Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 12, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    oiimion ci'i'V r.NTr.iti'iiiKi:. rinit.w. m.m.tii r.. i'iiv
C l . I-.?!,( nf HI. -I.e. III III"
,1) l l
I tar I- l.lll, la'lir nf Ij.taH, t
f , i. Miii'la.
t,.i ii.. r. nf I i.f I . . a .
la..'. III'! l.ns.lMss brio I t I j
1!..n riii"n. pn.,iia-iie
lain .1 III Ne I I. "!
t iui. ' r'ii'U . inn
, ni( l.iik n 'im.'iu int
... l.i
I' W tl l.iOii I ii. I.. I ill
l,l U I ill HI Fl'- 1. III ! I II I .!
.,. -u
1 1 .ii. c ! ! r AM. l.i !! i.
Um.in nf M'iliU. weia III ltii illf i
. ,.U j
it Wi'lLni h.iMir, i i.l.'iiiir) i
, n( ill l'aiil., In Or-,...ii I i) i
M i, I ir
A II ' l.al-lxiii slol r . O I't-.I. ii
.in )i nl a..l'
IK III Hi. fi ll
I ID l. ii.li
Mra I ; i 'lull llililult alnl Ufa. A'U
II Jt.lo nf l'.-H. Ml! !. III Uli'
11 1 id r.t,.. f
Vim I l.'l. Hii.llh, nl this II) Is
. rl I) III a' Hi. J' I'l.'a Ii "i'lul III
I 1 II. .ir lull., Wali
II i. Df !, a no ! I ai.l if Mo
IjIU. was tl.il.sai Hug huslmss III Oie
K-U Olj fal'H lif
J..I1I1 W Milliard, nf J'liiilnrn
j..-e a l.iialm - tlsll
III lire
(. ii 1 ti r M tiunl-ty.
Joe MiIihII, who Una nil Hi" A ber
nst hr. In luii Mmi'liO I 1 uMi-H'l
In bu-liica .nailer i
Maker, if biaffnrd. rini'l n-r J
i..r in iiiiihi .-..i. ji, p mi 'i-
,n cm 1li.ii. lnr
11 ill, I, I.. Il.i'nii! m l. J iiiinr in. in' .-r
nf I III- l. linn nf ll.illiiii,,, A 1 1 a 111
tin, ml. III Handy Hsl.ilil.ir
N 8 HI lliam. ArUmr Vanmll. k an I
(I C. Pm.., nf Stafford, wi fe In Ore
("II I II) mi I ii.Iih -i H il ,ir.l a r
! C J!.. ii. limn M C. lin-gory. 1:
I. H.ill a.,J K,UI W,.-.rlh,
rr In r. Km. Ctt 1 lium
Cm, lily H. h.H, HiiiM rliiliii.li .it Cula
tan dm r I r , a Lute ahlinuenl nf
liiirill I. ami elellile an .In frnlll Hi ll
ator l-.li" an I la ilUlilli.ili.iK II111.1
frnlll hla nfll. e. m
I) O Atnlirai.il, nh. 1 haa li.it. in
Callfii riila It. Ike Inlen t nf Ihe Weal
MM M m k Jii.ir.iul. haa relnniiil While
III Caliri.rnla lie Oillnl l.nlh Ihe Kart
I'lecn an I Njii lianilpin eM.lllnn
Mr lludi Knti r. hn !. ImtH
IM'tnllllK III.' I'ltnt ll.nlitll In I'nlllttllil,
th KOeal of tier t.inlhi T Mr a. II A.
Ynunx. ami alaler, Mra. Carl trti.
Iiaa relnrnid In tier Inline lu litis rltr.
Mm, ('. K. IrmlH. a fniiner realil. nt
of Ori'Ki.i. cit) lut f.'r Ilm .ut yvur
hna lieen llilni; at Klltirlnu. r.l'.rn.'il
In 8llverl.il) Weil.iea.Uy rvi 11I11K after
I,. I..K Ihe K'ii't ; f Mra. Wltlln.ii htea
nf Hevriith anil 1'Uli.l.ni at reel
Hie t.'.i. In'ra nii.I ..iilla (if thn Men
tit Creek artiiMil ant in.iklim ilellnlte
.liina l.ir mi. enlerinlnnii'lit I.) he ... lil
al Heater Creek ' I'imiI 1111 Mart ti :,
fiilhie. hy r li.iakel a.Hili.l. Thn
la, lli uro ri .piealeil tit liml.e l.iial.el.
M. 8. riiunm... mint dlrecla Hie e
letiKliiil M.irk i f the hlnle liunnul
a. I.ihiI, will an'liil tietl Mil k In Chirk
n.niia rn.iiity ami will aMll S.IiihiI
Hiiperllileliilent Caliivn.i It. arvernl
aiellnx Ih i'k an. I ntit.ul.ir.iluit iott nil
John Hrhi.lier, (r OreKii City nwli'
No. ,'1, win In tntMl ll.la week tit innke
niilHuili'ti fur a f.ir.n niiinu for l.la
ilu.e. Il hna holerlo.l "Ktlio KaTtu"
ami the .mine lu.n heen huIi.iiIii.mI lu
the aeeri'tiiry of Kli.lu Rt Snletn I ) xeu
If no nll.er fnrtii lu (hi) Hint" Iiiih ttmt
A tlll.iii fur nii.iintliin Mm. Kilna
K. Swift thn Ki111r.ll1.11 of the eKtiite of
villi Imr.l W, Kwlfl, thn hod nf tho lute
K M. Swift who wim Kllleil a year
..Kit while iri'Hl.leiit f thn Wlllniiiettu
Valley Southern, Inn Ihtii fllril In Ilm
lirnlmto ileimrtini'tit of tho county
Mm. II. A. Yiiunit mill her dm.Klitor
VliH. Carl lirown, nf rortlnml, In
thin rlly Tliiirmlay vIhIIIi.k tho fur
mer (l.inisl.l. r, Mm. IIiikI) Knaler, ntnl
also Mm. K.I win PhhIit of I'lflli ami
.Inlill AiliiniB Hlroel. Mrn. YniiUK In
mm nf (ho prominent Oreuim plonreni.
anil linn realiled In lVrtlnnil for niiuiy
IVnrl KiiNiiiltiKnr nun neon iii'iinted
it dlviircn from r, J, KiiMuliwr hy
ClnMill .Iii.Iko CmnplH'll. Mm. Kn
HiultiKcr luiH liei n Krunted ttio custody
nf thn two children, 'but Mr. KiihiiiIuk
or will lm ullowod to vh.lt th.'in iih oft
I'li iim ho ilcHlrori.
Ollmr dlvorco decioi'H bIkiicI by
JikIko Cnmplwll uro: T. O. Huutu
from Anna 10. IIhriio, Hohort U. ilinnt
from Akiich It. Grant Killtb Colo fioin
William .1. Colo, Clnrli II. Uontioy fr.tm
Ctirrlo nenney, John W. Cllno from
Wlimlo I-earl Cllno and Myrtle K
Ilrocken from Itlchard llrockon.
Mm. Currlo J'aoU was granted a do
croo for divorce Baturday morning by
Circuit JudRO Canipboll after a warm
ly contented enne In the circuit court.
W'nltor Dlnilck represented Mm. Paotz
nnd GnorRO C. Ilrownoll tho dofendant-
Mrs. rants alleged cruol and In
human trontmont and Bovornl wit
noBHoo wore brouubt from Iloavortim,
tho former homo of the couple, to tes
tify to the alleged cruel acts of the
defendant. raot owns bIx lots In
Ilolton nnd his wife was given three
of them.
a) , m
Drldga to be built over north fork
of SIubIbw botween Acme and Florence.'
j CHOI'I'tM.
Jol.n Kimmn eoullrd by Ttaktlt't
of lli.ilii.g Wats' Alltyrd lj
Mjva Ottit Tlirtn by
Employ tt.
Folios, I, ig a dlnpiiln , ill . r r 1 11 K the
I ji iu.1,1 nf tarn, lime H.iU.ii.lntia
tlim' li.il. n a ham 11. it )il been
barned were arrested lute Hall 11.I1)
rteriinn.i I.) Mu rlK W'll. ,11 ainl l'i ,
nl ir l'rt mi a ili..i.'.' nf axanlllii
J.iliii Kuinini ami Wlllli.iii l'l .1' rh
'Hie lime r'uliiil.hilia li.nl nV, -l
r,,r ftainmea llirne ai.-aa anil n.u.r
I alierii.H.n Hut Lli.r nil In Hi"
j a.xi'l. HI. r 1.1 i,nir i t llie r
1 lie liHik llh lil 111 f'r. . rli Ita. farm, r
ll l.iK In . r 'I ii.iluiiii, mill Oie ln. alt
it ill-. 'il,,ii nf .'ii i.il rn 1 1 1 1 I In
Hie . ,1 '.in , ere alUi ke.l I,) one of llie
jKaini.i.a I
,u iiIkI.I
annnlliiK ( the nlury
i al die i iiiirthmiw Kulnr
One nl Ihe in. 11 nrjlili'il ileakellle
full nf leilllliK .it'T frnlll the alniT
....I II ul I." H llltl.l.M Mllll frill
en. ka. aal.l K-in.e.. Kr rl-1. ! 3 N """,r1 TI.. r-tar
II.... jninre l O.r.i.i.l. . l .....l!, ''V" " .V" '! ' "', ,
...,.!. MM Kanmi.,. h.. r eh e. l"'" r.m nf the II umelte ,-..i
Ihe Mil for, e ,,f Ihe .. uMlnr: aler
i ll hla l.uik. a tmulile li en.iiM.. llol !'
:... Ilul f the KaU- nln... the.. Th ev.nlnic u.-vil t. h.kIu
!ke. .... im-.her U.ll a...l raUeJ Pr.r... f-tllnw ini; the .r-,,.,,..,. ., ,f
It to .ir.ke him h.a that n.n.lher nl hrhlul rnuple. ...uh .'. .imSH. r.,- la-
,.h Ihr.e urnlili-il I.U ..,r...er It. time " ' -h' I"I,"J 10 lb
'to f4e l.i- I.fe. 1I..H1H the hm! oll ..M'elilnK. ,.,....
r. i
After t;iK I11K all Hie 11.11l.ry ho ha.l,
oni'iu.itlnic to tMO'O Kiiuiine' rtal.uii j
Hint lie wna alle to em npe 11 11, 1 mln
fully f.iiiml I.U ay orrima thn rn.iu
try, to the tot. 11 nf Tualatin whero
help an ai.tntuiilieil. Sheriff Wiln in
an.t h (tuty Krnat . (l Oreunn Cliy u
himiii aa word reeelved here. The
SalMinlatii left their rutilil for T.lnlu
tin. where they p.il.l a atntill Kroiert
I, III nn.l the.. nl irH', l.iwnr.l the Ctm k
a. una cn.llitt' line. Jmt thl Hi In nf
the boundary, tho three weru arretli'd
Al the rnurtlioi.He Snturdiiy nlKh',
IHMrlit Allnrney He.Ueii, Sherl'f Wit.
roil, liepuly F.ihI I'M'., will, tho all
of Heveral llilerpntera wore ui.ahk' to
aeenre a connected titi.tenii'iit fniitijl.e
SaltniilwiiH. From bill In i(ia.tvaiiiit)
of Katm.ieH, II In hilleted that the
name nf Ilm fellnw who is I1II1 Knl to
have thrown the leakettlo al K.tuiiu.
la Martin rnrnt.b.
Ka 11 a Uvea near (iriihntu iud
has heen lu Ori'Xnn fur mine time.
Several n. nn are In hUHlnena lu I'nrt'
The O'Connor Iioiiip. located In the
LnKiin dlHtrlct near Kluhcr's mill was
burned to the ground Saturday morn
ItiK In a flro cuuned by a defective
JiiiueH, W'll I In 111 and Frederick O'l'on
nor, three brother, II vo In tho place.
They left their homo Saturday inorii
li.K for work and returned In thn mid
dle of the forenoon to find It complete
ly ileal roved, N0110 of tho long was
covered by Imuirnncp.
It vh learned born Saturday that
M. J. lirown, former editor of the
Courier, and K. A. Front, btiulticRH piir.'
ncr of Mr. Urown whllo ho was bore,
hnwi h.niBbt thn Corvallla ltepulillcan
mid will take clnirxo at once.
Mr. Urown ft tho city several days
i.ro but Mr. Front wng retnlnod hero
by R. II. Urown, who now controls '.no
Courier u foreman. Mr. Front will
probably lonvn tlio city tho flmt of the
A potato field Instead of a heaping
dinner tablo nnd direr! Ions to plant
HpudH Instead of the pleasant Jollty of
the tinunl Sunday hont greeted rela
tives who gathered at the home of Mr.
nnd Mrs. A. A. Shields at Silver
SprlngB Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Shields Invited rela
tives to attend a Tamlly rounlon at
their farm at Silver Springs. On their
arrival the guests were taken to the
potnto field whore they spent the time
planting potatoes, until dlnnor was
served. The potato planting waB in
tho nature of a Joke and was planned
by Mr. Shields.
Those present wore Mr. and Mrs.
Ouy Shields and their daughter, J. W.
Shields, Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Fitzger
ald of rortlnnd and Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Iterg, of Oregon City.
'John Cumm, a pioneer resident of
the valley, died noar Canby 2 o'clock
Thursday afternoon after a long Ill
ness at the age of 78 years. He lived
with his daughter, Mrs. Nancy A. Sal
march. The body will be shipped to
Lebanon where the funeral will be
held. ,
10 Fljp 111
Trai I ',iiii. i an, I, (,. flm,, a lit.
Ila llr.'.l. MI'MI Yy it Jllliu Hliia
dll'l Kittle Hi 1,. H. Ilm tin. i Kill'
tin are 11 11. 1 hk frmu 1'iiitlaml to H .ii
I l.ill' I i, 1 nlli.li I. l Hie fir at !
talk nf linir ,inrni at t, mi nk
,,n,,.) i veiilni' ln ii lli. y a rln .l In
On ,ii.n I 11 'lli. y mill nul euv i.u
lil S i .liii l.iy nmrriliiK alu T ll.e)
ihaie lli r.iri '1 II I ulli riMHill l l.il
let. nil, K at Hie (if jii I tli. utie
' llie lime iiitiiil'l.r t li.it Il,iy lu'i'
1 1 ninili l .l ll.' lr II ( 1I11) mi Ili'i r .a )
,h,,,i.illy v II I lm n.iili.T uii
ir ami lliey ri inrt t tin t t!i lw
u In riM.il 1 .ii.ill 1 tnii . V.ai Ii of II. '
KliU, in.,i:tin 1, nly M,' h'uy HI1.11
a.ire lnlilui ihi.ea on tlm lrl', un'l
all three ere 1lren1.nl real lilk.ra
In men a Ir.Kiri. ra ui 'l 1.1 run K eTil'i
a l.li- inula.
W'.MxIlmiii M , II , rul, nl, !y lie 111" hi'tt
aini alter Orr.nii City. No ileliniie
mule lm In 111 irciiirei ullli'iiirli tin
Ila In I nriulll'i, H.ili'lii, KliU' lie un'l
(i.il.r l.k' are ,l..ni.i i. 'I lie dial
uf die r 1 1 lll lie I'.. 1-1 l.y llie mil.' nl
.. Him Hil l a. ta In tnotlnx 11 tun
Hi. .ilr'.
In The Social Whirl
Currant (4ppnlnga of Intarcit In
and About Ortgon City
I "'"' ' - '
a m. .1 - . I ..9 Xtm lfr
a piniiii iiuniiui'l inn I.-.....-, .-.i
who tiarllrli.ul.-. lu the affair will.
Mr. and Mm. Shipley as honor gucMri
Tlmne prcacul benldea Ml. ami Mm.
Shinier were: Mr. a ml Mrs. Frank
Shipley. Mr. and Mm. Anthony Tuor
Mr. and Mrs. Marcey, Mr. and Mrn.
Plum Mr. and Mra. Ja Powm-y, Mr.
and Mm. Kverell Downey, Mr. and
Mra. AugitHl Koellermclcr. Mr. and
Mm. Pert llarnea, Mr. and Mm. Jake
Hiatus, Mr. and Mm. Jjhn Jobnann.
Mr. and Mm. William Jnhnnon, Mr.
and Mm. S. A. Cobb. Mr. and Mra. II
U Morrell, Mr. nnd Mm. IMrhurd Dent.
Jr.. Mr. nnd Mm. pooler Mr. and Mm
Frank Capen. Mr. Btid Mrs. Theo
Jnhnnnn. Mr. and Mm. NeUon Wald
run. Mr and Mm. Hubert Junkln. Mr.
and William Crllener. Mr. and Mm.
I.eo l.nmen, Mr. and Mm. C. Snider,
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Nowak, Men.latties
Pavln. Caroline Uremmer Almlra
Wright , Jene lly.Ot, Mlnnes Alice Al
len, O. Ijiraen. Mabel I-amen, It 'gem,
Kthel Pellok. Audrey Tuor. Florence
Frotnong. Ruth Wright Klnle Snldow,
KHther Uirni n, Amy Shaw, Meadauion
Pearl Perdlne, 0. U Snldow, dunlav
Schtioerr. Viola Fromong, (ieo. llat
dorf, Fred Haker, II. I.elsmnnn. M.
Reims Miss An.) Klllott, Mtns Kthel
Cordon, MIhb Krnm Pellok, MIhs Vln
11 In llartholomew. Nellie Capen Winnie
Pn Ilok, Georgeln Kdmunds, Messrs
Frank I In 11. Sum Itatdorf, Waiver Ijir
sen, Terry Ilond, Edward llerdlno
A rile JohiiKon. Willis Klllott, Ritlpb
K.lintind.i. Knrl Uer.llno and Wilbur
Mr. and Mrs. Shipley were married
In rortlnml at the homo of Mr. Ship
ley's son. Ho met his bride several
months ago at Albany, her former
home. They will rcnl.le In Willam
ette whom the groom has a nicely fur
n lulled home.
?! IIFfunn home of Mrs. W, .L W.
Vil' Mct'ord al Twilight, known as
Ihe "Maple l.nwn" was opened Wed
nesday afternoon tot members of the
Conmos club and n few .additional
guests. N
Thn afternoon was devoted to con
versation and neeillo work, followed
by a contest in which all of tho ladles
participated. Mrs. R. E. Rood was
given first prize for the neatest work
nnd awarded a mliiuture bank.
Mrs. McCord was assisted ln enter
taining nnd In tho serving delicious re-(
fresbments by her dnuwkler Mrs. Hur
ry Confer.
The dining tabid was centered with
n lingo bowl of violets nnd maiden
hair ferns. Ferns and cut .flowers
were used effectively in the other
rooms of the McCord home.
Tito guests Included Mesdttmo.d
Hradtl, Mead, Nowmtin, Tbos Kcllnnii,
J. M. Jack, A. II. Harvey, Frank Wel
senheck, Miss Florence Fetors, who
are members of tho club, tho addition
al guests were Mesdmnes Goo. Lazelle,
Astell, and F. M. Thompson.
W. T. Forward and
Mill Rose Hansen Wed.
William T. Forward and Miss Rose
May Hanson woro married at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. William Har
vey In Canonmh by lt'v. T. 11. Ford,
pastor of the First Methodist church
Monday evening Or.l:' closo friends
and rolntlves of ihj ccupb; wure pres
ent. Mr. ond Mrs. Forward will live
In the Lnwton Heights district where
j homo hns bedi prepared by the
groom. Mrs. Forwnr.1 relumed Mon
day morning from Wl.icrmsin where
she spent several -vceUs nnd Mr. For
ward Is employed at the woolen mill.
Mrs, R. M. C. Brown
Entertain Mother's Club.
Mrs. R. M. C. lirown entertained at
her home on Molalla avenue Tuesday
afternoon for the Mothers' club. The
meeting was well attended by Oregon
City mothers.
The members of the W. C. T. U.
furnished the program for the after
noon. Mrs, Drown served refresh
ments to her guests.
Ship building plants on the coast
are rushed with orders for new vessels.
II. 'I Mi I. -In a 111 (Vl lar l'l;l't
uriaiiliim.ioly el"'le4 tialie.) rnl.r nl
On i;uii Cllr I'l'ln'. N" IO j, l.r nin
I. HI n l riil'"tl 'ii l-T i,f K a
oilier nfli era rhi eii . re: . Y
T liirrl, an riiieil l.alli'K VnUlil, II,
Kelly. Jr., Kteen.i'l Vi)j V It ! K ! .
II. I.. Mur'ill, fti' iii d bilurliK
fcnUht; (ienrp F. H affi.r.t, a-.r
litry; W. I,. M.ilvey, In mur r; F. A.
Miles, lyb-r; M. I'. Cl,i.n.u. .. iruatee
fur thrrn years, W II . j t it
aerilnllvn lo irrnd I'mIi-..; Il-nry
O'Malley. altiTinito to run l.Hl;:e.
Tl' Hihl.ilUib.u of n"lii'i will In
held 111 I'rld iy. April "I l. nulled
ruler l b-i t las Ihe ai'l'.'-iitnient nf f.-t-ernl
S'llmrillnate nffe ' If.
MII.I.KIt MVKHS-Saral. C Miller
and Andrew 8. Myera, of (ibiditni.e.
wern granted a marr!.u- In enan Sat
urday by County Ch rk Harrlnrt ni.
COX I KKR-Wllda Cm am! R.-ulii n
Peer, nf Mari.iam, t in- granted a
rnarrlagn license Wnliiinduy by
County Clerk" Harrington.
POHN to Mr. and Mm. M-Ivln Young,
of Willamette, a dam hl.-r. March 3.
Cruel and Inhuman treatment I ul
legeil by Jacob Crllen In bin milt for
a dlvor.e filed here at:ainnt Mangle
Crltes. They with married in Win
field. Kan., March. 11.
Stealing trees, bushes and Mirul.s Ik
the charge against F. K. Melllen, nf
the Fallnvlcw dlntrlct by II. F. Digger
a florist. Melllen wan arrested Fri
day by Constable Froal and entered a
plea of not guilty before Justice of ll.e
Peace Sloven.
Lorenzo P. Williams .n. aged 0
yeurs died at his home March 7. Thn
body Is at tho Holman undertaking
parlors. The funeral will be held ut
ihe Mountain View- .hi. rib. at II
o'clock Monday.
Foreign Obj'scts In th Lung.
Sir William Mllll,-ni. exhibited at
recent meeting of the Iluyul Society of
Mcdiiliie a di.n.kuu stone, a curpel
lin k mid a colli, all of which hud been
Inhaled Into the lungs mid heeu re
moved with fo.i-eis nfler several days
of sufrerlug ou the p.m'or the enions
who had Imi-ii foolish enough to put
it bum Into their moutbs.
Fond Parent-Tbut youngster of mlue
Is beginning already to have the fam
ily twlla. You know we pive blm a
stop watch for a birthday present?
Friend-Ye. Fond I'nreul Well, sir.
wllbln half an hour of the time he
first got hold of that timepiece he hnd
round a bowl of water nnd put It In
vouk.-Rlt-hmoud Tliucs-Dlspalcb.
Chief of Police Jackson of Pnkcr,
has started a cleanup of street corner
mashers and proposes to keep nt It
until the practice is discontinued.
i ,j - ..J" ,' f ?
Tho winners In the essay eon--r
test rondiieted by- the P. P. O.
N Klks of this city In connection
- with a flng-makius contest, were ?
?t announced Tuesday. They are: -s
$ First prize "The Tongns," by ve
Cello Isensten, billing school of ?
? Second prize "Japan," by Mnr-
Buerlto Hammond of Gladstone.
$ Third prize "Germany," by f
J Muriel Mollert of this city. Miss -?
Mollert ulso won second prize in '?N
S the flag-making conttBt. ?
$ Fourth prize "Sweden," by s8
$ Rose Scholnck, of Failing school -?
of rortlnml. ?
? Filth prize "Japan," by Orn sN
Klrshner, of the Falling school.
Honorablo mention "Ecun- 5
? dor," by Alice Svenson, of tho
Falling school, and "Chils," by
? Margaret Ileatle of this city. -S-Tho
prize winning stories will
appear In the Enterprise, one
S each day beginning Thursday
morning. ?"
If you don't want It today, you may
next week. Send this advertisement
and 5 cents to Foley & Co., Chicago,
111., writing your name and address
clearly. You receive In return theo
trial packages Foley's Honey nnd Tar
Compound for coughs, colds, croup and
grippe; Foley Kidney Pills, for weak
or disordered kidneys or bladder; Fol
ey Cathartic Tablets, a pleasant, whole
some and cleansing purgative. Just the
thing for winter's Blugglsh bowels and
torpid liver. These well known stan
dard remedies for sale by Jones Drug
Co. (Adv.)
1 A
t (
tlONEO IN ttll.
ttsto AHagtrJ Fraud In Action to Oct
As'ds tapsration Charga
tnd Counlar Charyti
Af Ms".
Willi tlm fllirix ut a n.aii-li.'e dis
mlanlliX SI. l'l''al to Hm .,l.r.ll.e
(niirt, tli Oir flit ore raw-. ne u n
l i en In Ihe Or- lilt and aupriliio i nurla
sir.ro I' 1 1 4 Irrmirb 1 1 nn end M'n
Mrs Ham uli M. Orr ue. f.ir a di
rornt frmu fins Orr. alb red Mind K
irnprleli.r. nrmrilnr f"f eera!
bnlxes and n aliMinkriier. May 1.
Pill, and lb" deirm . nii'r.ed Jutir
10. 1 S 1 1 . The i-nupl" as married A'l
gust & Ill Kl l'. Tr.as Ml
ni'n.llit alter the iWre was sig'ie.1.
Orr married Mrs. Mary lnrk who
died after a marrb-d life nf U niimths
Mrs. Orr Ix-iame. Mrs Hymn Mills.
The atli-ntlnt. nf PUtrlrt Attnrne)
(illiiert Hi-dues was railed to tl.
and early Ir. I'Jli a iiintlnn to ait
aside the decr'-f bs filed arid shortly
afterward BQ Bpinal to tho high r-iurt.
huaed 011 the general grounds of fraud
The statu albxei In th supreme
riinrt brief ihur Orr prompted bU
wlfn to dltnrrn him. f irnl.lied the
money for thn rs In order to marry
Mary H.trke. tln-n an old woman an1
worth In the neighborhood of J'.s.fOO
Il4-rtlia llatn-r. who tlm state allegei!
Is a close friend of Orr. married lli-n
' ry llt.rke. slater of Mary Hurk. II-nr
J Ilurko died white he and bis wlfn were
making a trip to F.ngland and was bur
led in 1-oii'Ion.
When Mm. Orr. the second, died ahe
left Orr her entire enlate of $;s,e'..i
Thn stale alleged that Ihe divorce
from Mm. Orr. the first, and the mar
rloge to Mary liurke was nothing but
a conspiracy on the part of Orr to gain
possession of her property and that
lli-nha Patur. In marrying Henry
liurke, was prompted by the name mo
tives. Four briefs and reply brief and
mas of other legal paper have been
flb-d In the action. If the supreme
court had set aside the decre. the
sul.neqiii-nt marriage of both Mr. and
Mr. Orr wonld have been set anl.Ie
and the entate of Mrs. Mary Orr would
be taken from Orr.
COTTAGE GROVE. Ore.. March 3
A limited train up the vulley on the
Southern Pacific with Cottage Grove
as tho terminus. Is a possibility the
near future. Such araln would come
Into direct competition with fast train
on the Soul hern Pacific competitor,
the Oregon Electric. If the train Is
put on It will probably leave here in
time t-3 get residents of the valley In
to Portland, ubout 10:30 a. m. The
south bound train will probably leave
Portland nbout 6 a. in. The addition
of this train will probably result In the
removal of one of the other trains. It
Is understood that a complete change
of schedule Is cottimplated.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lowry died nt her
residence at Seventh and Railroad
avenue Monday evening following a
fainting spell ijt the theater.
Mra. Elizabeili l.owry was born lu
McDonald county. Mo., ISM. Sue was
married In 1SSJ to William 1-owry In
Illinois. She moved to Oregon City
In 1907. She Is survived by itve ebil
drtn lames D William li. John.
Pick l.owry and Martha May; one sis
ter, Mrs. J. A. Stugg, of Oregon City,
and one brother, Milton Saunders or
The funeral was held nt the resi
dence nt 705 Railroad Avenue, nt 2
o'clock Wednesday aftemocu. Rev.
Milllkyn officiating. Interment was
made nt Mountain View cemetery.
William K. Kruger, of Clackamas
Heights, aged 66 years, died suddenly
whllo at work at his home 8:30 o'clock
Monday morning. The body Is nt the
Holmnn 1'ndertttklng pnrlors, where
It will be held until funeral arrange
ments are made.
William Kruger came here from
Portlnnd nnd had charge of the brick
yards at Clackamas Heights.
Ho Is survived by his widow. Mrs.
Hazel Kruger. and seven children.
Mrs. Elizabeth Durlg, of Portland;
William K. Kruger. of Reno; Mrs. Min
nie Muller, of rortlnnd, and August,
Paul, Martha nnd Ream Kruger wjio
are living nt home.
The Kelso school, near Sandy, hav
ing fulfilled nil the requirements, has
been standardised. At the meeting
held at the schoolhouse Tuesday night
County School Superintendent J. E.
Calovan and Supervisor McCormick
attended and presented the standard
ization banner, which was received
with much rejoicing by the school
teachers and directors, who had been
working hard to secure this high hon
or. In connection with the presentation
of the standardization banner the fol
lowing program was rendered: Kelso
school song; wand drill, upper grades;
song, "Se-Saw," primary pupils; talk,
"Self Government," Mrs. R. Jonsrud;
Scotch Folk dance, "Coming Through
the Rye," eight pupils; solo, "A Per
fect Day," Anna ErlckBon; address,
County Superintendent Calavan, whol
congratulated the school on attaining
standardization. !
Girls Are The
Only One Boy Wins Honors
Claitsn st fie.i.l in.jr s- Iters fomid t"m.'l. Huffieao, nf Sr-iy,
(heir f fl liuilni H.ur-!sy In Ilm: One t.i.1n-'t ai.d b.iu I f uu najirs
Kl"" nf l.biy.l Ki-ndall. nf tLe l aw f IM sl::i. l-o-.k werai rnrri-d !.
I. y (. I,,M,I iim drat Ir-y t win a i.ll , !"' r!.su..l..n nf tlm se..,n'l dit.a-
II. ( l.ef Ihe S'l.idll" i-"aB ItenUr j ii' drt i-1 Hi llir , al.l tt S' la
af.e(i,n at W llmntil! jt'- "' dnumn Canby Parloi.
Vw.il Krifiall flM lii ' M ... b.rf, U.i,o I Mi t. Marks I'ralrt.
bn. fiii...-ard 1,1 Um f.ir!h and fifth iv.nly and Mfk.l.urg s.l..-,ls eie
rradi-s Ilm i,lb-r ll.ri li,n.ra, all , . . , , ,
' ' , rri.reMr,l 11 h lean s M Jii-i!iilnnl
dlrls, ir- firal ilnialou, "', !. , '
Violet (,ia I nf Ci.l.y; K-iel diti," aUtsn and u-rtl.r Vr.l l. r
li.o, flrat, lli U u M. lni. nf Cai.l.y. sr.'l j wre al tl.e ri,eeiir.;
Cbabs Keitbley Ciiinn. formerly
nf Oregi.n City, but f -r Ilm pa.t year
a resident nf Kiltrrton. d id at the
family hnlim at tho latter plain. Fel 'tlMlllrig beo beld In thn Molalla school
ruary II. after an lllneas nf teteral bouse was landed by a girl,
inontha' duration. Tim remains were. Mis Mabel Sati II. of Tcain Creek
lnterre.1 In th family ll In ttn Ml' and Mus Kta Primniniid, of the satnn
ii-r remeti-ry at Hlltertoo nn Fi t.nary , ,rhonl. won In thn firs, division and
II. Ihe f'inersi s-rtl. es, whlrh were jn., :.e!le Stuarl of lnkey Pralrln
largely attended l.y tnany friends of land Mls Vlvlsn Hobl.lns. of Molalla
thn de-eaed and family. ern ron were lnsrnt'ns In thn seron.J Thn
tiurted by Hi-v. AH.Ion Kii, l-antor 'f I diners In the seennd dltlalon wern
thn Christian ehuri b at Albany, at th--1 not determined until thn third from
I'nlied Pn-thren thurrb In Hllterton J t)JS 4at page In thn !ook was reaehe I
Mr. Q'.lrin was bnrn at Msr-iuamJ whlln In thn other clans. , all tho a
Oreton. January :t. In;.'., and was the I signed page wern covered,
snn of thn late Josi ph and Mrs. Polly Molalla. PI. key Prairie. Teasle
Q'llnn. well known Oregon pioneers 1 Cnek. Rural pell. Pear Creek. Prt-
He was united In ti.arriai'o at Mir
qiiatn to Miss Alice K. Jones, d-iughti r
of Jnson and Catharine Jones, al -'
well knoan pioneer of Orrgon. the
marriage taking place at the old home
stead of thn latter' parent July I.
IV.i0. After making hi hotnn on the
old homestead of hi father. Mr. Qulnn
and family moved to Oregon City, rn
siding In this city for three year be
fore taking up their residence t SU
verton three years axo.
Mr. Qulnn Is aunlved by hi wife.
Allen K. Qulnn. of Sllv.-nnn; one
daughter, Mrs. J. W. Yib r, of Silver
ton; one (on. Edward Qulnn, a student
of the Oregon Agricultural college,
who will complete bis studies at that
Institution this year and a grandchild.
Alma Yoder, of Sllverton. He also
leave three (Inter. Mr. (. Wlngfleld,
of Molalla: Mrs. Irene Part, of Sclo.
Oregon: Mm. K. K. Cleek, of Spring
field. Washington; two brother. A. W.
Qulnn. of Portland Isora W. Qulnn. of
Pnyton. Wash. Ills parent died many
yearn ago at Marquam.
.11 Is remembered of Mr. Qulnn while
a resident of Oregon City that he be
lieved In allowing his horse a vara
Hon each year, declaring that It u
Junt as Important for the horse to
have a vacation as man. Each year
when the vacation time for hi homes
came he would either send them to Ihe
country where they were allowed good
pasturage and were given a week' va
ration. He was particularly fond of
homes, and while making hi home in
Oregon City possessed one of the fin
est team In the city. Mr. Quinn often
said that It was the rare aad rest that
were given them that made them so
attractive, and that other horse men
could have just (is attractive animals
If they were given the proper atten
A few minutes after Mrs. l.owry be
came 111 while attending the Rainbow
theatre, she died nt her home near
Seventh street and Railroad avenue,
Monday night. The cause of her sud
den death was heart disease.
Mrs. Lowry left home early In the
evening for tho moving picture show
with her husband nnd soon began to
feel Ul. Her husband with the aid of
fdemls carried her home nnd help was
summoned, but too late to save her
life. Mrs. Lbwry came to Oregon City
with her family recently. Sbo is about
43 years old
Funeral arrangements
have not been completed.
Mrs. Frances Urown died In Oregon
City late Saturday night at Mount
Fleasant. She was aged about 60
years, and hud been a resident of Ore
gon City about two years.
The funeral services were held at
7:30 o'clock Monday evening at the
home of Mrs. II. C. Easthara in Mount
rieasant, and the body will be ship
ped Tuesday morning to Silverton for
interment. Mrs. Crown is survived by
two daughters in New York city, one
son in Westfield, Me.; John G. Drown,
Oregon City; Mrs. M. McCormack,
Parkplace; Mrs. H. C. Eastham, Mount
rieasant; Mrs. II. Kennett, Silverton.
Por Infants' and Children,
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Eugene conducting survey of home
Better Spellers
Again girl piilills proved Ihelr SU"
, nerlorlty as sh-IIits rli!y aiterniM.u
at M .lalia when every honor In thn
land. Kby and No. 122 took .url In the
Following an Illness of many
months. W. J. Lewcllcn, a brother of
John II. Lewellen. died Thursday at
Rt. Vincent's hotpltal Portland, al the
age of :. Mr. Uarelb n was a native
son, born at Sprlngwater, Oreton, Oc
tober R 1S".3. HI parents. Mr. and
Mm. E. H. Lewellen, were pioneers of
I'ntll three yean ago. Mr. Lewellen
was engaged In the general merchan
dise business at Sprlngwater. when
he retired from active business and
since had ent hi time In Fall River
Mills. Col. at Mjro, Ore., and at hi
home near Woodmere station.
Itesldes the widow he Is survived
by one son. George E lewellen of Mo
ro, Ore- and two daughters Mr. Ora
E. Gell of Fall River Mills, CaU and
Mm. S. W. Fownder of Woodmero. A
brother. John H. Lewellen. resides at
Oregon City, and a bister. Mrs. M. C.
Cornett. lives at Venice, Cal.
Word has Just been received In this
city that Mason Kellogg, formerly of
Oregon City, who has been on a home
stead It 5 miles from Mend, Oregon,
died Saturday morning, February 26
Mr. Kellogg was 46" years of age.
His death was due to heart failure. Mr.
Kellogg was on the homestead with
his nephew, Earlo Kellogg near the
town of Egll, 145 miles In the foothills.
Because of the deep snow in the mouu-
tains the body could not be brought
back to Oregon City for burnul nt once.
The body will be brought to this
city ns soon as the snow hos melted
and a wagon can get through to Ilend.
He Is survived by four daughters and
his wife of this city, also two brothers.
L. M Friend, aged 3S years, died
March 6, at Canemah. The funeral
wa3 held at 3 o'clock Monday after
noon at tho Myers & Brady undertak
ing parlors, Rev. T. D. Ford officiat
ing. Interment was at the Mountain
View cemetery. Mr. Friend was born
In Indiana and was a Spanish war vet
eran. He leaves a widow, one child
and two brothers, Grant and J. F.
Friend, of Kansas, who were present
at the funeral.
Cecil Fred Butler, for several
months manager of the Oregon City
office of the Postal Telegraph & Cable
company, died at Corvallls Tuesday,
March 2, after an illness that began
about the time he left Oregon City,
almost a year ago. Tuberculosis was
the cause of his death.
Mr. Butler had an aggressive dispo
sition and was well known hero. He
was a member of the Clackamas coun
cil No. 2007, Royal Arcanum. He
leaves a wife and a child.
A. Shanbeck won a Judgment for
$233 from P. F. Dempsey in the cir
cuit court Monday afternoon for
wages. The jury was out about an