()!K(H)S CITY F.NTKIUMHHK. IKin.W. MAIM'II l- 1!IV 1 THE TONGAS WHAT S10 DID Th v TI 1tmaa." ohi. Iib!l going lo Tn i Tb) '" Ff) R THIS following In full, U lb prue atoning pooid. rrr i,ieliw 4 aoan l- .1 1 w ' 1 1 eomnomion in in vaaajr wriuiia mo tea! recently conducted by Ihe II. I', (1 Elks of ibli rllf. !l ri(lro tr Mls Ctl:i -utrn. pupil la lb ' ol lb oorid Falling arhool at I'oitland Wbea I firet rt-qoeated la mak flag and rl( aa ray on Tonga 00 of B"h good In I 'jiUin tp tn4 B ; Tb rrico She ruj for LyJU mi TuBr- ou. .f .. IJ" '. E.PinkKmWrgetUeCom. pound Which Drought C00J Health. 1 1,1, .1..4 In Hnh Afro a u Jui ; tlltrrrallhg lbs (rtbtr 'tul III It la Soa of either M lbt. I i nierttr staling that l or )i.4u,rut, J llwirjr liubUr - IOot. K. Woithwgton .. bol I d!4 Hot like lbs Idea. I ouH. iiOil th Bloat UltrrrtMlf .'art bav prrfrrred la rll 00 sow roun I i iara otrr tr lb I 1 il in try mor aldrly knoon, for lunanr. i;;t daring lb r-'n of Jurr Vi--I'oUnil, Ireland or Holland, but noo 1 tori ai.d adUrd la lb lui o' IU ha I m eireedliigly (lad II ha taugbl j colonial pnwraaluu. l ike ir i-o other beldr niat-lf a food mtnr pit ul Ihe TahtJ l!i.J b b a thing could not bate Iraiaed oln rrwlaa. In looking up Tmiita 1 found H al thirl or klog lu blp gom ibrfit juj rrjr unt.l lb i-o le f le 1orfa itlanda Ibry art" In l ittrlnuk ah4 oill thrra aer tao countries of tfctt fug to . la ran. mrv inwg Dame, on a group of beautiful "oi- grr fr aa al.li U-du! man H ah'ik nraUn liland In Ihe South araa. IhrlbU duly. other llttl rountr In lha iiortbrrnj To Uugu-ira. Ibv T!l t.4 I rornrr of Zulul and In Houib ,fria 1 1 ), f tU ar tvkrr. Tho eaiic llotb of thr rounlrU a ara unJrr Unciat l lb (. itiu Im.i ill ihr llrlilnh pmttvtlon and bring tnM.- t"m,i-i and Hum of lb .it:ii-n t" V find lo ahlch of tbr coitntHia air InJrH iUy r- ;und la i'-k flag twluna, ! Trnlurrd to atitr ( ,,r nian of U.tu nnnl) Jkmh. on both. v I ihrir o n lu'.- t ai J rUiui 7.j!u tl d Tba Tonga Ulanda rr dliprr-d I Tbl arakn- rril llrl kwciw by Taaman In Kit bul uatrirj tb Zulua b a 1 1 djh among the the rtlrndlr land by Ca.lln fooh lrlla and arc.mtr. -x-au T n.v brau of the ilraaanl nKiaMs a at Inn-ani ruaatd of the natirea. i.nii.h T'-fcrv'.J U Ibr nio.t Ifiu There ara ahotit one hnndrl and , liful diatrlcl S.ah AfrUa. bul fifty of Iheaa lalanda la nunibr bul only about one-fifth of llieae ara In haliltrd. Some of thr are volcanic and when a arnoui earthquake arc ir. then may rla and dlM'iK-ar at art time. The majorfty of three UUrd are very fertile, but the people mbKe Kill ing and eager lo Irani and Imitate ar too lazy to work and aeem to lark Ihe qualities aecraaary to tndrend'iit and enduring aucceaa. rry unhralful fir K'jrownn. The araaon are .rJ tn ; ta in uuu brr, the art and (t.n dry acavjtia. Th! little coun'o i niartrl.oi.ly rich In ita fruit tr- IVrhapi lber are fifty tartrtlra and fruit lib ccf (re form the chief ttport. The people are a thic!it' broan In color and do not re-t)ill lb negro for tbrlr kinky balr. They llo In amall hula called krafla. rh man oanlng aa many aa la nrcoaary fur Although they have a native king I til family. b-n a man la of age ha of their own. their lairs are mad ty may rhooae one or nauy mlra and fur a leglalatlve aaaembly hlch nii-eta M Nukualofa tLe capita. Half the mem ber are elected by the people. Ihe other half being noblci.ien. Altogeth er their government greatly n-M-mtilea that of Great Prltaln Moat of the native arc Chrlttinn- f each of thre he m-nt pay :h aun'ial wife tai 2.3 to Ihe father of the bride. If the alfe do. not m't the hutand after their marriage, b 11:1, arnd her bark to her falhi-r a'.d de mand back hia money. Tbey have not bvrn quick In a rept rkwrvi!!, Va. -! ""'T Pt tAlMit on J't aMtlwin ail I (( biuao) t-iir maa 1 uvl aKrti lh d-vU aa Irraung m. I d.'t aaffr aiy trannc dWa rina at ail turn and I Wp X t cannot y enuugll 1 l ylia iL I'lnkhajn'a rgta tla Cunt pound anj IJvrr iMa aa IW hara dn M tnuvO for m. I am en'f Ing rl lellh " anj or It ail W Tv-ur rvmnjira. I Uke plrur la Wil ing my frirnJa and neighbor about thrm."-Vr. Mama Uaurr. M CU quhoo Street, Danville, Va. Ka woman ufT"rin from any form of fi-ma!o tf"Ublr aiwuU kat hf un til ah haa given I vrdia 11 llnkham Vrgrtabl CxmpuuraJ a fair trial Thl famoua rrmeily, th rnnUrina) Ingredient! of hirh arv derived from native r'U and brrba, has fug forty years proved to b a rtvt tralua- bl turtle and invlpraUr of lh fe male onrmmtm. Women veryher bear willing traUmony to th worWful virtu of Ly lia K. llnkham'a Vrg-r la bia Comtwund, If you have) tne alljr litevat doulit I but l.ydlu I'. IMnUhitiii'a Vrgetav Met otn (Miuntl Mill lirlpyoii.wrlt'V to l.yilU llllnlihainMeliclnet'i. (.Hinlhli'nlliilll.ynra, laafor ml Ui'. Your letter will be oiH-nrit rfil aul anivreml by ft woman. a.Dd held in strict cvnUdeace, MM) 404 4 (0 400 400 TtO too 12 60 MM MM lied, the majority of them are Jletln. ing Chriatlanlty and ar not a brn-ht dirts, while the rent are Roman I'ath-jand Intelligent as the people of the ollca. Tbey are fine musicl.inn. ihlrj Tonga Islands, but altogether they are only muaical Instrument belrg a u-l"n the moat delightful and Intrreatln drums, but their voices are anndcrful people I have ever bad the platre and to bear them sing woull be worth i of studying. WILL NEW GERMAN FINANCE MINISTER erriiDc inaai urortl PREMIER OATO SEES NO CONFLICT BETWEEN SPAIN AND MEXICO I 1 Xwek LJ"ro M. Roberts - A. W. Wold Sol Inel J. Hark D. Johnston F. I'atterson 13.M R. Arnold 1I.0 P. Arnold T. A. Roots W. W. Smith District No. 3 Herman Seibert G. De Young 2.00 District No. 4 J. A. Kitching; 17.50 M. M. Wade - L. F. "Hale '. . M. E. Bauernfiend E. D. Sailing District No. 5 M. II. Wheeler 15.00 Chas. Lekberg Wm. E. Wheeler J. Imel C M. Uke - District No, 6 Sandy Mercantile Co 3.00 Chas. Krebs Ceo. Krebs Jr 30 00 40.00 16.23 7.50 15.00 15.00 25.00 2.50 5.00 11.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 10.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 8.10 C.75 BERLIN, Mar. 10. Dr. Carl Helffer ich, the new mlnlstei of finance, Is ac tively engaged In the Important task of trying to float war loans in neutral foreign countries. Dr. Helfferich wag on the American-Mexican commission in 1903 that arranged financial matters between the United States and Mex ico. He has a wide acquaintance with American financiers and their meth ods. He Is forty-two years old. He was for years connected with the im perial bank. The Court of Last Resort. Around the stove of the cross roads grocery is the real court of last resort, for it finally over-rules all others. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been brought before this court in al moBt every cross roads grocery in this country, and has always received a favorable verdict. It is in the country where man expects to receive full val ue for his money that this remedy is most appreciated. Obtainable every where. (Adv.) MADRID, Mar. 10 "Disagreeable but not or dangerous import" is the at titude of the Spanish government re garding Carranza's expulsion from Mexico of Minister Caro. The Car ranza government, It was explained, has never been recognized by Spain, and Senor Caro consequently had nev er presented his credentials to the constitutionalist chief. Senor Dato, Wm. Guldenzopf 3.00 Nick Schmitz 7.00 Cha. Langcr 4.00 Gust -Finjrer 1.00 Will Bell 1.00 0. Lindholm 1.00 District No. 7 Sandy Lumber Co. 26.20 T. Haircn 4. J. Cocklereese 3.37 D. W. Douglas fi.00 R. W. Aikens 13.50 District No. 8 John Buckholx 4.50 District No. 9 J. M. Henkle 33.80 Fred Lins 41.25 A. K. Miller 2.00 II. Schmidt 2.00 Carl Lins 12.00 Wm. t tj. Kwtl.lrf , iKatfirt .V. II N llrus. . Harry Gro Waller hkubel AUia Hortitihuh Arthur ilomwboh il, A. rSthurfw! Jokn llulilrndar . IHalikft Na. It It Hhu.Ut W. H. HuUnd IVIUM HutUnda f. A. Wallaco K. O. Searaon Martin Johruon O. V. Johnson 13 50 IVUin f-auet St.CO Orin Adkina 100 Kn Admins 8 00 ArrM Davis 00 John KVans 10.50 II. C. Mulvaney 1150 Jam Howard 20.75 I. Nordllnc 13 60 John Carlson 100 R. II. t4Mir too C. T. Howard 1900 R. ShueM 31.25 R. G. Aihby 4 00 Frd HrtiU 400 IKatrWt No. 21 llodton-Fecnaughty Co. St50 John Anderson 2000 T. K. Wurtiiingtun C. K. Bonney W. 8. Gorbetl Ditrkl No, 23 R. W. Zimmerman J. J. Kopper . C. rankaf - .... V. Skinner A. Gen ska Diatrift No, 21 John Rjltr John Gahler A mo kauffman Lvl Chriatner Solon Kinter lUy Kiah Clarence Johnson John Egli Oliver llartiler Simon Yoder lien Kmmert John Gahler Andy Headings L. I'. Spagl Diatrift No. 25 John Kummer Carl Kulb I'hil Scheer Geo. Scheer M. Adams W. Adams Ed Murray R. Klaus District No. 28 Molalla Lumber Co 1 .00 M. Henriksen 17.05 Robbing Bros. 11.55 1.00 500 4.'.00 16.50 1600 1400 6.00 6.00 10.00 8.00 4.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 4.00 400 4.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 26.87 8.00 2.00 8.00 400 3.00 2.00 2.00 21.25 W. 19.00 8.00 2.00 19.00 18.00 the Spanish premier brought the ex-j wn, Ljns ; iM I A Deception. "What's that?" asked Mr. Cumror as be looked ot the nutes from which bis . , daughter was trying to play the piano. "That's music." , "You may think it's music, daughter, dear, but if you could bear bow it sounds you'd renlize that It's some kind of an optical Illusion." Washington Star. ' Most Boy Eat Too Much. The average boy ought to have, and usually does bnve, au appetite like an ostrich. Three poluts to remember are: Don't eat too much most bealtby boys do; don't eat meat more tban once a day, und, third, don't eat anything that you always tuste for several hours aft er you have eaten IL Boy Scout Handbook. senate and made the following state ment: "We are not fact to face with con flict between Spain and Mexico. It Is a deplorable Incident, and it has brought about an Immediate demand for explanations on our part, lint we hope the matter will reach a satisfac tory termination. The matter, how ever, Is too delicate to be treated at this moment in the senate chamber." Eastern Oregon expects big grain and fruit crops. A PERSONAL STATEMENT There are so-called "honey and tar" preparations that cost the dealer half as much but sell at the same price as the original and genuine Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. We never offer these Imitations and substitutes. We know you will buy Foley's whenever you need a cough syrup U you once use IL People come long distances for the true FOLEY B over mirxy years the leading remedy for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, bron chial and lagrippe cougha. Jones Drug Co. (AdT.) Your Child's Cough is a Call for Help Don't put off treating your Child's Cough. It not only saps their strength but often leads to more serious ail ments. Why risk? You don't have to. Dr. King's New Discovery is Just the remedy your Child needs. It Is made with soothing, healing and antiseptic balsams. Will quickly check the Cold and soothe your Child's Cough away. No odds how bad the Cough or how long standing, Dr. King's New Discov ery will stop it. It's guaranteed. Just get a bottle from your DrugglBt and try It. (Adv.) COUNTY COURT EXPENDITURE FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1915. ROAD FUND District No. 1 Mitchell LewiB & Staver $27.65 Caffall Bros 7.95 J. A. Davis 65.00 Ed Hagman 52.50 Joe Peters 58.75 S. L. Mullan 55.00 O. J. McKenney 30.38 E. P. Green 29.25 Frank Frossard 29.81 H. E. Kenyon 9.98 John Kaye 18.00 District No. 2 A. S. Lukasz 2.00 A. Mather 7.35 A. Lame 7.50 Ward Jones 30.00 L. Johnson 30.00 John Wamaker 30.001 E. C. Guber 8.00 Edd Grafenhein 16.00 Gus Zwirnman , 16.00 Otto Jansen 7.00 A. M. Jansen 5.00 C. Klinker .. 4.00 Otto Paulsen 4.50 Harold Joyner 4.50 District No. 11 W. A. Holmes 3.75 Wilson & Cooke 3.00 Mattoon Lbr. Co 19.53 C. H. Dauchy, Jr . 1.70 E. L. Pope 14.70 II. D. Pennock 6.75 Eli Rivers 5.00 C. B. Rivers 4.00 District No. 12 Fred Brown 20.75 George Wilcoxen 2.00 Gus Fisher 12.90 A. F. Haberlach 54.50 Eli Swales 35.46 Ed Kendig 31.50 Lewis Wilcoxen 31.50 H. Swales 44.00 B. Swales 21.50 L. Hampton .' 9.50 District No 13 Schwartz Bros 4.60 Schwartz Lumber Co 7.25 J. F. Fullam 19.78 W. Hubert , 3.00 A.' Schneider 8.00 H. IL Coop 8.00 J. T. Fullam 23.00 District No. 15 S. Nash 2.00 W. Bainey 5.00 L. Mattoon 6.25 G. Grossenblades 2.00 District No. 16 T. Blanchard 8.00 D. Rutherford 16.00 W. Woodcox 14.00 W. Randall 19.00 H. Enffel 18.00 E. Anthony 6.00 G. Huiras 15.00 District No. 17 Ed Rupp 2.75 J. E. Wells 8.00 O. E. Bird 8.00 A. B. Johnson 6.00 5.50 4.50 31.60 39.00 1.00 3.60 G. Masterton Earl Bird Blain Bird rank Feriane Frank Kokle Arthur- Carter 32.00 Zib Ilownmn :j.M L. D. Shank - 35.00 C. II. BrUcr 32.00 John Novak 25.00 Ross Sawtell 7.00 Bill MarU 2.00 Roy Scott 19.00 Arthur Scott 16.25 W. J. Avison 13.50 F. S. Bugby 8.00 W. F. Wilson i 16.00 W. A. Newman 6.00 Robert Bagby 11.75 John BaRby 11.00 Delbert Scott 5.00 Ben Sherman , 1.00 Scott Carter 6.00 John Feriruson 3.00 Ben Thomas 5.00 J. M. Groshonfr 12.50 Leslie Shank 46.25 DiNtrict No. 27 G. A. Ehlen '. J. F. Ohlcrt G. H. Gray A. G. Gray District No 31 Karl Kuerman : J. Pcttors II. I). W. Co. ... Fred Baker 27.00 H. Gebhardt 1.00 G. Anderson 22.50 M. C. Baker 4.00 M. Alatfich 25.00 District No. 33 Bert Finch Hdw. &. Imp Co... 8.95 W. J. Lcwellan 75 Frank Millard 61.00 W. W. Tucker 43.75 Frank Smith 30.00 Amos Millard 20.25 Marion Millard 10.00 District No. 34 Wilson & Cooke 1.55 Chas. Livesay 44.23 Glenmorrie Quarry Co 23.80 F. C. Gadke 1.50 Zimmerman 14.75 J. Zimmerman 14.75 F. Grossman 8.00 C. Oargon 10.00 F. Kaiser 17.00 G. Harmon 18.00 J. Wonkcr 12.50 W. Kaiser 36.25 District No. 36 J. R. Lutzen 8.58 F. Miller & Sons 6.75 B. C. Scott 3.00 George Hart 2.00 Albert Pederson 2.00 G. G. Hays 2.00 L. A, Rail 1.00 John McKenzie 8.00 District No. 37 C. W. Kruse 169.92 Ralph Butch 34.50 A. H. Erickson 19.00 E. M. Lacker 19.00 G. C. Lewis 10.00 District No. 38 Thompson & Webb 3.50 R. Richardson 76.75 N. S. Richardson 12.75 A. Turtdll It. M. lUhaidwn IL lluao ... Winn Warren U. W. Tenailligvr Di.lrkl No. 41 II. II. td.ll Ale lls lHalrUl No. 42 J. W. Wataon John Hcuhmaiher Alelil I'O , rihad l-uog IhatrM No. 47 O. V. IWtho P. II. Ham 1 1. W. Olda A. II. Jahn l Olda C. K. Hall A. T lluiil IHatrlrt No. 4 Geo. Hatliavtay II. T. Rawlins II. A. Hunt A. (i. Cuahillf , A. G. Ilurd (J T. Hunt IHatrlrt No. 50 Henry Hinaen Kritx Hinaen J. W. Tuonacnd C. V. Durke K. M. Townaend IHatrlrt No. 61 A. I. Ileacock II. Henningaen Ed Teerin , John l Young , II. J. Wilson Diatrirt No. 52 Sam I.enon H. V. Sutter Glen Runhford . II. W. Kann Royal Zinaer II. C. L'lrich DUtrirl No. 54 W. W. Ixng C. C. Wiaer Hen Caato John Caato Mii-ven Stanton IHatrlrt No. 53 Chas. IJvetay , Creaaon Mill Co Fred Brown rVed Creaaon Harry Creawn II. H. Mattoon Steven Fellows A. I. Mattoon II. W. Crea-ion G. D. Creaaon James Craft Wynnnor Craft J. F. Cromer S. G. Kirrhem C. E. Hively G. M .Hively J. D. Cromer II. Ewalt Joe Hinkle Lloyd Ewalt A. A. Allen , Ha tenon : Joe La Croy Byron Miller P. O'Connor Arthur Barrett Charles lender James Seiver Diatrirt No. 56 Frank Rces Martin Bros. Co L. Radford District No. 57 O. Kyllo S. Lantz L. Iluckliolder A. F. Eyman District No. 58 II. F, Gilwon J. M. HuKill J. C. Miller W, Brown T. E. Brown II. Welseck C. Dallas GENERAL ROADS Oregon Agricultural College IIodson-Feonaughty Co Contractors Supply Co , East Side Mill & Lbre. Co C. C. Miller Robert Mattoon Clackamas Co. G. R. F Huker Bros. , Chas. Livesay A. Mather C. Bronson W. Wade W. M. Raddatz :. - C. W. Scramlin II. Jackson Ben Jackson . Will Jackson L. P, Spagle II. J. Reed Sherman Stone W, M. Hobson J. S, Dcvlne Thos. O'Dell John Riter , Jas. Anderson German Stone Steve Cummings Jas. Cooper Floyd Davis Dan Erdman W. H. Mattoon A. II. Knight A. C. U. Berry Frank Busch GENERAL FUND Election W. F. Wells Joseph Linhart Frank Linhart Thoo. Kopper Harve Carothers John Auld , John A. Howland James Rivers 3. E. Seal J. E. Mumpower N. A. Sorenson Sheriff Miller-Parker Co. Jones Drug Co W. J. Wilson 22 JO City of Oregon City X2.20 A. ti. Aa.rs II 60 1 I.Ik Horn MaWe IIW III. W. Ti.n.Uih l 00 Dr. II. II. Uughr I0O0 Oik 4W Huntlry llioa. Co. J. O. h'Uat I llioit r'whr Co C. II. Wl.it Iter order lllliolt Fuller Co Imh (Whran K. I Itedman Huntley linn. Co Treasurer C. II. Whit M. K. Dunn June Drug Co. Umdon Aaiuranr Corp. II. N. Ill.Va County Court II. H. Amleraon W. II. Mattoon A. II. Knight .. Herman J. Korh Court lloua J. K. Morris Hogg llroa. I'atlfie Tel. A Teleg. Co. Miller 1'arker Co. Homo Telephone Co. Joitea Drug Co. (Ircull tour! Wm. Griffith II. N. Hirk Wm. Moreland Clifford Treat Reynolda FelU Ilaty 'liarlea Templnr M. Kellogg Georg Ttmpier J. J. Tobin Eloiao Miller E. U Shaw M. E. Church Georg Woudard In K Froat Sam Drefs G. V. Adam Nela M. Melum Paul Dunn I). O. Day J. II. Jackson E. Shubert . J. II. Tracy C. W. Swallow W. W. Cook Fred Steiner A. J. Harkenreider Hal Lindsley C. II. Daurhy R. S. cLaughlin J. C. Stricklin Frrd Birkemeier John M. Davis D. E. Froat L E. Blanchard RU-a Anderson E. I. Fleming- II. D. Marston Andrew Flaherty David S. Fleming A. G. Ames B. F. Ford Thomas Mink Mary Malzaninl T. E. Goodman D. E. Froat R. I-adoroute Eva Wanh Juatire of the I'rare John N. Sievera D. E. Frost Don James E. T. Maas H. J. Tictx John Llewellyn Ai Price E. Harrington J. Gorbctt E. II. Cooper W. E. Niles E. Bailey Goorgo Gardner -. G. II. Young Ira Flynn A, G. Ames V. Cornel 1 James Feaglcs M. V. Thomns A. C. Thomas va Harrington J. E. Pomeroy L. Mnck P. T. Shollcy P. T. Shelley J. E. Sinclulr C. R. Aylsworth E. L. Thompson Fred Schwartz John Strucken E. Cahill Mrs. A. E. Cahill L, C. Hubbard J. R. Kelso Riley K. Colo Mike Long D. E. Frost Wm. Griffith W. J. Wilson F, W. McKechnie A. Miles Frank Smalley Iva Harrington Coroner John N, Sievers Charles T. Sievers Wm. Griscnthwaite Abel Thomas Wm. T. Llewelyn Thomas Daniel Henry Hollman W. F. Harris Wm. Griscnthwaite Dr. Frank R. Mount 6.00 Mrs. Eva Simons 14.00 Angus McKinnon 13.50 Charles White 23.50 Laura Simon 1.60 Mrs. Geo. Lammers 26.00 Maney Bernard 6.00 E. J. Odcrerk 1.50 C. II. Meisner '. 16.00 H. L. Turney 1.50 J. J. McQuillan 1.50 J. L. Stacer Elk Horn Stables .60 J. E. Pomeroy ... 2.50 Dr. C. IL Meisner 12.70 W. E. Hempstead MO, fiai r; of Jw'GilUit Terry 16 2 HMllaiOuild Half lo UK 1710,1). K. trv.1 1134 20 00 Huntley llrue, t o. II. II. Juhnton 3 40 , Thomas Dunn IfilM) 6 (ki too 400 I 00 22.KO 40 too 400 H.73 450 2.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 400 13.60 2.00 10.00 I8.7S 2.00 2.00 2.00 1. 00 8.00 7.00 9.00 1.1.75 10.00 2.K0 44.60 .75 10.00 10.00 10.00 210.16 245.00 b.00 42.00 35.00 60.00 36.00 41.00 21.00 19.00 9.00 22.00 28.00 40.00 43.00 60.00 21.00 14.00 9.00 4.00 3.00 25.00 24.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 11.00 10.00 I'aul Dunn 65 00 6 00 .30 6.23 20 00 I3 343 00 I 00 6 15 4 10 350 ,U5 2562 I.IK) ia no J 2 4 12 17 II u J Thompaon 600 1 1. Tbonipaon Maldruin . . I.Ik Horn KtaU.s 117 R H. M-lormUk J. K. t'alavan Ilreiiton Yeddrr Huntlry IWua. Co Iloaid of llrallk Dr. A. J. RiMiiter W. II. Har.oJil.k. M. D. I Km tore Mount E. IL Todd M. D. Huntlry llrua. Co, Miller Parker Co. June Drug Co Si t) 1 r. It. Morw 27O0I o. A. Welah, M. I Dr. J. A. Van llrakl trull laaMlur I. F. HUiuli.h i:taaila I'rogira County Veterinarian W. K. Eddy C. II. Hloop S. A. iKiugla Ind. Koldirr Mead l'o.t No. 2 G. A. Counly I'uor Wm. (Worth .... David E. Juliet Hoys A Girla' Aid Sx Mrs. Ilradtl (J. MrNamara) J. II. Halle (W. T. Tm.lryl 8.50 .60 1.51 6.00 8.00 HM . 10.00 , 9.25 4.00 34.35 , 41.00 11.60 . 10.00 24.00 0.50 29.40 30.62 10.40 11.80 26.30 4.68 4.15 50.48 20.25 2.00 2.50 25.00 31.10 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.75 14.50 2.50 10.00 14.50 10.50 2.00 14.50 6.25 2.00 3.25 6.50 6.25 30.00 10.75 809.77 1.70 12.60 12. 6.50 6.00 6 HO 7.20 3 60 3.60 3.00 2.20 6.00 220 2.40 2.20 2.20 4.40 22.40 2.1.40 26.60 21.40 21.60 22.40 27.80 18.60 22.90 22.60 26.00 16.40 21.40 19.40 26.20 22.20 2.80 2.20 2.20 8.00 8 00 2.80 2.80 8.O0 8.00 8.00 6.00 8.00 2.40 2.20 8.80 3.75 12Q t 40 U 3 40 31 40 24 40 IW 1 10 00 mi I2!W too 34 W 150 7 AO 750 46 31 I0OO J ID da) 20 IN) .19 21 I1k?3 2.1 .60 26 00 37.50 25 00 IL 35.1HI I0UO goo 10 (HI 10 00 20.00 Sam llooher 1100 Dork Moaa-r 10 00 Mr. Jea.i Allen 20 00 I'atton Horn (Mrs. John Avin) 16(H) 2000 600 15.00 20.00 10 00 A. J. Itoaenthal Mary lluol ( ItohL Trimble) . Peter Erirkaon Sarah Gibbons Ella Payn Henry Spina Mr. and Mrs Chalk) W. J. Moldenhauer Uuiae Ilallou 15.00 Mr. Galbraith IS.OO Harry (mprr Kit Gardner U P. Williamson Anna I. Snyder .". Mr. G. W. Thompaon 10.00 Ambrose I'luard 10.00 W. W. KeeUugh (Roa Kelly) 12.00 J. Ilirkner tt Sons Kellar's Grocery ( E. M. Valen tine) Wm. Dahlk (Mra. Piena) ... F. (lark (Mrs. Marco) Mangum k Itomig (Mra. Nor- ria) P. J. Winkle (CUitav Greeble) 10.00 10.00 20.00 16.00 600 15.00 6.IM) 760 7.00 7.00 6.90 O. Wlnainger (Chriatenwn) ... Robbins It roa. (James Ruaael) 10.00 700 8.00 45.65 48.40 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.20 1.20 1.40 1.20 1.20 1.20 6.50 7.60 4.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 1.70 19.05 !r.i;o 1.60 1.50 1.50 2.70 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.40 2.40 10.45 3.05 6.50 10.00 3.40 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.50 1.70 Geo, Keddaway (Mrs. Alex Pi C. J. Ilentley (Amhroft I'lu ard) 10.00 C. J. Ilentley (Joaselyn) 10.00 Petnild Meat Market (Mrs. E. Smith) C. J. Hood (Alliert Pegurin) l.tignn (IriM-ery IS. K. Coaelnr) Iigsn Grocery (Chas. Caaaidy) 16.00 4.00 3.60 01) 20.00 (Mrs. Gal- 16.20 25.25 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 2.00 10.00 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 .10.00 4.00 1.70 1.70 2.50 3.00 5.00 Ilutilorf Bros. braith) Butilorf Bros. (Mrs Crawford) Bntilorf II roe, (Mrs. Bushemli- ville) ' Denis Donovun (Jerome Hamilton) I-urxi'ii & Co. (Albert Piguer on) Hon Urns. (Mr. Grady by Mr. Racy) Dr. H. V. Adix (Mr. I) eFord) Welch Cash Grocery (F. C. Taylor) 15.01) Frank T. Burlow 23.00 L A, Woodnrd ( Petor Erick- 1 'in 1 EsUu-adit Pharmacy (C, I). An- kron) A. II. Buckles (Mra. dossier) A. B. Buckles (Mrs. II. Smith) 6.00 6.00 6.00 12.60 10.00 3.00 60.00 6.85 2.90 3.00 !.00 Oregon City Hospital (Rose Thurston) 36.00 Oiugon City Hospital (Olivor Moos) 16,00 D. M. Klcmson & Co 6.00 Dunmiro's Grocery 0.00 Mrs. Frunk Bullard (Mr. Wil- iumson) l.OO Tho Hub Grocery Co. (Mrs. Brown") 13.00 The Hub Grocery Co. (Mrs. A. McDonald) G.00 Mrs. George Hinder (J. Matho- on) 10.00 Frank Ott (Foster Sisters).... 17.98 A. Holmes (Mrs, Wouvor).... 5.00 W. A. Holmes (Mrs. Marv Baker) ; 5.00 Jos. E. Hedges (M. J. Trullinir- r) 12.00 W, W. Pollock (Chas. McKin- n'H) .' 10.00 Roswell L. Holman 10.50 A. S, Brown (E. S. Gosslor) 3.00 Fair Bros, (Tom Garner).... 20,00 G.H . Young 2.50 Oregon City Laundry 1.25 W. J. Wilson 100.19 Juvenile Court Minda E. Church 35.00 M. Randall (Violet Monahan) .40 D. E. Frost 29.85 Printing & Advertising Oregon City Courier Pub. Co. 562.50 Oregon City Enterprise 648.75 State & County Fair Bank of Oregon City 30.05 Tax Department G. W. Harrington 93.45 M. E. Dunn 50.00 Nell Richardson 60.00 Mary Confer 60.60 Jessie Paddock 64.20 Geo. Nelson 70.40 6.00 1 Ona Renner 65.20