Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 26, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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WeulS Bt Mr fermslKy
tulh fork CvnmlMlon
Tkel llirr I lwt Itimk douM Ilia
Ilia foatriillun of lb Houia ruik Iff
rttiuilMlti riuniliif lb validity of
I he relit water elivllnn will ! up
held hy Ida supreme court was U
opinion of C Nrhuvhel WrlnrUr
DIkM. Mr K' buolM'l and 1.. HUpp. the
atlorarri for lha Houih rrk alar
rommlsslun, ar no preparing lrlrfa
The itillarllni of evident and Hi
preparation uf arcutnrnl allhoeKb
Ihli work Win only TurUr, haa pro
grresrd rapidly umlrr lh dlrwtlon of
Mr. Hrhurlfl ami Mr. Htlpp anl lh
former said Ihal lh rase would lo
rdly lo Uk to Kali-m Krtdsy. Hrlvfa
III b printed (o.Ujr.
Mr. AndrrafB a aril a Hi lo
atlrncM bllre that lh rlly M '
sun rssful bim Ihal II will not U Bm
eary lo huld swond !-! I"B.
Ir. I A. Morrla, presldmt of lh
1'urw Mountain Walrr lagu. ho haa
given lh wader enme attBlliiB. aald
Wednesday: "Even If Ihrr I an
olhrr elwtlon. on thing I certain. It
III mil he necessary to rarrjr on an
olhrr campaign. Th last election
ahod that lh people want pure
walrr and another rlwtlon wuiild be
nerraary merely a a iw of red
tan. Th purpose would Bol l lo
find out hl lh pro(i want.'
Th Houlb Fork commission held a
long nirrllnc Wednesday aflrrniHiB
with representatives of bonding houses
but lb selection of a bid will not be
mad until latr.
lit yrlr cotitalba of lllkab
Amif IHsIrM Buitr I, held
at Mtaiade Thursday In aa all day
aracUia. lb dul'l'l lmlu.li- lb ful
losing Ma Wlllainla, (nlnulal.
Mllaausla, tlbaiiilwk and Oak. lb
(.11 ra rrraiiid ar lut I Mr
Mllaaual, l lai kamaa Hlallun, Mulal
la and i': !.
WllUnnii IthUlitn t battered a ap
rial rar lidlt Ml tl.ls rlly at Bin
o'rbrfk la Hi Morning with alxcjl fif
Ijr persons o rrprrtriil Ilia various
ilra, returning at midnight Th
lixal ilultiuii put on lb iniphfiiHj
nlilfclurf anfk of Hi order lb
ork followed by a banquet by
lb fUlaaila Diemlwrs. al whkb on
hundred persons if prrarnt
Th offlirr of lb riiBtvniliin IM
rr ar: Mr. Hallnf, of Kalarada,
ihalrnian; Mrs Hmllb. of (iladnlon.
!( Iialriuin, Mli Ada llrdarll, of
OrrfKB nir, rrrlarr Wlllatnrii
IHtl'liia baa aa Ha ofllrrra: lira. Klla
II a in Im.. Nul.ln (if and; Mlaa Malml
Timii lrirand. Mra Waldron, r
rurdlna ar-rlarr; MUa Mary Hi oil.
flnam lal a ffUry; Mra. IJil Hn
B-Kan, trraaurar.
Tbla rontrnlloB. ablrb a on of
lh moil ui r.fwl th llrbrkaha lia
;! bi'ld. waa iHind'M'Irdlijr by lb Klal
I'rraidriil, Mr. Kal IBdou. of Marah
flrld rliiKKmtlolia Wrr Biada for III
Bt yrarly ronirnllun ahlrb will l
brld inir tlm Brit iprlnl In Ihl
clly by Wlllamrlla IMvlalou, allhouah
lb dat aa Bol drrldrd upon.
Man CaugM With lacaplng Olrli
Maintain Ha Old Not Aid
Tm In Lalng 0-
Untlon Horn.
ItrrlnInK lha linn of lb Hnulh rVrk
ptprlln and preparing Iho aurvry for
Ihn contractor I brlnn rompb'trd and
unit MtirvrylnK party umtrr H. A. Cohli
baa alrrady romplntrd It work and
bna rt'lurnrd In Urrxn City.
Tb Cobb party fhwknl ovrr Ibf
route from Itcillunil to llin point
whrr tha lino will croaa tlio track of
tlu Willamette Valley Hum horn. W.
A. Whlto with hi party la atutloni'd
on tha upper rnd of the linn wlilla W.
U Hhurp la at work In Ihn lower aec-
lion with another party. A. M. Kirch
cm la rcvlnltiK the lino In thn Clear
Creek rai'yon.
Warner RraiiK will inret Haturday
at Ha hall In New Kra. Worthy I.h-
lurrr tiro. M. l-aielle baa arranged lb
follow Inn pniKram, which will be flven
after the bunlneaa aeaalun and pre-
ccimIIiiu th dinner hour: Iteadlna.
Mra. Kred Chlnn; vocal aolo, Mri. H.
I Canto: remark! on "How to Man-
k a Kann rrom nny to una Hun'
Urd Acrea," Kred Chlnn: vocal aolo,
Mra. Ili; talk on "(".anlcnlng." .Mr.
Van Jeiiaen; rloalnc aonx by the
(Iranito. '
The inert Inn will be railed at ten
o'clock. After tha roll rail the rcmilar
btialnnaa of the Grant will l (ran-
acted All inrmliera are urged lo at
tend and nre alao encournKrd lo Invite
J I'm IjiKralid, who waa arreatrd
Turaday bIkIiI by Chief Hliaw with
Ol-al I Jill In, MauiU fUarll and Ver
(I Ijmrand th Ibrra (Irla who t
raped from th alat Iralnlrig achool,
a fined and Klen a ai lilerne of
In daya In tha clly jail on tharK of
brlna drunk and dlaordrrly by Munll
pal Judge lioder, Wilni1ay.
Mr. Ijifrand, 1 H9 t.lnco'in atrret
1'ortland. niother of Jim jirnd, waa
In Oregon City Wrdnraday lo aw ber
eon and returned lo Portland to rala
money to pay bla fin. II I under
tnod that In raa lb fin la paid lh
(all arntenr will l dropped. Chief
of folic Khaw received word Wed
Braday aftrrnoon from Hherlff K h of
Marlon county that charge would b
prraard agalnat Ijigrand there for aa
lallni the (Irla 10 earape.
larrand la aufferlng from a (lightly
fractured law and waa lakrn to a
phyalrlan lo reerlva Irratmrnt. He
attempted lo flghl Chief Bbaw when
lh arreal waa made and tha official
at rick the man when he waa making
a (rant k- ruin lowara Dim. uigraBu
waa knocked to the ground but the full
eilent of hla Injury waa not known un
til Wrdnraday when he waa (Ivrn a
thorough eiamlnation.
lagrand maintained hla Innocence
Wrdnraday at the city Jail. "I re
ceived a mraaage at home In Portland
yraterday that Vrrgle I-agrand waa al
Waconda and wanted me to meet her
there.'' h anld In telling hla atory. "I
vured an automolMIe nnd left at
once. When I reached vtaconaa i
found that Vrrgle had two other glrla
with her. I told the three that they
had better go back lo the achool but
they Inalaled that thry come with
l.agrand waa not anxloua lo talk or
hla married life. "I married Vermin
a Unit two year ago In Portland but
aha waa too lively for ua and they her
to the training achool," he explained
Ijigrand claim to be a contractor
and glvea 190 Arthur at reel. Portland,
aa hla addreaa.
woitNoro bcom in
A 4)
DOfflER FII 18
' Urn-
Tbla man killed arvea peraon dur
ing murderoua Intan outbreak and
waa blmaelf killed befor b could
lake further Uvea. Ha waa Monro
Pbllllpa of llrunawk k. Ca. Crated by
flnani In I reverara and probably by
wblaky he ran amuck with an auto
oiatlc ahotgun, II not only killed
aeven peraon, but be wounded near
ly a acore of other.
leuth Frk Cammltt Will Reach De
c I aloe Bln Now and Wad
nteday, lay Chairman
In The Social Whirl
Currant Happening of Interact In
and About Oregon City
HE home of Mr. and Mra. 0. J.
POUTI-ANH. Oro.. March 21. Thi ro
la an entire, luck of huHliieita In the
lorul hop market. Tlio mnrkol con
tinue the atiiKniiiit tono nhown during
Iho InNt to day. I lot It apot and con
tractu show a llko tono.
Donlora any thoy.nro receiving no
order or even Inqulrlca for aupplloa
from tlio cant, elthnr for contract or
apot delivery, Iheroforo, are entirely
out of the ninrkot.
With nhlpmenta from IIiIh country
to KiiRlnnd InipoHMllilo ut this time
owing to tlio luck of trannportnllon fa
cllltloa, American brewing Intercut
continue to alt on tlio lid nnd are re
fusing to do any uiihIiich in hops at
all, In tlio hope of forcing much lower
Phoenix - Ilk
rlaum frnm th a
a. HI nee III" big
fir thoiiantKl of
men have bean
working day nnd
n I Klit rebuilding tho
K ill a o n fntitorloH.
They ar making
t a I k I ng niHchlnea
and record again.
T h I waa Tliomaa
A. Edlaon'a flrat ra-
mark when ha benrd till Inteat Inatru
ment, that ho hud apent four yaar to
Diamond Point
Have No Equal
This one tent
on Free Trial
MODKT, A80, Illus
trated hare, In
onk or mahogany,
with 10 - CQA
lection ... P7V
Term $1.60 week.
-1 Mil vl
POUTI.ANI), Oro, Mnr. 22. With
ararclty of offering, there la a de
cidedly firm and actlvo tono ahown for
alfulfu alt tlirough the Pacific north-
went, and eepeolully at count point
lluyer are toduy freely offering $13
to 13.r0 for aupplloa, with little being
offorcd. Other hay nre quiet but
loiuly at former price.
Trudo In cereal continue very slack
with practically no offering at tho mo
ment reported from Interior points
Owing to tho complex foreign sUua
Hon, buyer are at aca aa to the prob-
ahlo course of tho market within the
Immedlalo futtiro, nnd therefore are
unwilling to meet tho higher prlcod
vlows entertained by country holders
This applies principally to whont
streets, Portluiitl, was the scene .of a
merry gathering Saturday evening
when about fifty friend called to hulp
cclc brute the IMh birthday anniver
sary of David Penman.
The early part of tho day was do-
voted to congratulations nnd good
wishes, at 12 o'clock dinner was
served. Dancing by the young people
followed, while the older ones visited
The happy crowd represented man,
Oregon and Wanhlngton towns.
Mr. Penman was surprised by th
numerous and pretty birthday remem
brances from friends and relatives.
The Invited one Included Mrs.
Hannah Penman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Penman, Holmrt Eastman, Ernest Pen
man, Mrs. Hannah Digger, Mr. Eby
Miss Kohler of this city, Mrs. Martha
Hlnton, Jonah lllnton, Miss Mary Hln
ton, MIbs Martha Hlnton, of Tckon,
Wash., Mr. and Mrs. William Penman,
Jonnh Penmnn, Mr. and Mrs. Dlades.
c - r
f - Y.
WASHINGTON", March 20. Plans
for a congressional tour to the Hawai
ian Islanda under the auspices of
Prince Kalanlanaole, the Hawaiian
delegate, are completed, with 130 pcr-
aoni In the party. There will be ii
senators and representatives and mem
bers of their families on the trip, the
expense of which will be borne by
Hawaiian. They will leave the last
of April and spend 21 days on the Is
lands, reluming to San Francisco
about May 25. Among those In the
party who have accepted invitations
are Representatives Mann of Illinois,
the minority leader of the house; Sen
ators Stone, Overman, Saulsbury, Cum
Mlns, Polndexler, Martlne; Represen
tatives Sherley. Kentucky: Gloss, Vir
ginia: Anthony, Kansas: Stafford,
Wisconsin, and Copley, Illinois. ,
HwMrt, Cauary, Koeter t com pan x
a Denver banking firm, aubmlliad the
kiwrat bid, KM rent on th dollar.
Monday for lha 1375 000 bond lu for
lha construction of tha Koutb Fork
pipeline. Other bid were: Morn
liro, of Portland, 11.03 and the l-uro
berman's Truat company, of Portland,
Mrmtxr of lha Pouth Pork roinml
Ion wer not alow Is eiprrailng their
regret Ihal so few bid bad been auh
mltted. A -vond meeting of that
body wll b held on or befor Wed
nraday when a decision wuetber
to accept any. of th offer re-
reived or readvertlae, will be made.
The aale of the bonds wa widely
advertised through th rait. and. Judg
Ing from the number of Inquiries re
ceived, th commission waa lead to ex
pert number of bid from eastern
bouses. It la now generally believed
by members of the commission that
the activity of Portland flrma to
queer" th aale la responsible for the
lack of eastern bids.
The appearance of the Denver house
was a surprise to the two Portland
flrma that arm In prnpoaala. although
representative of Sweet. Causey.
Foster A company haa been her and
In Portland for the last week.
Last November lh commission (Sis-
covered thst the northwestern bond
ing houses had an agreement that the
Oregon City pipeline bonds would not
go for over 85 cents on the dollar and
when proposal were received none
were over that figure. The commis
sion was In no hurry to market the la
sue and the bidding firms were put off
until late last month a house, not In
the deal, offered 9S.S0 through the
First National bank of thla city. The
commission, although It waa generally
considered that the figure waa fair, de
cided lo advertise for bids largely a
protection against public criticism.
0!l Mil FAiS
DAI.lJtH, Tel. Wartb ! Tba af
fart on lb health of wblta mumm on
tedaiit farm front dragging tmum
aayk In lb flrld al folloa pbkiiig
season wa Investigated by Wrs. J
IVirdew llarrlman. of lb federal rm
mlaalua on Industrial relation al l
day' bearing on land problems, W
U Thuruian, of Rulpbur, Okls who
aid b bad praillccd Bi'db In In lb
southwest, and I now a Wrturat la
Oklahoma, waa on lb l!Bauo!
To women" asked Mr, llarrlman.
'drag rotton sacks?"
Tbey gratrally do."
"At a pbyslrUa what do jou IMck
I the effect on lb womrn'i health-
"I poaltl.aly know that tha health
of Biany womea ha bB ruined by It."
rfpl:d Mr. Thurman.
W. II. Yrary. of Farmers villa, Tex .,
a bo farm 2ooo acre and baa banking
Interest, cald It wa a mllakn lda
Dial tenant farmer ar ablftles as a
(lass. Jl said tbey wer highly
skilled In cotton raising.
A wltoesa atrlbd som of tin m.
ml FOR
1 YEAR 1915
Stl Span Will b Bunt Aces Eagl
Crt'h N Oil Bound Maca
dam Hlghaoay Planned
Thla Vr.
Th graveling of lh la'lfle high
way south from Orrgoo City through
Ne Kra. Can by, and llarkiw to tha
county Ilea, a dlaianr of II mile,
with thai b-t grad of river gravel la
th principal plan for mad Improve
ment mad by lh cwunfy court lo b
IMtory l ndcBcy tf tenant to jci Jrarrlrd Into effect thla coming pri.ig
latlv fvr of firmer. This, h a'.i. i
caused them to be more lnte'.ted lt
chances lo buy and sell land than In
Improving crops and farm rondltlona.
Portland Railway, Light 4 Power
Company Will Pay County $110,
000 Ovr 119,000 Taktn
In Monday.
Ar You Rheumatic try Sloan's
If you want quirk and real relief
from Hheumatlsm. do what o many
thousand other people are doing
whenever an attack comes on, bathe
the aore muacle or Joint with Sloan'
Liniment. No need to rub it In Just
apply the Liniment to the surface. It
Is wonderfully penetrating. It goes
right to the seat of trouble and draws
the pain almost Immediately. Get
bottle of Sloan'a Liniment for 25c of
any druggist and have It in the house
against Colds, Sore and Swollen
Joints, Lumbayo, Sciatica, and like
ailments. W'r money back If not sat
isfied, but It does give almost instant
relief. (Adv.)
hut Is true llkowlso of oats. The bar
ley market la errutlc but tho price Is Miss Illados, Mr. and Mrs. Iluckninii,
showing but lltllo choiigo. . Master Iluckman, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Hour tiiislnoBs continue! limited for gm, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Day. Miss
both patent and export.
Write for Catalogs
They Are Free
The receipts for thn week at the
Portlund Union Slock Ynida Co. have
boon: Cattlo, 10(!9; cuIvob. 10; liogB,
2071; fi-heup, 1-H9.
In the cattlo division hoKlmilng. of
this week the offerings worn inontly
of the fat light weight cliisa nnd con
seiiuc.nl ly the offerlnga were eagerly
picked up by the vnrlous buyers. The
market Is considered steady in nil
lines. Host utecrs are bringing $7.75
cows, 6.20.
Thero Is a scnrclty of hogs coming
to market and as a p'biiIU tho prices
took a sudden Jump of .10c Monday and
have remained at that
Prime light weights
Like the swine market sheep ulso
advanced with a sensational Jump
Yearlings advanced from $7.50 to
$7.75; ewes, $(1.50 to $0.75; lambs,
$S.C0 to $8.85.
The following sales are representa
78 steers .1035
131 steers 1116
146 steers 1011
61 steers 1211
2 bulls 1568
2 stags '. 1105
1 heifer 786
1 calf 161
1 cow 1061
1 row 1011
4 cows 978
19 cows 10.11
827 hogs 211
2C1 bogs 195
215 hogs 221
228 hogs 187
687 lambs 87
15 mixed 81
Haxol Day, Mrs. Lungron, Mrs, Mrodlc,
Mrs. datum, Mr. nnd Mra. Paul Thyng,
Mrs. Vora Johannoson, John " Tylor,
Miss Root, Herman Motzon, Rudolph
Hanson, P. Purcell, M. rurcoll, Robert
Storm, William Kessler, John Kessler,
Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam, Ray naker,
Clyde Prettyman, Dnvld, Miss Lottie,
Percy, Miss Myrtle, Miss Mabel and
James Penman.
The Tonninn family are formor resi
dents of Clackamas county nmf moved
to Portland a few months ago,
MrRS. A. H. HARVEY, of Twilight,
211 entertained In a charming man
nor Wednesday afternoon for the
pleasure of the Cosmos club. Owing
to the Inclemont weather, only a few
of the members were present to enjoy
the afternoon's gnitles.
Each of the ladles brought their
needlework and a part of the after
noon wob devotod to sewing, followed
price Blnco. by a peanut contest In which Mrs. F.
commanding, M. Thompson was the winner and was
given a prize,
The hostess served delicious re
freshments to henr guests who were:
Mrs. Elbert Reed, Mrs. J. M. Jack, Mrs.
Lnndrew Bentled, Mrs. W. J. W. Mc-
Cord. Mrs. Clinton Axford, Mrs. F. M.
Thompson and Mrs. Geo. Lazelle.
Tho next meeting will be held In
two weeks at the home of Mrs. Jones
at Twilight.
$ 7.76
There are so-called "honey and tar'
preparations that cost the dealer half
as much but sell at the same price as
the original and genuine Foley's Honey
and Tar Compound. We never offer
these Imitation! and substitutes. We
know you will buy Foley's whenever
you need a cough syrup If you once
use It. People come long distances
for the true FOLEY'S over thirty
years the leading remedy for coughs,
colds, croup, whooping cough, bron-
8.85 ' chlal and lagrippe coughs. Jones Drug
7.00 1 Ca (AdT.)
Those of Middle Age Especially.
When you have found no remedy for the horrors that
oppress you during change of life, when through the long
hours of the day it seems as though your back would break,
when vour head aches constantly, you are nervous, de-,;
pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains,
don't forget that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
is the safest and surest remedy, and has carried hundreds
of women safely through this critical period.
Read what these three women say:
From Mrs. Hornung, Buffalo, N. Y,
BtnTAto, N. Y. "I am writing; to let you know how much your
medicine has done for me. I failed terribly during the last winter
and summer and every one remarked about my appearance. I suf
fered from a female trouble and always had pains in my back, no
appetite and at times was very weak.
I was visiting at a friend's house one day and she thought I needed
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I took it and have gained
eight pounds, have a good appetite and am feeling better every day.
Everybody is asking me what I am doing and I recommend Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. You may publish this letter if you
wish and I hope others who have the same complaint will see it and
got health from your medicine as I did." Mrs. A. Uornung, 81
Stanton St, Buffalo, N. Y.
Made Me Well and Strong:.
Maokdon, N.Y. UI was all run down and very thin in flesh, ner
vous, no appetite, could not sleep and was weak, and felt badly all
the time. The doctors said I had poor blood and what I had was
turning to water. I took different medicines which did not help me,
but Lydia K Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound made me well and
strong, and I am recommending it to my friends." Mrs. Feed
Coaob, It. No. 2, Macedon, N.Y.
The Change of Life.
Belts villi. Ma "By the use of Lydia K Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound I have successfully passed through a most trying time,
the Change of Life. I suffered with a weakness, and had to stay in
bed three days at a time. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
restored me to perfect health, and I am praising it for the benefit of
other women who suffer as I did." Mrs. V. S. DtrvixL, Route No. L
Belts ville, Md.
For SO years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Com pound haa been the standard remedy for fe
male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments
does justice to herself if she does not try this fa
mous medicine made from roots and herbs. It
has restored so many stiff eringwoniea to health
Your letter will be opened, read and answered
by a woman and held In strict conn deuce.
A rush In taxpaying between do
and the first of April U expected by
County Treasurer M. E. Dunn and Tax
Collector George Harrington aa tho
first Interest charge becomes effec
tive on that date.
Ileglnnlng April 1, Interest at the
rate of one per cent a month wilt be
charged until the taxes are paid. 1,'
the first half of the taxes are paid be
fore the first of next month, there is
no Interest on the remaining half. The
usual penalty that comes due In the
fall was abolished at the last session
of the legislature so that the Interest
charge Is the only inducement to in
fluence property owners to pay. One
per cent Interest Is added each month.
That Is, the Interest In April will be
one per cent, in May two per cent. In
June three per cent and so on.
Vp to the present time, 1283.227.73
has been collected. This is J153.9C1.13
less than half of the total tax on all
property. Several of the largest tax
payers, such as the Portland Railway.
Light & Power company have not yet
made their appearance. The big elec
tric company will pay about $110,000
taxes In Clackamas county this year
and 155,000 of this sum Is expected be
fore the end of this month.
Monday was a busy day In the tax
collecting office. The total for the
one day alone was over $19,000, one
'check from the Weyerhauser timber
Interests being for J6S00.
Treasurer Dunn Is calling In road
warrants as early as possible but no
calls will be sent out for general fund
warrants until the first payment of
state taxes has been made, probably
soon before May 1. Mr. Dunn said
Tuesday that he expected that the
county would be on a cash basis be
fore August 1.
Bandying Secrets.
Alice When 1 told jou of my en
gagement 1 said It was a secret, and
you told Kitty about It. '
Ella Why, no, 1 didn't 1 merely
asked her If she knew about It Bos
ton Transcript
and summer.
Gravel III be applied to all tha
road, excepting only a strrtrh of about
a mile near the Iirlte phu-e that has
kern Improved with oil bound mar
dam and a short dlstanre Dear tha
southern rnd that has alrrady received
a coating of gravel.
Gravel be eeeurrd from tha Wit
lamxde river at New Era where the
county baa completed a modern crush
ing and sorting plant The mateiiul
III be baoled by wagooa to the part
of the road to be Improtrd. except the
southern end where the Southern Pa
fie may be used.
Tha rock taken from tha rirer at
.New Kra ia of good quality and capa
ble of withstanding much traffic In
lha opinion of those who hare ex
amined it The graveling of the Pa
cific highway will be the moat exten
sive work of the year and the first Ini
portant work for which the New Era
plant has beea used. The Carton
plant, constructed at the same time
the New Era blna and machinery were
InsUlled. will play an Important part
In the road work In the eastern and
northeastern section of the county.
Commissioners Kntgbt and Mat-
jKa spent several days In the Eagie
Creek and Sandy districts this week.
A new bridge will be built across Eagle
Creek, the largest span to be con
etructed tbla year, and the two com
missioners endeavored to find the best
site. Boring. Eagle Creek. Kelso,
Sandy. Bull Run and other towns were
lulled by the party.
County Judge Anderson said Friday
that It la not probable that more oil
bound macadam will be constructed
this year. The county now haa over
four miles of this type of highway, all
built within the last year.
Distinction of Terms.
"1 suppose you regard thnt picture
you've pointed as a masterpiece."
'No' replied the practical artist
"I'd rather take a small cash price and
call it a pot boiler." Washington
Leisure and Lazinass.
Leisure Is time for doing something
nseful. This leisure the diligent man
will obtain, but the lazy man never,
for a life of leisure nnd a life of lazi
ness are .two things. Benjamin Franklin.
February and March Bring Out Un
sightly Spots. How to Remove
. Eaaily.
The woman with tender skin dreads
February and March because they are
likely to cover her face with ugly
freckles. No matter how thick her
veil, the sun and winds have a strong
tendency to make her freckled.
Fortunately for her peace of mind
the recent discovery of a new prescrip
tion, othlne double strength, makes
it possible for even those most suscep
tible to freckles to keep their skin
clear and white. No matter how stub
born a case of freckles you hare, the
double strength othlne should remove
Get an ounce from your druggist and
banish the freckles. Money back If it
fails. (Adv.)
EUGENE. Ore., March 20. Julius
Kruttschnltt, chairman of the board of
directors of the Southern Pacific com
pany, who was In Eugene last night.
deplores the present stagnation In
business conditions, but declines to
give his opinion as to whether or not
there will be improvement In condi
tions In the near future. He also
states that if the government wins in
Its unmerglng suit against the South
ern Pacific company, the result will
be highly detrimental to the railroads
and to the communities which they
Mr. Knittschnltt, accompanied by
William Sproule, president of the com
pany; W. R. Scott, vice president and
general manager; William Hood, chief
engineer, and Frank L. Burckhalter,
superintendent of the lines In Oregon,
arrived here at 9 o'clock last night on
a special train of four cars, Superin
tendent Durckhalter having met the
higher officials at Ashland. At Eu
gene the party was Joined by John
M. Scott, general passenger agent; H.
A. Hinshaw, general freight agent, and
H. P. Hoey, engineer in charge of con
struction on the Willamette Pacific
railway, and a trip of inspection over
the new line as far as Mapleton is be
long made.
Louis Erlckson and his son, Clar
ence Erickson, of the Clackamas
Heights district, were found guilty by
a Jury In the justice court Monday aft
ernoon on a charge of assaulting Les
ter Wade early this month. The jury
was out about 10 minutes. .
Clarence Erlckson Is a minor and
hla case will be turned over to the
juvenile court. Louis Erlckson will
be given his sentence today.
The Ericksons claimed that they
met Wade in the road and that tho
father whoved him away gently wlthj
a umberalla to prevent him from fight
ing Clarence Erickson. Wade however.
exhibited two front teeth that were
gone, to show that he was hit and not
merely shoved away.
Health Promotes Happiness
Without health, genuine joy Is Im
possible; without good digestion and
regular bowel movement you cannot
have health. Why neglect keeping
bowels open and risk being sick and
ailing? Tou don't have to. Take one
email Dr. King's New Life Pill at
night, In the morning you will have a
fall, free bowel movement and feel
much better. Helps your appetite and
digestion. Try one to-night. (Adv.)