UlfMION CITY KNTKKI'KIHK. 'Ull V,.M'N'K II. LOCAL lililCPS I'llllllp I.. Hammond hi'l ft dual li.aa (rip In Handy Hal'irday. Ml W. II. Itoiin.y, (if Nigan, aa In Or. in CHr Ilia mil of th. ik mi, iifiirr Kiiiunt, or i iiir, III Oregon City on hiislni'sa )riiilril)r II ii itiaiir, or iicir CriH-k. liiialiiv tUllur In Oregon tily Turn il.r. Milun K. Mini. of miir, Or. wa visitor in Hi ii y ih middl. of Hi (iiMii K. I'tirrjr. of Wlrhlla, wa a Imaim-a lUltnr lii Hi illy Hi finl ill III k. Mr and Mr K. J. Kriilatun of M Ull. w.r. In Oregon ('II f Haturday (ill ImallWa II. J. Taylor, eilllnr of Urn M.ilall iliiliMr. In Oregon City TlH'ad on ltiln). Mix NVIliu 1111. of KlvrM Wash , 'ciil thn wKrk piiiI visiting In Oregon ( Mr Mr J. ('. Crlle. of tiluiUl inn, mi dT ii I il iHrllin nt Dm Oregon City It ! t j I Friday. II ('. KI111I.7, of thn During district a In Oregon City Monday attend in business mailer Mr. (arorm Wllllnm, who 1 1 lot In jr Ciiltun district I rapidly Improv 1 11 K after Inii k ami acrlotis Illness Tim mH (Mill of (l r Hulls. 11 Ciilion. iiinlcr nit alight K' m lion I I he offirn (if thn lira. Mount Friday Klorriirtt Turner, th. II yrrnli diiiitrr of Mr. Ktn Turner, wb ha liri'li vrloiuly III fur Mm three week I improving. Ml Mabel Huffman, (if New Kru imI throUKli IIk rouuty i'l Frl xy rnroiilo In I'uitlaiid Him lulled friend vlill In Oil dir. Mr and Mra. llnrman Huchlacn. of Craml llnnd, Nbr, are. In Hi city tailing Mr. ami Mr. K. T. Mh. Mr rftirhlM'n I cousin of Mr. Man. VI. t I) UlNri..r.l a.f 1IhImv flrit I In Oregon t'Hy vialtlng frlinda audi relative. SIki will remain fur rrk anil then gu lo eaalcrn Oregon Mr Marguerite Laverdcr. of Port In ml, returned In lirr lionin Wediic ilr after api'tidlug aevcrnl (In)' with relative In Mnlnlla ami Oregon CM y Mla Kt. I vn, Ilia nine year old daughter of Mr. Andrew Zlngcr. of r.'l)vllle, nndcruviit an operation for aplirnilli'lll at llm Oregon City lion I'll ul yesterday. The- all year old iluniilili'r of Mr. ami Mr. It. It llayhurat. of rout. No. A aa kicked liy a lior and severely In Jurcd Tuesday. M'-r leg f liroken and ah. received nilnor brulaca. Dr. Walter ". Hart, of llila rltv. and tr. Kay Apiilcliy. of MllwauklK. ir.idimlr of thn North I'ai'lllc Colleifo of DriilUtry. left Hnnday for Halmti. mli.iru thiy alll tak I ho tal rxitnl natloii. !. Bhrnrfli-ld. h i win hit hy a ll ni-y drlvon by Karl I). Van Auhcn, Jr. May II. returned to hi hotnn at Jen nliiK lidgn the Intter arl of IiihI wirk. I In hn Iwon at Ihi' Ori-Kon City ho'pltat. Willi Turner, of the Markalmrg dlntrli t. apent WVdnoatlay In th conn ly Bent, nltenilliiK In hualni'iia nint lira. Mr. and Mr. Turner rpet'iill) movpd to ClnckBinna county from l.ln rounly. Thi'y ar pleaded lth their now homo. Mr. and Mra. K. II. Andernon an n returniil Rutunlay from a flahln trip on Canyon rreek bn-k of Colton They mauo the trip In thnir antoin lillii, (nlnR a far aa tho Hoe Kntu In the mnrhlim. They caimht a lur numtier of flah. K. Kenneth Hlnnton, mill aerrolnr.v of the Crown Wlllami'tle mill of Weal 1 Inn. left lh early part of tho week for San Kranclaco. Mr. Hlnnton ex porta to be roiio two week. I In will vUlt the exposition and his former home In California. Mr. and Mr. K. (J. llnrrlHon. until recently roaldnnta of tho lluttevllle dlatrlct. were In Orenon City tho fori part of the week lo attend to ImihI neaa matter followlnu tho anle o' their fnrni. The will prohably leave for Aatorlo within the next fow duya where thoy will make their permanent homo. tlr. and Mra. J. V. Notrls of .thin city. In company with Stephen llalley, of Portland, former relilent of Ore Kim City, will leave Tuoadny mornltiK for San Francisco, nolnn via ateamer. Mr. Ilullcy will ship his auto to Snn KrnnclBco and aftor reaching Call fornla the party will tour the state In hla machine. Civil war votoran are still flocking to County Clerk HarrlnRton to socurc huntlnK and fishing- licenses freo tin dor the now state law. Those who have socurod llconsos recently are Jo- soph It. roasley, of Wlllamotto; Q. V Dotv. of Oswoko: John W. Hilly, of Chorryvlllo; J. R. Hunt, of Wlllnij otto, and 8. T. Uldor, of Canby. Mr Poly was a seaman on tho Now Iron stilus, during the war. Wllllum Hoard, of Sollwood, arrived in Oregon City Saturday morning and will visit his daughter, Mrs. Wllllnm McLnrtv a fow dnys. Mr. and Mrs. Hoard Just rotiirnod from tholr Bum mor home at No-ah-kanlo, Tillamook rounlv. whoro Mr. Heard had been milking improvoinnnts on the home. Mrs. Heard had boon 111 since Decora tion day. Mr. and Mrs. Hoard are for mer residents of this city. L At a llieellm of th inelnliei of h ai hiMil board of MlUauklu, Wd tilt Oak llrnt, Courord, Harmony. Huiiny alda and Aidennald, at MlUaukln Monday iiIkIiI, I'm iiraiililon of union IiIkIi i hmd In Ih MINauklx dlatrli t a dlw uMtd. Til object of Ih nintfllns: I" find how many of Ih dlalrlet wrr III for of Ih plan, Wblrll will be brimitlil up befnr lb annual meeiinn of lb a IhmiI board, Jon II. Kniii of lb dlatrli la wern not In favor of tlm ilan .rllly ()k 'irom, wherp nib a iroMililini wa iinaniinoual) Voted don at thn lt elixlloli 1 li rpprraeiiUlhp of Oak Orot, Ardeti wald and Wliblla diatrbl adinltirl that at prraeiil alxiut one half of their atudeiil attend llm Mllwaukl IkmiI A motion wa madn In Ih pffeet tlial llm clerk of lb MlUaukln ill trlrt fiirnlah data to rarh of Hi other dlatrlii a to tlm mat of maintaining thn proMiad K IliMil with I'.O pupil Tlm MlUaukln i IiiniI at prrarnt main lain a blgb laudard, lieln among Hip five beat In thn count v. Tlm ad ual coat per atudeiil durln llm lal year wa 72. Thn aaaeaand valuation of all llm dlalrbla affected aa given laiat nlxbl aa f .1.J33.IMM), and lint Valuation of Mil waiikle alone aa 31 SCHOOLS MM STANDARD IN YEAR Thirty oiih (' I a r k a 111 a a lomity aehiNil bavn met thn atalu alindurd latlon reoiilreini nla In the a bool year Juat clord, according to a Hal prepared by County Huperliitendenl Caiman. Thn si'hoola am: Oak (irovn, Con cord. Katmada. Wllaonvllln. Cliilr inont Jetinlnga IxkIkc, Patten, liar loony. Amea. Kandy, Cuttrell, Kelno. Ilorlng Kagln Creek. Deep Creek. C I on. Hen Hill, Hock Creek. Cndardulo. Meadnwbrook, Kir (irovn, Itedlnnd. K! Intt I'rnlrle, I'.nM Claekama. Ten ale reek. WhUkey lllll. fnlon. Kver Kreen, Weal lliiltevllle, I'nloll Hall and Hrowna. Tho Oregon City hUh action! will in brotiKht up to thn atate atandardl (ni Ion requirement within thn netl frw weeks and practically every oth r high mhiMil In Ibn county will be riitiKbt to meet thn condition before Ibn opening of tbn full term of school VOIE ON ADDITION 10 SCHOOL IE 24 LARGf R BUILDINO WILL CIVf ROOM fOn INCMCAIg AT TINDANCC IN FALL, rnlliolng lipllllon fllnd with lb" ai'hool lHard Tburwlay aflvinnon, no lli a liavn hn laaued for apodal IinIIihi of lb laiparer of Ofoli City I n ( on bond Uaua of I .'0 d'"l fur llm purixna of ronalrurl lug an addition In llm blab a'bool bull. Una Tlm dal of ple lion I June :i Tbn polla will l en from I lo 7 p. in., at lh Kiinitalii J I ok coiii pauy building Honm otiiiMltlon ha da'plopfd galiul Ih bond Uaup, oil lb ground Dial lb proponed unlo 1 high f h d at litadatnim will take rnough atu deiil from Oregon city to warrant lb abandoiniieiit of lb plan lo build lug au addition lo th building, but inenil.er of lb bixd b .ard liav (arefully suriernd lb all nation and bellev llm baal IiIkIi x bool will low not mor (ban ii iliiibiit lo (tud alonw. Tbl loas will Ih made up by llm larg frrahiiH-n ilaa that I coin 1 11 a from tbn eighth grade of Ih llarclar and tjiatbaui building nrit yer, and llh Ibn building already overcrowd ed, aoinn provlalnn will have to be madn for llm tuition pupil that will moat Cerlalnlr cotno hern from uiau) lrta of Clatkamaa county to takn ad vanlagn of tlm new tuition fund law wherein their tuition will hn p:ild by dlrmt tax on all property located hern no high a bool la iiiulntaiiied IlayorJonesFinds HimselfVictimof Own Ordinance BANRCL Of fO"T WIKC WAN DIM fOMM TOWN TO TOWN -OWNIRtHI OUIITIONIO VETERANS CRUIZE RttOLUTION PAISED BV MCAOC rOIT, NO. 7, AT MIITINO HIHI IATUROAV. Crliblain of lb MlUaukl kIkmiI II eofilalned In retolnllon paad by Mead poal, Orand Army of tlm ft lu Id In. No. I, at llm meeting fUturday to rol. thr I a rwum lirl of ! "rnoon. -. 1 . f I . -I . I - . .. . . I . 1 ,L.J porv nine ui i.i . t'tainy mm Urayed back to Oregon 4 II y and I being held In an (tregoa City war- OwnerofPoisoned DogsIsDefendant In A Slander Suit M. STEWARD IUCO BECAUSE HC IAID HARM! KILLED HII DOCt. 12 GRADUATED BY COUNTY STATISTICS. TIIOMAS-VVIIXIAM9 Mary J. Thom as and Daniel Williams, of Oregon City, route No. 3, sncurod a marrlagu license here Friday. IT.ASTER KINO Nellie Duster and Kdward J. King, of this city, secured a marriage license from County Clork Harrington Thursday. TBSKE-ELUN03TEN Minnie "Tea ko and Wllllnm Klllngscn, of Sher wood, route No. 1. secured ft mnr- rlage license yosterday. norm to the wife of R. E. Adams, of route No. S, a daughter, June 5. HORN to the wife of C. C Olbbs, of Mllwaukle, ft daughter, June 7. nonN to the wife of o: Pamperlne, of Stafford, ft snn. June 7. HORN to the wife of A. Hagerman, of Mllwaukle, a daughter, June 7. HORN to the wife of Fred Roea. of Oregon City, route No. 6, ft daugh ter, June . L The graduating rterclae for the eighth grade at the Willamette kIkmiI were conducted Friday niKht. Tbn fol lowing graduated: Winnie Delink. Ilaltlc Snldow, Marlon Pernio, I'rarl Una, l.loyd Junkcn, Frank Hennett, Theodore Ryser, l.eroy Allen, I.ct Itlce. Hums Hrlttou, Willi Klllott and Terry Harna. Superintendent F. J. Tooie, of the Oregon City si hool made the address. In clear and explicit worda did ho de fine modern education. For almoat an hour Mr, Tooze held the close ntlen tlon of his audience. C. II. Wllaon president of tho board, presented th diplomas. Prof. Thompson, alao member of tho board, made a few ro- mnrka. He complimented the prlnc pul, teachora and class that In the Wlllnmtto schools all tho members of (ho eighth grade passed the stuto ex amlnntlotis and graduatod. With a few remurks by tho principal. Frank I, Hun!, the exorclsus closed. 28 E AT MT. PLEASANT SCHOOL Seven eighth grade pupils gradu ated from the Mount Pleasant school Thursday night. A program, consist Ing of rocllntlons and musical solec tlons by the members of the graduat Ing class, was given. Supervisor of Schools Voddor gave the class ad dress. The graduates are Erestine King. Goldlo Huckner, Elsie Mct.alno Jowol Hookor. Sophlo Krol. Oils War- then and Homer Huckholx. The Mount rieasunt high school will not be opened next year, owing to the new county high school tuition law under which studonta of a district without a high school can attend high school with the tuition chnrgo paid out of a special county fund. A number of students will leave the tenth grade of the Mount Pleasant school for the Oregon City high school. WILLAMETTE CLAS GRADUATES, The baccalaureate service for thoso who graduate from tho Eighth grade ot the Willamette school were con ducted nt the Willamette Methodist hnrch. Rev. T. H. Ford preached the sermon. Those who grnuunte are Inttle Snldow, Marlon Pondo, Tcarl Robs, Winnie Dollok, Louisa 8chwer 11, Terry Ilaen, Leo Rico, Lloyd Jun- ken, Frank Hennett, Iroy Allen, Hunts Hrlltrin, Theodore Rysor and Willis Elliott. PORTLAND COUPLE WED. Elizabeth Sylvia Hoglcy and Grover P. Sinks, Sti3 East Twelfth streot Portland, were quietly married here Thursday afternoon by Justice of the Peace Slevcrs. They left for Portland by automobile at 5:30 o'clock. MRS. WADE WANT8 DIVORCE. Mra. Anna E. Wade charged cruel nd Inhuman treatment In ft divorce suit filed In the circuit court against Walter W. Wade. They were married August 27, 1909, She aska for $30 monthly alimony and $100 to pay the costs of the suit The gradiiutlng ner lea for the Cunby grammar aid ml were held Thiiraday night and for tlm high hool Friday night. I loth ern well attend ed. Twenty-otm graduated from the grammar icImmiI and act en from the blKh hnol. There wa not a failure among thn uicmber of tbn larger rl. County Superintendent Cala van spoke at the grammar school ex prcliei. The graduate am: Grammar school Wavnn Kdward Hnmpton, Vlolctte Irene Evans. Clyde William Kendall, Joseph Joy Ander non, Murlul Maud Hlaaell. Jack J men. Fay Arthur lleln. Mildred l.tilene Mittia m. Kenneth Uiula Hornlg. Eddie Arnold Thompaon, Klma Evelyn Hua sell, Muliel Ida Gribbln. Erneatlne Mury Smith, Roy David Zimmerman Eva Adney Whipple. Anna I.en Gil morn, Martha Uirralnn U-n. Helen l.ulla Meten, Joaeph George Schaubel. Leonard Emrald Huhman, Francla Ed ward Huston. High school Royen Ciuey Hrown Catherine Daphlne Hlaaell, Mary I one Collier. Samuel Oliver Grlbble. Delia May Newatrum. Krlca Hermlna Nordhauanu, Morence I.eona Knight The following program wa given by the high school grauates: Music, band: oration. 'The Mi Ditch," Samuel Grlbble; oration. 'The Dream of tho Aces," Mario Collier; violin nolo. Mr. R. Garrett; essay, "Plea for Huds," Erica Nerdhauson: piano solo, Cathrlne Evans; original atory, "How the Old Knight Cumo to King Arthur's Court," Florence Knight: eaaay, "Indian Lugcuds," Da phlne Hlsse); -vocal solo, Miss Smith; oration, "Alexander Hamilton," Royce Hrown: awarding diplomas, by Prof. Schrolbcr; music, band. houaa, waiting fur oaii-nn to Halm It after having many adveulure be teen Ih atom of l.lnn K Jofie, may or of Hi city, and a Portland whole mI firm. Tbl atorr dale bau k to !( win ter when Mayor Jonea running for re-election. Oh Of bl prelec lion pledge a an ordlnanro wbl'h would mor atrlitly ngulat thn handling of llouor. pr(l ulnrly In drug atorea. True to hla word, tb eiM-iillv aaw lo It that City Attor ney H buebel prepared and Introduced Into thn council au h an urdliianc and In dim tlm lb ordinary e wa paaaed. Tbn new city law goe tntn effect July 1. A Mxin a Ih council had imaaed thn meaaur. drug atorea began to iblp their llipior l'k bark to thn wbiileaaler. Mayor, Jonea, who a ft proprietor of ft drug atori. affwt "If. I). Harm wantonly polaon.d to of inr oedlrroed Alrdale rioea and Memiwr or III Mt and llm Heller HIM them." J. U. Hint ard I alleee rrp vltlled 13 Cla'kama county to have remarked to a group of hla whool to hold tlm uaual patriotic fellow eltliena In th Mackaburg dl- nierriae ouring in I wo wees l,n- trlrl recently, f. vj .1.1 .1 . - , . . 1 1 ........... n lirownell A Hlnver. filed ft aull bey met tlm nth...l.llc .UM.ort of o ,h, rrrjU ,. f()f To m . rZr,.l, . .1.1 u i l . . . A" M"ny- P-'ltt''l by m:i :r.;;;'" 'r,rr''iff- Therfor.,tw.r,i acCUad hm. .TL " .. of "'"""'"' '""'"r of which, h l .i .1! . 11 . . .-..". ,., B u lnnoCet. The suit la con "Where, alnra tb Uat meellne .... ..i . .. . . a .. 11 . -1 Mr. iiarm claim that the grouii U'??tll'JTl nd "i h overheard thn remark .. cone c V , a J Hweetacr, P. O gon l tr and vicinity and every. her. (.,,.,. r r ' ::: , :nr:,.::! ?". ..rd ni. ,M, .7 : ""'"Frank Wann. U. C. Harm. John . . , . .. , , i Harm. It. L. Garrett and Char e Ne there wa an utter lack of both clvllb, ty and patriiillam on th rt of thn . m aupennienqeni. lie ne.mer wen omeq u nor bid ua giMM bye. lie was con aplclou by hi abaence during our en tlr vlalt at the sch'Mil. There wa ed by III own legislation, atarted a hill rrel of port win to Portland. no l'ntlp emblem on the wall of but th wholeaaler refua.il to accept ai-hool rooma lo Indicate that they 11 and aent ll back to Orecon Cltr. within tbn boundarle of th Th. mayor ha. not accepted thn l'n"Ml ,8!;,'V,""1 u.. w" lM""r barrel which la now held In ft local! -Pl-re-nl lht the pup II. wer. lacking IU. F..n,J F.o.ii ...... ........ PHILIP J. SIOIT COS JOB AT FAIR warebnui. Th give It a ay or hn contrary to he take It to bl atom, he ran not (llu'vue of It In prescription until long after thn new and rigid liquor ordinance goea Into effect on thn flrat of next month. Philip J. Slnnott, editor of Klamath .ell It for that would I "h"y. The high a. hool h tppolni4 a .. -i.. . . ... ... . wa dlam aaed )uL previous to our , . ' . thn city ordliiance. If . . .'.,.,....,. p.-ll commlasloner for K amath arrival, niue buijuik iiieou am 11017 to thn Grand Arwv of tbn R.pi.'-'lc. county at the Panama Pacific exposl and the Relief corps but to tbn flag tlon until the fair closes. or tne country wntcD the pm carrlel, ue wii i- th8 Klamath countv . Iiooth to talk reaourcej of southern the rock noon which ibn founda.l.in "r"n " aisinome meraiure. lie of our government rests. '1 !s fro-n : will deliver four Illustrated lectures llie putillc acho-il that the r-;;iui lie ; ea h week on the opportunities hli- T at tl.e bead of 'be command And where. l!ie pulc sch x.l U county offers, from a farmer's, lum berman's, stockralser's and Investor's gets Its great men and women. Our annual vi.lt lo thn school j for i tbn nunoa of Inatllllng mtrkotlatn Into the minds of the rising genera- standpoint, appropriations for bis tlon and we believe that our services salary and incidental expenses have to the co.mtrj- In It hours of greatest u.l0 roadfl 1)y ,he Cotmty court 0, peril entitle us ti courteous treatment' ... nimiiniu luiilll Bliu ins Cliy ruuncil I and Commercial club of Klamath Falls. Commissioner Slnnott Is an Oregon City boy and served part of his ap prenticeship on the editorial staff of the Enterprise and later on the Cour ier. At the close pf the exposition he resumes his position on the Herald. A lurv In the circuit court late Thiiraduv night returned a verdict for ,he b,,, of ,n authority." . he Southern Pacific In thn suit by erana k mat ine acnooi Edward Summerfleld. administrator of "I"r",1 Mtiwaukie invemigam uie the ealate of Alma Summerfleld. who! "ne of Robert Goetx. principal or wa killed a vear ago when struck bvi ' "hool. and hat If hn la found to the Shasta Limited near Canby. Thela ln ltrlotlsm and Americanism, rond v.ra ud for I29'9. ho l removed. TI.. ..Llnlirr rh,,n tl.A ,l..lh! " " nt Itie elrl rflle In alti-ifeil lleferld' In the tyealght of G. E. Kenny, engineer l chnrge of the train, Kenny was put on the str.nd by the railroad company and testified that his eyes were In good condition and his statements were corroborated by the teatlmony of phyaiilana who had examined him. BGOETZ SAYS HE DID CHAIRMAN OF BOARD SAYS THAT CHARGES ARE 6ERIOURS AND INVESTIGATION NEEDED. JUDGE J. U. tCAMPBELL SIGNS FIVE DECREES Desertion and cruel and Inhuman treatment are the two charges made agntnst Mrs. Etta Smith by Frank Smith In a divorce suit filed bore. They were married October 1, 1911, at Haker, Oregon. Circuit Judge Campbell Thursday signed divorce decrees separating Mary A. Miller from Fred G. Miller, J. R. Eastham from Omego Easlham. Zceia M. Phcgley from Leslie Thegloy, Karollna Puchcr from Mnthias Puch- er and Floyd A. Dillon from Iluttle Jane Dillon. Postmaster H. L. HaKcman. of tho Mllwaukle postofflce, said Friday that on June 16 a motorboat rural route would be established on the Willam ette, river to run talwecn Portland and Gladstone. He suggested to the postofflce department that thla river route he established, provided that HI0 residents supplied mail boxes. The service will be made permanent If 1"0 people are served to the mile within six months. This mall service will go to the colonics of houseboats along the river to Gladstone. The district to be served on and near the river are portions of the houseboat colonies on both Bides of the river, Sellwood, Waverly Country club, Oak Grove, Jennings Lodge, Os wego, The Oaks and other places along the river. The beat will cover 24 miles. It will start on this route at 8:30 a. m. and return to Mllwaukle at 3:30 ln the afternoon. E AT Charles llolmo, until recently man ager of a New York hotel, arrived ln Clackamas county this week with his two Bisters, Misses Martha and Iluttle Holme, and will sottle In the Itedlnnd district where he has bought a Binnll farm. Mr. Hohne brought with him his three thoroughbred great Dane dogs Although the animals are only nine months old thoy are large and well developed and each ono Is valued at $500. Mr. Hohne and hla sisters will move to their home within a few days. IN SUIT FOR DIVORCE Eleanor Hill Monday won a divorce from James Hill on the grounds of de sertion. The case, which was tried before Circuit Judge Campbell, was contested. Mr. and Mrs. Hill were married in Oregon City March 17, 1912. Soon after their morrlnge, Mrs. Hill charged that her htiHband left her. He made a general denial of the charge. Tho wltnosses were: For the plaintiff, Eleanor Hill. Vesta Hill and W. D. Kcefer; for defendant. Alice Kern, Parberly Formnn, S. A. Douglas, A. E. Cameron, Robert E. Mills, E. T. Mass and James M. Hill. Principal Robert Goetx, of the Mil v. ankle high school, who has been se verely criticised by the Meade post of the Grand Army of the Republic and Meade Women's Relief corps, of Ore gen City- denied Tuesday that there was any disrespect shown or Intended to be shown the Grand Army of the Republic representatives on Decora tion day. He asserted they were afforded ev erv opportunity to addressing the pu pils In the several rooms. He said that the high school pupils had been dismissed before the Grand Army men arrived nd the pupils were not as sembled In one room, as tho visitors wanted, but were held In the rooms for the talks. Mr. Gi.3t said there Is no assembly hall sufficiently large for all the children to assemble In. He said he did not consider the matter of much Importance. Chairman Grasle, ot the MUwauklo board of directors, sold that the charges, to him. looked serious and warranted careful Investigation. Mr. Grasle declared that If Principal GoeU showed the slightest disrespect for the old soldiers the matter could not be passed over lightly. "If Mr. Goeti knew the Grand Army men were coming he should not have dismissed the high school students." said Mr. Grasle. NTO COURTS AGAIN SECOND ATTACK IS MAO! IMPROVEMENT Of HIOH STREET. ON Another action wa Instituted by High street proerty oaimr agaliirf th city Wednesday In Ibn form of writ of review filed In Hi. circuit court. Paul Fisher and O. W. F-uat-ham, the attorneys who apearnd In prevlou action, appear In llm luteal ult. H. J. Hlgger. Adolph Fried ricks, Chrlatlan Michel. F. A. Toepel roan. J. M. Pammley and IUrry June are th protesting property owner. The flrat ault filed asked for an In junction reatralnlng tlm city from making aaaeaamenta for the at reel Im provement, wblln thla second action allege that ther. I an error of the work of thn council and the board of appralaera and aaks that thn proceed ings of thn city be reviewed by the court. Hloik on thn wet aid. of lliuh treet are only half a deep a the blocks on the other sldn of the street. The petition for writ of review charges that the city charter provide that assessment ran hn made only to (hn middle of the block and that the equal assessment are made on prop erty on both side of the street. The contention la the same In the petition for the review as In the original com plaint. CIVIL WAR VETERAN AT J. W. Antrim died at his home at Eatacada. May CO, after an Illness of three months. Mr. Antrim was born In Ohio, IS 10. He served In the Civil war and wa with Sherman on bis march to the sea. He was a resident of Clackamas county for the last 25 years, being one of the first settlers of the Estacada district. He Is survived by his widow, one son, F. D. Antrim, of Sewatd. Alaska, one daughter, Mrs. Anna Read, a teacher In the Portland public school; and a grandson. Lance Read, who re cently returned from Pennsylvania. The funeral was conducted by the Methodist church of Estacada, Rev. Reea officiating, and the Grand Army of the. Republic of Portland, June 1. Interment was in the Mount Scott cemetery. PORTLAND, Ore.. June 8. In yes terday's election George L. Hakcr and C. A. Hlgelow were elected city com missioners and A. L. Darbur was elect ed auditor. Out of a registration of S9.150 only 35,791 votes were cast for city commissioners, being but slightly over 1 per cent. Complete returns show that neither of the successful candidates for com missioner was elected on first choice votes, although Haker fell but 3G5 votes short of having a clear majority of all first choice votes. He was easily elected on second choice votes. To determine the reelection of Blge low it was necessary to count the sec ond and third choice votes. His clos est opponent was Wllllum Adams, who fell 2633 votes below Hlgelow on first choice votes, but gained on second and third choices until In tha final totals he Is only 968 votes behind. REV. MAU TO ATTEND SYNOD. AT GOETZ'S REPLY MEMBERS OF POST SAY MILWAU KIE PRINCIPAL KNEW OF THEIR PLANS. Additional charges against Robert Goetx, principal of the Mllwaukle school, were made by members of Meade post, No. 2, following state ments issued and published in Port HATCHERY SITE FOR 8ALE, iwmiy iiecoraor ueuman has re ceived notice from the government that the old government fish hatchery grounds at Iluker's Bridge on the Clackamas river will be sold In the nenr future. Picturesquely Bltunled at the inouth of Clear Creek and opopsite tho high rocky cliffs ot the river bank the site consisting or twelve and a half acres la an Ideal location for a summer ho tel. It waa vacated as a hatchery whon the fixtures were removed to the nrpsent site of the Inssr rih h ,,!, I Hair catarrh Cur I tkn Internally. , . " acting directly upon th blood and mu- ery on the Clackamas near the South-, oou surfaces of th arat.m. Testimonial. era Pacific track and the new Carver! fw,',tr?i. Pr1c n nU pr bo"1 8ol1 "ne- T fcUll vwastlr Pill tar oaunlpU. WEST LINN COUPLE WED. Miss Agnes Moody and Mr. Airs were married at 7 o'clock Saturday night at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hollett, of West Linn. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Airs and Mr. and Mrs. Hollett entertained in honor of the young couple. The evening was spent ln dancing and with cards. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any casa of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENTET CO., Toledo, a Wa. th underlamd. har known F. J. Chsney for th laat IS year, and bell.v htm parfactly honorabl In .11 bust neaa On Tuesday night Rev. H. Man, of the Emmanuel's Lutheran church. ...Ill tA,.n fn T.ivnlll.n Waoll in at. the western district of fhe Ohio synod, t y" He will not return until June 17. Mr. GoeU says the pupils were not June 20 at 3 p. m. a sacred concert t assembled In one room because there will be given at Emmanuels church by the choir of St. Paul's Lutheran church in Portland. No admission Is to be charged, but a collection will I taken for the church fund. As this is the first time that the I Is no room In the school Urge enough. He also claims that there was no dis respect shown to the veterans and that they were given ample opportun ity to talk before the pupils. Chairman Grasle, ot the Milwaukle church has undertaken anything of this kind, Rev. Mau hopes to see many out. Sacred music both German and English will be heard. After the con cert the members of the choir will be entertained nt the parsonage by the members of the congregation. transactions and financially abl to carry Toledo, O. out any obllawtlona made by Ma firm. NATIONAL BANE OF COHMEHCB. board of directors, said that the charges, to him, looked serious and warranted careful Investigation. He said that if the principal showed the slightest disrespect for the old sol diers, the matter could not be passed over lightly and declared that If Mr. GoeU knew that the veterans were coming he should not have dismissed the high Bchool students. The veterans Bay that Mr. Goetz did know that they were coming and Wed nesday produced a letter, dated May 4. reading: "Will be pleased to have you with us on the date mentioned." The brief letter Is signed by Robert Goetz, and is on file with Frank Moore, adjutant general of the post. In discussing the matter Wednes day, Mr. Moore said: "The Janitor told me if he had known that the Clara Harbison, Nora Milan. Llllle Grand Army boys were coming be Jonsrud and Charlcg Haworth re-, would have had the hall rooms thrown celved diplomas at the graduating ex- open so that all the school children CASTOR I A For Infant and Children, The Kind Yen Haia Alwajs Bought Bears tha Signature KELSO GRADUATES FOUR. E DIES IN THIS CITY Charlotte M. Guynup. aged 70 years, died at the home ot Bert Nash, of Oregon City at 8:30 o'clock Thurs day night. She was born in New York. Before living ln Oregon City Mrs. Guynup lived In Oklahoma and Colorado, but she has lived in this city for the last 15 years. She was ft member of the Relief corps. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Ella Mann, of Elleno, Oklahoma: Mrs. Luci Osburn, Colo rado; Clifford Guynup, Oregon, City; Mrs. Ida Thluston, of Canby; Sidney - Guynup, ot Wyoming; Milton Guynup, of Ohio, and Bert Guynup, of Mexico. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the Holman & Ran dall funeral parlors. Interment will be at the Mountain View cemetery. E AT Roual Sumner, son ot Mr. and Mrs. M. Sumner, ot Damascus, died at the Oregon City hospital Thursday after noon after an illness of several months. He was 24 years ot age. Mr. Sumner has been in the Oregon City hospital since the early part ot April for treatment. He was born in Marlon county. At the time of his death he was ft farm er of the Damascus district He was not married. The body is at Holman & Randall undertaking parlors. Tha funeral will be June 6 at Damascus and interment in the Damascus cemetery. and the post and relief corps could have been seated together." erclses of the Kelso school Saturday night. Rev. A. .X. Ware delivered the address to the ' lass and Proessor R. E. Warner spol-e briefly. T. B. Ml- A wonderful flower which changes lan, of the board of directors, present-. Its color grows on the Isthmus of Te ed the diplomas. A musical program ,' hauntepec. In the morning it Is vas rendered, closing with ft farewell . white, at noon It Is red and at night song by the eighth grade class. turns blue. E. A. MILLER DIES AT HOME OF RELATIVES E. A. Miller died at the home of his father-in-law, E. L. Moore, on Seventh and Taylor streets at 8:30 o'clok Fri day night. He was 41 years of age. Mr. Miller was born In Missouri and has lived in this city only two months. He is survived by his widow and one child. The funeral will be held at the Pres byterian church at 3 o'clock this after noon. Rev. Landsborough officiating. Interment will be in Mountain View cemetery. RURAL DELL SCHOOL CLOSE3. The Rural Dell school closes Tues day, May 25. No program was ren dered on the last day owing to the school having given an ice cream so cial on Friday previous. The eighth grade class was successful ln the ex aminations and most of the members expect to attend high school next year. Miss Estella Ciiswel), the teacher, has taught in this school for four year. A mushroom recently picked north of Baker weighed 114 pounds.