quehon citv I'XTi'ni'iiisi:, i miuv, mavji. iai.v Enterprise News Service Covers Clackamas County BARLOW The pupils who look 'h lh ra. rri.iiuil..n wtie I 'if IVniifll, Km Hi lUff. who were rriiiH frviu the riatnination. Hatiford WndsiaJ en-mH hi all smdir rti-ri'l si-ellm- and Carl Uru.lrlK H.h.nl rl May !' with rd ii ill o Minimi In I tic hall t 10 A. M An Infm-siiii; r.riinii will I r-n-drfr., im aid t pi- rilo du nrr will lake I'U. at the &! noi.se. i.v- t-n ixxly lnlteJ Mr ud Mn. Dat-n. of WxHllmrn. GAS tlNC ASKS PERMIT. MII.WAI KIK, Or, May H -Ai th m-tln; of Ilia MiUaukle roum II Wednesday night the Portland u A ('. roinpany applied fur Jir frnrlilM. and i.luM..ii w r oli-d Hh fr l will I l' up at special Bl-rltli Th l'K hf4 frnrti pn.ii.lr a rat of fl Z5 r 0" ""UlilC frrl, with a ititnl ninm ri of M rent p-r iiwwn. in- roltauiiirr will rereli a rat f It lw' Hurt ruble fret for e In er.-s of i ooo culile f -. A frn. hl rontaln j wrr unlit; friend here Haturdav i( this (Trint l!l tx rerej f-r t. atifti.tt Cnno ni.vtin atihmlaston al a . ll meeting- net Mr nd Mr XI . and children, were tk. when II I npnM the differ : WWIlmrn visitor Huii-lar. nice between Mllukt ami the Horn. In Ih If" f Manuel Kin, a oti pah) will be a.-tllril daUkhtiT m m Mr. and Mr i:au 1-fl lnt wrek CANBY BOV LEAVES, 'for Mukllleo. W'a.h. where they will r-i.li CANI1Y. Ore. May It (Special! j Mr and Mr. While, who were ee . Mdford llewett of tills city ft ); ed deb-gate t the Htate Grange, left terday fur Conallia wher h t!l Join j Humtajr fur Tillamook, hi' brolbrr of lb Orriin Aurlrultural ; Mra Sfolii an.l Mr. Amlrua vt collriro. Ttify HI i on th annual : Orrcon City litora lat erk. ririmlnn Ith lh m'mtwra of th col-! AMn IMi-lt. Ilrrlfrl KcbauKh. John rCe Sklrliiittim anJ Klmi-r lrln int In j CtaiJutonv Saturday to rntrr Inlo tn ALSPAUCH. Ml !.' h i IMlhrn r I. ! Ii.-r i luxil at lloan. Hho lia Iwn n ! I rl In It-aih lhir I'r'n Mr I'haa. Kark miiI on day Ul ttvrk Ith Mr. and Mr J. W. thinly. Ml K ho liltliciia Hnl a fra dai till k llh hrr alalrr. Mr llrnry ivr. al llo;an i Our "JITNIV" Ofr Thla and Sc. 1 !OVT MtSrt THIS. Tut out Ihl llp. rniliw mllh .V to Kldry A Co . , i'hU'a. HI . rltln( your naint and addivi rlrarly. You III rm'i'l In return a trial parkae ronlaliilnx Kol ty'$ Honey and Tar Compound, for 1 rough, mid and rnmp: fVli-y KLIny j I'llU. for pain In ldr and bai k. rhuii niatUm. barkai lir, kidney and bl.nl. kr alltnrnt; and Kolt'jr Cathartic Tali l.'ln, a IioIihioiiic and thoroughly rtianalnK cathartic. Stout !ii'! cn Jiy Ihcm. Jonr PrilK Co. ( Ad ) EAGLE CREEK CANBY WOMAN OFF FOR FAIR. I rhiHt alhlillca. m - Mia Winner-.! liiirdu k. ok Tort- CAN1IV. Or.. May 13 (Soclal)-- land. a hom Sunday. Mr. Ilurton St. John Icfl Uat rvrnlnt ; MUi Klma Iiurdlck horn from on thi flral of th aiwlal train forj Wmvlburn Sunday. San Framlaco to tl fair. Sh ll!, pax Auav. of Cortland, tt-ld'd at l-nd about thrr i'k Ihirc. thro .horn Sunday. ti-turn to hr hoim-. CLACKAMAS. Mix Clsra tendon cloctcd lo th primary di-partmcnt In the Ard.-n-a!d chool and Mia Gturn. of lUir lug. a elected t.y th Claikama acbntd board to anccccd Xtl Ijindon next year. Tom Root, our road tipcrvlor ith hi worklnc crw.ar maklnt Improv. tnent on the road tn'twen Clackama and Itaker'a Uri.lite. The entertainment slven by the ihnol laat Wt'dnenday nlicht brought $::.5. The memlHT of the Epworth tapie had their regular monthl meetlnc at Ihe paronaite Uat Friday rvenlnp. The annual election of of ficer of the leastie a hold, at which the following were elected for one rear: Olpa Hanson, president; I.Ida Krlckaon. 1st vlce-premdent: Amy Hartnell. Ind lce-preldent; Mr. Moore. 3rd vlce-prenldent ; Crale IVd man. 1th vice -president; William Moore, treasurer; Lottie Johnson. Sec retary. After Ihe election of the of ficer an Interesting missionary pro gram a rendered, after which game were played and light refreshment served. Monday. Jennings I-odge. Gladstone. Parkplace and Clackamas voted on consolidating for a Vnlon High School. In all the districts, except Jennings l-cxlce the rote was In favor of the high school. Rev. Ilurton, St. John, of Canby. Oregon, who apent twelve year as a missionary in Tientsin, China, deliv ered an Interesting address at the M. E. church Sunday forenoon on the po litical, social and religious life of the Chinese. Mrs. D. TJ. Cochrane has returned from the hospital at Oregon City, with her little son. The twenty-sixth anniversary of the Epworth League will be observed In the M. E. church Sunday evening. Geary Kimball, city engineer of Pendleton, Oregon, surprised his sister-in-law, Mrs. P.ristol, by a short visit last week, while making a busi ness trip to Portland and Eugene. Albert Roadarinel had the misfor tune of having a runaway Tuesday morning in which he suffered the loss of five crates of strawberries. Mr. N'assy, of Eastern Oregon Is Tlsting his daughter, Mrs. W. E. Johnston. He has just purchased a fine new Ford machine. Miss Hackett, of Portland, spent the week-end at the home of Ethel Greene. Ernest Street, of Forest Grove, spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Will Haberlnch last week. Miaa llattle train returned home from Portland Friday, where she ha been rinlllng for the last month. Wm. Ean came down from Wash. to attend the trial of W. R Tull and E. Hutchiaon Momtar. ' Mr. and Mr. W. . Tull and V. R . Tult attended the Elk' convention at Salem Saturday. V. Keebangh came home from Port land Monday. j Mis Millie Perguson Is home from Portland visiting. i The citizen of Harlow and vicinity will Improve "good road day". Tho men all! work the road while the, ladit are preparing a lunch for them ' in the ball. Mr. Scoggtn went to Portland Wednesday to attend the funeral o an old friend. Mr, ltoiann Cleler ent to Port land Ihe latter part of lat week to atend a few day with her parent. Mr. and Mr. (imn White. Mr. Murphey and Mr. Naylor went to Katacada taat Saturday. Kev. F. I. Allen, of McMltinvlllo, tho Cnlon Sunday chool mllonry, made the Sunday school a rlalt and preached at the lhiuglas school house Sunday, i Mis Ulna Jone. of Portland, was the guest of relative out this way . Saturday evening and Sunday. ! Mr. R. II. Gibson and Mr. Rosa Douglas were F.stacada visitor Sat urday. The Klrkpatrick Star played a ball game with llirton Sunday, some ' JINNIMGt LODGE Mr. and Mr. Jame Waldrwn an nuunr a new granddaiiiitilvr, the III tin attrt arriving at Ih lioin of their son, Mr. and Mr John W'aldron on Ih morning of Mar lllh, at H liter Spring. Mr. U W. Card and three children left on Friday for a few da)1 lil with her parenla. Mr nd Mr. Puree, near Hlfton. Wa.h She w acioin pauled by her sUter. Ml Mary Pu ree, who ha visited at Jciiniii laxlge for III past week Mr. and Mr. Wilson Miller are re ceiving congratulation oter the ar rival of little d.iiiKhler. Mr. and Mr. Itaslin returned on Tuesday from a nioiiltia' Uslt at Grant Pan. The Hoy' Cu, entertained with a "welnle" roaat on (Vdar lalatid on Saturday evening Mr J. A. Hoeslie and Mr. Hugh Robert accompanied the sltleen young people. Camp fire songs, beside a h'Ke bonfire where coffee and roasted welules with other good thing to eat were all prepared by the boy and served, were, much enjoyed Mr. George Perry ha been called upon to mourn the tons of her mother who paaaed away at her home In Port land on Monday. Meadame l(. N Smith and It. J. Robinson attended a meeting of Ihe social committee of the Federated churches at Ihe home of Mr, laitour etie In Oregon City on Tuesday after noon. . Iter. 11. N. Smith i hoae a hi theme "Kellglou Progress." for Sunday, May lillh. at the morning service. The church decoration of beautiful rosea and maple leavea. with trailing Ivy beautifully Illustrated the pastor's thought along the line which b-i spoke. Ix-CIalre O.troin and Harold Soeibe sang a duet. A report of the Federated churches for April show an avenue attendance of 83 at the. Oregon City school; 41 at and is against consolidation. A a majority of Ih tote last In oilier district were In fator of a union hi nil s. hool, a iii ling of ihe hstniieu of the hiMd board of Ilia rep-ill district held al liladalon lo fur Iher iM-rfiM t plan and work on Ihe new building will be pushed ispldly so Ihe s IiimiI will be ready lo oh n Ihl fall. Mr and Mr K A. Sander enter IsIiksI delighllully for ('. P. Mm so , u Tueiday ewnlug Card Wei ill Joed ami Mr A. C. MiPatlan and C. P. ,l.pte wire awarded prlie for high score while Mr. and M'. Iluah llolx-rt retehed lolixilatlon prUes 1 lie eight gucit rm ln Hug Hie luiu Iii-oii table, whb h was allraclhe with whit rixw. enJoed delirious ri frnlnm lit Mr. and Mr. Ilogun and dauitliler, of Salem spent a week wlih Mr. Wal dron riinnile to their old liiinin In Iowa, wheru they will spend Die sum tiior. Goods lioada day will be observed on Saturday by the people west ol Ihe county rmtd on Jennings avenue The men In dial vlclnlly donating their wotk and the ladles furnishing chicken pin dinner at luxm. Cal Morso ramu down from Ifcilph on Saturday for a winks biislnex I rip. 'Our last day at school" was the program for Ih regular Parent Tern ti ers' meeting and waa held at llui home of Mr. Harry Robinson on Wed liesday of last week. Th Mil was called at eleven o'clm k and Ihe moth er of Ihe aHiM'll!on came with llielr lunches In palls Slid baskets. Jea.l lailng Robinson was Ihe leather, and Susie McQueen lamey waa monitor. The program consisted of song, "The llirdlea Hull"; I'bonlc- lesaon. "Geography of Jennings laHlge." PrUes for good altendunca during the year fell to iK'tia Morae Hubert. F.v cuse from two absent member. Ag ne Calnhan Cook and Hertha Smith Hart were read aloud by tho teacher. For Your Baby. The Signature of si mmm IT) A d- M sw M M sJaw I r U the only guarantee that you have th Genuine Mm Don't be Neutral ; On the Mower Question Beit Think for a Bilious Attack. "On account of my confinement In the printing office I have for rear been a chronic sufferer from indlges- I tlon and liver trouble. A few weeks I ago I had an attack that was so se- vere that I was not able to go to the i case for two days. Failing to get any relief from any other treatment. I took three of Chamberlain's Tablets and the next day I felt like a new man." writes H. C. Hailey. Editor Carolina News. Chapln, S. C. Obtainable ev ery where. (Adv.) Lame Back. Lame back Is usually due to rheu matism of the muscles of the back. Hard working people are most likely to suffer from It. Relief may bo had by massaging the back with Cham berlain's Liniment two or three times a day. Try It. Obtainable every where. (Adv.) DAMASCUS. Mrs Lavena Hohna nee Osburne, was born in Dubuque, Iowa, March 3, 1851, and died at her home near Da mascus May 12, 1915, aged sixty-four years, two months and nine days. She crossed the plains when a girl of thirteen, her family resided at Sil verton for one year, when they moved to Damascus. She was united In mar riage to T. J. Rohna In 1868. Eleven children were born to them. Mrs. Bohna was an Invalid for many years, but wbb always very patient through all her sufferings. She leaves to mourn her loss an aged husband, seven children and twenty grand chll , dren. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Trullinger from the Dunkard church. A large number of friends and neighbors gathered to pay their last respects and she was laid to rest In the Damascus cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Wellman were given a very pleasant surprise on the 12th Inst., In honor of their twentieth wedding anniversary. Fifty-five of their friends and relatives were pres ent. The evening was passed very pleasantly playing games, after which refreshments were served. They were the recipients of many suitable presents. Mrs. Moore Is visiting friends at Mt. Pleasant Roual Sumner ia improving right along. Mr. Newell was given a surprise par ty Sunday afternoon In honor of his eventy-first birthday, mere were thIrty--even present AH reported a very enjoyable time. The Union school gave a basket so cial Saturday evening. They cleared over thirty-one dollars. Arthur Hall was visiting relatives this week. CLARKES. John Clouter Is 111 of the pneumonia. Miss Lydia Kleinsmitb came home from Independence. Oregon, last week where she is working. Mrs. Ena Kiln, from Portland. Is out visiting her parents, Mr. L. Stout and family for a short time. J. Clarke was In town last week. Miss Ida Haag, from Oregon City, was out in Clarkes and attended the dance last Saturday evening. Clarkes Bchool will close May list, 1913. Mrs. Jack Lamb and children and her mother, Mrs. Clarke, from Port land, are out In Clarkes visiting their relatives and friends for a short time. H. C. Kleinsmith was In town last week. W. H. Rottemiller sold a load of Oats to Mr. Otto Liman last week. Otto Buol is plowing for S. Elmer. Mrs. Mary Lee. from Oregon City, was out in Clarkes and visited her old home last Sunday. Lewis Maxson was In town last week. Timber Grove school will close May 21. E. A. P. Lafollette and family and Arthur Goff and Carl Duche went to Eastern Oregon last week to get some horses. A. F. Buche was In town last week. Lewis Maxson is taking care of Mr. Lafollette's farm while they are gone to Eastern Oregon. Miss Irene Lee and Frank Paycer were married In Oregon City last Sat urday. W. H. Wettlaufer worked on the road in Timber Grove last week. M!bs Fanny Neisbery, from Portland, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bergman, for a short time. Mrs. W. H. Bottemiller was in Will amotte and'vislted her daughter, Mrs. C. Ralph, last week. E. A Cumins and family came back to Clarkes and are building a new house on their farm. Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Paycer, from Oregon City, were out In Clarkes and There is one Mower right above all others. It has always been safe on the side of the buyer giving better-longer service. Constructive features make CihaixiipioiTL IVIoweirs the best investment on the market. For instance the Champion is better in these things: Extra Wide and Substantial Yoke. Large Case Hardened Yoke Pins. Automatic Device for taking up wear in knive head connection. Extra Long Case Hardened Wearing Plates. These features keeping the Culting Mechanism of the Champion Mower in perferct easy running alignment. Always SEE THE CHAMPION BEFORE YOU BUY Soldby- W. J. Wilson & Co., Oregon City Canby Hdw. & Imp. Co., Canby Geo. Blatchford, Molalla, Oregon PORTLAND prepared by him for over 30 years. YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST xs Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castorla. Soid only In one size bottle, never In bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company, (jhffifaGu - phabt't dory of all hi'r pupil which was very Miuru rujuyt-d I tell Kmlin ; Tui'krr, of Ihit C'oni'urtl dlslrlrt mi a visitor. At I Im roll rail thus respond j lux sicr Allrc Avt-ry tfmlth. Allen 1 CariM-nlfr MarFnrlaiM. (ioldl Haldnrt Itrrnard, I'i'lla Mursii Hubert. Ib-asli-MnriMi Uriiivhi-rt. Mnltli Hbavrr lit rob. Martha Thurston Hhavrr, Akiks OVallaithan Cook, Jessie .e('Ulrt t) trom. Mablw I'tuneroy rlervo. Mnrsjitr 1 Hun t l led Mli lielier, K.I lib Crublrn' llllualone, llertba Smith Hurl, Juno ! Hleiiirna W'aldron, KM JennlUK HNMiuer, Nora Lambert Snnshnll. Min nie llutler Altman, Ma KreUer Itus sell. Viola Kitehem Hmllh. HiihIp Mr Queen l.nsey, Hu mil l.anfi ur 1-et'lalre and IMla Krohn Tut-ker. At the business session whlrh fol lowed an eirelletit report of the li brary for the year was Riven by Mrs Jacobs. At the election of officers Mr. Ceo. Ostrum lll act a presb dent, Mr. l(oblnon a vice-president, Mr. Altmnti. secretary; Mrs. Cook, 1 treasurer, and Mr. Jacobs, librarian for the eusulna; year. Mis Lolo Thayer and Virginia () trnm are suffering; from tho meanles. Mr. Spooncr ha returned from Vancouver, Wash., where she visited her sister. Miss Vivian Hpooncr spent some dny of Inst week with Mr. Ilroute Cravntte. HAPHOGAN'S FUNERAL of the Douglass playing with Barton. The score was 2 to 0 In Barton's favor. ffa M.TMlan'o utBltfnthpr Ami visited the latter's grandma, Mrs. Lee, ; motne'r 0f Portland, were her guests last Sunday. Sunday. a. numn preacueu in me r,ugiiKn M. E. church last Sunday. MiBaes Mildred and Florice Douglass ichn hnrl been vlnitlne in Portland A party was given at the home of for a weeki returned home Saturday. air. isouemwer naiuruay evening, Those present wer Misses Goldia Goff, Minnie Stegeman, Whltmore, Engla ! Bergman, Mrs. Jassen Clarke, Mrs. j Bergman, Fanny Nelsberg, Lillian Ya-: ger. Otto Buol, Alva Card, Walter Lee, I Rufert Marquardt, Elmer Kleinsmith, Walter Kleinsmith, Raymond Ginther, j Robert Zwahlen Walter Zwahlen, 1 George Andersen, Mary Bottemiller, Edwin Bottemiller. Mrs. W. H. Wettlaufer and daughter , Violet, were In town last wek. Mrs. Cogswell and daughter, Miss Mary, went to Seattle some days ago to visit with friends for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass at dinner Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. J. W. Cahlll and Mrs. Pluss Cahlll spent last Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Howlett. H. H. Hoffmeister attended State Grange at Tillamook last week. $10 REWARD Piid to th, finder of Two Hone 1 bay mare, white face, weight about 1100 lb,., sweneed right shoulder with collar marks on breast, brand with a club on left ahoulder. I black pony mare, white star on forehead, branded with a club on left ahoulder. Both have halters en. They wers last aeen near Dodge. Notify W. H. WETTLAUFER, Oregon City, Or. ' Some Forms of Rheumatism Curable Rheumatism Is a disease character ized by pains In the Joints and In the muscles. The most common forms are: Acute and Chronic Rheumatism. Rheu matic Headaches, Sciatic Rheumatism and Lumbago. All of these types can be helped absolutely by applying some good liniment that penetrates. An ap plication of Sloan's Liniment two or three times a day to the affected part will give Instant relief. Sloan's Lini ment is good for pain, and especially Rheumatic Pain, because It penetrates to the seat of the trouble, soothes the afflicted part and draws the pain. "Sloan's Liniment Is all medicine." Get a 25c bottle now. Keep It handy . In case of emergency. (Adv.) Clackamas; .10 at Parkplace, with 07 at Jennings Lodge. The total enroll ment of the schools being 328, with an average attendance of 227 for the past month. Total offerings for the month were $12.57 and seven new members were enrolled. While Albert Pierce and daughter wore boating on the river on Sunday cries for assistance were heard and It was noticed that a tniall launch where a fisherman had previously beon fishing was empty. Mr. Pierce hur ried to tho man's asslsljnce but the current of the river being eo swift he v.'ls carried owi stnam perhaps a tnou.-snd feet and out of sight before -Mr. Tierce could rearh the place where he was last seen. Up to Monday night the bedy had not been recovered, but a card found In the coat pocket re vealed that It was Edward DeWItt, of Portland. Mrs. Geo. A. Ostrom and Mrs. If. J. Robinson attended the Mothers' Con gress meeting In Portland during last week. A special meeting was held at the schoolhouse on Monday evening for the purpose of organizing a Union high school. Dr. Perkins, father of the bill Introduced at the last legisla ture, providing a way for all boys and girls In Oregon to receive a high school education free, was present and ex plained the present law and the ad vantages of having a union high school were freely discussed. The rote re sulting in 8 for a union bigb school Alice Avery Smith gave her first es say, which was written about a goosiJ when she was seven years of age. Mattle Shaver Jacobs sang "Swinging 'Neath the Old Applo Tree." Iless Bruechert gave one of her childhood essays on"PIo," which was heartily encored. Most all present contributed to the program something they had sung Or recited in tholr school days. At the close the teachor gave an al- FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Remove Them With the Othlne Prescription This prescription for the removal of freckles was written by a prominent physician and Is usually so successful In removing freckles and giving a clear, beantiful complexion that It Is sold by druggists under guarantee to refund the money if It falls. Don't hide your freckles under a veil; get an ounce of othlne and re move them. Even the first few ap plications should show a wonderful Im provement, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othlne; It Is this that Is sold on the money-back guarantee. (A4r.) LOS ANGKI.ICS, Cal.. Muv 19 Hap py llognn, Idol of Pacific const dia mond fun, was laid to flnnl rest this afternoon. Thousands, weeping, paid Iioiiuiko at his bier In Christ Episcopal church. Wlillo tho weeping hosts viewed for the Inst time the calm dead face, from which not even tho grim reaper could uffaco the famous smile of ".'(up," uv vcry baseball gamo being played In tho Pnclflo Count league was halted, nud for flvo minutes tho heroes of tho diamond, comrades of thu Into Tiger manager, stood at their positions with bared heads in silent prayer. Seldom hns Los Angeles so honored with her heart Interest a man whom she knew and loved. Floral tokens, expressions of love from ball players, managers, club presidents and from many others friends, flllr-d ihu channel of the church. A magnificent nine font harp of roses, with Its broken strings, betokened tho feeling of tho members of the Venice club for thnlr departed lender. WAITER C0NFE8SE8 BIG THEFT. PORTLAND, Ore., May 19. Con fessing to tho theft of $13,951.88 from a restaurant man by whom ho was em ployed as manager In Boston, Fried crick Stoltmann, a waller in tho Ar cadian Gardens for three months, was arrested by City Detectives Hyde and Vnughan today. Extradition will be waived and Stoltmann returned to lloston as soon as an officer from tho east can arrive. THINK OF IT 30,000 Our Persons Publicly Recommend Remedy, 8ome are Oregon City People. Over one hundred thousand have re commended Doan's Kldnoy Pills, For backache, kidney, urinary Ills, Thirty thousand signed testimonials Are appearing now In public print. Some of them are Oregon City peo ple. Some are published In Oregon City. No other remedy shows such proof. Follow this Oregon City woman's example. Mrs. E. A. Wilkinson, 1207 Main St., Oregon City, says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills for backache and kidney trouble and have had great relief. I think they are fine kidney medicine and I don't hesitate to re commend them." Price SOc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Wilkinson had. Foster-MUburn Co., Props, Buffalo, N, T. (Adv.) PLAN TO PENSION PREACHERS. HKTItOIT, Mich. May li -Tho Hull fur peimlutiltiK nilnliti-rs of the FplM'opul church, slili b bus been worked out In New York, wllh J. I'. Morgan as treasurer, will be explained to the annual diocesan ronvciillon of MIcbiKNii , which opem-d lu-ru tomor row tiioriiliiK. , The new s) -stein for pensions was or iKimtcd by etpcrts, with Bishop Lawr ence of Massachusetts us smnor. Some yeurs uko a plan to raise five millions for such a fund fulled, but the new idea lirln :s Ihe rei poiialtillltv to each parish, which Is to roiilrlliote a certain pi-rceiilago of tho pastor's salary each year. Illxhop Williams I In favor of the adoption of the steiii here, and several dloccsc have adopt ed It since It wn originated a few months nK In New York. I The receipts for the week at tho Portland 1'nlon Slock Yard Co. have been: Cuttln !0T. calves 2(, hogs 20S5, sheep 4212. Cattle receipt light; market Ntroim, quality excellent. This week market ran bo well characterised In Iheso short sentences. Tho market has imt at any time this season In en In better sliapo. Demand and outlook excel lent. Top hogs at $S.15 makes another high market spot in tho I'nltod States. Receipts are short and demand un excelled. While spring lambs are Inking their usual courso in point of prices, tho market Is considered as good as any. Tho strong prices at north Portland should appeal to western shippers. Tho following sales aro representa tive: 20 steers I!)2 $ 8.00 200 steers 1010 7.7S 78 steers 1171 7.70 103 Hteers 1218 7.05 3 bulls UGt 3.50 2 bulls 1081 4.75 1 Btng 922 0.75 15 calves 198 8.00 20 cows 1081 6.55 0 cows 1011 0.50 10 cows 1008 (t.:tn 6 cowb :...1II1 0.15 950 bogs 215 8.15 110 lings 201 8.10 231 hogs 188 8.05 91 hogs 101 8.00 271 sprlne lambs 01 8.25 213 yearlings 101 7.25 208 wethers 89 0.25 98 ewes 87 6.25 Auction Sale Saturday, May 22nd 1:00 P. M. 10 milch cows. 4 voul calves. 1 now U. P. Separator. 1 Bahcock Tester. Those cows are all tuberculin tested ond a cortlficato goes with each. They aro young, healthy, gentle and extra good milkers. Have sold my place and am quit ting dairy business. Terms: 6 months time, ap proved notes, 8 per cent. Sale held on the Atwater place, 114 miles west of Oswego, north side of lake. J. C. KURATLI, Auctioneer.