B oiti-UPS rrrv KNTiiitiMnsi:, l'mrt.vv. maijch w THE MASTER KEY H" ntimird fruiti ijre I ) CHAPTER XXV. TK4 rM KK. llTKU bla elprrtrOCe lit tea) ruli.f Jbu lir from tba betide of (l iuira4'r4 pflrete of lluala. Mr I Kim I J teVrr ebaw pnparnj tt atari lt iw-w day 11 could UH aril ra-alua- Jill a Bat bad bapbl III lb larMiy four houra ltu bad Juet uJel l lu-nlrd lb ruauaoiiiai driii 1 1 of a muTtilng MUI i make hli.f ea-rui actual And Kbit fails tbry arc lhal changed bla aboia future! Uutb bad iruitilcl la marry bin! favrrafiaat trlut4-i la Ibal great Claw of I'uflUbtDti aba nulla lb vlrtuea of careful training Kb ea attainability lo rtrrtituataor a hu b baa bad tirral lirttaltt tbe roloularf Of ItM Of Id. II wee aa formal la bud? ways aa t rkark. la tHbrra b co'd a hum tbe mxmt mpiil and Impreaaaiooabie al eufurrr. nUt b BnK to Ituib he bail bail aot tbe felutrat tuMtm of woulug ber ilia admiration bad been frank aod oorrarrved. but attbout any oodrrty lag depth of feeling. Ilia volunteering lo join John Don and Itulb la Ibla wild seqrrb fur Iba Bilaadng Mo) bad brea what bo Called a lark. It aa eoly lunar aaeoriadoo wltb ber. the constant view of brr pretty Inno cence awl aa ooreaJonal gtlmpe of brr prufonodrr aod aotuanly nature that bad touched bla hrart and wakroed Id bin feellnga lhal b bad refrelaed from ronfeaalng to himself. Then ram tbe tnororot wbro abr bad turned to bltn for help aod be bad been the alugle peraoo lo lb world who Could eave Jobn Dorr. 8 harp and brief aa bad beeo Ibr a(run:l la bla ova mlud. It bad brought bla to an acknowledgment of tba fart that she aaa tbe on It woman ba wanted fur bla wife. Oo too very tick of brr bour of trog bla ba bad ventured lo aak bla reward for eervlee. 8ba bad promised, and now be. bar DM aod retired offlor of ibe Brit lab army, shook Ilka a boy at tba thought of Ibr bapploraa that awaited blm. Tbey met at breakfast. IVirr atlli bowing tbe effecte of bla nlgbt'a ad Tenturra. flutb bright eyed from want of eleep and Sir ttooald aiune prerut log tba appearance of one who bad be fun tba day aright after a aouod night's reeL Their natural topic of conversation wat of Dorr'a attempt to rapture tbe Idol aod Sir IXmald'a retra of blm. Jobn could fire little MlUf action to Itotb a minute Inqulrlea. and tbe Enc tlahmin conrened that be blmaelf. thoURb nocb more familiar with tbe native ware and oatlre templea. bad not mnrb notion of exactly bow It bad all come about nor bow he h.nd found Dorr and eitrlcnted hltu. "Tbe on I thlnx I rather from It all la tbla. be aald ambblr. "Vou bad better take mj advice in tbU country and not try to perform any of your western featM, India la a rory old country, and tbey rwent here aurtblUK that doexn't follow the good old line.' "I euppusie I waa very fnolisb." John confewed ruefully. "Hut wheo I u tbnt ImMKe right within reach I alinplj couldn't resist the teuiptntlon to prnb It and try to esouie." Sir Dounld looked at Ituth tueaulne ly. "I can't ay that I'm a bit aorry. old rhap." be told l)orr. "After all. as you mv. It's an ill wind that blovra no one any (food." InsUintly Ittith rauuht bis tuettnlni;. and her eyes foil. Yes. she bad prom lsed. and this brnve cetitletuiin who bad risked bis life for ber anke should not be without bis reward. But abe atarod uilsonihlv at ber plate until Jobn rallied ber and snore that be would yet ret the plnus. "And here comes the fellow who will tell us what really did buppen." Sir I Nt T ramtnty atlrred up lb prlaeta; Iorr- "Wrll, wbal do tbrf ItilrtJ to cWr ' njutir4 Jotn. UiMluiurtd. rTi1 tu i be did n ui.lrtiai.d a (taia-a at r ha lit 1 4 by Itulb and Kir iMiaLL "It areuia Ibry bate atarled a kluJ of buiy aar eaiut aa." the l-rniH abtaittrl liuil "You drotial.d lUIr H-.la tud Ibey'tv aailtnl a k4 ' tba ' In Sa'aliiM you aud" "And katr draiaikled J.n luipa Ikiiliy. Wltb a a-anln l.k luaard Ituth lr tuoald faivl I oir TbU la hot a filaca tut Uiu liallou." be aald formal -We abaat fetlliil aaar. 1.lcd 1 brie w aa a laterrene atoll LIMIT Ofl NINE jflltiHii i f adiiilia mi'a r.- a be I. bU s' r 1' : 'It - V;. Vr ) ' w I v 4 v. . . m if. .k - i i mm . ; v., . is. -: A" auppoaa I waa vary fool i ah," confessed ruefully. John Donald remarked, pointing to a much bedraggled native who bad entered the compound and waa evidently waiting for some one. "That's my old servant." be couiln tied. "If you will excuse me I'll ko uud bear what be baa to tell us.' Ruth and Jobn watched tbe two of them for some time, tbe tall, carefully dressed Englishman and tbe dirty nn tire. Tbey could see that tbe latter was much excited, and toward tbe last Sir Donald himself seemed to lose a little of bin aplomb. Finally tbey aaw him nod curtly to tbe native, wbo aquatted down on the parement A moment later be bad re- Jolru-d them, flla usually placid fare bore an expression of anxiety. "What can be tbe mafterr demand ed Itnth. "Not anytblnn for yoo to worry about " renlled Faversham. Tut sure 1 can arrange everytjilne preetntly PHJCiiESTER S PILLS .vLfc A I'm x ' I - iV tnrfU Aiki- NM lfV.a-Trwa l L V liit Zosm iiuaao hua fc at f rantarraBM.KM.AIatuMa ly. "The truth of tbe matter la. a are knowo to be atopplnc here aod the mob will undoubtedly vllt ua shortly." "Hut the police T Sir Donald looked very uncomforta ble Indeed. "Yly dear follow, dou't yoo real lie that what you and I did last Dhjht waa purely and aim ply Indefenal bier We tried to rob a temple, to be frank about IL" tried to recover aome pnpera be- IookIljc to ua," be prottvted. We would bave a attff time trying to prove that to the official here." waa tbe rely. "Aa a matter of fact I can't afford to bring thLs op I'm still practically an officer and I should bave a donee of a time rlearinc my self. You can't afford to call In tbe police because you're an American, and you broke British law. and I very mui'b fear killed a British subject or two." I see." Dorr assented tbouirhtfully. But what are we to do? Precisely, precisely the qiifUlon." Mid Sir Donald. "You and I could slip away, but there la the young lady to consider." And tbe plana." aald Jobn doggedly. Mr uonaid nusniii angrily, "l am considering tbe youtu; lady in ibi-matter." And I, as her guardian, bave to think of ber best Interests." wis the retort. Paversbam tugged at bis mustache in perplexity.- Then he said quietly. I think Miss Gallon has really put ber Interests In my charge. '. Whnt-wbnt do you mean.' statu meted Dorr. At this moment there came from the street outside the sound of cries anil yells and trampling feet. The two men looked nt each other. With one accord they withdrew Inside the hall way. "That's the mob coming:" Sir Donald said hoarsely. "Now for It:" "We must save Ituth at nil events'" "Certainly." said l-'aversham coldly 'But I must plan iUlckly. Ah, hero comes my faithful Achiuet!" The servant spoke rapidly iu the vernacular, and Sir lon:ild answered In the name tongue Then he turned to John. "Iiring Miss Gallon here quickly." be commanded "Don't alarm her need lessly." Ituth responded to the summons without a tremor, and when u few I hurried words had Informed tier of what was afoot she turned to the Eng IJshmun and said simply, "What shall we do?" "I am going to put you in charge ol my old servant Achmct," ho told her "I trust blm. and he will see you safe I Dorr and I shall iiave to go a separate way." liy this time the mob had tilled the street without and was yelling for vengeance ou tbe sacrilegious white men. punctuating Its demands with-an occasional stone against the wall. Acbmet bowed low before Ruth and with a gesture Indicated that she was follow him. She hesitated. Kir Donnld curtly said. "Hurry!" She Impulsively turned to John, and be saw ber eyes filled with anxiety for him. That satisfied his wounded heart, and he urged ber on. When she hod disappeared In the wake of the hastening servant Sir Don ald glanced at Dorr and then said abruptly: "Come ahead: We'll try back wav out 111 tatrrth brod -.Nn Ai biiirt SHU t.iae brr bla oa at. He gii an rntlrvly different i.iio ir r, air the ncli Me had ba dly a4ro bolt the out rr filii ea)Uh liioaid and there aa' a a lid -ru'i of lnii,-lli. nle ! latrti tbe pi lar A atone aim. a tbe (1sr lirlana the ao l.'untraii "tVitte a lib me.' aald Kai erhiti ticl d tw Ifcirr around a Corner and thru lualde a email etitry. Another rntrv guiigt off I Ma ofT. ra.1 rvai aiid ll'-y dirie, daa it An ntuni lairrlhry arr In aa ruipty courtyard I know here atn now." tf'aer aham an I J root!) and oprncl a gnle In lb tiikalle aall a hi. h led Into a Kar eVn. Me nilnutra l.ifrr tbe two aim arr atrtdllna al-n a qnlrf lane mil I ef ala'hl and eiiind of the mob. . "Thry a III ilrlror all mir thing.' J IWT angraed. .No The botrlkrelirr and tha n - W Ih-e a III are to It that thry don't. All Ibey wanted waa yoej and me. .fall hut to catch us, ibey a III dlpr- "Ilul a bore shall we and KutbV John went oa eagerly. "Arbmct will take ber lo a camp of urcgar miiam tne city." be an awrrrd -Hut bowT hhe on be aafe wia only a native" "Nafrr than with a rrglmrnl of aol aieca. waa the reapouae. "1 kn wuere tbe plai-e K Ij-fa go ta It. I cuarantre that we shall find Ml Cal loo safe and anumL I know Arbiuel of old. He ta arclally truatworthy brcauae be la a Mohammedan and be ooeant respect Idols any more than yoo and I dn turT nnany reacneo tne ramp up tbe bank of the river and Acbmet aa laamrd before tbem. -Mbrre la the maklrnT d.-roaudrd r avrrabam The servant r aud took the cover Ing off a Inrge basket. Ituth amlled no at thorn. I beard your voli-en." she aald, laughing "Aohuiet Ihooght I ought to fl out right away, but I aaote.1 to surprise yott "And that Is the aay you aist out of the botrlT" ilomnnlei John -Ties. Aonnicl tucked me Into tbla basket aud carried me right through all tbiaar trtrllile people." "What la to be done nowr John de mandrd presently. "I'll bave Achmel iret our helong Ings," aald Faversbant "Tbla mug here la bla, be aaya. We can't do bet ter than atlck wltb tbeiu for awhile. I believe Ihey are going up Into tbe bllla anyway. So much tbe hotter for us Ilhala Is no at for you and me Just now " "But the Idol and tbe plana.'" protest ed John. "We know where It la toilav. Tomorrow It may lie a hundred miles away or hidden past our ever finding It." "That la true." aald Sir !o:tld "Hut tbe safety of Mtsa (Sullon Is paramount. I will do what I raa. I'lwsibly I'll be able to do more than you think." If b tbla (rr had to be content, but later when he and Itutb were alone be brought the subject up again. To Ms amazement. Ituth socuicd lit tie Interest) d mid her manner was nn oild mixture of reserve and timidity Cone was the old frankness ami in tlmacy. At last John said quietly. "I huH yon don't think I was wholly caroli-oi of your safety last night. My only oh Ject was to got back your acrs." And Ituth. with Sir Donald's flush. -0 face before ber eyes aud bis Voice In her ears, remembered her promise aud waa silent. (To be Continued.) AND SUBMARINE ACTIVITY IS PLAN ANDIRIC') WILL AID LANIINO IN POITINQ ' BRYAN ON LAW POIN LIMITATION ON PR0P08I0 I aCVIRAL TVPI N NOT! BY UNITED STATC ATTACKS ON KEKCMEN IS DEPLORID IN NEW DOCUMEN Mine Could ba Laid Only for Purpoae ef Defenee and floating style Would be tarred Under Scheme. to of IXIMK1N. March 1 A alepatch lo lleuter a Telegram company from Am strrdam gives the contents of the Am erlcan note of Krbniary Zi to Croat Hrltaln and Cermany'a reply thereto The not re aere received In Ameter- dara In a dlepatcb from lierlln. The American note eipreaaea the hoe that Crrat Hrltaln and (iermany may, by means o( reciprocal concea- aluna. dlacover a baaia of undemand ing, the result of which would tend to free ships engaged In neutral and peaceful commerce from the serious dangers to which thry are eipoeed In paealng through the roaalal waters of the belligerent rountrlea. Thla auggeatlon, the note proceed a lo say. should not be considered aa a proposal by (he American government. horn It naturally docs not behoove to propose conditions tor such an agree ment, though the question at Issue baa a direct and far-reaching Intereal for the government and people of th I'nlted States. The note aaya the I'nlted States ven turea solely to take a liberty whlc It la convinced can be roncedrd neither of the two natlona, and poa- slbly serve the common Interests humanity. The suggestion Is made that Ger many and Great Britain should agree first, that Isolated drifting mines should be laid by neither party, thai anchored mines should be laid exrlu slvely for defensive purposes, within gun range of harbors, and that all mines should bear the marg of the gov ernment of origin and be ao construct rd aa to become harmless after break ing loose from their anchorage. It la suggested, second, that the sub marines of neither of the two govern menta should be employed to attack merchant vessels of any nationality except for tbe purpose of carrying out the right of holding them up and searching them; and. third, that mer cantile ships of neither of the parties should employ neutral flogs as a wur ruse or for the purpose of concealing their Identity. Great Britain It is suggested, should an roe that foodstuffs shall not be placed on the list of absolute contra brand and that the British authorities shall neither disturb nor hold up car goes and such goods ben addressed to agencies in (iermany. the names of which are communicated by the I'nli ed States government for the purpose of receiving such goodH and handling them over to licensed German retail ers for further distribution exclusively for the civil population. -a rr.'x r - Ml v Ir -ALLIES' FLEET TO STOP ALL SHIPS ON WAY TO EOE BRITAIN TAKII DICIDCO ITAN IN ANIYVIH TO GIN- MANV'B ftlLINO taUIIH CHEERED AS HE MAKES PUBLIC KEW POLICY OF ENGLAND Premier, Careful In Preparing Hate ment, purposely Avoids Term leefcade Poe'tlon la Hetallatory. ' CHANDUR P.MDtfSCtj WASHINGTON. Mar. I.-The for nial atatemrnt aaa made at the atale department that Chandler . Anderson had been engaged to aaalal the depart ment In a general advisory rapacity. Mr. Anderson alii deal mainly allh the quoatlon coming before the aollii- or of the dertmenl. directing the work of the aollcltor'a office during the present lllnraa of Cone Johnaon nd will In that rapacity work hand hand with Counselor Hubert (.an alog Mr. Amleraon. like Mr. I.aneing. a an authority on mattera of Interna tlonal law and policy, and upon these wo men Secretary Hryan a III depend r legal advice on Important proh ema brought up by the war In Kurope. CAPTAIN DOW USING AMERICAN FLAG ON TRIP TO AMERICA Tkq , AIR ICAN SHIP, DA TAKEN BY Fi RENCfi CRUISER VESSEL LOAOED WITH COTTON FOR GERMANY IS TAKEN TO BREST OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT IS MADE BY PARIS GOVERNMENT Seliura Not Unexpected in WaeMng ton Alllea to Stop All Ship ping Both to and From Germany U).NIH)N. Mar I -If tha combined fleets of Ureal Hrltaln and rTanre ran prevent It no coimnoditlre of any kind eicrpl thoae now on the eras shall henceforth, tinlll lha ronrlualon of Ihe war, reach or leave Ihe ahorea of (Iermany. Thla la Kngland'a anaaer l'i Orr niany'a aubiuarlne blm-kade and It la to be effective forthwith. Premier Aaiiitb. reading from a pre pared atatenienl, made this announce ment In Ihe house of rommons thla afternoon at the ereslon ablrh a III le hlatorlr. Htudloualy avoiding Ihe terma "blockade" and "contrahrand" for these aorda H-cur noahere In Ihe prepared statement the premier el plained lhal after thla day Ihe alllea considered Ihemaelvea Justified In at tempting, and would attempt lo "de tain and lake Into port ships carrying! giKxIa of preaumed enemy destination oanerehip or origin." The premier rmphaalied, howver. that Veaarla and rargoea ao aelied were) mil neceaaarily liable lo coiifle ration and begged tha patience of neii tral countrlea In Ihe face of a step UiriMigh which Ihey aere likely lo euf fer. He added that In making euch a step ihe allies had done ao In self de fenae. "We are quite prepared." he went on. "to submit to the arbitrament of neutral opinion and atllt more lo the verdict of Impartial history, lhal In the clrrumatanrea In which we havr been placed we have been moderate; we have been retrained; we have ab stained from Ihinga that we were pro voked and tempted to do, and we have adopted a policy which rommemla It aelf lo reason, lo common sense and to Justice." Every member of Ihe house not at the front In khnkl or unavoidably do talned waa In hla seat lo hear the prima minister's spetch and there waa frequent cheering. The gallerlea were packed. When the premier concluded hla aet statements and, turning to the aiieakrr, aald. 'That, air, la our reply," there waa a trememloua outburst. Explosive Coughs Fairly Rack You to Pieces UWt H-r Ms Tar b Jerf U 04 eaTtaUL. VV.Irr.Joc (We VioltM Racllaf CeaU TVaf ra a4 aiiala f Utanal, el fimt ti-l a. I Ims a4 ika Li la ak e4 l. alM mtim r--, Uta m aa a4 (! a-l. itttmn laf a a ar 4. ia ta aat 4a aa t.aMliibe, imil, N-ana tkw a "ok. f- a uu w rmrrs irnnrT -J I AN ta aiai Maa aa1 iiae. fot ai'alliMrn aaa Ta t'oain rtp aaa4e a aaaliaat, ai-ikie mun aa U a"4e eWe Ua tae ( u..i. Ii ika aa, !n Ua Hia aa ewiif. Taaa miliil LaH tlo-a a"-a lk , kaat. aa4 era Madf , a kaf taaikiaia4 aaiwma a il.alaelT"it-s !, Ii lai Imiitoll aUe aaa a, I J f "iai a ll.al aae Taa k ("Hi aillxi AIm t'f ar ' mm Uieaima iuaaa k autoara isvakuea. Ha aa aahisa vi.4aaii Ual ka ai4 k4 Ulk. I aal aiai ika aaj save klaa a bmu1 i I tis ai a lluaai aaaTia. aallaloaiaba ta kaj iwiMaU. lie ka4 aa eaakia to 4k laraaawtka,a1aleUiaMa. He aaia Sotat'a Uoaai aau Taa aalataaJ klaa aallnlr ' la Imahla." aUUTIX.ta.MMI.K.W. v,taa, Ua a en imi a4 a44 a ad ni alaint aaa "aa. I Hi Sftila a4 Fin are ll.iaaf aau Ttaaa4 aaad II liauaMiJt. aaa kaaa vi..lMlauaaiaeailla.aalaaBalaJtoaaa ta rami ar ak aiiry aa4 aaa euM aaaaa aiMeaaaiaaL" t uatalae aa etilaUa. llaulatt a u eaa Imaa. lufsaa aal u UM. tviav wain it a ranao. Jonea Orug Co. lAdv.) HEAD Of UNION SAYS PARIS, Feb. 18. A French cruiser has arrested tho American steamer Due In In the channel and tukeu her to Un st. This announcement Is of ficially made. J . ; -5 -iec -!' -i3k I A : I f CAPTfiin DOW eaj NEW YORK, Mar. 1. Cavtaln Dow of the liner Lusitanla is expected to raise the American flag again during his present trip across the Atlantic from England. Many Americans home ward bound are on his ship. He caused a great stir by using the flag on bis trip to England, and before he sailed on his return trip he said he would raise the flag again to protect the liner from German submarines. FEEL BLUE OR JUST 8TUPID7 Sluggish bowels and torpid liver us ually go together and It does not take long for constipation to produce a bad condition a feeling of languor or lazi ness the "blues," headaches, palpita tion or other malady. Indeed, when In this condition the system Invites more serious Illness and Is not able to throw off disease. Foley Cathartic Tablet are a wholesome laxative and cleansing cathartic. They act without Inconvenience, griping or sickening. Jones Drug Co. (Adv.) J SALEM, Ore.. Feb. 27. Thomas Dawson, aged 75 years, stabbed and probably fatally wounded Thomas B. Waldo, aged 71 years, at the state hospital for the insane today. Cold Proportion. "My bank Is mean. I think." "IJow mo, girlieT "I bnve tiiken hundreds of checks to that bank, and tbey always count me out the exact amount, just so mnch and no more. All Ibe other business men wltb whom I deal (brow in a "lit tle occasionally for good wll."-1tt-burgb Poet The recreipts for tho week at the Portland I'nlon Stock Yards Co. have been: f'uttlo ft:!.'!, calves 2S, hogs :012, sheep 1 "tor.. Cattle receipts have been only mod erate, this week and have taken a lower level in price. New prices es tablished are 1.1 to 23 cents lower than former prices. The market Is con sldered Bteady at J7.75 for top Bteers and other lines In proportion. The receipts of liogg have not been ns lari;o as ordinary anil consequently prlres.have advanced accordingly. Top prime light hogs bringing $0.85 at close of week. The sheep market can best be ex emplified by the one word "excellent." Prime lambs are bringing $8.25 and extra good quality would no doubt bring at least a quarter more than this figure. All killers seem short of supplies. The following sales are represent!! live: 20 ateers 1102 $ 7.75 25 steers 1175 I 7.43 87 steers 11231 7.2! 122 steers 1131 I 7.00 1 bull 1431 5.50 1 stag .1211 0.75 1 heifer 790 6.75 7 calve '. 152 I 7.50 90 cows 1116 6.50 1 cows 941 6.25 4 cows 1350 I 5.75 3 cows 1073 6.50 206 hogs 185 C.8 1141 hogs 186 6.75 707 hogs -. 181 6.70 6 hogs 156 6.60 141 lambs 65 1 8.25 303 Iambs 74 I 8.00 219 ewes ill 6.00 15 wethers 101 1 7.15 1 he steamship tiacla left Galveston for Rotterdam January 31 with ll.Oun bales of cotton to be trans shipped to Krcinnn. It was fully expected lit that line thai the ship would be seized on er way to rtottenlum. ('.rent ilritaln questioned the v.il- 1 it y of the recent transfer of the Do- la from Gorman to American rcglslry. The Dacla touched at Norfolk Fehru ary 11 and proceeded. The D.lcla was formerly a Hamburg- merle an freight steamship which hnd been used before tho war In trade with llremin mid New Orleans and other Gulf ports. At the outbreak of hos tilities she was interned nt Port Ar thur, Tex. Th'Daola wns bought on December 24 by an American and on January 4 American registry was obtained. It wag then announced that she was lo bo unod to relieve the cotton conges tion and loading was begun with a car go of cotton to be taken to Rotterdam and thence shipped to llremen, whero It wns already sold. Representations were made Imme diately by the Ilrltlsh embassy at Washington, quesaiotitlng tho validity of the transf'ir of the itemed vessel and it was generally understood that If she said she would be seized by Ilrltlsh or French warships and taken before a prize court. BATTLE LINE IS HAZE OF GRAVES m TRENCHES CHICAGO. Mar. J. Warren 8. Hlone. grand chief of Ihe llroltirrhood of lx roniotive Knglneera, In a atiati ment to day before Ihe hoard named lo arbl- rate Ibe difforenrea botaren the weal em rallroada and their operating em ployers, declared the engineers aud firemen had nol participated equitably In Ihe frulta of their labor because of financial mismanagement of Ihe tall road proper! lee. The ronataol tendency baa been, he aald. for the men In control of eaih road's flnanrea lo ahaorb galna In reve nue arlalng from Incrraard efficiency by Ihe laauance of fictitious aecuritlea Ha declared tha progenia derived from irnnla of land by Ihe federal and state governini nla to assist In building up the wistern rallroada had Dot been properly ueed. Direct financial control of Ihe aeat ern rallroada, he said, rrata alth a small group of batikera and financial Institutions which made aud unmake railroad presidents. BRITISH "EYE-WITNESS" 6CRIBES CONDITIONS. ALONG FRONT DE STILL GRAY FIGURES DOT GROUND EVERYWHERE, HE SAYS WERE ALL WELL PAID REVENUE IS DECLARED GREAT EST NEED OF AMERICAN RAILROADS Eleven In Thousand Killed or Wounded Terrific Hand -to H.md Encounter In tha Car pathian Mountains CUT THIS OUT NOW If you don't want It today, you ma next week. Send this advertisement and 5 cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111, writing your name and address clearly. You receive In return tb.ee trial packages Foley's Honey and Tat Compound for coughs colds, croup and grippe; Foley Kidney Piili, for weak or disordered kidneys or bladder; Fcl ey Cathartic Tablets, a pleasant, whole some and cleansing purgative, Just the thing for winter's sluggish bowels and torpid liver. These well known stan dard remedies for aale by Jonea Drug Co. (Adv.) BERLIN ADMITS THE CZAR'S TROOPS SAID TO HAVE RECEIVED HEAVY REINFORCEMENTS I1ERMN by wireless to Sayvlllo, L. I Mar. 2. For the first time, the war office admitted this afternoon In an official statement thut the Russians have recaptured Przasnysz, and are oo the offensive at both ends of the line extending from the Nltman river. In Prussia, to the Ilukowlna frontier. Doth German and Austrian reports Indicate that the Slavs bave been re enforcing heavily. Whether they have remained satisfied with the reoccupa tion of Przasnysz or are advancing farther Into Poland Is not yet known. The operations In the Carpathians are proceeding slowly, and consider able violent fighting hat taken place. In the western theatre operations by the crown prince's army at Verdun appear about to be resumed, follow ing German gains In the Argonne, near Malan court. LONDON, Feh. 20. "All tho ground near the front Hue Is plowed up with shells and furrowed with tho remains iu old trenches and grnves. Tho whole place Is a vnst cemetery In which our trenches and those of the enemy wind In every direction." This statement Is mnilo by tho Ilrltlsh of ficial "eye witness." nt the front In a description given out here tonight of the recent battles southeast of Yprcs and of the country In which tho arm ies ore fighting. "In a sheltered Bpot," ho continues, "there Ih a llttlo graveyard whero some of our dead have buen hurled. Their graves have been carofully marked and a rough square of bricks has been placed around them. In front of the trenches German bodies still lie thick. "At one point of Ihe brick fields re cently some 30 men tried to rush our line. At their hcud wag a young Ger man officer who came on gallantly, waving his sword. He almost reached the barbed wire and then fell dead, and he Ilea there yet, with his 8 word in his hand and all his HO men about him. It la the same all along tho front In this qunrter. Everywhere still, gray figures can be seen lying, sometimes several rows together and sometimes singly or In twos or threes. "Thla description might serve with few minor alterations for many of the localities along our front, whero the fighting has centered around some wood, a village or line of trenches. It is as ii eacn nail Deen swept by a withering blast before which every object, whether a work of nature or of man. has crumbled Into ruins or he- come twisted and deformed, and even the very ground Itself looks as If IL nao been shaken by a violent convul slon of nature." WASHINGTON. Fib. 2fi.-"Moro revenue and less legislation Is whut the American railroads need." This wns the declaration here today of nDnlol G. Hold, Now York financier, testifying ut (ho Interstate coimneno commission's Investigation of the af fairs of the Um k Island rnllrnnd. Hold Is one of the present owners of lln corporation. "Probably that is what the railroads want." suggested Commissioner Clem onts, "but more legislation Is needed." In questioning Held, Judge Folk, so licitor for the commission, nsked about tho details of Ihe transactions where by Held, tho Moore. Ilrolhors, and W. Illeeds formed the Rock Island con solidation with $:i"5,noo,ooo worth of securities against It. Asked whnt they paid for the road, Held replied; "That deal was closed 14 years ng-.i. I have been In several things since that time, and I don't keep books on such things." Folk then recited somn of tho sal aries paid to officials of tho Hock Is land road. "President I.oree,'' no said, "receives JIOO.OOO a year; Vlco President Miidun gets 100,000; H. H, Cable draws $:ia.. 000; llenjnmln Wlnchell, $10 000; II. F. Yoakum drew 1:10.000. and W. fl Purdy received 22,fi00, and was given two yours salary when ho left the company," Asked If tho salaries of Hock Ialnnd officials could not have been reduced, Hold answered; "A man who can run 8000 miles of rnllrond Is worth nil ho con get." "You nre rather generous with the company's funds " observed Ktolk. Hold then recalled a gift of $100,000 to It. A. Jackson for "services ren dered." He also asserted that Juek son received a salary of $:0.000 a year Instead of $25,000. as stated by Folk, Cottage Grove Is to have park. a station CHICAGO, Feb. 27. The Garland building a 18-story structure at Wash-i NEW YORK, March 2. Mrs. Delia lngton etreet and Wabaab avenue. Is Conway, aged 38, gave birth to trip- burning, llcta yesterday. WINTER DOUBLES WORK In summer tho work of eliminating poisons and acids from the blood Is neiped by perspiration. In cold weath er, with little out door work or exer cise to cause iwetitlng, the kidneys ' have to do double work. Foley Kidney Pills help overworked, weak and dis eased kidneys to filter and cast out of the blood the waste matter that causes palna in aides or back, rheuma tism, lumbago, stiffness of Joints, sore muscles and other Ills resulting from Improper elminatlon. Jones Drug Co. (Adv.)