Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 25, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    OltEfiON'CITY ENTKIIlMilSK. nil HA V. .11 'XK 2. 1IM.V
Enterprise News Service Covers Clackamas County
canhy. oir. Jinn- ::' - i i..-. t.ti
In a tiu-cimi; of the lnx'l li't I" ; '
in ihf my hall II. A ! lnun n-tl.ili-,1
it;r.it.r nti.l Ml.iin hnii-ltl
i l.'ik A lit ! til ii i.l i I' '
mi. I l,tli grimm.r ami huh 'h'-l
were x.ili.l to I made ian.litil
Till. I, Mil ti 'l l-lllll'l "'
..mini; ..ir M ! Mi- A.t.lni. l
Wj.'lli. fiwrtnl'-'i'l-'i'l "i h"'v
M Iteih ptim ipat. J W . Tol. " 11
it ol ' m : i' ' "' "" iri'"
n,.,r Ii.h.I. II II K -. !.. I rim i;mI
Mi'Mi l-nVUia Slu-i ulau. Mat I" Ken
Ki.irlii. Amy Uip-l- KwV S-ul..
aviMaiil. Ml I'll" ti-l !.-
nnn.,!litei1 lru Itrr nf the U
Next r ihi imi ill s '
fwr iii-i limit t" i i -T-uhle
.-ho'ar and hrin tin t
l,i Tlii l in li.. ti.il work.-, I out
well mi for lh-1 r.-.i-,n tin- limr.i.l.'
mIkhiI wilt be opi-icd i "r
Sdi.Hil it 111 i- here Monday. s,p
I. iii'mt P.
Th teacher for llif M.u-V!mr
whoul for lli coming 'r will I"'.
II. irry Sherwood, prim Ipal. anil I'.m
l.i-vr Graham. n-iia:i(
CANNY, "u". J'""' --- M'" Ail"
linn II. W!h. prm, Ipa! of thf Canh
Kihuol. loll fur S-.ilti-' InTf hv uill
attornl tin- Vtihirilty uf Waliliuton.
Sln I takini! ot arailualr rk
ilu-rc ami tll rvmrn In're tu lirr how-'
AiikuM 1.
DANCE WELL ATTENDED Knelte rmeler anj Arch Uns.
CANHY- Ore.. June IS (Special.) ' Come tn! The water' fine." A
The dunce i:iven tonight hy the han.I rrowj of youns folk went In Tuen
waa well attended and everyone pre j Jay nliiht for the firnt time, but It
ent enjoyed a R;od time. The munlc ended hy sitting around a his bonfire
wan furnished hy Carrett's orchentrta for the water I a llltle loo cold yet.
of Ihl city. m
1 Thl i a remedy that every family
MIl.WAI'KIE. Ore.. June 21. At ahould be provided with, and enpecial
the annual meeting of the taxpayers, ly during the summer months. Think
of Milwauliie schwil district Nj. t ii I of the ain and suffering that must be
was voted nearly unanimously that the' endured when medicine must le sent
directors lie authorized to install man-! for or before relief can be obtained,
mil training and domestic sclem e de-j This remedy Is thoroughly reliable,
r-irtmenls In connection with the hlshj Ask anyone who ha used It. Obtaln
school next year. It was estimated' able everywhere. (Adv.)
that the cost will tie Jl.'no for the first !
J.W. Crasle was re-elected director ,
for three years over H. Counsell Mrs Kittv nn,PI. entertained the
by a vote of 89 to SO. Arthur Zanders, SunsMne CI'llb thc Kth.
was re-elected clerk without opposl Mr arner was re-elected school
,ion- i director of District No. 77 and J. H.
I Itowerinan was re elected clerk. They
W1LS0NVILLE 1 also voted a four and one half mill tux.
j Marlou Reed and family have movej
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Peters attended 1 to Damascus. They will live In part
the graduation exercises at the Jeffer-!0f Mrs. McCormell's house,
son hinu school In Portland, at which j Miss Lillian Kredolph and Martin
time Elmer Hasselhrink graduated. ( Anderson were quietly married Friday
Rev. Wendell, of San Francisco, is j June IS. They will make their home
filling the pulpit at the Cerman He-jn Portland, where Mr. Anderson owns
form church at Frosg Pond at pres-ia nice home. We wish them a long
ent. and happy life.
Misses Christina and Anna Ilatalgia, Adolph Stoll was elected school di
nrrived home on Tuesday and will ; rector at Rock Creek and S. C. Young
keep house during the time of their; was re-elected school clerk. They al
mother's and sister's absence, while , so voted a three mill tax.
they attend the exposition, and visit I m ,
relatives in san r rancisco. 1
Gladys Wagner arrived h;me on j
Saturday from the Hose City, where i
she has been attending Lincoln llij.il
Services will be held in the M. E.
church next Sunday as usual, to which
all are cordially invited.
Ruhy Raker arrived home on Mon
lay from the Rose City, where she
has been visiting her brother Clyde.
Pliunl rt nniifl Timprnma nru rnif un.
nouncing splendid entertainment from '
July I'.th to 1Sth inclusive.
. Mrs. Alison Kaker entertained the
Corral Creek ".100" club very delight
fully op. Thursday afternoon. Miss
Pearl Maker winning the prl-e for the j r Mp- hml Mrs- E,M I!"01 1,1,3 ,he
highest score ; whooping cough.
The Infant' grandchild of Mr. ami ! Mr- w- 'tlaufer worked on the
Mrs. Si-hllfikolser was buried in t!ieiroa last wee-
Stafford cemetery on Monday
The I
tnnlhiir u-lin whs fnrnierlv Ivnmui
Schlickelser Is verv 111 in a' Portland
,r.u 1 n u, mv fri..,,,iu i,..ri
wish for her a speedy recovery.
Don't forget to attend the basket so-,
cial to be given at Frogs Pond church !
011 Saturday eveulng, June 2G, nl
which time two short plays entitle'.!
"A Servant Wanted," and "Our
dies' Aid Society" w ill be given by j
Bplendid local talent. ,
At the school meeting held In the
local school on Monday, Mr. Win. j
Hrobst was reelected trustee and
Chas. Wagner, clerk, two very efficient j
officers of the board. I
The Wilsonville ball team is be- '
coming quite famous, and very seldom j
loses a game. I
Miss Pllkiugton, a graduate of the
Nebraska Normal school has been ,
elected teacher of Corral Creek school :
for the ensuing year.
Mr. Harry Say was re-elected trus
tee at Corral Creek school meeting,
and Mrs. Norman Say, clerk.
Paul Jaeger left on Friday for his
trip to the Panama Exposition, which
he won as a prize at the fair last year,
and we all feel Justly proud that Wil
sonville is to be honored in being rep
resented by this capable, energetic
young man.
There will be a Sunday School pic
nic, given under the auspices of the
M. E. Sunday school or our village at
the Oregon Electric grove, on batur
day, July 3, to which all are cordially
Invited. Don't forget the date, and
lie on hand for a jolly good time.
Best thing for constipation, sour
stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow
els. Stops a sick headache almost at
once Gives a most thorough and sat
isfactory flushlng-no pain, no nausea.
Keeps your system cleansed, sweet
.nd wno.esome.-R H. Welhecht Salt
Lake City. Utah; writes: "I find Clt
rolax the best laxative I ever used.
Does not gripe no unpleasant after-
-, mm nmr Cn f AdY.I
' Make Ii j lull' !'
I r Inlill (I. 'Ill' II
i The t i"l Ii'" ,rr "' "" " ""'
1 1 1 1 ,ur urai.lliiji the M, inula'"
II, in. I ami -l-l I'1 'i I brunch "'
1 .111 If i;UI Aiill' l "
l. k ll.l tin k.
Tlu-re h. ! n wnl ic of
mallpox In 1 In iiMr). N.i ii'
Mountain Itoiul li h't ' ,i,r
a 11, 1 we hope (in ram will break I
KriUJv Mined out In hall
gam Sunday iiual. whi-n the S"'
lirier put fit the Iti.liiii'ti f Ore
cn on Hi tm-nl diamond and
itii-iii, 12 ! 2
Siin.lav tlii'V iH l''r NVrt-i'll 1 1 i
i.ti Hih Ii. iiu- fnuii,l KrrUily turn
mil aiiit llt ,HiJ Jtif unit
I'un, v l-Uiit ri-.l hoi n, lit- if
Tlr- ll Ii ilioha.li' "
JVl4 Sal 'it. of Cln'lilll,
ah. ma l lit l' li'T unt. Mr.
John K.ii r. 11 (' il.i !' f-k.
Mi t.illlc Wllkrn llli'i Mih lam
! iinitii ruian Tni'.Uy fliTnnon.
Ilil.la Kaiffr -M Moti'lay pinliii:
i!h Mi.a Anna lln.U- anJ ba.l six'd
Mm A J. Iln.l:f ami ilaunhtiT. Mla
Mahliv !,i' fir Ihf pant niotilli. hav
Lion iMi!ii r.'!:itlif In California,
anil aim mifnilinc fi'w Jaya at tlto
fair. ari i'xjns to.l Ininif Hmnlay.
Mm. llixlco' Irnnil n'tm'tiil'f rl
hi-r nh a pot tanl nhnai'r on hi-r
Sonic of tin- yoiiiic jwol'l' fxiwt ti
mako a fortMito mmif of Hh'm Java I'V
Kiilntc to thi C.raiul 10 ! tho "P'.a
nionil fnuii lln' Sky" ev.-ry Wi'ilnon-
Ijt Sumlav .iftor tho hall cmi thp
young iiiilf mot ahove CtirlnlfnMon'a
lam. Woml.T hy: N".t Similar
evenine we want yon all to meet nt
HoJcon to linton t the munlc hy Kelly
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Mr. Jack Ringo and son, from Mad
ras. Oregon, are visiting his sister-in-law,
Mrs. Lizzie Ringo and funiily for
a short time.
Mr. E. A. P. Lafollette and family
and Arthur Goff and Carl Huchf! came
back from Eastern Oregon last week
with some horses.
Mr. W. H. Wetlaufer and Edd
Grace , 301,1 tJ,e,r lhrsher SP1arf,t-
or and purchased a new one.
Mr. II. C. Kleinsmith's little hoy Is
Alma, the six months' old daughter
1 111 J are k'jiiis iu 11.10: a iuiu 111 01
I Julv c-lehration at l larkes. 11 w in
'"' '"' ?'r(l of Jul'-
Mr. Lewis Maxson
purchased a
horse from Mr. lafollette.
Miss Gladys Eberly came back home
from visiting her relatives In Oregon
City last week.
The Watkins' man was in darken
La-.laBt WL'L'k-
Hov. Mann preached in Logan last
Greatly Benefited by Chamberlain'
Liniment !
"I have used Chamberlain's Llnl-'
merit for sprains, bruises and rheuma-
tic pains, and the grent benefit I have
received justifies my recommending
it in the highest terms," writes Mrs.
Florence Slife, Wabash, Ind. If you
are troubled with rheumatic pains you
w ill certainly be pleased with the
j prompt relief which Chamberlain's
Liniment affords.
Obtainable every-
John Saarl sold another tract of
land last week.
Misses Florence and Georgia Huff
returned to Hillsdale Tuesday, after
spending several days visiting friends
at this place and Cederdale. v
Myrtle Hutchinson spent a few days
last week visiting relatives at Au
rora. Mr. and Mrs. I. 0. Orem and family
of Cederdale, Misses Em Hie and Pau
line liofstetter and John Hofstetter, of
Clarkes, spent Sunday at A. L. Lar-
lien Chindgren played ball at Mu
lino Sunday. '
A school meeting was held Monday.
Mr. Geo. Hofstetter was re-elected
clerk. Ralph Holman was re-elected
director. !
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holman and
sons, Charles and Ralph, Jr., spent
Sunday at Chas. Albright's, of Mu
lino. j
Misses Florence Huff, Myrtle and
Hazel Larkins called on Mabel Chind
gren Monday evening.
l,f lion, I' li'.llll Hill !'I.I I In- U II
..nilio I nil Irini i ll llio hoinf li t
iiioii.I Jiuif 2.' Hoi',1 M' I" e-
; Mr Bil l Mr llfiuv K.m iIi nni l.T
tuff 1. 11, 1, fi',1 a ur:,r:i. I, In r ( 'lk
an,l IrifiuU I10111 lloimr link, 'a I j
S;.iiinlav iiUhl j
j Win I'ar' nrs 7r!. lo l,ai, h n
; k -) 1 1 ! Iiiiiibi lor lifr iiih I, ' In !' 11 I-1
In a li f.ki t Ii,iiiu nt S.T.iyi
I. l.loiholT a i-lfiifl ilini'lor itinl
John lifS'.nl, -l.-tk. nt Mi tfiioriil
1 1,,. Hon lifUl nt Itio A liH'i o I-.hiI
!,,,,, ,1.
Harry (iofr la h.n-k In ii'T it'iilit
holtii! a,av f t omo inno
l.itli.ui Wilki n I Ul' un.l .11,011. J
i-r l-f In lfk a lr tlai
At tin1 aohool itiffllii- lifhl Moiol.iv
liiTf. a lam nuinhiT uf t'lu hi'lora ami
nhli r hi,1i' luriii'.l mil In nlt aiiallit
a M'i lal m lioul la, hut I'm 3 mill
I"' "rrl. iL mily 3 vniiumi In tin-
JlMrlit .Ti allowiil to volo
Mr. Itoli Jon -niil ami family ami I
ClIhiTl Jonruil an, I family moioro.l
to Wfli-hf Siimlay. , j
W. P. Itoliorla anj family, of Pout.
tl'ltfil Sun, lav mltli hl il.iiitlilir'ii
family lioro. 1
Vli tor Krh kon ami Win. IuiLStihup '
ami othiTH aro liaului; craiol on thf;
Mr IVatoti. our Kurd auto aci iit l
m'IIIiik anion to thf farmer. !
SoiiTal of I In- fariiiim rut liny anil
limit of tliom an' thrucKh itfttlm; kalo
pin IK K.
Joel Jarl
In haillliu tuuiher to liln
If on Can't Get Olood
Out of a Tuirnip
Neither can you get your moneys worth out of a binder that hasn't had it hammered and built
into it at the factory. A good way to find out about a binder is to look it over carefully and see
if it measures up to your idea of what the machine should be. Another good way is to ask
those who have used the machines. If we didn't have the fullest confincnce in our machine we
wouldn't advise you to do this but as it is we will be mighty well pleased if you will ask every
person you know who owns a Champion Binder, how he likes it.
like all Champion Machines is built upon the "quality firsY' policy and then it, also has some
very important advantages, for instance it's positive force feed elevator which insures a continu
ous flow of grain to the picker arms. The Relief Rake which prevents bunching at the inner
end of the platform. The Champion also has many other good strong features which we will
gladly show you if you will call on us.
We carry.a big stock of pumps of all kinds, pipe, fittings, hose, engines, pressure systems, etc.
etc. Give us a call when interested in this class of goods.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Canby Hdw. & Imp. Co.,
Canby, Oregon.
Molalla, Oregon.
farm. He and It. Nctzel are going to
purchase new cream separators.
It Is reported that Ned Nelnou has
the smallpox and that the family has
been quarantined. We know that he
is on the sick list any way.
Mrs. Davis, of Portln-id, Is vlsltln
her sister, Mrs. Will Walker this week.
Maple Lane Grange, P. of II., No.
29C, will celebrate the fourth of July
on their regular grange day, Saturday.
July 3, with a neighborhood basket
dinner picnic. Everyone Is cordially
Invited to como and have a good time.
The young folks will have a stand
with all the attractions of the season's
best for sale. There will be races for
young and old, fat and lean, and a
prize for the best runner. Hot coffee
will be served at noon for five cents
a cup. Our worthy lecturer Is prepar
ing a good program for the afternoon
and has on her list a speech from our
worthy State Master, C. E. Spence.
Everyone come and have a good time.
BERLIN. June 22. Via wireless to
Sayvllie The Transocean News, the
official distributing agency of the Ger
man government, today for the first
ftne referred to Antwerp as a German
city. This Is the first Intimation of
the annexing of Belgian territory com
ing from an official source.
WttlliT Piihh1iii. itirni'iil'ailli'il I1)1 I lirl,liilU uf Kaitlo l li rk ell .III. I
lna 1 till, Iron, (ili'im, Mil, In', I ami l lorulll fiioy a iIhiuii Hnlunlay i-n 11I111!.
Ii mnl Mi I'.il iKuiklaio, iiiiuIi' ai lul 3. l t lit- I n ul hull. Pan, iiik will
llll In t'l.rl 1.111,1 lunl Tnomlay. j niliiini'liii! al '.I iiYlork Hlolh n IT
A I). Mi'Millim' i ioilioi. Will Mo-j 1 In iia frniii I 'rt Itnnl m III lurnii.li urn
Mlllaii. anil fainlly. nmii Alanka. ori !
IMIl'hH H(
Ill Ilium' lor a ff il.im
; lnl ii k.
Mr. J IV Slrulil an. I
! Illi rallf.l 1111 Mi .
'' Siimlny Blloriuioil
I I 'I T li -lutl i koihiiik
(or llo
I nuclamt
Mr mill Mm. S I I'hly. uf I'ml
Intnl. "ix'til S Iiii .mil It- II. tiilmnli
an, I v if.
.Mr. Ilurlon. of roiilaii.l, hn liu
i I'i'i'li tlio kuikI nf l
i, .Miiiau lr
"oiiik flu or nil .k. roliiitn'il In
l'tl.ui, 1111 Tiifml .11
i Mm. Illim Joni't. of l'orllau,l. v.n
tln Kiifat of ri'laiii'i luiir r.uisio
Cri-fk Siimlay.
Curl llmiRliiHM in., !,' ,1 trip tn Port
lam! Moinlay. ri'liiiiiini: liomi' In a umv
J. I'. WihuIIo anil l'o. ilnuttlilf r,
Ml Myrtlo, Mini noli. I ' -v. 11ml llnrrv
Mornnn rallnl on Mm I tow lull Sum
1l.1v iittoruonii.
Mr Itoy lloiiiilui woiil hoiuo Sit
urJnjr ami aprnt a p!, a.uit roiiilo of
day wll'i lur p;ii,n'i. roiutnlnit ul
bi'il IturrnifUtf r onl to l-Nlaiiiilii
S.ilul'.liy an, I hail ,,m, iloiitat work
Virsll ami (ili'im lioiiclii with Hop
Iik vUllura Suiiilai
Mm A. I). M1M1I .111 ftit In I'orl
la ml llm flmt of tin- woi k.
KakIo Crfok (ira'iui 'iflj lla ronn
lur iiiiv(Iiik Salur.ln. Ahout tn ui
I'lo it prfsi'tit. In, ImlliiK a fow vln-
Horn. Aa It mi 1 ! i!,ln n'a Jay, amnn
of iho chllilrf 11 took purl In I ho pro-
cram, ami thoy ill, I m ry Moll. At our,
July moollni: mi 1 o, t to havo pirn-
ent wllh nit Mr. M, I'liornun. of the O
A. C. who will clic a talk on Hural
in 1 11
i Credits.
Miss Echo Wade was a Grange vis
itor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wilcox, Mrs. Norn
Reld and children were over to H. S.
Gibson's, picking cherries Sunday.
C If Ii.no Iho Wntklns' man.
i passed through here Saturday, return
ing this way Monday and spending the
night at Walter Douglass'.
School meeting was held Monday
evening In District No. CO and Ray I
Woodle was elected director, J. r.
Strahl going out of office and II. S.'
Gibson was re-elected clerk.
John Glthens purchased 'a fine Lin
coln ram from John Stump, of Mon
mo'.'ih, last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Beer?, of Ores
bam are spending a few days this
weeks a Newport.
Mrs. Harold Oordon attended her
sister's funeral near Wllsonvillo last
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Sarvc. of Cur
rinsville spent Sunday with John Cith
ers, and family. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Lang, Mr. J. J. Kad
derly and Mr. Fitzgerald, of Portland
spent Saturday and Sunday with Hen
ry Githens and family.
Mrs. Henry Glthens entertained the
Modern Prlficilla' very pleasantly last
Thursday. .
1 m v vaa
I lu M rt it I r t ,iiiu, In l,o mm i
'tin1 liUui'nl uf ln ma urn mnl lll In'
Mm It. M Kin 11 III tin' lutin of .1 July Itli 1 o
I' II, i l"ll , I'tatlon.
I ltotll'lllllOlltl Kill In' C, II, I lIlllllU
mil rnil'uloiiH. llM ry iiK la ' v 1 11 . 1 . . I
an ln 1 1 a) li hi In all, ml
A narlv Im linliil Iho I.iiiiiIii'h ul
will Jai olni, A. C. Mai Karlann, II. J.
lliililiioii 11ml Ktlii'l Hart ami Arthur
Unhurt will auto In liolph. on lulv
to upoiiit iho wi'k of July 4, wllh tlia
Mur-o ami I Mil lamllloa. 1 hov will
rarry tholr nx ami mma wher hunt-
Inn mnl trout II-Miik will lu amouK
Iho anticipated plrnmiroa.
Itev. lli:hore pri'iuhfil on Snmlny
ul tho tiriuo Coiiitri'itatiouiil ilmrcli.
In the al'Kfiiie nf llm pnaiur l(ev. II
N Smith, who waa ullnhtly ln,lN,oo,l
The ilimoiirne itlvoii hy tho Itev. Illi;
horie wua onlnyiil hy larmi amll-
iMiie. Mla Ol rum nuiiloroil a plona
Iik miln. Tim church wan allrui'tlto
with the 1, uni lic uf rrlumoll rauihler
roue, the Camp rTrn Cilrla (ivereeliiC
the Moral JiH iirnlloiia itiirlim the Mint-
The Kvaiii:i'lli-ul camp niix'tlnim will
In Kin mi Julv l'?th ami ronllnun fur
Ion tlavn Tin Suinlay hcIiimiI ami
YoilllK IVupIo' Alllauie rmiie iitlimn
will nlno he lielil al Ihl time.
Mr llockner. nf Seaalile, wa nil
uiernlht vlillnr wllh I'. l Newell on
bis return from Southern Ori'iimi.
Mm. I! A. Saiiilom fiitortuliii'il wllh
a lunohoon nt I
Jay at hor homo.
11VI1H k nil WeJliea
The four Rueat he-
1 11 K fori In in! innlrniin. who eiijoyeil
the trip out, com In K In the Ityiin ear,
driven by Mrs. Ida Ryan. A short
time was spent on the river and a
pleasant day enjoyed by all.
Sunday visitors at the Morse cot
tage were Mr. and Mrs. Hazen and two
sons, Mrs. Wellner and Hon, Burton,
Mrs. Simmons and daughter, Miss Si
byl, who wore all former Dubuque, la.,
friends, and Mr. and Mrs. Patton, from
Texas, and Mm. Hriiechort and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and daughter,
Lottie, of Astoria, will spend the sum
mer at Jennings Lodge, arriving last
Mr. Jessie Soesbe Is suffering with
a felon. Dr. Welch Is attending.
Mrs. H. J. Robinson will entertain
her two brothers, from Canada, dur
ing the coming month.
The schoolmates of Anna Hull were
sorry to hear of her serious Illness.
Dr. Mount Is the attending physician.
Mr. James Waldron and little daugh
ters drove down from Newbcrg on
Wednesday and were accompanied
home by Miss Elizabeth Waldron, who
has recently returned from North Yak
ima and Miss Alice Waldron, who Is
a teacher at Everett, and both are
enjoying their vacation at the James
Waldron, Sr., home, and the drive
down from Newbcrg was a delightful
Miss Flora Dill, a student at the
Washington High in Portland has gone
to Dolph, Oregon, and will spend her
ai 1 oiiui. j riu iVhi"
liiJ ilw un-rn tu wkil lvb
p 1 1 . lit 1 ,i atAAAtM
iv.ss iiil IVvi utttJint rrnw
0mim Mnqihinr rtrMuajl
Anotfrrl ftVnifilv forfitnUr
lion. Shut Mokli.lilJit'
GraiUcciTumW llw VoU
Kim. I Copy ol Wrapper.
lacatlnii at Mountain Vlen
of the IMIU.
the liuine
Winifred Turner and Alfred Turn
uttnli'lit of the O. A. (' IliiM returiiril
to their hmiii' in Curiam, utter a
pleanniit Ull wllh their ivunln, Mr.
Winnie llimli.
Twenty ladle nttcnileil the ili uinn
t rn r ion mi fruit cnnnlnit. given by
M!n Cow Kill at the minxi limine ,,
I'rl.luy morning, which u very In
terfiling. Ml Cnuglll I sent out
by II. A. C. to ilcinonxlrulii fruit mid
vcKcliililn canning ho that the pupil
mnl parent may be tuiiuM to ran
these product on a roiiimeriial bal,
and her talk proved Very helpful.
Mr. and Mr II. It. Huilth. or Will,
umctte, Kpent Veilneibiy at till plurn
on their way tu The Diille where they
go by bout.
Arthur Soeslxi returned from New.
port on 'inlneduy.
At thi meet lug of the (irnce Guild
on Wednesday It wa derided to havo
a lawn mxinl In July. Mr. Bunnell
will have rhnrgn of the hoiiw-keeplng
department. Heveral new inemlier
loliied. among thciu were Mr. Shaver,
Mr. Kude ami Mr. McCowan and
Klhel Hurl.
The annual n IiikiI election, w held
last Monday night, June "Int. The
large-it iiuiiiIiit of voter were pre,
ent then nt any previous meeting held.
The rcNimiiitloii of Will llciidcrnon
wan accepted with regret and Alex
Gill wan elected to fill the unexpired
term of Mr. Ileiiilcrmui. Mr. GUI, who
Is a hrickmiiker at Melilruiii. receive,!
sixty votes. Ill opponent, Mr. W. V.
Thnmpnon, In a ImrtUiire merchant
of Oak (irnve and a graduate of Ohcr
tin College, receiving IH votes. Mr.
Kd dltoclhe was elected by n large
majority over II. J. Itolilnnon ami Mr, j
Ilyslop, who were I lie other candidate
for the 3 year term. Dr. ('. I.'. HiiyneM
was unanimously elected clerk. A ten j
mill- levy wa voted for the emitting
year. Two mill for sinking fund, one!
mil to bo used lis iiltoriiny's fees, nn, I
seven mills for maintenance and cur
rent expenses. A pIcnHiint feature wa
the splendid report given by the teach
er, Mrs. Altmaii.
Mr. and Mrs. 1'iilutoii spent .Satur
day at the Lodge and were accompa
nied home by Hugh Hubert uud wife,
who enjoyed the auto rlilu to (ho I'alii
ton fruit ranch near Orchards, Wash.
V. A. Newell, who ha leased Cedar
Island, has built a new dunce pavilion j
at the park, mid uniiounced a Jitney
dunce for Saturday evening Inst. The
Island can bo reached by free ferry
from the river at Jennings Lodgo.
Itev. II. N. Smith Is enjoying a visit
from a sister al North Yakima, W'iihIi.
James II. Welch and W I. Illliistoim
of this pilucti have purchused new
cars during tho week.
Tho Haro riunlly, who havo been
enjoying tho summers ut the Itoethe
Landing camp, ure now occupying tho
Groat cottage ut this place.
Miss Ella Welch, of Shanghai, WiimIi.
and Mrs. Hughes, of Vancouver, have
been additional guests or the llrlg
ham and Slncluire families.
Cheap Living In Old London.
London laundry charge wero noted
by Nicholas Decreinp, tho author of
"Le Pnrlslen a Londrcs." who visited
England In 1788. Decrcmps found his
Inundry bills excessive, especially the
charge of 4V4 Peuce for wnshlnjr n
shirt "And," bo add pathetically,
"shirts aro changed every dr. In Lon
don. Such Is the K'uiernl custom, duo
no doubt to tho grlmlnes of tho atmos
phere." fitlll. on tho whole, he found
living less costly In London than In
Paris. Beef was obtainable for Z'A
peiee and mu'ton for flvepenco a
pound. A quartern loufwns only seven
pence, nnd otli'ir food price were on s
similar scnlo. London Chronicle.
Don't wait for rheumatism to Indi
cate diseased kidneys. When you suf
fer pains and aches by day and sleep
disturbing bladder weakness by night,
feel tired, nervous and run down, the
kidneys and bladder should be restored
to healthy, strong and regular ac
tion. It Is a mistake to postpone
treatment. Foley Kidney Pills put the
kidneys In sound, healthy condition
and keep them active and strong. Be
gin taking today. Good results fol
low the first dose. Jones Drug Co.
' 'niV
' '-N
' i - V
11 I.. . I 1 Mk
For InfunU ntyj Chllilrr n.
The Kind You Havo
Always Bought
Boars tho
For Over
Thirty Years
I'UltTI.AND, Ote. June 19. - T. W.
Norertii. nhMiiiil ihlef englnefr,
furct m-nlce, WnnliliiKtuii, ll. "- who
lui been Rpfiiilltig rn u riil da In
Portland, left bi-t nliiit with Ulnlrlii
Engineer l.unikrcii fur Ih' l'ug"l
sound region, where they will Mull
various pru)ecl mnl hold (uliference
wllh official of Miwer plant Mild of
On hi western trip Mr. N'orcrim
ha already spent ixune time In Califor
nia. Binl ha tllm) golin ner leverut
power development In Washington
nd Oregon, and mine project which
various companies ilenltv to develiiu,
He hu visited the Portland Hallway.
I .Ik ti t A Power r.uiipiiny' plant t
Oregon City. Caciulero, Klier Milt mid
Hull Itun. and nlno the condlt plant of
the Northwest Klectrlc company on
the W hite Salmon river tie expressed
hluinelf a favorably litipreMcd with
I lit ilewliipiuenl everywhere, nml es
pecially with lie Itlier .Mill nml the
condlt plant.
In speaking nf tho Oreg n City
plant, Mr, Niircru said that at the
convention of the National Kleiirlc
light unsocial Ion, held In San Fruit
Cisco last week, It wu proved that
the plant orgliiliilly rounlriicted mid
operated ul Oregon CHy wan the first
waterpiiMer plant to geiinrnle alternat
ing current for IraimmlHslon to a dis
tant point.
The receipt for the
Portland I'tlloil Stock
week lit thn
Yard have.
been: Cattle. l',l', I; calves, .Hi; hogs,
Kilrt; sheep, til:'.
Prices ii simile lower than last week.
Nearly all consignment are grass cut
tle, quality' not ahovi! the average.
-Hulk of steers sell iiroiiml $7 to 17. :',",
cows us high us Iii.7'i.
Hogs remain slead at SH. Not many
loads of well finished stuff came for
vard uud considering quality prices
held well.
A fair run of sheep for Iho week
with prices lower and market iiiiuilve.
Spring lambs are coining in small con
ilguiueiils only, Choice lambs nro Hell
ing lit 17. M), ewes $5 nml wethers ut
Tim following siiIoh nro representa
tive: 1 Steer, 1.1 1 1 S7.&0
8 Steers, UMK 7.110
2S2 Steers, 10S2 7.25
fit) Steers, 1IGI 7.0.'i
1 Hull. 1231 . 5.25
2 Hulls, 13111 5.00
1 Heifer, 1081 fi.75
1 Calf, 221 ' 7.00
3 Cows, 1087 0.50
88 Cows, 1027 8.35
(10 Cows, 907 0.25
39 Cows, 1121 0.05
780 Hogs. 201 8.00
21 Hogs, 221 7..9!i
343 Hogs, 203 7.90
120 Hogs, 170 7.80
42 Lambs, 73 7.S5
20 Lambs, 81 7.70
7 Wethers, 81 G.75
24 Ewes, 93 5.85
It is Near at Hand to Hundreds
Oregon City Readers.
Don't neglect an aenlng back.
Backache Is often the kidneys' cry
for help.
Neglect hurrying to the kidneys' aid
Means that urinary troubles may fol
low. Or danger of worse kldnoy trouble,
Here's Oregon City testimony. .
F. H. Busch, Jr.. hardware merchant.
Main St., Oregon City, says: "I had an
acute attack af kidney and bladder
trouble. I found no relief until I used
Doan's Kidney Pills. After finishing
two boxes. I was well and I have never
needed a kidney medicine since."
Price EOc, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mr. Busch had. Foster-MHburn Co..
Props., Buffalo, N. Y.