J 8 O..I--.OX (MTV l.NTi.l.lMHSl,. KIM HAY. .lANUAl.Y 111. l!U.V 0F5000!J I ITFRARY HI AII5SF a. W W-tlUW. Wasfe is in Food Handling Titus Shows Many Instances 3l l lh kn uf arllr l.( 1 'Us f.ar kmuUf .J Au.nl. n tir BOTH BlOCa Wf It nePNISINTCO ''"' tuJIi lb Kun ..... i tU I (U iul u tiUii IN TMh.l hour debate AT WHIT t HOC tt. I A fani Imiij m avitaklru uf a iffe l.a lrirl la tiii- a,m,. poi umilJ iuk ( hi rvn. t (r anv l''t if II At town he )! the Kn 1. 1 la h.il-al.-r II remained ar.mn.1 h u until lit. til Jut l-.f1.r0 rtln( He lin.l h klUfa.tlnll tif ln4 liirrrl of bin -IV'e bent 'n In fruit uf a uror rt iiir lhal had n-fued to buy them Distressing Bronchial Coughs filing On" and .Weaken, Mat H-rf m4 Tm kaaJf Ik.- it J-j -4 U-l Ike la- Ma-mi MixM. 1 1. tit It jnrr Mrr lit that , dins I from hltil. The trover had Pll ,.!. II uiiiM l. t)uj lifiixi tartan. and a middleman profit. jihna ItnaMf h artii Item tu rum jail nf kliUh a rh.-rrfully .liar.e.l up (ihiMiiin oic-r iim a nun ui miu- , i iim rumumrr. Whorirr atop t IS DulCuD Blf CONCFISS r' ,v,nln ,,', " luiijk -.briber all IhU ma. hlii-rv la heo- VHD CF LMKICPJITIOM Ell 4 li d llT, fi.unj I. at mint fiurr !if lb $nnm er tilling hi parta j K Iim rrn.tr C.I.Min nf New York III If President Dot Not Act 6fof 1 '" Thrr '""i11 m,f ;,)" rrxntl a.Mrra I fur a convention i m.ir. wi uii(ni inii ai ir.ai unr mm j in rcvitrnitta koaietie. remarked cl.u.ko' rM. i!ua rural ramus thai Hi farmer art only 3'j rrnla on jfaann-a t-ry dollar that the contumer !) Tfcwr, Mraiura Will litomi Lao Without Purine- Action f Any Kind. j Anmht-r frmT IIUn nrar a m- j fr hla itxmIu. l Krtrral farmra -rr idlutn aif-l rity ami In una day anJ .lit alj lb (ottrnor baj ul th' , ! irtoj lo warkrl a aupi'ly of ai'l'lra- II . farnu-r a ahara Iim blub. rtil tb fomitiua (iug tb rvMiud of j No under the mlddlmm txH-oiu AKIUMiTON. Jin. JJ JVr Bi.tr lbs arwery kturr. None of lhm avattby! THREE ACCIDENTS Iban lbr hour today lYraldriil U ll aoa llatPiipdj Id a !-! that b 'o Iba liomltnilioa bill and t teat thai b vvto ll. vil'-d by iba kokmaa of loo Ura nd ufflti aba pr k-d lb hi tort at roota U Iba Wblt llou. Tba trakra t Ub l.adr publtrlata. aocUl aorkrra, i(udtili aed Mbrra rrt'twiitlni maajf lntr U la lif. Bit of Ihrm rottiredlDf for or axatol tba library r.( ablrb tba bill rrupa ahall b a'illr4 to dtrtn!no tba filort of ImmlcraMa to Nx-oma rilUcna of lb I nltJ Ftatra. At tba ronrlutloo of tba antuurat IrldFot Wllaoa IbanktJ ti bia and omo for tbrir la and aald be would art upua the bill mu. I'd be altna or vrtura ll by mid- Dlchl ant Tburtdajr It ail) Wcomai U vltbout bl tlcnattir. Tba Brl-j Or. frank Mount Narrowly Ekcapei u.-ui uaa miiuiairti iiroccijr, Doarrrr. GIFTS OF JOHN D. WEEK-END RECORD TOTAL QUARTER OF BILLION SAYS SON LLOYD BENSON II INJURED WHILE COASTING DOWN TWELFTH STREET iPifySTOAIJTO HITS STRUT CAR TfealtUM oorrwu (katl, kkd dl "MM mu4iiI i Ill una . .4 bs li. imi u i.ini kk4 .tin ll.tkki aku Ti tktt nakt ImIiM Ur a kraiiH nxiliM u It IbU .ktaa 11. Ullokl. Ik Iktllk. r' Mt nail kkd Uimmi diMfivar, k4 tka lkf m k..n kiu In Uml f.mit ll.ii itii T 1'i.arotku ika la kliba kkMlllf i'l kuy Ul rMah a4 ut4 a-H.urf It Km la u Ik U...li.s U J. lll l.LAtiy, t'l.,k.l.ia. kf . tikvi "M tf . Iir ul.l, k4 t-r. kll Ii.mU te umk) a t'lir, alMral kaa.Nild ( li.bi Kanp1UHk. I k-i. uf a ilaillar ... t. Lki a ll..n ii Tab ' M itx-tal a run, ul buuki h.,ui, klf iaar4 hi nn. kflf tiA Urn Aiat, ail Ik tiA I..MI. tktwl ki lul.Uxa ouak. y..m ll.t aao T I'M (IIWI tltor Mll.fk.-IUH ll. tut IvvMriM IkhuwI, I ihiua lt kuaviMfuJ tnlKIWBUHMil lh bt I III." hii axwr ka i.Hi bay Foi kia llii anti Ita ('..kr. inis hn-aai ut a r oum iuna !) nk .! nM.oa UMila ! a ! Iim, kkd Ilia Ual alu U auakl k Ik tint. lUluaa auUtilula. avsiiy uata it a rmiao. Jona Drug Co. (Ad.) HM l.4.Rr) 7:7-JH; IJJl'O . All h.o IU.7-31'; 173 mi. . Ml ri.'f l.7.:ii:; MOW I. , All Ki-o r.T.7-;iK; UI'. All hio 2J.7-.iK; If.N 11. n I-? Ki-o . 7 - 7 - a r ; u.'. v i. t.f m: i. i ,! i .:. ((( M: 1-4 ami m; n Buj m; j., i-f NW l . i .'3. i. r.; ir.ii im i-; i.r m: i t mii.i m; 1.4 ,,fj i-i uii.i 1. .-.' f hy 1. 1 .,. ti.; fin. that ba will rrto th maure br.au ha dora not approvv of the Ill.racjr tL Tbrra I a cood d.al of d!cuuloo la confmalonal rlrclra ovrr the poaal hllltjr or rrpaaalnc the bill ovr th prraldrnt a to, Whrn Prrldrnl Tafl Trload an ImroiKratioB bill bocajaa of I 8Houa Injunea Portland WnoltMlt SJltiman Hit Bndgt Railing ROCKEFELLER. .JR.. . TESTIFIES THAT HIS FATHER BEGAN GIVING EARLY YOUNG MAN IS IGNORANT OF ABUSES REPORTED IN HiNES Thrr arrld. nl In Or'icon City !-' 1 twern Sunday tnomlnc and Monday I th lltrrarjr r th arnata promptly nln, liKniiy Injurtsj two prraou I rrpaaard It ovrr hi tto, bul a few otbr narrowly rapd. I . . .k . ... . I Th mn.1 M..r-t.M 1 I Im I. . . .. 1 1 ) I .ri ui iae arrkary ino-tnirua wrral " .uj.nvv. . l....u Confarenea With "Mother Jones Promid Curb on Opinion Is Denied During the Examination Is lau-klne. In th ooum. Tba prmldrnt sharply called to or dr one sprakrr at today's barln who dlacutd Iba modrr of the oppoilns sld. but fr!y allowed applauiw which followed the eloaa of virtually arery address. Tba offender was J. H. Tat ten. repreentlnK fartnrrs' organiza tion, who declared opponent! of the bill deslra lo -Ruailanlie America. Itenwn. aurd 17 year, who Uvea with ?rrtrT,,nrT?,ndM"n,Ur'U XEW Y0RK- Ja- D. strela Itenaon wa coantlnit down . , Twelfth street on a bicycle Sunday ! RlH k"f'IU'r- Jr- to,i' ,oJ ,h I alt- afternoon and at the Intersection of i" Statea commlsalon of InduMrial re- MONEY IN FUEL CONCERN SHRINKS NEW YORK. Jan. !3. John D. Rockefeller. Jr, active head of the In tereats acquired or built up by bit father, occupied the witness stand for five hours today at the Inquiry being John Adams hla bicycle slipped and latlons. which Is ha fl at f hsnarti it,. ... A V. - - -v-H v f iuuiiu, i ur Ka-kV War a MM yt . Ml..a. . a. V. aft a at . -vHw.iuui "utu i.nn iuuhu : i.. . . . ..... , . but the Injury la confined to scalp lv " " ,uua" ua lnt ne reit wound and minor bruises. The bicycle lnvestlKatlnc the to the ground. The. philanthropy foLudatl.m and is waa not seriously damaged. Dr. Prank Mount was the physician who attended Benson and hlmaelf un derwent an almost serious accident the same day when bis automobile collided with a car on Twelfth and Main streets, nr. Mount was not Injured although his car was slightly dam aged. He waa coming down Twelfth etrwt and was turning Into Main when In some manner, which has not been satiafactorly explained, the automobile and the street car met. The third accident occurred on Sev enth and Main streets Monday after noon A. T. Dwlght. a representa tive of a Portland wholesale bouse, at conducted here by the r ,H m ' ronlana . rnmmu.inn La....J., ' lemPIe0 " Main street to '"'ai ftcmiioo th. ...n.,L , with the result that a small portion of the bridge railing was kneked loose and Dwlght waa slightly bruised. Into the great philanthropic founda tions and the cause of industrial un rest He underwent a rigid cross-ex animation at the hands of Frank Walsh, chairman of the commission. s to the policies and actions of the Colorado Fuel & Iron company. Mr. Rockefeller freely admitted that he had no knowledge concerning labor questions, but declared he was in favor of labor organizing and taking action provided It kept within the law, 'leav ing every worker free to associate hlmel with such groups or to work independently, as he may choose." Charles .Freeman, of West Linn. died at his home Wednesday morning following an attack of pneumonia. He was well known In Oregon City as well aa in hla home town. He was born November 7. 1893, and was raised in West Linn where be resided with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. 8. Free man. Besides his parents he leaves a brother, Francis, and a sister, Mrs. Levada McNeil, of this city. 9 He was a member of the Oregon City football team In 1912. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon. MUCH ADLER I-KA USED IN OREGON CITY It Is reported by the Jones Drug Company that much Adler-l ka Is sold In Oregon City. People have found out that ONE SPOONFUL of this simple buckthorn bark and glycerine mixture relieves almost ANY CASE of constipation, sour or. gassy stom ach. It is so powerful that it Is used successfully in appendicitis. ON"K MINUTE after you take It the gasses rumble and pass out. It Is perfectly safe to use and cannot gripe. ARMY FLEES FROM MEXICAN CAPITAL CITY is AT STANDSTILL AND MOST BUSINESS HOUSES ARE CLOSED justified m placing the amount of money his father had devoted to phil anthropy at 1250 000.000. The bulk of thia sum, he said, hud been turned over to the Rockefeller Foundation, the University of Chicago, the General Educational Board and the Rockefeller Intltute for Medical Re- search. John D. Rockefeller, his son said, has been making gifts of money since his early boyhood. The witness had no data In his possession which would show "bow much more the world would have benefited" If this $250.- 000,000 had been given to labor in in creased wages. Mr. Rockefeller announced after the hearing was adjourned late today that when he concluded hla testimony be fore the commission he would have a conference with "Mother" Jones, the aged labor organizer, regarding condi tions among the workers In Colorado. WILSONVILLE. Ml I Mm Murray uncut Saturday and Sunday vUttlna rvlam her. Mr. . W. tlraham and children viaiiisi at th home of Mr. and Mr M. C. YounaT Sahmtav and Mtin.lMW Mr. Mallory. of Junction City. Is landing a hort Km at the horn of her alutrr. Mr. J. peter. Mr. Rutherford starlrd on Tuesday fr Hint. Michigan, where she will vllt hr father. Mr, pill, the popular hota of the t ottag hotel, left on Tu.lay for a ix wea k visit at h. r horn In Itork Island llllnol. MIm Kllsabeth Hrobt will uwrtnti'nd everything for the hotel during Mr PHI abaenre, which ill lnure excellent management. A number of vllln. resident a will attend the ojien meeting of the Grange at Stafford on Saturdnv. The oyter supper, given by the La dle Aid at Hood View on Tudy nignt. was well attended. Mr. Joe Thornton will leave for hana City soon, to visit her father who I III. Mia Pat I, of Corral Creek echool pent Saturday and Sunday at her home In the Roo City. Mr. Gray ha bivn visiting Mr. Aubrey Wood and other friend hero A number of the friends of Mlas Itowman gavo her i surprise party on Thursday evening,, to celebrate her birthday. Supervisor Hrenton Vedder waa In Wllsonvllle on Wednesday, and vlalt'ed some of the school n this vicinity on Thursday. The lecture of Professor Stafford of the University of Oregon faculty, giv. en on Friday evening, was very much enjoyed by all present. Mrs, Chas. Ridder spent several days last week at Newberg. Her former home. Wllsonvllle young people attended the basket ball game on Tuesday even ing at Hood View. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron MacConnell and Ponnle Drown visited Wend In Sher wood on Saturday. Mrs. M. C. Young entertained the members 6f tho Wllsonvllle -300" cluh and other friends on Saturday after noon, In honor of Mra. Porrls Young. At the close of the game, Mrs. Andy Hassclbrlnk was awarded the prize for the highest score. A very elabor ate and delicious collation was served In cafeteria style. Out of town guests present upon this hnppy occasion were Mrs. W. W. Graham and children; Miss Helen Murray, of Portland, and l-J of M: .4 n ii. H I-? fee Itlll.lMl MV J-4 f S W1.4 N f !-". II': 10. ii f M' i. I nn. I W I." i.n.1 NW I nf SK . mill H .5 .. si: i.i s.v ;i . v -1 1 : i no mi l-J of S .j Her l-.l-H!; IHn Ift 1: 1-:' nii.i i: i.j f w i.j nil, .w 1. 1 i f X W 1. 1 nn.) MV I t of MV l-l rW 1 1 - -1 1 ; a;iu X l-J of X i.j ii i,. HI' l. n f M; i-i ami m. 1. 1 of mv , Hee i.t-:i.u:; ttij.vy Si: l-l Hei JV3.4I-:; I3J.H0. Si: . of M'. I.I Sep JU-.l-IK; r i if ..ii. X I J an.LX I.J ofsW I.I n.M 1. 1 Kc .11-1 fK; IJ.M0. All K..H :in.i.r.i ; im.&o. . All Mo I I M ; f d (in. s l.j of M: I t aii.l X I.J o( hV l-l nn.f hV I I of hU mii.I NW l-t cf Ml I i in,,! ., , j, .1 He. 3. .M--; M '.( si: i-i of m: i i ami m: 1.1 .,( NW l-l itiul X l-J uii.l !tU I nml .1 rie.t ft. r.f ; r,.l I I. ll H.r 7.IM ; III? '.Ml. Ml Ni- tl I Ii ; Ml l-t. W l-J of NK 1.1 uii.l V I ? of NW 1.4 n.l M' I.I of NW I I nii.i h .j h. i' I i-i M , ill.' in 1 1 .. H-i-51 : 17.' no. 1 1 .'7 Nil .'JI :rt 1 1 fill on. 1'iiri id of l-J of MEXICO CITY, Jan. 27.-Provlsion al President Garza and his govern ment left the capital early today for Luernavaca, where a new seat of gov ernment win be established. The last contingents of the army of evacuation were hurrying through the streets late today. The army of "be cupatlon lingers on the outskirts of the city, but Is expected to enter soon ine National Palace, the federal leiegrapn and postofflce and other government establishments are closed. The incoming Carranza forces are commanded by General Alvarado, ex. post commander here. When they enter the city it is expected some sort of government will be established. The price of foodstuffs has soared beyond the reach of the needy. The supply of food is very low In the city ana unless the railway line to Vera Cruz is opened soon it Is believed there will be much suffering. FIVE CENTS PROVES IT. A Generous Offer. Cut out this ad enclose with 5 cents to Foley & Co.. Chicago, III., writing your name and address plainly, and receive a free trial package of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup ; Foley's Kidney Pills, for kidney and bladder complaints, backache, pains in Joints, rheumatism; and Foley Cathar tic Tablets, a wholesome and thorough ly cleansing cathartic try all three for 6 cents, the cost of mailing. Sold by Mr. Rockefeller and "Mother" Jones snook hands and talked over the com- Mrs. Mallory, of Junction City, ing conference in the room In the city hall in which the commission Is con ducting the inquiry. The commission dug deeply Into the charges that the Colorado Fuel & Iron company controlled politicians in the mining districts; furnished deputy sheriffs with firearms when trouble seemed Imminent, and paid them sal aries; controlled utterances of minis ters; exercised power of removal from pulpits, and maintained a benevolent absolutism in the appointment of school teachers. To most queries along this line Mr. Rockefeller said that if such conditions existed he did not know of It. , 8TOP THAT COUGH NOW When you catch Cold, or begin to Cough, the first thing to do Is to take Dr. Dell's Pine-Tur-Honey. It pene trates the linings of the Throat and Lungs, and fights tho Germs of the Disease, giving quick relief and natural healing. "Our whole family depend on Pine-Tar-Honey for Coughs and Colds," writes Mr. E. Williams, Ham ilton, Ohio. It always help. 25c at your drugglHt. (Adv.) OREGON CITY LOSES AND WINS DEBATE TEAM DEFEATED AT HOME BUT REPRESENTATIVE AT NEW BERG ARE VICTORS. (Adv.) I Jones Drug Co. (Adv.) MUST BE CLIPPED NEATLY THE MORNING ENTERPRISE SHOWER OF GOLD CAMPAIGN ORGANIZATION COUPON GOOD FOR 10 VOTES For - Lodge, 8chool, Church or other erganization. Void after February 1st, 1915. DO NOT ROLL OR FOLD Oregon City High school was ollm inated from tho Oregm Stato Del aline league when It lost a Judges' decision In a debate with Salem High school Thursday evening. Oregon City pre sented the affirmative side of the gov ernment ownership of railroads quee tion. The Oregon City negative team debated at Newberg and won a two to one decision. The trlangular.8yste.-i is uned in the league and, as Salem reeclved a unani mous decision at home, the capital city school leads the triangle with five points, having won two of the Judges decisions here. Salem's representatives were Otto Paulus, Miss Batrlce Walton, and Vic tor Dradlson, while Oregon City was ! represented by Milton Miller, Myrtle young and Edward 8heehan. The Judges here were C. E. Speuce, of the Oregon Law School; N. C. French, of the Portland Young Men's Christian association, and Charles Romlg of Ore gon City. Misses Naomi Armstronc ana Katnenne rraeker aank a duet. i J. E. Hedges, who acted aa chairman, made a short talk. DELINQUENT TAX LIST (Continued from page 6.) M 1-4 of NK 1-4 and S 1-2 of ftfc. Sec 2JM-3E; $30.00. S 1-2 of NE 1-i and SE i-4 Sec 31- .-3E; 895.59. , N 1-2 of N !-2 and NW 1-4 of SW 1-4 Sec 33-4-3E; 81 00.44. S 1-2 of NE !-4 nnd E 1-2 of SE 1-4 Sec 1-5-3E: 2080. SW 1-4 of NW 1-4 and NW 1-4 of 5W 1-4 and S 1-2 of SW 1-4 Rac S-5-3E: 843.40. INJ'. 1-4 of NE 1-4 and SE 1.4 of im Wl-4 and NE i-4 of SW 1-4 and N 1-2 of SE 1-4 and SE 1-4 of SE 1-4 Lot 3 Soc 7-5-3E; $101. 22. E 1-2 and E 1-2 of W 1-2 Sen i 1. 5-3E; 886.40. N 1-2 and NW 1-4 of SW 1-4 and S 1-2 of SW 1-4 and SE 1-4 Sec 13-5-3E; $138.60. N 1-2 of NW 1-4 Sea 17.5.3E: NE 1-4 and E 1-2 of NW 1-4 Sec 21-5-3E; $33.41. N 1-2 and E 1-2 of SW 1-4 and SE 1-4 Sec 23-5-3E: i97.20. r.ot 1, Sec 31-5-3E; $17.91. NE 1-4 of NE i-4 Sec 7.A-.1E: $13.81. S 1-2 of NW 1-4 and N 1-2 of SW 1-4 Sec 17-6-3E; $16.94. E 1-2 of NE 1-4 Sec 19-6-3E: $8.- I t of NW 1. 1 nn. I tut 3 H.-e ii-ii-h:: 110.23. I i'l 1 hei 3.1-IK: 16. 10. NW l-l of SW l-l and S f I.I See -l.lKr NW I.I of XI' .4 nn,! E I.? XV 1.4 nii.i o See- T.I.IK 173 17. Si: l-l of SE I.I nnd lot 7. H, 0 io niiii 1 1 n.. w-t.ti:: 7 trt SW l-l of NK . rVr, 1 1. 1. IE M 96. K I.J Sec 13-LIE; J.?5. S 1-JofXE I.i mid SE 1-lofSW -I Ev. J A. and lot 4 Hep 15-1-IE; f M7.00. w . of NV 1. 1 nn.l X l-J of s " l-l nml SE l-l of sv i.i nn.l l-J t.f SE 1.4 on,! I..N I. 4, 0 7, n. M-P 17-1. IK; $105 66. SW 1-4 ml SW l. of SE l-l Sec J l-l-IE; $11. HO. vv I.I of NE 1. 1 and E I.J of s l-l nnd XE . of SE 1. 1 nnd S I.J of SE 11 Sen J3-4.1E; $6H All Sco jr.-l.IE; I! 10.50. All Sec J7.I-IE: $ I !.((.. SW 1.4 of XE l-l nnd XE . ,f .W l-l ii iid XE l-t of sV I.I nml N .J of SE 1.4 nnd SW 1-4 of SE !-l Sec JIM-IK; $79.00. XE l-l of XE I.I nml XE . of NW . nnd S l-J of SW l-l mid E l-J of SE l-l Sec 31-1. IE; $13.30. All Sec 33-1-4E: $I0J.40. W l-J Sec 35-4-IE; $10.00 All Sec I-5-IE; $60.30. All Sec 3-3-IE; $HI.I3. All Sec 5-5- IE; $1113. All Sec 7-5-IE; $71 II. All Sec 9-5-IE; $12.00. All Sec II-5-IE; $550.91. All Sec 13-5. IE; $IOOH.5I. SW l-l of XE l-l nnd S 1-2 of XW l-l and SW l-l nnd XW . of SE 1-4 mid l.its J. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 7 Sec I5-5-4E; $855. 9J. All Sec I7-5-4E: $312.91. All Sec I9-5-4E: $50.05. X i-2 Sec 2I-5-4E: $561.60. All Sec 23-5-4E; $81861. All Sec 25-5-4E; $105.73. S 1-2 and lots 1 lo 12 Inc. See I-0-4K; $56.25. S 12 and lots 1 lo 12 inc. Sec 3-6-4E; $56.25. All Soc 9-6-4E: $18.00. All Sec I1-6-4E; $18.00. S 1-2 Sec 33-0-4E: $35.25 S l-J of X 1.2 and SW 1.4 nm XW'I-I of SE 1-4 and lot I. 2 .1, ami I Sec 5-7-4E: $32 00. K 1-2 of XE 1-4 nnd SE I.I of NW 1-4 and E 1-2 of SW 1-4 am Sh l-l and lots J, 3 and 4 Sec 7 7-4 E; $10 00. All Sec 9-7-lK: $48.00. X 1-2 and X 1-2 of S 1-2 Sec 15- 7-4E; $36.00. All Sec I7-7-4E; $18.00. All Sec 19-7-4E; $53.63. X 1-2 and W 1-2 of SW 1-4 Sec 2I-7-4E; $30.00. X 1-2 and SW 1-4 Sec 29-7-4E; fc 1-2 and lots I, 2, 3 and 4 Sec 7-8-4E; $143.75. N 1-2 of NE 1-4 and NW 1-4 Sec 25-1-5E; $46 08- XW 1-4 of NE 1-4 and NE 1-4 of i-4 nnd SW 1-4 of SW 1-4 All Seo 5..fi: ll h0 n-i.r.i All Sec IIM.M- All Heo JI-IM: Ml Sec r.. f.E XE I.I Sec J7-1-M.; I.MO 60 H I.J of X .j nnd XW l-l XW I.I Heo JiM f.E; ,3 M0. All Seo 3I.I-5E; $J.Mi. NE l-l mid X I J of si; . mid M 3 mid I Sec .'li-l-M'; $.'197. 35. All Seo 29-l.rtE; ni 76. All Sep 3l-.6l: 1171 HI HW I.I Heo .'ll-l-rtE; $137 MH. All Seo I.J.6E; $.'f.3 IK. All Heo 3-J-6E; $773.76. All Sec 3.J-6E; $1 It 96 E I.J mid E l-J of XW l-t nnd m. I I or sw l-l nnd lot I. J. 3. I Seo 7-2-61:; $7161. All Seo 9.J-0E; $76 MO. All Seo I .J. (IE; $..i)7 60 All Seo I3-J.6E; $168 N. All Seo I3-J-6E; $90. 1 J. X l-J mid E I.J of HW l-t and SE l-l Heo I7-J-6E: $M6 76. S I.J of XE Ll nnd HE l-l of XW l-l nn.l X I.J of HE l-l mid lot . mid 3 Sec I9-J-6E: $.10.09. S l-J of XE l-l mid S I.J of HW I.I a ll I HE l-l Seo JI-J-CE: $77.. 10. X I.J nml X I.J of 8 I.J nn.l SW l-l of SW 1. 1 Sec J3.J-6E: $120.. 70. SE SE I.I Sec J5-r-6E; $168 00. All Seo J7.2-6E; $JI7 .'IN. All Seo J9-J.6E; $ 1 66 HM, All Seo 3I-J.6E; $86 10. All Seo .'I.I.J.rtE; INwIHI. All SoO.33.J-6E: $1 10.38. S l-J of X .J ml SW I.I nml .. I. J. 3 nnd 4 Seo I-I-6K; $13 .J0. All Seo 3-I-6E; $57 60. All Seo 5-I.6E: $37.60. All Sec 7-t-ilE; $57 60. All Sec 9-1.6E; $57 60. All Sec II.I-0E; $63 00. W l-J Sec 13-1. 6E; $.'8 HO. All See l5-t-6E; $57 60. All Sec I7-1-6E; $37.6(1. All Sec I9-I-6E; $69 60. All Seo JI.I-6E: $1 16.10. E l-J of NE l-l and lots I mid 2 See J3-1-6E; $17.70. XW I.I Sec J7.I-6E: It 1.10. All Sec J9-I.6E; $U6 85. .m; I.I of S V.t nml X l-J of SE l. nml Iota 3. 4. 5, 0 mid 7 M'c ai-l-rtE; $16 65. MV l-l nml X l-J of SW I.I nml ol I and 2 Sec 33-4-6E; $27.30. All Sec 7-J-7E: $1 18.56. All Seo I9-J-7K; $87.21. All Seo 3I-J-7E: $JI3.68. E l-J of W l-J nnd lots I, J. 3 mid t .sec 7-3-7E; $26.43. I.I ami M M i f HW l4 r . f.-.il'; tiU lo. , , , , , . , lln.iiin Newell NW -4 nf tip . Heo I -5. .IE; $ VO hut I, I Knrti . hW l. of SE 1. 1 Heo l.fi .il'; 5 ;' Win fti-l.f l- M J of HW 1.4 Heo l.-:iE; III 70. I'linliiio Miller - NE I.I of hV l-l See 1.1-5. Jl ; $7 '.'II I. din I id k., mi - XW 1-4 of HW I t nml HW l-l of HW I.I Hen '.'.. 3. .ll.; II I JO I' i; hootl X l-t hrc ;9-tf 3E; Mill. I i.ill.eil.on NW l-l of NW l-l 2f I IE; I5-4-2E; $11.50. I) Ii Shaffer XE 1-4 of NW i-4 Sec I5-4-2E; $15.87. A 1'mernon NE ..t of SE i-4 sen 1 3-5-2 E; $11.74. i A 1'iitoi'Non Nw 1-4 of BE 1-4 nnd lot 3 Soo I3-5-2E; $12.99. 1-2 of N 1-2 and S Wl-4 and N NW Sec 29-1-5E; $39.00. S 1-2 of SW 1-4 Seo 33-1-5E; $2712. S 1-2 of NE 1-4 and S 1-2 Seo 35-1-5E; $70.44. NE 1-4 and SE 1-4 of SW i-4 and NE 1-4 of SE i-4 and S 1-2 of SE 1-4 Sec 1-2-5E; $41.40. Lot 5 Sec 7-2-5E: 86.59. NE 1-4 and E 1-2 of SE 1-4 See ' 13-2-5E: $34.86. M NE 1-4 and N 1-2 of NW 1-4 ami Mnry SW 1-4 of NW i.i nml NW I.i 1 of SW 1-4 and NW 1-4 of SE i-4 and S 1-2 of SE 1-4 Seo 15-2-DE; N(J.UIJ. SW 1-4 of NE 1-4 and E 1-2 of NW 1-4 Seo 19-2-5E; $78 40. NW 1-4 of NE 1-4 and N 1-2 of NW i-4 and SW 1-4 of NW 1-4 Sec 23-2.BE: 85H .80. N 1-2 of NE 1-4 and S 1-2 of SW 27-50 1-4 ana sis 1-4 of UK 1-4 Seo 27-N Nautinusor NE 1-4 of SE i-4 Z-BE: $58.00. Sec 25-0-2E: $10.40. l!'.NX ?'4 NVV 1-4 and 8 1-2 r n F McLonoy SW 1-4 Seo 33-6 NW 1-4 Sec 31-2-5E; $45.20. 2E; $48.38. nwT.i .h yV-iTAV,-S! A'Pha Cormnn-E 1-2 of SW 1-4 09in ' 800 7-3-3E; $59.02- All Sec 1-3-5E: $337.44. APno Cormon SW 1-4 of SW 1-4 All Sec 3-3-5E: $100.43. hec 7-3-3E; $34.43 SE 1-4 of NW 1-4 and 7-3-5E; $00.30 mid K I.J of XW I.I Heo 17 t.' I. din It..) ens H W I t of hW 1-4 eo J.'M ; Sill 67. i dm it ... m: i t i f xw i.i Heo -M-'.'-ti:; $:t. on. I I' Pun -XW I I of XE 1,4 Heo :'.'.. '.'.IE; I'.'.'l 63 Ho. inn CI iik - XE l-t of XW l-t See J3-J-IE. I.'I.'.'S. Mike Helti- HW l-l of XW l-l See J5.J.IE; I6 J3. I'ditl 1'unv.eN M. . of NW I.I Seo 23.J.IK; $ J I MM. Jo ll.itimiM -HW I t of m; i.i S.o 35.J tE; $11 21. Alonm liik'-XE l-l of XE I.I See 1-3-41": 116 05. J I' llu.k - XW l-l of NE 1-4 Heo 1-3-tl'; $16 Mil. I en Wills- V .J of XW I I Heo 25-3-41:; $26 51. H It Surface -XE I I of NE I.I Sec I.I-IE; 0 .13. Clinrle iirie.-HE l-l of NE I.I mid XE l-t of HE l-l Hoc 114-4 E; 116 61. Andrew Selioller - HW 1.4 of XW l-l Sec II. ME: I8H8 John llnmelyn XE 1-4 of HW l-l mid XW l-l of HE I.I Sec ll-M E; $.l.5ii. Win l.iiimu-SE 1.4 of SW 1-4 mid I.. I J Sec I l-l. IE; $1100. J.-hti Krneiner - E l-J of XW l-l a.., I W I fl ..f Wll' a I u... ana t N I.J of XI. . mid SW l-l nml i;. 7 n 1-4 Of SI'. . mid S I.I Of I I. ,1m, kr V !.. VH' 1 I See I.I. ME; $jii on. J Crolher.-W l-J of SE 1-4 Hoc 1 5. 1. IE; $31.23. C I'ooriiuiti S .J of XW 1-4 See JI-l-IE; $IH.J0. John Meiriek - E l-J of XE l-l Sec 23. . IE; $33'I8. II I Mitluiro -SW l-l of XE . mid SE l-l of XW l-l Sec 23-1-1 I'; I;' moo. W E Myora-SW I.I of XW l-l Seo 23-1-IE; $12 00. J F Sin kl. a -XW I.I of RE I.I Sec J.'M-IE; $10 50. W M Ileal- SE l-t of XE l-l Sec 29. ME; $10 0. 11 lliltlniT- SW l.t of SW I.I Seo 29. 1. IE; $16.10. J. II. Ilalleiil SE I.I of XW I.I Seo 31-t.lE; $8 00. J II ll.ill.nl -SW l-t of SE 1-4 Seo 31. 1. IE; IH.00. E J Winter -XE 1. 1 of NE l-l mid SE l-t of XW I.i and X l-J of HW l-t Sec 29-1 -RE; $27 60 llernard Motlowii-X 1-2 of SW l-l nml SW l-t of SW 1.4 mid XW i.i of HE 1.4 Sec I-2-5K; $20.88. Oinnnn A Arnient All Sec 3-2-f E; $84.00. I., I.,. I . ii . I vt. a . V I ..r vv i .... 111 inn 1 " oi ,ir, i-t nmi I. I -- of w 1-2 mid ol I. 2. 3. i i r vf a i vi. a ... nn.l l e.. in i.if, .... .. ' ' '.'-' " 'i vi- . . . J,.; . .' T", ", N W I- nnd XW . of NW I.i M; - of MV -S"c 10-3-1 W; sec II.2-5E; $48.00 iVt 1 Sec "5 o iv. n- T " """'I1" N'K I-i of SE 1-4 Sou ..A.7. S' T J'"S:3K ' I5-2-5E: $9 60. tiitl t.tiN A (JAI.II'l) INIA n II ii a i.. c. . 4 Sec I7-2-5E: $6.72. CnHpor Ardiiner SE 1-4 of SW . I Sec I7-J-5E; $6.72. F W IIikIhkhii E 1-2 of SW l-l nnd XW l-l of SW I-i and W 1-2 of SE l-l Sec I9-2-5E; $128.. I) Sohcrner W 1-JofSW l-l Sec 2I-2-5E; $32 00. X E Do.tKf-SE i. of NE . ami NE l-l of SE l-l Soo 25-2-BE; $21.60. V I.ehninn NE I.I of RW 1-4 nnd NW 1-4 of SE l-l Son 27.2. 5E; $22.10. E W Hoi,!, N .2 0f ,K .4 Sro 33-2-5E; $22.40. Josoidi Schniltl S 1-2 of NE 1-4 Sec 33-2-5E; $22.40. Htinir...! T .....I n n..k . . ?A -4-0f -4 S'H NW' l-t m.d N T-2 oTsW I and SE l-t of SW 1-4 Seo 33-2-5 E; $52.80. I J Eraser S -2 0f NE 1-4 and NW 1.4 of SE 1.4 and lot 1 and 2 Seo. 5-3-5E; $30.00. I) J EniHorSE 1-4 of SE 1-4 Seo ri-.-i-riic; o.oo. LANDS t'XDElt COXTIIACT A lilmiclinrd XW 1-4 nnd SE 1-4 Sec 19-3-1 w ; $29.25. hummer XE 1-4 of SW l-l Sec ll-l-IE; $12.00. Joiin locly NW l-t of XW I.I Seo 13-6-1 E; $7.00. Charles Wallers XW l-t of SW i-4 Spc I-3-2E; $17.27. Win. M. Morris XE 1.4 of NE 1-4 ami NW l-l of NE 1-4 Sen 11. 4-2E; $25.88. I) I. Palno SW 1-4 of NE 1-4 and w i-t of NW 1-4 and SE 1-4 of NW 1-4 and XW 1-4 of SE 1.4 sec ti-t-2E; $81.20- W J Evans XE 1-4 of XW 1-4 Sec II-4-2E; $23.35. Sinton I'aino SW I-i of NW 1-4 sec ! I-1-2E; $20.22. .4 of SW 1. SliVhlas-NE 1-4 of SW sec-!",1.? " .4 See 7-0-2E; $10,00. Joh lClU-HU2 of SW Henry Kepliart NW 1-4 of SW 1-4 Sec 7-0-2E; $14.03. C Covey SE 1-4 of SW 1-4 Soc 7- 6-2E; $10.03. ' J K Bnslior NE 1-4 of NE 1-4 Sec I7-0-2E; $5.00. Paul Veilh SE 1-4 of SW 1-4 ami SW i-4 of SE 1-4 Seo 19-0-2E: 1-4 1-4 1-4 seo u-3-SK; $12.00. 1. Swohodn E 1-2 of NW 1-4 Soo 1 5-3-5 E; $10.00. !' Ahnerl NW 1-4 of NW 1-4 and SW 1.4 of NW 1.4 Seo 15-3-5E; $11.25. N School S 1-2 of SW 1-4 Seo i&-:i-rE; $12.75. II P School SW 1-4 of NW i-4 Seo 23-3-5E; $5.10. J P School NW 1-4 of SW 1-4 Soc 23-3-5E; $5.10. OoorKO flutman NW 1-4 of NE 1-4 Seo 3I.3-5E; $6.00. OoorKo Out man -S 1-2 of SW 1-4 Seo 33.3-5E; $13. 20. W II Bryant S 1-2 of NW 1-4 and lots .1 mwl A Rnn 5 I lf, ion on S 1-2 Sec rE KellyNW 1-4 and W 1-2 of J V DeterSE 1-4 of SW 1-4 and a5!', hi nd lot 3 800 -3-3E; SW 1-4 of SE 1-4 Soo 3-4-5E The Oregon City team at Newberg was composed or Alvln Welveslch, Miss Shirlie Swallow and Earl Pad dock. Superintendent F. J. Tooie ac companied the local delegation. Mrs. H. 8. Cartlidge coached the Oregon City teama. Ail sec 3-7-3E; $45.60 aii sec 5-7-3E: 166.24 sw 1-4 of NE 1.4 and E 1-2 of W 1-2 and NW t-inf SF. 1-i and 1-2 OI SE i.i nnd lota i . 2. 3 ana sec 7-7-3E; $37.70. All Sec 9-7-3E: 86.08. N 1-2 and SW 1-4 and NW 1-4 of bK 1-4 Sec 11-7-3E; $37.44. All Sec 13-7-3E; $46.92. NE i-4 and 8 1-2 of SW 1-4 and SW 1.4 of SE 1-4 Sec 15-7-3E; $20.84. N 1-2 Of NE 1- and RW I.i of NW 1-4 and SW 1.4 and S 1-2 of K 1-2 and S 1-2 of NW 1-4 and N m.wu. 8t2 nn. 1-2 of SW 1-4 Sec 9-3-5E; $72.00. w (J Lockharl SE 1-4 of SE 1-4 Jacob Schmlrll Sw i.i r kit i i All Sec 11-3-5E; $400.16. Soc 3-4-3E; $38.35. and lot. 2 Rno. Bi.nK. tm , All Sec 13-3-5E; $689.01. Ada 8 Ilraden NW 1-4 of SE 1-4 John ClalTev SW I.i nf nw i i NE 1.4 of NE 1-4 and 8 1-2 of "0 9-4-3E; $20.80. and Lot 4 fi,,c. r..ir.w. tii si NE 1-4 and N 1-2 of SW 1-4 and E Hansen NW 1-4 of NE 1-4 I J W Powell N i.o Jbbi.'b,. 5-4-5E; $13.20. II M White N 1-2 of SW 1-4 Seo 5-4-5E; $13.20. Unknown A parcel of land in Lot Whltcomb D L C; $5.25. Multnomah Central Railway Co. 3 acres Sec 20-1-4E; $2-63. Multnomah Central Railway Co 1.48 acres Seo 26.i.AV.- tenr. 4 Of SE 1-4 See I Mullnnmnh Ponl-m t)ll..... n SE 1-4 Sec 21-3-5E; $45.90. 23-4-3E; $19.00. 5.07 acrc Soo 35-1-4E-$5 25 E 1-2 and E 1-2 of SW 1-4 and - .","dN.:.1-4 of Nw u See Multnomah Contral Railway Co NW 1-4 of NW 1-4 and SW 1-4 of :r'-"t' "'""'. 3.84 acres Seo 2-2-4E: $2.60. SW 1-4 Sec 23-3-5E; $71.40. V o?.ro.o i)CockSI:' Ul Sec 25- Mullnomah Central Railway Co. All Sec 25-3-5E; $143.85. f0;9?- . . . 1.52 acrcB Sec 2-2-4E: $1.30. All Sec 27-3-5E; $126.49. ii, , ,?1 I0"80" h l'2 r Multnomah Centra Railway Co a u . ' 4',z- 3 0 ocrcH Sno 11-2-4E; $2.44 SE 1-4 Sec 15-3-5E; $52.83. and lot 1 Sec 11-4-3E; $37.38. N 1-2 of NE 1-4 and SE 1-4 of SE 11 JMschonhorfrcr Lots 2 and 3 1-4 Sec 17-3-5E; $15.10. snc 11-4-3E; $19.83. NW 1-4 of SW 1-4 and S 1-2 of B Brail ieNW 1-4 of N Wl-4 SW 1-4 and SW 1-4 of SE I.i Sec Sec 13-4-3K: $27.00. 19-3-5E: $19.64. Ii T Elon NE 1-4 of NW 1-4 See. NE 1-4 Of NE i-4 and W 1-2 of Z3-4-3K: $20.30. E 1-2 and SE 1-4 of NW 1-4 and ft A Ptiffh NE 1-4 of SE 1-4 Soc p 7,t bV i ... a n o K 1-2 and SE 1-4 of NW 1-4 and " J'fffi NK Ree i 7 l I08 l' 2 3' an J NE i-4 of SW 1-4 of SW 1-4 and 23-4-3E; $17.00. i. 1"7,"3-E,.0;0,8,- I SW 1.4 of SW 1-4 and SE 1-4 of Piffh-NW S 1-2 of Nl N 1-2 and NW i-4 of NW R'0'bert MartinS i of N 1-2 of SW 1-4 and SE gL0J ,33 TsF- To 21 " NW 1-4 of SW 1.4 1-4 and 1-4 of SW t I r 11 r n rn. a-n a 1- oec .-j-or.; e.z.ou. Sec 33-4-3E: HOKi N 1-2 of NW 1-4 and SW 1-4 of I II Kintr Lot 1 Sen t-R.ip. ii 00 it... a a . et.ir a . . . . . I -. - ' rv 1- biiu ow I- OI BW 1-ilJ MCUOna hi I.Ola .1 OnH i Boo j o a m r.-. . I . - -" . u.v anu a -i 01 be, i- tsec l-3-a.; 1-5-3E; $10.53. ti. DO. Mrs M C Newell-SE 1-4 of NWjjan. 151h, lois' Multnomah Contral Railway Co 100 ft of R of W in lot 4 of block "J". The Blufr: 1.40. V. J. WILSON, -Sheriff. By E. C. IIACKETT. nennlv Dated at Oregon City, Oregon,