Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 02, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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    oki:io (MTV i:TKurifisi:. fimday. .iuly j. mm.
A frli'inlly milt fur mi Injun, inm baa
been brought In i irnill rnurl
mialniit the illy of Weil I .Inn, J. II
Lewthwsltn, aa mayor, I.. I., Porter,
aa recorder; and tli l rotim Hint n
of the city by J. W. Moffaii.
An Intervatlna; iu--l u.u U nil I In
the complaint. The (Mat katiia coun
It court last December leilrd U
of I mills on the nllr 4i n set apart
a a general fad fund. AftT
Uvi'i wire r.illoitcd ih county paid
;New U, S. Battleships Will Ba
' Made Torpedo Proof.
Novel Eperimnl by Navy ! B Car
ried Out In Chapk Bay In Which
Largo Canaon Will RapraaaM Dread
nought, and Building Plant Are ta
Aait R apart an Raaulta.
Kiperlinintsnf Importance aproi of
Weil I. Inn 0. Ha share of th t.i the effort U-lng made l) afford future
Th statul proi Idea thai thi money Am.rl.nu bnttlealilpa trrtl.T aeeurtty
must l used for road purposes onlv. ! ,fc.ap,, underwater atu.k ar lo t
for the building and Improilng of the ruu,iu,.,,.j wlthlu a month In ttic -
county road. Hwttiljr h Vrt
l.lnn city council h been letting eon-
ti-r of th lower Cbcas-ake I'AJf . On
Whan Ha Maard -R,(M- Would B
Suicide Cbanyad Aim,
Aogrlca, Cat. -HsMl aavnl
m l, fori) n, rtvrutijr wuu
b pMtrJ again lila llfr. Ila (.tacit
the inuiil of a ii-tolirr In hla umuth,
put hla in I ixl In onl.r for ttm viiil and
aa pulling tli Hkgrr when ha heard
tome oil tall ' lll.til"'
! It wsa a wnid um-J. more frequently
than any other In lila woik In a down
town grory. There le wa accua
tinned o iarrjr pa- kagea i. ftwi loiiat
Mom rVieral persona were alinllarty
acxupleJ. aijJ wheu llinjr oulJ niet,
going lu oiimmII iliris'tlona, th on
till a lwti on til shoulder would al- I
. . - -u, if-i... !..!. I, ,t.l I
WBa 1 1 j iiifciit. 1 iiv imuu "i
Ilia other would go up lu altiiial that Im
mi lil iiWrva llu mica of t ho Uuvl-
llik', fur Hi t'oiilciila of III l'lr ! j
fra.IV ami any InliTfrrvin' uiltlhl I
cau a li that nuUI I iliMliit-trtl I
from thi'lr k. '
VUII lil nm.'1'r waa itrawlinc at the !
trL'.iT. rroin oiillil tain Hi clear
tall "lilwhl'" voii-nl dy i Iibih lu lha
MiiVrr,itou of ipliy.
From liahlt I ' rlutit hninlNlitrtiM i
A Characteristic Pose of
Nelson S. Darlina of Oklahoma
of iltr i'Xxrliiiiiit will In.lii'lo au
Writ Unn anil paylna for tit aamr '"'i"i,l"w,''l to nrt 111 aunai. 111 iiniri-r n'U'.w m
from tlila i lal roaJ fniul hi h lh iv"1"''1 th tKiu of on of liio ; trl.kvr, ami Hi aliell rimlil. tnit III
complaint allfwa a ralil for ih ' J'rolwM lr Atucrhau lrpdilnuwlita, minor tU h that liait rom lin h
purpnn of malnlalnlnc th county "' orrunn.-ui.-ut of hull Uu branl th onl of artiluic awlli-hcJ I
roada of travel In cihhI rtnilulon anil J I'Ullkb.'aJ proiivtlou ak-.iliit lor- the aim ao that th luillct left a harm- j J
not for th purpoiK. of Improvlna the ('"lo,. Ic wound In hl h.vk. IVraona bo I
atr.s-la and arrnura Ihroimhont Ihoi TUla caliu la b.-ina- ivulructHl at beard th allot ruxluM loth rmiu and ,
city. Th complaint further allecea th navy yard at Norfolk. It will rvp f'k I a- off to lh nxrlvinu h.iltal. tl
Al Ortuon City. In () Stala of Oiauon, al lha cloaa ol huainaaa, Juna 71, 1t
III. mil In M.
loan, ami illai-oiiula Innh ln l'1 In hank I I t' I "1 !i I
Ow iilliilK, hum allied ' '
I'. H linn, I. doHillei lo i urn 1 In ulall par talm-l IJ '"
llomla m her limn I. H. pleiliiid lo aei nro mii.II
aailliKa ilepoalla I " lMIU
Hniirlllia other I hull I H. hoinla I lint IlirlinllllK
aliNkal owileil IlliPli'iU'eil f.h.W.'.ti 10
T.ii. I iu.i,.U II la HI ll.'.n llil
3, '.mi ml
l.il.u no
... ,
.4 n
f V.
" 1
Hiitihi-ilpllnii to aloik or Keileiiil II n hank ...
Lena aiiiniint uupiilil
1 tit ulafliK llouao
I Mm from rViloral lleen hunk
I Mm from aiirmeil reen aKeiila In New Yolk, t'hl
rK, and HI. Unila
I inn from apprtited reinrte uh'enia lu oilier tiene
1 It lea
line from hank mul haiikera
l lim ka on Imnka In lh aiiiii illy or loan a n iriliiR hank
I 7..U nil
I ', unn 1111
fi.:u 1 1.'!
:.; II
III ln M
lliilnlile rhei ka and oilier 1 nli lleuia
Kmetloiiul curreiii y. lih kela mid rent
Niitea of oilier liullnniil liauka
Lawful tiioucy r"en In hunk
Tol ill colli nml i eitlfli atr
l.i'Kiil li'luh r nulea .
lledeliiillon fund Willi I'
rent on i-lreululloni
l.'il 1'1'J
H Trenaiirer lllol mule lll.in f per
Tot ill
1 1 a 1 it 1 1 11 i:x .
DID you vr har of Nela lrlliic lh Town iKitnr? Well, h la Ju-t
that lie will -'iul a day her ditrlim t'lmiitaiiiua and will lie n
lh ill"Mial of the iiialnea pirn ruept duilim hla lit-tur In the hlij
hiMwn (op. A fav.ulte plan la for him to l um-t at luni In-oii, u
H llll-Mlltlllli. Ill llltf .lit II Kir lit tlHa Im.II "Mlflliii Mil'' I ll M f I11UI1 ll.....
Ihat th city coun.ll of Wcm l.lnn at-; n-1"' ' I'r-au..u.iii. Uut hi. wound wa. drd and hi bf ,,,, lUf , Mul w, , , , . ,
tempted to au.horlr a contra, t with only a .nk.n of the armors llou ,w,. n-vlved l-y th pro.nl. Ihat 1 . , ,. .,,., ,,. mh.. . , . . .
Job would Iw nleu til tu.
W. II. Counaell for th irra.llna of cer- of amh a vnol. It will nt outy
tain attwta and avenue In Wt 'mount prvtvtlr armor, but w III liar
Unn. Th city council. It la aliened.! fur or Ov pnHo-tive walla and other
did not follow th city charter and, feature that an. uot dlloa-J baua
paaa an ordinance aa th charter pro j tlicy are n-tanled hy ciirt of th
vide. , nary department aa highly coufldeUtlaL
Some of the officer and rltiieii of; Caiaaon lo Ba Armored.
Weat I.lnn havlna a doubt aa to Tlu, auhjc twl to un-
whether the money ao rained can be urrw.t.T atta.k. reprvaentli.K the
uaed for Improvlnc the Mreeta an I .lUmi.,a raum-d br th 0011 tact of a tor-
aven.iea. atarted th prevent ult to , .j,, wu th, M( tlf (hr ir,.a,lnoui;hL UOjVcr OT FfirPOfl Hi VflPOC
determine the mattec The complaint , w wnrr to flr, th tor j nCdM;. OCA, lUltCU UJ nCwM
waa ainiea t.y j. w. Monaii a piam- u t ,he ,,unH. In dellrer
tiff and Clarence I- Kaion. aa hi at-; UllS Umio attack airnlnat twittlelilia
torney. : ll)al ,ho ,irKHj0 ahould inetrate the
A areat deal of Intereat I bel.iK tak-! bu), of , bnIrtb,p, jt ta tht PUiJe
en by the clllien of West l.lnn a to' .,,,,, n ,. ,,1PT.i ,hi th.
the outcome of the suit. Some of the
damace to the attacked vowel. AO
reaiuenta mainiain mat tnc my coun-1 -,,.,-.. 1,,,,,.,. , ..nr llrlna- a
ell ba the rlKht to spend the county j ,orlej(, '-,,, ,he ,xlH.rlmental cala
road money a they e fit. while oth- M n ,,, forlhwmln) rlmentfc a
era are 01 me opinion inai me cuy
father have exceeded their authority
and do not have the right to spend the
county road money In this manner.
A number of street In Weat Linn
hayo'been Improved with this money
and the mlt ll to enjoin the city coun
ell from upending any more of the spe
cial tax road money for street pur
sity, Takes Up Odd Callings.
At Gladstone Chautauqua, July 6th to 18th, inc.
London. Owlnc to the war women
are taking up many odd rnlllnirs to
make up for the shortage of men, but
lu the coutitry women have always
done whatever Ilea nearest to tbetr
quantity of hlith eiploalv w ill be det- I hand.
A 20 acre tract, considered ideal as
site for a park, was offered to the
city of West Linn Wednesday nlpl.t by
J. W. Turner, of Portland, at a meet
in; o' the city council. The lra.:t If
located near t!)s Simm1! srhoo! am!
overlooks the rl:er. Mr. Tumei as!
Jino an acre for the pr-'i.ert.
Probably no city 'n 'ke count) has
the amount of inot.ey in its treas ry
equal to the balance ihowti by tli re
port of City Trcas.ir-.-r C Ia4icey Wu
nesdny night. Hi v'ic'ved that Y.i
city has $1716.21 In thi Kcn.ral fund
and $.'071.39 in the read fund, a lota!
of I'i.TST.hO. while outstanding bills
are only SS2.10.
PARIS, June Zi. The chamber of
deputies today voted credits for the
establishment of a ministry of mu
ntions, whose chief duties for the
present will be the reorganization of
French industries for the manufacture
of war munitions.
The chamber of deputies' action fo'
lowed recent conferences at Roulogne
between the French under secretary
of war and David Lloyd-fieorge, Ilrit
ish minister of munition.
"The Albany Democrat," says the
Brownsville Times, "thinks it is about
time the auto trader appeared to take
the place of the old fashioned horse
trader. Albany is behind the times.
The auto trader appeared in Browns
ville some months ago."
VERK7E-RICHEY Nora Yerkes and
Raymond E. Richey, of lioring, se
cured a marriage license here Fri
day. TORN'ARE-ST.-DAN A line Tornare
and Lenard Sudan, of Oregon City,
received a marriage licensn Friday.
PORN to the wife of Jesse Walker, of
Clackamas Heights, a daughter,
June 27.
The Fraternal Mrotherhood of Port
land, will hold a picnic at Canemah
park next Sunday. A six?clal commit
tee has been appointed and a full list
of field and outdoor sports will be ar
ranged. A baseball game has been
planned and a good time is assured.
A special train on the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power company's line
will bring the merrymakers from Port
land. Members of the Fraternal
Brotherhood in this city are planning
to Join the Portland lodge in their
C I T R 0 L A X
Best thing for constipation, sour
stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow
els. Stops a sick headache almost at
once. Gives a most thorough and sat
isfactory flushing no pain, no nausea.
Keeps your system cleansed, sweet
and wholesome. R. H. Weihecht, Salt
Lake City, Utah, writes: "I find Clt
rolax the best laxative I ever used.
Does- not gripe no unpleasant after
effects." Jones Drug Co. (Adv.)
The Medford Sun claims for Jack
son county the low record in divorces
as against all other Oregon counties,
the past year, though the number of
marriage licenses compares wen wun
other counties.
onated under watrr along the armored
side of the calnaon.
The new plan fur obtaining protec
tion agalnft underwater attacks ujNin
batt!ehli. whatever methods of bull
protection are adopted, will I lntto-
duced In the two new battleship
which were authorized by cowrrvs In
tbe naval appropriation bill of t'Jli
Theae Dreatlnoucbts have not yet been
named. They are now officially known
aa battleships 43 and -t-L Their essen
tial characteristics have not been ap- i
Naw Draadnoughta Wait.
It was originally the Intention to
have theae two Dreadnoughts built es
sentially along th Hue of the battle
ships California. Idaho and Mississippi
of tbe l'.'U naval IncrenKe program, but
It Is understood that the delay In ap
proving the plans ba been caused by
the lesson of tbe war In Europe.
Before finally approving the plana
for battleships 43 and 44 tbe experts of
tbe navy department and Secretary
Daniels will await, first, the result of
the physical exeriments to be made
within a mouth Uhju the Dreadnought
caisson which Is being constructed at
Norfolk; second, tbe Information that
Is to lie conveyed from Euroie by na
val attaches who have been Instructed
to send the most complete reports deal
ing with the effect of torjiedo attacks
on battleships; third, the possibility
that there may be a naval battle lu the
North sea which will provide lessons
In underwater attack.
Experts lu tbe American navy regard
tbe problem of protection against un
derwater attack as the most Important
one to be met in the design of new
battleships. This problem is regarded
as even greater In lmportnuce than
the question of Increasing tbe caliber
of tbe big guns from fourteen to six
teen Inches. The ultimate decision
concerning the essential characteristics
of tbe new battleships, Nos. 43 and 44,
will be delayed until the design of the
hull has been approved.
Muat Protact 8idaa.
Much has been said ubout tbe desira
bility of having battleships constructed
with protected triple bottoms that la.
with an outer bottom nnd two inner
bottoms. Five American Dreadnoughts.
the Pennsylvania, Arizona, Cuilfornla,
Mississippi and Idaho are now being
constructed with triple bottoms. They
were the first In the United States navy
to embrace this idea in their designs,
and it Is understood they will be the
The theory was that the triple bot
tom would afford some degree of de
fense against torpedo attack from sub
marines. It is now understood that the
theory has been exploded. It is said
that since the bottoms of these Dread
noughts are virtually horizontal, It
would be Impossible, In the present
limitations of submarines, for a sub
marine to plant a torpedo under the
bottom of such a Dreadnought Jt Is
nrgned now that even triple bottoms
won'd not protect against a mine "ex
plosion under a battleship.
According to the belief of the experts
now It la not tbe bottoms, but the side
walls of battleships that need greater
protection. In an effort to obtain this
the American navy Is Introducing four,
and even five, vertical partitions of
protective armor In battleships, and
building battleships containing from
three to four Inner skins In addition to
the outer one.
In (be riling tbe butcher, the baker,
the caudlestli k maker, may all be wo
men, and there U at least one small
town in Ievou In which women form
tbe chief business element The prtn
cljial hotel Is run by a woman and her
daughter; a woman deftly cuts tho
Joints and order her son about
A bakeresa bake the lilivst bread,
and her daughter trudge far luto the
country with two baaketa aluug on her
back, a picturesque figure of the fe
male worker. The wine luecvuaul I a
woman who worked up a nice little
busluess, while a chemist' shop I
owned by a woman, to say nothlug of
the trades which are to be found every
where, sweetstuff shops, fancy shop
and the like,
France, taring a country where uni
versal service Is the rule. Is uowuday
de?udlng lurgely on the work of wo
men, but even In the times of ieace
there were places where they were the
chief citizen. At FroUsy, In the de
partment of Olse, most of the public
appointments are held by women aud
will be until their present holder die.
There la a ottrulxtresa Instead of a
postmaster; the telegraph deairtmeiit
1 run by a woman; a station mistress
directs tbe (Nirters at the local station;
a lady barber cut t lie balr of the com
munity, and tbe town crier also tacks
ess on to the uuuie of her calling.
In most cases these jiosts were held
by husbands or brothers, and the vil
lagers considered their female relatives
were their legitimate successors. This
la also iartly tbe case in the English
town mentioned, although In some
caws daughters have succeeded moth
era to the general satisfaction.
Another French community Is also
directed by women, not by chance, but
by custom and necessity. This Is tbe
rocky Island of Ushaut, dreaded' by
sailors, which breeds a hardy race of
seamen engaged either In the French
navy or mercantile marine or In fish
ing, the work on land being done by
In Russia a community, of seven vil
lages with long nnmes Is entirely ruled
by women. Each village possesses a
mayoress, and the offices of magistrate
and policeman and postmaster In foct
every administrative post are also fill
ed by the gentler sex. Some fifty years
ago a bad epidemic occurred, and the
men made such n muddle of affairs and
behaved so badly that the women took
over the government to save them
selves from starvation. So successful
were they that they have continued to
direct affairs ever since.
I Durand, Ea-Canau Diroctor, Bays
Homaa Lack Etioancy.
St. Panl.-Dr. E. I'smi I'.iraml. for
merly director of llie 1'hlted State
ecu sua bureau and now In th dirt
ment of economic of th University of
.Mtnucsota. placed tbe chief blame for
the high cost of living on the conium
era. And tboae. he audi, were prima
rily the women.
"If th home routluuca to he reac
tionary and apuni ellS U-m y no amount
of law or theory will alter condition,"
ho anliL "Even If I lie women begun
changing their way now solution of
tho problem will Ink iilsiut fifty year,
for a complete revulutlou In th moral
character of th public Is iiccury to
eff-tually reduce the cot of living."
Byron a Dainty Eatar.
Bymn wa an exception to the rule
that authorship nnd henrty feeding go
together, for the poet had a morbid
dread of getting stout and exercised
self restraint euoiigh nut to grow fat
In 1SI3, lu the exen lse of t tils elf re
straint he lived on nit biscuit a day
and no drink but ten. fasting on occa
sion for forty-eight hour. Three
Runaway Folio Ownar's Effort to
Kill Copparhaad on Saat.
Enat Orange, N. J. Jnuiea Morrison
of Orang went nutoiiiohtllug with hla
family Hi oilier afternoon and when
over the Second iiioiiiilulii iliove Into a
dirt road o Hint hh wife and two chll
drru could pick wild llowera. They left
the car under a l.nge ouk Irr aud
launtcred off.
Half au hour later Mr. Morrison and
ber two chllilreu relumed to lh car for
th return trli. t oiled up mi lha front
seat was a large copperhead snake.
The mother and chllilreu. dropping lh
flowers, ran away ac miming.
Mr. Morrison rvturunl to th car and,
a th liranclip hung low over It,
pushed It hack lo the inucailatu road of
Eagle Itoik avenue. Celling a stout
rlub from Hi woods, he swung at th
imke. uilaord It and accidentally gura
the car a puah, aud dowu tb bill It
Tbe grade was very sleep, and tb
automobile run through a wooden fence
Into the farm of Jacob Miller, sulking
a calf, killing a couple of chickens ami
flually baiting after It had lorn away
part of Miller's back porch. By this
t'npllul i.m k paid In . . .
Hiirpliis fund
t'liihtl.leil proflla
I.eaa current rtpensea, Interest, and tntea piild
Circulating notea
ea amount mi hum! and In treasury for redi'inptloii
or In trmiHit
I n il I v lil ii n I deposit subject lo thctk
CertiriiMlea of deposit due III les tliull JO iluva
Certified think
Postal aavlnga deposits
Certificates of deposit due on or after 30 day
J.lsi) i',7
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Tol a I IHs.r.ri.MK
Hlutti of Oregon. Coiinlv of Clarkumas. aa:
I, y. J. Mc)cr. cashier of lh aUn mimed bank, do aoleiniily swear
that th alniv atnteiiii-iil la true lo lh Nat of my knowledge, and be
Corrm I Atleat:
H C. lATOl'ltKTTK.
Diiim lora.
Subairll.ed and sworn lo before ine Hits 2V Hi day of Jim. 1 1. 1 .' .
Notary Public.
Mv rointnlaslnn rvplrca lulv !!th. 111V
time there waa not much left of th
ream later be tried on thin slice of ,,, Mr sorrU(m. ltb hla wife
bread for breakfast and a vegetable . imi lwo children, walked four ml lea
dinner and kept down his hunger In ' bonie Tbe sun kg escaped.
tM'tween Dy chewing totiacco. Ann,
though thl acinlstnrvntjcin may have
I.. F. Knowlton, general passenger
agent for th Oregon Electric, Friday
won hla suit In the circuit court for an
amended divorce decree, allowing bill!
partial control of hla child by hla first
marriage. Mr. U M. Knowlton, III
PORTLAND, Or. Jun IN. Mana
ger McCredle's sprinting IUaer and
their uemesla, lh Oaklitlidera, will
os-n up au eight gam aerlea on the
Vaugbun street park tomorrow after
noon. It begliia lo look aa If Hie pus
timer will iiav hcr weather tills
bom engagement thin upon their
last trip north.
Had It not been for the overwhelm
ing number of defeat III Oak have
administered In the Heaver lb local
been bud In the long run. a visitor at
the time could only observe that no
Lucky Thirtatn.
The number 13, so universally de-
man bad brighter eyes or a clearer l rreed aa uulucky, la considered a lucky
rolce.-London Chronicle. number by Hie pupil of the Frcu. h
military school of Saint Cyr. At the
final examination the man who rank
I as the thirteenth Is lellcvcd to have
j brilliant career It-fore Ii I m. Marshal
Miic.Miihon us well n llourbakl were
j graduated Hilrteeutli lu their classes.
j (ienenll Lnvfiiu oiicL who distin
guished himself In the defense of Met
j during the I'ruiiro-liermau war, also
i ranked thirteenth.
Fiber Obtained From It Convartad Into
Cordago, Matting, Etc
Tncumcarl, N. M.-Oatherlng the
spear-like leaves of tbe wild bear grass
that grows profusely over a large area
of western Texas and baling tbe filler
that Is obtained therefrom is a new
Industry for this part of tbe tountry.
A large plant for preparing the Doer
for market bus been established here.
The product Is shlpcd to Chicago,
where It Is mnnufactufed Into ro(c,
cordage, matting and other products.
Tbe available supply of the row ma
terial Is said to be practically Inex
haustible. Up to the time It was discovered that
the leaves contain' a valuable fiber
bear-grass was considered worthless by
the ranchmen. It Is now proving a
source of considerable revenue for the
land owners und the men who are em
ployed In marketing It
Glendale: Rcnlien sa'wmlll to
operated with 25 men.
LONDON, June 30. An !mKrtaiit
British gain on tho Gallopoll penin
sula was announced In a supplement
ary statement Issued by the war of
fice here lute today. Churkas cap
tured a hillock on the left wing, ad
van. lng tho line of the allies 1000
yards. Three lines of Turkish trench
also was taken Sunday, according to
(he statement.
LONDON, June 30. Tho Norwegian
bark Kotkota has been sunk by a sub
marine off the west Cork coast. ThG
crew of 11 men was rescued and Wind
ed today.
8h Quit
Mr. Styles Who were you speaking
to so sharply Just now?
Mrs. 8tyles The cook.
"Did she sit up and take notice T
"No; she stood up aud gave notice."
Tonkera Statesman.
Tru Enough.
Irritated Citizen Aren't you aaham-
cdof yourself, going about with that
street organ and leading such a lazy
life? 8treet Organtet-Lszy life? Why,
sir. life with me is one long, dally
grind. Exc bang.
enterprise ctaaafTTee a a pay.
"Earn Hia Living," Say Ownar of
Belolt Wis. Totally blind as a re
sult of a railroad accident near Mil
waukee seven years ago, John Gibson,
forty-eight years old, Is earning his liv
ing by scrubbing floors and washing
windows at the Transient hotel In Be
lolt The proprietor of the place soys
Gibson Is earning his living as well as
any full sighted porter he ever had.
The man does this cleaning work en
:ire!y by the sense of touch and a sys
tem of mental measurements and cal
culations. There Is nothing In bis work
to denote disability.
"Sevefl years ago." Mr. Gibson said.
"I was working on a rallroud near Mil
wankee when an explosion occurred In
ome blasting powder. When I left
he hospital I was totally blind."
ctuggeat Hi Ua.
"Why does Ed call thai old nag be
takes his girl out riding liehlnd Auto
"I suppose be looks on the old nag
rs s sparking plug "-Halilmore Amer
ican Not Natural.
"Why wouldn't you let the artist
paint your wife with a basket of fruit
In her band."
"Wouldn't have been natural with
any still life about It" Baltimore
" .imiWASk- ...a- i it iiiii il la ii i ii 1 1 l .Z'
it 1 'lit V'L I
H . .V-'.-V .:rW-i I
Pt ' ' t i
first wife who waa divorced In I'.HO
appeared lu lh court ami look lliwou, ,,c ,,(,, .round lb lop. Kvrn
aland In an atttii.t lo prevent her,f ,hM ,w ri ;iri,Ken only
huaband from aecurlng control of their! limit ven. Hi Iteavera would have
child, a boy of 12 year.
Judge Campbell ruled thai during
the summer, Mr. Knowlton should
turn over to Mr. Knowlton the child
th first week lu every month and
during lh 10 month of the school
year, tb boy should be allowed lu
spend week-ends with bis father.
Mrs. Knowlton made th charge
Ihat Mr. Knowlton had fulled tu pay
been trailing the Heal for th lead
ership. Oakland ba- won 17 and lost
9 games In th pad four series be
tween the two club.
Manager MrCredlo ha Rent won!
Ihat the, Heaver aro now lu good
shad and thai b aud hi hireling
will proceed lo knock (he daylight
out of Howdy Elliott's bunch, Howdy
being tbe latest thing In managers
alimony mr tn support of the iioy anil lmU r,llk t.rvltt and Jack Cook
Judge Campbell cautioned him to pay i IBVB , offr , ti.t.all patrons.
$25 a month before the I nth of every
While appearing against her ex
husband, Mrs. Knowlton nm.l" many
charges against him, accusing him of
association with women of question
able character. Mr. Knowlton secured
aallvorco from her in 1910. Hlnro that
time, this Is the second legal action
between the two, the first being for
breach of a contract he made to sup
ply her with a home at the time the
divorce was granted.
Alexander A Alexander, Portland at
torneys, represented Mrs. Knowlton
and George C. Ilrownell, of this city,
appeared for Mr, Knowlton.
OTTAWA, Out, Juno 21. Five Am
ericans, among them Joseph Martin
of Olyiiipln, Wash., serving with the
Canadian troops In France, are prison
ers In Germany, according to dis
patches received hero today.
An Easy, Pleasant Laxative
One or two Dr. King's New Life.
Pills with a tumbler of water nt night.
No bad, nauseating taste; no hlcrhlng
gas. do right to bed. Wako up In
the morning, enjoy a free, easy bowel
movement, and feel fine all liny. Dr.
King's New I.lfo Pills are sold by all
Druggists, 36 in an original package,
for 25c, (Wl a bottle today enjoy
this easy, pleasant laxative. (Adv.)
The Heaver are coming north from
San Francisco, whore they lost five
out of right to Oaklond week before
Inst and won six out of nine from the
the Seals last week. The Oaks will
blow w-est from Salt Ijike, where they
succeeded In breaking even with tbe
Bees Inst week. In addition to El
liott, they also- have with them the
new marathnn hitter of tho Coast lea
gue, Jack Ness, who hasn't missed a
gumn In the Inst 29 without safely
walloping some pitcher. Yesterday
nt Salt Lake he got three safe one.
Jack Is right among tho topnotchiirs of
the league In hitting.
Arthur Domnnnskn, professor of me
chanical engineering nt tho Univers
ity of Illinois, and his wife are visit
ing with Mr, and Mrs. K. C. llnckett,
of Greenpolnt, Mrs. Domnnosko Is a
niece of Mrs. llnckett They are vis
iting friends In the west during vaca
tion and start for Snn Francisco Monday.
M. F. Phillips has filed suit ngnlnsl
Victoria, E. Young, formerly Victoria
Nowlierry, for sums totaling $182.50.
Claims assigned to Phillips und
ngnlnst Mrs, Young lire: Roth com
pany, merchandise, $1.10; Anna II at
cllffo, $25; Dr. J. E. Clay, $121.0 and
Ireno Kuutz, $lfi.
. CU CVT. CtlwrpinST r- . - -
No. 209.
The Farmers Bank of Wilsonville
at Wilsonville, In the State of Orenon, at the close of business June 23rd, 1915.
Lonns und discounts $ 30,920.05
Honda und warrunts 11,881.29
Hanking house , 1,020,14
Furniture and fixtures 2,281.71
Duo from approved reserve hunks 20,907.99
Cash on hand . .' 3,401.24
Total $ 70,479.02
Cupitul stock piild In $ 15,000.00
Surplus fund ; , . 3,000.00
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes puld 9,234.91
Indlvlduul deposits subject to check 35,461,31
Time and Savings Deposits 13,792.78
Total $ 70.479.02
STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. is.
I, Jos J. Thornton, Cashier of tbe above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of June, 1915,
(SEAL) KATB WOLBERT, Notary Public for Oregon.
(My commission expire Nov. 19, 1916.)