Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 09, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    thtrllf Id.
Ill Hi f lfuil Court i f Ilia Main
lIH"0, fi.f III IVolitj uf 1 Uk,
h.ii. T Tw. ri.iiiiiif,
Mllrl ( raimr ml lllanil.s ('runrr, lil
II.', IMllidnlil
Hljln uf On (mi, I'lmulf of l lai tamat.
tjr If I. in iif a Ju'ltiiiii til or.Ur, il
I ! nil 'I (II lln iiMi.ii (Ir) null f uf alr.
ilnl .ni'. irti) uf ami umli'r lb tnl
III ll t'Hil fill II n CMIlt, In llm
Imiik i lit II lid rait. In tim il'ily ill
hIii ainl il.ilnl Ilia .'ml day nl
Mann, I'll, iim Jinn-mint i in
ili i."l end run ml In jI.I niiirl mi Hi
Mill iUr of Mr h. 1 1 , In fatnr of
Cliarli T. Tin"", I'lulMlff. end BKaltiat
Mllr ("imiii'T anil liUm tin Cunii f, hla
wtfw, ilcfi-mlanla, fur Id awn of II
(In no Mh liiO nut llirrmin et Ibr
ruin nf ii r i rut irr annum friim
Hi :'li J of AiiK'ml, 1112, and Hi"
fmtlirr iiiii of f I 'to 0i, a aitiirni')f'
fri'l, II ft III fllltllrf emu uf I1'
null and dlal'iirai-mmta, ant Hi mala
uf ami iiHn ilila rll. commanding in
In mat l uf lti follow If t il''' rllinl
rral i rnixftr, altuala In III nullity nf
Clarkamaa. tt of Ofrfon, Inlt'
('iiiiiiiinnilni at a point 34 rod
wral nf th ao'ilhraal corner i f III
aoiithwrat i)urtif nf .- Hun J, l"n
ahlp i in III (if raiiK" 1 rani of lb Wll
latiK'U" Mrrlillah, Im-Iiis: Hi aouthai-al
roriirr of a tr'l of land h'rwtnfnrr
audi In Frank K Kirk lijr did record
ril on pan 10.1 volume 7.1. m-i Km'
uriU of ( la. hariiaa nullity. Or.-H'iii, run
itnaT Ihcnra wnt cm owtlon Una 121
rhla to lb eoutherat romrr of aald
nr. Hen I, llirnr) north on H-lli.n lln
10 rods; Ihmra ral 121 roda; Ibmr
oulh 10 rod In III place of or-ln
Hint, rinitalnln (3 ai rre wore or
Nnw. Therefore, by virtu of Bald ri
rctillnn. Joditmrnt ord-r anil ilfw,
ami la rnmpllanre villi tli command
of aaltl writ. I III. on Saturday.
I ith day of April 1915. at lha hour of
10 o'rliM'k a ni . al lli front door of
th rminty rnnrlhouae In lha rll jr ol
OrrKon rity. In aald ronnty and l"1"
ell at public auillon. aulilwt 10 re
dKintdlnn. In th high! bidder, for
V. H. iil d roln rah In band, all 111
rU-lit. title end Inlereat M'h In
within nenird di-frndmin or ritiirr o
Ihnn, had on III data or llm mortgagr
brr In or alnra had In or to lha nlmva
riVacrlbed rral property or any part
thereof, to aallnfy ald eirctitlon Judg
ment ordnr. dorp. Inlcrral, roata and
all aiTmlnn roata.
W. J. WII.H0N.
Hhrrlff of riai kamaa rminty, Oron.
l K. C. II ACKKTT. Drputy.
Ialrd. OrrKon City, On-Ron. March
Sfith. IDS.
In lha Circuit Court of lha Htata of
OrrRon, fur l County of Clarka
7.rtma flulhrrland Cham', I'laltillff,
Chi-tlfr Arthur Chna. IVfi-ndanl.
To ChMtur Arthur Chaa. lha alovo-
namrd dofrndant :
In the Nama of th Btale of OrrKon.
ou ara hxrvhy rwiulrcd to apprar and
aniiwrr tha romplnlnt filed axaluiit
you In lha aliove ntllli'd rnuto on or
iM-fora lha th day or May. anu
If you fall to ao appear and anawer, for
want tlii-rnif the plaintiff will apply to
the court fr the rvllef prayed Tor In
lier aald romplnlnt. lo-wlt:
Fir docroe of divorce iltliiR aaldc
the laarrlnRe contract cxlallnu he-
Iwcen hemelf and the dofendunt ami
that aha l rcatored to her maiden
name, namely, which la Koltna Sullier-
Innd, and that aho bave auch other
and further rollnf aa may be mjte with
Ilila mi in mom la pulillHhed by or
der of tho llonorabln J. V. Campbell.
JuiIko of the Circuit court of tho atnte
of OrrRon for Clackanma counly for
the Klfth Judicial dlHlrlct, made and
entered on tho iUrd clay of March,
1915, and tho time preacrlbed for the
publication of thla aumtnona la alx
weeka beislnnlnR March 2(1. 1915, nnd
oiidlnR will) (bo laHiio of tho 7th day
of May. 1915.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
I S Mulkcy IIiiIIiIIiik, Portland. Ore.
Admlnlatratrlx'a Notlea of Appoint
Notice la hereby Riven that tho tin
ilemlKtied baa been duly appointed ad
mlnlHtratrlx of tho OHtato of John P.
Wrinkle. tlereaned, by tho County
Court of the Statu of Orcuoii for Clack
niuaa County, nnd that tho Letters or
AdmlnlHtrntlon havo ileen duly iHnued
to her na auch nilmlnlHtrnlrlk.
All persona ImvlitK clnlina or de
tunnilH iiRahiHt mild CHlato aro hereby
required to present tho snmo with
proper vouchers vnririod ns required
by law, to tho undorslRiied adinlnstra
trlx at 122 Chamber of Commorco
Ilullillun. Portland, OrcRon, within six
(0) months from tho ditto of this not
Date of first publication March 20,
Onto of lnBt publication April 23,
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
OroRon, for Clackamas County.
Ella Clark, Plaintiff,
Ray A. Clark, Dofondnnt.
To Ray A, Clark, abova namod dofond
nnt: In tho nnmo of the state of Oregon
you aro horoby required to appear and
ntiswor tho complaint filed against
you, In the above ontltled suit, on or
boforo the 9th dny of April, 1915, said
(Into bolnR tho expiration of Blx weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mona. and if you fall to appear or
answer snld complaint, for want thore
of tho plaintiff will apply to the court
for the rollof prayod for In her com
plaint, to-wlt:
For a docroe dissolving tho bonds
of matrimony now exIstlnR between
tho plaintiff nnd dofondnnt. This
snummons Is published by order or
Hon. H. S. Anderson, JudKO of the
County Court, which order was nindo
on the 21th dny of Feb., 1915, and the
time prescribed for publication there
of Is six weeks, beginning' with tho Is
sue dutod Friday, Feb. 2G, 1915, and
continuing each week thereafter to
and Including, Friday. April 9th. 1915
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
No. IUI7
ljmrin (vr fvbllc align,
In lb ( In ill Cowl of lb Hi.t'i(
III. .,(,, (,,f , ('ixinir of ( U
in J.r. A Hlfl,rM rUI
Cnmi-iiir, a rni -,ii inn, LlnnA
l.'li lll'la Vakrlil,laal, lira Artliur, Bli
I'lalik S.i,l,l4l. ,i r li'itlialnl
JnliH V. Arthur ami Jn n A
llmr. Ma aifn, NnlUm ('ran, and
A hi. In ('fan, lila wlfn, ( ,fl.
( raim, and IMHli Cranr, bla alf
llinlnal I I illf, ai.d Mlr Ciaii. til
lf; lifirn t'rann, and Hi.ll
( ran. Ma alfr; Ni III M. Hlirl'l'iii
lir I'rann, and Ji.lin l Hln l Ii.ii,
I" r li'ut.Ml; ln-lra of Clla 1 Crn
il.KMU'd. il. uii k mi n Imira of
I'atlirrln Muila Arthur, i).imi
Maiy Kllatilli Mai Mnnald, lira l'n
iiMirt. Iinlr of Juim lri m,i, in
rvaM'H, ami jnim Mai Hmulil, lin
luial aml; Tli Ul.kiiiiall b' In ol
William llarnrr, l..ial; Clark
amaa ('mnty, Orrn'in; and Jaim-a
II. I'urTr. aoiiii'tlnira knoau a
Jainea It. CiITny. Ii. f. mljnta.
To JnliH F. Artliur and Ju !( Ar
t h nr. lit wlfr, Tlii'iuaa I ran an
MaiH-l Cran. lila lf". (,'iiiku ('ran
and Hli'lla ('ran lila all; Mary
KHlii tli Mai lxiiinlil. ami John Mar
Ikniald, tier luialiand, lb unkno"
hi-lia of Catlirrln Slaila Arthur, d
rmwd, and lb unknown lirlra of
William Harper, di-r-ad, defend
In lb naui of Hi alat of OrrRon
)nu ar lu-rrhr rrqulrnt to appear and
amr Hi roiiiplalut filed on tha l'tb
duy of January, lHI'i. axjiml ou lu
lb al entlllrd rniirt and faiiae, on
or Indira Hi 3d day of May, ItllS.
brlni th day prr'tllrd In lb orde
of court fll'd on the IStli dny of
Manh, Hi 1 5. and lnln inure than all
rrk from the data or flmt pulilba
Hon of thla auniinona; and If you fall
an to appear brrnln. plaintiff for want
llmrmf will proriied to lakn a decree
and Jiiilaiii'-nl axalnnt you, and carb or
you. aa prayml (or In plnliillir'a rotn
plaint, to-wlt: for a JiiilRuient and de
cree di tarlnR and BdJndiilnR that you
and rarh of you, have no filiate or
Interval whalaoevrr lu or to th fol
lowing deal rlhrd lamia and premium
The land bounded by line bcRlmilnx
at the Northweat corner of Itobrrt Ar
(bur donation land c laim. In Toannhlp
3 Houth. Itnnx 1 Kant Willamette Me
ridian; llienra Kaal on tha North line
or aald rlu I in 31.07 rbalna to a atone;
thenra Houth 19 CO rbalna to the o n
trr of the counly n ad. (Iron pipe I'i
Inrhea by li feet, 30 fei't North or
rrnier or road); thence North 7 de-
Rreea 00 tnlnutra Went alonx the rrn
ter or road 12 03 rbalna to a alone;
Ibi'tire Houth parallel with the Went
boundary line or aald Hobrrt Arthur
donation Innd claim 64.07 chains to a
atone IS Inrbea by 10 Inrbea by 16
Inrbra on the Houth Una or the aald
linln'rt Arthur donation land claim
ttirm e West 10 rbalna on the South
lino of the aald Robert Arthur donation
land claim to the Houthwrat rorner
thereof, and being In Beet Ion I, Town-
hip S Booth, Range 3 Knit W. M.;
thence North 79 chains on the Weal
line of aald Hubert Arthur donation
land claim to the place of beginning.
Alao a portion of the Abraham and
Bnrah McCubbln donation land claim
described aa beginning at the Houth
oat corner of I.ot 2 of Hectlon 33,
Township 3 Houth. Rango 3 Fast W
M., and being tho Houtbeast corner of
aald McCubbln donation Innd claim;
thence running northerly on the Fast
lino or aald donation land claim 17.32
cbnlna; thence running westerly at
right angles 17.32 chains; thenro run
ning southerly at right angles 17.32
chnlna to tho South lino or wild dona
tion Innd claim; thenro running east-4
erly along said lino 17,32 chains to the
place or beginning; excepting, howev
er, from aald tract of land a parcel or
bind contained therein, and bounded
by a lino described as beginning on
tho South lino or the county rood North
"0 degrees West 119 reet nnd South 30
rot rroin tho Northwest earner or the
Robert Arthur donation land claim No
39; thenro South 100 reet; thenro
West 90.10 feet; thence North 122 feet
to tho South lino or snld county rond;
thenre South 70 degrees Kant 90.20
feel to Iho place or beginning; nnd that
tho title or tho plaintiff Is superior,
good and valid ns against nil claims
of defendants, nnd that you, nnd each
of you, bo forever enjoined nnd do
burred from anHcrtlng any claim what
soever in nnd to said land, adverse to
plaintiff, nnd for mull oilier relief ns
to the Honorable Court may seem just
nnd citiltiilil,
This summons Is served upon you,
and each of you, by publication here
of for six consecutive weeks In the
Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper
of general circulation, printed nnd pub
lltihcd at Oregon City, Clncknms Coun
ty, Oregon, by vlrtuo of on order of
the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the above entitled court, dutod
March 18th, 1915.
Date of first publication, March 10th
Date of last publication. April 30th
Attorneys for Plnlntlff.
In tho Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Althon E. Doll, riaintiff,
H. S. noil, Dofondnnt.
To H. S. Hull, above named defendant;
In the name of the state nf Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear nnd
answer the complaint filed agnlust you
In the above entitled suit, on or before
Saturday, tho 10th day of April, 1915.
said date being the expiration of six
weeks from tho first publication of
this summons, and if you fall to ap
pear or, answer snld complaint, for
want thereof the plnlntlff will apply to
the court for the rollof prayed for in
her complaint, to-wlt:
For a docreo dissolving the bonds of in
matrimony now existing between the
plaintiff nnd defendant. This sum
mons Ib published by order of Hon. II.
S. Anderson, Judgo of the County
Court, which ordor was made on the
ISth dny of Feb., 1915, and the time
prescribed for publication thereof Is
six weeks, beginning with the Issue
dutod Friday, Feb. 2Cth. 1915, and con
tinuing ench week thereafter to and
Including Friday, April 9th, 191,5.
Greaham, Ore.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
la Hi ( Ir.iill Court i,f the rilata of
lrr.,ii, fur Clai katnaa Counly.
fm.,1, ( rll.-, l laliiilff
Maaaln ( rlt. . liWrndaiil.
lu Mufit (rltia, anote ubmi) d d'
In lb liBiiie of Ilia atala of Oregon
run are Inn t,f rriiii,. in appnar and
anawrr Hi coriipl.iliil lili-d amilii'l
nii. In the alio rriHlUd ail, on or
l"f'irrai'i K'lh 'Uy of April, I VI',,
aid dl Ixliig tl riillall'.li of ill
w.-. ka from Hie first pul,ll allnn of
this eumini'tia and If you fall lo ap
prar or amwrr aald romplairit, fur
ant tliir"f Die pLInliff will apply
to Iba rimrt fur the rllif pry'd f'r
In lila complaint, lo nil:
For a d-rr dUxilvlriR the iHinda
of matrimony now rilatlrig botaern
Ilia iiluliilirT and ili-fi mlaiit. l ilt
uiniiioiia I piil.llnliid by ord'-r of
lion. J. I', Campli'll, Judga or Dm
di'iilt Court, wblili order madn
on lb 3rd day of Man h, I'Jl'. and lb
tlin prrwrllird fur ptililliaMon tln-ra
r la all e k, Im-kIiiiiIiix with lb la
ni" datH Man li Cth, I9IS, and run
1 1 ii i In at ' h wrk tlii-r'-aftrr to am)
Imludliig Friday, April Kill. 1ID.
;K(). C. HlinWNKI.U
Atlomr fur rittlnllff.
In lha ( Irrult Court of tha Ktat of
Orrgon, for Clackamas County,
Flla Vrrvllle, plaintiff,
John Y. Vervllln, defeodant.
To John K, Vrrvllle, the above nam id
In Die name or th atala of Oregon:
Vou are hirrliy required to apprar
and answer tha romplulnt filed agalnat
you In the above entitled ault on or
before th 23rd day of April 1915,
aald dnte being lha rtplrallon or sit
weeks from the first jmhllratlon of
thla aiiwiuuma. and If you fall to a-
piar or answer aild roniplalnt for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief demanded
and prayed for In her complaint, to
For a decree dissolving the marrl
axe contract now vtlatlng Ix'tween
plaintiff and defendant, for the rare
custody and rontrot of her minor
chili. Ruby K. Vervllle. and for audi
other and further relief aa may be
Thla aummona la published by order
of tho Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge
or the above entitled Court, ma do the
llth day or Man h, 1915.
First publication March 12tb. 1915
nd the last publication will be April
3rd. 1915,
Attorney lot I'laltillff
Sheriff's Sal.
In the Circuit Court of the State or
Oregon, for the county of Clacka
mas. Mutual Realty Co., a corporation or-
ganlied and existing under the laws
or the State of Oregon. Plaintiff,
W. O. Waller and I-aura II. Walter,
hie wife. Defendanta.
State of OrcRon. Counly of Clacks-
maa, as.
Ily virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution and order of
sale, duly Issued out of and under
tho seal of the above entitled court.
In the above entitled cause, to mo duly
directed and dated tho 8th day of
March, 1915, upon a judgment rend
ered and entered In snld court on the
8th day of March, 1915, In favor of
Mutual Really Company, a corpora
lion, Plaintiff, and against W. O. Walt
er and I-aura H. Walter, his wife. De
fendants, for the sum of $025.00, with
Interest thereon at the rato of 6 per
rent per annum from the 27th day of
October, 1913, nnd the further sum of
150, aa attorney's feo, and the costs of
and upon this writ, commanding me
to make salo of the following de
scribed real property, situate In the
county of Clackamas, stale of Oregon
The N. W. K of Section 10. T. 7 S
R. 4. Enst of the Wtllametto Meridian.
containing 100 acres more or less and
nlso tho N. E. Vi of Section 16. T. 7
S. R. i E. of Willamette Meridian, con
taining 100 acres more or less.
Now, therefore, by virtue of salil
execution, Judgment order and decree,
nnd In compliance with tho commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
10th day of April, 1915; at tho hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
or tho County Court House In the City
or Oregon City, In said County and
State, sell at public auction, nubject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for V. S. gold coin cash In hand, all
tho right, title nnd Interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mort
gage herein or since had in or to the
above described ronl property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution
Judgment order, decree, interest, coals
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas Comity, Oregon,
Ily E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oro., March 4th,
Notice of Final Settlement of the
Estate of Timothy Bowen, De
ceased. Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the estate of
Timothy Bowen, deceased, has filed
In , the County Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, his final ac
count as Bitch executor of Bald estate
and that Monday the Sth day of April,
1915, at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M.
hns been fixed by said court as the
time for hearing of objections to said
report and the settlement thereof.
Executor of the estate of Timothy
riowen, docensed.
C. SCHUEBEIj, Attorney for Executor.
the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Heaton
H. Roloy, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Administratrix of the Es
tate of Heaton II. Roley, deceased haa
filed her final account in the above
mntter In the County Court of the
Stato of Oregon for Clackamas county,
and that Saturday, the 24th day of Ap
ril, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.
M. of said day, In the County Court
House of said county of Clackamas,
has been fixed by the said Court as
the time and la for ll.a luarlng of
i,l,J. tlona llmrrto and a lllnm n
fialad Ibla imh dny of Mar. h t
Ml HA'. N A It'll Kf,
Adiiiliiltralrti of lha t of II. at'
II. Id'lry, iliira..
Atlonirya for AdinlnUlraliU.
Ilrat putlliallon, April J, J
Mil publl' atl"li, April 2, IDIS
Notice ef Appolntmanl ef CxcutrU
Nulli I hrrrtiy glrn that llm un
deralgnrd .baa b a apM,ii,i-d by ih
rminty rourt of lb ro-mly i,f Cla, k
a m an, Htat of Or X"n, ri-iirl of tli
!tn or William J. Ij-w.II.h, i
l eaan) All l-craona bating lalui
analns! Iitld ealute, ahall prr lit thrm
duly rrlf.-d aa by U r quired, t
lb aald eierulrii, at the nfflm 1,
Croaa llurke lu-at.-r llull'lli.g, Oru
gon City. Orrgon, within all i.innthi
from th date of Ilila iinlli .
Huird Marrh 19, 'i'-.
Kieoitrli of the eatate of Wlillaui
l-a.lli-n, Deiraaed.
CIIOHH It lil'RKK, Attorn.71 for F.i
Notice lo Crtdltors.
In the Matter of the Katat or Frances
MrAllater, Iereaed.
.Viilli la hereby given that the under
algried h tx-n duly appointed it
utrlx or the eatat of Franx-a MrAI
Ixta-r deceased, by the ronnty co'lrt of
the atate of Oregon, fur Ih roniilv of
Clarkamaa; that aha has duly qualified
a a'lrh; that all Claims arsluat aald
ratal nniat be presented to th under-
algned with vouchers as required by
law within all months from dato here
of, at the offlre of Hammond Ham
mond. In the Ik-aver llulldlng. Oregon
City, Oregon.
Dated ami first published this 20th
day of Marrh, A. D. 1915.
Executrix of the Estate tA Fram es Mc
Ailater, Deceased.
Attorneys for Executrix.
Sheriff's Sal.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the Counly of Clarka
inns. '
Henry Waespe. Fred Warrpe and
Mary Waeape, Plaintiffs,
C. F. Waldo and Jennie Henrietta Wal
do, husband and wife; Ivan Hums
aon and Harriet J. Humason, hus
band and wife; and R. N. Gibson, De
State of Oregon. County of Clacka
mas. ss.
Ily virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal of the above en
titled court.. In the above entitled
cauae, to me duly directed and dated
the uth day of April, 1915, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In
said court on the 3rd dny or April.
1915. In ravor of Henry Waespe. Frel
Waespe and Mary Waespe. rialntlffs,
and against C. F. Waldo and Jennie
Henrietta Waldo, husband and wife;
van Humason and Harriet Humason,
husband and wife, and R- N. tilnson.
Defendants, for the sura of $4000. with
Interest thereon at the rato of 6 per
cent per annum from the 15th day or
July. 1914. and the further sum or $200,
as attorney's fee, and the further sum
of $18.20. costs and disbursements, and
(he costs of and upon thla writ, com
manding mo to mnke sale oT tho fol
lowing described real property, situ
ate In the county of Clackamas, state
of Oregon, to-wlt:
All of the E. V, of N. E. Vi Section
20, T. 2 S. R. 5 E. of W. M. In the
county of Clackamas, stnte of Oregon,
containing SO acres, more or less.
Now, therefore, by virtue of Ja'.d
execution. Judgment order and decree.
and In compliance with the commands
of aald writ, I will, on Saturday, the
Sth day of May, 1915, at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M, nt tho front door of
the County Court House In the City
of Oregon City, In said County and
Stnte, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for IT. S. gold coin cash In hand, all
the right, title and Interest which the
w ithin named defendants or cither of
them, had on the date of the mortgngo
heroin or sluco hud In or to the above
described real property or any part
thereof, lo satisfy said execution. Judg
ment, order, decree. Interest, costs and
all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon
Py E. C. HACKETT. Deputy
Dated, Oregon City, Ore.. April 9th,
The Christian Endeavor society held
a social nnd business meeting nt the
church Tuesday evening, April 0.
Guy Graham, who has been visiting
A. E. Derry will leave for Alaska April
Mr. and Mrs. John Cole, from Ot
tawa, Canada, have been visiting Mrs.
E. Cole. Thoy are on their way home
from the fair nt Son Francisco.
Mary Ann and Richard Cole are Blck
of the whooping cough.
Henry and Lawrence Bnstlan, from
Capitol Hill on the Oregon Electric
line, were visitors at the school Tues
day, April 6. They afterwards visited
at the homo of C. M. Richmond. They
are former residents hero.
Mrs. DeRue, of Flrlnnd, Is Btaylng
with her daughter, Mrs. E. F. Smith.
The school has received a bunch
of interesting letters from a school
in Glascow, Scotland, with whom they
corresponded last year. Their letters
were full of the life of their great
hero. Lord Roberts, and the suffering
Belgians. Also a pupil In the sixth
grade received an interesting lotter
from Porto Rico.
Nellie Wood, of Sellwood Gardens,
Is suffering with a broken arm.
Nellie Price is quite ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Rcmson and family
have moved back to Sellwood Gardens
again. They formerly lived In Monta-
Ver Meldo Hlllls, school superin
tendent of Wampn, Idaho, was a guest
of Misses Mary and Lena Ulcn Sat
urday. Mr. Hillis, who la a brother-in-law
of the Misses Ulen, was on his
way to Medford. Oregon.
Miss Gladys Hardcastle, of Portland
paid a visit to tho school Tuesday,
April 6. She Is taking a course at
NEW YORK. April 5 Mlsa Anne
Morgan, daughter of the late J. I'ler-
pont Morgan, may go abroad before
the summer la over personaly to aiiper
Intend relief work In Ilelgluin, In wblcb
ho la ao vitally Interested. Mlsa Mor
gan la one of Amerlca'a prominent wo
men who have devoted much of their
time to raising funds for Iivlglan re
lief. Tbls Is a new posed picture of
her, one of the few she haa consented
to give out for publication.
WASHINGTON1. April 3. Manuel L
Quezon, representative In congress
from the Philippines, is spending his
time furthering the Independence prop
aganda for his countrymen. Quezon
hopes that the bill granting conditional
Independence to the Philippines will
be passed at the next session of con
ROTTERDAM, April 7. Professor
Maximilian Harden In his latest lec
ture at Berlin on the course of the
war said:
'Our chief enemy, England, has, it
Is true, not yet received any mortal
wound, but the greatest danger is
threatening her from our submarines.
As soon as we have succeeded In ex
tending the radius of action of the four
bigger submarine types they can be
used for lavish laying of mines.
"On that day the Island kingdom will
find Itself surrounded by a new circle
of mines, and her mastership of the
sea will be at an end. In everything
Germany can have confidence. After
eight months of tremendous struggle,
It Is true, it is not standing as con
queror, but its power Is untouched."
A description of the Germans' new
submarines from an authoritative
source says that they displace 900
tons of water when faully submerged
and have two Diesel engines capable
of developing 900 to 930 horsepower.
1. J
i (
r .
V a,4 J
V -'Ml I
., mmuel l.quezon
lvf 1
i v . j
f). C. MTOURItTTB, IVeeMeat.
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Orrgon
Transact t Ganaral inking luaieaaa od frm A at. U I P. M
Ileal eatate tranafers filed with the
ronnty rerorder Thursday are a fol
lows: Frank II. Ford tt U(. to Clotilda
Jarkson, trait of land In awtlon SI,
townahlp J eolith, rang 1 raat of Wll
lamrtie meridian; II.
( liar lea 11. Moorre el ui. to Carnlllo
liFerre et u, lot H, Hellwood Gar
d'-na; I0.
P. C. Fi-rmann et ux. to William M.
Smith et ui.. trai-t of aertlon of lot 20.
block 3, J. V. Harleaa addition to Mo
lalls: 110.
I. T. Hayford et ux. to All' Krui c r
lot 5, blo If 4. I'arkplace; m.
Godfrey Lutx et ux. to Gottlieb
IVetarhen et ux , lota H, 19. b!o k.
71. Mlntliorn addition to Portland;
Ion Parmanller et ux. to J. J
Rbhsrdaon. Iota 10. II, 12 13. II. 15.
II. 17, H. block 10. lot 1. 2. 3. 4. S 6.
block t. Nob Hill addition to Oregon
City; $10.
Iti-al estate transfers filed with the
county recorder Friday are aa followa:
Iarlaa Kingsbury et ux to Esther
A. Porter, 40 acres In section 31. town
ship 3 south, range 1 east of Wlllnin
ette meridian; $10.
Charles liarrett to Ira J. Green, tract
of land In aectlon 3V tonb!p 5 south,
rango least of Willamette meridian;
K. C. Reitsma et ux. to Martha
Wcaenbery, 53.32 acres in township 3
south, range 2 east of Willamette mer
idian; $10.
Real estate transfers Med with the
county recorder Saturday are as fol
Lorenzo Tenny et ux. to Lorenzo
Tenny, CO 75-100 acres In the Orlando
IHdwcll donation land claim; $1.
Lorenzo Tenny et ux- to Lorenzo
Tenny et ux 315 70-100 acres In sec
tion 29, township 3 south, range 3 east
of Willamette meridian; $2.
H. A. Kayler to J. Naomi Maaterton.
lot 3, blok 2. Kayler addition to Mo-
Ulla; $150.
Clark Greeen et nx to E. O. Russell,
tract of land In section 15, township 7
south, range 3 east of Willamette me
ridian; $S00.
F. N. Lupton to Stella Lupton, lot 7,
Fielding Tracts; $1.
Lula O. Graff et ux., to Charles Kad-
derly, tract of land In section 9. town
ship 3 south, range 7 east of Willam
ette meridian; $10.
E. N. SL Helen to Clackamas county,
tract of land In aectlon 8. township
south of range 1 east of Willamette
meridian; $1.
Real estate transfers filed with the
county recorder Monday are as fol
S. A. Cobb et ux-. to Albert Sidney
Wells, tract of land In section 31
township 2 south, range 3 east of Wil
lamette meridian; $3000.
O. W. Mercehisel to to Lillian It.
Runyard. lots I. 2. 3. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12,
13, 14, 14, 15. 16, Greta Park; $10.
L. Adams et ux. to Rachel Stine-
baugh, lots 4, 5. 6, 7, Wlnsdor; $10,
Mar'l Hobenfeld et ux. to Marx
Rosenfeld, 48 acres In township 2, 3,
south. -range 3 east of Willamette me
ridian; $1.
Oregon Iron & Steel Co. to Edwin
G. Nelson, one-half block 13S, Lake
View Villas; $10.
Albert Salstrand to Charity R. Cox,
et vlr., 40 acres In section 1, township
2 south, range 2 east of Willamette
meridian; $10.
Mary E. Swaggcrt to Philip Strelb
lot 3, 6. block 30, Mllwaukie; $10.
Real estate transfers filed with the
county recorder Tuesday are as fol
lows: ,
W. A. Carter et ur. to Angus McGrel
gor, tract of land in section 28. town
ship 1 south, range 5 cast of Willam
ette meridian; $10.
A. C. Kleinsmlth et ux to Jesse
Brooks, SO acres in section 9, town
ship 3 south, range Beast of Willam
ette meridian; $1.
Frank Dayton et ux. to Nellie Doy-
ton, 3.455 acres in Clackamas county;
Gerlinger Motor Car company to
Lois Gerlinger, 1-10 acres In the N. J.
Lamb donation land claim; $10.
Ida M. Wallace to Charles B. Crim,
40 acres In section 4, township 4 south,
range 3east of Willamette meridian;
Ole Anderson et ux. to Cora V.
LaJoie, 10 acres in section 2, township
2 south, range 2 east of Willamette me
ridian; $2500.
Rosa Shepherd to Ross Shepherd, 6
acres in township 2 south, range 1 east
of Willamette meridian; $1.
James A. Cobb et ux., et al., to G. A.
Cobb, lot 7, block 22, Zobrlst addition
to Estacada; $1000.
G. A. Cobb et ux., to J. B. Honey,
lots 2, 3, 9, block 23, Zobrlst addition
to Estacada; $10.
Real estate transfers filed with the
county recorder Wednesday are as fol
lows: B. N. Hicks to E. S. Anderson, tract
Aro jtm tlrvdP rum dowi? rrf?
It (trvrythinf you do aa effort? Not
It It laiaM, Yoa ar II L Yor
ytn ! ioai) Toor ScoMaoh
Kidaayi aad Lirar ad tlrriad
Nothing will do tbia bactor tbaa
SOo. aod $1.00 AM Dnutfiata
F. J. MITER, CaakUr
William Hammond
Philip L. Hammond
Attorntys-at Law
Al.alraila, ftral F-Ut, lwna, Insiir.
Pacific riiiifm , Horn phono A 27J
Phone Pacific 13
Mom A 161
Attornay at Law
All legal tualneas promptly attended to
Attornay at-Law
Deutachar Advokat J
Will practice la all courts, aaaka
collection! and aattlsmaota. i
Office la Enterprise BulMlog, i
Oragoa City, Oregoa. I
I Attorneya-aVLaw
Commercial, Real tstate aa
Probate our Specialties. Of-
lea In First National Baak 1
Bldf, Oregon City, Oregon.
W. $. EDDY, V. Sn M. 0. V.
Graduate of th Ontario VeUrt- I
e aary College at Toronto, Canada, t
and the McKllllp School of Bar-
I gory of Chic 10, la established
at Fashion Stable. Fifth BL, be
i tween Main and Water Bla.
Both Telephone
! Offllee Pacific Main 65; Hone,
a A 15.
Realdence Pacific, Main 114
Attorney -at-Law
Notary Pabllo
Estacaia. Oregon.
W make a specialty of Install
Ing water systems and pluak (
tnf In the country. We carry j
the Leader tanks and 8to e i
atnea. We hay a full I 1 ai I
ktyera pumas aod stray pampa. J
Prices always loweat t
720 Main SL Oregon City
Phone US2. i
Office Phonea Pacific Main 405;
Home A-2T0.
Residence Home B-214.
P.eaver Dldg., Room 6
O. D. I B Y
Money loaned, abatracta turnUaV
ed, land titles examined, estates)
letuea, general law DuiineM.
V VI avaaaa V A vtvajwvi Vta, Q)
of land in section 8, township 4 south,
range 3 east of Willamette meridian;
Herry Gray lo Samuel Gray, one-
half interest In tract 13, Lawton
Heights; $10.
Samuel Gray to Harry Gray, one-half
Interest In lots 18, 19, 20, block 17.
Gladstone, tract 17, Lawton' Heights;
H. R. Smith et ux. to Claude G. Wet-;
more et ux., 1.426 acres In section 7,
township 4 south, range 3 east of Wil
lamette meridian; $10.
Annie Pankoy et vlr. to Frank Fergu
son, one-half acre in block 37, Clack
amas Heights; $1.
Annie Pankey et vlr., to Sarah Riv
ers, one-half acre in black 37, Clack
amas Heights; $1.
William F. Lantz et ux., to Harry
Wise et ux., lot 9, block 1, Dover Park;
W. E. Bonney et ux to Canyon
Creek cemetery, tract of land near
Canyon Creek cemetery; $1.
N. A. Hanson et ux. to Eugene Dewey
tract of land in section 25, township 5
south, range 1 west of Willamette me
ridian; $300.
E. S. Craig et ux., to Lillian Jones,
lot 22, block 9, Ardenwald; $4 J).
Frank Z. Abe to G. A. Cobb, lota li.
7, block 6, Estacada; also lot 1, block
15, Zobrlst addition to Estacada; $10.
The most economical, cleansing and
germicidal of all antiseptics to
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
be dissolved in water as needed.
As a medicinal antiseptic for douches
In treating catarrh, Inflammation or
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For ten years the Lydla E. Plnkham
Medicine Co. has recommended Paitlna
in their private correspondence with
women, which proves its superiority.
Women who have been cured say
It Is "worth its weight In gold." At
druggists. BOc large box, or by mail.
The Partem Toilet Co, Boston, Mass.
Tntr. mi