of Mtlwaukle. Motorman Hart, of the car which hit LaCourse, sold Wednesday morn ing when Coroner Hempsted began his investigation that he saw the fig ure of LaCourse lying on the track when within about 20 feet of him. Al though he threw on the air brakes, he was unable to stop. Death probably came Instantly. William LaCourse was born 21 years ago at St. Louis and has spent all his life In this state. He intended to re turn to St. Louis within a week to work in a hop yard and a ticket from St. Louis to Port lend was found in a pocket Coroner Hempsted planned to hnldj tho inquest yesterday afternoon but on the request of officials of the Port land Railway, Light & Power company it was delayed until today. The fu neral will probably be held this afternoon. WEST OIUNGE, N. J., July 12. Thomas A. Edison has accepted an In vltatlon from Secretary Daniels o head an advisory board of civilian In ventors for a bureau o' Invention and development to be mated In the navy department. His acceptance will gn forward at once to Washington, where the new plans await word from the nan "who cai 'urn Creams li.to realities." Mr. Daniels' idea of utilising the inventive genius of Americans in and out of the military and navi! service to meet condition? of warfare sho-vn in the conflict on land and sea in Ku- rope is outlined In a h-tter wirtten last Wednesday asking Mr. Edison wheth er, as a patriotic service to bis couu try, he would undertake the task of advising the proposed bureau. The plan is to have several men prominent in special lines of Inventive research associated in the work. Among the great problems to be laid before the investigators the sec retary mentioned submarine warfare, adding that he felt sure that with Mr. Edison's wonderful brain to help them the officers of the navy would be able "to meet this new danger with new devices that will assure peace to our country by their effectiveness." PLOT TO DESTROY Tillamook: Arenx Construction company, Salem, lowest bidder on the county highway. WASHINGTON, July 12. "Secret service agents are cooperating with the police In every eastern and south em city In an effort to run down what is believed to be a conspiracy, glgan tic in scope, to destroy freight stenmers clenrlng from American ports for England and France," the Times says here this afternoon. "The expose of the conspiracy is now nearly ready, it is freely reported, nnd officials expect revelations of so startling a nature as to surprise (he world. "A large amount of money is behind the conspiracy, it is hinted In well in formed circles. An idea of the extent of the suspected plot may be obtained from the fact that secVet service agents blame the conspirators for the attempt of months ago to fire the French liner La Toraine. It was re ported then the fire was caused by in ternal combustion, but officials now believe it was due to a bomb. "The conslpartors are also believed to be responsible for placing similar infernal machines aboard the steam ers Klrkoswald, Dankdale, Devon City, Lord Erne and Cresington court. "The bombs found aboard several Bhlps were not dynamite but of highly Inflammable chemicals which were designed to burst into flame from the heat In the hold. All of the bombs burst were similar In 1 construction. They were small cylinders, construct ed of line, about four Inches long by one and a half Inches in diameter. At the base were screw caps, supposed to be for the Instruction of the chemi cals. They are self-consuming and only their failure to explode coused the discovery." WASHINGTON. July 10 Offlclul Waablngton take a grave view of Ihe altuatlon produced by Germany' re fusal to meet the demand of the foiled State, grolnf oot of the l Inx of the Lualtanla, with a loa of more than 100 Americana. I'pon Prealdent Wilson reata Hip burden of deciding the policy which the I'nlted Statea 1 to follow. Quietly and carefully he I considering 4he sit uation. It waa aald at the Whlto IIoum after telephone conversation with the president at Cornlah. N. II . and the country may expect him to art with "deliberation aa well a firm- nesa" when he has examined all phase of the problem. Secretary Lansing withheld com ment As oon aa the complete of ficial text of the German reply arrive, which will be tomorrow, he will begin a careful study of It and on Monday or Tuesday will go to Cornlah for a con ference with the president. The pres ident will then return to lay before the cabinet the course on which he ha determined. What action the I'nlted States will take official would not predict. Some of those who have been familiar with the president' point of view and with the details of the present altuatlon, however, pointed out that there seem ed to be only one course open with dig nity and honor to the I'nlted State the continued assertion and exercise of the rights of neutral on the high seaa in accordance with the estab lished practices or international law. Responsibility for any rupture In friendly relations, which might subse quently ensue between the United State and Germany, it was declared would then fall upon the Berlin gov ernment. There Is as yet no definite crystall zation of opinion among officials a to details, but the distinct tendency s toward a reiteration not only in a for mal note,-but In actual practice of the principles for which the United Statea has been contending. The unanimous verdict of high offi cials waa that the German reply was thoroughly unsatisfactory and leaves the situation exactly at the point where It waa in the days immediately following the sinking of the Lusitanla. While the continued exercise of American rights in the future Is urged as a logical course to be followed, It is recognized also that the United States cannot abandon the dciuans it has made for the disavowal of intent to drown Americans and the question of reparation. COURT ORDER TIES UP WEST LINN WORK CASE, ARGUED BEFORE JUDGE CAMPBELL, MAY BE CAR RIED TO HIGH COURT. Street work in West inn was tied up Friday when Circuit Judge Camp bell granted J. W. Moffatt a restrain ing order. The case was argued Fri day, Clarence Eaton appearing for Mr. Moffatt and B. N. Hicks for the city. Each incorporated city in the coun ty has received 60 per cent of the money raised by road tax in the city limits. This fund, which the plaintiff alleged was Intended to be used only for construction and maintenance of county roads In the city limits, was being used for the improvement of residental streets, according to Mr. Moffatt. The city alleged that there was no distinction between county roads and streets In an incorporated city and that, once the money was de posited with the city by the county, the county could in no way direct or restrict its expenditure. The case is considered important In that under a law passed by the last legislature, incorporated cities will receive 70 per cent of the road money collected in the city. It Is considered probable that the case will be carried to the supreme court In ease the -cision of the circuit court is sustained, thb spending of this fund by citie . will be greatly restricted. Salem Statesman: Dr. Hills thinks Heaven will remind him of tte Wil lamette valley. There Is an an.'lent story of a Boston man who went to Heaven and asked for admission, anil was told to go right In, but he would not like It.