Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 09, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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lllll'lWUI I IHIU' Ilk'iniMiiilVT
fc.Fn ids UDDcnnc
ftovalisad (rum the Pbolo nr of lh Bam Nam. I'rolur4
Him Manufacturing I'umpany
bit brought to
111 l'nlrvJ
anfftrd Qut. mailer rrtmliolUl f
th rrM. find that In binning lu Ju.
i. l-ilousal. lit muMnrr t( lr4
Aehllh daushtar he haa bill Juat en
tered a Iir-nj-i1in rulilral Hh m
trtou piutrr criminal. hiitt"l bt r-
trim Aelilelah, lxrj AaMrllti brother,
to rwmer ll slnlen saltun of an an
thropoid cp. hurried lo Mr. KheinhuMI a
rwcepiiffn, her bar dlamoMs haa hern'
Imn (rum bar thru.! br rlr of hand
without arm er body. tl,k b. Uur
appear from nowher In hia room and
but contained In It. alnm! tr tha arm
m hand, aarraatkally susg-rats that th
hhalnhol.lt diamond and tha skaletue
mar M blddn loirir. nil l-aui.
UiihI'i .Tilrr. ahadowa Oral, th pro
frar'a let, gimt an4 Lnor, hi
Blatant, find th ekaletoa la a hut In th
trufaor'a ardR. and dtfe'e.vvr then
Inhuman rn-atur, half axwkar and half
ana a. A th erurowor eipialna. th nui
la at aflr and lb moc.kar man and
akaWtna ar daalrnyrd in th flamr. In
Queat' rooma th Hrialnhol.lt diamonds
auddanl rrter, nclad la cund
black boa with a aula siped by U
taraataalnf handa.
fourth Installment
Banford Queat u amoklng bit
after-breakfast clear with a relish
somewhat a IT acted by tba measure of
kit prplexltle. Early though It was.
Lenor waa already la ber place, bend
In over bar dealt, and Laura, bo bad
Just arrived, was busy divesting her-
elf of ber coat and bat Quest watched
the latter Impatiently.
"Welir ha asked.
Laura cam forward, straightening
her hair with her hand.
"No go." ihe aniwered. "I spent the
venlng fn the club, and I talked with
two men who knew Crate, hut 'I
couldn't get on to anything. From all
I coald hear of the man, respectabil
ity la his middle name."
That's the professor' own Idea,"
Quest remarked grimly.
"We're fairly op against It, boss."
Laura sighed. "The test thing we
can do la to get on to another Job.
The Rbelnboldt woman has got her
jewels back, or will hare at noon to
day. I bet she won't worry about the
thief. Then the professor's moldy old
skeleton was returned to him, eren If
It was burned up afterwards. I should
take on something fresh."
"Can't be done," Quest replied short
ly. "Look here, girls, your average
Intellects are often apt to hit upon
the truth, when a man who sees too
tar ahead goes wrong. Rule Craig
out Any other possible person occur
to you? Speak out, Lenora. Tou're
. something on your mind, I can see."
'Tm afraid you'll laugh at me," she
began tentatively.
"Won't hurt you If I do," Quest re
plied. "I can't help thinking of Macdou
gal," Lenora continued falterlngly. "He
has never been recaptured. I don't
know whether he's dead or alive. He
had a perfect passion (or Jewels. If
be Is alive, he would be desperate and
would attempt anything."
Quest smoked In silence for a mo
ment "I guess the return of the jewels
squelched the Macdougal theory," he
remarked. "He wouldn't be likely to
part with the stuff when he'd once got
his bands on It However, I always
meant, when we bad a moment's spare
time, to look Into that fellow's where
abouts. We'll take It on straight
away. Can't do any harm."
"I know the section boss on the
railway at the spot where he disap
peared," Laura announced.
"Then Just take the train down to
Mountways that's the nearest spot
and get busy with him," Quest direct
ed. "Try and persuade him to loan
us the gang's handcar to go down the
line. Lenora and I will come on In
the automobile."
"Take you longer," Lenora re
marked as she moved off to put on
her Jacket. "The cars do It In a
quarter of an hour."
"Can't help that," Quest replied.
"Mrs. Relnholdt's coming here to Iden
tify her Jewels at twelve o'clock, and I
can't run any risk of there being r.o
train back. Tou'd better be making
good with the section dobs. Take
plenty of bills with you."
"Sure! That's easy enough," Laura
promised blm. "I'll be waiting for
She hurried off and Quest com
menced his own preparations. From
his safe he took one of the small
black lumps of explosive to which he i
had once before owed his life, and lit- I
atamlilill at
point hrr It skirted tha null rail
ay Una, and close to tba section
house w huh be bad appointed for
his rendmous with I aura. Hh had
apparently awn their approach, anI
aba raws out lo meet them at once, ac
companied by a abort, thick art lun
bom aha Introduced as Mr. lloran.
'This Is Mr. Koran, th action
boea," h explained
Mr. lloran shook handa.
"Bay. I'v heard of yon, Mr. Quett."
be announced. "Th young lady tells
ma you ar eom Interested In that
prisoner they lost off th cars sear
"That's so," Quat admitted. "V'd
Ilk to go to th spot If w could."
"That's dead eaay," th boa re
plied. "I'll tak you along on th
Th section boas turned round and
whistled. From a Uttl aid track two
men Jumped on to a handcar, and
brought It around to wher they wr
standing. A few yards away th man
who waa propelling It a great, red
headed Irishman suddenly ceased his
Sorts. Leaning over his pole, h
gated at Quest A sudden ferocity
darkened his coarse fac. He gripped
his mat by tb arm.
"S that blok therr ha aaked.
pointing at Quest
"Th guy with th linen collarr th
other answered. "I see him."
"That's Quest the. detective," th
Irishman went on hoarsely. "That's
th man who got me flr years in th
pen, the beast I That's th man I'v
been looking far. Tonr my mate.
Jim. ehr
"I gues so." th other grunted.
'Ar you going to try and do him In?"
"Now thea. you fellows," Horan
shouted. "What ar you hanging about
there for. Bed Gallagher? Bring th
carriage np. Ton fellows can bar a
smoke for an hour. I'm going to tak
her down the tin for a bit"
Th two men obeyed and disap
peared In the direction qf the section
house. Quest looked after them curi
"That's a big fellow," ha remarked.
What did you call him? Red Galla
gher? I seem to hare seen him before
"He was the most troublesome fel
low on the line once, although be was
the biggest worker," the boss replied.
"He got five years in the penitentiary
and that seems to have taken the
spirit out of him."
"I believe I was In the case," Quest
observed carelessly.
"That's so! Now then, young la
dles." Mr. Horan advised, "hold tight,
and here goes!"
They ambled down the line for
about half a mite. Then Horan
brought them to standstill.
"This is the spot," be declared.
"Now, if you want my Impressions you
are welcome to them. All the search
has been made on the right-hand side
here and In New York. I've had my
eye on that bill for a long time. My
impression Is that he hid there."
"I'll take your advice," Quest de
cided. "Well spread out and take a
little exercise In hill climbing."
"Good luck to you!" the boss ex
claimed. They searched carefully and delib
erately for more than half an hour.
Then Laura suddenly called out. They
looked around to And only her bead
visible. She scrambled up, muddy and
with wet leaves clinging to her skirt.
"Say, that guy of a section boss
told me to look out for caves. I've
been in one, sure enough! Only Just
saved myself."
They hurried to where Bhe was.
Quest peered Into the declivity down
which she had slipped. Suddenly he
gave vent to a little exclamation. At
the same time Laura called out. An
Inch or two of tweed was clearly vis
ible through the strewn leaves. Quest,
flat on his stomach, crawled a little
way down, took out his electric torch
from his pocket and brushed the stuff
away. Then he clambered to his feet.
"Our search Is over," he declared
gravely, "and your troubles, Lenora.
That Is Macdougal's body."
Lenora's face sank Into her hands
for a moment. Quest stood on one
side while Laura passed her arm
around the other girl's waUt
Quest glanced at his watch.
"I'll have to get," he said, "but I'll
send someone along. Cheer up, Le
nora," he added kindly. "Look after
her, Laura."
Quest hastened along the road to I
in'i land "
Ha tm' if town to unfaatea th
tra ahlrh fattened tha ir kart.
It on nf his rar lapM-a, rcallinl
moment tixt la! Almmt In his tar
fame Ilia hr cry:
"Hand up. suinorl Handa up this
second or III bl.iw )utt lo bell!"
Qurat f lanced ovrr his shoulder and
looked llit-i tha far oT Ited liallasher,
raised llitla abo tha ee (if th
road. A very uly Itttla rrolr aa
pointed directly at Que!' heart
"My Bute's ant you rotvrrd on iha
other aide of th rad, too. Hands up,
both of you, or '!! mak a quirk Jb
of It."
Quett ahrurs rd his shoulder, threw
his rerolter luto Iha road and ote)eJ
As ba did to, th other man stol out
fmm I'lMiid a buih and sprang for
Iha rhauftVur, ho under roier fit tha
car atrAIIng ofl. There was a
brief struggle, then th dull thud of
th rallaay man' rifle rafting on tha
rhauffeur'a head. II rolled over and
lay In th road.
I'lli'h blm off among! th buhea."
Red Gallagher ordered. "You dont
ant anyone ho come by to sea.
Now tend m a band with thla chap.
What do yon propoa to do lib
me?" Quet asked.
You'll know aoon enouih." Red Gal
lather anaarred. "A matter of flr
minute' talk, to start with. You sea
that nand. ar houaa?"
"Perfectly wall," Queat aaaented
My eyealght I quit normal "
"Get ther then. I'm yard behind
you and my revolver pointing for
tb middle of your back."
Quest sprang lightly down from th
road, eroaaed th few Intervening
yard and stepped Into tb handcar
Gallagher and hi mat followed
close behind. Queat paused on tb
It's a filthy dirty hols," h re
marked, "Cant bar our Itttla
chat out herT la It money you
sntr ,
Galtagner glanced around. Then
with an ugly push of th shoulder h
sent Quest reeling Into tb shed. Ills
great form blocked up th doorway.
No," h cried fiercely. "It's not
money I want this tire. Queat. you
brute, you dirty bloodhonnf! You
eot m to th pen for flv year you
! ' i,-l ; ;
ret. 1 ' I I'l -
YJ Oont Vu Dont luapat M f ThlsT
track htm full In tha f Notwith
standing hi hug ail and strength.
Gallagher realed. Th operator who
had Juat begun lo rrallM hat was
happening flung himself Ndtly agalnat
th two thug. A shot from th tan
gled mas of struggling limb able-
tied paat Quesfa bead a b sprang
to th window which overlooked th
track. Tb freight bad already almoat
passed. Queat cteadled himself for
supremo effort crawled out on th lu
ll steel bridge and poised himself for
a moment. Th last rar waa Juat bo
neath. Th gap botaeen It and th
prerlou on aa slipping by. II st
hit teeth and Jumped on th smooth
Back behind th tor Red Galla
gher and hi mat bent with horrified
face over th body of tb signalman.
What th ball did you nt to plug
him for?" th latter muttered. "H
alnt In tb ahow at all. You'r don
us. Red. ha cooked!"
Red Gallagher staggered to hi feat.
Already tb horror of th murderer
was In hi fac a h glanced furtive
ly around.
I never meant to drop blm," h
muttered. "I got mad at teeing Quest
get off. That man's a devil."
What ar w going to do?" th
other demanded hoarsely.
"There's th auto," Gallagher shout
ed. "Com on, old mao! I ran fix
th hel. If w'v got to swing for
this Job. we'll hav something of our
own back first"
They crawled to the sld of th
road. Gallagher's rough, hairy finger
were still trembling, but they knew
their Job. In a few minutes tba wheel
was fixed. Clumsily but successfully.
tbe great Irishman turned th rar
around away from the city.
"She's a hummer." bo muttered. "I'll
make her go when we get the bang of
It Sit tight."
They drove clumsily off, gathering
speed at every yard. IW'hlnd, In the
shadow of th tower, the signalman
lay dead. Queat bulf way to New
York, stretched Hot on his stomach,
was struggling for llf with knees and
handa and feet
"Hand Up, Guvnor!"
ted It carefully in a small case with
a coll of wire and an electric lighter.
He looked at his revolver and re
charged It. Finally he rang the bell
for his confidential valet.
"Ross," he asked, "who else is there
here today besides you?"
"No one today, sir."
"Just aa well, perhaps," Quest ob
served. "Listen, Ross, I am going out
now for an hour or two, but I shall be
back at midday. Remember that. Mrs.
Rhelnboldt and Inspector French are
to be here at twelve o'clock. If by
any chance I should be a few minutes
late, ask them to wait And, Ross,
a, young woman from the Salvation
Army will call too. You can give her
this check."
Ross Brown, who was Quest's secretary-valet
and general factotum, ac
cepted the slip of paper and placed It
In an envelope.
"There' are .no other Instructions,
sir?" he Inquired.
"None," Quest replied. "You'll look
out for the wireless, and you had bet
ter switch the through cable and tel
egraph communication joa to head
quarters. Come on,( Lenora."
They left the house, entered the
waiting automobile, and drove rapid
ly towards tbe confines of the city.
By Quest's directions the automo-.
tne spot where he had left the car.
The chauffeur, who saw him coming,
started up and climbed to his seat
Quest took his place.
"Drive to the office," he ordered.
The man slipped In bis clutch. They
were In the act of gilding off when
there was a tremendous report. Tbey
stopped short The man Jumped down
and looked at the back tire.
"Blowout," he remarked laconically.
Quest frowned.
"How long will it take?"
"Four minutes," the man replied.
"I've got another wheel ready. That's
the queerest blowout I ever saw,
The two men leaned over tbe tire.
Suddenly Quest's expression changed.
His hand stole Into his hip pocket
"Tom," he explained, "that wasn't a
blowout at all. Look here!"
He pointed to the small lev hole.
Almost at once he stood back and the yjear the roar of the freight
sunshine flashed upon the revolver
clutched In his light band.
"That was a bullet," he continued.
"Someone flred at that tire. Tom,
there's trouble about."
The man looked nervously around.
"That's a rifle bullet, sure," be mut
tered. "Get on the wheel as quick as you
can," Quest directed. "Here, 111 give
with your cursed prying Into other
people's affairs. Don't you remember
me, eh? Ited Gallagher?"
"Of course I do." Quest replied
coolly. "You garfuted and robbed an
eld nun and had the spree of your life.
The old man happened to be a friend
of mine, so I took the troublo to see
that you paid for It Well?"
"Five years of hell, that's what 1
had," the man continued, his eyes
flashing, Ms face twitching with an
ger. "Well, you're going to have a
little bit more than five years. This
shed's been burnt down twice, sparks
from rasslng engines. It's going to
be burnt down for the third time."
"Sounds remarkably unpleasant,"
Quest admitted. "You'd better hurry
or the boss will be back."
Gallagher finally slammed the door.
Quest heard the heavy footsteps of
the two men as tbey turned toward
the soctinn bouse. He drew a little
case from his pocket
He opened what seemed to be a
little mahogany box, looked at the ball
of black substance Inside, closed It up,
placed It against the far wall, un
twisted the coll, stood back near the
door and then pressed the button. The
result was extraordinary. The whole
of the far wall was blown out and for
some distance In front tbe ground
was furrowed up by the explosion.
Quest replaced the Instrument In bis
pocket, sprang through the opening
and ran for the tower bouse. Behind
him on Its way to New York he could
see a freight train coming along. He
could hear, too, Red Gallagher's roar
of anger. It was less than fifty yards,
yet as soon as he reached the shelter
of the tower the thunder of the freight
sounded in Quest's ears. He glanced
around. Red Gallagher and his mate
were racing almost side by side to
wards him. He rushed up the narrow
stairs Into tbe signal room, tearing
open his coat to show his official badge.
"Stop the freight," be shouted to the
operator. "Quick. I'm Sanford Quest,
detective special -powers from the
chief commissioner."
The man moved to tbe signal. An
other voice thundered In his ears. He
turned swiftly around. The Irishman's
red head bad appeared at the top of
the staircase.
"Drop that signal or I'll blow you
Into bits," he shouted.
The operator hesitated, dazed.
"Walk towards me," Gallagher
shouted. "Look here, you guy, this
will show you whether I'm In earnest
or not!"
A bullet passed within a few Inches
of tbe operator's head. He came slow
ly across the room. Below they could
"This ain't your Job," the Irishman
continued savagely. "We want the
cop, and we're going to have him."
Quest had stolen a yard or two
nearer during this brief colloquy. Gal
lagher's mate from behind shouted out
a warning Just a second too late. With
a sudden kick, Quest sent the re
volver flying across the room and be
fore the Irlshmancould recover he
Mrs Rhelnlioldt welcomed the In
spector with a beaming smile as bo
stepped out of his office and ap
proached her nutomohllo.
How nice of you to be so punctual,
Mr. French," she exclaimed, making
room for him by her side. "Will you
tell the rutin to drive to Mr. Quest's
house In Georgia square?"
Tho Inspector obeyed and took his
place In tbe luxurious limousine.
"How beautifully punctual wo are!"
she continued, glancing at the clock.
"Inspector, I am so excited at tbe Idea
of getting my Jewels hack. Isn't Mr.
Quest a wonderful man?"
'He's a clever chap, all right," the
Inspector admitted. "All tho samo,
I'm rntber sorry ho wasn't able to lay
hands on the thief."
That's your point of view, of
course," sirs. Rhelnholdt remarked. I
can think of nothing but having my
diamonds back. I feel I ought to go
and thank the professor for recom
mending Mr. Quest."
The Inspector ruado no reply. Mrs.
Rholnholdt was suddenly aware that
she was becoming a little tactless.
Of course," she sighed, "It Is dis
appointing not to bo able to lay your
hands upon tho thief. That la where
I suppose you must find the Interfer
ence of an nmateur like Mr. Quest a
little troublesome sometimes. He gets
back the property, which Is what the
private Individual wants, but he
doesn't secure tho thief, which Is, of
course, the real end of the case from
your point of view."
"It's a queer affair about these Jew
els," the Inspector remarked. "Quest
hasn't told me the whole story yet.
Here we are on the stroke of time!"
The car drew up outside Quest's
house, The Inspector assisted his
companion to alight and rang the bell
at the front door. There was a some
what prolonged pause. He rang again.
"Never knew this to happen before,"
ho remarked. "That sort of secretary
valet of Mr. Quest's Ross Brown I
think he calls him Is always on the
spot." They waited for some time,
there was still no answer to their sum
mons. The Inspector placed bis ear to
the keyhole. There was not a sound
to be heard. He drew back, a little
puzzled. At that moment bis atten
tion was caught by the fluttering of a
little plcoe of white material caught In
the door. He pulled It out. It was a
fragment of white embroidery, and on
It were several small stains. Tbe In
spector looked at them and looked at
his fingers. His face grew suddenly
"Seems to me," he muttered, "that
there has been some trouble here. I
shall have to take a liberty. If youH
excuse me, Mrs. Rhelnboldt, I think It
would be better If you waited In the
car until I send out for you."
"You don't think the Jewels have
been stolen again?" she gasped.
Tbe Inspector made no reply. He
had drawn from bis pocket a little
pass key and was fitting it Into the
lock. The door swung open. Once
more they were both conscious of that
peculiar silence, which seemed to have
In it some unnamable quality. He
moved to the foot of the stairs and
"llello! Anyon there?"
Ther aa no reply. II opened th
door of tb to Mom on tb right
band side, her Queat brn b waa
angag'd lo any widespread affair, kepi
a tanoiraphr and a talegraph oper
ator. I loth room war amply. Than
a turned toward Quest s study on
th left band side. French tin man
of Iron narv. No por on earth
could hav kept back tb cry which
broke from bis II pa
A fw feat ay from th door
trotcbad lb body of tb secretary
valt. On th other sld of th room,
lying a though aha bad slipped from
th bo fa, bar bead fall oo on alda
In hideous fashion, was tb body of
MlafQutgg. th Salvation Army young
woman. French sat his teeth and
drw bark th curtains. In th clear
er light th disorder of th room was
fully rrald. Thar had bn a tar
rtbl atruggl. ntwn whom? How?
Thar was suddenly a piercing
shriek. Tb Inspector turned quickly
around. Mr. Rbalnboldt who bad dis
regarded hi ad vie, was standing on
tb threshold.
"Inspector!" sb cried. "What baa
happened? Oh. my God!"
h covered ber fac with bar
bands. French gripped her by th
arm. At that moment ther was th
sound of an automobll stopping out
sld. "Keep qult for a moment" the In
pctor whispered In her car. "Pull
yourself togvtbar, madam. Go to th
other end of th room. Don't look.
Stay ther for a few moment and
then get bom a quick a you can."
8h obeyed him mutely, pressing
her hands to her eyes, shivering In
every limb. French, stood back Inald
th room. II beard tho front door
open, b heard Quest's vole outside.
Where tha devil ar you, Ross?"
There was no reply.
The door was pushed open. Qurat
entered, followed by th professor and
Craig. Tba inspector stood watching
their faces. Queat cam to a stand
still before be had passed the thresh
old. II looked upon the floor and h
looked across to th sofa. Then h
looked at Freuch.
"My God!" be muttered.
The professor pushod past He bad
looked around the room, and gated at
the two bodies with an expression of
blank and absolute, terror. Then he
fell back Into Craig's arms.
"The poor girl!" he cried. "Herri
ble! Horrible! Horrlblo!"
"Know anything about this?" Quest
asked aulckly.
"Not a thing," the Inspector replied
I "We arrived, Mr. Rholnholdt and I
at five minutes past twelve. There
I was no answer to our ring. I uaud
my pass key and entered. Thla Is
! what I found."
J Quest stood over tbe body of his
I valet for a moment The man was ob
viously dead. The Inspector took his
handkerchief and covered up tbe head
A few feet away was a heavy paper
"Killed by a blow from behind
French rcmarkod grimly, "with that
little affair. Look here!"
Tbey glanced down at the girl
Quest's eyebrows came together quick
ly. There were two blue marks upon
ber throat where a man's thumbs
might have been.
"The bands again," he muttered.
The Inspector nodded.
"Can you make anything of It?"
"Not yet," QueBt confessed. "I must
The Inspector glanced at him curi
"Where on earth have you been to?"
be demanded.
"Boen to?" Quest repeated.
"Look In the mirror!" French Bug
Quest glanced at himself. His col
lar had given way, his tie was torn, a
button and some, of the cj&th haj beer
In J fr n hie ial, bl IruUfie
si tuns aiid a a ri4
"I II ui so aix'ut mr irnsiila a III
lie Uur nil," ha M tM "Hay, can'l
keep !! f II kj uul !
Ibey r lu lai lura and !
ma ( aliaaily A Iha llneihold
Qijel eautig round loaard litem
tilrls." Ii said, "ther ha !
sina trouble ttei (In and all up-
a'alra, linxa. or all In tba hall
I aura, inn had beiiar telephone I
th polka atalloB and for a d'xlur
Thai t rtghl, lsu'1 II. Inspector?"
"teal" lb latter ssseulad thought
lboia. hlte lo tba Hps, staggered
fw fi lack Into Iba hall. Uuia
at bar lealh Slid lingered,
"la that ItosaT ah asked
"It's hi body." Quest rrl'lleJ "He's
ben muidered bra, ha and tha Hala
lion Army girl ho lo rum this
morning for her ebath '
lura turned aay half dated.
"I'd hav Irusled Itos with my Ufa."
Qul continued, "but h must bar
bean alone lu tha bousa ha th girl
ram IM feu cuppo It as th
usual art of trouble f
Inspector French ati'oped doaa and
picked up tb paper aright. Acrue II
a stamped tha baiue of Haulord
Qua I.
Thl your. Qul?"
"Of course It la," Quest answered
"Everything In tb room I mine"
"Tb girl would light to defend bar
if." th Inspector remarked sluly.
"but sb could Drar strike a mas such
a blow aa your valet died from."
rrorh (looped and picked up
mall clock. It had stopped at elerea
fifteen. II looked at It thoughtfully
"Quest." b wot on, "I'll hav to
aak you a question."
"Why not?" Quest raplltd looking
quickly up.
Wbarw wr you at lvn flftaann
On towr No, 10 of th Nw York
Central, acrapptng for my Ufa," Queat
answered grimly. "I'v rtason to ra
ms ruber It"
Bomethlng In th Inspector' steady
gal seamed to lnsplr tb criminolo
gist with a now Idea. II cam a step
forward, a Uttl frown upon bis fore
Say, French." h exclaimed, "yon
don't you dont suspect of this?"
French waa unmoved. II looked
Queat In tha ay a.
"I don't know." b said.
For th moment a nw clement bad
been Introduced Into th horror of th
Uttl tableau. AH eye wer fixed upon
Queat ho listened to tb Inspector's
dubious words with a superclllo
mil upon hi lips.
Terhaps." ba suggested, "you would
Ilk to aak m a few questions?"
"i'erbap I may feel It my duty to
do so," the Inspector replied gravely.
"In the Orst place, then, Mr. Quest,
will you kindly explain the condition
of your clothes?"
Quest Bhrti'i-d hi shoulder.
"Her you aro, then," he replied
"Coma (uuiid e4 su la "'
tuUil-, ou uf ( "
Iba anibulsiir) una rame and da
liied nn tlieir grim Luidni. lb
IioiUI on Ida givund fliair ss lotkrd
mi ataliil, and Iha bu ass aoon
mil; afrit d aMbe lao gills To-
aid Ihira o't lot k 1-aaur aenl out
and irluiurd aiih a uaspspr hli
iihd II out upn lli labia aud Ihsy
both puled or IL
"Musllie Itmll-a baa ltfud to Con
sider ball" Ilea guy. Ibal Jusilt
Ihiupe. and ao lb Idlul ho Mil
this aliiff'" lauie anlalined. Ungat
ing Iba paper y from her. 'I
guess Iha piiifessiir ss dead light
bctt ba lold Flaura ba as linking
up lb un man who could clear up
Iba hoi slinw "
lunula nodded thoughtfully.
"Iha profeesur spiia up Ilk a
man," sb agreed, "but I sura, I aabt
lo aak you Bouiiblug I'ld you nolle
hi senaiit-thst man Cislgf
"Can't say I did particularly," Uuia
"Take." Lnura continued. "I
thought b going to fslnt I tall
you ha scared th hol of lb
"What ar you getting at aldf
lura demanded.
At Craig. If I can." Lenora replied.
moving toaard th talepbuo. 'Ilea
glr bi th phototlm I am
going to talk to tb prufaaaur.'
Uur adjusted tb mirror to th lav
Irumenl and l-aoora rang tp. Th
professor himself aosasrad th tall
"liar you an tb tbra o'clock
dltlun, professor," Laaora asked.
1 Barer read newspaper, young
lady," th professor replied.
"l-t to Ull you what they aay
bout Mr. Quasi!"
Lanora commenced a rambling
count of what sb bad read la lb
Bewspaper. All th tlm th ya of
th to girl wr filed upon lb mir
ror. Thay could aea th prufaaeor
tad In hi chair with two hug vol
ume by hi (Ida, a pile of manuscript
and a pan In bla band. They could
ran catch tb look of sympathy on
his far a ba llstaoad attentively. Sud
denly lienors almoat brok off. 8b
gripped Iaure by tb arm. Tb door
of th study bad bean opaoed slowly,
and Craig, carrying a bundle, paused
for a moment on tb thrhld. II
g Ian red nervously toward th rufe-
or, who seemed unawsr or Bl en
trance. Then b moved atralthlly to
ward tha fireplace, stooped down and.
committed something to tb frame.
Tb relief on bit fare, ha stood up.
was obvious
All I ran do for Mr. Quest, young
lady, I will," th professor promised.
II laid th recrlveriian and th
f I :i c
pi J, ;U 4
wy -' &,., -j
. in
Ha Set HI Teeth and Jumped.
"This morning I decided to mak a
attempt to clear up th mystery
Macdougal' disappearance. I sent on
my secretary . Mist iJtura. to mtk
friends with th section boas, and
Lenora and I went out by automobll
a littles later. We Instituted a search
on a new principle, and before very
long we found Macdougal' body
That's on up sgalutt you. I think, lu
"Very likely," the Iniprctor oh-
lerved. "Go on, please."
"I left the two young Indlea, at Miss
Lenora's with, to superintend the re
moval of the body. I myself hud an
engagement to deliver over her JoW'
ol to Mr, lthclnholdt hero at mid
day, I returned to wher my automo
bllo wai waiting, started for the city
tnd wat attacked by two thugt near
the tectlon houte. I got away from
them, ran to tbe tower houte to try
and stop tbe freight, wat followed by
tho thugt, and Jumped out on to the
latt car from the signal arm,"
"Where It your antomobllo?"
"No Idea," Quest replied. "I left It
In the road. When I Jumped from the
freight car I took a taxkab to the pro
fessor's and called for him, ar
Tho Inspector nodded.
"1 shall have to ask you to excuse
mo for a moment," ho said, "while I
ring up number ten signal tower. If
Mr. Quest's stnry receives corrobora
tion the matter Is at an end."
The Inspect. r loft the room almost
When he returned ho was looking
graver than ever.
"Quest," he announcod, "your alibi
Is useless In fact, a little worse than
useless. The operator at number ten
has been found murdered at the back
of tho towor!"
Quest started.
"I ought not to have left blm to
those thugs," be murmured regretfully.
"There Is no automobile of yours In
the vicinity," tho Inspector continued,
'nor any news of It I think It will bo
as well now, Quest, for this matter to
take Its obvious course. Will you
first of all, hand over hor Jowcls to
Mrs. Rholnholdt?"
Quost drew tbe keys of tho safe
from his pocket, crossed the room and
swung open the safe door. For a mo
ment afterwards he stood transfixed.
His arm, half outstretched, remained
motionless. Thon be turned slowly
"Tbe Jewels have been stolen," be
announced with unnatural calm.
The tor laid his hand heavily
upon .oat s shoulder. . '
"You will kindly consider yoursolf
under arrest, Quest. Ladles and gen
tlemen, will you clear the room now,
If you please. The ambulance I tele
phoned for Is outside."
The professor, who had been look
ing as though dazed, suddenly Inter
"Mr. French," he said earnestly, "I
am convinced that you are making a
great mistake. In arresting and tak
ing away Mr. Quest you are removing
from us the one man who Is likely to
be able to clear up this mystery."
The Inspector pushed him gently
to one side.
You will excuse me, professor," be
said, "but this Is no matter for argu
ment If Mr. Quest can clear himself,
no one will be more glad than I."
Quest shrugged bis shoulders.
"Tbe inspector will have bis little
Joke," be observed dryly. "It's all
fight, girls. Keep cool," he went on,
t he taw tbe teart In Lenora's eyes. '
., HV- I ' '.a i ' J
"Th Jswsl Hav Bttn Btolenl"
reflection on th mirror faded away,
lenora started up and hastily put on
her coat and hat which wore at III ly
ing on tho chair.
"I am going right down to th pro-
fetsor't," alio announced.
What do you think you can do
there?" I-nura tsked.
I am going to tee If I ctn And out
what that man burned," the replied.
"1 will bo hack In an hour."
Ijiura wnlked with her tt fnr at the
ttreet car, and very soon afterward
Lenora found herself knocking at the
professor's front door. Craig admitted,
her almost at once. For a moment he
teemed to shiver at he recognlied her.;
Well, young lady," tho professor
said, "havo you thought of something
I can do?"
Sho took no notion of tho chair to
which ho pointed, and rested hor hand,
upon his shoulder.
"Frofossor," she bogged, "go and see
Mr. Quest! Ho Is In the Tombs prison.
It would ho tho klndost thing anyone
could possibly do."
Tho professor glanced regretfully at
hit manuscrnpt, but be did not hesi
tate. He rose promptly to hit foot
If you think ho would appreciate)
tt, I will go at once," he docldod.
Hor face shone with gratltudo.
"That Is really kind of you, profes
sor," she declared.
"1 will tend for my coat and we will
go together, If you like," bo tuggosted.
She smiled.
"1 am going the other way, back to
Georgia square," the explained. "No,
please don't ring. I can And my own
way out"
She hurrlod from the room. Outsldo
In the hall the paused for a moment,
listening with bentlng heart. Ry tho
side wall was a bat rack with branch
ing pegs, from which several coats
were hanging. She slipped quietly be
hind their sholter.
A moment or two Inter the heard
the professor loave the house. Very
cautiously she stole out from her hid
ing place. The ball was empty, She
crossed It with noiseless footsteps,
lipped Into the study and moved
tealthlly to the fireplace. There wat
little heap of SBhns In one distinct
pot Bhe gathered them up In her
handkerchief and secreted It In her
dress and quietly left the house.
At Georgia square she found Laura
waiting for her, and a few minutes af
terward the two girls were examining
the ashes with the aid of Quest's mi
croscope. Among the Uttlo pile was
one fragment at the sight of which
they both exclaimed. It was distinctly
shred of charred muslin embroidery.
Lenora pointed toward It triumphant-
"Isn't that evidence?" she demand-
"Let's ring up Inspector French!'
(Continued on page 8.)