onmos cm kntkri'uihi:, ruiD.w, may jh, i'r. Itmmoni, In lliit ('In till Court of Ilia Hlntn of Or 'full f"r lb 'i.'iiit x nf Clk li K. ".V. Pa idolidi, riiilnlKT, to. I n iii.' M H''iliili r, mi l F.iikci, 'I htmliili n, a r.ii-'Utur nf I In- I l wi' ii.i Ti lUtm-nl of ri'-minr Van Allot, mnl Anm-iia l.ymh, lirf'-nd Mlil. To I " r II. Hhiiliilere, lii'll liKiMtly, and Knyrii II Hlinlnli'i", a i: ' lor of llm l.al Will ami 1 laii"iil nf rifnimr Van Alb-n, d'-ciai-d, I r 1 1 t t In llm nailin (if Hip Hlnln of Oregon, you urn lrehy roiiuiiaiided In appear and nnnx r llm compiiiiiii 01 me I""'" tin tiled Kitlttxt you In Hi" '" 1'iilMli'l null, nn it before nli (1) week from lh Kill day of April, TJI'i, llm ili of llm flrM pulilb atl'ui v of 1I1W uiiimona; nihI If you fall (' mi ni'i'i ur mill niNurr, f"r want Hiiro of, Ihn plaintiff will apply l II'" four! fur Hip relief Ti.y-l fur In hla torn plaint, herein, lit ll: ll Fur llm hiiii of I'-'imoiiO with Inli rrht thereon til llm ruin ut T l"r cent ht minimi from llm I7lli day of February l!H; f"Hbcr 'n uf I'jniiiiO m attorney' fee, bealdea thn tint (ml dlahiiraellli'lil nf Hill mill, ( li I Tlit a diMTwi be entered here In mimtinl llm (alii dcfciidntila mill each llicriMif, adjudging mid lc-r.-nl nit Hint llm murtgag described In Itm ruini'liiliil, In furei locd, mid Hi" prem .e llnn-ln denrrlhed told, M lJf l ind llm iriiln of Ihl court provld nl, free Iroiii all claim or claim of mid ilrfi'iiilnnia. or either thereof, or any pernon claiming by. through or under llii'in, or any u llii'iii. av and except till' rll'lil of redemption a by law given. (r) That llm proceeda of any itu h nli li applied In lha rxpenc of Ihl mill, and llm mala and dlburemenla herein taxed. Including an aiiiiriny'a fee, to l died liy llm court, and then to lha amount found (o lis dun to thn plaintiff, and Dm overplua, If any. In be paid to Ihn poraotia found liy law lo tin Piitlltitl thereto. (dl That plaintiff may Income a iiuri haer UMin aui'h forociiMurn aaln lei That Ihn di'fi'ndanta. and rarh of them, and all persona rlalmliiK by, throtiKh or under thnm. either aa pur cliancr. Incumbrancer or othcrwlae. bo fori'nr barred and furo'loaed of all rlnltii, right. Intcreat. tills or ralala. In and (0 aald premUea. or any part thereof, savin: only Ihn right of re di'inptlon aa hy law provided; and thai all right, rtitliu or Inlereat of the aald defendum. or ulther of thnm. and all person clnlmlng hy. through or under tln-in. I'lihnr aa purrhannra, Inrum-irnn-i'ra. or olhnrwlan, hn ilnnmnd and adJiidKnd lo on aulnU"nt to tlm rlKhia of tlm plaintiff and Infrrlor and tulmrdliiala Ihcrnto. , (f) That tho HhnrlfT nincutc rnr tlflrut" to tho purrhaarr. upon aurh forirliiaur aatu, and that aald pur i hnhi-r Im Id Into poaHrHlon of aald prnmlHin, upon tho prodni'llon of tlm tdii'rlff'i inrtlfliatn thnn-for. and that nl tho I'vplrallim of thn tlmn fliod for rndi'inptlon (If no rndnmptlon tin inndi-l. that ft mmrllT'a dind laaun. Tli I a Kummnna li airid uhii you hy milillcnilon, hy authority of an ord pr innd and nntPrnd In thn abovn pn-lllli-d court and euuno, on (ho 91 h day of April. 1918. hy the Honorable J. V. Cntiiplu'll. JuiIko of Ihn ahnva pnttllisl Court, which ordi-r dlrncla Hint acrvlco of aummona In thla raan Im mndo by piibllrntlnn thoroof onco a wppk for alx (fi) aurcnaalvo and conaoptitlve wooka. In thn OroRon Oily Kiilcrprla. nowapiipor of Kniiprnl circulation In Clurknnma County. OrnRon. and print I'd and iiuhllalii'd In Cliicknimn County, (lroKon. Thn duln of thn flrat ptibllrntlon ol thla aummona la April 1(1. 191B. Ol-AUK, HIMASON & Cl.AUK. Attornnya for I'lalnllff. Dnle of flrnt publlciitliin April 1C, 1915. Duto of lunt publlratlon, May 28, 1915. Summont. fin tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Ori'Kon, for Clncknmna County. Iluzol Itlcka Kmioaon, I'lnlntlff, va. Thoiima II. Kiiicj-aon, Di'fi'iidiml. To Thoiniia H. I'moraon, ilofondnnt nhovo nnnind: In tho iinmo nf tho Stato of OroRon you nro hc-roiiy required to appiMir and ntmwor tho compliilnt flli'd heroin iiKiifiiHt you In the nliovo ontlllpd Court nnd cniiKo within six weeks from thn Kith day of April, 1915, mild dnto 1)9 ln tho flrat lny of pulillcnllon of thla Hmnnioin. And If yon fnll to ao nppenr and answer for want thereof, tho plaintiff will npply to tho court for tho relief douinmlcd nnd prayed for in tho com plaint filed heroin, to-wlt: That tho mnrltnl bonds now existing between the plaintiff nnd dufondnnt herein bo forever dlssolvod nnd for anch other relief us to equity mny aoom meet. This Bummmis la nerved upon you hy vlrtuo of an order mndo hy lion. H. 8. Anderson, JihIro of the County Court of tho Stnte of Oregon, for Clncknmna County, dnled on tho 14th dny of April, 1915, and which ordir prcs 'rllied tint Iho numinous In th's suit should be nevd upon you by publication once a weok for six buo eesslve and consocutlvo weeks In tho Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation In the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon. SAM M. JOHNSON, Attorney for Plnlntlft. Mohawk Building, Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication April lGth, 1915. Date of last publication, May 28th, 1915. 8herirTa Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Mitchell Lewis A Slavor Co., a corpora tion, Plaintiff, va. Mlnthorn Springs Wator Co., a corpor ation, Defendant. State of Oregon, County of Clackamaa, s. Dy virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 8th day of April, 1916, upon a Judg ment rendered and entered In aald court on the 12th day of March, 1115, III favor of Mid hell Hlair Co. a norMirailoii, I'lalnllff, and analml Mliillioin Hprlnie Vair Co, a rorpor ailon, l f. ii'l.mi, fur Hi auui of IKK II, and llm furllur mini of I'.OhO, aa allornny'a fen, and lha further sum of 7 f.t) i nula and dlnliiirapiin iila, And by tlrlua of a mioiid Ju IkhipiiI order, dei fen and ne'i llmi d"ly l mieil mil nf and under llm m al i( Hi abut 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) rmirt In an aMIoii 01 lllled Mid hell, lU t Mlawr Com pany, a 1 '"iporallon. pUlnllff . Mm Iboiii lirliir Uuler 1 (iiopaiiv. a rnr liormioii, defeiiiluiit, and 'IjI"I Um mil H iy of April, I'll'-, upoi, a ) ulr'ioi nl lemlered and 1 ntrrd In '"I'l f""M "i llm I'lllli dny of Manll. I'M',, III Unit ol Mid hell I-phU k Klavrr l'ouipuli a 1 orporallmi, plulnllff, and arnliml Mini In,' 11 KpiliiK Water ("nn.pi'iv, a 1 nr oimloll. 'lelemi ml, fur Hie m ill ' linn lliitolreil i:ilil four and 'i llllliiM In, Hum, and Hi f inlief mini of I'lfiy ll'.nmii Ihillvrii a alirne)'a fie and Him furlhir mini of : I : 1 1 1 (II OH) liollara aa omla and iIUIhik" nienla, and Hm rol of ami upon p h of auld ttrlla. pa' h of aald rita roiu iiiandlna' inn lo Inakn tain of llm fol lotting deurll'i-d rulinlHln ali'ialn In Hm rouuly of Clarkama and Hlulu of (ireaont lil ITleell MM, I'liM k Heellly tell (77); U'la Taeniy Hen n (Jil an I Twenty i:iKit (.'"i. l!l"" forty four (III. Mliillioin Aildlllon In I'orMaiid, ('lu'kiiiiint ( oiiulv, llrer'Ui, and aU 1 a m ill of ay for pipn line leii H fi e w,k alonii Hi-' N.iilh end of 1 I Nlneleen (19). Twenty (.'ol. Tenly one cl) and Tiity t !-'-. UixV H-teiilr aevi'ii (77). MluHinrn Addlilol In I'l.rtl.ni'l. ('Im kanma Couiiiy. (Ire Ron. (iiRilher Hh all water right, i nieiiii nla and pioflli. a premlrn ai purteiiaiit to aald aUxn dearrlbed preiiiUea appilllalnlliK In thn UUtu out nnd dUlrlliulInn of water from Mlnthorn MprlnRa. Clai kamaa Couiiiy. Htule of (In-Ron. Now. therefor. I v lrtue of auld lo uei ulliiim, j iiIkiiii III orders and dn rree. and In compllaprft with Hm lout, maiuU of PK' h of aiiM writ. I UI. on Haturday. llm 22nd day of U, Ittli; at Hut hour vt 10 oVIixk A. M . at thn I mill 1'or of H n County Court Hnuan In Hm City of OrPKon City, In aald County and Hlato. ell at public auction, mi!)et to t demptlon, to thn hlnheat bidder, for raah In hand, all thn rlKht. Iltln and Interent which Hm ullliln named d lemlnnt had on Hm date of Ihn nntry of said Judgment order and decrees and which auld defendant lu tlucn In or to Ihn aUivc dew rllx'd teal pru erty to wtUfy anld pipcuHoii. Jink went order and di-creea. and pucIi of them, with Interest, rot and all ac cruing roiita. W. J .Wll J?ON. Sheriff of Clacknn.aa County. Oregon. Py E. C. HACKKTT. Deputy. Dated. Oregon City. Ore., April Ird. 191V ' Bummona. In the Circuit Court of tho Pluto ol Oregon, for Ctnckamua County, Leonard V. Myera. riuliitlff. va. NiuUo Nyo Myers. Ilpfeiidnnl. To the above named IVfendiint, I.ouliio Xy Myera: In thn nnme of tho Slntn of Oic;:otr Von nrn lierebv rec.ulied t" nppenr and annwer thn coiiiplnlut filed agnlniit you In tho above entitled suit, on or before Friday, tho 4th day of June. 1915. said day being the Inst day of the publication of this Summons, nnd If vou full to so iiniienr and answer, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to tho abovo entitled Court for thn relief demanded In Iho anld com plaint, to- wit: Kor a decree dissolv ing Iho bonds of matrimony huIikIiUIuk between you nnd llm Plaintiff, on Iho ground of adultery, and for such fur ther relief aa to tho Court aecnis meet and proper. This Summons la served upou you liv tiiilillciitlon. iiursunnt to nn order duly given and mndo by tho Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judgo of tho above entitled Court, and dated April 21 1915. llv said order It was directed (hut tho Summons be published in tho Oregon City Knterprlse, once a week for six aucresH vo weeks, llio dale of tho first pulillcnllon of this Sum mons Is April 2:i, 1915. IIKUIIICUT MARX, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summoni. In the Circuit Court of thn Stale of Oregon, for Clncknnins f'onnty. Catherine K. Preying, Plnlntirr. vs. rnnl Proving. Defendant. To rnul Preytag, ubovo named defend ant: In tho nnmo of the stnto of Oregon you oro hereby required to appear unt answer the complaint filed nmiltmt yon, In tho nhovo entitled sull, on or before the 4th day of Juno, i:l. wit a (Into being tho expiration of Bix weeks from the first publication of this sum mons, and if you fall to nppenr or nnswor said complaint, for wimt thcr of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wlt: For a docroo dissolving the bonds of matrimony now oxlHtlng between tho plaintiff and defondnnt. Thla sum mons Is published by order of Hon. J. XI. Cnmpboll, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was mndo on tlm 19th day of April, 1915, and the time prescribed for publication thoreof is six weeks, beginning with the lssuo dated April 23rd, 1915, nnd continuing each wook thoronftor to nnd Including Friday, Juue 4th, 19:5. GEO, C. nRUWNKM CHAS. T. SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. ' Sheriff's Sale. thn Circuit Court of the Stnte of In Oregon, for the County of Clacka- maa. Hlchard Dundas, Plaintiff, Rose Sexton and Ray Sexton, husband and wlfo, Charles U Norton ana La lnh Mny Norton, husband end wife, TWnndnnls. Btnte of Oregon, County of Clackamas, rtv virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued i f and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated h iflih i(r of Mar. 1915. upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 17th day or May, isid, in rvnr nf Richard Dundas. Plaintirr, and against Rose Sexton and Ray Sex ton, hii.l-aiid and lf. I'lmrlna I.. Nor ion ai.d IjiIkIi Mr N-non. Ii'ni-l mul lfe. Itefeiolmila, f'r Hm an in f .70 77. llh Iniere.t thereon at lha rain of 0 ler rent, per anlium and llm mini of I'O attorney' fi . and Hm f'lr Hi r sum of J'' ",l l"l r. l liter. 011 al Hm ruin of 4 per rem. per an num, and lb" further um f $V-'-W. a atloini r'a fee. and llm ion of and upon (hi wrll, (.iiiiiitii'lln nm I" liiakn (din of llm follumliig dewrll"') real proierly, In Hmiounly of CUi kmim. Plain of Oregon, (iU Tim North hlf of Ihn Houlli Imlf of a certain IraM of lnd roiilulliliilf in airei, mum or l-a. d. nrllnd a follow llegliinliig at llm w.rrn er of Hm llallmr I' L. '! Ilieiun !:( 4'l rod: thenm Hoiilh 40 fl, tin inn Ve 40 neU: Ih'-iiin North 10 rod lo Ihn plucn of l.ei'liinlng. Pun (Hilling I'-i acre, wor or l'". In Hee n:. T. I H It X V. of llm Willamette Merhlliin In (ia'kaiim Co'inly. Ore fon Now, Iherefi.rn, by vlrlun of aald pa- priiilon, Judgment order and dei ren, and In i-oinplliiui vl'li Ihn roiiiioaiid of said wrll. I lll. on HulurUy. llm rod iMy of June. l Hm hour of II o'i'Iim k A. M , at Hm front l'or of Dm Couiiiy Courl lloimit In Hm ('Hy of Onr"'i ('Hy. In Paid Couiiiy and Mlale. n il al put, Hi- au'ilon, mibjei I to reil'-iiiplloli. In Hm lilgheat bldiler for I'. H gold 10I11 rah In hand, all Hm rlglit. HHn and Inl'-renl ahlih Hm Itlilii naineil dereiidani or either of tin-in. I1.0I on llm duln of llm tnort gitge herein or Inm had In or to Hm alMitn item rlbed real properly or any part thereof, to tl(y aald utloii luilgtiii iit order, ilw rp", lnleret, coat and all m 1 ruing nt. W. J. WH.KU.N'. Hherlff of Clin kamaa County. Oregon Hy K. C. HACKKTT. Deputy. Dated. Oregon (iiy. Ore., May :lt. 1915. Summons. In llm Circuit Court of thn Htat" of Oregon, fur thn County of (im ka ma. J. K. Cooper and Sarah A. Cmippf. Plaint Iff a. va. H. V. II. Ilenarln and P. J. Martin, partner, doing bualneaa under tlm firm namo and stylo of K. Martin A Co. of Pan Franclaro. California, Rlcn Pendleton, John Don and Mary lloe. Ihn unknown heirs at law and iiejt of kin of Rlcn Pendleton. alo all other periuma unknown claiming any riKbt. title, or Interest In Hm real nutate deacrllmd In Ihn com plaint filed herein. Defendnnta. To I). V. It. Ilenarln and P. J. Martin. Rica Pendleton. John Don and Mary Ron. unknown helra at law and next of kin of Kirn Pendleton, alao all other persona unknown claiming any right. HHn. or Interest In the real palalo decrllnd In thn com plaint filed hervln. abovn named de fendsnta: In thn namn of thn Slnle of Oregon, you are hemby required to appear and answer or otherwise plead to the com plaint filed agninnt you In Iho above entitled ault within six weeks from thn 7th day of May. 1915, which Is thn dale of the first publication hemof, and If you fnll to so appear and an swer or otherwise plead, for wnnt thereof, plaintiffs will apply to the Court for a dectvo adjudging snld dp femlunts abovn named to have no right, title. Interest, or enlnle In and lo Ihn following described property, to-wlt: lb'glnnlng 30 feet Fast and 30 feet North of Ihn quarter-section line corner hot ween Sections 3J nnd 32 In Township 3 Souh, Range 1 East of the Willamette Meridian, nnd running Fast 11.68 chains to a slake; thence North 25'chalns; thence West 11.53 rhnlns lo a slake; thence South 15 chnlns to place of beginning, contain ing 2S.S7 acres, more or less; and that plulnllff Is the owner In fee sltnpln of the snld real property, and that his title to the same he forever quieted, nnd declared to be good nnd valid, and for such other nnd further relief as to tho Court may seem Just nnd equitable. This aummnns Is served upon you hy vlrtno of nn order mado and en tered by Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judgo of the above entitled Court, dated on tho 3rd dny of May, 1915. which order prescribes that summons In tho abovo entitled suit shnll be served upon you by publication once a week for six consocutlvo weeks In Iho Oregon City Enterprise, the same being a newspaper of genera! circula tion publlahed weekly In Oregon City, Claeknmns County, Stnto of Oregon. Dnto of first publication May 7th, 1915. Date of Inst publication Juno 18, 19t5. II. R. SALTMARSII nnd 0. R. SWEETSER. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Sheriffs Sale Notice. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County ot Clnrtta mas. Jennlo I McCreedle, now Jcnnlo U Thompson, Plaintiff, vs. Charles Mathlson nnd Sarah Leona Muthinon, his wife; Ivor Johnson nnd Elizabeth A. Johnson, his wlfo, De fendants. Ily virtue of a Writ of Exocutlon, Do croo and Order of Salo issued out of tho above entitled Court in the above entitled suit, to me directed and dated the 17th day of April, 1915, in favor of Jennio L. Thompson, plaintiff, and agninst Charles Mathlson and Sarah Leona Mathlson, his wife; Iver John son and Ellzabotli A. Johnson, his wife, defendants, In the Bum of $150.00 to gethor with Interest theroon from the Oth day of May, 1914, at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum until paid and for the further sum of S50.00 attorney's fees, commanding me to sell the fol lowing described real property: All of lot numbered five (6) In block num bered two (2) In Oak Grove Park as the same appears of record In Clack amas County, State of Oregon. Now, therefore, In compliance with the demands of said Execution, De cree and Order of Sale, I will on Sat urday, the 19th day of June, 1915, at the hour of 2 P. M. at the front door of the county courthouse in the city of Oregon City. Clackamaa County, Oregon, soil at public auction to the hlgheBt bidder for cash, all the right, title, estate and Interest that the above' named defendants, Charles Mathlson and Sarah Leona Mathlson, his wife; Iver Johnson and Elizabeth A. Johnson, hla wife, had on the 6th day of November. 1913, or have since aojulrrd d"a lo anl li.il-.iu g ll, Itfim ot aaln In ar.1 lo Hm !' do nrli-ed propertr, l tlfy n' Urn of KtwiiHon, Dr' rr i,, ln-Wr ol Hl, liilerl. fi and a rutd f! Dnled Mar : l'T. W. J WH.HOS', rtherlff of f'Uikom Couiiiy py K. '. II ' U:iT, Deputy Summcna. In Hm (in ult Court of llm Hlt of Oregon, for llm Comity of Clmta lna J.-.Mn D. lie) im 'I., I'Uliitirf, v. loliii C. lteno.l liff. i.ddiit To John (!. Reynold., defendant aboo named: In dm imiim of tlm Hii of Or. gon you am hereby re, Mr, d 111 appear and miaoer Hm romiU:iit filed amlnat yoij III Hm abovn rli'lil' d CouM and raue oil or beforn Ihn Ind d.iy of July, aid dnle being ! seek after IF.e f 1 r I piibll' allon of thla noio'iim, and If yoi fall I " '.'t and ainm-r allblii ald Hum, Hm plaintiff lll ap ply lo llm Court for Hm relief prayed for In her complaint filed herein, lo all: a deiren of Ihlai Court dlanoMiig llm ,otid of matrimony now and here toforn rilmlng li'taeeii plaintiff and yotiraelf on Hm ground of desertion, mid for general relief. Tbl aiiinmoiia It puMI-hed once a week for ! C',l," llMve eek (funk ing aeen lnerlloiil br older of tlm Honorable J. I". Cuiiiphell. Judi-p j'f tin- atMivn entitled Courl, dated May M. HI'.. Daln of first publli allon. May 2 Int. IMV al of lit piiblPaiion. July 2nd. 1915. It. ! MACKKNZIK. Attorney for I'lalnllff. Summona. In tlm Circuit Court of tlm Plate of Oregon, for (im Kama County. I.ela K. l-anc. Plaintiff, va. W. K. Mncp. Ix feiidatit. To V. K. Inrp. abo named defend ant: In the panm of llm atatn of Oregon, you are hereby required to apiiear and aiiaanr thn complaint filed agaluM you. In the above entitled ault. on or beforn thn 9lh day of July. 191 j. aald date being the pipiration of alx week from tlm first publication of thla sum mona. and If you fall to appear or answer aald complaint, for want there of thn plaintiff lll apply to the court for thn relief prayed for In her com plaint, to wit: For a decree dissolving the bond of matrimony now pxlstlng between Ihn plaintiff anil defendant. This summons la published by order of Hon. J. I'. Camptvll, Judge of tlm Circuit Court, which order wag made on the 2th day of May, 191-. and the tlmn prescribed for publication there of Is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dnled May 2Mb. 1915. and con tinuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday. July 9th. 1915. r.KO. C. HIIOWNELL. ('HAS. T. SlEVEltS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Ethel Andersen. Plnlntirr. vs. Adolf A. Andersen, Defendant. To Adolf A. Andersen- above named defendant : In the name of the state of Oregon, you ore hereby required to npiiear and answer the complaint filed against you, lu the above entitled suit, on or before the 9th day of July, 191a, said dnto Ix'lng the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this sum mons, nnd If you full to appear or answer snld complaint, for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Ceo. R, Ungley, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on tho 25th day of May, 1915, nnd the time prescribed for publication there of is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated Friday. May 28th. 1915. and continuing each week thereafter to and Including Friday, July 9th, 1915. GEO. C. IIROWNELL, CHAS. T. SIEVERS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will bo received by the County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon, until Friday, the 4th day of June,. 1915, at the hour of 10:30 A. M.. for grading the hill on the county road at tho south end of the bridge across the Clackamas River near the town of Unrton In Clackamas County, according to plans and specifications now on file In the office of the County Clerk of said county. All proposals will be directed to tho County Clerk of Clackamas County, and marked "Parton Road" nnd must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the treasurer of Clackamas County, In a sum equnl to five per cent, of the amount of said bid, which check shall be forfeited to the county upon failure of the successful bidder, for a period ot five days after award is mado, to enter Into written con tract, nnd furnish a satisluctory bond for the execution of the work. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Ry order of the county court of Clackamas County, Oregon, this 14th day of May, 1915. IVA M. HARRINGTON. County Clerk. Final Notice to Cerdltors. In the County Court of the Stnte of Oregon for Clackamas County. In the matter of the estate of Thomas E. Kelly, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned Administrator of said estate has filed in the above entitled Court his final account as such Administrator and an order has been made and en tered of record directing this notice and naming Monday, the 14th day of June, 1915, at the hour of ten o'clock, A. M., as the time and Court Room as the place for the hearing of objections to the said final account and the set tlement thereof. Dated April 28, 1915. THOMAS W. KELLY. Administrator of the estate ot Thoa. E. Kelly, deceased. CHA3. J. SCHNABEL, Attorney for Administrator. Node lo Crditora In llm 11. alter of It dotal of I'tte K. l-pi'f N'tl la Imrel.y (hen ti.al llm mi deralf-ned hn been duly appoti.led piM Otora of Hm eatala of I'i (er K I'Plera, deeaed, by Hm (ViMr Court of llm Xtaln of Oregon, for Hm County of ( la'kafiia, that (In y batn d il qualified a amb, Hist all laliii kgalliat aald Palaln lioml Im n f lite I lo dm undersigned ih ou-licr. a required by law, within all month from llm date Imroof, al Hm off i' of our aHornry. Hammond a llan.im nd. In Hm leaver lidg, Or-gon Mty, Of" gon. Dated and firl pul.ll.I.ed (Ma 2J'.U day of April. I'Jl-V (;..!MIAIllT PKTKIIH. John mik.v. - Kieeulora of llm etatn of peter K. I'l-ler. del l-Umi d. HAMMOND aV HAMMOND, Alloriiey for Ke-iil,r Nolle to Crtditcr. V,.ilf la In ret, lon 1'iat Hm un ri!i;i.i-d ha been duly appointed by tlm County I'ourt or Itm main ot irn i. n for tlm County of f'Uilsma. pv erutor of Hm ette of May llobn, d ceased All person having italm a r a I fiat Ihn ald eta!n ar Imreliy r qnlre1 l present llmin to rim at wm offbft of C K'huel.el. Oregon City, Ongon, properly verified a by la required, within all month from thn dtttn hereof. Dam of first publication May 21. 1915. WM. H l itEN. . Ktepiitor of Hm plaln of Mary Ilohn, deceased. C. KCHi'EHKU Attorney for El"'" lor. Final Notka. Vol Im la hereby given that the un- designed. Executrix of thn patatn of Karah K. Nelson, deceased, haa filed her Final Account In aald Pttn In the County Court of thn Plate of Ore gon for Clackamaa Counly. and that the Judgn of aald Court haa appointed Monday. June 7th. 1915. at 10 O clock A. M.. for hearing obH Hona to aald account and fov aettllng aald pstale MARY M. SHARROW. Expcutrix. OEO. C. PROV'NL'I.L, Attorney for Executrix. Summons In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Edith Fay Urumley. Plaintiff, va. William Hampton Urumley. Defendant To William Hampton Urumley, defend ant: In the name of the State of Oregon you am hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit within 8 weeks from the date of service of this summons upon you. nnd publication thereof, and If you fall to answer, for want therof the plaintiff will pray for a decree of divorce herein dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exlntlng between plaintiff and defendant, and that thn said plaintiff be allowed the full and complete cus tody and control of the youngest child. Stella age six years, with the privil ege of visiting the other children. namely Mnrjorle and Doris, or have them or either of them visit plaintiff at any time plaintiff desires, and of supporting and maintaining said Mar Jorle and Doris at any time plaintiff may be able to do so. and that the plaintiff have such other and further relief In the premises as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable Geo. R. llagley. Judge of the Circuit Court in and for the Fifth Judicial District. The first publication of this sum mons to be May 2S. 1915, and the date of tho last publication thereof, July 9. 1915. J. DEAN" BUTLER. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Final Account In the Count) Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. In the Matter of the Estate of Caroline Pfonnlnger, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the Un dersigned, as executrix of the Inst will nnd testament ot Caroline Pfenninger, deceased, has filed her final report and account in the above entitled matter in the above entitled court, nnd that Monday, the 2Sth dny of June, 1915. at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the fore noon of snld day and the court room of snld court has been appointed by said court as tho time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the sott'ement therof. Dated nnd first published. May 2S, 1915. ROSA NAEF, Executrix. A. E. GEBHARDT. Attorney. Notice of Final Account. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. In the Matter of the Estate of Au- dreas Anton Mayer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Andreas Anton Mayer, deceased, has filed with the clerk of the above entitled court htr final account of her administration of said estate and that said court has appointed Monday, the lith day of June. A. D. 1915, at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of snld day In the court room of snld court In the City of Ore gon City, County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of all objections, if any there be, to said final account and set tlement thereof. EMMA VICTORIA MAYER. Executrix of the last Will and Testa ment of Andreas Anton Mayer, deceased. FRED J. MEINDL, Attorney for Ex ecutrix. Notice to Taxpayer. Any toxpaylng citizen of Clackamas county who wishes to take a child of either sex Into their homes to provide for and educate as their own should apply to Mrs. Mlnda Church. Glad stone. Oregon, or to the County Judge. H. S. ANDERSON. Wants, For Sale etc LARGE TRANSPLANTED TOMATO plants for sale. R, E. Irwin, Barlow. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN p. c. iJiTOurirrra r.i. r. j. mitbi. Cmu The First National Bank of Oregon City, Of f gon CAPITAL, VAOOOrt. TranaaaU a Canaral "! Iiaaiat. Ca tnm A at. U I P. M BECKER HOST DIE RULES HIGH COURT NCW TRIAL IS DENIED IX POLICE LIEUTENANT 2 COURSES ARC OPEN. ALBANY. N. Y-. May :'..-Charlr. I. krr. th Npw York -jk.1icj lieu inant. mint dl In tho plwlrlc rhalr at Hliig King prlum within U pp f,,r that Biurdpr of llpnuan Ili.wMlial. tha Npw York gambler, by four gun men on July 11 m:. uhIim Mivrruor Whitman or the I'nlu-d fitatra au preme court Intrrvpnp. Tlm n.iirt of aiiDPal of Npw York today afflriin-d the conviction of Ix k- r by a Jury In Hip supreme court al hi second trial following a new hear ing after hla firm trial on tha ground that prealdlng Jutlc) Ooff had errrd. Kxpputlv clemency f:r Beckpr 1 regarded a rpmole. MEMBERS OF BRITISH CABINET ARE NAMED MR. ASOUITH AND SIR EDWARD . CREV WILL RETAIN IM PORTANT POSTS. LONDON. May 25. An official an nnnncement a to the composition of the npw cabinet was made tonight by the official press bureau. Tne per sonnel la as follow: Vri A.qulth remain as premier. Reginald McKenna. the present home secretary, becomes chancellor of tho exchequer. Sir Edward Grey remains as foreign secretary. Arthur J. Balfour, the unionist lead er becomes first lord of the admiralty In place of Winston Sourer Chun-hill. Lord Kitchener remains as secre tary of war. Lloyd George becomes minister munition, a newly created office. Winston S. Churchill becomes chan cellor of the dutchy of Uncaster. A place was offered to John Red mond, the Irish leader- but he refused it. SILVERTON FAFMER KILLED. SALEM, Ore., May 25. Following an altercation said to have been over the location of line fences, Charle Zimmerman, a farmer, was shot and killed by a neighbor named J. Bursoll. three miles from Sllverton today. Bur sell surrendered to the Sllverton con stable. "From all appearances," writes the Malheur correspondent of the Baker Herald, "there will soon be no more vacant lands around here. Home steaders are on the constant lookout for land and there la very little that is desirable left, most of It being very hilly and rocky." REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Real estate transfers filed with the county recorder Thursday are as fol lows: Louise Freeman et vlr. to D. Free man, one-half lot 8, block 6. Canemah; 10. H. L. Moody et ux. to J. R. Leighton, tract of land in sections 31 and 32, township 1, south, range 4 east of Wil lamette meridian; 2200. Alexander Christie to Charlie E. Larson et al.. tract of land in section 4, township 2 south, range 5 east ot Willamette meridian; $2500. Real estate transfers filed with the county recorder Thursday are as fol lows: A. Klebe to W. M. Smith et ux.. lots 5 and 8, block 23, Falls View addition to Oregon City; $10. Walter M. Brown et ux. to Wenzel F. Stangel, lot 7, block C. Wllsonville; $350. Real estate transfers filed with the county recorder Saturday were as follows: George Cornle et ux. to J. E. Mc Murray. lot 72, Jennings Lodge; $770. J. Henry Kerbs et ux. to Ferris Mayfleld et ux., tract of land In sec tion 4, township 4 south, range three east of Willamette meridian; $1. Real estate transfers filed with the county recorder Monday are as fol lows: J. W. Loder et ux. to Laura Melss ner, lots 1 and 2, block 61. Oregon City; $10. M. and A. D. Berglund to Emil Hog lund et ux., tract of land In section 4, township 5 south, range 3 east of Wil lamette meridian; $100. A. D. Berglund and Anna Berglund and D. E. Lofgren to Emll Hoglund et ux., tract of land In section 2, township 5 south, range 3 east of Willamette meridian; $1800. John Semmler et ux. to Addle Par vln. tract ot land In section 7. town ship 2 south, range 3 east of Willam ette meridian; $10. W. F. Crawford et ux. to W. C. Lang, tract of land in section 28. township 1 south, range 3 east of Willamette me ridian; $1500. Leslie F. Seabrook to Mabel F. Finn, lot 3, block 134. Lake View Villa:, $10. Oregon Iron & Steel Work to Les lie F. Seabrook. block 19 and lot 3 of block 134; $10. WCINHARO iUILDIHtt Wil.iam Hammond Philip L. Htmmtnt HAMMOND A HAMMOND Attornsat Lao Abitrai ta, r Fatal, Ijunt. I in nr. a in . wtK'jox crrr. om:-:os Vu.i!e niR9 lt ,,,. ,.buM A j;, : I'lioni Pacific 13 1 1, una A til CEORCE C. BROWNELL Attorn at Law All legal b'niiicn promptly atlendod lo I C. ICHUIBIL ? Attornay at Law , ? Dautachar Avektt Will practlc In all couru, aaaka collactloas aad ttloiuaDta. Offlca la EnUrprU lluUdlag, Orgoo City, Or go a. ? C. D. a D. C LATOURITTt Attemaya-avLaiai Commarcial, Baal Eatata aa4 Probata our BpoclaJUea. OI Bca la jrirtt NaUoaal Daak Bldg, Orcgoa City, Oraioa. W. S. EDDY, V. M. D. V. Graduate of tha Ontario VaUrV nary Collai at Toronto, Canada. 4a, I .a I bo and tha McKllllp School of 8af try of Chicago, la aiabtuaa at Faahloa Stabl. Fifth BL. tiMD Mala aad Waur Su. Both Tttapbonca Offl! Pacific, Mala 15; Homo. A 15. RMldaaca Paclfle, Mala lit CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attornay -a t-Law NoUry Publla Eatacada. Ortgoa, STRAIGHT SALISBURY Wa maka a tpachUt ot InatalV ln watar system and plomav f In I la tha country. Wo carry tho Loader tank aad Stova" glues. Wo Uto a full LI C I Myera pumas aad stray pump. J Price alway IowmL I 720 Main St. Oregon City Phono to 82. I Office Phone Pacific Main 405; Home A-270. Residence Home B-214. WILLIAM M. 8TONE Attorney-at-Law Beaver llldg.. Room 6 OREGON CITY - OREGON ? O.D.IBY J Artornay-at-Lew t Money loanod, abttract furnlaav o od, land title examined, oitatoo 0 settled, genaral law bualnooa. 1 Over Bank ot Orogon City. Real estate transfers filed with the county recorder Tuesday were as fol lows: Errlke C. Trulllnger to Martin Chrlstensen et ux.. east of lot I. block 157. Oregon City; $10. W. W. Everhnrt et ux. to City of Molalla, tract of land in Everhart'a first addition to Molalla; $100. Trustees of Shaver estate to A. 0. Carlson, part of lots 10 and 12. block 15, Shaver Place; $10. Julius T. Lletz to Charles E. Hall, tract of land In section 32, township 1 south, range 5 east of Willamette me ridian; $10. K. A. Yeoman et ux. to W. E. Moore, et ux., lot 5, Opportunity; $100. John S. Rohrer to Muriel J. Rohrer. lots 10 and 12, block 5, Robertson; $10. Charles Albright et ux. to Augusta Warner, Sophie Moody, W. R. Logus, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 7. block 15, Oregon City; $10. Real estate transfers filed with the county recorder Wednesday are as fol lows: O. A. Palmer et ux. to W. G. Frank, tract of land In section 1, township 1 south, range 3 east of Willamette me ridian; $843. Charles Schutz to J. H. Sympson et ux., tract of land In section 32. town ship 1 south, range 2 east of Willam ette meridian; $1. B. K. Knapp, trusee for N. C. West erfield to Mrs. Anna V. Kramer, 30 acres in S. D. Francis donation land claim, lots 2, 3, 4, section 34, township 2 south, range 2 east ot Willamette meridian; $35. la t hm (JrtMtJa)!. ft mJ. f nHmi tilavnti. Favor, IaiiMtioas til. m or mi other troablM follow. DM! let CMMtifltlo . Ittf ytMir Kidttr Lftvr aa Bawak health aai atia. Rid rear rHaa mm tenaeated. liny Nachiai batter thmm Dr. King's NewLifePills All Druf-giata 23 awnta SATISFACTION 01 MONF.T 9Ct 1 I Constipation I