OIIROON CATY KKTKIMMtTHK. VIM) AY, A1IW in, l'n5. The BLACK BOX By E. ruiLLirs OPPENIIEIM Author of -Mr. Crt ti M,mn "as as ate !! Kwt STlrteiMee icffii, ui r oue r, wnti CHAPTER XIII. Cralg't surprise waa real enough fee opened th bark door of th pro feasor's bout on tbt following morn. Id and fosod Lenor standing oi Ik threshold. Leaor entiled pleasantly. 1 cam to Iblf door." she Mid. "b (tM I wealed a Ilill Ulk wlifc rev." Craig' attiud perfect II waa Hystiried bat b remained respectful. "WIN you con Inelder k Invited. lb (book kr head. 1 am afraid." b roofldad, "of whet I m going to Bay being overheard. Com with m dowa to lb garag for moment." II epeaed lb door of lb garag. leaving lb km to tb lock, tad they both passed Inside. "To ay what yo pleas kr without tb slightest ftr of being pverbesrd, bUt," Craig remarked. Lenora sodded. od brlk4 a prayer to herself. Sk ws Bearer Ik door than Craig by (boat half dot paces. Iltr band groped la tb lllll bag b we carrying tod gripped ombtDg bard. 8b alenched br t(k for moment Tbta tb automatic pistol Bashed out tbrough tb gloom. "Craig." ib threatened. "U yo bov I aball iboot you." It seemed a tbougb lb Ban wsr a coward. II began to tremble, hi Up twitched, bta eree grw larger aad rounder. "What U Itr b faltered. "What do you want?" "Just tbla." Lenor aald Irmly. "I uapect you to b guilty of tb crtai for which Ban ford Queet I In prlaoa. I am going to bat you questioned. If you ar Innocent you bav nothing 10 fkr. If ton are aulltr tber kill jb someone bar before long who w til tract, ib trutb from you." Tb ma'i faro wss aa epltom of terror. Eva kla knees abook. Lenora fait harself grow calmer with very Bomtnt "I an going outald to nd a oiea aag." aba told bin. "I abaJI retur presently." "Doa't go," k beggd uddealy, Tkia't leave bI I a a Innocent I bav don Botblog wrong. If you keep bar, you will do Bor karoa tbaa you ra dream of." "It I for olker people to dacld about our laaooane," Lanora ald calmly. "I bat aothlng to do lib that If you ar la you will atop bar gulatly." "Hav you aald aoytblng to Mr. Aablalgh, Blaaf" tb Baa aakd pit- oualy. "Not word." A Mpraaaloa of rallaf aboo for Bomant upon, kla fac. Lanor point ed to atool. "fit 4oa tber and wait quietly, ik ordered. II obeyad without a word. Eb Ipft tb plate, locked tb door ee esrely, tad Bade ber way round to tb other aid of the garage tb aid bidden from tb boua. Her, at tb far corner, ah drew a little pocket wlreleea from ber bag and et It oa tb window all). Very alowly ah cent ber Beeaage: I have Craig her In the prefeeeor garage, locked up. If eur plan ha oceeeded, com a nc. I am wait log for yeu. Tber waa aa reply. Bb aent tb Beeaage agala and again. Suddenly, during a piuaa, there waa a Utile flaab apoa tbo plat. A meaaag waa eonv LOCAL BOY IS MAINSTAY Oil THE U. OF 0. TEAM AT COLUMBIA MEET On of the principal prformrra on the University of Orrgon team at the Columbia meet In I'ortland tomorrow afternoon will h Kent Wllaon, the eon of Mr. and Mr. J. W. NVIIaon and a former member of the Oregon City blub achool. Wileon la entered In three of the principal event of the day: the relay, the 410 and the 810. Owing to the weakened condition of the University of Oirgnn team, milrb la exported if WIlHon, evrn though ho va alrk In bed a week ago. Mr. and Mr. Wllaon received a let ter from thnlr ion yeaterday which aa aured them that be waa feeling fine and would be In good ahape for to morrow a meet. A mild attack of ton- allltla laid up the local boy for a week and eerloualy Interfered with hla training. He haa been out only a few tlmea. Wllaon spent several year at the local achool and then went to Port land, graduating from the Washington high achool In that city. There he on many laurel In the high achool track team In the middle dlstanc event. He appeared at the Columbia meet during hi lust year at the high achool and waa on of the high point winner for hi team. Kent WlUon'a father la aherlff hut hla high official capacity will not pre vent him frcm aeolng hla aon tomor row, he declared last night. Of course. Mra. Wllaon will accompany him. lag to bar. Ik trtaertU4 it r1tb pasting beart: 0. K. Ceding. Tka guard twang epea Ike ticket la front of Qul'l cell. "Young weoua to ee to. Quasi. b announced. "Tea Blaulea, and a loud talk lag. pUaa. quest moved to tb bar. It waa Laar wba eteod tbare. Ik wasted vary little time la prelliulnarl. Ilr tng ealleflad beraslf that Ibc guard was out of bearing, ak Uaaed a CloM k aould to QueeL "Look bar," ah aald, "Leoora'g crat; with lb Idea that Craig ba don tbaa Job Craig, tb profaa aor'i aorraot, you know. W a4 tb pbototelesro yesterday aftamooa and aaw blta bur aometblng fa lb pro- feaaor' eiudy, Leoora went up straight away and got bold of tb eihes." "Smart girl," Queat murmured, nod ding approvlagly. "Walir "Tber ar dlatlact frsimeots. 1-aura continued, "of embroidered atuff ucb a tb Balvatloa Army girt nlgbl bav beea wearing. W put them oa on ld, but tby ain't mough vt- dene. Lanora'a Idea la that yoa hould get bold of Craig and bypaoUa blm Into a confeaaloa." "That all right, Queat replied. "but bow am I to get bold of blmr Laura glanced one more raraleaily round to where tb guard stool Lenora'a gone up to tb profeaaor gain tbla afternoon. Kb I going to try and get bold of Craig and lock bin In tb garage. If ah succeed, eb win tend a naaaage by wlralee at three o'clock. It I balfpaat two now." "Welir Queet eiclalmed. "Walir 'Ton can work tbla guard. If you want to." Lenora went on. "I bav aeeo yoa tackle wore casei. Ha aeema dead aey. Then let m In the cell. FANS ARE SATISFIED ONLY TEAMS ON HOME GROUNDS TOP BEAVERS. rOim.AND, Ore., April 13. With the opening game of th aeaaon sched uled here today, funs who have been content with detailed reporta of the showing of tho toam will have an op portunity of aoolng for theniRolvea aa to tho artunl strength of the team. To dnto the (bowing haa boon nil that could be don I red, as the club re turns horn with a record of .COO per cent, hnvlng won aa mnny gnmoa on tho rood aa It lost. This la a good record for any time of the year, and tho Portland team atnrtod In poorer condition than any of the othor aggrcgatlona, with tho poBolble excoptlon of Snlt Lake. The rtoavora are In third place at present, San Francisco and Los An goloa leading thorn In the rare. Those were the two teams picked by the ma jority of the experts a thoH which Portland would have to heat In order to win another pennant, and there Is no reason to change tbla opinion, a yet. Put It miiBt he remembered that ev ery gam both of these tonms have played to date have been on their home grounds, encouraged by local crowds, something which the Heaven have yot to experience. STRAW VOTE DELAYED AFTER JUNE ELECTION The straw vote to learn tho opinion of district school boards on the reten tlon of supervisors during the next achool year will not be taken until late In June, anld County School Superln tendent Calavan Wednesday. The county educational board de sired to eocuro nn oxpresHlon of opln Ion from tho district directors and de termined that by holding a straw vote, the matter could he nettled easiest. As there will probably be many change made In the peritonei of achool boards noxt Juno at the annual school elec tion, Mr. Calavan dotormlned to wait until the now dlroctors had been Installed. sour Cltrolax CITROLAX C I T R O L A X Heat thing for constipation. stomach, lazy liver and sluggigh bow els. Stops a alck headache almost at once. Gives a moat thorough and sat isfactory flushing no pain, no bausea. Keeps your system clonnBed, sweet and wholesome, R. It. Rasmussen, Es ennaha, Mich., writes: "Cltrolax I a fine laxative, pleasant to take, and does the work In a very thorough man ner." Children love it. Jones Drug Co. (Adv.) r oooa ooonj n 'm J !" ! I rr 1 J...-: 1 -'4 rofaaeor houM. Ifa watkad awtm I . ap ihr drlv a.f turned toward the w ' W kU garage, boplag very mm to aa Mk0 B '- ' aom.iklna of Uoora. Tka door ol (h. ", d ' rylg to BEAVERS ARE DEFEATED IN FIRST HONE GAME BY VENICE WITH SCORE 6 TO 3 Despite tho coaching of 11,000 rnbl-l Portland fans, the Beavers today lost the opening gome on the homo grounds with the acore of 6 to 3. Venice piny ed with a rush and vim that meant scores. In the first set, two of the Callfornlani) went across tho plate and the performance waa repeated In tho ninth frame. In the aecond Inning Mitchell dou bled and beat the ball homo scoring for the Tigers. Davis made count for the Heavers In tho same set Port land scored again on a home run by Rube Evans In the third, but that was th end of Beaver activity. Mitchell, formerly with the St. Louis Itrowne. waa In the box for the Tlgera but waa out of the game in the sixth frame with a apralned ankle. Plorcey then hurled tbe ball for Venice. Mitchell and Plercey each al lowed the Beavers four bits. Krause waa knocked out of the box In tb first frame, the Tiger ecurlng three hits, two of which acored. and Evana waa given th place to av the toam. Despite the efforts of the elements, close to' 11,000 fans turnod out for the opening game. The grand stsnd was full, the loft field circus seat also, tho loft field bleachers comfortably crowd ed and the big center field bleachers nearly filled. But few preliminaries were In dulged in. The game had boen do layed a trifle In order that sawdust might be sprinkled about the Infield. The big band played "The Star Span gled Banner" with the crowd standing meanwhile, the big flag In right field waa hoisted to th top of the staff and the game was off. Today's lineup: Venice Carlisle. If; Kane, cf; Ber ger, ss; Rlsberg, rf; Hetling, '3b: Olelschmsnn, lb; Purtell, 2b; MItxe, c; Mitchell, p. Portland Doane, rf ; Speaa, cf; Der rick, lb; Stumpf, 2b; Fisher, c; Le ber, If; Davis, Sb; Murphy, aa; Krauie, p. Umpires Finney and William. "If You Move I Shall Shoot You!" tak my clothes and leave p here." truest followed th scheme In bl mind quickly. "It Is all right." he decided, "but I am not at all sure that they can really bold me on the evidence they bar got If they can't, I ahall be doing my elf more harm than good In this way." "It's no use unless you can got hold or Craig quickly," Laura aald. "He la getting the acarea, aa It la." "I'll do It." Quest decided. "Call the guard, Laura." She obeyed. The man came good naturedly toward them. Queat looked at him steadfastly through the bar. I want you to com inside for a moment," Quest repeated aoftly. "Un lock the door, please, take the key off your bunch and com Inside." The man hesitated, but all the time bis Anger were fumbling lth the keya. Quest' Hp continued to move., The warder opened tb door and en. tered. A few minutes later Quest passed th key through the window to Laura, who was atandlng on guard. without a word, and with marvelous rapidity, the change waa effected. Laura produced from her handbag a wig, which ahe pinned Inside her hat and passed over to Quest Then ahe flung heraelf on to th bed and drew the blanket up to her chin. How long will he stay like thatr ahe whispered, pointing to the warder,, who was attttng on th floor with hla arm folded and his eyes cloaed. "Half and hour or so," Quest an swered. "Don't bother about him. I hall drop the key back through the window." Quest reached Georgia square at five minutes to three. A glance up and down assured him that the house was unwatcbed. He let himself la with his own key, threw Laura's clothes off, and, after a few moments' hesitation, selected from the ward robe a rough tweed suit with a thick lining and lapels. Just as he waa tying hla tie, the little wireless which he had laid on the table at his aid began to record a message. He glanced at the clock. It was exactly three. Quest' eyes shone for a moment with satisfaction. Then he aent off his answering messsge, put on a dus ter and alouch hat, and left the boua by th aid entrance. In a few mo ment he was In Broadway, and a quarter of an hour later a taxlcab de posited him at th entrance to th plat Mood opaa. Ho alrd aad alkad around. It was empty. Thar bo alga ol eltbor Craig r L- orat , . . Quaat recovered from kla Aral die- appointment, atol rhrafully out an 4 Bad a Bloul iamlnalloa ol (be place. ( Iom to th corner from which Lnora bad cat bar wlralas mugj to blm. be atooped and picked ap r. handkerchief, wklcb frooj th Barklnr; k reeogolied at one. A few fst away tb gravel wa( disturbed aa though by th trampling of eevaral fel If sat bl toeth. I've got to lad that girl," be mut tered. "Craig caa go to b-ll" II turned away aod approached tb boas. Th froot door stood open nd b Bad bl way at one to th library. Tb profeaaor, who wa alt ting at bl deab surrounded by a pit of book and papers, addressed bins, a b entered, without looking ap. Where on earth bav yo been. Craig r b Inquired petulantly. " bav rang for yo alt tlmas. Iltv 1 aot told yo never to leave th place with out orden r It I not Craig," Quest replied qulwt ly. "It la I, profMor Banford Quest" Tb profeaaor awung round la hi ekair aad eyed bl vial lor to blank astonlahment "Quest r he iclalmad. "Cod bias ay soul I Hav tbey let yo out al ready, tboar "I cam out. Quest replied grim ly. "Sit tight and llatea to m for a moment "111 your "Too earn outr the profeaaor re peated, looking a little dated. "Too Been yoa escaped T Quest nodded. "Perbape I mad a mistake," be ad mitted, "but ber I am. Now llaten, profeaaor." And b told tb tory of th last fw bour. Tb professor' fac wa almost piti ful In It blank amaxement Hla mouth wa wide open Ilk a child'. word aeemed absolutely denied to blm. He rote to bl feet obvloualy tremendou effort to adjust bl Idea. Craig locked up In By garagr b murmured. "Craig guilty of thoe murder? Why, toy dear Mr. Queat mor harmless, a more Inoffensive, peace-loving and "devoted servant than Joba Craig never trod this earth!" Maybe," Quest replied, "but wber I br Th professor could do nothing but look around blm a little vaguely. T am going back," Quest announced. My only chanc 1 th wireless. If Lenora la allv or at liberty, ah will communicate with me." May I come, toot" th profeaaor aaked timidly. 'Coma by all means." Queat assent ed. "I will drive you down in your car. If you like." Th professor hurried away to get his cost and hat and a few minutes later tbey started off. In Broadway they left th car at a gang and mad their way up a back street which enabled them to enter th house at th aid entrance. Tbey passed up stair Into th ilttlng-room. Quest fetched th pocket wireless and laid It down on th table. Th profeaaor ex amined It with Intereat "Tou ar marvelous, my friend," he declared. "With all these resource of aclence at your command It seems Incredible that you ahould be In th position you are." Queat nodded coolly. "Juat one moment professor, while I ad off a message," he aald, open ing the little Instrument "Where are you, Lenora?" he signaled. "Send me word and I will fetch yon. I am In my own house for the present Let me know that you are wfe." The profeaaor leaned back, amoklng on of Queat' excellent cigar He wa beginning to ahow algns of the liveliest Interest "Quest" be aald, "I wish I could In duce you to dismiss this extraordinary supposition of yours concerning my i servant Craig. The man has been with ' me for the best part of twenty years. He saved my life in South America; we have traveled in all parts of the world. He haa proved himself to be exemplary, a faithful and devoted aervant" "Then perhapa you will tell me," Quest suggested, "where he la now, and why be has gone away? That doe not look Ilk complete Innocence, doe itr Th professor sighed. " '1 cannot stay here much longer, un leea I mean to go back to the Tombs," Quest declared. "Surely," th professor luggested, "your innocence will very soon he es tablished r 'There Is one thing which will hap pen, without a doubt" Quest replied. "My auto and the chauffeur will be dis covered. I have Instated upon Inqulr le being sent out throughout the state of Connecticut They tell me, too, that the police are hard on the scent of Red Gallagher and the other man. Unless they get wind ot this and sell me purposely, their arrest will be the end of my troubles. To ten you the truth, professor," Quest concluded, "It Is not of myself I am thinking at all just now. It is Lenora." The professor nodded sympathet ically. "The young lady who shut Craig up In the garage, you mean? A plucky young woman ahe must be." "She baa a great many other good qualities besides courage," Quest de clared. "Women have not counted for much with me, professor, up till now, any more than they have done, I ahould think, with you, but I tell you frankly, if anyone has hurt a hair of that girl's bead I will bay their Urea, keep fre. The wlaeet thins to do, from my o point ef view, would b to glv ayaalf ap eaa'l bring my Mlf to do that without kaowlag what baa becoea of her." Tb profeeeor aoddad aiala. A charming and a til brad yoag woaasa ake aeema," ha admitted. 1 fear that I ahould ly b a beagle la your profeealoa, Mr. Queet bl If there c aaythlng I caa do depead poa me. Personally, I aa eoavlnred that Craig will return to m with on plausible eiplanatloa aa to what baa happened." Queet, for the tblr or fourth time soved cautiously toward th window. Id eipresaloa fuddealy changed. If glanced suddenly doaaward. frowned lightly. "They're after bo!" be eiclalmed. "flit (till, profeeeor." II darted Into bla room aad reap peared agala almoet Immediately. Tbe professor gave a gasp of estoBleb- Beat at bl altered eppearaoc Hi tweed suit seemed to bav beea turned Inside out Th wer bo lapel bow, aad It buttoned up to bl seek. II wor a loog whit spron; a peaked cap and a ehlnplece of astonishing naturalness bad transformed blm Into th semblance of a Dutch grocers boy. I'm off, profeaaor," Quest whis pered. "Tou ahaJl bear from m eoo. I bav aot beea bare, remember!" H ran lightly dowa th atep aad Into th kitchen, picked ap a basket filled It bapbatard with vegetables and threw a cloth over th top. Thea be mad bla way to th front door, peered out for a moment twang through It oa to th tep, and, turning round, commenced to belabor It with bl Bat Two plain-cloth men stood at tb nd of th street A police automo bile drew ap outalds th gat. Inspec tor French, attended by a policeman, atepped out Th former looked eearcb lngty at Quest "Well, my boy, what ar you doing berr he aaked. "I cannot answer yet," Queat re plied, la broken English. "Tea mla uts already hav 1 wasted. 1 bav knocked at aU th doors." French smiled. "Tou run along home," he said, "aad toll your master that he bad bettor leave off delivering good bar for th preeent" Queat went off, grumbling. French opened th door with a master key and secured It careidlly, leaving on of hi men to guard It He eearched th room on tb ground floor and finally ascended to Quest' study. Th pro feaaor was stlU enjoying bla cigar. "Say, where'a Queat?" th inspector asked promptly. "Have you 1. him out already?" the profeaaor replied, in a ton of mild eurprla. "I thought b was Is th Tomb prison." Th Inspector pressed on without answering. Every room la th house waa ransacked. Presently be came bach to th room wber the profeaaor STRAY VOTE ADOPTED TO LEU SDnn-IENT COUNTY 10 A BO IIIKI ATTITUDI Of DIITJIICT iDtOOl OlfttC TOMOft) Ur'tHVIBOM. . - - :.i"v. f la aa effort to Um lb altitude of Chwkauiae county fbool dlr tore oa lbs queelloa of retaining aupervleors duniig th srhixJ yesr toll 14. a straw vou will bs take aa aooa aa poaellU undrr the dlrertloa of tb county edu cational board whkh met ffaturday fleraooa with County lupertnteodrbt Calavaa. The Ufl lis lure paaaxd a law whkh provldce that upon a petition from a majority of tbe diatrVi school boards. (be county edifatlooal board Bust dis miss the supervisor. Aa th super visor accept th posltloa for a year, It wa aot t bought possible to obtain competent men to alga a contra! hea they ran the rtik of being re moved at any time. In view of this fart th dursllonal board wa fou fronted with th problem of obtain ing an expression of opinion from tb district boards before summer when contracts for th coming school year will b algned. In case tb district boards vot to retain th supervisors, the educational board will sign contracts for th yesr 11S-1I, while If th boards ar found to be opposed to tb employment of th bob. bo effort will be Bad to secure supervisor. Th straw vote haa do legal power and I used merely to obtain aa expreasloo of opinion. A far as caa be learned bore, CUrkamae county will be tb first county In th stat to employ tbli method. QUARANTINE OH ST. ACNES HOME LIFTED VISITORS AGAIN ARE ALLOWED TO VISIT INSTITUTION NEAR PARKPLACE. CIRCUiT CM KILLS TIIEIWIPFF APPEAL OP OAVIO POX II SUC CESSFUL IN THE HIGHER TRIIUNAL. Oa appeal lo the rlrrutt court from I he eouaiy court, the Wllholt road tut off waa killed Prtitar. Tb appeal wis lakes by ImvI4 P. Pot, a faraw l.vlug Ib th Wllholt district. Peveral weeka ago the county iurt voted lo mak a t itoff la lb WHhnit r4 which would go up Hark creek. The proposed road ess koowa a th J. T. Adams road and tta rout was urveye4. Pol. representing the rv BMWMratora, appealed to tk circuit court alleging that aotlcee bad ait beea properly posted and that th roots bad not ts rmperly oWrlbH. according to tbe slat law. Th re- monatrator wer represented by plm Ick k Dim Irk aad Georg C. Pnwnell, bile Dtatrlrt Attorney Helen aad ('roes liurke appeared for tb co in- ty- A delegation consisting of Georg Wolfe C. A. !rtell. Paul Dunn. I. W. Procter and Caspar Junker, from th Randy and llorlng districts, wer In th county t Friday and asked th county court for a rock crushing plant la that part of tb county for uae on tbe Bluff road. Several from Molatla and Liberal wer also la town, asking that river gravel from th New Era plant he ap plied to tbe road In th llolalla coun try and particularly tb road leading west from Molall to th 8 II vert jn road. With Marveloue Rapidity, th Chang Wa Effected. waa still sitting. His usually good humored face wa a little clouded. "Professor," he began "What' the matter, Mllea?" A plain-clothe man from th atreet had come hurrying into the room. "Say, Mr. Frenoh ," he reported, "our fellow hav got hold of a newale down in the street, who was coming along Vay round the back and aaw two men enter this house by the aide entrance, half an hour ago. On he described exactly aa the professor here. Th other, without a doubt waa Quest" French turned swiftly toward the professor. "You hear what this man aays?" he exclaimed. Mr. Ashletgh, you're fooling me! Tou entered this house with Sanford Quest Tou will have to tell us where he Is hiding." The professor knocked the ash from bla cigar and replaced It in hli mouth. His clasped hands rested in front of him. There wa a twinkle of some thing like mirth in his eyes a he glanced up at th Inspector. "Mr. French," he aald. "Mr. Sanford Quest 1 my friend. I am here In charge of hi house. Believing I do that his arrBt was an egregious blunder, I ahall aay or do nothing like ly to afford you any Information." French turned impatiently away. Suddenly a light broke in upon blm; be ruahed toward the door. "That d d Dutchle!" he exclaimed. The professor smiled benignly. (TO BS CONTINUED.) Th quarantine on the St. Agnes Caby Horn at Parkplace, baa been raised, and visitor ar again allowed to visit the bom wber aimost 100 children, many of whom ar orphans, ar finding a horn with th Bister of th Institution. There were IS children afflicted with smallpox, several cases of which were severe. One baby only 13 days of age. was among the afflicted. There were no deaths. Th listers ot the institution devoted their entire atten tion to the children, and It I through their effort that th live of the chil dren have been saved, aa well as the attending physician. Early In the w inter many of the chil dren were 111 with measles, aod It was necessary to fumigate the building. Hardly had this tedious task been com pleted when the smallpox broke out. The building baa again been thorough ly fumigated and there Is no danger now from any further spread ot the disease. One ot the greatest pleasures ot these little children are the visitors who come on Sundays, aa well as on week days. Many of these little ones have no living relative. During tbe past year the sisters have found homes for many of the children, who hare been turned over to their care, and there are more bright girls and boys at this Institution, who are anxious to be taken Into a home. P1L&P. IS W0RTH$519,6I6 COUNTY ASSESSOR JACK PRE PARES ACCURATE FIGURES FROM RECORDS. Totals taken from the asaessment books Thursday by County Assessor Jack sbow that property of the Port land Railway LUht k Power company In thta county is asaeased at 15,219. 61S.82, or over one-elxth of tbe total in eased valuation of th entire coun ty, including a million dollar In tim ber lands in litigation between th government and the Oregon k Cali fornia Railway company. The assessed valuation on non operating property In this county, both landa and Improvements, Is ISS1.070 and of the operating property of ev ery description, 14 MS.5t6.I8. In the assessment on non-operating property Is included $300,000 for the Oregon City locks which will be deducted from said assessment for the year 1915 as this property has been trans. fered to the federal government The total taxable property of tho county ia $30,375,139.81 of which mora than one-sixth Is property belonging to the Portland Railway Light k Power company. This corporation will pay $137,000 In taxes thl year. FRAUD IN TRADE IS ALLEGED IN SUIT UNCLE SAM GRAZES CATTLE. PORTLAND, Ore. April 14. The Malheur national forest will be opened up tomorrow to some 130,000 head of sheep and 24,000 bead of cattle and horses. Uncle Sam will receive grat ing fees totalling $15,000 for tbe sea son at this reserve. The demand for grazing on the government reserva tion has been large this spring. Tho stockmen and their herds are under government supervision, the forest rangers maintaining constant inspec tion. On the Malheur range nine springs have been developed In the last three years, making available for use some 20,000 acres ot grazing land which wa formerly barren. The cost of this Improvement was lets than five cents per acre. No Us to Try and Wear Out Your Cold. It Will Wear You Out Inatead Thousands keep on suffering Coughs and Colds through neglect and delay. Why make yourself an easy prey to serious ailments and epidemics as the result of a neglected Cold? Coughs and Cold sap your strength and vitali ty unless checked in the early stages. Dr. King's New Discovery is what you need the first dose helps. Your head clears up, you breathe freely and you feel so much better. Buy a bottle to day and start taking at once. (Adv.) Charging that property in tne prov ince of Saskatchewan, Canada, was grossly misrepresented to them before a trade of Clackamas county land was made tor 160 acres of Saskatchewan property, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zenger have tiled a suit in tho circuit court tor $1(00 against Henry H. Dahl. May 25, 1910. Mr. and Mrs. Zanger traded 40 acres In the William Russell donation land claim for a quarter of a section in Saskatchewan country. They claim that the Canadian property was represented to be within six miles ot a railroad, that it was all level and could be plowed and that it was well drained but. the Zangers claim, when they examined the land they found It was not fit for farming, that a large part was marshy and that the rest of the land was too rough to he plowed. They also allege that it is located 12 miles from a railroad station, instead ot six. The suit was filed through the offi ces of Walter Dlmlck and William Stone. CETTINJE, April S. Auctrian avia tors dropped bombs in the market place at Podgoritza, Montenegro, kill ed twelve women and children and in jured 48 others, according to a dispatch received here today. BERLIN, April 8. Eighty thousand Jews have been driven homeless from Warsaw by the Russians. ACTION OF SINGLE SPOON FUL 8URPRISES MANY Oregon City people who bought the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka, are surprised at the INSTANT effect of a SINGLE SPOONFUL. This remedy I to complete a bowel cleanser that it Is used successfully in appendicitis. Adler-1-ka acta on BOTH upper and lower bowel and ONE SPOONFUL re lieves almost ANT CASE of constipa tion, sour or gassy stomach. ONE MINUTE after you take It the gasses rtlfnhUi Anil nana am Tni.., rWn f " " tr-vu. - i Company. (Adv.)' $ MARCH SETS RECORDS FOR 4 NUMBER OF BIRTHS. The report of County Health Officer Van Brakle, for the month e . of March, which was prepared $ Thursday, ahowa a larger number ot births than any month in the lead two years. Fifty one births were reported during the month and only 16 deaths. One pair of - twins were born at WHsonville to the wife of F. J. StageL ft Taking Car of th Children. No parent would consciously be care less of the children. Joe A. Rozmarin, Clarkson, Kebr., uses Foley's Honey and Tar for hla two children for croup, coughs and colds. He says, "We are never without Foley's Honey aud Tar In the house." A distressing cough, sleepless nights, and raw, inflamed throat lead to a run-down condition in which the child is not able to resist contagious or Infectious diseases. Fol ey's Honey and Tar is truly healing and prompt In action. Jones Drug Co. (Adv.) T. W. SULLIVAN AND li D. LATOURETTE ARE GIVEN FULL AUTHORITY TO ARRANGE CELEBRATION HERE MING OF NAY 6 The tentative plans for The Dalles Celilo Canal- Oregon City Locks cele bration which were suggested Friday by T. W. Sullivan, president of the Commercial club, were approved Sat urday afternoon at a meeting of the board of governors ot the club and Mr. Sullivan and M. D. Latourette, secre tary of the organization, were named a committee with full power to act in arranging for the celebration. Representative from every town along the Willamette from here to the head of navigation as well as from other towns along In the valley will be Invited to come to Oregon City on the morning ot May 6 to take part in the celcbrntion here. A monster meet ing will be here; the exact location or which Is not certain, when these men will speak. Early In the afternoon, the visitors from other towns with mem ber of tbe local Commercial club will be taken to Portland on a river boat to meet the fleet that will complete its trip down the Columbia river that afternoon. Mi88 Satie Sullivan, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Sullivan, has been named Clackamas county representa tive at The Dalles-Celilo Canal Oregon City Locks celebration. Both Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Latour ette are enthusiastic over the possibil ities of the celebration and are deter mined to make it as much a success as possible here. It Is probable that within tbe next week, the detailed pro gram will he completed and the list of speakers from other towns an- noitncei?. -