OREflONCITYENTERPMRR. KIMDAV, AIMMI, 2, 1SII.1. The Olack: Oojr Mr ..L - ' "Stoltnl" Mr. Rhlnhldt Shrieked. had admitted Cralf. "tak Professor Ashleljb' ervnt Into th kitchen nd sew that be bu ometblo( before be leave tor bom. Now, profeMor, If you will com this way." They reached a llttl room In the far corner of the bouse. Mr. Rheln boldt apologtxed a h iwltcbed on th electric lights. "It U a queer little plac to bring you to," lb Mid. "but my husband used to spend many bour her, and be would never allow anything to D mored. Tou se, th fpeclmen ar in theia cupi." The profeor nodded. HI general atutud toward th forthcoming ex hibition wat merely on of polltene. A th flnt cue opened, bowerer, bl manner completely changed. Without taking th slightest further notice of bla boiteaf, he adjuated a pair of born rimmed ipectaclea and commenced to mumble eagerly to hlmaelf. Mr. Rhelnholdt. who did not nndentand a word, itrolled around th apartment, yawned and finally Interrupted a little (ream of eulogie. not a word of which ih nndentood. concerning a green beetle with yellow ipota. "I am 10 glad you are Interested, professor." she ald. "If you don't mind. I will rejoin my guests. Tou will find a shorter way back If you keep along th passage straight ahead and come through th conservatory." "Certainly! With pleasure!" the professor agreed, without glancing up. Mr. Rhelnholdt' reception, not withstanding th temporary absence of It presiding spirit, wa without doubt an unqualified success. In one of th distant room the younger peo ple were dancing. Philip Rhelnholdt, with a pretty young debutant upon bl arm, cam out from the dancing room and looked around amongst the HtUe knots of people. "I wonder where mother Isr he re market "She told me" The young man broke off In the middle of his sentence. He, too, like many others In the room, felt a sud den thrill almost of horror at the sound which rang without warning upon their ear a woman's cry, a cry of fear and horror. Mrs. Rheln holdt, her bands clasping ber neck, ber splendid composure a thing of the past, a panlcetrlcken, terrified woman, stumbled Into the room. She seemed on the point of collapse. Somehow or other, they got her Into an easy chair. "My Jewels!" she cried. "My dia monds!" "What do you mean, mother?" Phil lip Rhelnholdt asked quickly. "Hate you loBt them?" "Stolen!" Mrs. Rhelnholdt shrieked. "Stolen there In the conservatory!" They gazed at her open-mouthed. In credulous. Then a still, quiet voice from the outside of the little circle Intervened. "Instruct your servants, Mr. Rheln holdt, to lock and bar all the doors of the house," the professor suggested. "No one must leave It until we have heard your mother's story." "I had Just taken the professor Into the little room my husband UBed to call the museum," Mrs. Rhelnholdt explained, her voice still shaking with agitation. "I left him there to exam ine some specimens of beetles. I thought that I would come back through the conservatory, which Is the quickest way. I was about half way across it when suddenly I heard the switch go behind me and all the electric lights were turned out I couldn't imagine what had happened. While I hesitated I saw" She broke down again. There was no doubt about the genuineness of her terror. '1 saw a pair of hands Just hands no arms nothing but hands come out of the darkness! They gripped me by the throat, I suppose it was Just for a second. I think I lost con sciousness for a moment, although I was still standing up. The next thing I remember is that I found myself shrieking and running here and the Jewels are gone!" "Tou saw no one?" her son asked Incredulously. "Tou heard nothing?" "I heard no footsteps, I saw no one," Mrs. Rhelnholdt repeated. The pro fessor turned away. If you will allow me," he begged, -I am going to telephone to my friend, Mr Bmfojd Quest, therlmlnologist An affair so unusual as this might at tract him. Tou will excuse mc" 1 Th nrnfessor met the great crimln- ologist and his assistant in tne nau unon their arrival. He took the for - -. .. .1 mer at one by the arm. "Mr. Quest," he began, "In a sense I must apologize for my peremptory message. I am well aware that an or dinary Jewel robbery does not Inter est you, but In thl case the circum stances are extraordinary. I ventured, therefore, to summon your aid." (Continued from p 4 t TL. J V" "Stolen Thr In th Conservatory!" Sanford Quest nodded shortly. "As a rule" b said. "I do not car to take up on affair until I hav a clean slat. There's your skeleton still bothering m. profor. How ever, wher' th lady wbo was robbed r "I will tak you to her." th profes sor replied. Mr. Rhelnholdt' tory, by frequent repetition, bad becom a little mor coherent, a trill mor circumstantial, th perfection of simplicity and utter ly Incomprehensible. Quest listened to It without remark and finally mad his way to th conservatory. H re quested Mrs. Rhelnholdt to walk with him through th door by which she bad entered and stop at th prects spot wher th assault had been made upon ber. There were on or two plant knocked down from th tier on th right-hand aide, and some dis turbance In th mold where some large palms were growing. Quest and Le nora together made a close Investi gation of the spot Afterwards. Quest walked several times to each of th door leading Into th gardens. Tber are four entrance alto gether," he remarked, a be lit a cigar and glanced around th place. "Two lead Into the gardens one is locked and the other Isn't one connects with the back cf th bouse the one through which you came, Mrs. Rhelnholdt and th other leads Into your reception room. Into which you passed after the assault I shall now be glad If you will permit me to examine the gardens outside for a few minutes, alont with my assistant. If you please." For almost a quarter of an bour Quest and Lenora disappeared. They all looked eagerly at the criminologist on hi return. "It seems to me," he remarked, that from the back part of the house the quickest way to reach Mayton ave nue would be through this conserva tory and out of that door. This Is a path leading from Just outside straight to a gate In the walL Does anyone that you know of use this means of exit?" Mrs. Rhelnholdt shook her bead. "The servants might occasionally," she remarked doubtfully, "but not on nights when I am receiving." The butler stepped forward. He was looking a little grave. "I ought, perhaps, to Inform you, madam, and Mr. Quest" he said, "that I did, only a short time ago, suggest to the professor's servant the man who brought your mackintosh, sir," he added, turning to the professor "that he could, If he chose, make use of this means of leaving the house. Mr. Craig la a personal friend of mine, and a member of a very select little club we have for social purposes." "Did he follow your suggestion?" Sanford Quest asked. "Of that I am not aware, sir," the butler replied. "I left Mr. Craig with some refreshment expecting that .he would remain until my return, but a few minutes later I discovered that he had left. I will Inquire in the kitchen If anything is known as to his move ments." He hurried off. Quest turned to the professor. "Has he been with you long, this man Craig, professor?" he asked. The professor's smile was Illuminat ing, his manner simple but convincing. "Craig," he asserted, "is the best servant, the most honest mortal who ever breathed. He would go any dis tance out of his way to avoid harming a fly. I cannot even trust him to pro cure for me the simplest specimens of Insect life. Apart from this, he Is a man of some property, which he has no Idea what to do with. He is, I think I may say, too devoted to me to dream of ever leaving my service. "Tou tilck it would be out of the question, then," Quest asked, "to asso ciate him with the crime?" The professor's confidence was lublime. "I could more readily associate you, myself or young Mr. Rhelnholdt here with the affair," he declared. His words carded weight The little breath of suspicion against the pro fessor's servant faded away. In a mo ment or -two the butler returned. "It appears, madam,' he announced, that Mr. Craig left when there was only one person In the kitchen. He said good night and closed the door be hind him. It Is Impossible to say, therefore, by which exit he left the bouse, but personally I am convinced that, knowing of the reception here to night, he would not think of using the conservatory." "Most unlikely, I should say," th professor murmured. "Craig Is a very shy man. He Is at all times at your disposal. Mr. Quest IX yoa should desire to question him." Quest nodded absently. "My assistant and I." he announced. "would t glad lo Baal a further a mlnstloa of th conservatory, if yoa ill kindly ! us alun." Thry obyr4 without demur. Quest took a Seat and smoked caltuly, with his eye Used upon lb roof. Lenora went back to br rianilnstlon of lb ovrrturned plants, th mold and th hoi ground within th Immedtat environs of th siult tibe abandoned lb srarrh at last, however, and ram back to QueeC side. II threw aiy bis rlrir and mi. Nothing there r b aeked laconic ally. "Not a thing." l enora admitted. Queet M th way toward th door, "lenora." be decided, "w i up against something big. Tber a Dew hand at work somewher." Wa theories yet, Mr. Queet?" sh eked, smiling. "Not th ghost of on," b admitted gloomily. Along th rainswept causeway of Mayton avenu', keeping doe lo th belter of th house, bl macklutosh turned up to bl ears, bl bands burled In bl pockets, a man walked swiftly along. At every block he hesitated and looked aroundhlm. Ills manner was cautious, almost furtive. One the glar of an electric light fell upon hi face, a fare pallid with fear, al most hopeless with detpalr. II walked quickly, yet he seemed to hav no I'd as to direction. Suddenly h paused. II was passing a great build Ins. brilliantly lit Por a moment b thought that It was aoni plac of en tertatniuent Th thought of enterln seemed to occur to btm. Then be foil a firm touch upon bis arm. a man In uniform spok to blm. "Step Inside, brother," b Invited earnestly, almost eagerly, nolwltn standing bl monotonous nasal twang Step Insid and And peace. Step In side and tbe Lord will belp you. Throw your burden away on tbe threshold. Th man' first Impulse at being ad dressed had seemed to b on of terror. Then he recognised th uniform and hesitated. Th man took him by th arm and led blm In. There wer th best part of a hundred people taking their place after th atnging of th hymn. A girl was standing up befor them on a platform. Sh wa com' menctng to speak, but suddenly brok off. Sh held out ber arm to wber th professor' confidential servant stood hesitating. "Come and tell us your sins," ah called out "Com and hav them for given. Com and start a new Ufa In new world. There 1 no on ber w ho thinks of th past Com and seek forgiveness." For a moment tbe waif from tbe rain swept world hesitated. The light "Confess Your 81ns." of an Infinite desire flashed In his eyes. Then he dropped his bead. These things might be for others. For him there was no hope. He shook bis head to the girl, but sank Into the nearest seat and on to his knees. "He repents!" the girl called out Some day he will come! Brothers and sisters, we will pray for htm." The rain dashed against the win. dows. Tbe only other sound from out side waa the clanging of the street cars. Tbe girl's voice, frenzied, ex horting, almost hysterical, pealed out to the roof. At every pause the little gathering of men and women groaned In sympathy. The man's frame was shaken with sobs. THE POCKET WIRELESS. CHAPTER VIII. Mr. Sanford Quest sat In his favorite chair, his cigar Inclined toward the left-hand corner of his mouth, his at tention riveted upon a small instru ment which he was supporting upon his knee. He glanced across the room to where Lenora was bending over ber desk. "We've done It this time, young woman," he declared triumphantly. "It's all O. K working like a little peach." Lenora rose and came toward him. "Is that the pocket wireless?" He nodded. "I've had Morrison out at Harlem all tbe morning to test It," he told her. "I've sent him at least half a dozen messages from this easy chair, and got the replies. How are you get ting on with the code?" "Not so badly for a stupid person," Lenora replied. Laura, who had been busy with some papers at tbe farther end of the room, came over and Joined them. "Say, It's a dandy little affair, that, Mr. QueBt," she exclr lined. "I bad a try with It, a day or so ago. Jim spoke to me from Fifth avenue." "We've got It tuned to a shade now," Quest declared. "Equipped with this simple little device, you can speak to me from anywhere up to ten or a dozen miles." Quest rose to bis feet and moved restlessly about tbe room. "Say, girls," he confessed, "this Is the first time In my life I have been In a fix like this. Two cases on hand and nothing doing with either of them. -Jl p. J Criminologist, Indeed' Wbo bo( I thlsT Quest bad paused su.M. nlr In n of oak (Meboard hUh siood against th wall. twuiing a l linn upoa It of nm prominence small black bos, who preienr there seemed to him unfamiliar. I aura ram over lo his sll and looked at It also In pun I'd fshlun "Never saw It before In mf IK. she answered. Quest grunted. "M m! No on el hss been In lb room, and It ban l been empty for mor than ten minute," he r marked. "Well, let' - what Inside, anyway" II lifted off tbt lid There wa nothing In Ih Interior but a sh of paper folded up Quest smoothed It out with bis band. They all leaned over and read th following words, written In an obviously dlegulsed band: T"U hsve emrkr.1 en f ilo.lr anlhntMlfnv What rhr leiuu sink. mil nel foivltii In cnn. " will li r "unnltuT Th iikliii mil' I t hrt lb ekfUlun la. Whir not Uf in al Hie ginning ' Th not wa unsigned, but In Ih spot wher a signature might hav been tber was a roub pen drawing of two band, with firmer tttended. talon fashion, menacingly. though poised lo strlk at som unseen en emy. Quest, after thrlr first moment of stupefaction. whUtled softly. "Th bands!" h muttered. "What bands?" Lenora asked. Th band that gripped Mr. Itheln boldt by th throat," he reminded them. "Don't you remember? Hand without arm?" There wa another brli'f, almost stu pefied sllenc. Then Laura broke Into speech. "What ! want to know Is." sh de manded, "who brought th thing hrr "A most daring exploit, anyway,' Quest declared. "If we could answer your question. Laura, w could solv th whole rlddl. W ar up against something, and no mistake." "Th band which placed that box ther," Quest continued lowly, "I capabl of even mor wonderful thing. W must be cautious Hello!" Th door bad opened. The profes- or stood upon the threshold. "I trust that I have don right la coming up?" b Inquired. Quit right professor." Quest as sured blm. "They know well enough downstairs that I am always at bom to you. Com In." "1 am so anxious to learn." th pro- r continued eagerly, "whether there Is any new of my skeleton- Not yet professor. I am orry to say," Quest replied. "Com In and shu,t th door." "There I a young lady here." he said, "who caught me up upon the landing. She, too. I believe, wishes to see you." He threw open the door and stood on one side. A young woman came a little hesitatingly Into tbe room. Her hair waa plainly brushed back, and she wore the severe dress of tbe Sal vation Army. Want to see mt, young lady?" Quest asked. She beld out a book. "My name I Miss Qulgg," she said. I want to ask you for a subscrip tion to our funds," Quest frowned a little. "Very well. Miss Qulgg, you shall have a donation. I am busy today, but call at the same hour tomorrow and my secretary shall have a check ready for you." The girl smiled her gratitude. The professor laid bis band upon her arm as she passed. "Toung lady." be observed, "you seem very much In earnest about your work." It Is only the people In earnest, sir," she answered, "who can do any good In the world. My work is worth being In earnest about" "Tou compel my admiration. My rnwst respectful admiration. May I, too, be permitted?" He drew out a pocketbook and passed over toward her a little wad of notes. It Is so kind of you," she mur mured. "We never have any hesita tion In accepting money. May I' know your name?" It Is not necessary," the professor answered. "You can enter me, he added, as he bold open tbe door for her, "as a friend or would you prefer pseudonym?" "A pseudonym, if you please," she begged. "We have so many who send us sums of money as friends. Anything will do." The professor glanced around the rocm. "What pseudonym shall I adopt?" he ruminated. "Shall I say that an oak sideboard gives you five hundred dol lars Or a Chippendale sofa? Or," he added, bis eyes resting for a mo ment upon the little box, "a black box?" The two girls from the other side of the table started. Even Quest swung suddenly around. The professor, as though pleased With his fancy, nodded as his fingers played with the lid. "Tea, that will do very nicely," he decided. "Put me down 'Black Box,' five hundred dollars." The girl took out her book and be gan to write. Tbe professor, with a little farewell bow, crossed the room toward Quest. Lenora moved toward the door. ' "Let me see you out," she said to the girl pleasantly. Lenora opened the door. Both girls started. Only a few feet away Craig was standing, his bead a little thrust forward. For a moment the quiet self respect of his manner seemed to have deserted him. He seemed at a loss for words. i "What do you want?", Lenora de manded. "I was waiting for my master," Craig explained. "Why not downstairs?" Lenora asked suspiciously, "Tou did not come nil with him " "1 am driving tbe professor In his automobile," Craig explained. It oc curred to me that If he were going to be long here I should have time to go and order another tire. It Is of no consequence, though. I will go down and wait In the car." -Lenora stood at the top of the stairs nd wstrhed hi in disappear. Then sh weut tboiiihltulljr baik to ber work Th prufrtaor nd Quest wei talking at ih farther cod of lb room. "I SS In bopra. In great hopes," Ih protVeior dlmltied. "thai you might hav beard something. I pimnlied lo rati l Mr, liheinholdl thl alter BOOB." Quest shook bl brad. Tber Is nothing la report st pres ent. Mr AttiU'lgh," be aiiiioum ed "lear me," ih professor in u r mured, "this Is very disappointing. Is Ihei no clue, Mr. Quest o clue at all?" "Not a shoal of one," Quest arknowl. edged "I am far (iff soltllig Ih mystery of the disappearance of ynur skeleton snd Mr Ithelnholdt'f ne k lac a I hav aver been " Th pm'eesor look a courteous leav of the in l and departed. I.einira crveied ih room to wber Qut s seated. Mr. Queet." sh asked, "do you be lle I Inspiration?" n. I "I attribute a Isrg amount of my ucfea. Quest replied, "lo Bir lift found belief In It." Then let m toll you." Lenora con tinued, "that 1 hav tine, and a very trong one Do you know lhal when I went to Ih door a few minute sgo rn professor servant Craig. there, listening V Inspector French hss bad his men watching Craig ever sine Ih night of Ih robbery." quietly remarked Quest. what that? Answer Ih telephone. Ignore." 1-enore obeyed. "If Inspector French," sh n- nounred. "II want lo speak lo you. Quest nodded and beld out bl band for lb receiver. "Hello. French!" b exclaimed. Anything fresh?" "Nothing much," waa Ih answer. On of my men, though, who bas been up Mayton avnu way, brought In something I found rather Interest ing thl morning. I want you to com round and se It" "Oo right ahead and 111 me about It" Quest Invited. Tou know w"v been shadowing Craig." lb Inspector continued. "Not i much luck up till now. Fellow seem never to leav bla master's aid. W hav bad a woupl of man up ther, though, and on of them brought In a curious looking object b picked up Just outside th back et th professor's grounds." "What Is Ih thing?" Quest asked. "Well. I want yoa to e whether you agre with m." Franch went on. If you can't com round, I'll com to you." Ne necessity," Quest replied. We've got over little difficulties of that sort Laura, Just tack on th hototcleame," he added, holding the receiver away for a moment "One moment, French. Tber that' right." he added, as Laurs, with deft fingers arranged what seemed lo be a senslttxed mirror -to the Instru ment "Now, French, bold up the article Just In front of the re ceiver. There, that's right Hold It steady. I've got the focus of It Say. French, where did you say that waa found?" "Just outside th professor' bark gat." French grunted. "But you'r not kidding me" It's a finger from th professor' skeleton you've got there," Quest In terrupted. Quest hung up the receiver. Than he turned toward bl two assistant. Another finger from the profes sors skeleton, be announced, has been found Just outside his grounds. What do you suppoae that means?" Craig," Lenora declared confi dently. Craig on your life." Laura echoed. Say. Mr. Quest I've got an Idea" Quest nodded. "Go right -uhead with It" "Didn't the butler at Mrs. Rheln holdt's say that Craig belonged to a servant's club up town? I know the place well. Let me go and see If I can't Join and pick up a little Informa tion about the mnn. He must have a night out sometimes. Let's find out what he does? How's that?" "Capital!" Quest agreed. "Get along, Laura. And you, Lenora," he added, "put on your bat We'll take a rid towards Mayton avenue." CHAPTER IX. The exact spot where tbe bones of the missing skeleton was discovered, was easily located. It was about twenty yards from a gate which led Into tbe back part of the professor's grounds. Quest wasted very little time before arriving at a decision. "Tbe discovery of the bones so near the professor's home," be decid ed, "cannot be coincidence only. We will waste no time out here, Lenora. We will search the grounds. Come on." It was hard to know which way to turn. Every path was choked with tangled weeds and bushes. They wan- all; H1- 13 In Front of Them Crouched an recognizable Creatur. ten dered about almost aimlessly for near ly half an bour. Then Quest came 1q a sudden standstill. Lenora gripped laisnawa. T - - mm sa. i his aim. The bad both b's'd Ih sain sound- queer, nooning cry, balf plaluili. bslf angry. "Mul IhalT he (iitalined. l.ruora still clung to bl arm. "I bat this place." sh whlipered. "II Unifies in. What ar look ing fur, Mr. Quest?" "Can't say thai I smr iftly." ih latter answered, "but I guess Wall find out wher Ihst rry ram front. Hound, d to m uncommonly Ilk a b niaa effort" They bad mad Ihulr way up a mil; mx - ; i V, . : " v - x . ! 1w i "Th Hut, Professor! far a lb hedge, which they skirted for a few yard until they found an opening Then Quest gav vent lo a llttl iclamallon. Immediately In front of tbem was a small but, built apparently of sticks and bamboos. Ith a stronger framework behind. Th doping roof was grass grown and entwined with rushe. Theonlyauol ogy fur a window was a queer llttl hoi set quit clos to th roof. Ther wa a rude looking door, but Quest, on trying It, found It locked. They walked around lb place, but found no other opening. All Ih II m from Insid they could bear queer scuffling sound. Lenora' cheek grew paler. "Must w stay?" ah murmured. "1 don't think I want to so what's In side, Mr. Questl Mr. Quest!" Bh clung to bis arm. They wer opposlt lb llttl apertur which served as a window, and at that mo ment It suddenly framrd th fc of a creature, human In feature, dlsboll cat In expression. Say, that's soma face!" b re marked. "I'd bat lo spoil It" Even as be spoke It disappeared. "W'v got to get Insid ther. Lenora," h announced, stepping for ward. Sh followed blm silently. A tew turns of tbe wrist and th door yield ed. Keeping Lenora a little behind him. Quest gated around eagerly. Ex actly in front of him, clad only In a loin cloth, with hunched up shoulder, a nocklar around It neck, with bias ing eye and ugly, gleaming teeth, crouched some unrecognisable crea ture, human, yet Inhuman, a monkey, and yet a man. There were a couits of monkeys swinging by their tails from a bar, and a leopard chained to a staple in tbe grouud, walking round and round In tbe far corner, snapping and snarling every tlm be glanced towards th uewcom era Tb creatur In front of him stretched out a hairy band towards a club, and gripped It Quest drew a long breath. Ills oyes were set bard. "Drop that club," be ordered. The creature suddenly sprang up. Tbe club wss waved around his head. "Drop It," Quost repeated firmly. "Tou will sit down In your corner. Tou will Bleep." Tbe club slipped from the hairy fin gers. The tense frame, which had boon already crouched for the spring, was suddenly relaxed. Tbe knees trembled. "Back to that corner," Quost or dered, pointing. Slowly and dojectodly, the ape-man crept to whore be had been ordered and sat there with dull, non-compro-honding stare. It was a now furco, this, a note of which he had full the superman raising the voice of author ity. Quest touched his foroheud and found It damp. Tbe strain of those few seconds bad been Intolerable. "I don't think these other animals will hurt," he Bald. "Lot's have a look around the place." The search took only a few mo ments. Tho monkeys ran and Jumpod around them, gibbering ns though with pleasure. The leopard watched them always with a snarl and an evil light In bis eye. They found nothing unusual until they came to tbe distant corner, whore a huge piano box lay on Its Bide with tbe opening turned to tbe wall. "This Is where tho brute sleeps, I suppose," Quest remarked. "We'll turn It around, anyway." They dragged It a few feet away from the wall, so that tbe opening faced thorn. Then Lenora gave a little cry and Quest stood suddenly still. "Tbe skeleton I" Lenora shrieked: "It's the skeleton!" It was a skeleton to old that tbe bones bad turned a dull gray. Quest glanced towards the hands. "Little fingers, both mlsBlng," be muttered. "Remember the message?" she ex claimed. Where tho skeleton Is, the necklace may bo also." - Quest nodded shortly. "We'll search." They turned over everything in the place fruitlessly. There was no sign of the necklace. "Tou get outside, Lenora,? Quest di rected. "I'll Just bring tbls beast round again and then we'll tackle the professor." Quest turned towards the creature, which crouched still huddled up In Ha corner. "Look at me," he ordered. The creature obeyed. Once more its frame seemed to grow more virile and natural. "Tou need sleep no longer," Quest aid. "Wake up and be yourself." Tbe effect of these words was In stantaneous Almost ss he spoke, the erealur rruu had for a spring Ther was wild bslred In It rlie are, Ih snarl of soinelliln neiiilllk In H roiiliiried Uioulh wuesl sllppt j quick ly ilimush ih dor "Anion msy hav that fur a pell" b remarked grimly Tome, l-eunra. there's a word or Iwo lo be said lo lb professor. 1 here's xillielhlllg ber will Heed a Utile Slpluuatlon " II III a rlssr ihey truislid back along III palll rreaelilly tin 7 (Milled Ih untlil) looking annuo, and few minute later artlved Bl the liout Queet (earthed III vain fur a UIL Th Hut I on lr.- They walked round lb plana. Tber wer no lgns of any human llf. They cam back to th front door. Quest tried Ih haiidl and found It open. They passed Into lb balL "lloapltabl sort of plac. anyway," h remarked. "W'll go In and wall, luora." They found their way lo Ih study, which seemed to be the ouly babltabl room. Leuora glanced around at Ita Strang conteuta wltb an expression al most of aw. A small motor car passed lb win dow, driven by Craig Tb professor descended. A moment or two later be entered th room. II gated from Quest lo Lenora at first In blank sur prise. Then be beld out bl band. "Tou hav good new fur me. my friend!" he exclaimed. "I am iur of It How unfortunate that I was uut al bom to receive you! Tell me don't keep m In mspense. If you plea you have discovered my skeleton?" -W bav fuund Ih skeleton," Quest announced. For a slnile moment Ih newcomer stood as though turned lo stoaa "My skeleton!" be muriuujed. "Mr. Quest I knew It You ar Ih great est man alive. Now tell m quickly I want lo know everything, but thl first of all. Wher did you find tb skeleton? Who wa th thief?" "We found the skeleton? professor," Quest replied, "within a hundred yards of this bouse." Tb professor' mouth was wtd open. II looked Ilk a bewildered child. It was several seconds before b spokt. Within a hundred yards of this bouse? Then It wasn't stolen by one of my rivals?" "I should say not," Quest admitted. "Where? exactly did you find It?" th professor Insisted. "1 found It In a but," Quest Bald, hidden In a piano box. I found thcro. also, a creature a human being, I must call blm In a stat cf cap tivity." "Hidden In a piano box?" th pro fessor repeated wondorlngly. "Why, you mean In Hartoos steeping box, then?" If Mr. Hartoo I Ih gentleman who tried to club nie, you are right," Quost admitted. "Mr. Ashlvlgh, before we go any further I must ask you for an explanation as to the presence of that person In your grounds?" The profussur busltatod for a mo ment. Then be slowly crossed the room, opunod the drawer of a small escritoire, and drew out a letter. Tou have beard Of Sir William Raysmore, the president of the Royal socloty?" be asked. Quest noddod. "This letter la from blm," the pro fessor continued. "Tou had butter road It." The criminologist read It aloud. Le nora lookod ovor bis shoulder; To Prof. Ednr Aalilrlsh. New Tork. My lear I'rori'swir: Your communica tion (Tutlflna and a maim me. I can say no more. It fi'll lo your lot lo dlncovnr the skeleton of the nnlhrnpold, n inurvi'l nus Ihlnn, In Its way, and needing only Ha cnrnllary lo form (lie Krimteat illacuv. ery since the dark nK"S. Now ynu tell me that In Ilia peraon nf Harloo, the Inat of the Inyamo race of Houth America, you have found that corollary. You have sup plied th mlaalng link. You are In a po Itlon to Rive to the world (I'Dnlto anil IokIcuI explanation of the evolution of mun. Iel ma slvo you on word of warning-, profnioior, before I wrlla you nt mater lenvlh nn Ilia mailer. Antliro- pnloKlata ara afTllcted mnro, even, than any other rao of scientific mini, Willi lenlouay, Guard your secret well, lent the honor of this discovery liould ha atolcn from ynu. V 1L.UAM HAIBMUKJIJ. The profomor noddod deliberately as Quest finished the letter. Now, porhaps you can undorstnnd," he said, "why It was nocossary to koop Hartoo absolutoly hidden. In a month's time my papors will be ready. Then I shall electrify the world. I shall write not a now page but a new volume across the history of science. shall" The door waa (uddonly thrown open. Craig sprang In, no longer the self- contained, perfect man-servant, but wltb the face of some wild croature. His shout was one almost of agony. "The hut, professor! The but Is on Orel " he cried. His appearance on the threshold' was like a flash. They beard bis fly ing feet down the hall, and without a moment's hesitation they all fol lowed. The professor led the way down a narrow and concealed path, but when they reached the little clear ing In which the but was situated, they were unable to approach any nearer. Tbe place was a whirlwind of flame. The smell of kerosene was almost overpowering. The wild yefl of the leopard rose above the strange, half-human gibbering of the monkeys and the hoarse, bass calling of anoth er voice, at the sound of whlchL. (Continued on Page 7.)