Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 30, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    OIH'.IO.V rm I'N'TKinMMHK, I IMDAV. A IMM .,:!, lfJl.V
No. J1UT.
lu tha ClmuM Court t,( tl4 llit.of
Oregon, fur tho ('ituuif u( i Ukt
I", i. '" 0 ' ' '' r n r
Tha Jo-wpb .A. f U-VWrKUi
((iintMtijr, i corporation, Plaintiff.
I.mltida Wagenhlait, iii Arthur, and
Frank Wagtihlal. her buahand
John K. Arthur and Jmi loa Ar
Ihur, !il wife; William Crane, ami
Aunt Crana. till lfa; Charles
Crana, mi 'I Klllh Crane, til wife;
Thnma ( i iiik, ami Mabel Cialia, hla
wife: (Itiifta 4'rano. anil Htella
Crane, hla wife; Nellla M. Hheldun
lira ('rami, ami John ! Hheldun,
tirr husband; heirs of Kllaa J. Crano
rtereaaeil. The unknown helra of
Catherine Maria Arthur. d.traaed:
Mary Kllrabelh Mai Ixmald, Iieo lav
tiMirt. hi'lr of Jainea liavenport, d
fMud, ami John Mal)oild, lier
himliaml: The uiiWni n hi Ira il
William Harper, divtaaed; Clack
ainaa County, Oregon; and Jame
II. Coffe. aoniellinca known aa
Jam' M. Coffey. De ten dun la.
To John V. Arthur and Jan l)o Ar
Ihur, hta If; Tlumiaa Crana and
Mabel Crane, hla lf ; Ueorgn ('ran
and tHetla Crana hla wlfo; Mary
Kltiabeth MaeDoiiatd, ami John Mm
iHinald, hnr hoaharid, the unknown
hflra (if Catherine Maria Arthur, do
reaaed, and tho unknown heir of
William Harper, dwrawd, defend
In lha tiania of lha alula of Or(oii,
ou era hereby required lo arar and
answer the complaint filed on lha 1Mb
day of January, 1915. against you In
(ha above entitled roiirt and raua. on
or bufora Ilia 3d day of May, 1915.
being lha day prearrllied In lha order
of court filed on lha lKtb day of
March, 1DI5, and bcli-g mora than all
week a from lha data of flrat publha
tlon of thla summons; and If yuu fall
ao lo appear herein, plaintiff for want
thereof will proceed lo laka di-croa
and Judgment against you, and rarh of
you, aa prayed for In plaliitlfl'a corn
plaint, town: for a Judgment and do
rrro declaring and adjudging that you
and each of you, have no ratals or
lutereat wlmlaoever III or to the fol
lowing di'arrltwd Iniula and prrmlara:
Thn land bounded hy linn beginning
al the Northwest corner of Robert Ar
thur donation land claim, In Townahlp
1 Hmith, Range 3 Kaat Willamette Me
rldlan; thence Kaat on the North line
of aald alnlm 21.0? rhalna to a alone;
thnnce Houth 29 CO rhalna to the cen
li'r of the county mad (Iron plpo 1H
Inches hy ZH feet, 30 foot North of
renter of road); Ihcnro North 67 de
grees 00 nilnuti-i Went along; the cen
tar of road 12 02 chain to atone;
thunra Roiilh pnrallel with tha Writ
houndary Una of laid Robert Arthur
donation land claim 61.07 rhalna to a
alone IS Imhca by 10 Inchea by 1A
Inrhra on the Houth line of tha aald
Hubert Arthur donation Innd claim;
thrum West 10 rhalna on the Houth
lino of tho aald Robert Arthur donation
land claim to the Roiilhwcst corner
(hereof, and being In HooMon 4, Ton
lily 3 Houth, Rnngo S Kut W. M.:
(hnro North 78 clialni on tho Weat
lino of aald Robert Arthur donation
land claim to tho pluco of bvnliuiliiK
Alao portion of tho Abrahnm and
Sarah McCubblu dunatlou land clnlm
dearrlbed aa brglnnlnK at tho South
eaat corner of Lot I of Sort Ion 33
Towimliln 3 Smith. Rnngii 3 Kut W,
M., mill being tho HnulheiiM corner of
aald Mi-Cubbln donallou bind rial in;
thence rmiiilnit northerly on tho Knat
lino of inld donation In ml claim 17.32
clmlna; thence running wratorly at
rlKlit ancle" 17.32 chalna; theni-o run-
nlrifC aontherly at rluht anKba 17.32
rhulna to the South lino of sniil dona
lion land clnlm; Ihenco rtmnliiK enat-
erly nlonn nnld lino 17.32 rhalna to the
pliu-o of hcKlnnlnK; eicoptlnit. howcv
or, from mild tract of Innd n purcel of
bind cotitnliit'J therein, and hounded
by n line dcm-rlbed ua biKlnnlnx on
tho Houth linn of tho county roml North
78 dcRrena Wont 118 feet n ml South 30
feet from tho Northwcat corner of tho
Robert Arthur donation Innd clnlm N"o
3D; llienoo South 100 feet; thonco
Weat 1)0.10 feet; thenou North 122 feet
to tlm South lino of aald comity roml;
thenco Smith 70 dotireea Knat 00.20
feet to the place of beginning; unci that
tho lltto of tho plaintiff la auporlor
good and valid na nxulnnt nil duliim
of ilefendantH. nnd that you nml each
of you, bo forever enjolnml njid lie
barred from ttHaertliiK any claim what
aoevor in nnd to aald laud, ailvorno to
plaint I IT. and for audi olhi relief na
to the Ilonorablo Court nuiy hcciii Juat
and oqiillublo.
TIiIh nmnmuiiH li aerved upon you,
nnd ench of you, by publication here
of for bIx consuriillvo wcuka In thn
OrcKon City Entcrprlao, a newspaper
of Rcimrnt circulation, printed and pub
llalicd nt OreKon City, ClncUnma Co in
ty, OreKon, by virtue of nn order of
tho Honorable J. V. Campbell, Judk'o
of the abovo entitled court, dated
March 18th, 1915.
Dato of flrat publication, March 19th
rnte of Inst publication, April 30th
Attorneys for rinlntlff.
8herlff'a Sale,
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
. , I
Oregon, for the County of ClacknJ
Honry WaoBpo, Fred Wacspo and
Mnry Waospo, Dalntlffa.
C. P. Waldo and Jonnle Henrietta Wal
do, hitflbnnd and wlfo; Ivan Huma
son and Harriot J. Hnmason, hus
band and wlfo; and R. N. Gibson, De
fendants. State of OreKon, County of Clacka
mas. ss.
Py virtue of a Judgment ordnr, do
creo and an exorutlon, duly Issiiod out
of and under the sen! of the above en
titled court, In the above entitled
causo, to ma duly directed and ilatod
tho 5th day . of April, 1915, upon a
JudRmnnt rendered and entered In
said court on the 3rd day of April,
1915, In favor of Honry Waespe, Fred
Wacape and Mnry Waeape Plaintiffs,
and awlnst C. F. Wnldo and Jonnlo
Henrietta Waldo, hudbnnd and wiro;
Ivan Hnmason and Hnrrlet Humason,
hiiHhnnd and wlfo, and U. N. tllhsnn.
Defendants for the sum of $4000, with
Interest thereon at the rato of 6 per
cent per annum from the 15th day of
July, 1914, and the further sum of $200,
as attorney's fee, and the further sum
of $18.20 coats and disbursements, and
the costs of and upon this writ, com-
!,n(iii1l r'f ft..nl of Ida t'A
Mirlnir di xrlld rrtl pn.r(r, ill a
la In the rttoa'r of Cl'kauii, Mai
lot Orn., low II!
r 'All of lha r. U i f N f H Rf llon
20, T I I II. I K. Kl W. M la II
rounly of CU kainat. atale of (ir('"i
ci.nlaliilna It ai ra, nure or Itu.
Now, tUrefiire, by IMwe of '
eiM-uiii Jinlfinanl frdr and
and In rompllanra wIlB lha rnmnB.I
of aald writ. I will, on Hadintaf, lb
Nth day of May, II6, at the hour i
10 oVIiMk A. M, al Ihe front dour of
Ike County Court llotiM In the Ciy
of nrrgon City, In aald County an
Htala, atill al puldln auction, uIim (
In rlriiiiiUin. lo the hlht bld'lxr.
for I. H (old ruin rath In hand, all
Ihe rl(ht, title and tnlrrrat whbh lh
llliln named drfcmUiiia nr l(hr of
I limn, had on the dale of (he lonri
bernln or alnre had In or to lh aixma
dwrllxd rt-al roM-rly or any part
thereof, lo aallafy aald rulloa, J'l't
ment, order, dn rre Iritnri-!, rnta an
all acruln coia.
Hhrrllf of Clackaiuaa County, Or(no
iiy k. c. HACKirrr. ivr
halnl, (rron City, Ore, April lib
In the Circuit Court of the Htate of
Orrnon, for Ihe County of Cla'ka
7.lma Hollicrlaiid Cha, 1'Uliilllf.
Chealxr Arthur Chaati. iMfindiint.
To Chi-aler Arthur Chaae, Ihe a'oe
named dofendant:
In lha Nume of Ihe Hta'e of Orcron
I on are liernby rulred In epiwar aii'l
ainwrr the complaint filed ealnt
ou In Ihe alMive rntlllrd raue on or
before the Rib day of May, 1515, ami
If you fall lo ao appear and anawer, for
want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to
(he court for the rIW-f prayrd for In
her aald complaint. tn-lt:
Kor dncrre of dWnrre axHIne; aald-
the raarrlRRo contract cllln I
twern herarlf and the defendant and
that aha be reatored lo her maiden
name, namely, which la Kelma Hulher
land, and that aha have amh other
and further relief aa may be mete with
Thla eummone la puhlUhd by or
der of the Honorable J. I'. Campbell
Jud.a of the Circuit court of the atate
of Oregon for Clackamaa rounly for
(he fifth Judicial dlalrlct. made and
entered on the 23rd day of March
1915, and the lime preacrlbed for Ihe
publication of thla euninmna la !
weeki beginning March 21, 1915, an
ending with the laaue of Ihe 7th dar
of May. 1U.
Attorney for rialnllff.
I I Mulkey Pullillng. Portland. Ore
In the Circuit Court of the Htate of
Oregon, for the County of Clack v
V.. W. I' idolph. Plalntlir,
r'ni'enii M 8olnlert. and Kurei.e M.
Sholnlere. as Kiecutor of the iJtat
VH' end Tcatament of Klennor Van
Allen, and Annetta l.ynrh, Defend
ant a.
To Kugene II. Bholnlero, Individually,
and Kugene II. Sholnlere, as Execu
tor of the Mat Will and Tcatament
of Klennor Van Allen, deceased, De
fendant. 4 In the name of tho Htnto of Oregon,
you are hereby commanded to appear
nnd answer the complaint of (he plain
tiff filed against you in the above
entitled stilt, on or before six (Al
weeks from the Kth day of April,
191.1, tho date of the flrat publication
of thla summons; and If you fnll In
an appear nnd answer, for want there
of, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court
for tho relief prayed for In his coin-
plnlnt, herein, to-wlt:
(a) For tho sum of $2000.00 with
Interest theroon at tho rato of 7 per
rent per nnnum from tho 17th day of
February. 1911; and tho further sum
of $200.00 as attorney's fees, besides
the coats and disbursements of this
(b) That a decree bo entered hero
In nKiilnst (ho said defendants and
ench thereof, adjudging and docreolng
Hint tho inortiw:o described In tho
complaint, be foreclosed, nnd tho prom-
Ihcs therein described sold, as by lr
and tho practices of this court provid
ed, froo from all clnlm or claims of
Bnld defendants, or either thereof, or
nny person claiming by, through or
under them, or nny of them save and
excopt the rl(:bt of redemption as by
law given.
(o) That the proceeds of any such
snlo be applied to the expenses of this
suit, nnd the costs and dlsluirscnionla
herein taxed, including nn attorney's
fee, to bo fixed by tho court, and then
to tho amount found to be due to tho
plaintiff, and the overplus, If any, to
bo pnld to the persons found by Inw to
be entitled thoroto.
(d) That plaintiff may become n
purchaser upon such .foreclosure sale.
(e) That the defendants, and each
of thorn, and all persons claiming by,
through or under them, either as pur
chnsors, Incumbrancers or otherwise,
bo forovor bnrrod and foreclosed of all
clnlm, right, Interest, title or estate,
In nml in until nromlnne nmr nn
al HUH "HIM tllLIIIIOHO) v gJ, mill
tl)0roofi Bavn( on,y tho of fe.
domption as by law provided; nnd thnl
all right, claim or Interost of the said
defendants, or either of them, nml all
persons claiming by, through or under
them, either as purchasers, Incum
brancers, or otherwise be doomed ar.d
adjudgod to be subsequent to the
rights of the plaintiff and Inferior and
subordinate thereto. ,
(f) That the Sheriff execute a cer
ttflcatn to the purchaser, upon such
foreclosure rale, and thnt snld pur
chaser be let Into possession of snld
premises, upon tho production ,of tho
Sheriff's certificate therofor, and that
at the expiration of the time fixed for
redemption (If no redemption bo
made), that a Sheriff's deed Issue.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication, by authority of an ord
er made and entered In the above en
tltlod court and causo, on the 9th day
of April, 1915, by tho Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above entitled
Court, which order directs that service
of summons In this case be made by
publication thereof once a week for
six (6) successive and consecutive
weeks, In the Oregon City Enterprise,
a newspaper of general circulation In
Clackamas County, Oregon, and print-
4 and fublutt4 I ("l'kii'a Couoty,
Ik 4l of tl fliat H,Ui.U,a ol
Ibis loiaibOf.a U April 14 lll
Aitras for ria'Mirr.
Date of KM HMlitl" April 14.
!( of laat aul.llcatl-n. May !,
htrlft't (ale.
In lb Circuit Court of Ilia Mlal of
Orrgna, for lha County of lack a
li aa
f'lamla Walah. 1aln(lff,
W C. (Irravva and Aana f)raea. bis
If, Itofendanls
Hlala of Oregon, County of (la'ka
Wiaa, aa.
1 1 r virtu of Judgment order, d
rra and aa iwullin, duly Uud
out of and under lha aal of lha abova
roiltl'd rourt la lha abota rntlllrd
raua. lo ( duly dlrwlod and dt'
lha I lib day of April, IMS. upn a
Jixtgiiirot rriidrrvd and rnlomd In sai l
court on lha I at day of IVbruary, 11',
In favor of Pranda Wrlah. I'lalntlfT,
and asaloal W. ('. (!r-atra sod Anns
(iiratrs, hla lf, Iw-fondaiila for IJi
auin or pi s, and Ina further sum
of I4 20, rn and dlibMraemrnta. and
the roila of and upon this writ, coin
mamllfig ina to maka aala of tha f d
lolng de-rlld rl proptrty, alt-
uata In lha rounly of (1 kainaa, alala
of Oregon, lo-wll:
I rgllililng at (wilnl 3(9 fret south
rly at light angina from point on
lha eouthrrly lino of Hlllernth strrri
hl'b Is 1120 feet raairrly from the
northraalerly riprr of block 173 In
Omron City. Clackamaa County, Ore
gon, according to tha mape or plala
thereof; thrnra continuing on aald
outhrrly rliht angto Una 20 fert;
(hence wr(rrly al right anglrg loo
(-(; thcnie northerly at right angl
2'0 frrt; thrnca eaaterly a( rlghi
angles 100 frrt lo Ihe place of begin
ning. Now, therefore, by virtue of aald
rjrcullon. Judgnirnt order and decrre,
and In compliance with the com ma ml a
of aald writ, I wilt, on Saturday the
K,lh day of May, !&; at (be hour of
10 o'clock A. M , at tbi front door of
Ihe County Court House In the City of
Oregon City, In aald County and Slate,
aril at public auction, euhject to re
demption, to tha hlgheat bidder, for
('. ft. gold coin rah In hand all the
right, tide and Intercut which the with
in named defendant or either of them,
had on Ihe dale of the mortgage here
in or alnce had In or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, to sattafy aald execution.
Judgment order, decree, Interval,
roata and all accruing roia. .
Sheriff of Clackamaa County. Oregon.
Hy E. C. IIACKKTT Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., April 18th.
Iln the Circuit Court of the Slate of
Oregon, for Clackamaa Count r.
Ilaiel Ricks Emerson, Plaintiff,
Thomas II. Kmeraon, Defendant.
To Thomas II. Emerson, defendant
above named:
In the name of the Stale of Oregon
you are hereiiy required to appear an I
answer the complaint filed herein
against you In Ihe above entitled Court
ml cause within six weeks from thn
Kith day of April, 1915. snld date be
ing the first day of publication ol this
And If yo'i fnll to so appear and
nawer for want thereof, the plnlnttif
will apply to the court for the relief
emnmled and prayrd for In Ihe com
plaint filed herein, to-wlt: That the
mnrltnl bonds now existing between
he plaintiff nnd defendant herein be
nrcver dissolved nnd for mch other
relief as to equity may seem meet.
This summons U nerved upon you
virtue of ui order made by Hon.
! 8. Anderson, Judfro of the County
Court of tho Stale of Orepon, for
Clnckamas County dated on iho 14th
day of April, 191.", and which ord.'r
proscribed tlul Iho summons In th .1
bull hhould be MMwri upon you by
publication onco a week for six suc
cessive and consecutive weeks In tho
Oregon City EnterprlHC, a nowepuper
of general circulation In the County of
Clackamas, State of Oregon.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Mohnwk Building, Pnrtlnnd, Oregon.
Date of first publication April Kill,
Dato of Inst publication, May 2Sth,
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
mas. Mitchell I.ewln & Slaver Co., a corpora
tion, Plnlntlff,
Mlnthorn Springs Wator Co., a corpor
ation Dofendant.
Stnte of Oregon, County of Clnckamas,
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled
causo, to mo duly dlrectod and dntod
tho 8th day of April, 1915, upon a Judg
ment renderod and entered In said
court on tho 12th dny of March, 1915,
in favor of Mitchell Lewis & St aver
Co. a corporation, rialntlfT, and against
Mlnthorn Springs Wator Co., a corpor
ation, Defendant, for the sum of
$168.14, and the furthor sura of $50.00.
as attorney's fee, and the further sum
of $7.50 costs and disbursements,
And by virtue of a second Judgment
order, decree and execution duly Is
sued out of and under the seal of the
above entitled court In an action en
titled Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Com
pnny, a corporation, plaintiff, vs. Mln
thorn Springs Water Company, a cor
poration, defendant, and dated the 8th
day of April, 1915, upon a Judgment
rendered and entered In said court on
the 20th day of March, 1915. In favor
of Mitchell Lewis A Staver Company,
a corporation, plnlntlff, and againBt
Mlnthorn Springs Water Company, n
corporation, defendant, for the sr.m of
One Hundred Eight-four and S5-100
($lS4.Su) Dollars, and the further sum
of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars as attorney's
fee and the further sum of Eight
($8.00) Dollars as costs and disburse
ments, and the costs of and upon each
of said writs, each of said writs com
manding me to make sale of the fol-
bal'ig drwribed rl al ill'iala In
lha ii.(y of ('If kams a4 Hlala ol
(;! ob
IjA Pi'imm lit), IH. k Kmiiir m on
I77ij Ii T"iyPa tin sol
7r,ly Klgbl i:l. I'lk Pily four
(III, Mim hoi n AdlHIoe to purtlaiid,
Cla'kelna Cuunly. Oregon, and aUi
ngbl of way for pip Una tn lln
fH wide along lli-i N rlh end of 11
MdkImii (1. Taroly t:u, Toriily-
one III and TyiJ IJI, l.lixk
Mrvriilf ariea (77l Miothorn Ad lllloi
In pirtland. Claikan.M CuuMr, Ore
gon, logrlhrr with all water right,
raar'iirnla and profit, a pfudia a-
purtri.ant la Mid above dcarrlUd
prrinlwa appurtalnlng lo lha Ukln;
mil and diatrlbutlo) of water from
Hint horn (tprlrig, CU karnss Cooiily,
Htala of Orrgoe.
Ttiiw, iirr,nr i t tiriuaor lul l !'
nwutiona, Julginrnt or Irra and dn
I frra, and In roinpllaioa with lha roir
manda of h of aald rlti. I will,
on riaturday. lbs 22nd day of May.
I 'J 1 1 ; al lha hour if fi o' lock
A M . al lha Iron! dr of tha
County Court llouaa In Ihe CHjr of
Oregon City, In said County and Hlata
aril at public auction, aul,J.-l to re-
demptloa, lo Iba blghctt bidder, for
raah In band, all lha rlnlil, litta and
Intrrml which the wlihln named d
frndant bad on lha data of the entry
of aald Judgment order and decree
and wlil' h aald drfrndant hta alnre In
or li tha above drarriu.i r4l prop
urty to aatlafy ald eiecullona, J mis
inriit onlrra and drcri-ea and rch
of them, wllb Interest, roata and all ac
cruing roata. 1
Sheriff of Clackamaa County, Oregon.
Ity K p. IIACKKTT. Deputy.
Dated. Orrgoi City. Ore. April Ilrd,
harlff'a Sal.
Id the Circuit Court of the Rial of
Oregon, for Ihe county of Clacka
Mul. il Really, Cj- a cortirutl ,n,
Plaintiff, j
W. O. Walter and I-aura II. Walter,
bta wife Defendanta.
Rtate of Oregon, County of Clacka
maa, aa.
Hy vlrtua of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly limited cut
of and under Ihe aeal of (he abovo
entitled court. In the above entitled
reuse, to me duly directed and dated
the 1Mb day of April. 1915, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered in aal I
court on the 8th day of March. 1915, In
favor of Mutual Really Company, a
roriKiratlon, Plaintiff, and against W.
O. Walter and I-aura II. Walter, hla
wife, ivfendant. tor the sum of $Q2.'i.
with Inlereat thereon at tho rate of C
per rent per annum from the 27th day
of October, 1913, and the further sum
of C:5. with luterest al 6 per cent
thereon from the 27th day of October,
1913. and tbe further sum of $100, a
attorney a fee, and the further anm
of $18.25, roata and dlaburaeuienta and
the cost of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sate of tha fol
lowing described real property, situate
In the county of Clackamaa, state of
Oregon, to-wlt:
The N. W. of Section 16. T. 7 8.
R. 4. East of the Willamette Meridian,
containing 160 gVrs more or less and
alao the N. E. of Section 16. T. 7
S. R. i E. of Willamette Meridian, con
taining 160 acres more or less.
Now, therefore, by virtue of snld
execution, Judgment order and decree
and In compliance with (he commands
or said writ, I will, on Saturday the
22nd day of May 1915; nt tho hour
of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the front door
of the County Court House In tho City
of Oregon City. In said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all
(he right, tltlo and Interest which tho
within named defendants or either of
tliem, bad on tho date of the mort
Fnv;e herein or since bad. in or to the
above described real property or any.
part thereof to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree. Interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon,
Dy E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Doted. Oregon City., Ore., April 2:ird,
In tho Circuit Court of the Stnte of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Loonnrd F. Myers, rialntilt,
loulso Nye Myers, Defendant.
To the above named Defendunt, Louise
Nye Myers:
In the nnme of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answor the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled suit, on or
bofore Friday, the 4th day of June,
1915. said day being the last dny of
the publication of this Summons, and
If you fall to so appear and answer,
for want thereof, tho Plaintiff will
apply to the above entitled Court for
the relief demanded In the said com
plaint, to- wit: For a decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony subsisting
between you and the Plaintiff, on the
ground of adultery, and for such fur
thor reilof as to the Court seems meet
and proper.
This Summons Is served upon you
by publication, pursuant to an order
duly given and made by the Honorable
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above
entitled Court, and dated April 21
1915. By said order It was dlrectod
that the Summons be published in the
Oregon, City Enterprise, once a week
for six successive weeks. The date
of the first publication of this Sum
mons is April 23, 1915.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
. Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clnckamas County.
Catherine E. Freytag, PlaintlfT,
Paul Freytag, Defendant.
To Paul Freytag, above-named defend
ant: In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear an I
answer the complaint filed against
you, in the above entitled suit, on or
bofore itu- 4th day of June, i:l5, said
date being the expiration of six weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to appear or
answer said complaint, for want there
of the plaintiff will aply to tbe court
for the relief prayed for In her com.
plaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now eltlng betwrrn
Iba plalMiff aad defendant, Tbla lm
moi.a la puMi.hed by order of Ilea. i.
I'. Camp'll. Judge of lbs Circuit
Court, wl.iih order ta ma la on llii
I'illi day of April Ikli, and (be Urn"
pretcrllird for puldli alloa lliariof Is
all weeka, beginning with lha Uaui
dated April 21rd, 1915. and roiitlriulM
each we k lliitreaftrr 1 1 and lm lmll(i
frbliy, Jim 4 III. H.i.
f;Ku c. iiiiowrtixL,
( HAH, T. rilKV'Klt.S,
Ktoroey for Plaintiff
Nolle to Cardites
In lha Dialler of Ilia ll of Peter
K. Peter.
Nollia I hereby given lhal ihe un
dersigned bsva been duty appointed
iM'iitor of Ih ealata of Peter K.
Peters, deceased, by tha County Court
of h Htala of Oregon, for Iba County
of flaikarna, that they bare duly
qualified aa such; Dial all clalma
agalnat aald rafale mint be prcn-McJ
lo Iba undrralgned wltb Vttucbera, aa
required by law, within all month
from Ihe data hereof, at the office of
our attorney. Hammond 6 Ilamrocnd,
In lha Heaver pldg , Oregon City. Ore-
Dated and flrat publlahed this 30th
day of April. 1915.
Eieculors of Ihe eatate of Peter K,
Peter, deceaard.
Attorneys for Executors.
Final Notice to Ctrditors.
In Ihe County Court of lha Rtate of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
In the matter of Ihe eaiale of Thomas
E. Kelly, deceased.
Notice la hereby given that tha un
dersigned Administrator of said estate
haa filed In the above entitled Court
hla final account aa such Administrator
and an order has been made and en
tered of record directing thla notice
and naming Monday, the 1Kb day of
June, 1915. at the hour of ten o'clock.
A. M . as tbe time and Court Room as
the place for Ihe bearing of objections
lo tbe aald final account and the set
tlement thereof.
Dated April 21. 1915.
Admlnlatrwtor of the estate of Thos.
E. Kelly, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va.. April 24.
Captain Lieutenant Thiorfelder. com
mander of tbe Herman converted
cruiser Kronprlni Willielm. which is
at anchor here, reiterated his declara
tion that he could slip post the allied
A-arships off the Virginia canes as
easily as ho eluded them on entering
lampton roads. He aascrted that he
would make the attempt as soon as
tho ship Is in condition for him to do
so. "I am a very small man," he said,
tnpplng himself lightly on the top of
tho head. "I amount to nil if by any
net of mine I can sorve my country.
It was easy for me to get in and it
will be equally easy to get out again.'"
The Moose club baseball team gave
tho Molalla team a trimming to be re
membered In Sunday's game, played on
the Molalla grounds. The score was
10 to 4.
Molalla took the lead In the first
round by sweeping In two runs to the
one score of the Moose club.abut the
Oregon City men had not warmed up.
Each team held down the other till the
fourth set when the Moose boys drove
home four mon giving them the lead.
Raach was In the box for the Moose
team and did some fine work. The
Molalla nine secured only four hits
from him, while the Molalla pitcher
was hit 10 times. Causey was the
heavy hitter for Oregon City, aud he
and liowland brought In four runs for
the Moose. Others who scored were
SmlthrRaach, Derry. Lee, RIttenhouse
and llruse.
Manager McGahey has a good team
and will probably enter tho Chautau
qua baseball meet and try for the pen
nant. Tho team will probably tackle
the Oswego team April IS.
The lineup for the local team was
Smith, c: Roach, pr Dowland, lb;;
Causey, 2b; Ferry, bs: Lee. 3b; Kobo-
link, rf; Bruce, cf ; Rlttenhouso, If.
LOS ANGELES, April 28 President
Maler of the Venice baseball club tele
graphed to President Baum of the
Coast league, asking that the date on
which the clubs of the league must be
cut to the 18 player limit be extended
to June 1. Maler declared that tt
practically will be Impossible to get
within the limit before May 1. Presi
dent Powers of the Angels Is said to
have indorsed Maler's request .
lj. rr X
0. a t-ATOIRETTi, proaldonL f. J, MBTIA. Catalog
Tfie First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
rrsnata naral analng Su- Of) (rem a A M. to I 9. M
Wants, For Sale etc.
FOR lALE-Itcgl.tcrrd Jry bull,
high producing blood lines, or trad"
for good COW. Alao reglatered Hoi
s(eln bull, S months old, darn gave
CI Mi, dally. Geo. Hamilton. R. 1,
Oregon City.
NEW YORK. April 24. General Vlc-
torlano Huerta. es-dlctator of Mexico,
declares that be likes the white lights
of llroadway. After remaining se
cluded in his hotel all day he venture"
forth at night, and with a few friends,
got his first sight of Rroadway. He
dined at one of the lobster palaces,
where ha was recognlred and wel
comed with the Mexican national an
them by the orchestra. Later he
strolled back under the white lights
showing an active Interest in the
crowds and the electric signs. Tint
during the day he was rendered Inac
ctsslble by the faithful attentions of
his bodyguard, hla secretary, Jose
Delgado, and his friend Abraham Rat-
David Pcnihoff, of New York City,
N. Y., and Lionel Broda, of Portland
the latter mnnager of the Wonder Mil
llnery company, and the former the
manager of a large furrier house,
were in this city on Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Conoroy, of
Eleventh and Wa&ilngton streets.
While in this city they enjoyed fishing
for Chinook salmon, and Mr. Renihoff
succeeded in lnnding a 12-poiuid sal
mon, while Mr. Ilroda caught a salmon
weighing 14 pounds.
The receipts for the week at tho
Portland Union Stock Yards Co. have
been: Cattle 1013, calves 32, hogs
1807, sheep 2347.
With a fair run of cattle Monday
the bulk of sales duplicated last week
prices. Heavy stuff is not in demand,
while light stuff sold readily at a good
figure. Choice steers are quoted at
$7.50 to $7.75. cows, $6.25 to $6.75. bulls
$4.00 to $5.75, and stags $5.00 to $6.50.
A light run of hogs in the swine di
vision forced the market up 15 to 20
cents over last week' quotations. One
load sold for $7.85 Monday, while bulks
of sales went at $7.65 to $7.80. Prime
light hogs are bringing $7.85 at close
of week. Demand good.
Not many sheep came to market this
week and quality offered did not q
ify for top prices. Shearling lambs
are quoted at $7.7.5 to $8.00, ewes
$5.50 to $5.75 and yearlings $6.75 to
$7.00. Full wools are $1.00 higher than
prices quoted on above shearlings.
The following sales are representa
tive: 27 steers 1192 $7.75
41 steers 1183 7.40
103 Bteers 1184 7.30
106 steers 1382 7.25
3 bulls 1511 5.00
1 stag ..1221 6.50
1 calf 231 7.00
1 heifer 391 3.00
28 cows 1181 4.75
28 cows 1193 6.50
3 cows 991 6.33
6 cows 1187 6.23
184 hogs 196 7.S5
464 hogs 218 7.85
116 hogs 165 7.65
114 lambs 62 9.00
11 lambs 59 7.23
32 yearlings 96 7.25
13 ewes 117 5.50
LI (
William Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Attornysat Law
Abalracl. Real Kalata, I-oa, Insur
Pacific Phone II, Horns Phooa A 27 J
Phonea Pacific 11
Horn A HI
Attorn at-Law
All legal bualnesa promptly attended to
Attorn at Law
Deutachar Advokat
Will practice la all courts, antk
collection tod Mttlamanta.
Ofllce la EnUrprls) TluUJIiig,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Commercial, Baal EaUta and
Probata our SpocUlUaa. Of
Bca In First National Bask
Bid, Orogon City, Oregon.
ao-ae.a'-e -
i W. S. EDDY, V. 1, M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Vatart '
a nary College at Toronto, Canada, i
and tbo McKilllp School of 8u j
I gry of Chicago, Is eatabllahod
at Fashion 8ubla, Fifth 8Ukr I
I twean Main and Water Bta.
I Bo lb Telepboaca
7 Offllca Pacific. Mala 15; Home,
a A 5. "
Residence Pacific Main lit
Attorn ay -at-Law
Notary Public
Eatacada. Oregon
We maka a apactalry of tnataU-
Ing water systems and plumb- "
Ing In tha country. Wa carry j
tha Leader tanks and Stor atv J
glnea. Wa have a full I i of I
Myers pumas and stray pump. ?
Prices always lowaat. t
720 Main St
Oregon City '
Phono USZ
Office Phones Pacific Main 405;
Home A-270.
Residence Home B-214.
Attorney -at-Law
Reaver Bldg., Room 6
Money loaned, abstracts furnlafc
ed, land tltlea examined, eatatea
settled, general law buatneaa.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
PORTLAND, Ore- April 27. Scott
Brooke, of the firm of Brooke & Klor
non, one of the foremost realty deal
ers, capitalists and clubmen of Port
land, walked or jumped to death from
the second-story window at his home,
722 Flanders street, tonight at 5:30
o'clock. He died at Good Samaritan
hospital shortly after 7 o'clock.
The fatal plunge was the culmina
tion of a nervous breakdown w-hlch
began less than a week ago and which,
It Is said, was attributed to business
worries. He was worth between $500,
000 and $1,000,000, much of which was
in real estate.
Mrs. Brooke was in the house at the
time. Mr.- Brooke had had a nerve
wracking day. He sought rest In his
own room first and later went to the
bathroom on the second floor. A few
minutes later he plunged to the pave
ment 12 feet below.
I t be &tdi. It leadi ta Mrlraa
ilvmta. Ferer, Iadi(tioa. filo,
8ik HeAdache, Poiaoaed Hrtn ead
a aeor ol oihor trouble follow.
Daa't let Conatipatioa laat.
Kaap rovr Kidaera Lire ad Bowata
healthy and astir. Rid ran ajratea.
at (raiatd, ilr looda.
Nothing baiter Uuua
Dr. King's
All Druggist 25 cent I