Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 02, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    oumns cm vsmiviim:, fimdav, avuil 2, 1015.
to lb I'ImuII ( iuit ill Ida Hlal ol
Oregon, fur III t'iulily ir ( l'k
II a.
('barbs T. Tna, llaliillff,
M lira Cramer and lllan. he Cramer, I. la
If, I tofr nilant
Mat of Oreoii, Coiinly of ('la tamaa,
lf IMn of Jh'IkmmiiI order, da
free and an rim mlim anil order of sale.
duly laaued Mil l.f ain Ulnlrr Ilia tal
nf Ilia ! entitled rmirt In Id
bo entitled lauea. In Nia duly dl
twlt'l anil (Jutrtl Ik I.'Mit day of
March, 1IS. upon a Judgment lea
defed anil entered In aald court on lha
Una da? of Man li. 1I5. In fa'or of
1'harlre T, Tix", plaintiff, anil anelnat
Mill Cramer and Warn h Crainrr. hla
lf, defendants, fur lh aum of II
0 00 lth Inlrrcal I hereon al lh
rala of ven per rent per annum from
lha ta dar of Autrual. I V 1 1, and Ilia
further aum of oooo. ai atlorney
fee, and lha further aum of l0
roala and dlebureemeul. and Hi coata
of and upon llila writ, commanding m
In maa tala of Ilia following deerrllied
rral property, alluala In Ida rounly of
Clarkamaa, atala of Oregon, tow It:
Commencing al onlnl 1 rod
Waal of lha aoulhraal corner of lha
aouthweat quarter of aertion I, Iowa
ahlp 4 eoulh of rang 1 rail of lha Wll
lamella Meridian, being lha aoulbaral
corner of a Irari of land heretofore
luild lo ITank K. Kirk by deed record
d on ptlt 401 vnlum 73. Ie4 Hc
nrda of Clackamas rounir. Oregon, run
hlnK thenr weal on section Una 121
rod lo lha aoulhweat corner of aaM
aertion I. Ihnnra north on awlnn Una
10 rod: Ihrnra Mil 114 rods; thenr
aouth HO rods lo lh plac of begin
nine, containing acre mora or c
Now. Therefore, by lrtua of aald ri
edition, Judgment order and decree,
and la rompllanr with lha commanu
of aald will. I will, on Halurday. I"
tub dar of April. Il&. al lha hour of
in n'rl.rk a. ni . at lh front door of
tha rountv Courthoiie In tha city of
Oregon City. Id aald county and altta,
ell at tiulillo auction. subject to re
demotion, lo lha blghrl bidder. fi
it H. Hold coin rah In hand, all lh
riant, till Bllil liilerret whlrh lh
within named dcfcndanle or either of
them, had on tha data of lh mortgage
herein or alnc had In or to the above
deacrlbed real proerty or any part
thereof, lo aatlsfy aald execution. Judg
mcnt order, decree:. Interest, coat and
all accruing coat.
Sheriff of rlnrkamaa Tounty. Orcaon,
lly K. C. IIACKFrTT. reiity.
Iwted. Orvft-on City. Oreiton. Marrh
JKlh. 1IS.
AifilnltiI,'i Nclic af Appalnl
NotWa I kml.jf ltM thai it un
deialiid baa U 4 ,lf af'illilr4 ad
ii.lnltirairli of lh tat of Julia I'
nrliiW, d(wi, t,f lha I'i.hi.Ij
( o'irl of lh Hlala of flreanu for l'la k
a iota Comity, ami Ihal lha Ultrra of
Waal 4 I fi-M; Ih.nra Norlb 121 fet
to Ilia Houib lln of aal'l loulity ruail,
ihn.ra rlouih 7 d"re ral
fe In lha .lai of l,i Kin iilux, and Ihal
tha till of tha plallillfT la anrlir.
food and talld a aalml all ilaliua
of di'fndaiila, and lhat you aiid aa b
of you, l Imnttr eiiiiiini-d and do-
In tha ( Inult Court of lh Hlal of
()fK'M, for Claikamaa County.
Jaiob Crllai, I'laliilliT. .
Matrajlo Crllri, lfndant.
To Ma(l t'rltea. love nmm-d de
fm 'la ut:
la lh iiama of lh atat of Om koi.
Nolle af Afipolnlmant af taacutrU
N'olli la barrhy (la lhat Ilia un
ifi'riinrd baa bora iilntl by the
(oiiiity court of tha romity of ( la k
aiuaa, Hlala of Orrfoa. viarutrli of the
atal of William J. Uaera. )
-a-. All oiraiifia having rlalim
aaalnat aald talulo. ahall orau-nl Ibeiii
Aliiili.ifii.. n hai d n duly laaunl iarrl from aartln any iUIhi what I la lh iiain of tha atat of On Km. duly ierlflid a b lav rcouirrd to
lo lur a aw b idinlnUtratrli. Kr In and l- laid land, adi lo you ar brby reoulred tn appear and n,. ,-1,1 ,,.(,, .1 n,- ,,n,m nt
All prraoli l.atlng rlalu.a or da .lalfillrr. and for auh Mil. r r lu f at I al.iaer III conipiauu imq axainal 4 llurke U af er II11IMI1 a- lr
11.ai1.1a anaiiiai idi. aaiai ara bareii ti in llonoraiii t nun Uiay who juai you,
rr.iiln In .rrafii lb aalil wllh I and iillal.,
In lb ahoa amitli-d lull, on or , ,rk. ,,.,
tb. lb day of April. II5. ,a Uie . 0,
proper ou. hen lerlfled aa reiulred
by law, lo lh uinlrialf lied adliilnatr
Irli al 4:2 Cliaii.Ur of Coinmarr
HmI.Iii(. rortland. Ore-on. alllila all
moniha from lb data of llila not
I'ala of flral pul.lli allon Mar b if
liata of laal pulilliallon April U
Tbla auiiiiiion la aervrd uMin you,
and ' b of you, by publlrallou b'-ra
of for ala ooiiMullt wtH'ka In lh
Ornon City Knterprlaa, a nii'aper
of general 1 Irnilatlon, printed and pub
llahrd al Oregon Ciiy, ( la kama ( oun
aald data being lb iilratlon of al
aiki from lh flral puMlialU.n of
lihla uiiiriion. and If you fall lo a
near or anawer aald complaint, for
want theraof tha plaintiff will apply
to lha court for lh relief prayed f
ly. Oregon, by virtu of an order of In hit complaint, lowlt:
In lh CI rr 11 It Court of lb Hlala of
Oregon, for Cla.kaniaa County.
Klla Clark. I'lalullff.
Ilay A. Clark, Defendant.
To Ilay A. Clark, abova named defend
In lb Bam of lh atat of Oregon
you ar hervhy required lo appear and
anawer lh complaint (lied agalmt
Ilia llonorabl J. 1?, Campbell, Judg
of (ha aUina enllllid court, dated
Marrb Mill, Itlft.
Hal of flral publlralloti, Manb IVtb
Oat of laal pul.lli alli.n. April 30(b.
woowAr joiinhon.
Atlornnya fur i'lalntlff
la lh Circuit Court of lh Ktat of
Oregon, for th County of t'lncka-maa.
Altbea K. Hell, I'lalntlff.
II. H. Itell. Defalidanl.
Kor deerea dlaaolvlng th bond
of matrimony now rilating between
lha plaintiff and defendant. Thl
luiniiiona I puhllahed by order of
Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judg of th
Clrrult Court, whl h order waa mad
on lh 3rd day of Marrb. IKI J, and th
lima prearrtbad for puhlligtlon there
of la all waeka, beginning with lha la-
au dated Marrb lib. and con
tinning earb week thereafter to and
Including mday. April K,lh, IS.
Attorney! for I'laliitlH
Summon a.
In lb Circuit Court of th Rial of
Oregon, for Clarkamai County,
Klla Verrllla, plaintiff,
John V. Verrllle, defendant.
In the Circuit Court of lh Stnto of
Oregon, for the County of ClncM
Zoltna Kutherland Cbaae, I'lalntlff,
Cheater Arthur Cbaac. Oefeiiilant.
To Chealer Arthur Chnae. th above-
named defenilant:
In lhi) Nania of thn Ptatn of Oregon.
)ou are hereby rcuutred lo apiK-nr and
anawer the complaint filed analimt
you In tho a'Mve vntltled cnuan on or
iK-fore the Kth day of May. 1915. and
If you fall to bo appear aod anawer. for
want thereof th plulnlKf w ill apply to
the court for lha relief prayed for In
her aald complaint, tow It :
For a decree of divorce aetllng aalde
the marriage contract exlatlng be
tween heraelf and the defendant and
lhat the be rcalored to her maiden
name, namely, whlrh la IColma Hulher
Innd, and that ahe have nun other
and further relief a may be mete with
Thl aummon la pulilUhPd by or
der of tho llonorablo J. V. OiimpMI.
Judge of tho Circuit court of tho atntp
of Oregon for Clnckamaa county for
tha Klflh Judicial dlMrtct. made and
entered on tho Mrd day of Mnrrh
191G. and tho time prearrlbod for the
publication of till Btimmoni la lx
week beginning Mnrrh 20, 1915, and
ending with tho laatio of the 7th dny
of Mny. 1015.
Attorney for rinlnllff.
2 3 Mulkoy HuIIiIIiik. rortland, Ore.
you. In lha above entitled mil, on or To II. 8. Hell, above named defendant:
befor lh ib day of April. 1115. aald In lb name of the atat of Oregon.
dale being tb eiplratlno of all weeka rU ara hereby required lo appear and
from lh flrl pul.llrallnn of till aum anawer lb complain! filed agalml you I ",,. v.e.iiia in. .t.e.n,
mona and If you fall to aut-ar or In lh aU... entitled ...It. on or before To .Joh s T. ervllle. lh. lWve named
.. ....... . . lu. ... iA.k j.- . 1 .n iair. I unienuani.
anaaeraam rompiaini, lor wain mere 1 r.iuru.7, iiib win u v. apni.
of the plalntltT will apply lo lha court aald date being lh expiration of all
for lha relief prayed for la bar com wek from lh flral publication ot
plaint, low II: I thl lummotia. and if you fall lo ap-
for a decree dlaaolvlng lh txindi pear or anawer laid mmpiaiiit, lor
of matrimony now eil.tlng elween want thereof the plaintiff will apply lo
the plalntirr and defendant. Thla the court for the -relief prayed for In
aiiummona I puhllihed by order of her complaint, to-wlt:
ii.. a A...I f. ..i.. .i.l . . . .
"" -m.i i..i rur a nccrew aiaaoiving ine ixinua in -... ... ... ..1,1 ,m,.i.it ...
.. ... , . . I ... ll""l v' .w.i mt .h ....
.I ..:? : ; n.r . : r",rlm"nr "ow r,,""n '"'a u,e h-reof th pumtifr m (.Pir
on th. 2Kb day of M b. 1915 and tba pi.mnr ,nd defvndant. Thla aum- (0 CoUrt for , ,,.,., dMnDllH
1. 111. iirex ruieu nr yuuin anon merw 1 mona la punnaneu py oruer or lion. II.
of la alx waeka. beginning with lha la h. Anderaon, Juilce of the County
u dated rrlday, Krb. 2, 1915. and Court, which order w aa made on the
continuing ea. li week thereafter lo mi, ,jay of Keb.. 1915. and the time
and Un hiding. Friday, April lh. 1915 krearrltied for Dubllratlon thereof la
all weeka, beginning with the laaue
dated Kliday, Feb. 20tb. 1915, and con
tinning earn week thereafter lo and
Including Friday, April 9th, 1915.
If. C. I, A KG,
Greaham. Ore.
In lb nam of lha atat of Oregon
rou ar hereby required to appear
and anawer lh complaint filed again!
you In lha above entitled iult on or
before the 23rd day of April 191
aald data being the eiplratlon of tlx
weeka from tho drat publlratloo of
(hla iiitnmoni. and tf you fall to ap-
Att'irneya fr I'lalntlff.
Summon for Publication.
In tha Clrrult Court of the Stale of
Oregon, for the County of Clurka
Thn Jofcph A. Htrow bridge Katule
Company, a corporation, I'lalntlff.
and prayed for In ber complaint, to
For decree dlaaolvlng the marrl-
ai;e contract bow exlatlng lM-tein
plaintiff and defendant, for the care
cuaiody and control of her minor
child. Huby E. Verrllle. and for uch
other and further relief a may be
Tbla aummon la puhllahed by on!
of tha Honorable J. U. CamDbell. Judce
Attorney for I'lalntlfT. of h lbov, entitled Court, made the
1Kb day of March. 1915.
Firat publication March Kth. 1915
and the laat publication will be April
;ird. 1915.
Attorney for I'lalntlff
l.nrlmla U'agenlilaat, nee Arthur, and
Frank Wagrnhlaat. her bilklmnd
John F. Arthur, and June Doe Ar
thur, hla wife; Wllllnm Crane, and
Amiln Crane, hi wife; Cbarlea
Crane, and Kdllh Crane, hla wife;
Thoiuai Crane, and Mabel Crane, hi
wife; Cmirge Crane, and Htella
Crane, hi wife; Nellie M. fiheldon.
lice Crane, and John Doe Sheldon.
her hiiiliand; heir of K.lUa J. Crane
decenaed. The unknown heir of
Cutherlne Miirla Arthur, deceased
Mary Elltabeth Mai Donnld, nee Inv-
enixirt. heir of Jamea Davenport, de
huahand; The unknown heir
Sheriff'! Sal.
In the Clrrult Court of the Ktate of
Oregon, for" the County of Clacka-
F. F. llrandcR, I'lalntlff.
W. K. CbrlHtlernaaon and Jane Doe
Chrlstiernaaon. W. 8. King and Ell
tabeth A. King, hla wife, II. F.
Heeae, J. D. Morrli and Anna I. Mor-
rla and Alexander RoutledKo, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka-
ma. aa.
Sheriff 8al.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for .tho county of Clacka
ma. Mutual Realty Co.. a corporation or
ganlxed and exlatlng under the lawi
of the State of Oregon, Plaintiff,
V. 0. Walter and Laura II. Walter,
his wife. Defendants.
Py virtue of a Judgment order, do- State of Oregon, County of Clarka-
Dated M ir. b 19, 1915.
KiM-utrlg of th aalat. of William
l4wellen, Dereaaed.
CROHH li lit K K, Altorneya for Ka
The Black Box
(Continued from Tag .)
Organized Baseball Eeglns to
Feel Strength cf Fels.
Ily virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution and order of
In tho Circuit Court of tho Btnlo of
Oregon, for tho County of Clncka
in ns.
Chrlntlo Loll, rlnlntlff,
Ooorgo M. Dotx, Dnfenilnnt,
To George .M. Iilx, nbovo nnnied do
fondant: '
In tho niinio of the stnto of Oregon,
you are hereby required to nppenr and
anawer tho complaint filed nsaliiHt yon
In the above entitled suit, on or before
tho 2nd tiny of April, 115. said dnto
bolnn tho oxplrntion of six weeks from
tho first publication of HiIh suinnionfl,
and If you fall to nppenr or answer
sulci complaint, for wnnt thereof the
plnlntlff will npply to tho court for the
rellof prayod for In her complaint, to
wlt: For a donroo dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing botweon the
plulntlff and defondant. This sum
mons Is publlHhod by order of Hon. II.
8. Anderson, JikIro of tho County
Court, which order was nindo on the
17th dny of Feb,, 1915, and tho tlnto
prescribed for publication thoroof Is
six weeks, beginning with the lssuo
dutod Friday, Feb. 19th, 1915. and con
tinning each week thereafter to and
Including Friday, April 2nd. 1915. ,
Attorney for riulntiff.
rree and an execution, duly issued
out of and under the seal of the above
entitled court. In the above entitled
,..ed', and John MacDooald. 'her ruu"P' o e duly dlrwlwl jnd dated Ml duly Issued out of and under
,. !.., I - Tha iii,lnir.i tii.lr nl "8 nl DBy ot Aiarcu, jam, upon I Ilia VI Ol llio aoovo riiuui'u roun.
William' Harper, deceaaed; Clack- J,",t"Mnt wndered and entered In said In the above entltkil cause, to me duly
amaa County, Oregon; and Jamea 01 mnrm. 1. u 11 " ol" "
II. Coffee, eomutlmoa known aa ,a,ur r- r- "- '. j-"'
ana against 11. r . uceae, aeienuani, lor ereu ana enierea in Mia coun on me
tho sum of $.1000.00, with Interest 8th day of March, 1915, In favor of
thorcon at tho rate of 8 per cent per Mutual Itealty Company, a corpora
annum from the Hth day pf March, tlon, I'lalntlff. and against W. 0. Walt
1914. and the further sum of 1200.00. er and Laura II. Walter, his wife, De
al attorney's fee, and also F. F. fendants. for the sura of 1625.00. with
Itrntiil.ia Ihm aluivA.nnmnl nlnlntlff rrfwl Internal Itierenn nt the rain nf R rwir
Dollllld. her husband. thO Unknown ',.,,,, -.n., W H If It. a emit nee annum rrom tha 57lh H.v nr
helra of Catherlno Maria Arthur, do-1, Ellwl)ptn A King, defendants, for October. 1913, and the further sum of
' .. T", tho sum of $1500.00. together with in- $50, as attorney's fee, and the costs of
William Harper, deceased, dofend- . .. nor . Dr an- and t.non this writ, commondlnir me
nls: num from February 10th, 19N, and to mako solo of the following ide-
In tho namo of Hie state of Oregon, (ha further sum of $50.00 attorney's scribed real property, situate in the
you nro hereby required to appear and f,.rg. wiiiclt tuilgment was enrolled county of Clackamas, state of Oregon
answer tho complaint filed on the 15th m docketed In tho clerk's olllco of to-wit:
day of Jnnunry, 1915, against you In gaj court i Clackamas County on the The N. W. Vi of Section 16. T. 7 S.
tho abovo entitled court and cause. onlHt jny 0r March, 1915, and tho costs R. 4, East of tho Willamette Meridian
Jamea II. Coffey, Defendants.
To John F. Arthur and Jane Doe Ar
thur, his wife; Thomas Crsno and
Mabel Crane, bis wife; George Crane
and 8I0II11 Crano. hla wlfo; Mary
Kllxaheth MacDonnld, and John Mac-
aora and even Queal TiudderdL Then
as tby cam, brtatbleaa, to a stand
still, tbey aw a atraog thing. On
Id of th but fell In, and almost Im
mediately lh leopard with a mighty
prtog, leaped from tb plac and rao
bowling Into the undergrowth, Th
monkey followed but tbey earn
straight for lb professor, wringing
their band. Tbay fawned at bla feet
aa though trying to show blm their
acorcbd bodle. Then for a alogl
moment tbey taw tb form of lb a pa
ma a as b struggled to follow tb
other His strength failed him. bow,
ver. II fall backwards Into tb bum,
log chaam.
Tha profesaor bad them farewell.
an hour later, on th steps of lb
bousa, II seemed auddeoly to b
You hat don your best, Mr.
Quest," ba said, "but fata baa been too
strong. Remember this, though. It
la quit true that th cunning of Har-
too may bar mad It poaalble for
blm to bava stolen tb skeleton and
to bava brought It back to tta biding
plac, but It was jealousycruel, bra-
tal, foul Jealousy which ameared tba
walla of that but with keroaen and
set light to IL Tha work ot a life
time, my dreams of acleotlflo Immor
tality, bare vanished In those flamee."
Ho turned alow away from them
and re-entered tha bouse. Quest aad
Lenora made their way down tb are
na ana entered tne automobile wnich
waa waiting for them, almost la al
ienee. The latter glanced toward bla
companion, aa they drova off.
Say, this has been a bit tough for
70a," bo remarked. Ill bava to call
somewhere aad get you a glass ot
She tried to smile but ber strength
waa almost gone. Tbey drove to a
restaurant and sat tuera for soma lit
tle time. Lenora aoon recovered ber
color. She even bad courage to sptak
of tho events ot the afternoon when
they re-entered the automobile.
Mr. Quest." Lenora murmured.
who do you suppose burned the but
If I don't say Craig, I suppose you
will,'' bo remarked. "1 wonder wheth
er Laura's bad any luck."
They were greeted, as they entered
Quest'a room, by a familiar little tick
ing. Quest smiled with pleaaure.
"It's the pocket wireless." ba de
clared. "Let ma take down the mes
He spelled it out to Lenora, who
stood by bis side:
Claa A Circuit ")tivd Trrlfl tlaw
frm Na Organisatiail Faaaral
Mav Ala Lad a Farluaa Othae
Tb auar iprcaloo ludUaUv of
uprviu tonfl.leiu and dladulo of ri
vals aaaumed by tb organized baaeball
force niuat ba maintained ouw wlib
arlous difficult. However ahurt lit
Federal leagu may fall of major
leagu prrtrualoiia and wtiatrr baud!
rap they far in tb way vf tTHiue
fcwra and weak circuit. Ihey still ar
able 10 sink lb forty i wo cenilmeivr
ahull Into tb vital of tha ortupu
with aatonUhliig frequency and accu
Ilraulta api-ak for tbeojaalvea. Tb
wound rraultlug In tb wracking of
tb lutematloual league, tb duwufall
of lb Farrrll regime la th .New York
Yankee, lb crippling of tb Br Hom
er baaeball Indualrli- and th paralys
ing of all minor league activity were
enougb to pror Ibe point
Now come tb lirooklyn National
leagu club and throw liaelf 00 tb
mercy of tb lirooklyn public by offer
ing $100,000 worth ot preferred dork
for aal to anybody In block of $100
rarb or larger.
Tb condition of tbla deal, wblro
make lb stock redeemabl In tbrea
year, ar equivalent to a f I'tWaO loan
at 8 per rent per annum. In other
ordv th Krooklyo club seems cramp
ed for tb wherewithal lo do bailors
The arbanie I tb flrat attempt of an
estabtlxbed major league club to float
stock In t b It manner and to taken by
some persons to Indicate weak neat
The failure of the "war fund" to ap
pear and Ibe belpleaaneM of Ibe O. B.
force lo alt the minor league In
dlxtren. are Indication tbat moat of
the octopua' strength I "front"
The Feds bare !ot beavlly. loo. But
after all It txn't the beiivlr.es of tbe
lo-ie that counta It'a tbe relative
ability of the sufferers to stand th
I use and aurvlve.
Tbe winner la bard lo pick. Certain
ly organized bast-ball is no longer over
confident If the Fed circuit were a
little more reasonably arranged tbe In
dependents would be given a genuine
chance to force themselvea down the
throata of tbe opposition.
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of tho Estate of Frances
McAllster, Doceased.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho under
slirnod has boon duly appointed exe
cutrix of the estate of Frances McAI
iHter. deceased, by tho county court of
the stnto of Oregon, for tho county of
Clackamas; that she has duly qualified
as such; thnt nil claims agnlnst snld
estate must be presented to the under
signed with vouchors as required by
law within six months from dato here
of, at the office of Hammond & Ham
mond, in tbe Hoaver Building, Oregon
City. Oregon.
Dated and first published this 26th
day of March, A. D. 1915-
Executrix of the Estate of Frances Mc
Allster, Deceased.
Attorneyo for Executrix.
or beforo tho 3d day of May, 1915,
being tho dny prescribed In the ordor
of court filed on tho IStli day- of
March, 1915, and being moro than six
weeks from the dato of first publica
tion of this Biimmons; and If you full
so to appenr herein, plnlntlff for want
thereof will proceed to tnko a decreo
and Judgment ngalnst you, and each of
you, ns pruyod for In plaintiff's com
plaint, to-wlt: for a Judgment and do.
creo declaring nud adjudging that you
and rnclt ot you, have no estute or
Interest whatsoever In or to the fol
lowing described landB and premises:
Tho land bounded by Hue beginning
nt tho Northwest corner of Robert Ar
thur donation land claim, in Township
2 South, Range 3 East Willumotte Me
ridian; thonco East on the North line
of aald claim 21.07 chains to a stouo;
thence South 29.60 chains to the cen
ter of tho county road, (iron pipe ltt
Inches by 2 it feet, 30 feet North of
center of road); thence North 67 do-
greos 00 minutes West along the cen
tor of road 12.02 chains to a stone;
thence South parallel with the West
boundary tine ot said Robert Arthur
donation land claim C4.07 chains to a
stono 16 inches by 10 Inches by 16
inches on the South line of tho aald
Robert Arthur donation land claim;
thonce WcbI 10 chains on the South
lino ot tbe snld Robort Arthur donation
land claim to the Southwest corner
thereof, and being In Section 4, Town
ship 3 South, Range 3 East W. M.i
thonce North 79 chains on the West
line of said Robert Arthur donation
land' claim to the place of beginning.
Also a portion of the Abraham and
Snrah McCubbln donation land claim
described as beginning at the South
east corner of Lot 2 of Section 33,
Township 2 South, Range 3 East W.
M., and being the Southeast corner of
snld McCubbln donntlon land claim;
thence running northerly on the East
line of said donation land claim 17.32
chains; thence running westerly at
right angles 17.32 chalna; thence run
ning southerly at right angles 17.32
chains to the South line of said dona
tion land claim; thonce running east
erly along said line 17.32 chains to the
place of beginning; excepting, howev
er, from said tract of land a parcel of
land contained therein, and bounded
by a line described aa beginning on
the South line of the county road North
76 degrees West 119 feet and South 30
feet from the Northwest corner of tbe
Robert Arthur donation land claim No.
39; thence South 100 feet; thence
of and upon this writ, and command-1 containing 160 acres more or less and
lug 1110 to make sale of the following also tho N. E. Vi of Section 16, T. 7
described real property situate In the S. R. 4 E. of Willamette Meridian, con
county of Clnckamaa. state of Oregon, mining 160 acres more or less,
to-wlt: Commencing at a point In the Now, therefore, by virtue of said
center of the county road leading execution. Judgment order and decree
from Oregon City to Tortlnnd on tho and In compllonce with the commands
division line between land formerly of snld writ, I will, on Saturday, the
owned by James Shaw on the north 10th day of April, 1915; at the hour
and Emily Smith on tho south, snld of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
beginning point being also 3S.73 chains ot tho County Court House in the City
south and 14.46 chains weBt from the of Oregon City, In Bald County and
quarter section corner between sec- State, Bell at public auction, subject
tlons 20 and 79, T. 2 S. R. 2 E. of tbe to redemption, to tho highest bidder,
Wlllumetto meredlnn, and running for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all
thonco with the center of said road the right, title and Interest which the
south 31 degrees West 6,21 chains to within named defendants or either of
the Intersection of the division Mno, them, hnd on the date ot the mort-
botweon land formerly owned by Em- gago herein or since had In or to the
lly Shaw and H. L. L. Clark; thence above described real property or any
with snld division line north S5 de- part thereof, to satisfy Bald execution
greea west 33 chains to low water judgment order, decree, Interest, costs
mark on the East bank ot the Will- and all accruing costs.
Hav Joined Bervanta club dlsgulaed aa
your butler. Craig frequent vlaitor here
trn yrara ago, cornea note occasionally.
Thnreday eveninga most likely time. Shall
wait nre on ctianca or aeeing mm.
"Good girl, that." Quest remarked.
"She's a rare sticker, too."
He turned away from the Instru
ment and was crossing tbe room to
ward bla cigar cabinet Suddenly be
stopped. He looked intently towards
the sideboard.
"What is It?" Lenora asked.
He did not answer. She followed
the direction ot his gaze. Exactly in
the same spot aa before reposed an-
Sheriff of ClackanmB County, Oregon.
Hy E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Datod, Oregon City, Ore., March 4th,
ametto river; thonce along snld river
nt low water mark down stream north
13 degrees west E.60 chains to the in
tersection of the division line between
said Shaw tract and said Smith tract;
thence with said division line south
86 degrees 45 minutes east 36.70 chains Notice of Final Settlement of the
to the place of beginning, containing Estate of Timothy Bowen, De
ll 3-4 acres. Also all of the town ceased.
plat of Shaw's First Addition to Ore- Notice Is hereby given that the un
gon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, dorslgned executor ot the estate of
according to the recordod maps and Timothy Bowen, doceased, has filed
plats, thereof, except lots one ((1), In the County Court of Clackamas
two (2), thirteen (13), sixteen (16) County, State of Oregon, his. final ac-
and twenty-four ((24) of block seven count aa such executor ot said estate
(7) and lot fourteen (14) of block nine and that Monday the 5th day of April,
(9) and lots three (3) and twenty- 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M
three of block eight of sold addition, has been fixed by said court as the
Now. therefore, bv virtus of said time for hearing of objections to said
execution, Judgment order and decree, report ana tne settlement tnereor.
and in compliance with the commands F. LINN,
of snld writ. I will, on Saturday, the Executor of the estate of Timothy
3rd dnv of Anrll. 1915: at tha hour Howen, deceased.
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the County Court House In the City
of Oregon City, in said County and
State sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder.
for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all
tho right, title and interest which the
within named defendants or either
of them, had on the date of the mort
gage herein or. since had in or to the
above described real property or any
party thereof, to satisfy- said execu
tion. Judgment order, decree, Interest,
costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. HACKETT. Deputy.
Dated. Oregon City, Ore., March 5th,
C. SCHUEBEL, Attorney for Executor,
la la fe dreada. It leada ta aarloaa
allaiaata. Ferae, ladileitloa, filaa,
Siek Haadaeke. Paiaaaad BrMeai aad
a aaaea ad Mker treablee lallew.
Daa'l la Caaaliaatioa laat.
Keep Tsar idaey. Liver aad Bewals
healtke aad eoiire. Rid rear arataaa
ad laraaeated, Sanv iosda. .
Netkiad bettee thaa
Dr. King's
All Drof ita 25 cent
It Was. Mr Rhelnholdt' Necklace.
Marty OToole. who a few year ago
gained considrtuble prominence be
cause tbe I'lttxburgh club paid 8t Taul
$22,500 for bis release, una drifted back
into tbe minors. OToole never made
good la fast company, principally be
cause be never managed to get himself
In good shape. If he was not ailing
one way or another bla arm went bad.
and the result was that be failed to
make good for either tbe Pirates or
Giants, with which team be finished
the last season, being loaned to Me-
Graw by nttaburgh.
OToole will pltrb for the Columbua
team of the American Association next
season. It was In this circuit that be
made the remarkable record which
caused him to be sold for the high
est figure ever paid for a minor
Cur iew lre af a Murder aad
O.aaaveey f IK C'ia
A oi l volume of lh gnartrvly Ba
f lew Bientloiia a rrto ilia.urre.1 la
Uioat eita, if.lli.ary way lit Au.irall
.i Iba year Ml, of whl. h a public rev
ef. la prrarrie.1 and atitb figura
will) full drtalle III lh Journal of that
Tb ronft-lrt.il jI el ward of a wealthy
aettlt-r dear F.lnry Haled that bla
oiaater bad eU'lilviily tea railed o
England 00 Important buatnea and
that during bla aUenr l.e wbol of
bla linmeiie propertr would b la ala
irlualv rare.
Hum week after an acquaint or of
til ahaeulee settler ruling through hi
ground waa aiHiUtird lo perralv
blm sitting upa a at He. II trod
forward to apeak when lh figure turn
ad from blm. with a look of Inteue
or row, and walked la lh edg of a
pond, wber It myeterlouel dlaap.
On lb morrow be brought a number
of men to lb water to drag It. and Iba
body of th maa auppoa. (0 La on bid
way lo England was brought up. Tb
steward wa a rree I M. brought to trtil
and, frightened al tba itory of bid mas
ter's gboat ronfeaaed lb crime, stal
ing that b did lb murder at tba very
til on which bla master's gboat bad
appeared. II wa duly executed.
Caa and Comment
Phytic! Energy It C' panda Qutd In
Heeae packer.
To lift tM pound on foot In on
and mjulre wbal la known a on
borarpower. Hlmllarly a horsepower
I able to rala twice that weUU ou
foot in wk tb time, or one-balf foot
in Juat that time. Moreover. It ran
rala half CM pound on foot tn balf a
aerond, or two feel In a eecoud. and
on. Therefor wbeo w lift on
fourth of tbat weight. 137 pound,
four feet In on ercoml. w ar ex
erting a horsepower.
Accordingly, when a person who
weighs 137 pound run upstairs at
the rat of four feet a second, b la
exerting the equivalent of a borvepovr
er. For a man weighing twice that
much. 275 pound. It would ba neces
sary to climb at tbe rat of only two
feet a second to exert a horsepower.
It 1 poaalble to do much more.
As a matter of fart a bora often
exerts many time a borarpower. Tbe
verage horse ran draw a wagon op a
bill wber a ten horsepower eogln
with the same load would falL A borne
power doe not represent the greatest
momentary strength of the average
borse. but la a measure of tbe power
which be can exert continuously. Near
Tork World.
A good character is every thing.
A good heart, benevolent feelings,
and a balanced mind lie at the foun
dation ol character. Other thing
may be deemed fortuitous; they
may come and go ; bul character ia
that which lives and abides. John
other but somewhat larger black box.
ot the same shape and material aa the
previous one.
"Say, who put that there?" be demanded.
Lenora shook ber head.
"I locked the door when we went
out," she assured him.
Quest took the box into his hands
and removed the lid. It seemed half
full of cotton-wooL On the top were
a few lines of writing and beneath
them the signature of the parted
hands. He read the form out slowly:
Drop all Investigation. The handa that
return these Jewel command It
Quest raised the cotton-wooL Be
neath lay Mrs. Rhelnholdt'a necklace!
Eddie Collins Is impressing the
scribes who are at tbe Chicago White
Sox trainiug camp with tbe interest be
is displaying in bis work. Collins Is
of tbe type tbat sticks on tbe Job every
minute. There is a certain inspiration
always present and It is having ex
cellent effect on tbe morale of the
squad, says one writer.
For the first time since Comlskey re
vived the White Sox In 1900 there is no
fight on for tbe second base position.
Collins has this cinched. He knows
the fact But that Is not keeping him
from bustling Just as If be suspected
somebody of trying to bent blm out
There is a shrewd suspicion in the
camp tbat Collins was lu fair shape
when he reported. However, be la
among the few who do not get out of
condition. Others of the same cate
gory are Tommy Leach and Rabbit
Muranrllle. They take on very little
weight during tbe off season.
Joe Birmingham, manager of the
Naps, thinks Connie Mack ninde a
wise move when be secured Nap La-
Jole to plug up the Infield gap left by
tbe sale of Eddie Collins. Birmingham
lectured recently thnt Lnjole Is still a
premier ball plnyer. despite his age.
"lie had a little trouble with his legs
last year," said Birminvhnm, "but,
playing between Bnrry mid Mclnnl
this will never lie noticed. Larry will
be hitting nbove .3(10 this year, too. or
I miss my guess."
Best thing for constipation, sour
stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow
els. Stops a sick headache almost at
once. Gives a most thorough and sat
isfactory flushing no pain, no nausea.
Keeps your system cleansed, sweet
and wholesome. R. B. Rasmussen, Es
canaba, Mich., writes: "Citrolax is a
fine laxative, pleasant to take, and
does the work in a very thorough man
ner." Children love It Jones Drug Texas.
Co. (Adv.)
Th Nearest H Ever Cam to It
"Colonel," she asked, "have you ever
been up in a balloon Y'
"No," be answered, "but I got to
talking art to a Boston lady once, and
she had me away up in tbe air inside
of two minutes." Exchange.
Mow to Add to It
Too have sent for me, madam?"
said the lawyer.
"Yes, my husband says I must cut
down expenses, and I want your ad
vice as to how I can best do it"
Tonkers Statesman.
Told That There Waa No Cure for Him.
"After suffering for over twenty
years with indigestion and having
some of the best doctors here tell me
there was no cure for me, I think it
only right to tell you for the sake of
other sufferers as well as your own
satisfaction that a 25 cent bottle of
Chamberlain's Tablets not only re
lieved me but cured me within two
months although I am a man of 65
years," writes Jul. Grobien, Houston,
Obtainable everywhere.
Odd Happenings
In the War News
The German admiralty bos ordered
Its submarines to be careful about
steamers leaving Uavre for England
because tbey may have German prison
ers of war on board.
The rich of Germany are leaving
their couutry lu large numbers, re
sponding to a government appeal that
there shall be fewer people to feed
while the war contluues.
Copenhagen reports thnt the crown
prince of Germany has been killed by
one of the members of his suit Since
then the report says the kaiser hns
doubled his bodyguard. This is about
the twenty-fifth timo the crown prince
bas beea murdered In dispatches.
Submarine catching is now the great
game of the British admiralty. Stout
wire netting, the meshes in it Ave feet
square, bas been sunk In the channels
frequented by German submarines far
enoiiL-n down not to touch ordinary
vessels. Miles of It have been sunk.
Some of the German prisoners taken
In France in recent weeks were wound
ed with a new Instrument of warfare
the French are employing. This is a
small metal box filled with a Btrong
explosive anl about twenty shrapnel
balls. The box is thrown by band into
the opposing trenches, where it is ex
ploded by a fuse.
Dacca Muslina.
Dacca, in eastern Bengal, had a spe
cial interest for Thackeray Blnce his
grandfather, after whom be was
named, laid the busts of his fortune as
factor there. And In tbe novelist's day
the nnme, as old people among us will
Btlll remember, was synonymous with
exquisitely diaphanous textiles, though
as a matter of fact the rarest of these
"webs of woven wind." "evening '
dews," "running wnters" such wore
some of the names given the most deli
cate of the Dacca muslins eldom
passed beyond the city walls. There
Is a well authenticated case of tbe
thread being spun Into muslin In tbe
proportion of 100 miles to tbe pound
avoirdupois. London Chronicle.
The Economy.
"Some people hold that a wife ought
to receive a regular salary for her
work In the home."
'Then it would be Just as cheap to
hire a housekeeper." Baltimore American.
taxil. Aaltyerlrwf(MfcA
rbl- . IMaaf Hrmm4J .
I'll l la KXf il4 tTM-tttiicVv
tHjici, fteavttcj iUe Lla Kibrm. V
Irifclt. A.kfar 'IIM'in-K.TFY
ytari k now aa bc(, S nt. A I ray. Kl ii
1 v a