0UF10N CITV KNTKIUMMHK. l'lMDAV, MAItCH 12, IfM.V THE MASTER KEY CHAPTER XXVI. Wilkeresn Agon en Ibe Trul, r bad nut U-rei illfflriill fir llaiiy U'llkrixiii and Mi Iwfliall In Irsre fatrraliain and hla puny fnuu lit lime ll7 lauded lo lliolr rr1l Id lllials lllll tbe Idol list-If, lit olijml ot lllvlr quest, atlll mnrralnl ta whereabout III spile of lbs UhmI lulnule Inquiries "Wall eliuply bate lu lib lt,' Wllke'eott MM II la. I W koow b Jun Darnell Sullenly Agrsed. Is on Ihe trill, an. I we'll juat follow bltn. KooniT or later wa ll catch bl nt ' J rn larncll sullenly agrvrd. lull privately rniilliliil l lrse thai ah Ihmu-lil Wllkrrsuu bail dial bla nerve. Tb cllinai illil mil anil hrr, nor Hip fual. nor Ibr primitive ui"l-s of travel. ml brr lfuinr craw wure aud worw I'rak promised l tin some InvcsUglt lo on bla own bmik. 11 wu oore more completely under lb woman's domination, auil be dreamed of finding Ilia prwloua a"r hliuelf ami ao pul ing Wllkerwui uiil of the running. Htrangely enough. Hi iiihii. weakly vicious aa b ass. am ,wiwl by au lumcul ami whole miuIihI luve fur Jean. Hli knew (hi. Mini at time hrr tawny resj rested oil lilnl with unmis takable affection, bill all knew prr folly well Hint alio would ebon Wllkenum provided be mmlc good by gaining Ilia master key ami uncover Uif lb wealth of Ilia great mother lode. It waa lrke who brought Ilia news of tli riot In lb temple ami lb out coma of Ikirr'a attempt to steal the Idol. "He waa iIIkiiI-c,I ami tlioiiKbt he could get a way with I." hr weal on. "Hut tli priest were Iimi quick fur bltn." Wllkenu.us shifty eyes narrowed. Til Cft that Idol!" he boasted. "I forgot to lr II you Hint tli Idol lan'l there any longer." Drake con tinued "r'rniu wbt I could learn the temple wasn't considered a ante place for It. "I If dlsupiH-ared. "Where I11V ili'tiiinidcd Wllkcniou. "That I luuldt) t find out. It wna rather rlt-ky anklug too inurli Hiiywny. Th Idol ian't thara any longer," Drake continued. but n wblto man who llvoa will! the nnllvca lilnliM Unit thry hud tnki'n II u l the river Into the lillla " With llila alluht clew both Drake and Wllkepinn tolled iiuweiirledly un til tlley hud vatiilillHlied the fait tlmt Iho Idol bud Indeed Im-i'Ii aetit Into an other part of the euunlry for aafe kw liiR. Then they pri'pared to follow, hnv iGL f,,l'i!!l ii'iL'l1! I irn and Kuvvr- f A v , f I ( v No. 209 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Farmers Bank of Wilsonville at Wilsonville, In the State of Oregon, at the close or business March 4th, 1915. Retourcea T.oiuia and dliconnta " $ 38,354.90 Overdrafts, secured nnd unaoctircd 10-liI Honda and warrants 12,030.25 Unnklng houso 1.026.11 Fttrnlturo nnd nxturos 2,281.71 Duo from approved reserve banks 29,233.79 Caahaon hand " 3'353-76 Total ' $8.290.,4 Liabilities Cnpllal stock paid In 1G.0000 Surplus fund 3.000.00 Undlvldod prollts. loss exponses and taxes paid 8,619. iL Individual doposlts subject to check 43.119.S3 Ccrtined 'checks Time cortlflcatcs of dopoalt lt)'0t6 '0 Total '" 8G'290-74 STATE OP OREQON, County of Clackamas, ss. I Joo J. Thornton, Caahlor of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowlqdge and belief, mav uio jQE s THORNTON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th dny of March, 1916. KATE WOLHERT, Notary Public for OroKon. (SEAL) CORRECT Attest: J. W. THORNTON. K. C. THORNTON, Directors. Uw bad fanUlinl and wira aii d aim In bat at"' lilllaaul Mr liarnrll unl unallllnKly f aiilel In alay UIiIikI. Ihi ylir4 Iikii Urak ai l Ix-for br Hi dim rullle and peril of li road lh; Miiial Uk llulb nu n prmiiliwd lu b gun only ao long aa Mould lw iiedful In r-or Hi iil ami In ImiIIi wariilHly ah load II ' ii lit Iimi ah bud giiiiv far aa all Mould In helping llirni Th I ii iiipu fuiiiid a ioiiil of half IiIinmU in ihflr liking and by Judli loua Im-iiiIui of money Uianagrd i g.l logillier a auiall baud lu aa'ompaiiy Ihi III lulu Hi hill. Il waa linprr-M.il Umn Hivlil that h Irlii waa duniieroiia and llial th bill ' uwn frt-.pi, i,tly dropped what auiall prplrii' lliry offered of N'ai-ealiliiia and wiirrrd mi friend and fo a Ilk. Il waa lhruiik-h llieaa alxi that tlu-y harmd mor i- Ifli ally th rout taken by Hi prlt In rhnrg of Hi tdnl K'iil.d al laat. tlu-y atartrd forth end for two daya keit pretty rlotH-ly lo Hi rlter, whhli wnund twill "iniivh Ih hjlla, ivoiimliig aktwljr to II iHiiiri In Hi iiiniinlHliia. fvtvrnl tlliu-e I hey hiurd of Katr aliniii and I rr. but Wllkrraon rrfti rd to lura aahtr or delay our on the I trail of h Idol. And al laat thry i am within vlrw of the lllll raval rad hU h n rxortlng Ih gwl to a place of kafely. VII aa wrr th uien he had hired. Wllkeraou ihiriil nut tnut (hem too far. II knew that they Were aujier tltliiua. and b feared that when II tain In a battle lH-tweeu ararlr and Inliurii terror of th aiiiernalural be would b left hi Hi lunli. Ho b Marni'd I'rnk not lo appear loo amloua and by no Uieana to let their followrre kuow that they Intend ed in aclM the luinge and lake It away with Ibeiu. "Hut If th paH-r are In that Idol,' I rake protiwleil. "w nuiilit to be) able lu get Iheui and repine Ilia old Image. Wllb nobody a Jul Ih Worn. Thai may be HmlliltV' waa Ilia re- Miiie. "(in tb other baud, I be plain m ny coiH'ealeil ai that It will take llin to find them." Thry dlciiMil a doivo plana and Dimity divided that th licit night the iwn or tin-in. accompanied only by ihi-lr guide, almuld make the trial. "Hut aupiKialug tbey bare the Image, where ahull we And II?" queatloned Drake "They have a lot or etuff In their pack, and you may be euro tbey havr roiieenlcd Ih blnl well. Uulra Ihey fenrnl II IM-Ing atnlrn ak'nlll Ibey wouldn't be going to nil Hill pnlna." ' We ll find II all rl.-ht." waa Wllker Miu'a ole rron The evening mm when hy wr to pul llu-lr n-heine lo I he-lent Their nwu llttl company made camp and after npf gradunll wcnl to alpep. II waa in o'clock when Vtllkernon niNldnt lo Drake, nud tbey quit tbelr placre by the dyluir Are. Outalde of the circle Ihey met the man who wae In guide tuctu. and one glance al hla brutal face ibowcd Wll kereon that be waa once more con Died with problem. man made on Iwuea of demand ing: a (arc extra atiui. In compensa tion for bla rtaka and Intimated with extrvuie plalnnma Hint In caae bla ex orbitant binrkmall wai uot paid be would not only not uccoinpany tliem. but put II out of their power to go alone. For an hour Wllkcmon barcnlncd and haccliil. but nil to no puriKMe. At lat ho gnve In iiurl prnctU-ully atrip ped hlmaeir of coin, which the other HM'kvtel without a iliank you. Th three of tlieur aturted forth un der a lilluiuif ring moon toward the prlcNtM' eniup, h inllo or to away by a prim: Half an hour'a atendy trumping bronchi then) within eyeshot of the place, and Yllkeroii went a head to apy out the lay of thlupi. When he came back ho muKUly told Drake, In reply to bla qiieatlon, thai the Idol uiiiHt bo lu ono of tho pnek ncka lylne about. "It'a a rnae of anenk up and get n anek each of u a and then look for the Idol lu II." ho wild. "All rlk-ht!" Drake crowlcd. "Hut It'a risky biiMlnesa. In cimo of a mime where'll wo meet neiilnf" "At our own cnnip," Wllkcmon whin penil and led the way. When they came close to tho apol where tho natives were asleep the three of them imhihciI and listened. rreaently Wllkenioti itavo n allent aljjnal that no ono waa awake, and they crept up umonit the baKitairo. Tho Orst two Hack yielded nothing and Wllkerson wna reaching out for ono that acemed bulkier than the rest when their guldo couched and Instant ly a couple of the prleata wakened. Seeing atnincern, they cave an nlnrm, and one. npparenlly a anldler. Ored off an nni'lent niuaket ao clone to Drake that bo IncoiHIuently dropped hla bur den nnd Hwl lie bennLWIJIMon-. CUTSlim UcllJnd him. couple fif mor ahnli and Ib'O look lo but bela lu good earneat aa fa beard rapid folatr. A inoniviit later Wllkerwia bad raugbl up lo him, panting and drag glng Hie sack, hlh he bad refuaa-d o aurrender, HelttM-n Iheui Ihey larrtvl It on fur ther and then reali-d In a allnht Imllow llll their guide rum up "If Ih ldl Imi'I In Ihla aaik." Wll keraon fild wllh a anarl, "I II go back and ahoot up Ih a hole outfit and get It." When Ih thong were rut and lb great bag o iiii Hi Aral oli)n1 Ih.U Diet Ihrlr eye wai Ih I in air Ihey oiikM. gllmmi-rliig In th half light. Ih Uion t b aw II and knew thai bla iiirl ended Wllkrraon flung Hi nl of Hi aluff away and boldly gol In hla feet. "Now fof our own ramp. We'll Jual r wher IIiim plana re." It growled Drake and Hi gold both irtratd In vain. Hafely away from purault, Ihey lit a light and Mum I iicl Ihi-lr find. "It'a Ih an in on." Wllkeraoo aahl irlumpbanlly. "Mad of metal. Inn." aald Draka lowly "Now. wher are th plnnaT "Inalde of It T" announced Ida nun pa n Ion. beating on Ih Idol wllb bla knuckle "Now to And out the n-u lug." It did ool lake long for him to dl rorer Hie movable ). and when he had pulled Hint out b thrul bla fin ger In and withdrew It with a folded pair "hof and aound." b eiulied. drop ping Ibe Image m the ground, where It lay alurlng grotinquely nt the atari throncli Ma alngl eye Dnike and Wllkepum rnrefully ex amined their flint and Wllkcrmn laugh. d alinoat byaterlcnlly. 1'h gold Ian't a thouand feet from Ih main tunnel of lb 'Jl.mler Key' miner hr wild triumphantly and thnial Ih plain Into hla lnwoiu lirfnr tmk i-onlil s niiir.. "If Hurt pinna are l't or aiiyihlng haiiixn to roil." Urnkr-.-ild. with au uglr not In bl vice, "all our troublr giHHi fur nothing I am entitled l copy of thiMr plnn" W'llkenoa laughed In hi face, and (tie rxprvaalon ou hla saturnine vUatir mad even the brutal guide cringe backward. "(lre you a cupyT he snarled "When l'e hunted for tbm alt tbea ears and offered the agnulce of bell on account of them? They're tnlnel All that gold la mine! Mine! Mine, I tell your Tbla laat lie almost shouted Into the till air. and Drake drew back. Tho man waa mad. "At leaat let them hare their Idol.' be muttered, picking It up. Wllkerson enati bed It away from btio with a gesture at once cblldUh and niurdcroua. "I think I'll keep "this for a me niento." be cried, careless of who might hear him lie stood up. the Image In bl grasp. and before the Bound of bla blasphemy "Give you a copyl'1 ha anarled. Drake nnd the giildu crept nwny In si lent horror. And not fur distant Faverahani sat rlRllnnt by tho side of bis camp watch ing over the sleep of Ruth Unlluii. 1'osalhl.r It was an echo of Wllker sou's savage cry of triumph that stir red her In her dreams. She sighed and reached out one slen der band. It touched that of .lohn Dorr and rested there as If she had found safety. Sir Donald sow that movement, and his eyes burned with Jealousy. Hut he did not more, keeping his ears open for the slightest sound, bis eyes for the fnlntcNt shadow lietween hla chnrges nnd the horizon. (To be Continued.) CAPETOWN", Union of South Af rica, March 4. The minister of fi nance announced in the assembly to day that 10,000 Doors who participat ed in the recent revolution against British rule had been taken prisoners and that the losses on both Bides dur ing; the fighting had been 1000. Ashland has substantial improve ments under way. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, aa hey cannot reach the aeat of the disease. Ca tarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure It you must take In ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure la not a quack medicine. It waa prescribed by on of the best phy sicians In this country for years and Is a regular prescription. It la composed of the best tohlce known, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of th two Ingredients Is what pro duces such wonderful resulta In curing catarrh. Rend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY CO.. Props.. Toledo. O. Sold br Drusalsts, prlra TBe. TaM Hall's rarollr Pills (or eoastlpatloa. fit l i aaataj,.- VVINNIN ACKHOWLtOCtl REWARO. Oregon Cit. 'f. Mar. . '15. Mr K. K. Hro.il. Kdltor Oregon t'lty fiiierprl, trgon ntr. Ongiiii. ear Mr. Hrodl: 4 I wlah lo ackl)olege receipt of ymir draft of l' covering prli woo In short atory lontral, and to thank you rr imwli tr the same. Th outcome of Ih contra! waa g si ry welcome surprlae lo ma, bul I am sura I wild have re reived great benefit fiuni It even thoutih I had not been on of the fortunate ones, t'mloubtedly the ronteat, true to H purpoa, did a great deal t"anl encouraging 1 amateurs like mu1 In ruing short stories. Very truly yours KI-HKUT t'HAIlMAN. 4.444404 CAPTAIN TELLS OF CAPTURE BY GERMAN RAIDER AUXILLIARV CRUISER ENTERS AMERICAN PORT AFTER SINKING SHIP. BARK WILLIAM P. f RYE IS SUNK BY PRINZ EITEL HDRiCH Protest of Ship's Master Is Ignored and Grain Is Held to be Con traband Charge of Dynamlts Used. NEWPORT NEWS. Vs.. March 10. Tha German auxiliary crulaer Print1 Eltel Frederich, after a commerce-destroying cruise over the Pacific and ship In the south Atlantic, January ?8 Atlantic Oceana, which culminated lo tbo alnklng of aa American vessel made this port today and anchored for supplies and repairs. The alnklng of Jho American ship the William P. Krye, a sailing vessel bound from Seattle to Queenstown with 5200 tone of wheat, most con cerned American port offlclala here. II. II. Klehne, of itnltimore, master of the American ahlp. after leaving the Prlnx Eltol Frederich with Customs Collector Hamilton today, told a dra matic story of hla ejperlencea. With him were hla wife and two children. "Despite my proatestatlon that I was the American master of an Amorlcan hip, the Gorman, cruiser Prlna Eltel Frederich sank the William P. Frye on tha morning of January 28. blowing a big hole through her vltala with a charge of dynamite' said Captain Kle hne. "I was almost becalmed when the German ship appeared about 3 o'clock on the afternoon of January 27. My tblp was barely moving and I paid no attention to the first order from the German ship to Iny to. However, she bore down on Die and I brought my craft to a standstill After learning thai I carried- a cargo of wheat the German captain told me that It was contrabrond and that he Intended to destroy It I protested, but no atten tion was paid to my statements. "A German officer and squad of men were sent aboard the bark and I and my crew were set to work throwing the grain overboard, ine iiermun sluhted another vessel, also becalmed. and made for her. He returned nnoui 10 o'clock at night, having sent the other ship to the bottom, as I after wards ascertained. "Evidently tho grain waa not being thrown overboard fast enough to suit the German skipper, for he sent a nair hundred of his men aboard Boon atter wards and tho work went on for hours without Interruption. However, it was slow at best, and I was Informed about 2 o'clock next morning that my ship would be sent to the. bottom, which was done. It was originally the Intention of the German captain to leave enough of tho cargo in the hold of tho ship for ballast. That part of the grain was to be rendered uselsss by salt water. As soon as I was informed that my ship was to be sent to the bottom I, my wife and two boys and the crew made for the German cruiser in our boats. We were taken aboard and shown every courtesy throughout the remainder of the voyage." ASSERT ENGINEERS CHICAGO, March 10. A complla tion asserting that the railroads have been prosperous in the last few years, that the prospect for them and for other Industries In 1915 Is good, and notinc a change of sentiment In favor of the railroads, was introduced today at the arbitration of the wage demands of tho englnemen of western railroads. It waa the last of the many statistical exhibits analyzed by W. J. Lauck, who was excused from the witness stand, and was the final word of the Brother hoods on the ability of the railroads to pay the Increases requested. The end of tho arblratiou. said to be the most prolonged on record and the most thorough In its investigation of every phase of the railroad busi ness, is believed to he in sight. A few Individual witnesses will be called for the men to rebut testimony for the railroads, according to James M. Sheean, attorney for the railroads. Oregon-Washington Railway & Nav igation company will spend $700,000 on tracks and viaducts at Portland. RfflDilS iE RETURNED BY THE GRAND JURY fIClAU IIItlON Of IHsflTI GATOM COMPLITIO WIDNllDAV MOMNINO. akcus raw via face TRIAL OM A LIQUOR CHANCE Jury Rsfuaes to Release Baer Crssa Man One Wovdchop?e, Mar tin Parslch, IS Included In List. Kleven Indictments tats ba-eo In dieted by the grand Jury hl h com pleted a epwlal sraalon Wtdnesday. Those Indicted and the charge are: J. il. Htarr, f rirery; J. W. t urtle, bur glary: Mart'n I'arsb h. ault: T. II Dodge, contributing to 'be delinquency of a minor: H. O. Jackson, larrewy by bailee; Joe King, giving ll'iuor lo minora; Joe Kloder. assault with a dar.geroua weapon: Angus MrKlnnoa. giving liquor to a minor; Charles itodgere. forgery; John Y. Humphry, aaaault wllb a dantroua weapon, an I Jimmy Tourdlan, contributing to tbe delinquency of a minor. All of tbe Indlctnienta are bound- over cases eirrptlng only I'srslch. one of the Hlavonlana arrested Saturday after an alleged attack on Charles Kammee. Angus McKlnnoo la the maa charged with giving liquor in Cbarlea Kdaard White, aged three years, tbe same day the boy died of acuta alcoholism. Tbe parents of the dead child and several neighbors of the Wbli family lo tbe Heaver Creek district were summoned ss wltnesaea, according to tbe records of tbe case. Tbe grand Jury Inspected the Coun ty offices and made several recom mendations. Including new equipment for the assessor's office, changes In the county Jail which would give bet ter ventilation and alterations In tbe office of tbe county treasurer. ARE NOW IN COURT Hans Seydel snd Csrl Mohaupt. for mer partners on a farm belonging to W. M. Stone In the Redland district. are the plaintiff and defendant In a ault filed In the circuit court Wednes day asking that tbe partnership be dissolved and a receiver appointed. Berdcl and Hohaupt . leased the Stone place In 1911 and Seydel, the plaintiff, allep.es that he contributed t$50 to run the farm. He says that there has been no accounting of the funds received from the sale of crops. C.S. C. S. Noble has received an Iron cross, "awarded by the Kaiser to sol diers showing valor In the field, from his son, Georgo Hcrnnrd Noble, who is connected with Belgian Relief work In Europe. , The cross was found on a battle field near Antwerp. It is plain in de sign and an article highly prized by the fighting men of Germany. George Bernard Noble was a student in Ger many until the war broke out and he was notified to leave the country. LOCAL v BRIEFS C. P. Leonard sold the "Canby Her aid" Tuesday to B. O. Brookins, of Hubbard. Mr. Leonard is going to South Dakota, his former home, the end of March where he will take charge of a large leather establish ment which he owns. William Stone, a farmer living two miles past Cherryvllle. was In Ore gon City this week. He came to re ceive a bounty on several wildcats which he had killed, the bides of which he bad with him. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Holcomb who live at the old fish hatchery at Stone on the Clackamas, were in Oregon City Wednesday. N. S. Oldham, who Is running the farm of Gordon E. Hayes, at Stafford, was in the city Wednesday. W. H. Bnlr, the commission man at Canby, was in the city Wednesday. Fred Humphreys of this place, was a Canby vislty yesterday. R. B. Beatll, of Beaver Creek, was in the city yesterday. P. 0. Stacy, of Canby, was in town Wednesday. Contracts for expending JG00.000 on Teal Irrigation tracts in Umatilla county have been let to Porter Bros. Rheumatism Yields Quickly to Sloan's You can't prevent an attack of Rheu matism from coming on, but you can stop It almost immediately. Sloan's Liniment gently applied to the sore Joint or muscle penetrates In a few minutes to ythe inflamed spot that causes the pain. It soothes the hot, tender, swollen feeling, and in a very short time brings a relief that is al most unbelievable until you experi ence it. Get a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment for 25c. of any Druggist and have It In the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. (Adv.) CLINK Of SOUTH 'OH COMMISSION If -ii ' I I i ' ! i - rred W. Or.se.T.a1. Fred W. firea-niuan wag Tuesday rlectrd rterk of the touth Fork com mission. He will be In tbaue of tbe office of the rommlaalon bi re and act aa assistant to Knglnevr Hands. I.W.WICKER8HAH IS ACCUSED BY SOUTHERN PACiriC CHARGES COERCION AGAINST rORMER rEOERAL OrriCIAL. FORCED SALE IHRfJlILID IS ASSERTION CF ULtUClttTE Testimony Is Given at Suit to Un merge Two Concerns Agree ment of Sals Is Intro duced ss Evidence. SAN FRANCISCO. March 10. Tes tifying today In the suit of the federal government to unmerge tbe Central and Southern Pacific railroads, Julius Kruttscbmltt. chairman of tbe execu tive board or the Southern Pacific company, charged that George W. Wlckersbam, ex-United States attor ney general, coerced and, compelled the Southern Pacific Into an agree ment to sell the Central Pacific to the Union Pacific railroad for $104,000,000. "The Southern Pacific company signed the agreement with the Union Pacific to sell the latter the Central Pacific at a price of 1M. 000.000 under the compulsion and coercion of the at torney general of the United States, who threatened me with a forced sale of the line If It were not sold to the Union Pacific" said Mr. Kruttschnltt, "The agreement was executed when the California State Railroad commis sion killed it by refusing Its approval." "I went to the attorney general per sonally." continued the witness, "and protested vehemently against bis ac tion, telling blm that It would destroy the Southern Pacific. "His only reply was, 1 am going to apply equal compulsion to the Union raclflc.' " In to the record of the hearing was introduced the agreement of sale which waa entered Into between the Union and Southern Pacific at the command of Mr. Wickersham afjer th United States supreme court ordered the dissolution of the Union and Southern Pacific railroads In 1913 The California Railroad commission refused Its approval of the deal un less the Santa Fe and the Western Pa cific received the right to use the terminal facilities of the Southern Pa cific company at San Francisco,' a right insisted on in the agreement by the Union Pacific. This privilege the parties to the agreement both refused to the other roads, whereupon the sale was annulled. Whooping Cough Well everyone knows the effect of Pine Forests on Coughs. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey iB a remedy which brings quick relief for Whooping Cough, loosens the mucous, soothes the lining of the throat and lungs, and makes the coughing spells less severe. A family with growing children should not be without it. Keep It handy for all Coughs and Colds. 25c at your Druggist. Electric Bitters a Spring Tonic. (Adv.) The Woman's Social Service club of Oak Grove and vicinity will meet with Mrs. A. B. Brown on March 11. The program consists of "The Recall" by Mrs. Dunham and "Boycott Laid ler," by Mrs. Paget, followed by mu sic. FRECKLES February and March Worst Months for This Trouble How to Re move Easily. There's a reason why nearly every body freckles in February and March. but happily there is also a remedy for these ugly blemishes, and no one need stay freckled. Simply get an ounce of othlne, double strength, from your druggist and apply a little ot It night and morn ing, and In a few days you should son that even the worst freckles have be gun to disappear, while the light ones have vanished entirely. Now is tbe time to rid yourself of freckles, for If not removed now they may stay all Summer, and spoil an otherwise beautiful complexion. Your money back If othine fails. n (Adv.) ranscHiiiiT OFFICERS PICKED BY BUILDERS LDERS OF FORK LINE MID GRffNMAN IS CLERK; M. D. LATOUETTE, SECRETARY; PHILLIPS, TREASURER EIDS FOR WOO BOND ISSUE WOE EE OPiUiED KLRE MARCH 22 Two More Engineering Parties Take to the rield Engineer M. A. Rands Names Assistants roe Two Oistrkta. Tbe Houth Fork Water commission blib will have charge of const rul ing the I37S.OOO steel pipeline from the eastern Clarkamaa stream to Ore gon City and West l.lnn, met Tuesday sfteraooo sad as formally organised, Tbe commission la composed of Wil liam An dre sen. M. D. latourette, W. A. l-ong, L. L. Porter and II. T. Mc llsln. Captain I'hllllpa was elected treas urer and M. I). Latotirette, secretary. Fred Oreenman. ei-rounty clerk, will be tbe clerk of tbe commission and acta as assistant to Engineer II. A. Hands. Office will be opened hero and maintained until tbe completion of the line. Tbe commission also went through the formality of appointing II. A. Hands engineer of Ihe project. Mr. Greenman, who waa deputy clerk under W. 1. Mulvey until tha first of tbla year, will have an Im portant post with tbo commission In keeping records and assisting tbe en gineer. The commission considered blm unusually well qualified for tbo position. Kacb member of tbo commission Is placed under a $10,000 bond as well sa tbe officers outalde of tbe five members. Advertisements are being Inserted In both local and eastern papers for bids for tha $375 000 bond Issue. Tho bids will be opened a week from Monday. Signing tho contract with Iho con tractors and other steps of like na ture cannot bo taken until a market is found for tbe Issue. Tbe commission expects lively competition for the bonds and a good price. Two new engineering parties were put Into the field Tuesday by Engineer Randi, making a total of three. Wil fred A. White, once engineer for the city and for several years connected with the Hill lines, is In charge ot the work In the upper 10 miles from Esta cada to the Intake and W. L. Sharp, who took part In the location survey and assisted H. A. Rands when be waa with the Portland Railway. Light t Power company. Is in charge of tha -other IS miles from Estacada to the reaervolr at Mountain View. Both Engineers White and Sharp are preparing the right-of-way for the clearing gangs that are expected to go to work before the end of this month. A third party under S.- A. Cobb, a local engineer with offices in the Beaver building, Is at work In Ihe Abernathy canyon, making a revision ot the line which will shorten the to tal distance several hundred feet. This cut-off is made possible by a change from wood to steel as the steel line is able to stand a much higher pressure. A similar chance will be made in the Clear creek canyon and near Estaca da. The party under Engineer Cobb will complete their work In about two weeks. Among those with the parties now In the field are Wilbur Andrews, Ren Harding and Ellis Frink, ot this city. DIFFICULT TO UNTIE J. A. LOCKE, WITH PENITENTIARY SENTENCE NEAR, TRIES TO DIVORCE WIFE. The attempt of J. A. Locke, who has a sentence in the state penitentiary now hanging over him, to secure a divorce from Jessie Locke ended In a failure Wednesday when Judge Camp bell dismissed a hearing in the cir cuit court stating that the case with out of bis jurisdiction. Mr. and Mrs. Locke were married at Economy, Ind., November 7, 1897, and moved to Oregon In 1907. They lived In Portland and Locke was em ployed on the United Railways and the Oregon Electric during their life in that city. March 12, 1914, Locko filed a suit for a divorce on the gen eral grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment and the decree was signed May 11, 1914, by Judge Campbell. Many charges were made by Locke In cluding the assertion that his wife sev eral times threatened to take his life. Last fall Locke was arrested, tried and convicted in Eugene on a charge of polygamy, but before the case was completed, Mrs. Locke brought an ac tion to set aside the decree, alleging that she had not been properly served with the, notice of the original divorce suit, and was successful. Locke took an appeal In the criminal action to the supreme court and the case la still pending. RIGHT-OF-WAY VALUED AT $500. A judgment for $500 was secured by Irvine Wheeler against tbe Mo lalla Electric company in the suit of the company to condemn a right-of-way for a power canal across the Wheeler farm near Canby. The canal crosses a 12-acre tract rrora corner to corner. Hammond Hammond represented Irvine Wheeler and Clark Skulason & Clark the electric company. SOUTH