Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 25, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    Pit MPS' MTV KN'TMIM'K'Irtn. I Wilt A V, .11 i; ',, I'HV
' !
1UI (he II y i.,i,,iml,e i,r II... mill. .. In thla ),r iibhitt i,ml,e Hit
(.. .11 I II) ( . r. iluh gul. k I unrulier i.f t opi, a unci hint .,.
" Hoinpt l.r lei. iHii.ml.l.'i While iM,, ,.r aVi-H ah.ri.t r. nr.
..i-.riniiliii. in apriad jl,(..i4; tlii'j K. riik mi . n. Ill in 'JIu, y.nii n.rniv In i
' of Ili'Kim C My and, fail I hi. .rlrr HKr .1 up..i, la In ti.w I
"! t el ;i,n i,,t nf ,r.,.u, H,,i, ilnKr.ntl, n i
leiinil )i,l,,1 !. iM, i ,,.,,11,111. m i renil elniilnl inn I him ... ,ir,. (,f
l"e. i. (, n, !, m, tll ;.,.i ,,,, ,,., M. v m iimi. alike i n. p,,e r.'
ii.pl.a nf Tin. Cnrerprl.i. ttnruinl, hum . tin. mitt nl. re lh. rein uri.l II,.. nun I
.'inn ..ii, , ii. ., km, n win , . nl In; muiilly In r. in Mil, Ih'ihh HieiiMM
I In- ban I'ruhi Ui , e.llliiii and ill
Ifll.iile.l Ir .III III,. Claikmii.i4 i utmly
eilill.lt rooina In the liri :un bulblm:
For Kin three tenia I In. public
Hy oiiiiinltlrii haa iii, ( ,r,, n,,,.,
of The r.lilcrprlnv annual Mth aplcii
ill. I Ii nulla On a., limit i,f Hi.. m
rullarly adtaiilaii. una i ou.lll l.uia ur
ilUlrll.ulliiK lller.iliir.. lulu the limi.U
of lite ...Nila fri.rn all over Hie
country aim are i j, h a.ay tlihlnu 1 1 1
Oregon tlili.il. at the l.ilr. the i urn
Hun nf the puhllilly i i.iinnlil. i In ,U
inullera inearia n bigger Mini heller mi
ll'liil llian i lull. I other lau he ru.'. c.
A leant nf (tin ilun of ilialrli.iiiluii
ill the fnlr it irlhy nl mention la thi.l
lluileml uf Inillx rlrnliiali ly handing
mil llte'r oplea, they ll he mailed In
the Imlel l.r liulnti H'lreaara uf IIi.im.
In) allow lli.'iiiHeltea I t he r. 'illy In
II alio. 'Ill ami lelell.illelil l..p irtutll
Ilea, lima aurlng Hie l.cat po.oil.lc
Statement fchowt Thai Cily Official
Oellevt Purpott Haa Dean A-
tompllthcd Wthout Hrtorl
Ing to Prosecution.
I Vlli .kle'a llu)ul I Iuiiimi Ijn nr Ilea-1
Ha Hiitnliv (i.ern alugi m, llin Hi II I
IIIUIIII (Jolnti'tlr, the Adclphlllll Mule
I (Jiltirti lie, the DltlH Jubilee Klngera.
, I'll' Mini. l Hu). la, nnj the Ciillotlu
Trlu. Theat aliimhird altrurtliina have
l. II engaged al heavy opciinc ami
III addition among I lie noted lei Hirers
alio Mill h heard are' N.'ttell Dlghl
lllllla fiiiii'iiia pantor of the Trinity
i linn It, New Turk ilty: Col Hiilti, "ul
W II Miller. Hi'imlnr K. J IturVeti.
fiiriiiiui N.'l.raka orulnr, Nela li.irllRK.
the -C ' in ii i n 1 1 y HiiIHit" Dr. Iliilmi I
MM AMIKI.KH. I . J,,,,,. M - An
other aharp enrtliiiiuke ahiN k lilt the
IrniMTlal tall.) almrtly hefure liiHiti
I.. .I.iv. nnur.lliiK to a.hliea nn'lvw!
I Ci.IiiiiiI U. II lliilithliil nf the ( al
Ifnrnln lH'telu.iieiit riini.iiny It
allifhl ihiniacn.
Hi'ii'llliK aerliini nl (he Inliiiitliiii an
lem Here little affei le,
AI.KXICO. fal, June :i - irllier ,
I'liiill the realiMiiill in ol ('. K .Sulile,
e .In tutor. W. Ili iiulila. ateaaril, aiel
(ieurife Yiiiiiik, fi.nu. r ihulriiuui of
the limine rmri'iilllee Iriiin the MiH.ae
iIk.-, City Alturni y Hi Ihh'Ik I M. hi. lay
ilri..ie.t Hi" (iiai a aKiilm.1 'he nlflri r
ol the Miiae l.i.le. .V,. 'u. The
r.i-e ti u ae fur Irlul M.i.nli.y Inurn
In k hefnre Iticuriler ll-r.
Mr Hi hueliel laaiieil Hie fillottlni;
Hliitetnetit Muii. lay ufl. riiii.n.
"I illaiiilniiil the riuriilallil axjlliat
the offl. era of the .1om I.mIkh aa I".
(iliilin ihIi iI hy the n. inn II Imm ailae I al.i
anllhfleil thai there will he i,u inure
vlnlutlitn of the lliinir law hy the
Mimiho ImlKe. Kelluhla ..lel'ei Kllllly
In aellliiK lhiior uml aa flnnl l.'.'o
tthlili haa l.i'ili .alil The Muoae
luilKe hna illamlHaeil Irmii lla orKnnlu
Hull the oflli era tth.l acre re iulialhle
for the vliilullnii of the law, anil they
will lint he ierrnlttei In auiiln Im-i iiihc
inetiihera nf tlie ImIki. al On Knri City.
The lu.lk'e tlulateil liuili atute law an.l
i lly orilllianrea, hill a further il-ie II
Hon cuiilil mil prnillH e creuter remit
than have heeu ai'i'iiliiillahei. The
uli' of lliiinr hy Hie .Mnoae uil;e hna
heen atiiptieil. !y riititlniilliK the
I f I
IL )
I ' T f ' i
A v'X
J chandler p. anoirson
A VI. I...laa It.... t..l l...-
The Alan,., waterway an.l the Hhi.rim i. V, '. "" " ' '"'
. .. ' rretl KiiKi'tm linker an I ( oriKreaarnmi
W. Haw ley.
Woman on Program.
The Maaeinhly haa eiiKiixiil aeterul
i nrth-iiiako ahm ka were felt here In-i ' " wolm n ape.iKera ai liter
lay. Several treinuri after inlilnliiht ,"""'r" ,,lU 'r,,"r f'"11'"" "
were fui.u... ,y a aevere iliia lt nl 10: inrK" l"'r"on "f liiillmi'ia amll
o'cliM'k thla tmirnlnu p "imaNla of women. Arllollk the
Miurpa II. a. Hurt, the prim l.l and j" " .r.ia.H'Utluii the charter wuuhl he tuk
coiitrollliiK milt of water aupply for, ww .".!,. ,ay (ri)I1 le (m((, 1(i (rKtttllil.
I' rial IrrlMilmi ayalei... (- h'"-r. an "t-frn woman of.,(,n W(),( ,, punhaaeil
'"I-"H n.l.T the rem weil ,,,.akea.!r,;',il ': M,,r " ' ami Oto Innorfiil wo he oinH-lle,
nirlherah.M k. umli... Hy . Ill hre.k I ,"l''r rtH.nlat. Marietta U-,,,, ,,llffr wh K,v , h m
the hea.llnK ami ,ralye II... entlri '"''"' ('l-'rUlner. K..l)nl r,. (J I,..rHWIltPi , , tM , ,
water .).te. of the valley upon whirl, j !,"r,,, "","'"; '.; atop the Illegal aale of lhUor In Ore-
tne rropa of vaal urn. a are entirely : " 1 ' " , . ! ty. ami If that ran he crump.
ili'p.-mi.it, "... "..I. .w r"' i Haheit
ai 1 1 i.n iriiriiin onneMra ami t.aiay r..
Koreal, kltnlerKHrteii expert There
w ill he the tiaunl aiimn.er ai'liool ( laaa
aata i.rih.. Im.,..rl,.l t,.11..v -ii.... i rmiaiauiiR oi ninieiica. nillaic. eio-
hir'.rix erfnrta are hei,,( i,,.. t,, (;...
lain Hie ri leaae from the ;iui4 Hier
inar.yi furtn-aa of I :j r . .j ... .-r Ma of
Uruaaila, who la aahl In hate il.vel
up. . a. .Me tuln-rruli." Aithuueli It
waa at lirat d.' laml it, t the e.'futta
t i ohlaltl hla releaae hail U-. n veined
hy ii neral run lllaaimt the Oriuaii
toternor iieneral In l: Irluin. It la iiom
al a I i'l thai It la Inor.' than l.ey thut
lliirk'omaater Mai wll , rr. It la
anil thai he haa not hn.x I" lite.
1 f
1 f' '
If V , I
L ' J
; k
ANKIIAIiK. M.wer California. June
t.I - Alnnilliia canal, one of the water-
jyateui. hmke iimler the earth ahm kai r"""" Bml ",,,"r '',''',""t d'Prt.
laat nik'ht. hul la helim re.alre..
(Tunica, lieailliiRa ami other atrurturea
of the ayateni, however. wlthatiMxl the
aelatnlc illatiirluiiicii. lteM.rla from
MexIcaH alale that act en or rlRhl per
anna were kllleil there hy the falling of
wall. Colonel Kateliuu. ( until. Hie
Mexican comninmhint, irix lulineil :
innrllal law, hla anlilleia patrollltiK
with loaileil rlflea the atreeta of the
"Utile Monte Carlo" ami cloacly henl-
In K Itn Hiiiilatlon of Amrrlian munli
(era anil ilum e hall Klila. Two of Hut
hitler are npurted to he nnioiiK I In
I.KAVKNWOKlll. Kan.. Jmu 21.
I.leiitennul Colon. 'I .!. II. I'or'er. fen
lor ItiHtriictnr of law at Hm iiriny ten-
Ice achoola at Korl l.enrnorl)i, dud
amliloiily of Ktomiii h (ll:ieni hern thla
The high price of nienta In Kimhiml
I hna hrouiihl Into uae the hiiinhle hciin,
which wan hefore the war little tiaeil In
:ilil KtiKlnml.
The KrHilunloa of thai Nolan achool
nro Clara Hnrhlton, Nora Ml inn. I. Mile
Jonaruil, Klnrciico Lnnioicaux ami
' Churlea llnworth. At tlui rloau exer
cIhph Siitiirilny tilnlit Hev. A. J. Ware
delivered nn ndilrcHi urnliiK tlio atu-
detila leiivlmt Hm cIkIiIIi Rrmle to con
Ilium their work In the IiIkIht dcIiooIm
of leiirnlnK If poBHit.lt.. I'rofcHHor
Warner, the prlnolpnt. apoko on the
loplc. "Servlco to llunmnlly." At the
cloao of the program refreHliineittH
were nerved. The following former
touchers of the Kelao achool attended
Hie exerclaea: Mr a, Alhert Itodhtn, of
I'ortlnnrt; Mian Dorcaa lledln, princi
pal of Kant Creek aclimd; Mlaa Carrie
l.nmoroniix, of HoritiK: and MIhs Kllxn
lieth CaiinltiR and Mm. Hohert JtitiB-rud.
Northern I'uclfir mid Ureal North
em preparing to operule direct triiina
from Henttle to Hnvel via Knluma and
Italtiler to' connect with Sun Francis
co Hlenmeni.
Moat Children Have Wormt.
And neither I'nrent nor Child know
It, yet It explains why your rhlld In
nervotiK, pale, fovorlnli, hackward
Often chllilren have HiouhuiiiIh of
WorniH. Think of how dutiKuruim thla
la to your child. Don't tako nny rlxk.
Ret on original 25c hox of Klcknpoo
Worm Killer, randy lo.onge. Klck
npoo. Worm Killer will poaltlvely kill
and remove the. Worms. Relieves
'onntlputlon, rcRulntes Stomach and
llowels. Your child wilt grow and
lenrn so mucli liettcr. Ciet li hox to
day. (Adv.)
without prosecution and notori
ety ami the anme results ohtained, it
will he hetter fur the city and all
parties concerned. I believe this has
"j; been nccomiillHheil."
' , . I, t L . . . . .
siiiiiougn no aiaiement tins tieen
inaili. public. It la unclomlmiil thut the
illamlaaul of the rase was delayed sev
eral days until the three former offi
cers of tho lodice hud roalKiicd their
plucca and dropt.ed all connwllon
with the lodge. Mr. Nublt. was dicta
tor until two weeks ana when he re
signed. A. A. Trice was unanimously
elected head of the bulge at tho Inst
nieetlnK of thnt body and tho limine
committee h now comported of I. Inn
K. Jones, mayor; K. A. Hnckett, ami
. A. Long;, roitncllmen.
The roHlgnatlon of the three former
lodge membera was the lust of the
conditions laid down by the council
two weeks ago when City Attorney
Schuehel utikocl for a recommendation
by thut body. Tho other stipulations
were the removal of the locked door
to the lodgorooms, the appointment of
new hoipto committee and steward
a plea of guilty and a heavy fine mi
Uin Btewnrd of the lodge and the re
inoval of several of the officers of the
lodge. All of these conditions hnve
been met. Wlille tho council la purely
a legislative body, City Attorney
Schuehel asked the recommendation
of the council and after considering
the matter nt several meetings, the
council voted to ask the city attor
ney to drou the charges.
Judge (iordon E. Hupeg, who repre
sented the lodge, was pleased with the
outcome. Ho declared that In the fu
ture he was suro no Iliinor would he al
lowed In the rooms of the lodge.
Cow Testing Association Active
Ajraaa a Tranafar if Allowad on Blab
Naat Daatan.
When Southpaw ll.irry Harper of
the WaahlimtiHi Americana waa sent
to MliiiieiiH,la iimler optli.nnl agree
ment he rinctc. nn iiiumuuI ronUitlim
It waa liuthiiiK mure i,,.r h-a than
thnt he should step Into hla new bar
Dean the very next day.
Hnrcr's colidlllnu waa accepted. and
be uu.unlisl the aluli f..r (he Millers
gnluat the Invmllng hciml.ira fn.m
Colunihua. He Inat a freak game. The
recruit fanned slxtn-n opwltlun bat
tern, am hla teruu mii.le fuurtn u blta
hehlnd him. but Harper wna beaten
Clatt of r Will Co' lo O'ayon City
H.gh In Bod M. E. CfOts
Honour at Gladiton
t'.hool Eltttion.
I. i Klaala aa rle. (, .In.. I,,r t r
(he j.iar tf-rni an. I It A lr.ir,,l. f,,r
the J year term at Hie annual tU- lion Otl'IOl IK h' itOl K'jOn
'f the (ir. .:nti Cliy n h.-.l ili.trl. I h.i.'. WAf IIIMiTON. June :i Whe.i
M"n,y- i Hohert I jari.me riMiitaelur lo the alate
There i-r 11 totea (nt. the rlec. 'I'parimeiit, aa niaile a. (Ilia; e re
lion U'Hi very lojli-t teaie of H.r;lary i.f alate In auier. W ill. am Jen
l I li.a I there wai no opi'nlllun i.nlriKa tran Mr. Anlera..n a'a i tnutnl
the au anll'Iutea Mr. Kaiiila wii'up a g. He waa m.i. luuna.-h.r to
aorn In Muinltty nlaht and Mr. Htaata Hi state department. n held the
will lake the oath of office thla we. k i ume Maltlun under Hie Tafl a.lmlnl
J K. Ileda'ea la the new rhalrman of'ntntlon and until ren-ntl)- wan Mr
the a h'M'l hoard . ; I JnJli' aaaiatant.
The annual laxpayera ineetlng waa
iheld Monday night ( the c mrthouae. j .,........ rartrai-rri.e.
The attetolame waa light. Tha re; DMunrtuMn I njun tUOtniniU
oorta of the illr.i lura ami clerk worn.
read am accepted ml Inter the board Dein Lou.a TwiH.r Rcal
held o-lal niwtliif and cantaaae li waomu and Haymond.
tha vote of the election, and traiiaait i " Ceorge llnumgiirtiier la all that U
ed other routine bualneaa. el.-ctltig K i Ml'1 of ,llm. ht- l teepllig1 Up Ita
K. UrcKlle arhiM.1 clerk and fixing Mon-1 r,,l'"""l"u ,""n h woentrlc
day. Septenilier :o. as the date fur the . lanna-lmll plnjer. Aitimllug to acorli
otenlng of the hoola. !"'l told al-out the Urowna' tall south
paw, he alnga un afreet corners and
I .at... I, ..ll..fl.... m..t,t . ...
in a a unman imtiii u mere is bu rmpij
sent hniidr, haa hla fai mnaaagej
Albright Danooncas Proposfd Lav at
Unfair and Class Lagialatlon
City Fathtrt Will AtUnd
Church Services.
Tho ClucknmnH County Cow Tcatlng
iihhocIiiHou was organized and began
active work October, 1!H4. Ha mom
berahlp Is compoHud of 17 men, 11 nf
whom tire breeders of reglHtered tliilry
Hlock, the remainder of the member
own grade horilH.
For tho flrnt nix months of work, tho
association hud 210 cows on test, 79
per emit of which wore Joraeys; IS
per cent IIoIhIoIiih, 5 per cent Oiiern.
Owner of Cow. Nitino.
W. 9. l.iulil ICHtato Piiiliida Hcnnu....
N. II. Smith I'liouh.
N. II. Hmllh Kndln....
N. II. Smith l.nurii....
A. I. and J. HukIk's lied Wing.-...
W. S. I.ndd KnlHt Merry MIsh....
C. II. Illdiir Mosay....
N. II. Smith Etta....
N". II. Smith .Lettn
ChrlB Niicgell No. 24
N. II. Smith l'honlo....
A. I. mid J, Hughes TopHy....
ChrlH Nuogell ...No. 21.... I I....I I 1191.0
N. II. Smith Dottle..
N. II. Smith KIohhIo..
N". H. Snoley I leant y. .
A. I. nnd .1. Hughes Cherry
A. I. and .1. Hughes Iionmy..
N. II. Smith Mlgglo..
A. I. nnd J. Hughes Ilcnuty..
iHys and 3 per cent inlHcelliineouri.
Of the total number, .13 per cent are
registered. All herds have registered
The following data gives the names
uml owiHTbliln of the 10 cows In the
I iissoclutlon that have produced mora
than 45 pounds of butter-ful per
month, also tho best cows for the lust
month of the period mid four of the
poorest: -
fresh. Milk.
Nov. 1587.9
Sep. 1.82.9
Dec. 1725.7
Jan. I 150G.0
3 Nov.
..I Fob.
Ii Jan.
5 Dec.
11 I Sep.
' I
6 I
I" Ml
1 1 reed
I. lis.
Conqueror of Big
German Zeppelin
Is Killed at Buc
; I'm - V , i I :
Photo by American I'reaa Aaaoclatlok
8 to 7, Im. A-luuIng run scoring on an
error. As nn offset to Ilnrinir'a effec
tiveness, however, he gnvo uluo buses
on bulls and was touched for seven
hits. Columbus clustered Its runs and
walks, while (he Millers with plenty
of hits nnd pusses dribbled their coun
ters over the home plute.
The deul by which Minneapolis se
cured Harper nud Outfielder Itoudeau,
for whom Washington previously gave
Ave players to the Millers, originally
tens for Itondcuu nud another burler.
When this young hurler was sounded.
however, he wished to consult his fam
ily before deciding whether he would
bo willing to play In the west. This
did not suit rtestdent Cnntlllon, nnd
Harper wns sent for. Ills answer was
nfllrmntlvo provided he could pitch the
ext day, which he did, with the result
..I I 1138.4
5 I OoL I 1132.5 I 58.12
7 Sep. 972.1 51.85
7 Sep. 939.6 51.74
11 973.1 P0.30
Poorest Producers (Grades.)
Chris Nnegoll No. 6.,
Chris Naegell ..No.- 8.,
Chris Nnegeli Susan.,
Chris Naegell Skinny. .
The records show that tho feeding
of grain has paid with the higher pro
ducing cows, while with the poorer
producers, Increase In feed did not
make relutive gains In production, and
In one rase a low producer on medium
grain ration. Increased when fed less.
One herd of 17 cows in one month
made a profit of 15c by a. change of
ration the same herd the following
month made a profit of $65.00. Hy
testing the poor producers have been
pointer out and aa a result three cows
have been slaughtered.
I'ARlb, June 17. Ueutcnunt Hegl
mild Wurneford. the Cntmdluii aviator
who brought down a ZeppelHv near
(ihont and was decoruted with the Vic
toria cross in recognition of his ex.
plolt, today was killed by a full from
an aeroplane nt Hue, Franco.
Wurneford was currying as a pas-
senger tho. Amerlcnn writer, Henry
tiencli Needhnm, who also wus killed
J I 6 1 1 362.7
. .1 7 j 391.4 j 14.00
: J 4 j 274.0 ! 14.95
. J j 2 j 328.0 15.80
To promote Interest in dairying and
In the association work a basket pic
nic will be held at the ranch qf A.
A. Spangler of Heaver Creek. Satur
day, June 26. Professors Itarr and
Droves of the Oregon Agricultural col
lege will be present. Questions of In
terest concerning dairying will be dis
cussed; a cow-Judging demonstration
will be held and Ed. Cary, of Carlton,
will relate hla experiences in produc
ing record cows. " I
1lr......r i . ..
uuiiioiuru Hiuritcu tin" world a
week ago by his wonderful font in
buttling with and destroying a Zeone
lin nlrshlp by dropping bombs upon It
irom ins neropiune. When the big
(iirigimc blew up and fell tho vucuutn
upsot Warnoford's n-jropluno and he
tumbled almost to the ground, but, by
marvelous skill, looped the loop Just
above the fluming Zeppelin and reach
ed the earth shfely, but within tho Ger
man lines, lirore the astonished Cer
mnns could make him rlsoner he gave
his propellor a whirl, sturtlng his en
gine, and was off amid a shower of
For his exploit Warneford was
granted the Victoria Cross hy Great
Hrltaln and was made a member of
the Legion of Honor by France, the
two highest honors within the power
oi mose notions to bostow. He wus
a youthful Canadian, who enlisted last
summer and took his first lesson In
flying less than a year ago. He was
as modest In describing his feat as
he waa resourceful In performing It.
Hiss passenger, Henry Beach Need-
ham, was an American writer and has
Contracts have been Blgned up for
hard surfacing 66 miles highway, 10
miles concrete nnd brick, 56 miles
Warrenlte bitullthlc.
The beauty Spot Patch.
Tho custom of wearing black patches
to make the skin seem fairer came
from the habit of applying In the six
teenth century pieces of black velvet
or other dark stuff to the temples for
the headache. A fashionable coquette
discovered thnt those were becoming
and brought them Into use in France.
whence the custom spread Into Eu
rope. They were worn not only by
women, but by exquisites, though
their use was not general among men.
They were culled munches nnd- wore
mnde round, square, oval nnd In the j
shnpe of stars, hearts, crescents nud
animals of all sorts, so that a lady's
fnifVoinetlnu's had the appearance of
a menagerie.
The report of Percy I. Caulleld who!
has J'tal completed an audit of
booka of the achool clerk, waa read.
The book ( found to be correct.
The reaknntlon of H. F. I flngaten.
prlneliml of the high hnol building.
waa accepted. He has accepted a, aim-1
liar position at The Dalles.
F. ('. Ilurk. Mrs. Delia Green and
Frank Moore were elected Judges, and
E. H. Coo-r was elected clerk for
the bond election lo be held on Thurs
day of this week from 3 to 7 p. nr..,
for the purKM of authorising bind
Issue of 1-0 OoO to provide for the con
struction of an a.l'lltlon to the high
school building.
Every atudent In the Willamette
school above the eighth grade will
con.e to Oregon City next fall for high
school work, according to the derision
reached at the school meeting there
Monday night. Principal Paul estimat
ed that the division of the voters
would add 26 to the local school. H.
U Morrell was elected school direct
or and C. F. Wilson was named lo
take Ihe place of Director Frank Ca
pen, who moved away. Mrs. Jess
Hyatt waa reelected clerk.
H. E. Cross, who donated the site
for ihe union high school In Gladstone
park, was unanimously elected direct
or of the union high school district
Monday night. William Hammond de
feated II. E. Williams for school di
rector and Mrs. Estella Salisbury was
reelected clerk of the district.
E. U Pope was given two places at
Parkplnee, one on the union high
school board and one on the district
school board to succeed Captain An
derson, who resigned. S. J. Hentley
was elected district director and W.
A. Holmes clerk.
Mrs. George McLalne was named
clerk at Mount Pleasant and Ward IV
1-awton clerk. Mrs. Mcltine has
served several years on the board of
school directors.
every day. ln-1-.ta on Mug paid lo one
dollar bllla am baa other bartnleaa but
amualng l'Ullnrltles which place blin
in the "nut" cleat. However, it la
doubtful whether George wilt erer
if I -
Via. V
- k X X
LONDON. June 17. Chancellor of
the Exchequer McKenna will intro
duce another loan bill next Monday,
according to announcement of Pre
mier Asquith this afternoon. Report
has It thnt the new bill will call for
about $1, 750,000.000.
How Mrs. Hurley Was Re-
stored to Health b I-ydia
E. Pinkham' Vegetable
All Interested In dairying are Invlt-jbeen representing American maga
ed to be present , rlnes In Europe since the war started.
In order thai all men may be
taught to speak truth it is necessary
that all should learn to hear it, (or
no species of falsehood is more fre
quent than flattery, to which the
coward is betrayed by fear, the de
pendent by interest, the friend by
tenderness. Those neither servile
nor timorous are yet desirous to be
stow pleasure, and while unjust de
mands of praise continue to be
made there will always be some
whom hope, fear or kindness wiD
dispose lo pay them. Johnson.
Eldon. Mo. "I waa troubled with
displacement, inflammation and female
weakness. For two
years I could not
stand on my feet
long at a time and I
could not walk two
blocks without en
during cutting and
drawing pains down
my right side which
increased every
month. I have been
at that time purple
in the face and would
walk the floor. I could not lie down or
ait still sometimes for a day and a night
at a time. 1 was nervous, and had very
little appetite, no ambition, melancholy,
and often felt aa though I had not a
friend in the world. After I had tried
most every female remedy without suc
cess, my mother-in-law advised me to
take Lydia E. Pinkham a Vegetable
Compound. I did so and gained in
atrength every day. I have now no trou
ble in any way and highly praise your
medicine. It advertises itself." Mrs.
S. T. Hurley, Eldon, Missouri.
Remember, the remedy which did
this was Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable
Compound. For sale everywhere
It has helped thousands of women
who have been troubled with displace
ments, inflammation, ulceration, tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
that tearing down feeling, indicrestion.
and nervous prostration, after all other
means have failed. Why don't you try
it? Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co,
Lynn, Mass.
Photo by American Preaa Association.
nchleve the fame for eccentricities
possessed by the late Rute Waddell
and Hugs Raymond.
Waddell. who died of tuberculosis in
Texas last April, and Raymond, who
was killed by a thrown brick In Chi
cago a year before, both .ent a large
part of their time In St. Louis. Rube
pitched for the Rrowus after Connie
Mack of the Athletics gave hitu tip
and Rugs twirled for the Curdlnali
before be wna traded to the Giants.
Both were chock full of originality In
the queer things they chose to perform.
nnd always had somebody laughing at
their nntlcs. At the same time, sorry
to say. they were easily led In short a
pair of boys who never grew up. It.iuni
gnrtner may lie the same general type,
but he will hnve to go sotiu; to rench
the heights of peculiarity his fnruoua
predecessors attained.
Slight Inflammation of the bronchial
tubes causes a distressing cough and
makes refreshing sleep Impossible.
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound cov
ers raw, inflamed, Irritated surfaces
with a soothing, healing coating and
stops that annoying tickling, relieving
the racking, tiring cough. Take this
splendid cough medicine with you on
summer trips. It Is good for coughs,
colds, croup, bronchial affections and
la grippe coughs. Jones Drag Co.
When Turkey Was Great.
The Turkish empire reached its
greatest glory lu the reign of Sulle
nitin the Mugulllcent. who held the
throne from 1020 until 130(1. Besides
his North African possessions his ter
ritories extended from uetir what Is
now the border of Gertuuuy to Persia.
There was ut that time no other state
that approached the Turkish In extent
or wealth.
Oregon City ponlhulla will tint cloao
on Siitulay.
Jteveralng Hie aland taken at half a
doen ineellnga and Ignoring the pe.
titlcn which wua accepted aeveral
week aifo, the council at a ap In I
meeting Wednesday nlghl killed tho
Kund.iy rloalng ordinance for pool
lulls with a 5 to 4 vote. The council
men lined up aa follow a: For the or
dUnce, Cox, Van Auken, Andrews and
Hackett; agnlnat the ordinance, Metx
ner. Albright, Templeton. Meyer and
Templeton Opens Discussion.
The crdlnnnr waa voted down
hen Mayor Jones railed for a vote
on a motion to bring the meaaure be
fore the council for second reading and
final pannage. Templeton was the flrt
to tuk a definite atand when be de
clared that If the council panned the
ordinance It would make a mistake.
"We have no better place than the
poolhall for the young men to spend
Sundays." he said. "We will drive
the young men not to church but to
the woods with packs of cards where
they will learn to gamble and to Port
land where they will learn worse hab
its than playing pool." He said that
the commercial poo halls were the
same as the poolhalls lu the Moose
and Elk lodges and in the Commercial
Meyer was the next to speak. He
said that since the last meeting of tho
council be bad thought over the mat
ter and come to the conclusion that
the ordinance would only kick the
boys and young men of the town out
on the street. The city ought to pro
vide someplace for them to go, he said.
Albright Denounces Plan.
Albright d"nour?ed the ordinance
as class legislation and said that such
sn ordinance was not Just "I can play
on Sunday. All of your men who have
a few dollars can join a club and play
pool on Sunday. Hut your working
man; he can't play pool. If you make
this ordinance Include the lodges and
clubs, I'll vote for It, but aa It is noth-'
ing less than class legislation. It Is
an Injustice."
Andrews sold that he agreed with
Albright In some respects in that he
would favor closing the lodges and
clubs on Sunday. These institutions
should set a good example for the rest
of the town, he said.
Church Invitation Accepted.
The council unanimously accepted
the invitation of Rev. T. B. Ford, pas
tor of the Methodist church, to attend
evening servicea Sunday, July 4. Spe
cial services are being planned for
the day.
A petition presented by J. E. Hed
ges, attorney for Lee Pong, the China
man who was convicted on a liquor
charge, was laid on the table without
discussion. The petitions asked that
the $25 fine assessed against Pong be
remitted as, the petition read, the con
viction was secured on the unsupport
ed testimony of two detectives whose
evidence In the Cox case had been
shaken. Templeton made the motion
to lay the petition on the table.
A $15,000 Improvement bond Issue
was awarded to Morris Brothers, of
Portland. This firn-bld on the par
value of the bonds with the past Interest.
PARIS, June 22. With a view to
closer cooperation between France
and England In matters pertaining to
their departments David Lloyd-George.
British minister of munitions, and Al
bert Thomas, French undersecretary
for war, met at Boulogne In an ex
tended conference, according to Infor
mation given out bore today.
China's Salt Welle.
Salt wells In China have been operat
ed for hundreds of years, and In the
TzeliuchUig district, eseclnlly, have
built up a prosperous community. In
some cases the wells nre 300 feet deep.
The suit la obtained In the form of
brine, which Is raised In bamboo tubes
by jueans of crude derricks, the motive
power for which Is furnished by wa
ter buffaloes.
CARIO, June 23. Thirteen hundred
Turks were killed during the fighting
for one position on the Galllpoli penin
sula in the Dardanelles fighting of
Saturday, an official statement an
nounced here today. The allied
troops stormed and carried the Turk
ish position, after a bitter fight, and
found this number of dead In the
trenches abandoned by the enemy.
Charles M. Miller of Portland will
manufacture fruit evaporators at Albany.
Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly Spots.
How to Remove Easily,
You don't need to suffer those agon
izing nerve pains In the face, head,
arm, shoulders, chest and back. Just
apply a few drops of soothing Sloan's
Liniment; lie quietly a few minutes.
You will get such relief and comfort!
Life and the world will look brighter.
Get a bottle today. 3 ounces for 25c,
at all druggists. Penetrates without money back
(Adv.) freckles.
Here's a chance. Miss Freckle-face,
to try a remedy for freckles with tho
guarantee of a reliable dealer that ll
will not cost you a penny unless It re
moves the freckles; while if It does
give you a clear complexion the ex
pense Is trifling.
Simply get an ounce of othine
double strength from any druggist
and a few applications should show
you how easy It is to rid yourself of
the homely freckles and get a beauti
ful complexion. Rarely Is more than
one ounce needed for the worst case.
Be sure to ask the druggist for the
double strength othine as this is the
prescription sold under guarantee of
If it falls to remove