J oitrnox pity entkih'MRE. riiin.w. M.wicii at. mis. Enterprise News Service Covers Clackamas County MAI11IA. STAFFORD. Marrb ha been a beautiful month to far, anil eery one haa enJond U. There ha Iwrn a very bad I!, 1B Ilia rad nnr Mr. Rchali. that U al moat lmpaiahl. Hut mm hae been working on It at half par for number of days ao II II! be oaf a for vehicle of all kliuU, although some bat rough aa yet. !r. Mount offered some lli.w we hr, to pay for rruahrd ro If the nlglilir would haul It and no on i-rma to know If Ma genetim o: fer hold ood yet now that the foun dation la tnado aolld. Mm. Arrnl. who baa been very alck. la now better and can be up newt of lh dar. allhouKh atlll weak. All re joice with her and her family. Mr. Tledeman who aa quarantined for ome tlm with dlptherta la able to b about, though at 111 weak, and her Tolr I aloaly coming bark to ber for which her family and uumerou frlenda feel very thankful. j Clarence Thompson, who baa been running hit Fort! aa a Jitney In Tort land for aom time, waa taken alrk After being home a number of day a, Dr. Mount wa called and declared It to be smallpox and quarantined th hou lat Friday, and the younK man la up and about Oarl. brother, la now alrk In bed and the family are undecided at the present writing (Tuesday) whether he baa the smallpox or a cane of the grippe. Tney have not called the doctor to aee him yet. The real of the family w bear over the phone, are ai well aa utuaL The George place, above the ceme tery, baa been sold to parties from St. Johns, who have moved In and taken possession and are aald to be three old bachelor, and while the neighbors de plore the absence of a family on th? place, they still live In hope for the future. Mr. Van North wick haa the field. aouth of hi house all cleared, tree cut Into fire wood, atumpa blown out ground broke and ready to be put In fhape for potatoea when the proper time cornea. It 1 a (Treat Improvement In the neighborhood. The Ladle' circle met wlih Mrs. Au gust Pelkar lt Thursday and cut and made dresses for her little girls. C. M. Cage and wife, accompanied by Mrs. Chapel, of Crania rasa, took r-li-ner at John P. Gages' Saturday and returned to Portland Sunday aft ernoon. Mrs. Chapel la looking over real es tate In Portland with a view to pur chasing. Her husband is a regisierea druggist, who wa educated at Ann Arbor. Mich., and were friends of the Gage family In that state year ago. MEADOW CROOK. Mr. and Mr Allrt Pileraon. the ntvlyweila, ere aurpriard, at lh"-ir new home Tue.day rtt-clng on M'd 0 llrook Helghta. Th rtriiltif prut daln same and mulv Tbie preeiit were: Mr. and Mr. Allwrt l leron Mr. and Mi M l. Cbln.litrrti. daughter VMan and Uurie; Mra Uutnn and d.iiirhitr Maijori. Mle. Htanton. Mrtle, llaiel and Nettle l-at kin. Ituth Chlndgrrn, and All-erl Hchlevn. Herman and ItutH-n C'hltid grvn. (lien Urklna and (ieorgn Hot tetter. All left at a late hour alanine them murh bapplnca. I A large rroad atlendca tne aiana OAMASCOS- Mr Tailor aike Bandar Ftrlilltf on the Hublt-rt. 'llnltM V l'te b'f atid aroint lltrr Halnt " II alu l l Uiu.d lh new la In regard la tl.r ule of lliflor Mi rtis! and Mr. Peart, our le4hi-r. nt th rt-krrid la IVrt blul Mla Mjrjr iok Itxk rt Ir lie or alorbal rontett for th county (rtiuol (!adrfalig ry fin.ii.g U cral I lb ofj'f ol I', u.f at lUirli Mr and Mr. Ihu.a wn TlUii uitr rituijjr Mr i4 Mr. Aid. J Ttwia dihiirr ijrl of Mr and Mr. H H I'ihiK Hundiy Mtr Wlllwr il.u. M-nl Hat ui'Ur tiifkt with k sunt. Hi, r'rauk riiiM r. Iluttbeig w a I'onUnd ltllof KaluriUy l-iiiivt and hulal rmil Tui-a dr iiiii. Mh at I'onUnd Mr an I Mi J. J I. Huh tl.lti-J Mr aud Mi. A Ittr, ut Ktaiilrf piailon. hua.Uf. lh Ai.l.usl. aatt-r Uid met al Ik WllUlmic l'murrlirik UhmIi Vl.nh g WIIIONVILLI Kctitietli Hi. Ill wa uiwialcd upon (r awMiilt' III, al I'orlland h pllal lat wi-rk and hi Uiauy frlindt Mr aii 4 Mr. A. U'oMtdnilo arte ho ( ir liliu a aim-dir rwoteiy dinner lunla uf Mr and Mi tri-d I rhmin Kunday. Mr and Mr John Wanker hue pur j i hated a Bw .J aii t'liaa. lit In 1'oMland frtdar They eitHH-t to mot Ihrf In III near futurw. Mr. and Mr MiM-n HMi!r. lun hen I'irais uf Mr and Mr. Ilnk Child Hunday. Mr. C. C. Holland put a new fir lug ro. k. A pl- of rork cut hi left plar In hi hotB Halurday. rt. r Mount I tri-ailu th r bul ! Mr II. Imnran and llttl (irar, dora not know yet hrthrr h ran HI lea Hal ur Jar for eaatern Ore th alaht her they will llt wlin Mr tirandma OIn ha ! n tery U k , Uunran' daughter. Mr Halfh I'at this week with heart Iroulil. iter. Teamnter are hauling rock f mm I Halfh Armstrong ranaed IU- Will Cooke'a flare lo lh bin. prriar, lelia Mnlty getting aub. rlptlon for atory to rruahing It hen Mr. Hrllrt farm paper ran grt th rorkcruihrr. j Norma Muender, llll erteni rYldar ernln Mr Wraley .Wthrrlon had an eratlon for apfndlellia TuraJay. Hh la lining aa will a ran b -i-ttl Her iler. Mr Mary Tong. will kri home while she I aay. aril latum inurtuaj num. i-i-"'" , !. ......-... w ... ot,.n,.n ..f in.'cldent Tui-aday aften...n while btr.k meotlng. After a hort pngtm by th school, Supt. Calavan talked on TtandardUatlon " Mr. rittinan. from Monmouth normal, gave an tolerat ing talk on "Our School." Mr. Chan, of Albert Canada. a bark visiting old neighbor at this place on hla ay home from the it and California, ahrre h ha been vl Itlng th pant two month. rhiH tearher. l-nt th I. O. Orem and family tnoed up ta SANDY. I at her horn near I'arkpUr. Jametown on the C. U Standlngrr; . j jjrw 8. 8. IWmti apent rMy after I The tnoat delightful aeathrr of the.Mm m It te Mr. Chat. U'lti, who I i at erk greatly helped th farmer ' n k. place Uat week. Mr. and Mr M. 1. Chlndurvn en tertaine1 a number of friend at P. O. et In hi crop. rrult tree are lo Ther will be d.malloo party at Chlndgrena Sunday In honor of Mr, bloom. Rterytblng liKik fine. lUtella rhnothou Hturdy evening. M n Chlnditren alter. Mr. Qulnn ' Th county coromlanloner were out j April Srd. All ladle reueted to bring as the eipectt to teave for th raat Innpectlng road and bridge In thl i om-thlng good In eat. a lunrh will non nil or tn womi aiao tnpe-iing Mr. lllllabacka la building an addl- nnk quarry on IVte llllca place Hon on hi house. about 14 nniea north of town w net j minuter a aalary. KerytKHly cordial John and Orf Tarker, of Maple iJine.1 A. C. Haumtiarh road boM of dlatrl' ljly Invited to come, brought out some cattte to pasture on No. 31 hope to eatabllnh a rock crush-1 A larg crowd llatened to th lec- b served free. A program will b glv tn. Th proceed till go towards th th Chlndgren plaee. They apent Bun day with Cleo and Allen Urklns. Mr. Sarrt and son Is setting out a large orchard on th Chase place. Oscar Hult export to begin log ging aialn the Ust of the week ai they have been laid off on arouni oi a break down of one o' the donkey en gine. They also have the dam almost completed j Nelson MlrkcUon mill I no The ;tur by th International Hlbl Htu run-:denta' speaker. II uaed for hi sub- Mi lll and young ana. alau Mr II ). Aden and on went lo IVrtlaiid on Tui-ilar. ltem llrahain ha been on III al' k llal f.r f. tUtt th totnai h tliiilt'ln. Mr. and Mi Aaron MaiConnell aeul to TuaUiln on rnlay to attend lh funeral of Mr Mai Cuttneir brother, VliiM'ht Hall. ho baa Itern III fur tome ttiMl.tha and died oil Wedm-day. I'oiato buyer ha liw nuinrrou In Wllaontllt Hi last ten day. A tiutlilier of WIIonlll realdrnla Iteiulril lh ronrert at lloml View on rldy evening. Mr. Mary Hroliat l'k a prominent part In lh pmgraiu hlrh waa srtendld throughout. Clifford Murray I glilng the I'et er' Hardware slor a new roat o palnl. uiirotlng It good liHik. AImiuI twenty niruibert of the younger art gav lloa I'arger a aur prlae party on Hatiirilay evening (iueaalng ganira were th evening' plraaure and lh prt waa won by luet Hely In gam of advertlan- mnnla. Painty refreshment wer erved by Mr. Jaeger, and happy Hill elit by th gueala. Mr. Itobt. Hraham and daughter. Itoartta aud Josephine are tiallliig In Vanrouvvr. H. ('. at the home of Mr Craham'a brother. Th I'arrnt Trai hrra' Aaaorlallnn of whirh Mr. Chaa. Wagner la prealdenl, hat plared three garnet at the ilia For Your Baby. The Signature of r ' Is the only fuarantee that you have th Genuine 1 V y 4 V W gi.uAVwwwvww vwaw prepared by him for over 30 yuru YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castorla. Soid only In one size bottle, never In bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. The CcnUur Company, CiAf&Cu AH! THE INVIGORATING WHIFF OF THE PINE FOREST! How It clears the throat and head of It mucou allmenta. It Is this spirit of Newness and Vigor from the health- giving IMney Forest brough bark by j Pr. Pell's Pine-Tar Honey. Antiseptic i and healing. Buy a bottle today. All j Druggist. 23c. Electric Bitter a Spring Tonic. (Adv.) Line of High Grade Farm Ma chinery now carried by Three Big Stores in Clackamas County. W. J. WILSON a CO. UtCH BUILDING, OREGON CITY, ORE. Canby Hdvv. & Imp. Co., Geo Blatchford, CANBY. OREGON MOLALLA, OREGON CLARKES. Proper Treatment for Biliousnesa. For a long time Miss Lula Skelton. rhurchvllle. N. Y.. was bilious and bad sick headache and dlixy spells. Chamberlain's Tablets were the only thins that gave ber permanent reiier. Obtainable everywhere, (Adv.) CLACKAMAS. N. A. Merrick and family departed for Zanesville, Ohio, last week where they expect to take up their residence again. Mr. Merrick haa relatives there. We wish them well, but after their residing here five years, we would not wonder but what they will sigh for western climes again. Their removal from here has taken a pupil from the school. Misa Laura Bachmann, teacher of the Oak Grove school near Macksburg. spent the week-end with home folks at Rrookaide Farm A farewell party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrington, Sr., on the evening of the 17th In honor of their son. Lee and his wife. A most enioyable evening was spent by all present. The color scheme In the dec oration was rreen. which was beau tifully carried out and so appropriate for the day. , Mr. and Mrs. Lee Har rington expect to go up on the Santi- am river in the near future where the former has accepted a position In s government fiBh hatchery. Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot. Mrs. Harrington's parents, will remove to the same place also. We are sorry to lose them as neighbors for they rank among the most public-spirited citizens of Clack amas The Clackamas Amateur Dramatic club will present Us play, "Diamonds and Hearts," at Parkplace in the school building. Friday evening. The same was given at this place February 2Sth before nn appreciative auaience. Haskln Trabue Is slowly recovering from a severe attack of rneumatism. Grandpa Philips, though still weak is able to be up and around again. ti -oralis formerly a resident of this place, was visiting relatives East Clackamas last week. The Rebekah Shamrock lodge met in regular session Friday evening. One new member, Mrs, was taken In. . Tareet practice on the government rifle range will begin April 1st. w.. t a. Bvera and daughter Madge, have 'gone to the San Francisco expo sition for 'a montn-s vis". Mrs Landls has been suffering with 8 gevere attack of the grippe this Mm. Bailie entertainend the Christ ian Endeavor of the Congregations Xrch t her home on the evening of KnaLayfield underwent a ser MI8!Lm at St. Vincent's n rltal last week. recovering slowly. at She Is reported to be C".7r. Ttaave heard from Mrs. Nlckel-n and .on. Ther have gone into the restaurant bu8,e" couver. B. C, and are comfortably set Uir Morgan and family of Lebanon. J!r few' days' visit with .the .FUn- 'err family have gone to tb, fort. Mr. Morgan- is Pioneer hav tag come across the plains in 1865 It Xeresting to hear hlnx reconnth changes that have taken place smc that time. Miss Ida Zwahlen from Tillamook, la visiting her father. Mr. C. Zwahlen and family, for a short time. Mrs. Fred Poss from Mt. Fleasant. visited her folks. Mr. Zwahlen and family. Ust week. G. Marquardt was In town last week. Miss Dora Marquardt Is In Portland at present. Miss Elizabeth Marshall spent Sun day with Miss Ella Schleve. Mr. W. H. Botteralller is discing some land for oats. Walter Lee was In Oregon City and visited his mother Mrs. Mary Lee and family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Buol and baby vis ited A. Buol and family last Sunday. Rev. Mann preached In Logan last Sunday. Miss Elsie Coulter is on the sick list W. H. Bottemiller hauled a load of oats to town last week. Captain A M. Elmer went to Port land the other week. Mr. Llndau hauled a load of oats to town last week. Henry Schleve Is on the sick list. Elmer Graves went away to get some work last week. John Hoffstetter Is Improving now from a recent sick spell. I Mr. Zwahlen purchased a load of po tatoes from Mr. Hoffstetter last week. Charles Grossmlller went through Clarkes with his new automobile last Sunday. No Use to Try and Wear Out Your Cold. It Will Wear You Out Instead : Thousands keep on suffering Coughs and Colds through neglect and delay. Why make yourself an easy prey to Berious ailments and epidemics as the result of a neglected Cold? Coughs and Cold sap your strength and vitali ty unless checked in the early stages. Dr. King's New Discovery Is what you nee(lthe first dose helps. Your head clears up, you breathe freely and you feel so much better. Buy a bottle to day and start taking at once. (Adv.) EAGLE CREEK. Call at the nearest of these three stores and inspect the latest improved tillage tools labor savers for your SPRING WORK Genuine Crop Increaser Land Rollers Bunch Land Rollers carried in 4 sizes: 8 ft. 2 section Wood Stave Roller, 8 fL 3 section Steel Roller, 8 ft 2 section Corrugated Roller and the New Double Drag Crusher 5 and 8 ft. Get our prices. EVANS Potato Planter For the grower who Wants Results Double Drive-Vibrating feed channels preventing. clogging. Sight Drop insures accuracy. Adjustable puker arms. Light Draft it I Low Price. J. I. Case, Cutaway and Roderick Lean Disc Harrows In our opinion the three best discs made each one excelling for particular uses to which it is adapted. See us before you buy and we will make it worth your while. OTHER GOODS NOW IN SEASON J. I. Case Transplanters Corn Planters, Plows Bloom Manure Spreaders Eagle Creek grange met Saturday with only about 36 members In at tendance. After dinner two candi dates were obligated in the first and new ste u cutg second degrees, and three were inltlat- . . ed In the third and fourth degrees. Mr. , ;,.. . . Evans of the 0. A. C. was present at' M. E. Church purchased a lot In the .t,o t,nr -nd mv.. ft nhort talk! Sandy Land Co. tract and expects to Myers Hay Tools Stover Gasoline Engines Myers Pumps JENNINGS LODGE Immediately after dinner. A. W. Cooke and wife, of Damascus, were visiting with Mrs. Howlett Sun day. erect a parsonage In the near future. The Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. P. E. Beck with. 0. C. Burns, of Portland, was viHit- George White, of Portland, was the ; in(f relatives guest of his daughter, Mrs. Tracy Cles- pete gwan ,8 cIearnB two acreg of ter, Sunday. ! land for Ed Bruns. Mr;,aD Vm0 ;;on Jnev of Es ! Melvln Smith is the happiest man daughter. Nettle and son, Joey, oi r-s- , , tacada, were the guests of relatives' Sandy, he says it a bouncing boy over this way Sunday. i this time. James Gibson was a Barton visitor i Gus Stuckle Is busy clearing his lot on Monday. on Pleasant Ave., so that he may build Most of the farmers are busy these a house, fine days plowing, discing and seed- Sandy river Is now a recognized mB J stream, noted for fine salmon fishing Mrs. Bessie Douglass was a Portland with hook and line. Every day some visitor Tuesday. ! fisherman can be seen trolling the ' stream, and occasionally a good catch ' of the delicious steelnead salmon are made. Sandy Booster band will give their weekly band concerts during the sum mer. Geo. Wolf has purchased a Ford. PersonholdingTax Receipt 4890, paid March 20, 1915, will please commun icath with TAX COLLECTOR Keep Your Bowels Regular As everyone knows, the bowels are the sewerage system of the body, and It Is of the greatest Importance that they move once each day. If your bowels become constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets lust nftor aunnpr and ther will nnrrivt thA Oregon City, Ore. disorder. Obtainable everywhere. Ject, "The Grave" and what's beyond the grave. Hazella's older boys have been prac ticing manual training. They put up a very good swing, out of which they expect toget lots of amusement. Mr. and Mrs. Zivney made a swift trip to Portland Friday in their Ramb ler auto. Church at Hazella March 27, at 8 o'clock p. m. Everybody come. AiyJENWALD Misses Lydla Plimpton, Zelma Davy, Gladys Smith and Ruth Crans entered the Clackamas County Essay contest. Little Edwin Schow, of Sellwood Gardens, who has been 111 has returned from the hospital. Miss Grace Erlckson, of Wanhougal, Wash., and Miss Julia Hollbrook were the guests of J. H. Crans Monday. The Hansen children visited A. T. Pierce and family Sunday. The Willamette Valley Southern railroad, which la being built thru Ard enwald, has not been busy for about a week. It Is working again now. Two new pupils have come to the Ardcnwald school. They are from Sellwood Gardens. Their names are Louise Henessey and Hattle Wood. Mrs. McBrlde, of Nelson, B. C, Is visiting at the home of her brother, Rayot, of Sellwood Gardens. Mrs. Mc Brlde has been visiting the fair at San Francisco and Is on her way borne. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Price attended posal of the scholars of the village school, consisting of a horizontal bar, rings and two swings for the older scholars, also two for the smaller ones. The rope for the rings and other games were put In place by Messrs. Joe Thornton, Sherman Seoly and Dor rls Young. Mrs. Lathrop and little daughtor, of the Rose City, visited Miss S. M. Graham last week. The "Mother's Club" of Corral Creek school has placed a croquet sot, rings and othor games In their school yard. , Mr. and Mrs. Norman Say were the motifs of a delightful surprise party, given them by their neighbors of the Corral Creek district, on Saturday evening, March 20, to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of their mar riage. The game of "600" was the pleasure of the evening, at which the bridegroom won the head prize, a beau tiful thread-work basket filled with candy. A handsomo set of silver knlveB end forks, with the initials en graved upon them was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Say by Miss Bcttie Ba talgla In a graceful speech, on behalf of the members of the Mothers' Club of Corral Creek district. Mr. Say re plied, saying "it was the first time be had been given a chance to talk for twenty-five years." Elaborate refresh ments were served cafeteria fashion by the members of the Mothers' Club and a delightful evening enjoyed by all present A numbvr of ladlt-s hav bi-cn krd lo the Imtiie of Mra. Will Jacob on Thuraday 'fti'riiiMn lo plan Ihn Kal er program. The ladli-t are rrueaird lo bring Ihlinlib'a. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Hlovrr, of Mc MliinvlllP. Ulli-d with Kit Hart on Vtdntday of lant wek. Mr. I.lnyd HiMMinrr and wife are in Joying rauip llfo on the rlvvr during the paat plranant wix'k. Tim cottaxvs of il. II. Emmons are rtfcMnK new coat of pulnt and tint and will b rrady by April lit fur tb famine who usually spent the sum- iikt on the bank of the Wlllaiiwtt at thl place. bli al weather added much pleasure to the trip through the Pacific North weat. which I being enjoyed by Mr. and Mr. Theron Klmh and family, ol New Hampton, lima. Four days were peiit at Jennings UmIk with the Hugh Hubert futility. Trip to Coun cil Crest, 1200 feet above the bulne dUtrli t of Portland, to the City Park and to the hlatorlc town of Vancouv er. Waiih , and Oregon City were en joyed. The Finch family departed on Tuesday for Salt Ijike City and aome day will be spent at Colorado Spring. Mr. Finch I a itono inuson contractor and wa very much tinpreased with Southern California and Oregon. Mr. Kild Curtln I receiving treat ment from a Portland peclnl!nt and I Improving. The parlor of the Second Preaby termn church In Portland were filled with friend who wltnened Hie mar rln;e of MU Wlnlfrled Kern to K. H Much, which took place on Haturdny afternoon. Rev. Charles F. Hush per formed tho ceremony. The wedding was a slmplo one and the couple were unuttended. Among shower of rliv they entered a laxl. which brought thru) to the homo of Mr. Huah's par ents at Jonnlng Lodgs. Many bounti ful firi'scnts were received. Both of the contracting parties wero students at Corvallls, but Mr. Hush's former homo was in Texas. Mr. and Mr. Hush will resldo near Oregon City, whero he Is a cement contractor. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. FlHher, of Port land, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Goodwin. Mr. Snndntroin left lnxt wouk fur Sun Francisco, whero he has a posi tion. Mr. and Mrs. Paxton and Evelyn l ax ton, of I'orlland, wore Sunday vlmt- ors at tho Hugo Sundstrom home Mr. Wm. Illlnestono has purclmned the Blue Front Store from II. J. Hat dorf and will tako possession on Men dav. Mr. James Bernard, we are ploasod to learn, will accept a poxl tlon with the new firm, . Congratulations ere being showorod upon Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Smith on the arrival of o baby boy, who canio on the evening of March lfith. The moth er and child nre doing nlcoly at a Port land hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bncknor de parted for Illwnco, Wash., on Monday where Mr. Bccknor has a position. Tho Upstrcamors aro to give a plo social at the church on Friday even ing. A pleasnnt and unique affair will be given. Roy Bntdorf left on Tuesday for Denver, to take care of large stock farm which has recently 'been purchnsed bv H. J. Batdorf. Mr. and Mrs. Bat- dorf leave tho Inst of tho week for their new home near Albnny. It Is In deed with regret that this family are leaving the Lodge, for they will be greatly missed In the Lodge circle, the Community Club, church affairs and In the Parent-Teachers' Assoclutlon. Our best wishes go with them to their new home. Mr. Gus Jacobsen, of Pioneer, has returned home after a visit with Ar thur 8oesbe. Mrs. Harry Hampton, who has been seriously 111 at a Portland hospital, is again able to return home. Mr. Langdon Spooner has ret.irned from PrlnevIIle, Oregon. Every day brings a number of fish ermen to this place, so far the catch has been rather poor. Mra. Edith Truscott and Ruth spent Saturday with Mrs. Johnson, return ing to their home In Gresham In the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Finch and family, of Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roberts and family spent Sunday at Orchards, Wash., with the 11. C. Palnton family. Mr. John Pope, of Alpha, Iowa, was an additional guest at the I'alntou bom. The three rlilldrrn of Mr. Waller ilinmen, of Ardenwald. apent a few dava with Mra. Allwrt Pierre Mr. and Mr F. II. Madlaun have been Wondhurn vUltur till week. DIRTY EGGS CAUSE OF HEAVY LOSSES ItMITLANI). Ore.. Mar. 23. Ilrtf ei;g are canning heavy loaaea lo pro ducer of thl state, leading author! Ilea here placing Ihn Ion at thouaaniU of dollar annually a well a the de rreaiA In Ihn demand. With itorugn oiieratloa here now well under way. thorn I a liberal de mand fur rlean tuck and ritrome price aro being offered for such offering. Ilocauae of Ihn fact that a very large per rent of Oregon's egg production U of dirty color, ouUlde market Id which we are rompellod to ault our urplii during period of groat pro duction, are unwilling to pay for them what they ran ecure good clean slock from other section, notably Califor nia. While there I atlll a rather good tune In the rgg market at this time and price are showing practically no chungn, the fact that alurage Inter rat aro dumping the dirty itock on the market In competition with cur rent receipt from the country, I entil ing luine nppruhendun among receiv ers generally. STATE ONION TRADE HAS A WEAKER TONE PORTLAND, Ore.. March 18, Weak, er tune Is showing generally for oni ons, with growers much mora cngor lo let go. White limited Ih'hIiich In No. 1 stock Is still reported n high as $1 a cental f. n. h. county shipping points, many growers aro nllcged to be soiling Nn. 1 stock as No. 2. and thereby Blind ing tho minimum quotation In effect among metiers of tho Confederated Onlnngrowors'g association. Whllo tho first signs of weakness In tho onion trade of the Paclflo north west were vlslblo along Front street, at tho present tlmo thore Is a decided lack of snap to tho general trada nil along tho const. California still hns quite fair stocks of onions In storago and owing to tho non-keeping quality of thoso offerings, lower .values are ruling. Bnndon Is to got harbor Improve ments In spile of bills falling In con A HEAVY BURDEN A Bad Back Makes Life Miserable For Many Oregon City People. A bad bnck Is a heavy burden. A burdon at night when bedtime comes, Just as bothersome In tho morning. Evor try Doan's Kidney Pills for It? Know they are for kidney backache and for othor kldnoy Ills? If you don't, some Oregon City peo ple do. Read a case of It: Joseph McDnrmott, Washington St., Oregon City, Oregon, says: '1 wag al most flat on my back with kldnoy and bladder trouble. I was so lame and stiff that I could hardly hobblo around and It was all I could do to got up In the morning. My kidneys were Irregu lar In action and the kldnoy secretions were scanty., I used several boxos of Doan's Kidney Pills and I soon got well. I think even mora highly of Doan's Kidney Pills now than I did when I publicly recommended them a few years ago. They have certainly done me a lot of good." Price BO, at all dealers. Don't slmuly ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Mc- Dermott had. Foster-Milburn Co.. Props., Buffalo, N. T. (Adv.) t