OHKflOK CITY l-N'Ti: UPUISK, KIM HAY. AIMMI, If: I. 1'UV ROOSEVELT GOES UPON T E STAND DEFEIISE rXPHIIIDtNT TCUS OF CON FERENCE WITH MAN WHO It SUINO HIM. IS COLON'O. HI EASt DISCUSSES CASE m PRESIDING JUDGE Barnes ougnt Friendship of Blj Bull, nesa, lays WIIMii-Rough Rider Are Spoken of With Prido. 8YAA(TSK. N. Y, April :).-Theo- 1i.ro nooaeielt aent on the altnej i(nJ In the supre m court here loJay and tetlfled In an effort to prove h! rnntrnlliin tlllt he 1 JllttlMed 10 rauslng tho publication of the slat went upon ahlch William Harm sued him to recover :.0.00 for alleged II M. fader oath, ho said that the former chairman of the Republican Hate com mlltro had urged him not to antagon ize moo of Unto business who contrib uted to both the IVmoeratic and Re- publlran partita o that they would bo protected. Mr. Barnes told him. Colonel Roosc telt swore, that It was essential to protect bis bulne Interests bera unless they were protected they would not make contrlbutlona to tho party falling to protect them and that with out auch contrlbutlona It waa Impossl bio to carry on the organization. Witt out organization leaders and boaaes. tho eipresldent quoted Mr. Harnes as saying, party government would do impossible. Cornel Roosevelt also quoted Mr. Barnes aa telling tlm that 'the people are not fit to govern themsel ves. They have got to be governed by the party organization and you can not run an organization, you cannot hae leaders, unless you have money. Colonel Roosevelt In his testimony sketched his political career and with considerable pride discussed the regl mer.t of rough riders he organized for servlce In the Spanish war. He toli where tho recruits came from, where they gathered, where they wont, and Just what they did. He even described the first brush with the Spanish forces and would have related orders he had given the men under him, bad not counsel for the plaintiff objected. Then he gave detailed testimony about UIs relations with the late Sen ator Thomas C. Piatt, with Mr. Barnes, and conversations he bad with both those men on various occasions. He will continue testimony tomorrow. CHIEF I XECUTIVC l CIVIN AU THORITY TO SELL PAPEM IN THI ORIOLE CITY. WASIISOTON. April :i-l'y rur leay of -Germany" llrrl n, -Gig (!' vi,-1, ili, n and llo other m 'l lulllimir. rrid' til WlUon h Iwi presented with tho rl.ht to aril new papers In Baltimore. IWtuM I'residrtil Wilson rie mlghiy Ititrrotlni; and bripful biicr lo the newiUxa a week or lo as-n, telling them thai the right road I" the atralcht nad the netirt sent -t.i lies" and lleimany- ou-r lo the While I Ion from lUlllmor lo pre aent a badge of the child labor bureau of lUlllmore. entitling him ti sell teaapapers In tho Oriole city. Irel ilent Wilson has aured the bojs thai If ho ever gets hard up he w 111 not bet itate to Join tho newnles on the cor ncr. The president's leiter of advice was In tart aa follows: 'I am very gtad to hear about the way In which you otinrter are beginning lo lake care of yourselves and stop tho thlncs thv ou are sure to bo sorry for afterward. and I want to send you this message of hearty good will and express (he hope that the things you are learning now will make you not only more success ful men. but bappjer men. Tho rtcht road Is the straight road, and it Is the only road that will carry any man where be would care to go, because I am sure that you will icel as I U. tU! it isnl worthwhile to go anywhere If you cannot go with hwor ami s ir re speet. My message Is. Cod bless yon and guide you." PREMIUM EXPECTED STRACCSE. X. Y April 21. Theo dore Roosevelt spent five hours on the witness stand in the supreme court here today In telling of what he said be believed to be inside story of ma chine politics and boss rule In New York state. He swore that he had been reliably Informed that the "Murphy Democrats"1 and the 'Tames Republicans.'' the lat ter under the leadership of Mr. Barnes, united on more than one occasion to defeat the plans of Independent men of both parties in the state legislature, Mr. Barnes told William Loeb, Jr., the witness emphatically declared, that be had an Ironclad agreement with Charles P. Murphy, of Tammany hall, to allow the latter a free hand to se lecjt a United States senator. Mr. loeb was private secretary to Colonel Roosevelt when he was presi dent and later be was collector of the port of New York. The witness told In great detail of his dealings with the late Senator Piatt, the man he had described as the "easy boss." Piatt, the colonel assert ed, attempted to dictate the man he, as governor of the state of New York, should appoint to be superintendent of public works. But, said Colonel Roosevelt, with a considerable display of pride, when he told Mr. Barnes of the conversation, he added that he didn't Intend any man should say who he should appoint to office. Mr. Barnes, however, sided with Mr. Piatt, saying that the leader of the organ ization should have complete control of It, the witness swore. The colonel gave what he represent ed to oe the details of his conversa tions v.ith and what he had been In formed were the actions of Mr. Barnes in regard to direct primaries legisla tion, race track legislation and oppo sition on the part of the Republican machine to Governor Hughes. He related, too, the Information ex Governor Sulzer and his investigator, John A. Hennessy, gave him regarding alleged corruption In certain state de parements. As a conclusion, he de nied that he held any malice toward Mr. Barnes and added that he consid ered he was championing the cause of good government against bi-partisan boss rule when he caused the publica tion of the offending statement SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 20. Women will not serve on Juries for he next two years. This much was made certain this afternoon when the state senate in executive session de feated the Butler measure, 17 to 20. MEXICO WILL YET BE QUIETED IS BEUEFOFHUERTA FORMER DICTATOR OF OPINION THAT I0UTHERN RIPCBLIC II UNCONQUERABLE. "1HARCHY IS TOO SOU A WORD" TO DESCRIBE COUhTRY. HE SAYS Rtdtmption of Maaice by Maslcan Is Predicted Washington Gov eminent Is Declared to Bo Misled. C, Brt C (. HtAjrlMfO) II. W. Kanho ... II. F. Bullae ..... Augatt Urpprtt I. IMkXor ...... Olta Itruulman Arthur Krd.,iff 100 lUC .No. SI F. UiK.r A , A. I, Yi.r ('til'X I'umrrvto Co. 3. C. Iliinaf ... . UWi. H Um4 60 MJ; llujwa iMtuxifMy la. S"l ?1 3 10 00 MM 1 4 00 1200 40 II. I 10 Ji 7 W IJW I! 00 J. id W!ir IwKrf .... Tt-t.jio ..l!r . Vid Wmwis Turn , ! , 00 roo :ioo 36.' I I 00 :ioo J. II. lUJIry BOO llitnn I'lthor .. Mat lUn.b , J.fb Sihaff l.lmrr Illy ADDITION OF $50,000 WILL APPLY ON INTEREST OF FIRST YEAR. PORTLAND. Ore, April 13. Mult nomah county doubtless will b pa'd a premium on its il.2S0.0O0 road Im provement bonds authorized by the people at the special election on Wed nesday, and it is probable that tuny 150.000 In addition to the face value of the securities will become available for road purposes. The bonds as authorized must bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent. At the present price of money bouds of this character are sold to yield approx imately 44 per cent Interest. As the payments are due In ten an nual installments of $12j,000 each, bond buyers will have to Md on each set separately. It Is expected, bow ever, that the average premium will be somewhere between 3 and 5 per cent. A premium of 4 per cent would net $50,000. In anticipation of a substantial prem ium the commissioners are preparing to use this money to apply on the first year's Interest. 73, NEW YORK. April IB. Nelsou W. Aldrich, 30 years United States sena tor from Rhode Island, and Intimately associated with tariff and currency leK- tslatlon in that time, died today at his home In Fifth avenue, following stroke of apoplexy. He was 73 years old. Until yesterday, when he was taken ill with indigestion, Mr. Aldrich had been in good health. His physician left him an hour before he died, think ing then that he was on the way to re covery. When he became unconsicous members of his immediately family were hurriedly summoned and were at the bedside when be died. XKW YORK. April IV Vrhnnn.ily arrtlng that he hed nothing to lo with tho death of rlani-o Madero. nrral Wtorljno llurrta. rltirol nual president of Meileo. Uued ng signed statement lnlght setting forth what he termed bis side of the Meilran aueitlon. Ileneral llueria declared that bo knew who was ponnlMe for Maderu's death, but lha he was keeping It as a "prreionai secret." General lluerta's statement ro- lewed the hlntory of the Mvlero revo lution and his own aeceminn lo lh provisional president y and comludej Ith tho assertion that "my country cannot be conquered." Slitcen mil lion of men. women and children ould have to bo killed before Ueil. o outd submit to an Invader, bo a erted. Tho beads of tho Washington admin (ration, ho declared, bad not bcea fair lo Mexico, had been misled by false statements, and If they had been in Mexlro for 30 days "they would have changed their theoretical, errone ous Ideas" Had It not been for the embargo on tho exportation of arms from this country. General Huerta In dicated that his army would have pre vailed over those opposed to It. The ex provlslonal president reiter ated the assertion which bo made w hen ho left Mexico last year, that b had resigned from his position only because he hoped to bring pevce to hU country. He pointed out that in the elKht months elapsed since that date the situation In Mexico had become "too sad for me to analyze deeply. "Anarchy Is too soft word to call It." he said. HI 25 1613? 6li STEADY WORK BEST IGN W HENRY D. BAKER DEPLORES THE ATTITUDE OF AMERICAN MANFACTURERS. Why Lei a Terrible Cough Hang On and VearY ou Out? Loosen Its Grip with that Wonderful Throat and Lung Medicine, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Cong hj that "huni? on" mostly aettla on th Inogf, and they fairly eat tba life out of you. They ns op ymr streoeth, Iowct yrrar itaU It j, and pave the way for serioua luu ai4 broociual diseases. LOS ANGELES, April 20 Because a ball hurled in a game of fungoes knocked down part of a bouse occu pied bv his family, Ysidore Keyes to day filed suit for 110,000 against Max Goldsmith. SAN FRANCISCO. April 20. Thre drug fiends, inmates of the county JaU at Ingleside, escaped today in the excitement incidental to an moi'"" break for several hundred prisoners. Others were driven back to their cells at the point of guns. P0T.T, ROKCT A!CDTaS CoKTOrTO leRTM baling behind it u it clidw down jtrar tlirvU It coven raw, iDflaatd, irritats-d iur faces with soothing healing eostinit. lttr.T tho racking, tearing cough, and uaeea btuSj w linn-j uresimng. KILL O. EICHMOSD. Inglood, Cal., sar: "Folei s iioscr akd'Iau act a- well in harmony with nature, it is more like o iood than a medicine." E.J. SARGENT, lalla, Teian, write r "I bad a terrible eoogu i,ich wur(j will not deacribe. J spent much money end triad saany kinds of treatment, but found nothing which woolet euro me. At last I tried Foley a IIokeT Alio Tab and it eompletol relietHd mo of all bad symptom and my cough entire! j disappeared." For ail eoaghs, eolda, eronp, bronchltil af fections, U grippe eoogha, throat and lung trouble, aon will find it a medicine with out a peer. Erery good dmggiit is glad to sell It, for it gire satisfaction to hii en, toners and eontaine no opiates. Too cannot get a gnbatitnus to do for Too what Folki a Ham ajtd i as w.li do. ZOc, vie, liO every uses: is a friend. Jones Drug Co. SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.. April 15 Before sailing tomorrow for a long tour through Siberia to the Russian capital, H nry D. Baker. United Statin commercial attache to Russia, declared that It takes steady work to got for eign trade, that trade marks are use ful, and that producers and banker should cooperate In developing the for eign field. Mr. Baker was formerly consul at Bombay, India. He will make a se ries of stops In Siberia and a long stop at Moscow before establishing his headquarters In Petrograd. The re sults of his work there may open up limitless opportunities for American manufacturers. "Many of our American manufac turers," he said, "are disposed to re gard foreign trade merely as a make shift, to be used In a pinch. When business gets dull at home, then they want to sell abroad. As a result, they are frequently disappointed. Trade with foreign countries Is not to be ob tained In that way. It must be oil- j uvaiea constantly. -ine customers must be educated to the value of Am erican goods. In India the natives knew the goods by the pictures on tho packages." Mr. Uaker believes that Dankers should cooperate In the contest for for eign business. He said that depots or show places for the exhibition of American goods should be established In all alien lands whose trade Is worth cultivating. MA IU,r,I Sua, lrr J. I. V'o.ir t V. CarwnUr Altrt C'arji,tr William Carpenter .... A. Neuvnathwatuiar Knwt Conrad , lKt. No. SI CuuJ ILmJ. Math. tV W. W. Unr Owingt CKauncts Yodvr John CaaU . Bert Kent Wm. r1rarl Wervm Stanton I Hat. N. il Good Roads Mach. Co. Howard Cooper Corp Crrm Mill Co. II. II. Yount A. A. Allen Crraaon Mill Co. :T3.0 Arthur Barrett J. U Croy Hiram Fellows James Craft Wyman Craft Harry Cream n ..... H. W. Creason A. I- Mattoon G. I). Crataon KreJ Creaaoti Steven Fellows II. II. Mattoon A. A. Allen T. Jubb A. Meyer C. F- llively B. Randolph G. Moriran Geo. M. Hively J. I. Cromer Jos Ilinkle It 04 '"ha iiiy 30 00 JJ.7J 17 W SV75 so oo 2J.74 4 OO 4CWiJ. t' t;olmln 12 00 10 00 1 1 H- MuthetUnJ 1100 400! W. WsnaW . 11.00 j.00 J. A. KMmU 11.24 9.00 'OUtf h'tllaer . 14 00 F. 1- brtl Fre lAima : :'tB. m Ficken Julb . Wm. Creo. J. C. 2s.74 I- " - - j I. T. Kir.fl.ir ;j Williams llrwa. Trans. Co.. H00!jamee Adklns l.br. Co mo;- ''"i - mil W. Put. her . 40o! 4 00 3 00 U. It- Kuhr, Hull Lumber Co. I. I. Trullinger It. S,hueble rtavn . . huelirl C. II Smith Chaa. Kappler Kliat Houghton W. W. Porter . I. Mullan iU.t Hide Mill Iir. Co... Caffall Broe Joe Teters lO. J. McKenney , John Kaye 8. L. Mullan John IJnd , luac Scott PavUI Foaberf - I A. II. KnlKht , W. II. Mattoon I R. Mattoon I II. S. Anderaon I tt.rt It Pin.-k C. C. Miller S0.50 Moo' w,U) BOfNTY g 00 ' FreJ Schafer 3.00 1 2 00 ' W- A- S,on 00 21 00 ' - A- Giltn'r 6 00 .Malt Itiubls 15.00 16.00 100 ZiM, 11.001 MOO, 2I.0 1 1.00 1 14 00, 31.00 1100 28.00 2H.00 62.00 8.00 35.00 31.00 49.00 13.00 1300 2 25 70 115(5 40.4.1 28J0 42.00 lit 00 IS.tK) 10.00 1900 BC0 2.50 1.50 11.50 400 500 2.00 200 1.10 23.H9 9.40 20 00 1H.75 15.74 18.25 15.00 4.00 13.00 23.45 39.00 21.00 8.50 20.25 J. C. BlrLklln - 29 20 Hal IliwIJey 25.40 !,! hl.lner 25.00 I'aul lluiin 2K00 W. C. I'alian 20 NeU I. Milium 29 40 loi Itud llailr 900 laura Hltnons 1.20 L'a Kirmina 20 Mra. Kreliner 4.40 C. W. Iiuhel 4 40 (Jregif Co - 8 40 I mil GuurdMU 7.00 C. V. Adama 58.40 Oiailee JWhy 24.40 A. i. Harkenelder 20.00 I. T. Hh.lley T.00 Alfred CaMU 8 40 J. K Kliifl.lr Mik .Storey John KaniniM C. Ittflhter Flwanl lVlerlrl A. I. Davis :. Benjamin Ftaher II. F. Cold. (5. C. Maronay C. IL AyUworth W. M. Thum KlUalieth llumihrys Charles White 7.00 8.00 0.00 8.20 8.00 8.80 8.(10 880 7.00 5.00 0.00 2.20 3 20 2.00 8.20 2.20 4.20 S.20 Hoy A Girl. AU ....- 1H00 Mrs. Bra.ltl (J. Mt'Namarah) 10. (Hi J. II. Hallee (W, T. Tilialey) . 20 0 Kara Briber H W mk M..l.r 10.00 Mrs. J..le Allen 20.00 1800 20.00 .Slicker . 18 00. Walters ZZ..Z 10.00 - tyn Ficken 8.00!J,mM G. Kirchera - 4.00 . . , E. F. Batseon C. lander I J. Sevier Dial. No. 56 Martin Bros. . Tope ft Co. Albert Martin Geo. North B. CoU - Nat Scribner . L. Radford 11.00 10.001 John Auld Frank Reeae 2.00 5.00 13.00 3.00 jj M 'Arthur Perry 6.00 r . S. White 17.00 A. L. Heacock S.00 W. F. Wells 4.00 SHERIFF A. G. Amee 2.00 II. W. Trembath 34.90 Pac. Highway Garage 2.70 W. J. Wilson 16.45 Elk Horn SUbles 53.00 Miller-Parker Co. 40 F. A. Miles 12.10 W. J. Wilson 11.00 - 1.35 n. Frost 11.00 1 L C. Hubbard 3.50 26.81 3.63 1.50 6.00 6.25 6.25 11.00 B. Rambo 18.00 L. Mudgvtt 11.00, C. Miller - 20.00, Wm Ri.therfnrrt 11.00 F. E. Kirk 11.00 "un" l,ros- Co' Harold Vohs 14.00 M. Garde 12.00 J. MayfioM 14.001 I LLKiv R William 7.00 ! Miller-Parker Co, Dint. No, 56 F. Brunner 10.50 Mame Bceson 3.00 Dar. Fellows 10.00 Dist. No. 67 Carl Bocche 32.30 F. A. Todd 12.00 0. Kyllo ... 3.00 L. Widatrnnd 6.00 Dint. No. 58 II. F. Gibson 16.60 J. C. Miller 44.35 E. Brown 6.00 W. Brown 21.00 Dalian y 24.00 II. Gieseck 8.00 MUCH ADLER-I-KA USED IN OREGON CITY It is reported by the Jones Drug Company that much Adler-l-ka Is sold In Oregon City. People have found out that ONE SPOONFUL of this simple buckthorn bark and glycerine mixture relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour or gassy stom ach. It is so powerful that it Is used successfully in appendicitis. ONE MINUTE after you take it the gasses rumble and pass out. It Is perfectly safe to use and cannot gripe. (Adv.) An entire regiment of Canadians who are off to war have taken out life In surance policies with an American company. The city of Toronto will pay the premiums for three years. COUNTY COURT ' Dist No. 51 Metzger Bros 4.60 A. L. Heacock 9.50 Henry Henning-sen 1.00 Dist. No. 52 Port By. L. & P. Co .10 H. V. Rutherford 200.25 C. W. Schuld & Sons 46.65 Concrete Pipe Works 92.30 (AdT.)'GIen Rusbford 11.00 W. II. Stone lb'-Vo A. Johnson 14.60 Griffin 8.00 S. Lyons 8.75 Humes 5.00 Foreman 6.50 Dist. No. 69 Chase & Linton - 7.00 W. V. S. Railway Co. 7.50 Howard-Cooper Corp 3.00 Frank Busch 4.70 Geo. Rosonbloom .50 Wilson & Cooke 8.25 Geo. A. Brown 1.15 George Lammers 259.35 Geo. A. Brown 35.00 John D. Parker 9.00 Roy Reitsma 2.00 P. r.iltsma 4.50 Lyman Derrick 29.00 Wallace Lewis 13.25 Dist No. 60 Howard-Cooper Corp - 17.55 Geo. V. Adams . 2.60 GENERAL ROADS Howard-Cooper Corp 600.89 Road Dist. No. 51 82.25 Coast Culvert & Flume Co..... 56.25 Hodson-Feenaughty Co 176.00 Meese & Cottfried Co 629.38 Concrete Pipe Works 343.20 Canby Concrete Co 12.50 nodson-Feenaujfhty Co 162.50 Good Roads Mach. Co 166.50 Doernbecher Mfg. Co. 53.58 Thomas & Davis 3.50 Canby Hdwre. & Imp. Co. 6.80 Hesse-Martin Iron Works 33.25 Chase & Linton 12.33 Western Supply Co 10.14 Oregon City Foundr....y. 6.25 Weismandel & Nelson . 2.25 Carlton & Rosenkrans Co 26.00 W S. Maple 3.50 J. V. Barr 3.00 W. C. Whitfield 7.60 Cood Roads Mach. Co 8.00 C. E. Surfus .., 125.73 Anton Oberstatter 24.00 American Rubber Belting & Hose Co 638.26 Port. Ry. L. 4 P. Co 36.60 A. Morrow 6.00 I. M. Harrington 10.00 Huntley Bros. Co 1.45 The Adder Mach. Co. 1.00 The Irwin-Hodnon Co 77.20 J. O. SUats 48.00 RECORDER Huntley Bros. Co. 80 E. P. Dedman 10.00 Elliott Fisher Co - 1.00 E. P. Dedman 75 Williams Bros. Trans. Co 82 L. Cochran 66.00 White Carbon A Ribbon Co... 9.00 TREASURER Jones Drui? Co 2.90 Huntley Bros. Co 1.75 ASSESSOR Claude Woodle 10.00 II. W. Koehler 39.00 Jerome Avery 36.00 N. R. Graham 19.50 L. P. Duffy 21.00 W. II. Holder 9.00 M. E. Gaffney 36.00 J. 0. SUats 27.00 Chas. Thompson 60.00 Wm. Avtson 33.00 B. J. Staats 25.50 W. S. Grim 89.00 Jones Drug Co 1.00 J. E. Jack 3.00 Huntley Bros. Co. 9.25 COUNTY JUDGE II. S. Anderson 6.60 W, II. Mattoon - 30.00 A. II. Knight - 64.00 COURT HOUSE Pac. Tel. Co 27.90 Home Tel. Co 14.80 V. Harris 1.40 Weismandel & Nelson 1.00 C. D. Freidrich 7.00 J. K. Morris 4.00 Bablcr & Gerber Truck Co 55 II. L. aMrtln 2.90 Board of Water Com 16.00 Huntley Bros. Co 2.60 CIRCUIT COURT Hugh S. Mount 6.00 C. II. Meissner 6.00 The Courier Press 9.75 B. N. Hicks 250.00 Carl Howell 33.00 S. F. Scripture 27.20 R. Miller 33.50 Harry C. Reid : 1380 C. D. Dickcrson 32.20 Fred Kamrath 28.80 Eugene Lewellen 34.00 George lammere N. Krl.kK.n K.lna Jlefl Herman Moehnk John Heft JfSTICE PEACE D. E. Froat 69.no John N SI evers 61.80 Gus Haberlech 3.10 A. V. Whickland 3.10 Marahall Shrarvr 3.10 Fred Felchtinger 3.10 John Goecty 8.10 George Randall 1.70 Joha Albright 1.70 Charlea Hatxuck 1.70 Carl Uoyer 3.10 F- It. Bennett a. 3.10 (laretur Enghouae 3.10 William .Seiben 3.10 I. O. Eaton 2.20 H. U. Meyers ..i 2.20 Fred Stelner 2.20 J. J. Tohan 2.2 ) E. II. Coopre 2.20 Frank Morrel 1.70 Frank Bigger 1.70 J. W. Saunders 1.7u James Melllen 1.7') Dorothy Mellien w 1.70 Lily Mellien 1.70 Mr. F. Uaher 1.7U Mrs. Fred Daw 1.70 Mrs. Henry Mycr. 1.70 K. L. Shaw . 1.70 Jack Front 1.7-J John Bitner 1.70 II. I. Martin 1.20 II. G. Tiet . 1.20 II. J. Staata 1.20 L. R. Noble 1.20 Ellerd Bailey 1.20 Gcorgo Gardiner 1.20 J. R. Kelso 6.5 W. E. Kelao 6.95 Claude W. Devore 23. A. G. Ames 27.45 Edwin Bates 6.10 J. E, Pomeroy 8.10 F. L. Mack 7.30 R. S. Smith 1.00 F. L. Proctor 10.0 C. Melugim 1.00 Ed Uttlepage 1.00 H. II. Thomas $1.00 W. St Johns 1.00 A. E. Cahill 3.30 Alma Wall 3.30 Eil. Wall 3.30 May Moore 3.10 E. L, Dovidiion 3.45 J. C. Haines, Jr 1.70 CORONER 0. A. Wolsh 15.00 Dr. Frank Mount 6.00 John N. Sievers 20.00 C. T. Sievers 20.00 George Do Shields 1.70 F. W. Bates 1.70 Geo. Armstrong 1.70 6.00 16.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 6.00 1800 10.00 10.00 10.00 13.80 3.00 3.00 20.00 800 8.00 7.00 16.00 10.00 7.00 4.10 1.16 1200 1.00 7.00 20.00 16.90 3.20 18.00 13.00 6.00 J, C. Bradley Chas. Hattan D. O. Day J. H. Tracy E. Shubert F. Birkemeier . F. W. Cooke R. S. McLaughlin J. B. Jackson C. W. Swallow .... 27.00 28.60 24.40 30.70 25.40 25.00 25.90 26.40 24.60 24.60 Ernest Duus 1.70 Frank Thomas 1.70 E. E. Saling 1.70 Dr. II. V. Adlx ; 10.00 R. M. Standish 1.00 F. O. (Crawford 1.20 R. L. Githens 1.60 A. E. Yocum '. 1.20 Charles Linn 1.20 H. M. Duus 10.00 Dr. M. C. Strickland 10.00 SURVEYOR Huntloy Bros. Co 2.75 S. Thompson Meldrum 113.00 II. II. Johnson 84,60 Bud Thompson 24.40 Paul Dunn 24.40 Harry Shelley 22.50 Leslie U. Shank 6.00 The Barthold Barg Co 2.85 INSANE Dr. Hugh Mount 6.00 8UPT. OF SCHOOLS Elk Horn Stables 8.00 E, S. McCormick 130.00 D. E. Frost 9.44 J. E. Calavan 27.69 Brenton Veddor 126.30 Bushong & Co. . 6.50 Huntley Bros. Co 16.80 BOARD OF HEALTH Huntley Bros. Co 32.75 Mrs. E. Bergeson 15.00 Sandy Drug Co 7.00 J. A. Van Brakle 32.84 Arthur McVey 42.00 FRUIT INSPECTOR Garfield Merc. Co 27.00 C. F. Standish 22.05 COUNTY VET. W. S. Eddy 60.00 C. C. Henderson 60.00 Christ Naegli 62.f) H. R. Tyler 12.60 INDIGENT SOLDIER Wm. Danforth 10.00 Meade Post No. 2 G. A. R. .... 35.00 COUNTY POOR Wm. Danforth 10.00 r O N0THM HTHM MHTHM David Jones 8j00 5.00 460 4.00 3.00 I'atton Home (Mrs. J. Avln) At J, Roeelilhal Mary lluol (Grandaon Hobt. Trimble) I'etrr KrtVkai.n Sarah Gibbons 20.00 Ella Payne 10.00 Henry Spieaa (Elisabeth Chatf A IIuhUi.,1) W. J. Moldei.hautr UuIm Ballou 15.00 Mrs. Calbraith 15.00 Harry Cooper 20 00 Kate Gardner I. P. Williamson Anna U Hnydr Mrs. G. W. Thompson Ambroae 1'luard Mrs. Mlnda (hurrh (Mrs. Uaher) Farr Brita. (J. Matheaon) .... Farr Bros, (Mis. Fownel) ... Farr Broa. (Tom Gamer) Itoawelt I. Holman (Lorento Williamson) Mrs. Ida Weat (Mrs. Kramer) G. W. Itmlaway (Mrs. Krlrk- son) Wm. Dahlke (Mrs. Iirxa) ... Sarah Broughton (Mrs. Uih- r) Oregon City llo.pllal (Gotlleb Conrad) Fred Clack (Mrs. Mkho) I. Adams (Cecil Trenton) .... I- Adams (Mra. Usher) I Adama (Mrs. Penman) I Adams I. Adams (Mrs. Tom Gar ner) Mrs. George lllmler (Malhe- on) I... J. E. Downey (Crawford fam ily) Frank Ott (Fuller Slaters) ... Frank Barlow (Mrs. Marco) Frank T. Barlow (W. Dkkle- nun) Frank T. Barlow (A. C . Sleight) ren A Co. 9A90A0O rsen A Co, (Albert Pequln) 10.00 W. W. Pollock (Chas. Mc. KiiinU) 10.00 W. Keebaugh (Mra. Kelley) 6.00 Oregon City Hoapital (Gunner Krogh) 34.60 Oregon City Hospital (S. D. Cronk) White Grocery Co. (Pluard). Mrs. T. 1. Smith (Dick Meyr e) A. S. Brown (Mrs. 8. E. Gosa ler) Board of Water Commlaslonv (A. Pcritl) 2.00 (M. J. Trullinger) 2.00 (C. II. Willoughby) 6.00 F. E. Mellien (Mrs. Usher).... 15.00 E. O. logan (S. E. Jossler).... 8.10 W. A. Holmes (Mrs. E. E. Baker) 8.00 Maggie A. Johnson (E. M. Valen tino) 24.00 Denis Donovan (Jerome Ham ilton) P. J. Winkel (Mrs. Katie Olm ska) r. J. Winkle (Guntave Crceblo) P. J. Winklo (Gustavt Gre- - eble) 10.00 C. J. Hood 3.60 E. T. Bevclln (L P. William- son) 6.00 Huntloy Bros. Co. (Mrs. Brown) 2.05 Welch Groc. Co. (Mrs. T. F. Grady) 10.00 D. L. Klvmson (Mrs. T. L. Smith) 16.00 Dr. C. II, Molssner (prisonor) 15.00 Mrs. Annio Langsford (Goo. E. Brown) 4,00 Jos. E. Hedges (Mrs. M. J. Trul- linger) : 12.00 Batdorf Bros. (Mrs. Bushen- ville) 10.00 II. Salow (A. C. Joslyn) 1.00 R. C. Scott (Foster Sisters).. 16.00 Williams Bros. (Mrs. Wood wards) .. Mangum & Romlg (Wlllough- ley) Mangum 4 Romig (Mrs. Weav er) Lcnach Bros. (John Wanker) Estcs & Nichohls (Mrs. Pier- to) JAIL V. Harris W. J. Wilson 160.02 Hogg Bros 3.55 JUVENILE COURT D. E. Frost 10.90 Minda E. Church 41.30 PRINTING & ADVERTISING Jones Drug Co (JO.OO Orogon City Enterprise 625.90 Oregon City Courlor 61.50 TAX Tim McGotlchio .1.1 !n L. Dunn 5.20 W. Harrington 122 70 M. E. Dunn 50.OO Ona Renner 87.60 Nellie Richardson 87.00 .JoBfrfe Paddock 88.69 Geo, Nelson 106.20 M. E. Dunn 50.00 Mabol Vaughan 49.29 Mary Confer 70,80 Jos. Meindl 39.63 FOREST FIRE State of Oregon 205.85 12..D 10.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 28.60 20.60 .75 G, Our "JITNEY" Offer This snd 80. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with Cc to Foley Co.. Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Fol ey's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kid ney Pills, for pain In sides and back. rheumatism, backache, kidneys and bladder; Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic. Jones Drug Co. fAdv.l