Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 05, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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fttaplant Lot Mint and Nt
Petition cf Ot'tndmg Army
Mlnttwttptr Clear
CHnni by Fort .
LONDON. March J-A dl-palrb to
Neuter Telegram company from
Athens ):
"The allied flct today UnilrdJ
and rxituct-d to illice th fort of
Hardanu. Hamldlih and Tchi-rocrlik.
on the Astatic ld of the Inside lar
danclle. The telegraph station t
IWzlkal also demolished.
Th bonibardmmt wa carrid oul
by nine ship, which adncrd two
mile up tho iralt"
A Pari dispatch a the Ha
New agency gave out illflch lhl
afternoon confirming tho report pub
lished In the Pari raatln thi worn
ing that an allied resumed the
bombardment of the Dardanellr Tup
day morning.
Tbli dlptch. dated at Athena ;
March 2. reads: I
The bombardment of the Intrriurj
fortification of the Dardanelles wa
returned thl morning. The ai:i.
have a total of 5: warship, on the!
scene. Five of thorn entered the
strait. While thl moveu.eut ( go-,
lng on four battleship begun the bom I
banlment of the Turkish position
fronting on the Gulf of Sarom which
la separated from tbo Dardanelles by
the Galllpoll Peninsula." j
The admiralty late t wight Issued, WAP,1INr,ToN. Mar. 3.-The report
the following report wrJlM the pckndw board which wa.
bombardment of the Turkish fort, by t gwrrUr, ,;,rrlou to tn
the Anglo-French fleet: i . KBnH -hither chana.-
The operation. In tortontt , m.de In ,h coast defense.
of the Inlted State ma. made public
by the bouse committee on approprta
V J IOCS vokk i - i '
, X ASjiCACLINA f.V'.ffaa
1 . -? XVAl AMINNtOTA WITW qnxCfc
- .. V - ' "MH"Ol
, . HORfOLkTfv (n OaO'A and I MNTutxy
- , . A Sii 6u8""JC M14SOURI
v' 1 WittONWrV
yA ,X WKLC3TCyrrr L,Rvr
6UF 0t VMwi A UTAH.
amO acvteail ) OP 5 PlV. CP 7 jCff OcAWSA
A: owm poati I oesrwoynrsj ill f virchniA-
v 1 .r. BHODS l$lANO
-Sta X .i "i "'N SEA CONNCCTlCOr
y i FrhamPSHibl
Scotland Forever
, - i
(By 1 4 m Milr'lr I
(III. tin l.lllll ( O' Hr.H'all.l
White Hie In.Mi.r hihI'J IHU
Hinlle l i in ''' "ili'IM ,
Aiil ixir In alt !' tlil'i" 'IU
W In n je ! lb"
Wbil H" II' ' I al M'1.
Vi.U ! l'l'l' " l4'p.
To I fi lull lht t4" M.nMl l.lmll
It mal f " II "' l i'lni .
W hi-n lake a I'i'k '.
Tn llilnk II at lb ll.il.l.l Hull"
W'a l" l Mix'ii Oil i'"""l
Rl.tr and Harbor Dill With t.'t.OOO,
000 Appropriation Dupond of
Stnat In ttidon
All Night.
Ilial r.UI ti.n.ln villi tb"
miiiily tnttrder Kil'lay are a I 'I
VI mi, In Ki'i.lir tn Jianiite M Hl
T)touaaru!i I lave LWn I Iclpl
liy Common Sni
U'nmefl u(T. ill fnin an f'Tflt f
!f.inal III ai lnwli.i In r-nn iii.li al
s?r ""'7 n
h',' "''. woman' til
V nrffMl.AiL'hfi lLft
riniiil of tbt) I y
t o., Lrna,
Ww. Your Utur
Ul mnl, rJ
anawefwi If
. 1 .
m iu wunian kiu tH in
trli lei(V.Inr. A wtn tmn freely
U'k of hr 'rtt IMi t woman j
yvi wiiii
In intra of rnnicta re iimHi' t
HHilh. lain T at of WlllaiiirKe m
rl'tlaii; 4IU
t lule II Mil to H A. !(, l"l
blink 7. Kulaiad. 110
Ullllain M. Iirme l ui In l-aui
3. -- li.i:ti Hinlth. tract of land In l eiiilall Cawn
iliiatlnn land ( lalin: II"
dial enlntn tiamfrr. fllnl Hh tb
tiltth J till. aftrtlliK'll lu order t" I ,.,,! y rw,,f,, r Hatunlar a f"l
rinlah their Imaineaa Inline tiu
Thuradav. mhen the uirii lal life of llila
eaulun emit.
All t!nu;:M of an tra 'alnn ha.
l ei-n aliainlohi'.l.
lli'l'O of 'lii a K"vnniii'iil ablp
purtliaae bill nlxu 'l' tl ""r
niH'ii. when the rmiipr'nil"!' im-aaure
a finally and fruiliy killed by It
adioiatra In the lenate.
rr,-.l.lelit lloil IK".I me '"'"; , , , . , f xv
rUII ami Hie fortification apprnprl ; ....i.i,. tif.x
art. m a' re Hi tl-n J3 lomn.lilp 1 .,., i,., i MlaldiaM nmMnlial
fcirr ! U iice wbli h baltnlor
many yar ami which ha ler p
.rt4n, Nr ha Uw-y iI.IU)mI
leatlmonlal of Ul Utrf With-Kit Hi
written c-naent of tlx wrlter.and nr
ha the rtiny llwl UieM fonfi
d. ntlal L iter to tt out of Ulr !"
Miin, a lb hii'klml of IliuuMnda
of tlim In lhir fll HI atUet.
Out of the at volume of vprrine
which thy hv tn ilrw f nam. It I n
than jmaall le that th. y aa the vry
k i" bilk.' mxl.-l In ) ir raa. N"th
Imp i -. I In rtum eirrjit yir r"l
Will, and their BiM'-at ha hll thm.
tturrly any woman. r hrj..
ibwiild U I'la l Intake advanUjf of Ihl
((. Ili-riKH offer of aaaiatnc. AiMreM
I ) lia K I'lnkham MUcin Ca, (fun
ll.iiiitial) I.ynn, Ma.
l:rry woitmn ouflit to liavti
I) i!Im I. 1'lnklianra ir-MMr
Truman f. Aikeraoii et ui In Adam
J W'allln- and Mra II K. Llbby. tra' t
of land In the L'daard A Wllann duna
tlnn land claim In Inanalilp 5 amith.
ran I eaal nf WllUhielle Inerldluli.
Cliarl llali'iiin t u In I'nil It wo
it ui.. bit 7 and . I'lx k I, Hibmite)
! addltti ll In (lliidal'iue, I 'i'O.
I 1 II lal"a et u In Malt I'atlei
laud Harah K. llollllin. Ill arr In
lUmi'lIn llirrlillall lll.'ll
tinn bill tbl afterniHin. ! .,.., ,... ,...,.. ri with Trt ItiMik. It la nut A IhmiW for
The i (dilative. riiH-utlve and Judl ! f,inty Itiimder Ih dmaii Monday are i ppneml UUtrltiUtlon, ft It U tiM
rial Mil. rarr)ln apiriirlatlon or.., f,ia i fllirnalvtx. II U rrw una oiuy
$.l.000.ft)ii. paaaed Ihla aftrtHin j r;ti.r w ortlilnicton it n. t Mr
by the houae. fn.ler IK In in, eon tr,K,.t Olirleii. trait of laud in tee
ireaamen will get I' relit per nille oil ,( )o (o.u.hlp Z aoutb. ranee I eaat
IpIha i.i miiiI tnxrn W'aall lllirtiltl tint.. II.. .....rl.l i.h II
iil.tal imM by tUaUl.
It tiMlay.
Writ for
wer resumed at 11 o'clock Monday
morning ben the Triumph. Oceaj
. . . . a .... 1 1 - n .1
ana Aio.on en.er .. ... .. h lha,
lacked Fort Sa 8 and the batterie. a on AraerUan toa.
White Cliff. The ire w, , re rn h ,h().e at San-
by the ort. and also by field gun.! y fhonrT nm lhan
and howitzers. ,.,, . ,h. n,n,i,.rn anttr.
luu nun " -
"An air of reconnaissance made by
naval aeaplanr. In the evening brought
dreadnought of Great
Drltain, tJer-
- - . .1 nivlut In H tarnafiina
. i . . umuT a ti m uuivi - -
me report n.i .ucce.a.u, w Kuu , Mdl General Weaver.
poolttoM had been prepared by the en-, wag
emy but that no gun. were erec ed nber or ,he board, made the .tale
in them. The aeaplanea also located j" ..mv
.i I II I rill ilia i in i.4i.c v.
Buriaiv uiiiiv.
During Monday .night a force of
minesweepers covered by destroyer
wept within a miles and a half of
Cape Kephez and their work which
was carried out under fire. Is reported
to bare teen excellent."
would undoubtedly make an attempt
to Lombard big cities on the Atlantic
coast. Me augKested that under these
clrcum.tances it wa highly desirable
that the range of coast gun be In
creased. The board' recommenda
tion In iiart follow: That the old type
twelve Inch gun and mortar are nut
equal In range and power to major
caliber gun afloat. Tbat by such mi
nor change In the r.irriace of the old
type twelve Inch gun. at present em
placed a will permit an elevation ot
fifteen degree and by the prorlnlon
of a certain proportion of lighter pro
Jertllea of approximately 700 pound
weight an effective range of about 2K
000 yard can be given thee guns;
that these change should be made.
That the great majority of our four
teen Inch guns with certain slight
channe. which have already been or
dered and by the supply of a portion
of the projectile of lighter weight
than the heaviest now furnished are
sultuble In power and range t J meet
any that may now be brought against
them. That the present emplacement,
are as a whole satisfactory, with the
possible exception of some of the old
er nmk'ailne. which should lie more
thoroughly protected against pl'itigliiit
fire; that this protection should be
furniahed. Tbnt wherever It may !
necessary to construct new work,
especially at Important points, such as
the entrance of our principal harUr.
naval bases, etc., the major milder
gun should be at least a sixteen Inch
15 caliber gun mounted so as tu have
the greatest possible protection and
an all round fire where It may be nec
essary to have auch fire. That the
mortars to be Installed In futuro
should be of not less than twelve Inch
cnltber with a range of at least Sl.OOO
jards. In view of a possible grave In
ternational crisla In rase American
neutral ship not carrying conlra
hrand are sunk tho position of Ameri
can warships at this time Is Interest
ing. The accompanying map Is ap
proximately correct.
trip to and from V ashlngUin
The house passed the army appro
priation bill tbla afternoon followln
an agreement to keep the "stopwatch"
tvsteiu from arsenals The senate wai
f Willamette meridian. l
Charles I'ri-U tn Mr Drlditel
O'llrli-n. tract of land In Hi r'elli A.
Collard donation land claim, l.
Jerry OMrlen to Mra. Itrldget
expected to approve the conference re ..-n,.!,.,, ,rg,., un, ,, tivlHp S
port, and the bill will then go to tlie;llh r,,,,,.,. ) rt of Willamette me
president for hi signature. jrldlnn; fl.
President Wilson facilitated matter ,i ,...,,, transfer filed wliti
during the, morning whi n he lnd c.iinty Itecorder le.l an Tuesday ate
Its Curioua Rac Court With Co a
You PI Rult.
Horse raclurf Is a favorite sport the
world over, but It is doubtful w bethel
any nation cnu boast of such a curious
race course or clnlm more remarkuble
ideas of the sport tbiui the Mnltese.
Once a year the road skirting Sllema
harbor Is reserved us a nice course, and
the eople turu out lu thousands
There Is no regulation of the course.
The crowd simply clears out of tlv
way as the burses come nluui;.
The Jockeys ride without bridles or
aaddles, mid euch carries a whip in
either hand one for bis own mount,
the other to keep back nny horse which
may try to overtake hltii. We saw one
of tho spectators delilierately trip a
horse up by putting bis leg out at
grave risk to himself.
These things, however lucredlble a
they seem to sportsmen In this coun
try, are tuketi as quite a matter of
course, and consequently hardly a year
goes by without a fatality of some
kind. All things considered, It Is not
likely that the "t;o as you please" rules
of this Maltese derby are likely to com
mend themselves to other turf authorl
ties. Wide World Magazine.
Lord Esher. who when president of
the English court of apHul used tn
keep up a running Ore of chaff ot
learned counsel, sometimes got a Ro
land for his Oliver, as when a young
Iwrrlster In the course of argument
tated thuTno reasonable person could
doubt one particular prooslt1on.
"But I doubt 11 very mu:h," snld the
The youthful advocate, not one whit
abashed, replied, "I said no reasonable
person, my. lord."
The master of the rolls could only
gasp, "Proceed, sir, proceed." London
All H Wanted to Know.
"Maria. I'm ro!ug to have Dr. SqulV
lips treat me for my heart trouble."
"What do you know nlxmt Dr. Squll
lips, John?"
"All 1 know about him Is that Mr.
Gotsum recommends him to me."
"Who is Mr. Gotsum?"
"Mr. Gotsmn Is one of he stockhold
ers of the life Insurant'" company that
is currying n $20,000 risk on my life."--Chicflgo
MILj UjIM 11 JLili
Saturday Night, March 6th
At 9 o'clock
But a few Active Working Days Remain
four ai'i'roprlatlon measure. A flttn
the river and harlinr bill, went
through both house and will receive
the president' approval.
The army, agricultural. istoffco.
and general dericlenry bills still await
final dlsptwillun. Serious deadlock
. . ... I I ... I. til.. .
on tno agncu.i'.ra . nu . "' - , jmini(, jk)kp
thrcalellril liuir ueieai, nun uuii
necessitate emergency resolutions to
provide fund to conduct these two
The river and harl'or bill, carry
ing an appropriation reduced from
Mj.OoO.Ooo to IJS.Oon.OOO plus 1 5 DUO.
000 not yet expended, wa disposed of
by both houses.
The house also accepted the senate
amendment requiring a aum for exist
Ing project. The vole, wa 99 to 22.
After remaining in session all nlKht
the senato recessed from 7 a, m. to II.
During the long night grind, which
was undertaken In an effort to ratch
up on accumulated bills In order t i
clear the calendar for adjournment to
morrow, the upper house confirmed
four of the five men nominated by
President Wilson to bo memlM-rs of the
new federal tnidu cnmnlsslon. These
were William II. Parry, Seattle. Pro
gressive; Joseph K. Da vies, Kdward
N. Hurl")' and W. J. Puvlea, Demo
cruts. The nomination of Georgu Hub
led, of New Hampshire, Republican,
wa not confirmed and hi nomination
will dlo with tho end of tho session.
President Wilson will give him a ro
ress appointment, however
$300 in District Prizes
Organisation Pie--$425.00 Eiie Piano
Now is the time for the friends
of the Ladies in the race to come
across with their support and
help their favorite win
Th. Dry Salt.
"I should think you would have pre
ferred the army to the navy?"
'No. ma'am. I'd ralher do my fight
tag .m water and keep dry than on
land mid have to xtanil knee deep Id
water In the trem-hes all the time.
Derrolt Pre Press.
Bound to Occur.
"And no use has erer been found foi
the Sahara desert?"
"No; hut I om confident It Js only a
question of time when some enthusiast
will come along and lay It out In golf
IIuks."-LoulsTllIe t'oiirler-Jonrnul.
The Race is on an even basis
Candidates Hurry to Win
Now is the time you want votes Not
next Summer. See that you get them
Lexington has outgrown Its school
building and thero Is agitation for a
much bigger and better one.
aa follow:
('. K. Kill ft iix. to Ah In Clark, tnv t
of land In section I. township 3 south,
range 3 cast of Willamette meridian;
Chnrli Moral) et ux to ('narh-a K
Quliin et ux.. S "lock 41. 1st addition
W. A. PriK-tnr ei ui. In Sandv Melh
odlat Kplscopal church, lot 1, Mix k 7,
Sandy; 1 10.
KHraheth I Kver el vlr. to Henry
K. Uiruhorst ct ux , lot 15 and 11,
block 3:1. Orciion Iron Steel Co.'
addition 10 Oswego; $10.
Frank 8. Hallock et in to Herbert
Gordon, east tract 3, Oregon Home.
(!. II. Raymond et ux. to Charle ('.
Woodcock, 3 acre In sect I, m li, town
ship 3 south, range S east of Willam
ette meridian; It.
Real estate transfer filed with the
county recardcr edneday are na
T. J. Drown et ux. to August O. Ilel
ler, lot 13 and HI, block It, Oregon
Iron ft Htecl Co' 1st addition to O
wego; $1.
August ('. Heller to M. Heller Slltll
tract as ubove; $1.
Philip Htandlsh to Kmumel Krlg
linum, tract nf land in section 1'3, town
ship 3 south, rango 4 east of Wllhiin
ctte meridian; $1.
M. A. Klllott to Eminn T. Klllolt,
lot 1, block 157. Oregon City; $10.
Clara E. Hosteller et vlr. to Port
land Railway, Light & Power company
10 acre In section U. township
south, range 5 east of Willamette me
ridian; $1000.
HK TTI.K. Wh . Mai :. - In a hot
ly cnlili-ilril t-lictl 'II. Ill line i an. II
date for the i ll) ii. nu. II. W III II. Han
lia, A. P. Ham and Tli 'iiaa II III
ton, IndnrM'd by the inuii" lpl owner
ship advix-atea w..ii nut ytrly br
halidsotiiii n)orltlea
dt lb nalatorlum In sbap br
summer." rihort Ih peiullrlon Kal
Or ii '.an "and IVndli ton can get
ah lig wltliuiit pt'ifi siliiiial baai 'iall "
if trj.
'':: ''-tin vM
What a great task the German have undertaken In endeavoring to
smash Great Britain's sea trado Is Indicated In the above map showing the Is
land' chief ports and their distances from German naval base. The Ger
man submarines probably will operate against the north English and Scot-'
tlsh trade routes from Helgoland and Suxhaven and against the channel and
south English ports from Zeebnigge, IJelglan port where a German naval
base has been established. Germany also has Indicated that she will
place mine at the mouths of all Mritlsh ports.
Shtrifl' 81.
Ill the tin nit f.'Urt of Ih Slain of
Oregon for th Count) of Clai ka
P. P. I ratidii, Plaintiff
I a.
W. P. Chrlatli rntann and Jane Ism
ChrtslU rnaaon. W. S King and Kll
labcth A. KUig. his wife. II P.
Rei a. J. D. M irrls and Anna I Mor
ris ntul Alexander Kiiutledx. De
felidanta. Slnld of Oregon. Cniiuiy of (Mm li
lnaa. as.
lly xlrtun of a JinL-meiit order, do-'-re
and an exei uiliui, duly Issued
out of " under th seal of Ih above
entitled emu I In ilm alo entitled
cause, l i me duly directed and dated
the :ud day nf March, 1915, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said
rmirl mi Hi lat dtiV nf March, l'.ll"..
I In favor nf V P. Ilrnndea nl.illillff.
and against II. P Reese, defendant, for
the sum of :lon0.llil, with Interest
Iheri'cui at tho rale of S per rent per
minimi from the lllli day of March,
1 It 1 4 and the further sum of t.'oooo,
ax attorney' fee, and also P. p.
Uraude, the above named plaintiff re
covered Judgment against W. H. King
and Kllalielli A. King, defendant, fur
tho nun of $1500 00, together with In
lerest thereon at S per rent per an
num from February lOih, I!U1, and
the further sum of $50.00 attorney's
fees, which Judgment was enrolled
and docketed In the clerk' office of
snld court In Clackamas County on the
1st day of March. I'.H.'i, and the cost
of mid upon Ihl writ, and command
ing me t.i make salo of tho following
described real property sllunlo In the
county of Clnckamna statu of Oregon,
to-wlt: ComnienciiiK nt n point In the
center of the county road leading
from Oregon City to Portland on tho
division Hue between land formerly
owned by James Shuw on (he north
niul Emily Smith on the south, said
beginning point being also 3K.73 chains
south and 14.40 rluilns wchI from thn
quarter suction corner hot ween sec
tions 30 nnd 2!l, T. 2 S. R. 2 R. of the
Willamette meredlan, nnd running
thence with the renter of snld road
south .11 degrees West fi.21 chains In
the iiitcrHeefinn nf the division line,
between land formerly owned by Em
ily Hhaw mid II. L. L. ('lurk; (heiico
with said iIIvIhIiiii linn north S5 de
grees west Id chains to low water
murk on the EaHt bunk of the Will-
ametlo river; ihcnco along said river
at low water murk down stream north
13 degrees wont K.ftO chains to the In
tersection of tho dlvlfdon lino hetwonn
said Shaw tract and said Smith tract;
thence with said (IIvIhIoii lino smith
8(1 degrees 45 minutes east 3(1.70 chains
to tho plum of beginning, containing
111 3-4 acres. Also nil of the town
plat of Hhnw's First Addition tn Oro-
gon City, Clackamas County, Oregon,
according to thn recorded maps and
plats, tlmreof, except lots ono ((I),
(wo (2), thirteen (13), sixteen (HI)
nnd twenty-four ((24) of block soveil
(7) and lot fourteen (I I) of block nine
(9) nnd lots three (3) nnd twenty-
three of block night of said addition.
Now, therefore, by virtue of snld
execution, Judgment order and dncreo,
and In compllnnco with tho commands
of said writ. I will, on Saturday, tho
3rd duy of April, 1915; nt the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M., at tho front door
of tho County Court House In tho City
of Oregon City, In Bald County nnd
Stale sell nt public auction, subject
to redemption, to tho highest bidder,
for U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all
the right, tltlo and Interest which the
within named defendants or either
of thorn, had on the date of the mort
gage, herein or since had in or to the
above described real property or any
party thereof, to satisfy snld execu
tion. Judgment order, decren, interest,
costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clacknmaa County, Oregon.
lly E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated. Oregon City, Ore., March 6th.