Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 26, 1915, Image 7

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    ( ) 1 1 ; j on' cm i: n ri: i n ' j i ,s i :, nun a v , m a i m ' 1 1 2a, u 1 ;.
Sharllfi Sal.
In Hi ('limit Court of Hlal ul
)rcti, for County or lai
11 .
cinii.i t. twin, ruiuiirr,
Mil Cramer mid tllkm he ('raiunr, bis
wlfit, IManilaiile
Htata of Ornuii, Comity of l'l aauua,
Hr virtue of Judgment oritur. d
rri-e ami an I'M" ul lull ami uidef of mIm.
ilnly lamivil out Of ami uinliT llin ami
uf Ilia above I it I t court In U"
above entllM caiiaa, In inn duly ill
riM-lnl ami dated Ilia J'.'wl day f
Match. 115. Uixirl iHilKllirlil It'll
tiered ami flitefd In aald ronrl on lb
null ,!. a,r Uunh. 1'Jl.V In fari.r of
Clurlna T. Tim, 1,1 I nl I f f . ami aHiat
Mlli Cramer ami Wain h Claim r, hi
wlfn, ) r. iKtaiil. for t'i auiu of l
I0W0. with Interest llinfiMin al lli
rata of acveu '"f runt per anmiin frmn
lha I mil day of Annual, I - 1 3 . ami lli
further an in of lloo X, aa tiurnny'
feea, n1 lha further sum of II"
mat ami dlnloiraciiinitta. ami Ilia cat
of and upon f It la writ, riiinmamlliii inr
l make sain of Ilia following dca'rlbed
r..l nr.iin.ri v. alluala la lha rounlf
Clai tamaa. alala of Orcein, lowlts
CoiiuiH'nrliig at a plnl U rode
wml of tha auuthcaat einir of Ilia
aonlli "l iiuarlT of scctlun J, loan
ahln i aiilh of ran S oaat of lha Wll
latnHIn Meridian. Im-Iiu Ilia amilhweal
corner of Irart of land heretofore
sold lo Prank K. Kirk lr lcd record
ad on pane tOJ. voliim 71. 14 Har
nrds of ('lex aamae rouiily. urrxon, run
Minn them weal on arrtlon Una 121
nut In tha south wt corner of aald
an. Hon S. thence norlh on awiion Una
aOrnda: thenr aat IJt rn; mem
south 10 rods In lha place of im-ui
nitiK, conlalnlni 12 acree mora or lea
Now. Therefore, by virtue of aald rx
.rnll..n. ludKinalit order and dcrca,
and In compliance llb lha cnmmaudi
of said writ. I will, on Halurday. the
21th day of April. 1915. at lha hour of
10 o'clock a. nr. at lha fnml dour of
tha roiinly rotirthoitae In lha rliy of
Oreum Cliy. In aald county and atala
eell al public aiirtlon. eublw-t lo r
rf.,inil..n to lha hlarhrat liliW'r.
V. H. ftold coin cash In hand, all Iho
ril,l title and Intereal wnii n
within named defendant or alihcr of
thrm. had on lha dale of lha nioruaK
herein or alnra had In or lo tha al)
dorrlliH rral prorly nr any pn
thrif. to aallnfr aald Mwrullou. ji.nr
nirnl ordor. derraa. Inlaraat, roata and
all arrruInK !
Hhcrlff of riackamaa County. Oregon
ll K. C. IIACKKTT.-lxputy.
Dated. Orertnn Oly. Oreon. March
ICth. 1916.
in il,. rtreiili Court of lha Btata of
Oreitnn. for Ilia County of Clacks
Zolma Hutlierland Chaae. IMaliitlff.
Cheiiter Arthur Chaaa. Defendant.
To Cheater Arthur Chaae. lha above-
named defendant:
III lha Name of tha Htata of Oregon.
iou are hereby required to apiear and
amiwcr tha complaint filed axaluat
you In tha above entitled rauaa on or
liefora tha Klh day of May. liu. anu
If ynu fall to to appanr and anawcr, fur
want Ihert-of tha plnlnllff will apply to
Iho court for Iho relief prayed lor In
her anld complaint, to-wlt:
rV a decree of divorce aeltlim aalJo
tha marrlnica contract axlatlnK lie
tween heraeir and tha defendant and
that aha be reatorcd to her maiden
name, namely, which la ICulma Blither
land, and that alio havo auch other
and further relief aa may bo mote wtm
Thla Bummona la publlnbed by or
der of tho Honorable J. V. Campbell
juilKA of Iho Circuit court of tio itate
of Oregon fur Clnckatnn county for
the Fifth Judicial dlMtrlct, niado and
entered on tho 23rd day of MarMi
19IS, and lha lime prescribed for iho
publication of this auminnna la all
woeka beginning March 28. 1915, and
ending with tho laauo of tho 7th dity
of May. 1915.
Attorney for IMnlntlff.
23 Mulkny llulldlng, I'ortliiud. Ore.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon, for the County of Clncka
maa. Chrlnllo Iot, riulntlff.
Oeorgo M. !.ol. Dofondnnt.
To Ooorgo M. U)tx, nliovo nnmnd do
fondant: In tho nnmo of the atnto of Oregon,
you aro horoby required to appear and
answer tho complaint riled nenliiHtyott
In the above c.ntltlod aiilt, on or boforo
tho 2nd day of April, 11 1 5. aald dnto
bolng tho expiration of alx wooka from
tha Drat publication of this mnnnionH,
and If you fnll to nppour or aiiBwer
aald complaint, for want (hereof tho
plnlntirr will apply to the court for the
rollof prayod for In nor complaint, to
For a docroe dissolving the bonda of
matrimony now cxlntlng between the
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mom la publlblind by order of Hon. II
S. Andoraon, Judge of the County
Court, which order was made on tho
17th day of Fob., 1915, and the time
prescribed for publication tlmroof Is
alx wooka, boglnulng with the Ibsuo
dated Friday, Fob. 19th, 1915, and con
tinning each week thereafter to and
including Friday, April 2nd. 1915. '
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditor.
In tho Mattor of the Estate of Frances
McAllator, Doceaaod.
Notice la hereby given that the umlor
slpiod hna boon duly appointed exe
cutrix of the OBtnte of France McAl
lator, doceased, by the county court of
the state of Oregon, for the county of
Clackamaa; that ahe baa duly qualified
as such; that all claims against Bald
estate munt be presented to the unJor
signed with vouchors as required by
low within six months from dnto here
of, at the office of Hammond & Ham
mond, In the Heaver Building, Oregon
City, Oregon.
Datod and first published thla 26th
day of March, A. D. 1915.
Executrix of the Estate of Frances Mc-
Altster, Deceased.
Attorney for Executrix.
Admlnltfalrla'a Nolle f ApBtlnt
N"tl I lini7 given that lli un
di-uliimd liit Uoii il ily ai'Miliii, ad
itilnlatralrli of Iba !( of JoliB I'.
Wrinklx, i,,, lr H '""'ni
Court of Ilia Hlala of i, rn for CU" k
aiiiaa ('(iiinty, and Ibal lb l-cltera
Aduilnllrali,n hata 1" n duly Uu'-1
In lief aa aurh adinluUlralili.
All 1,,'fKHH liavlug lUhii or d
liiaml aallil Mid lala ( lirrtr
injulnd to praiil lha aaina wllb
l i,iM r ouilii'r ri(id aa M 'tuired
by law, lo III umlemlMiiud adinlnatra
lull al l.'l I baiiilx-r of ( oinioirie
ll'ilblliig, I'orllaiid. HrvKnn MMn all
l I nii,iill,a In, in lb dala of Ibl lil
Dala of firal pulilli allow Manb 2C
Data of laal publti atlon April 21
In Iba Circuit Court of lha Htata of
Oregon, fur Claikainaa Comity.
Klla Claik, I'lalntlrT,
Kay A. Clark, Defendant.
To Hay A. Clark, above named defend
In lh bam of Ilia atata of Orxn
you ar hereby required In appear and
anaaer III complaint filed afalnat
you, In Ilia ahova entitled anil, on or
before lha lib day of April. 113, aald
date being (ha riplratlon of all weeks
from lh first publication of this sura
mom and If you fall lo appear or
answer aald complaint, for want there
of Ilia plaintiff will apply In lh court
fur tha relief prayed for In bar com
plaint, lowlt:
For a decree dissolving tba bonda
of matrimony now eilatlng between
lha plaintiff and defendant. Tbla
anu in moo a la published by order of
Hon. II. 8. Auderson. JudKe of tba
County Court, which order waa mad
on Iba 21th day of Feb., 1115. and the
tlma prescribed for publliatlon tli era
of Is six weeks, beiiliitilng with Ilia I
sue dated Friday. Feb. 2i. 1IS. and
continuing each week thereafter to
and Including. Friday. April tth. ISIj
C.KO. C. llltOWNKI.U
Atturneya for I'lalntlff.
Summons for Publication.
In the Circuit Court of tha Htata of
Oregon, for lha County of Clacka
The Joaeph A. Htrowbrldge F.alate
Company, a corporation, I'lalntlff.
t.uclnda Wagenblast, nee Arthur, and
Frank Wagenblast. hr husband;
John F. Arthur, and Jane Doe Ar
thur, hla wife; Wllllnm Crane, aud
Annlo Crane, hla wife; Charlea
Crane, and Kdllh Crane, bis wife;
Thomas Crane, and Mabel Claim, hla
wife; (ieorgo Crane, and filella
Crano. his wife; Nelllo M. Hheldon.
nee Crane, and John Due Sheldon.
her husband; heir of 1-1 Ua J. Crano
deceased. The unknown heir of
Catherine Maria Arthur, deceased:
Mary EltzaVth MacDonnld. nee Dav
enport, heir of James Davenport, da
ensed, and John MacDuiiald, her
husband; The unknown hclra of
William Harper, deceased; Clack
amas County, Oregon; and James
11. Coffee, somutlmca known aa
Jamea II. Coffoy. Defendunts.
To John F. Arthur and Jano Doe Ar
thur, hla wife; Thomas Crane and
Mabel Crane, his wife; George Crone
and Stolla Crano. his wife; Mary
Klliabeth MacDonnld, and John Mac
Donald, her husband, the unknown
heirs of Catherine Maria Arthur, de
ceased, and tho unknown holrs of
William Harper, deceased, defend
ants: In the namo of the state of Oregon.
you are hereby required lo appear and
answer the complaint filed on tho 15th
day of January, 1915, against you In
the above entitled court and cause, on
or before tho 3d day of May. 1915,
being tho day prescribed In tho order
of court filed on the lSlh day of
March, 1915, and being more than alx
weeks from the date of first publlcn
tlon of this summons; and If you fail
so to nppenr herein, plaintiff for want
thereof will proceed to tako a decree
and Judgment ngnlnst you, and each of
yon, as prayed for In plnlntllf s com
plaint, to-wlt: for a Judgment and do-
creo declaring and adjudging that you
and each of you, have no estate or
InteroHt whatsoever In or to the fol
lowing described lands and premises:
Tho land bounded by lino beginning
at tho Northwest corner of Robort Ar
thur donation land claim, In Township
South, Rnngo 3 Kant Willamette Me
ridian; thonce Enst on the North Tine
of said claim 21.07 chains to a stone;
thence South 29.G0 chains to tho con
tor of the county rond, (Iron pipe 1M
Inches by 2Si foot, 30 foot North of
center of road); thonce North 67 do-
greoB 00 minutes West along the cen
ter of rond 12.02 chains to a stone;
thonae South parallel with the West
boundary line of said Robert Arthur
donation land claim 54.07 chains to a
stone 16 Inches by 10 Inches by 16
Inches on the South line of the said
Robort Arthur donation land claim;
thonce West 10 chains on the South
line of the said Robort Arthur donation
land claim to the Southwest corner
thereof, and bolng In Sootlon 4, Town
ship 3 South, Range 3 Eaat W. M.;
thonce North 79 chains on the West
lino of said Robort Arthur donation
land claim to the place of beginning.
Also a portion of the Abraham and
Sarah McCuhhin donation land claim
described as beginning at the South
east cornor of Lot 2 of Section 33,
Township 2 South, Range 3 East W.
M and being the Southeast corner of
said McCubbln donation land claim;
thonce running northerly on the East
line of said donation land claim 17.32
cbalno; thence running westerly at
right angles 17.32 chains; thence run
ning southorly at right anglos 17.32
chains to the South line of said dona
tion land claim; thence running east
erly along aald line 17.32 chains to the
placo of beginning; excepting, howev
er, from said tract of land a parcel of
land contained thorein, and bounded
by a line described aa beginning on
the South line of the county road North
76 degrees West 119 feet and South 30
feet from the Northwest corner of the
Robert Arthur donation land claim No
39; thence South 100 feet; thence
Wh 9 19 f-ot; thtoi North 121 fl
l'i Iba H.mlh Una ol aald lounly load
Ihrma Mouth 7 d-n Mai I'll')
fnet lo Iba pls of Ix nlniiUm ; and Dial
the Hit of Iba plaintiff la aupert"'
good and valid as asainal all Halms
of defendants, and Ibal you add h
of vou. Ixi fmairer en), niied and d
barrad from anartln any ilxiin ht
Kr In ami to said land, adveraa I"
plaintiff, and for am b oibi r rl,if aa
ti tha llomirabla Court may fin Jual
and aqulikblu,
Ibis aoiniiioii la served upon you,
mid ia b bf yu, by puhlnadoii k-r
of f.ir als rnfccutlta awka In Ibe
Oron City KnterprUa. fli spper
of general i Ireulailoii, printed and pub
llh'd at Or.', ii City, l l kam ( oun
ly, nnroii, by tlrn.n of an onbr of
Ibu lloiioral.il J. If. Campbell, Jud
of lb (Mm eiilllled loiul, dalnd
March llli. DH&.
Data of first publication, Man b T'lb
Dala of last publication. April 201b
Attorneys for i'lalntlff.
In lh Circuit Court of lb Htata of
Oregon, for lha County of Clack
Althea K Hell, riulntlff.
II. H, Dell. Debiidaiil.
To II. H. Hell, abova named defendant :
In lh nam of lha statu of OrKon
you are hereby required lo appear and
anaaer Iba complaint filed against you
In lha alov entitled suit, on or before
Halurday. lha loth day of April, 1M5
aald data being lh expiration of all
M.,a from lha first publication of
this summons, and if you fall lo ap
pear or answer ald complaint, for
want thereof tti plaintiff will apply lo
lh court for the relief prayed for In
ber complaint, to-wlt:
For a decrea dlaaolvlng tba bond of
mlrlmony now eilatlng between the
plaintiff and defimlant. Thla sum
inoiis la published by order of Hon. II.
H. Anderson, Juilxe of tha County
Court, which order waa made on ine
IHth day of Feb., 1915. and lha lime
prescribed for publication thereof I
Ix weeks. Iierlnnlng with the Issue
dated Friday. Feb. 21th. 1915. and con
tlnulnc each week thereafter to and
Including Friday, April lib. 1915.
(ireahom. Ore.
Attorney for IMaliitlff.
Sh.rlft's Sal.
In the Circuit Court of the Wale of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
F. F. Drandea. I'lalntlff.
W. E. Chrtstlernsson and Jon Doe
ChrlatlernMon. W. 8. King and Ell
tabetb A. King, bla wife. II. F.
Itcean, J. D. Morris and Anna I. Mor
ris and Alexander Routledge, De
fendants. State of Oregon, County of Clacka
maa. aa.
Ry virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, amy issuea
out of and under the seal of the above
entitled court. Iif the ahov entitled
cause, to ma duly directed and dated
the 2nd day of March, 1915. upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said
court on tho 1st day of March, 1915,
In favor of F. F. Hrandes. plaintiff,
and against II. F. Reese, defendunt, for
the sum of .1000.00, with Interest
thereon at the rate or 8 per cent per
annum from the 14th day of March.
1914. and the further sum of $200.00.
as attorneys ice, anu aiso t: t.
Hrandes, the above-named plaintiff re
covered Judgment against W. S. King
and Elizabeth A. King, defendants, for
tho sum of 11500.00, together wfth In
terest thereon at 8 per cent per an
num from February 10th, 1914, and
tho further sum of 50.00 attorney's
fees, which Judgment was enrolled
and docketed In the clerk'a office of
said court In Clackamas County on the
1st day of March, 1915, and the costs
of and upon this writ, and command
ing me to ninko sale qf the following
described real property sltunto In the
county of Clacknmna. state of Oregon,
to-wlt: Commencing at a point In Hub
center of tho county road leading
from Oregon City to Portland on the
division line between land formerly
owned by James Shaw on the north
and Emily Smith on tho south, said
beginning point being also 38.73 chains
south and 14.46 chains west from the
quarter section cornor between sec
tions 20 and 29, T. 2 S. R. 2 E. of the
Willamette meredian, and running
thonce with the center of said road
south 31 degrees Wost 6.21 chains to
the Intersection of tho division line,
botween land formorly owned by Em
lly Shaw and H. h. L. Clurk; thence
with aald division lino north 85x de
grees west 33 chains to low water
mark on the East bank ot the Will
amotte river; thence along snld river
at low water mark down stream north
13 decrees west fi.GO chains to tho In
torsectlon of the division line botween
said Shaw tract ami said Smith tract
thonce with said division line south
86 degrees 45 minutes east 36.70 chains
to the place ot beginning, containing
16 3-4 acres. Also all of the town
plat of Shaw's First Addition to Ore
gon City, Clackamas County, Oregon
according to the' recorded maps and
plats, thereof, except lots one ((1),
two (2), thirteen (13), sixteen (16)
and twenty-four ((24) of block seven
(7) and lot fourteen (14) of block nine
(9) and lots three (3) and twenty-
throe ot block eight of said addition.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
execution, judgment ordor and decree,
and in compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
3rd day of April, 1915; at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the County Court House In the City
ot Oregon City, In aald County and
Slate sell at puhllo auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all
the right, title and Interest which the
within named defendant or either
ot them, bad on the date of the mort
gage herein or since had in or to the
above described real property or any
party thereof, to satisfy said execu
tion, Judgment order, decree, Interest,
costa and all accruing costs.
Sheriff ot Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore, March 5th;
1915. '
In lb Clf'iill Court if Iba Plata of
Oregon, for flaikaii'H County.
Jacob Crllaa, 1'lat 1 11 1 Iff - ,
M(l Crlles. Ifemtaiit.
T Magxla Crlle. abov named d-
Iri Iba name of Iba aite of Oregon
you ara hereby requires 10 appear ana
answer Iba coinpUlnl filed axulnil
you. In lh aUiva aiillib'd suit, on or
before lha lotli day or April, 1911
aald data being Iba aip!'Hn of sli
Mk from lb flral publliatlon of
I hla summons and if you fall to ap
near or answer said (ompuint, for
ant tb'r"f lha plaintiff alii apply
lo lha court for Iba relief prayed for
In hla complaint. loH
For a d'xrea dlaaoWIng Iba bomW
of matrimony no ailatlng belaeen
Iba plaintiff and defendant. Tbl
auimrion la publlnhed by order of
Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judge of Iba
Circuit Court, which order waa made
on lha 3rd day of March. J 9 1 5, and the
tlma praacrlhed for publliatlon there
of I all weeks, beginning altb tha Is
sun dated Manb Mb. 1913. and con
tinning each week thereafter lo and
Including Friday, April I'.th. 1915.
Attorneys for I'lalntlff
In lha Circuit Court of tha Htata of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Kit a Vervllle. plaintiff,
John r. Vervllle, defendant.
To John Y. Vervllle. Ibe above named
In the nam of th tat of Oregon:
You ar hereby require to appear
and answer lha complaint filed against
you In the ahov entitled ault on or
before the 23rd day or April 191S,
aald dute being tba expiration of six
week from lha first publication of
tbla summons, and If you fall to ap
pear or answer aaiu rompiaini ror
ant thereof th plaintiff will apply
to th Court for tb reMef demanded
and prayed for In bar complaint, to
wlt: For a decree dissolving lb marri
age contract now eltlng between
plaintiff and defendant, for the care
custody and control of her minor
child, Ruby E. Vervllle. and for ucb
other and further relief as may be
This iiimmon I published by order
of the Honorable J. V. Campbell, Judge
of tb above entitled Court, made the
11th day of March. 1915.
Flrat publication March 12th. 1915
and the last publication will be April
23rd. 1915.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Shtrlff'a Sal.
In the Circuit Court of the State or
Oregon, for the county of Clacka
maa. Mutual ReaKy Co., a corporation or
ganised and existing under the laws
of the State of Oregon, Plaintiff,
W. O. Walter and Laura H. Walter.
hi wife. Defendants.
State of Oregon. County of Clacka
mas. s.
Ily virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution and order of
sale, duly 'Issued out of and under
the seal of the above entitled court.
In the above entitled cause, to me duly
directed and dated the 8th day of
March, 1915, upon a Judgment rend
ered and entered In said court on the
8th day of March, 1915, In favor of
Mutual Realty Company, a corpora
tion, Plaintiff and against V. O. Walt
er and I -a ura H. Walter, his wife. De
fendants, for the sum of 1623.00, with
Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum from the 27th day or
October, 1913. and the further sum of
$50, as attorney's fee, and the costs of
and upon this writ, commanding me
to mnke sale of the following de
scribed real property, situate In the
county of Clackamas, state of Oregon,
The N. W. U of Section 16. T. 7 S.
R. 4. East of the Willamette Meridian,
containing 160 acres more or less and
also the N. E. Vi- of Section 16. T. 7
S. R. 4 E. of Willamette Meridian, con
taining 160 acres more or less.""
Now, therefore, by virtue of aald
execution, Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of snld writ, I will, on Saturday, the
10th day of April, 1915; at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the County Court House In the City
of Oregon City, In said County and
State, Bell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
tor U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all
the right, title and Interest which the
within named defendants or either ot
them, had on the date ot the mort
cage herein or since had in or to the
above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, Interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
By E?C. HACKETT. Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., March 4th,
Notice of Final Settlement of the
Estate of Timothy Bowen, De
ceased. Notice is hereby given tliflt the un
dersigned executor of the estate of
Timothy Bowen, deceased, has filed
In ,the County Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, his final ac
count as such executor of said estate
and that Monday the 5th day ot April,
1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M
has been fixed by said court as the
time for hearing of objections to said
report and the settlement thereof.
Executor of the estate of Timothy
Bowen, deceased.
C. SCHUEBEL, Attorney for Executor.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of Clackamas County,
State of Oregon, as administrator of
the estate of Charles II. Daucby, de
ceased, and that all persons having
claims against said estate must pre
sent them, properly verified, to the ad
ministrator at the office of C. D. & D.
C. Latourette. in Oregon City, Oregon.
within six months from the date of
this notice.
Dated Feb. 19th. 1915.
Administrator of the estate ot Charles
H. Dauchy, deceased.- ' I
Nolle of Appointment af taacutrla
Nolle a Is hereby gttea Ibal lha uu
deralgned has tee II appointed by Ibe
county court of tba county of ('Ink
mil, Htata of (In gun, etrutrtl of Iba
eaiata of William J. Iaelleo, D
eased. All peraona having ilalma
against aald tiUU, shall prrnent tbrui
, dlJy ,eriftj M
by law required, t-
lha said eieculrli, al lb orfb of
Croas k liurke, leaver ItiilMibg. Or
ron City, Oregon, iibln al months
from tli data of Ibl ftotl'
Dated Manb 19, 1913.
Kic ulrU of Iba eaiata of William
liaelleii, Imceaaed.
( JtOHrf lit ftKK. Attorneya for
Wants, For Sale etc.
rOA SALE H. C. White lirhom
K.KM for Hatching. Kitting of, 13!
YWx. Incubator Iota, ft 00 bun I
drad. Kantlllty guaranteed. Not
show stock but heavy layers. I In
vita correaixrtolence, W. (ilrs
Ui 37, Katacada, Or?gon
FOR SALE Korty head of gwtts.
Woods, Dull Run, Oregon.
Annual Maetlng.
Th annual meeting of the sexk
bolder of Kladatone Real Ktt" Asao-
clatlon will b held at tb office of
Croa k liurke, attorneya. In Oregon
City, on April 3th, 1913. al I p. m. for
lb purpose of electing three dlrwton
to aerve for the ensuing year and fo
be transaction of any other biulnei
that may properly come bt-for tb
If. E. CROSS, Prealdeut
ATLANTA. March 19. One of the
last official acts of Governor John M
Slaton. who will be succeeded July 1
by Nat E. Harris, will be the pardon
Ing of some hundreds of Georgia lor
cotten orisonere. who have been in
prison so long that about all thei
friends and kindred have died. The
governor recently visited the state
farm at ililledgevllle to learn some-
thlcg about these human derelicts. As
they approached one by one to lay
their petitions before the governor
ther sevmed only very weary. The
governor found convicts who had been
imprisoned for twenty-five year or
more, learned that their friends were
dead, that nobody remains to bring
their petitious before the pardoning
board that, 1n fact, they are human
being utterly forgotten. Ho ta'ked
with them and then had details of their
lives prepared, and now he Is consid
ering their petitions.
. NEW YORK, March 19. Dr. Luther
A. Gulick, founder and president of the
Camplre Girls of America, is under
fire in connection with financial mat
ters connected with the organization.
Allegations have been investigated and
a full report on conditions is shortly
due. This organization has been con
founded with the girl scouts; another
national- organization. They beifr no
relation to each other. A certain fac
tion in the campfire girls critclsed Dr.
Gulick for running the organization
for his own monetary advancement.
In summer the work of eliminating
poisons and acids from the blood is
helped by perspiration. In cold weath
er, with little out door work or exer
cise to cause sweating, the kidneys
have to do double work. Foley Kidney
Pills help overworked, weak, and dis
eased kidneys to filter and cast out
of the blood the waste matter that
causes pains In sides or back.rheuma
tlsm, lumbago, stiffness ot joints, sore
muscles and other Ills resulting from
improper elmlnation. Jones Drug Co.
4. f
f ,' ' 4
V 4 V
d c. i-ATorArrm Tr-Mx. r. J Maria. caki
Thz First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
Treneeat '! nktei ftie. Ofea fraaa A M. U I P. M
"William Hammond Philip U Hammond
Hammond & Hammond
Abstract, Rtal Estate, Leans. Insurant
Pacific Phon II Hm Phon A 771
There War Na Naulral Natl
Europe In Anclant Tvnaa.
In am-lent lime i,ntlin al war rlaa
e4 Ibelr liel.bbora either llle of
euerule. write ' I!erlTt W. Ibowen..
Neutrality an International Trlatloa
waa nut rerogiiUe,!. Tbcr wer n
neutral rtk'bta aud no neutral dutle.
Internatioiial law Itaelf rilated only III
a very rudliocUary f,rrn.
It was M uatll after tba fall of
Roma and until tb nations of En
ror bad b'om numerous and wer
aaertliif nd exen-laliig romparatlvaly
equal prevention and power that their
lotereat bcr-ama ao conflicting that
tbey perceived the necealty of eatab
lUbtng and aiipportlnf a ayatem of law
that must b pl'bl lo tbem In
tbelr relation one w ith snother. Gro
tlus lClul. tb so called father of
International law. pobllahml ln 1X3 bla
fnroous book. "I Jur Belli et Ps-ia."
which defined and decajl Ilea lawa
of war nd peace. Of neutral, whom
be called middlemen In war. b bad
but little to say.
Bytikcrxhoek. who was born twenty
five year after the peace of Weat
phalla wa alirnetl and who waa one of
the moat dlMlliffUlshed (ucceaaor of
Grotlu. wsa. If not the Drat, at least
among th flrat of publlclat to define
and explain neutrality authoritatively,
and to give to It a permanent and
prominent place In the law of nation
-Ca and Comment-
A Surprlaa For Sardou at an Execu
tion Ha Attondad.
Sardou In order to be present at the
execution of Tropman In January, 1S75,
spent the night before with La Ro
quette, the prison director. In hi de
scription he says:
"At daybreak the guest went out
open the cold, bleak execution place,
where the guillotine had already been
erected. The bedraggled crowd, which
bad spent the night In drinking places,
sang ribald songs and from time to
time shouted for Delbler, the execn.
tloner, who meanwhile wis explaining
the mechanism.
"The basket In which the head was
to drop was brousht and while looking
at It I was horrified to see the Hd arise
and a human form emerge. 'Don't
worry.' aald Delbler with a mlle; that
Is only my wife, who wanted to see
Ibe execution, and I chose the simplest
way to secure a good place for ber.
Clemcnceau saw Emile Henry decapi
tated on May 22. 18IH, In his capacity
as a Journalist, aud describing bow the
culprit was dragged to the machine,
strapped upon the plank and there tor
tured by awaiting the pleasure of
Delbler till the knife finally ended It
all. said that the "horror of It" made
him sick.
Tha Caspian Saa.
The Caspian sea is as Herodotus aald
2.000 year ago, "a sea by itself, having
no connection with any other." Every
schoolboy knows that now, but it is
remarkable to find Herodotus saying
so, because centuries after his time
such authorities as Strabo and Pliny
believed that it was connected with
tho northern ocean by a long and nar
row gulf. Geography seems to have
had a setback In the Interval through
false Information received at the time
of Alexander's conquests. Herodotus
says that the Caspian's length was
fifteen days' voyage with a rowboat.
its breadth eight days'. Since the
actual figures are 750 miles and 400,
this shows that a rowboat of the time
did fifty miles a day, London Graphic.
DifHcultiaa tha Student Faces After Ha
Haa Left Collage.
The conditions to which most Indian
students return are hard, far hanler
than the average easterner can realize.
Many of the reservations are long dis
tances from railroads, so thnt supplies
are hard to get ns well as expensive.
while In places water l a real luxury.
The standards of the community must
also be taken Into consideration, and In
all too many localities t; white people
living near aro ni t of n type to prove
either helpful or elevating. With all
these difficulties, end many, many
more, we expect far uiuiv of the Indian
than we would of a wbitc student who
had enjoyed equal ndvnntn.sefi.
A white boy who bus been In school
nnttl he Is perhaps twenty and in thnt
time has bad to master In addition to
the usual studies a new lanuaiie and
accept an entirely strqngo system of
living Is not expected to raise tho
standards of his boniecouiniunlty to
any very great extent . The Indian Is.
He must not only have acquired a
trade and be able to do skillful work.
but he must speak English well enough
to act as Interpreter, understand the
Bible and teach In Sunday school, as
well as be prepared to advise In the
councils of his people regarding various
phases of their legal standing and land
And when be Is unable to fulfill all
these requirements we hear that In
dian education la a ftllure.--Southern
I'hooee-Paelflc (1
Home A 1H
Attorney elLaw
All legal business promptly attended to
Attorn at Law
Dcutecner- AoVoaat
WUJ practice la all court, nil a
collect loo aad MttlameDU.
08!c la talerpru BulUlog,
I Oragoa City, Oragoa.
Commercial. Real btata aat
Probata ear BpoclalUo. 01
aA I m ai - .
Dldf, Orogoa City, Oragoa. T
j W. 1 EDDY. V. Sn M. D. . J
Graduat of tha Ontario VaLai-L t
aary Colltf at Toronto, Canada,
and tha atcKllUp School of 0or
(ry of Chicago. 1 aUbUb4
at Faahlea Bla bla. flTU Bt be
tweea Mala and WaUr 8ta.
Both Telattkoaaa
Offliea Pacific, Mala It; Horn.
A IS. f
Raeidene Pacific, llala lli
Attomay-alLaw ;
Notary Pwbll
Eatacada. rgoa. J
a-e--eee- e-e-e-e-.-e
T CTnilrUT rilbrannv T
W mak a apaeiaity of lnatal-
lag water systems and pluss '
log la th country. Wa carry f
tha Loader tank aad 8tow at i
gtnes. W have a full TA at I
afyars ram and stray pampa, J
Price always lowest.
720 Main St. Oregon City
Phn US2. i
Office Phone Pacific Main 405;
Home A-270.
Residence Home B-214.
Beaver Bldg.. Room 6
I Attornay-at-Law ?
Money loaned, abstracts furnlaa.
d, land title examined, estates
settled, genaral law bualnaea.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
The moat economical cleansing and
germicidal ot all antiseptics Is
A soluble Antiseptic Powder to
bo dissolved in water as needed.
As a medicinal antiseptic for douches .
in treating catarrh, inflammation or
ulceration of nose, throat, and that
caused by feminine Ills it has no eqnal.
For ten years the Lydla E. Pmkham
Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtine
In their private correspondence with
women, which proves Its superiority.
Women who have been cured say
it Is "worth its weight In gold." At
druggists. 60c large box. or by malL
The Paxton Toilet Co, Boston, Mass.
Dallas is about completing the in
stallation of a renovated street light
ing Bj-stem which affords lamps at
nearly all intersections in the city. The
Itemizer is glad to announce that local
labor exclusively, and local materials
far as possible, have been em
Cuts, Burns,
Brutaea, Sore. Wonnda and P3et
quickly healed with Arnica Salvo.
It prerenta infection, ia antiseptic,
aoothinf , healing Try it onoo.
Money Back If It Fails.
Tba Original and Genuine.
Arnica Salve
Heals the Hurt
AH Drnsiiata and Doalara, 25a.