Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 09, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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The latnel of B'-lli' l if llarlna; da?
lUhl r li I 1 1 a In Ilia li'iilliwu ail
n( oniil)r a ( n i rn It t -l Urnr
day doriiiMin inir C'i.iii,,, mi Urn
Dairii i.) rui), inn tint limn uf Vi
J. V, Turning a i nidi d ami ijuan
III) i.f jiiaili'ry f3 In taab as
Ull I' II
Mr Tontine I' ft hr Iioiiip al.nl 1
o'i I'M k fur Din tin use n( a Iii'IiiIiImiI
ml on In r (Kiiiru she funnd lmi ,ir
Iiiiiiii had urn rnti'iml hi a.-anlinl
lm luili'il In (he Jean-try Ukiiii a
wali'li. hlvi'illKitll'iii ' tl dial hr
Intruder entered Ilia hoiiae llh Ilia
li of J'aa krf anil im hla lima
In rli( through ilia rix'im. Mr
John l)ntiKn, of MMulla, In the
rlljf yealnrday.
II. J. Korh, of llrdland. In the
Cltf JTMlPflUf.
C.iritn A. Alterlniry, of llirlnw, la
UllliK III III rltjr.
Mr ml Mr. W. II. lu.er. of Mulall.
me In lh city KrliUy.
T I". Klrcheii. farmer hwar Un,
a In th city Wedueoday.
W. II. lonn)r. of Untnn. In Hi
ity Ilia nilililld of lh week
Julm Itcur-inm, of Handy. In the
city Hi middle of the nk.
(!.irn llnliiun, of Heaver Crrrk.
vti In DrfKnn City Himday.
V II. Caldwell, of Ik-aver Creek,
waa In Orrfun City Hulurdny.
W. II. Iilalr ami M. J. I.e. of Caiiby,
are In Oleum City on bualiira.
Jauif Dkky, of Mulalla.
Hknil vlaltor In Orrxun city.
J, V. Wtlaa. of WIUonvlIlK, aa
an )ron City vlaltor ycaixnlny.
T. H. Htlii. a farmrr of l.lln-ral, Or
a vlaltor In ttia city Hatunlay.
V. and John llnlilamliT. of H rr
Cir k. wor In Hi rlty yt atcrJay.
(iiHjrB Aruiatrom, of Iikbh. a
rlMltor In OrvKm City Wailurailay.
JaniK Hmoutn, of llvavrr Cnrk, ia
an Orrcnn City vlaltor Wedmailay.
Mr. and Mr. Cliarlt Hlurat. of
Cam, were In Oregon City Monday
John Hluhli and family, of Mutalla,
wuro vlxlllnc la Orriton City Sunday
Mr. and Mr. Howard Kbfroly wre
vliltlng friend Id Heaver Creek Bun
Mr. and Mr. Thoina I'ankry, of
Clarkaiua llolKhl. were here Mon
day. t.oiil Piink, of the Itrdland dlatrlot.
w In Oregon City Tuoaday on bual
tlia. Stanley Turel, of K.atarada, wai vlalt
Ini lu Oreion City Hie flnt of the
W. A. Trorlor, of Sandy, wa a via
Itnr In OreRoa City the end of the
William Wtttt. of 8 tone, wa a bual
net vlaltor In tlio city the end of (he
Lnul I'eudleton, of Cotton, wa
trnnaactlnn bulnia In the city ye
torday. Mr. Knttna Marruin, of Gtadttono,
who ha been 111 with imoumonta, ha
John HiiKhea, a well known Rod
land tockmnn, wa In OreRon City
Wednesday, "
Mia Orare Zlnaor, of Molatlu, I
pendlna: the wookiud hero vlaltlnit
with rotative.
Frank Allen, of Canhy, botiKht the
liotiae recently built at Cnuhy Garden
liy JoHeph Stofntil.
Mr. John lloko, of OsweRo, tindor
went nn operation at tho Oreiton City
boapitul Thumday.
Ilernmn Bcliinldt, a hop Ri-ower of
Ili'uvor Creek, wns a vlnltor In tliu city
tho end of tho week.
MIk Huth lloylea. or Molnllu, wna
In (ho county teat vlnltlng with friend
diirliiR tlio week-end.
C, liauer, a proinliient fnrmur of
Cnnby, wn in till city Friday lookiiiR
nfter luiHlni'Hd lntereNt.
Mrs. Notlierton. who recently under-
went nn operation, hna been removed j
to her homo nt Damascus.
Jnck T. Illndln, of Logan, underwent
nn operation for nppenillcllH nt tho
Oregon City hospital Wednesday.
MIhb Georgia Cross, linn returned
from tho University of Oregon to visit
her parent, Mr. and Mrs. II.. E. Cross,
Tlio son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 8. An
drews underwent nn operntlou for up
pendlctls at tho Oregon City hospital
Monday morning.
Charles Hen tie, of Mullno, wns In
Oregon City Friday. Onirics Dontlo
wns graduated from tlio Oregon City
high school lust Juno.
Grace Hurson, of Clackamas, nnd
Frod 0. Jackson, of Ilnrrlsburg, re
ceived a marriage llconso Thursday at
John Ilontlo, tho son of Robort Ben
tlo, of fienvor Crook, undorwont an
operation at the Oregon City hospltnl
Mrs. R. II. Dcntie, of IJoaver Crook,
was In Oregon City yesterday visiting
lior Bon who rocontly undorwont nn
Mrs. D. E. Frost Is visiting at the
homo of hor parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Kirk, of tho Highland district.
Mr. and Mrs, Kirk are plonoors of 1801.
F. L. Mack, F. M. Morgan, Casper
Junker, Emit Donahue and C. D. Pur
coll, the latter postmnBtor of Sandy,
were visitors in Oregon City Wednes
day. R. H. Coshun, of Scattlo, Wash.,
paid $2879.20 Into the county treasury
on delinquent taxes Monday for the
year 1913. Ho Is paying back tnxes
on a targe niinntlty of Clacknmns coun
ty land with tho aim of securing con
trol of tho property.
County Assessor J. E. Jack was In
Medulla tho first of tho week to con
fer with Deputy Assessor Avlson on
tho assessment of the town of Motulla.
Owing to the Improvements in that
section of the county, a higher assess
ment la considered necessary.
Toiiili.i r I Him. I al t tit iiliwk. a'l
f an aii'ii i( aixml an lnur anil
Mih lli (.l.illi . I i OrrjtM (lt jr an)
I'niiaUlila "rl l ft al om fur Ilia
k ri, u( Ihe iriiiiw. l rHuruN lair
In Ilia afli in"ii ami atmul t oi l h
Murnii.l Hh Hierlff Wln tut ( "i
roll) In iiiiillmia lnlr aoali It fur Hit
Nillil'f a id a aiianfir nr Hi"
T"Mli lininu Thuraday aff-rtiixiii
Tttff Afv ril.a him aa about 4i )eara
'M, fi f. .1 ami I(M lm lira Ull,
about I'.O MinmU In It-lit. lie a
lrraa4 In Until gray rill ami anmUl
a rrnoted iilj. Kmrral vlio saw Mm
Mr. and Mr, (tiarlr Moutg ornery
ra Im'Iiii felli ltald upon Ilia airltal
of a lilt In dauxhlrr, iHirn April t. Hh
III k liami-il Dorothy llarrli l.
W, I.. MnUey, m lal attorney fur
ttia roiinty, liaa rp ele word In lire' t
ly from Waahlnnton ruuiity that th
ult of IMnlln I.. I., Ivliiaa aralnii
Ihn rounlr for 12000 will tin Irli-d tho
latter part of Hi; month. Mr. Multey
riixH't lo rrrele a formal notlie
within th lint few (layi.
i. V. CurtU. held on a iharxs of
l.iirnlary, ha rnlrred a plea of nullly
and tia been rlvi n a eiiti-m e of from
two to fit year In the alato peiillrn
llary and wa lhn paroled. Curtl
' le laril. when irlraard, thai he would
aerure a Job a soon poaailile. e
broke Into the armory, II I Urged,
and itole a revolver while drunk laat
Mr. Klhel May Yale, of Cortland,
haa terured a dlvorte from Pr. I'M til
C. Yale, a I'ortland deiitlil. The de
cree wa aliened by Circuit Judge
Mra. Yale brought bT ult almoat
a year ago in the Clackama county
court, alleging cruel and Inhuman
treatment. Kb rlalinnd (hat her hue-
band often made remark that humlll
etl her In the preaenre of frienda
ami that he made charge agalnat ber
which reflerted agalnat her character
of which the totally Innocent.
Mm. Yatea waa granted f 50 a month
alimony for two year.
Charging that he once axked bor
"What kind of a rraiy Blunt are you
pulling off now?" Mr. Holcn 1). Stan
ley ha filed a ault for divorce again!
Carl l.uee, a dentlat. They were mar
ried February 10, 1902. at I-ead, 8. I)
but have lived In tbl itato for otne
tlmo. Mr. Stanley anki for 120 month'
ly alimony.
Divorce decree dRlied Tuesday by
Circuit Judge Campbell are: Grace
F. HUhop from George 1. IUhIiop, Pearl
M. I'rlvett from rYed I'rlvett, May
Miller from Virgil Howard Milter and
Walter Arndt from 1-aura Arndt.
A ono of tho first Mops In tho pluit
of Improving tho t recti) and road a in
WeHt I.lnn. bids for the Improving of
tho Hill road, leading from tho siir
pmiBlon brldRO to tbu top of tho hltl,
will ho opened April 21.
Tho hid will ho only for tho grad
ItiR of tlio road but tho Wont Mint
council plana on surfnrlni,' It with
cnmliod rock before tlio end of tho
euuinier. Tlio Improvement will coBt
I between !2r00 and ".0Mfl nccordiiig to
tlio estimates of City Engineer Cobb,
. '
The nedliinds Sunday school fitting
ly otiserved. Euster. A Hpcclnl choir
gavo several approprlnto selections.
Tho Sunday school scholars gavo
songs nnd recitations without a nklpt
or falter. Several of the young mon of
the Hcdlnnd cornet band gave Hpoclnl
Instrumental pieces.
Tlio room had boon decorated with
wild flowors from tho woods which tlio
children had gathered and brought in
for tho purpose. Kov. E. A. Smith
spoke nt tho close of the exorclsos on
"Enstor Day."
After tho exercises cards and col
ored oggs wore distributed among tho
little tots. Eggs had been hidden
around the grounds which tho children
hunted for after the services, Ono
child found seven eggs.
Officers wore Installed by the Ore
gon City Lodge Nq. 1183, Itcnevolent
and Protective Ordor of Elks. The
now officers nro: B..T. Mcllalu, ex
alted ruler; H. F, Tschlrgi, esteemed
lending knight; H. L. Kelly, esteemed
loyal knight; II. U Mnrtin, esteemed
lecturing knight; George E. Swnfford,
secretary; W. L. Mtilvey, trensnrer;
F. A- Miles, tyler; M. P. Charmon,
trustee for throe years; W. R. LogiiB,
representative to the grand lodge, and
Henry O'Malloy, alternate to the grand
The Elliott Pralrlo and Evergreen
schools were standardized the fore
part of this week by Supervisor Ved
der. The Elliott Pralrlo school was stand,
ardlzcd Monday. Mr. Vcdder talked
on standardization. J. G. Noe and Misa
Gladys Twccdle are the teachers.
The standardization rally at the
Evergreen school Tuesday afternoon
w as well attended. The pupils of the
school, under Miss Rosella Jones, gave
a program and Mr. Vcdder spoke.
ui lliat ba bad lb apKaiame of
fililflir r
Hrmlal oilier bo'iae are .tl
alllilu a few Iw t of Ibe Tonalna borne
and lb bouaa la ia(4 on one of
Hi inalu lraiclrl rada ltawli Ore
(on 4 II r and I'onlalid. Tb I rime la
i oiiinli f or e of Ibe moal darllig of
II kind tbl winter. I.ra than a week
(, Hie boine of J. W. Iluao at Crys
tal lk. bear MHeaukle, waa roblx-1
In Ibe Mine manner.
Kberllf Wllai.n I lm lined lo believe
I hat one man may be reapolialble lor
all the dayllihl buridarle thai ba
bm-n roinmltted In lb northern part
of the county during lb winter.
Pac Official Cevtr Country In Vain
Attampt to Locate Guilty Partlea
tllwood Vlaited Thurtday
Thai boya are reafionalhle for Ihe re
markable aerlc of daylight rohtx-rie
and petty amak thievea in the north
ern part of Clackama county and In
Hetlwood I the opinion of Sheriff Wil
ron, who apent the greater part of Fri
day In a vain attempt to locate thoce
who are reaponibl.
Sheriff Wilton ba been In purault
of the robber of the Tonalng house at
Oak Grove the greater part of the
lime lnce the crime wa reported to
hi office Thursday afternoon. With
Constable. Froat, Sheriff Wllmn apent
half of Thurmlny night at Oak Grove
and returned Frld.iy morning to the
acene of the crime. A vlilt wa alto
made to Portland and the police In
that rlty were Informed of the rase.
Friday, Sheriff Wllion Icarued of a
aerond daylight robbery at Oak Grooe
although one of small consequence. A
tent house, the property of J. I. Ray
nor, wa entered and a revolver pf
small caliber wa taken. The time
of (hi robbery and (he circumstance
urroundlng the crime are almoat the
ame In every detail a the robbery
of the Tonalng home. The tent and
Ihe Tonalng house are situated in the
ame neighborhood.
Sheriff Wilson I Inclined to believe
(hat neighborhood boy who are thor
oughly acquainted with the neighbor
hood are reaponilble. He alio la of
the opinion that the robbery of the
Huian house at Cryital Lake less than
a month ago can be traced to the same
gang. Two ineak thlefi wore report
ed to the Portland police Tbursdav
night, both from Sellwood and near
the Clackamas-Multnomah county tine.
Ity a vote of 95 to 20 the Moose
Thursday night decided to buy the
Harlow property, located on the corner
of Eleventh and Mnln streets, as a
site for the proposed home of tho
The property adjoins tho Ilodgo liv
ery barn nnd Is a corner lot. The site
is 1:12 feet deep and has over 60 feet
frontago on Mnln street. Tlio lodge
recently advertlsd for bids on proper
ty for a lodgo homo nnd a number or
proposals were submitted.
Definite plans liuvo not boon made
hut It is proposed to build a business
structure with lodgo rooms upstairs.
Tho present lodge building on Sixth
and Main streots lias been found too
small to accommodate tlio members.
Tlio home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lindiiulst,
of Willamette, was tlio sceno of a de
lightful house party given by their
daughters, Wednesday night. Many
friends from Oregon City nnd Canemali
were Invited to share In tho amuso
memnts of the evening, A dinner was
served by the hostesh and the even
ing was spent with music and games,
Those participating in the evening's
rovelrlos were: Misses Maud Light
body, Vorn Moad, Mary Lindqutst, Mra.
Anna Johnson, Miss Nolly Llndqulst,
Miss Nancy Llndqulst, Miss Sarah
Anna Juhnke, Miss Matte Lizzie
Juhnko and Mrs. Anna Johnson.
Miss Sarah Anna Juhnke entortatned
on tho piano.
" r
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
The divorce complaint filed Satur
day by Mrs. Estelle M Longenecker
against Pert E- Longenecker Is only
14 lines long and establishes Hie rec
ord for brevity in circuit court rec
ords this year. Mrs. Longenecker,
who was married In Portland February
2.1, 1911, charges desertion. She asks
for the custody of their child, Olive.
WASHINGTON, April 2.--Great Bri
tain, through Ambassador Sir Cecil
Spring-Rice, this afternoon Informed
the state department that it had drop
ped its complaint against the state of
California for the dismissal of Cana
dian school teachers.
mm water
The temporary Irijun'tlon agalnat
the illy of MUxaukle, umrrd by tho
MHeaukle Wat'-r company, wa ilia
olved by Circuit Judre Campbell
Tuoaday. The Injum lion, wblih
algned by County JudKfl Andi-raoli, re
alralned (be city from completing It
connection with Hull Itun water malm
under a contract with lb city of Port
land to supply (be Cla kamaa county
(own with water.
The Injunction w argued before
Judge Campbell Monday and be took
Hie rate under dvlaeineM at that time.
The work-of laying (be pipe from
Portland to Mllwaukln by (ilnMah
Jopln, Portland contrm tora, waa de
layed until the court dlaaolvi-d Hie In
The anil of Ibe Mllwaukle Water
company for a permanent liilumtlon
wa baaed on the francblae which give
that firm the right lo tell water In
Mllwaukle for eeveral year to come.
U I (be second ui( of I'a kind In the
Mllwaukle water lluhtlon whlcb ba
been argued here.
Motion for a new trial In the raae
of T. Nlcotal agalnat II. ft. Patton wa
denied Tueaday. The defendant I a
rperlal game warden who arreated M
rolal near Kataiada for killing deer
out of seaaon'. The raae wa tried sev
eral weeka ago and (he Jury returned
a verdict for (he defendant NiroUl
asked for damage for alli gi-d falaa ar
Teachers from every part of the
eastern section of the county gathered
t Kitacada Saturday at the east
Clackamaa school rally, held In the
Eatacada high irhoot auditorium.
The meeting wa opened by the soni
"America," which was followed by a
eric of three-minute talks on "How
I Made My School Standard." by II. F.
Ford, Ethel Wllklnaon. Utile Greg
son. Mrs. Malar. Edith Lillle. Mrs.
Lundstrom, I-ettle Osborn, Win 0
born, Edna Venator and Elsie Dahl
itrom. Mra- C W. Devore spoke on
"Home Making and the School" and
F. H. Guthrie, of the Estacada school.
gave a milk testing demonstration. Su
perintendent Calavan gave a talk on
"School Legislation." and M. S. Pitt-
man, of the state normal school, made
an address. Other talks were: "The
Relation of the School and Church."
Rev. C. II. Rees and "How to Interest
the Parent In the School," Mrs. Ilar
num. The Estacada school waa standard
ized Friday and is now the largest
standard school In the county. Super
intendent Calavan and Supervisor Mc
Cormlck were present and each ad
dressed the large crowd that turned
out to hear (he exercises In the
school auditorium. The teachers at
the Estacada Bchool are: H. F. Ford, F.
11. Guthrie. Ruth Welch, Gertrude Dil
lon, Edna F. Phillips, Rica Anderson
Eva Welsh and Lillian Reed.
A standardization rally was held at
Eagle Creek Thursday afternoon. The
school was crowded, a majority of tho
residents of the districts being pres
ent. Superintendent Calavan. Super
visor McCorniick and H. F. Ford, of
Estacada. attended the rally and
spoke. The teachers are Misses Dor
cas Headln and Lillian Appleman.
Iu order to study tho merits of river
gravel ns a road dressing, County
Judge Anderson and Commissioner
Knight Thursday went over several
roads in the Robblns district with Su
pervisor Henricl.
Several roads In the Robblns dis
trict have been repaired with gravel
but general dissatisfaction exists In
that part of the county as river gravel
Is slow to pack. Supervisor Henricl is
not pleased with the results and con
siderable complaint concerning the
roads has come to both the court and
the commissioner on account of the
VENICE, via London, April 2 Count
Stephen Tlsza, tho Hungarian premier,
in speaking 10 day of his recent trip
to Vienna, when he had an audience
with Emperor Francis Joseph, sold
that the emperor appeared to be Bur-
prlslngly well and had gone through
the winter without the slightest cough
or cold.
WASHINGTON. April 7. The At
lantic leet arrived at Hampton Roads,
Va., from Guantanamo today, accord
ing to a wireless sent to Secretary of
the Navy Daniels by Admiral Fletcher.
The fleet left Guartnnnmo Friday.
How's This?
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars
Reward for any casa of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O.
we, the underalgned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the laat 15 years, and believe
rim p"ecuy nonoraoie In all business
tranaactlon and financially able to carry
out any utilisations made by his firm.
Toledo. O.
Hall' Catarrh Cur la taken Internally,
actina; directly upon the blood and mu
coua surfaces of the ayatem. Testimonials
aent free. Price 75 ctnti per bottle. Sold
oy an j-'i-ug-Kiats.
Take Hall a Family Pllla (or constipation.
Mure than a arore of student from
Ihe Oregon City bl;h bool Invaded a
meeting of the hool board Thuraday
night lo back up petition signed by
Z'A high school itudeiits and nearly
all of Ihe members of the faculty. In
cluding Principal II. Y. Pflngateo,
aaklng that (be hours of school be
changed after Ihe Kaater holiday week.
whlcb starts neit Monday.
The boys and girls of the blfh school
are rnthualaatlc lo their support of a
project to open school at 8:30 a. m
and bold a contlnuom seailon until
1:15 p. m. I'n der Ihe present arrange
ment the blgb school commence at
I a. m. and rloac at 2: IS p. m., with
one hour and IS minute for (be noon
Mia Marjorte Money, Mi Alene
Phillip. Mia Roberta Schuebel, Kent
Moody and Wallace Mas were among
the leaders of (he student body who
(tended the meeting of the school
Tbe mi ruber uf the board will take
a week to carefully consider the peti
tion, and at tbe end of that time will
bold a apecial meeting to finally deter
mine the question. It I not known
Juit bow the parents of the pupil view
the plan, and It I thought likely that
change such as Is petitioned for, will
neceasltate a complete alteration of
the high school program.
Only death. Itself, can defeat the
alms of Justice In Clackama coohty,
Judging from the. diligence exercised
by Sheriff Wilson and Conatable Frost
In pursuing the man who stole a boat
from C. A. Cbrtstensen, of Ilotton, two
years ago. After weeks of work, the
two local officials learned that tho
man they were seeking was dead In
The launch stolen from Chtistensen
was Identified In the river by M. A,
Magone two weeka ago. L. Menden
bait, the man who bad the boat, was
arrested but proved that he bad bought
It from D. S. Campbell, of Portland-
Campbell was then picked up by
local officials, who by this time were
working with the Multnomah county
sheriff's office, but he had a bill of
sale showing that he purchased the
craft from J. W. Sanborn. With the
aid of Campbell, Sanborn was arrested
but he, like the other owners of the
boat, proved that he had not stolen It
but promised his assistance In locat
ing the man from whom he bad se
cured It.
After several days the sheriff was In
formed that Jack Boyer, who had sold
the craft to Sanborn and who, It Is
alleged, stolo It, was dead. Fuller
Information showed that be died in
California after being struck by a
train. Rfiyer lived In Oregon City un
til several months ago when he left
for the south.
SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 7. The
body of a man about 60 years old was
found In the river here today. There
was a bullet hole In the right temple.
Tho man wore a blue suit, which had
been bought in Portland.
Professor Joseph
APRIL, 19th-24th
This is a return engagement of
Professor Becker,
many people win oe giaa to near
of his return.
Morey Seeks Wife's Name
Husband Was OswegoTeachcr
Clerk Harrington Gets Letter
In queat of the name of the woman
he married In 1)12. Clare li. More 7
ha addreaaed the following letter (o
Mia va Harrington, county clerk:
'Tbe County Clerk,
"Oregon City, Oregon.
"Lear Kir: Will you kindly send
me Ihe name of (ha woman that wa
married to Clare U. Morey on June (.
1512, and greatly oblige.
"Truly your,
"McEwen, Oregon, April S. 1915."
Record In County Clerk llarrinx
tlon'a office abow that ('tare O. Morey
wa married July 6. l!ll, Inatead of
June , 1912, to Nellie M Goodwin In
the office of County Hthool Ruperln-
yea wu)m hayv??d
ALHANT. N. Y- April 7. Colonel
William Hayward, the legal adviser nf
Governor Whitman, who has been
made public service commissioner, is
a man of national reputation, lie will
represent the Whitman administration
on thla body, which has control over
the operations of not only millions, but
billions of capital Inverted In public
utility corporations.
Colonel Hayward was one of the ad-
vlsers of President Taft's administra
tion and was for two year secretary
of the Republican national committee.
He la a son of a former United States
senator from Nebraska and was colo
ned of a Nebraska regiment during the
Spanish-American war. He waa in ac
tive service In the Philippines. Tbe
ability he showed there won him pro
motion from a captaincy to colonel
A Veritable Solomon.
"Blinks Is probably tbe wisest man Id
the world."
"Why such an outburstr
"He can tell a woman'i disposition
without marrying her." Philadelphia
A Cold Night In China.
One of tbe facts that iueffaceably
cut Into my memory during my first
winter, some years ago. In Newcbwang
was tbe Ceding 00 one morning: about
New Year's time thirty-Are musses of
Ice, each mass having been a living
man at 10 o'clock the preceding night
Tbe thermometer was a good bit below
zero. Tbe men hud Just left tbe opium
dens, where they bad been enlovlne
themselves. The keen air scut them to
sleep, and they never wnkenetl. North
Chlua Herald.
Will demonstrate
The Great Majestic Range
and a great Pgt jMfSjll
tenden( T. J. Gary by Rev. T. II For I.
pastor of Ihe Flrat Methodlat church.
Mr. Gary I now principal of a port
land acliool tut County HuMrrlnteud.
ent Calavan reniemhe Morey who,
be any a. la about 70 yara old. Morey
wa a leather In the Oswego si hoolt
In 1910-11 and lived (here several
year following bis marriage. Rev.
Ford remember the wedding end a'd
yeaterday afternoon that the coupli
made Oawego their borne.
Neither County Clerk Harrington,
who remembers Ihe Incident, Mr. Cab
avan nor Her. Ford could recall Nellie
M. Goodwin. She gave Clackamas
county as ber addrea.
F. M. Cummins, a native of Oregon
and for 34 years a conductor on the
Southern Pacific pinning through
Clackamaa county, died at his home
at Clackamaa Saturday afternoon. Al
though death was due to pneumonia,
he bad been HI for the last year with
He was born on a farm near Albany,
April IS. 1857. and spent all bis life
In this state- He moved to Clackamas
five years ago with bis family. Mr.
Cummins Is survived by his widow, a
daughter and two brothers, W. A. Cum
mins and Judge John Cummins, both
of Portland. He was a member of tbe
Elks lodge at Albany.
The body Is being held at Myers
flradr funeral parlors until word Is
received from relatives In the east.
The funeral will be held at Albany
and Interment will be at that city.
Henry A. Schieve, aged 25 years,
died at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter achieve, of Clarka, Fri
day morning. He waa lit with pneu
monia tor about ten days before hla
He was born in South Dakota, but haa
lived for a number of years on the
farm of his parents at Clarka. Tbe
funeral will be from the home Satur
day, Rev. E. A- Smith officiating. In
terment will be In Mountain View
He is survived by his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Schieve, one sister,
Miss Hannah Schieve. and four broth
ers, Augustine, Julius, Alfred and
Jacob Shleves, who are living at
Henry Schieve, of Clarkes, who died
April 1, was burled at Clarkes Satur
day at the Clarkes cemetery, April 3.
The funeral was from tbe family home
of Mr- and Mrs. Peter Schieve, and
was conducted by Dr. Jacob Kratt, of
the First German Baptist church of
Portland, and Rev. E. A. Smith, of Ore
gon City. Dr. Kratt spoke In the Ger
man tongue, while Mr. Smith -spoke
In the English. A choir of young peo
ple who were his personal friends fur
nlshed the music,
Toung Schieve had been a suffer
from tuberculosis for more than two
years. His parents had spared noth
ing to cure him. He had spent a sea
son In Arizona and later had gone to
JaJ Aaafastaaa ' aaaafiaaaaaaaW